VlIE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, -WEDNESDAY EVENING JUNE 23, 1911. 13 E I E CLARKE PRUNE CROP PROMISES 150 CARS SHOWINGFOaHOPS : VILL BE GENERAL r v. BADLY DEPRESSED FEATURE IS REVIVED G FURTHER S RENGTH 1 Vffl 6 G ON SANXIOUS MOP ALFALFA COUNTY FAIR RACING FORSALMON STOCK !.. r . , 1 . ' . , - ; ' . ; 1 1 "',' v- ;i Within 10 Days Digging o Early Crop of. Oregons Is . . . Expected In Valley. , . . Porttaad wholesale Market. Egg ar steady, Chicken steady. ' Dreaaed val caeler.' , Dreaaed hogs steady. Hop vary firm. Hop very firm. Potato aeatar. Cauliflower lowar. Nw applaa higher. Canned salmon firmer. O 4 4 e 4 4 4 4 4 e ' 4 J Digging of new crop potatoes wUl be coma general In nearby aectlona by next warn. Early crop haa matured in moat aectlona of the atate and growara are merely awaiting better weather condi tional to gainer tne proouot. In soma of the aectlona where the rainfall haa not been ao heary recently, there la greater offering of new crop potatoea. Receipt- In tlie local market now a considerable increase, and ei . though the total auDDly of home grown tubera la email aa compared with the run demand here, It la expected that a aufflolent amount will be coming for ward within 10 daya to fully diapea- .wnn importation from uaiirornia. One prominent - local produce houae manager made the aeeerUon thjar morn ing that hla laat car of new potatoea from California waa now rolling. "The market la too high In the eouth and tin lea there la a lowering of value there, we will not order any more, Lo- vcal potatoea are .coming forward very rreeiy and we are malting contract with home producer for our supply. We Intend to aupply our northern boue- with Oregon potatoea In car lota within a ahort time." While an occasional dealer la till aaklng aa high aa 4a a pound for new potatoea, the general market today aland no higher than ta NEW APPLES ABB HIGHER New crop epplea are higher and ealea are reported aa high aa It per box. Some extra fancy aatrichana came for ward from California thla morning and were quoted from 11.76 to tl. Flrat arrlvala In that line war eold at 12.60. Soma old crop applea are atlll offer ing from local and eouthern polnta. CALIFORNIA GRASS COMING Thar la a much firmer tone In tho local hop faarket and I6o la now being freely offered for contract an the 1111 crop. Grower still hers their Ideas blah and no buelneea la' reported. The reported sale of a lot of eeveral hundred balee of Oregon 111 bop In New York recently at 17a a pound haa cumulated th trad her. At the am time It waa reported that a lot or New fork atate of the aame crop waa moved at 10c Th latter, howevert vii for a mall lot J" Market elsewhere ar vary firm and Inquiries are now being received for older growth. In New. York recently aoma inferior quality or tne ivio crop waa aold at price that, rang frpm II to 24e a pound. - Peer of damage to th New York crop th reault of the reappearance) there of the "whit mold" haa bean one of the cauaes that gav foreign markete their atrena-tn recent): While no aerUua damage haa been reported In the Wn plre atate up to thla time. It will lak exceptional car to arradlcat th trouble. The tnaj-kat foe aannad aalmon la aa Market at North Portland Re? ri?"? ?r:or! mains poor Bringing California Cattle. AT S1 1 TO SI 2 TOH Quotation Is Off Generally, $2 : From What Growers Asked at Start. Vermin renorta ar atlll com In a from Enciian yarda coming locally. and aome complain ta ar - ' , i . ,' ta to Vtookyards. .. North Portland Hog strong-,) er; cattl strong hep and lamb weak. Chicago Hoaw weak, lo lower; cattl atcady to I0o lowar; sheep, atrong. South Omahal-Hog I to lOo lowar; cattle steady) heep atrong to 10a higher. I I My Joha Xagll. Winnipeg, June II.- Trom Orand Fork to Pembina all crop ar In perfect condition. Wheat shows a heavy stand. Ilay, both tame and wild, ahowa an exceptionally heavy crop. Th movement f hoD at New York nowa lb Daiea Hecelpta for week rteceipta rrom Bcptamoer 1 .... Receipt aame time laat year. Export to Europe for week . export rrom September l II 71.144 67.111 1,111 0,116 Exporta earn time laat year'.. IO.J07 Import for week II Importa from September 1.... 14.117 Import aame time laat year .... 4.487 California aaparagu la again coming in thla direction. tome arrlvala rrom th south aold thla morning at 11.76 a box. Local "graea" la In email aupply with salca general at 76o a doxen for good quality. HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLES HERE The flrat ehlpment of Hawaii plne applea that baa been received In thla market for lomt time arrived thla morn Ing In vary good condition. Quotatlona were generally placed at o a pound. There till remain quit a fair aupply oi r loriaa aiocs en tne atreet. IDAHO SENDING DINGS Idaho ia sending Blng cbeniea to the local market and one extra fancy lot of 10 pound ooxea tnat came lorwara tbta LBomu' wee noiea ai bi.bv. , Local cherrtea received thla morning fwer generally of poor quality, owing to tne raina. a Obe dealer reported .that a ton of '-Royal Anna waa due from aoutharn Ore- , gon today. y. COMING FORWARD ' PLUMS - Clvmen hi urns-are now com ln for. ; ward rrom tne aoutn. uuite a rair- - alxed ahlpment waa received thla morn '. Ing, hut the fruit waa very green and therefore did not attract buyera. Stock ! wan quoted at 11.71 per crate of four banket. r;: CAULIFLOWER IS , LOWER : With more liberal aupplle of eaull flower available, th local market I down another notch tn. Ralea wore ; generally reported at 60c to 76c a dozen, with aome extra fancy at $1. Much greater auppllea ar antici pated next week. - ; Cabbage market la ateady at former .quotatlona. VEALS SLIGHTLY EASIER :' Owing to tho heavier offeringa of ; calves In the atook yard recently, the Front street market la not aulte so firm and aatlve for veal, although the lighter sturr or quality in etui bring I inr rormer rieurea. nepresaion ia moat Llv In Inferior lota. A- Pressed hog ar ateady at unchanged fiigures. STRAWBERRY MARKET DOWN hog, fancy, loo per ft.: ordinary. M per pound; heavy, 70e: veala, extra. iouhc; oroinary, iiniivto; poor, He: BDrlne lamba. 166 Ho; mutton. ac: goata, 4c: iwr wic ltUc: breakfaot bacon. 17017c: boiled bam. !4Wlo; p Ionic,, llvie lb; aot- taa roll. 140 per lb: regular ahort. clear, amok ed. UHc: back, amoked, 140! PleKIen tonguea. bbo per in. LARD Kettle leaf, tierces, II Ho lb.: ateam rendered, tlerc. 10 Ho per lb.: compound, tierce. Io, per lb. FISH Nominal P.ock c tOcpar lb.: floundera. 4c: halibut. IOe: etrloed baaa, I0c:' catfiah. II01IHCI aalmon, 11c per lb.; eolea, 7c per lb.: hrtmpa, UHc lb.i perch. 70 le: tomcod. Ic; loo ter. 16c: herrlna. 681c black baaa. 10c: aturreon. IU per lb.: stiver smelt. So lb.; blaak cod. 7 He: dreased anad. tc: roe anaa, toe: anad roe. toe lb. OYSTERS Bhoalwater kav. ner ami- Ion, ( ); per 100 lb. net, IK. 50: Olym- ia, per gallon, ys.zs: per joo in. aack. If R A Aak MNa aaaaiAaa RKm mm at bTA v a a w w e v- imv u -(.. vii, u . w v doa.; eastern In shell. 11.76 M par 100. rralti aad VegetaJWe. POTATOES Selling price BeC tl.tl0l.lv: new. mc. ONIONS New red. 11.00; yellow, 11.26; garlic. 7(Mc lb. FRKHH FUtriTS Orangea New na vela. 11.60 LSI box; bananas. Ic lb.; lemona, 64l.60; grape fruit, II. SI; pineapple, so id.; atrawDerriea, i.ooH 1.15 per 24 box crate; cherrlea, t'o IS He: watermelons. Ic lb. VEGETABLES New turntpe, i.009 I II aack; beet a. 76o doxen; carrots 2$ S.SS aack; cabbage, 11.80 01 cental: to matoea, eouthern, 11.1691.76 crate; beana, 07o lb.; horseradish, ( ); green onlona, 15c do - poppera. bell, SOo lb.: head lettuce, 25i9IOc do.; hothouse, llOOl.ll box; radishes 15o dozen bunches; celery, ( ) ner doa.; eggpjant, ) lo.; cucumbers, 90s per dox.; peaa, lOIHc; cauliflower, local. 60c (f? 11.00 doa.; aaparagua, 7075c; rhubarb, 2c ID.: stnna Deans, idido. Apples is.io. Sop, Wool and Hide. HOPS Contracts. 1111 crop. 25c: 1910 crop, 21c; 190 growth. 16le. TALLOW Prime, per lb.. l: No. I and areaee, lOIHc, WOOL Nominal, mi. Willamette valley, 14H17Hc; eastern Oregon, tt 16c. CHITT1M BARK 1111. nominal. Ic: 1110. 6c. HfDES Dry hides, llUttlsHe jb- green. HJ7Hc: bulla green, aalt. He lb.; klpa. Hf7Hc; calvea. green, 11Q ISC per id. . . . MOHAIR lH. aeieciea. BWi7e. 8UOAR Cube, 16.60; powdered, 5.0; fruit or berry, 15.10; dry granulated, 15 0: D yellow, 14.00; beet; 15.40; Fed eral Fruberry. lo lea than fruit or berry; Honolulu Plantation can granu lated. Ic leea. (Abov quotation ar so oaya net 4 -PORTLAND UVESTOCK RUN. Horav Cattle.. Calvea Sheep. Wed. Ill Tuea. .... 41 Mon. 207 Sat. II Friday ...1161 Thura. ... 170 Week ago. lot III lit II Us 171 II 110 '77 a II 111 1 14tl 1110 171 1411 Whll on local firm Kelly-Clark company- la atlll quoting 11.11 aa th opening for pound talis, although the packera them aelve ar quoting 11.11. all the sale reported reoently bava been . at th higher flgura. J. K. Arraabv aomnanr. the laraaat salmon Bailing flrni In tK world, rep resent atlvea of th Alaeka Packer' aa oclatlon. haa been In the market eon atantly for auDDll.a and la atlll buvin all auppll that ara avallabla. Today It ordered by telegraph from th Pillar Hoc a cannery oo ease tall a at ll.al, 100 essesr of flata at IS. and 100 caaea or naii- riaia at ii.se, in run opening figure of Columbia river ra.nn.ra. Not only waa th big firm In with thla order today, but It requested that If poaalble another oarload ba allotted them at th am price, Th ettitud of Kelly-Clark company In naming tha opening price for pound tall at 11.10. notwlthatandlng the fact tnat packera ar quoting 11.16. haa cre ated mucn comment in to trad. Th The qaallty la said to be th beat in case la an unueual one because th sell- rear era muat depend for their aupplle upon I lealar continue to hold off their the Deool that ara namlna tha hls-har I nnrrinui nf nw rran until tha old prLT?' I crop Is out of th way. Liberal up- Th pack of aalmon at Columbia I pile of th 1110 cutting remain and river polnta la nominal, but tho promlae I dealera want to work theaa off before new year, ; the etart of the aeaaon because of the high prlcea aaked and New croo alfalfa hay 1 being offered at lllftll a ton or about IS lower than flrat offeringa. Alfalfa grower of th Willamette valley report a very good cutting ami many are now quite anxious to aeu 111 I of lower water soon revive th hone I atartlna tha n SSI of packers for a better output than a I Last year hay dealer lost consider till ,rr b money at GUGGENHEIM SAYS NOTHING TO FEAR Some extra fancy cattl from Oaaelle, Cal.. brought tl.li In th North Port land yard thla morning. Tha- market throughout th cattl aecUon la unuau- any iirm. n un oriermxa iimiiea. ow-i New York. June in Thur ing to the hi ah Drluea uuoted at com-1 further d pelltlv points, packers are forced to Government Inveatlgation of Industrial Vy th recent advance for offering. I concerna la having it effect upon the! . ...... ' .p uiw. uaui in general aoa. pricta been mmnm m-lth anma .ore of um1r. r himI nu ktandlng aa to the price that would be The railroad group joined In th weak obtained. Otherwlae eouthern cattle men er feeling today and with Southern Pa hav been Inclined to keep their offer- ciflc and l.'nlon Paclflo extremely down-! ion in ins aouuj. I caai ana i polnta lower each, the rall- ii loia mere were oiierinae oi iii frouD in saneral waa inriiinnl catua in tne isorm fortiana market to- Regarding the Inveatlaatlon of tha offered for auppllea and thla haa cauaed many to withhold their purchaaea until tney atuay tno marxei more wrruuf Uraln maraet la. generally aceaay at nrevloua nuotatlona. a " (Rixwtal Dlesatrk to Th fcaraalt Vancouver, Wash., June II. A rae track' feature for th county fair waa rvvd yesterday when Fred Brookar for Mvaral years superintendent Of th Washington State fair at North Taklma, waa in tha city to tak up th question with th fair management. Tha quae tlon ha been agitated at time for th paat year and recently when It wa positively given out by th management that there would be no racing In con nection, a number of prominent horse men of th county.-withdrew their sup port and positively refused to buy stock. It la contended by some that the race track would b a aid issue from th regular' object of th fair and that It will be time enough to take the matter up after tha fair la properly launched. In fact a majority favor thla courae and whll Mr. Brooker argument wa good, it la very probabl that nothing along that ltn will b don thla year. Manager Larson aya he la meeting excellent aurceea. In the eale of atock and expecta to dispose of the last within a few daya. II la having the grounds surveyed preparatory to atarting build ing operationa. Th newly acquired prop erty adjoining th original alt I also being aurveyed and ataked out. The grounda will ha formally opened to tha publlo on July 4 when John Marah will give bla wild waat exhibition. GRAIN PROSPECTS Good In Harney County. Burna, Or., June 21. Continued warm wouther and showers annure Harney county bountiful cropa. wheat, oata barley and rye will probably averng II bushel an acre. The acreage In the day compared with II laat Wedneaday I American Hmeltlna a Refinin nmnAnV I county In araln will aggregate 4000 uu it wtckb a jrr iioy ise government. uuKKenheim slated I scren. ror mis date the cattle run waa email I today that the matter waa brought up with no change In prloea. over a month ago. It la stated that the came vaiuea at Norm rortiana are: company haa had one of the larveat Approximately 200,000 acree of hay will be cut, averaging a ton per acre. 4.60 1.00 4.00 4.60 4.00 1.71424.21 Best steers Ordinary ateera Best cows Medium coWs , Poor to fair cowa Beat bull Kancv bulla .' Ordinary bulla CALVES Beat light Ordinary t'oor Sheep Market Za Lover, Further weakne haa been forced In the price of aheep land yarda. Wetnera at 13.80 for good Quality are atill In greatoat aupply and ealea are being made from 12 upward, but mostly at the lower figure. Run of sheep and lambs for th day was rather heavy, a total of 1491 head being re ceived, compared with '1493 last Wed nesday and 1739 this day two weeks ego- During the morning there waa a sale of 103 lamba averaging 14 pounds, at J.16 flrma of lawvera In New Tork go over I v me airairs or tne smelling company anil 4T7 they declared that thev wra runnlnt me ousinea unaer tne law. uuggen helm further atated that they are in viting Investigation and have nothing to fear. American stocks were steady with small Cbanaes in tha London mark at to. t.bv oay. 7.26 1.000 4.001 Rang of Nw York price furnished at ths North Port- . ; rs sold this morning 2 ' 1Uallty. Poor aheep S - by Overbeck A Cooke Co.: Description ; Openi Hlgh Low "Sid" Co. o. Am. Can., c. ... do. pfd Am. Cot. Oil. c. Am. Loco., c. . . Am. Sugar, c. . Am. Smelt, c . do. pfd Ana. Mining Co. Am. Woolen, c Atchison, c. ... fd. , .. v.. I , ..-A .. . !. UU. Ul " " ' I Bait. & Ohio., c. A year ago today aheep and lamba were ateady at unchanged prlcea In th North Portland market. , At South Omaha today there was a strong tone in tne sneep trade wttn quotations generally 10c higher. Yearl ings sold at S4.00wl.00, wethera 11.10 9H 10 86 62 41 118 K 79 106 111 Beet Sugar Brook. K. T. Can. Pacific, c. Crti. Leather, c do. Dfd. C & O. W, a . do. pfd C M. & 8. P. r3ro4ri,.r6rJ7r00n 5 004 09' Md ,amb' & "North..', from I5.604f7.uu. chmm . rv,in At Chicago the aheep trade wa atrong YW v a i today with no changed prices. ; I-hi;n - cash.) Rirr lartatr New orlean neaa, h 4o No. K Poor aualltv had more to do with i the lowering of strawberry market val .iies un r rum mrm tuitn anyininx else. ! Receipts were quite liberal, but most Wot the fruit was musny. on the Farm era market sales were made down to II tt crate, but on Front street value ruled rrom n to ii.zb. "V. v FORECAST FOR SinPPERS the The weather bureau sends out following notice to Droduca men: ' Protect shipments aa far north aa Se attle against temperatures of about 71 degrees; northeast to Spokane, 80 de grees; southeast to Boise, 80 degrees; south to Siskiyou, 70 degrees. Highest temperature at Portland . tomorrow about 70 degrees. '"front street quotations Oraln, PI our and Hay. "V f WHEAT Nominal. Track deliver .Club, 86S7e; hluestem. I598c: forty fold 86 w 81c; Willamette vaney, gc: pmI Russian. 84c: Turkey red. 10a OATS Nominal. Producers price Track. No. 1. white. 2I 60: gray, 128.50 . 29.00. " ' BARLET Producers price 11 Peed. 128: ronen, xz.eo; nrewing, Z9 oo. MTT.I,STtTPF8 -Pelllna brice Bran. 126.00; mlddllnirs, 131.00; ahorta, 126.00; sep iis.vuffso.ui;. HAY Producers' firlce 1110 Valley timothy, fancy, 117.00 18.00; ordinary, ll6.00Jlf.0O; eastern Oregon, 111.009 II, 00; mixed. si:.oo(fli.80: clover, III. oA; wheat. Ill.OOll.OOj cheat, '- 112 0013.00; alfalfa, new, 11.0012.00; oata. Il3.00eil.00. . ' ' FLOUR Old crop, patents, 4.W: Willamette, 14.80 pfer barrel; local straight, 18.8604.6B; Vaker. 4.464.6; xport grades, 13.8001.80. -.. , . anttu. Tjmre- and Vonltrv. ' BUTTER Extra creamery, cubea and tubs 24c, nrinU J6Uc; ordinary prtnU, lli26e; dairy, lll7e. BUTTER FAT F. o. b. Portland. pr Bound,' 28c. 1 - - - poiTLTRY Fancy hens, llilSHe: ordinary. 14H16c: springs, 20c; geese, 12c: live young duck. I816c; old ducks, 14c; turkeys,' alive, nominal; dressed, nominal;, pigeons, old 11.00, voting if J.OO02 40. . EGQS Local, extras, 80 Ho; oaae count, fresh, 19c; spot buying price. 19o f. o. b. Portland; eastern, fresh, 19 20c. i CHEESH-New -Oregon i fancy full cream, triplets and dalalea, . 140 lb.; .Young Americas, 18c: storage, flata, 11c; California flata. lie. v - t Meata. Pish and rrorttloaa. ; f FRESH BEEF-Wholeeale slaughter ers' prlcesr; Best ateera, 10 10 He; or dinary. H Oi o; peat eows, i0IHo; ordtnary, 849e. ? - -" DRESSED MEATS front street 1. IMOIo; No. j. Creole, ALT Coarse, half ground 100s. 8.80 Per ton; oos. .. isoio aairy, ows, u; AVLS, fAli vii, v.w, . umr- rels, 2s. 6s and 10a. $46; lump rock, 120.60 per ton. HUMSI mew. is.io per can, BEANS Small white, 14.00; large white. 14.00: pink. 11.00; bayou. 16.65: Lima, 17.26: reds, 8I.SR. rainta. coat uu. aito, LINSEED OUj Raw, bblB., 91c gal.; kettle, raw, bbla., 93c; raw. In cases, HAv, Krtl 1 In M,l Qfin ra I . Int. Of 260 gallons, lo less; oil cake meal (none in maraeii. WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 8o car lb.: 100 lb. lota. 8c per lb.: leas lots, Uo per id. BENZINE 80 degrees, caaea, 24 Vic gallon; iron bbls., 21 o per gallon. COAL OIL Cases: Pearl, lie: star. Ho per gallon; water white, bulk, 19 UHc per gallon; apeclal water white, )2fl6c. ROPE Manila, Ic; alsal, 7e. OA SOLI NE Red crown and motor, 16 22c gallon; 88 gasoline, 836Ho gallon; V. M. P. naphtha, 1820o gallon. TURPENTINE In caaea, 71 Ho; wood barrels, 73c; Iron barrel. 64 Ho per gallon.. PRICE OF PRODUCE 'J AT SAN FRANCISCO San Francisco. June 28. Wheat Aus tralian, 1.661.62H; California club, 1.42H1.60; northern wheat, bluestem. key red. 91.65 (p 1.70; Russian red, (1.60 91.65. KheeD and lamb prices at North Port land today: YearllnKS 11.60 Wether 8.00 Ewes S.60 Lambs 1.26 Feed shoep 2.00 Asking SCOre fox Hoga. An advance of a dime waa being ayked for awlne In the local yards to day. The run was small anfl consisted men Fiitw,. of three loads from Idaho points. The at. Northern, p big shipment from Nebraska, direct to Ice Securities ... packers was expected, but did nat ar- Illinois Central., rive this morning. Inter. Harvester. At Soath Omaha there was a weaker inter. Met, c... reeling in me nui iraue. ivum wcrvi ao pf .... quoted at 16.21, which means 7.ti to Lehigh Valley Colo. Southern, oo xa prd .., do 1st pfd . . . Cons. Oas Corn Products, do pfd D. & R. Q., o. .. do pfd Erie, o do 2d Dfd ... do 1st pfd 109 SSH 81 '4 242 H I0H 70S 61 10 86 H 62 41 11814 79H 106H 114 7.15 7.00 C.60 (.60 7.2S sin A J. E. K. C. Southern. . L. aV N M.. St. P. (k S. S. M., K. A T., o... do Dfd Mo. Pacific Nat Lead Nevada Cons. . . . N. Y. Central . . . N. Y., Ont. & W. Nor. & W., c N. Pacific, o.... Pac. M. S. Co... Penn. Railway.. P. O , L. A C. Co. P. Steel Car, c. . no prd Barley Feed, rood to oholce, 11.15 r. i.z8 11.18 OLIO. 1.10: poor to fair. ahlpping and brewing, Earaa California fresh. Including case, extras, 22c; prime first, SOo; first, 19c; Mconds, 17o; eastern sec onds, 1I& Butter California, fresh extra I lHe; trlme firsts, 21c; firsts', 20c; seconds, 9a Cheese New Cnllfnrnla flats, fancy. lZHq; nrsts, isc; seconds, loo; cauror- Mii iuuiih Allien iv. .. r . Atnv. w firsts, 11c; Oregon fancy, 13 He;. Stor age Oregon fancy. 14 He: New York daisies, 18c; do singles, 17c. . Potatoes 'per cental Oregon, S2.50ffl 8.25; eastern, S.OO2.50: new Early Rose, 82.26 3.60; Burbanks, 2.25 2.76. Onions, per sack New red, 90c 1.00; allverakin, 11.26 1.40. Orana-es. Der box New navels, stan dard, 11.25 1.76: choice, I2.p02.60; fancy.' r.60S.60; Valenclaa, fancy, 12.6091.00; do choice, 2.00. Seattle Produce A PRICES FOR TODAY Seattle. June 28. Butter 'Washington creamery, 26c; eastern-, fresh, 22Z4o. Egga Local ranch 25026c; eastern fresh, 21 22c; Oregon, SS24c. Cheese Tillamook twin 14 15c; Til' la monk Young America, 17c; Wiscon sin twins, 14H16o; Washington twins. I4lfic; Washington Young Americas, 16c; cream, 18 He Onions Australia. Il4 ner box: yel low. 2.60 I per sack; reds, 2.25 per sack. - " Potatoes Eastern Washington. $60 76 per ton new, SHSc per pound. OMAHA SHEEP HIGHER land here. At Chicago today there waa a weaker trade for swine, with a loss of lo In the price. A year ago today there was a ateady tone In the local hog trade, but price were unchanged. Nominal awlne value at North Portland: Beat blocker f Medium light Heavy packera Rough packer 6.00 Feeders 7.00 Among the Shippers. Cattle J. W. Hunt Qaselle, CaL M aal- A . 1 . At liraa lUai CaLlatJ, IWU lUeVUO v v 3J t ar. tiv ynj Reynolds. Roosevelt, Wash., three loads Reading, e.... cattle and calves; Dalles Dreased Meat do 2d pfd..., rrv- rllaai n ana "W I A. 14 A Will UBil jf , A iir iaiicn, v ww , uu j a v y- u S. Nichol, Riddle. Or., one load; Union Rep. I. A 8., c. Meat company. Ollroy, Cal., six loads; do pfd a W. Quarts. Rosevilie, Cel., two loads. Rock Island, c. TTnara O. W. Owen. Idaho Falls. do nfd Idaho, two loads; L. Stubblefleld. Malad, I gt. U A S. S.. 2pfl Idaho, one loaa. imu & e. : .. Sheep and Lambe George Dixon St L. A 8 W, cj drove in 177 head; William Shepard, Sun 8L L. A 8 W, pfd Dial ranch, 476 head; J. J. .ration .wo Roneburg, Or., two load. Today's run of livestock compares with this day In recent years as fol lows: ... uattia. 642 89 411 110 827 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1S)U 1906 Hoga. 282 150 165 230 14 Sheen. 1491 409 76 17 910 .782 Wdndy'B Uvea took Bales. 6TE2SRS. Ave. lbs. ..1248 ....1168 ....1188 .1181 ....1174 ..1111 1161 47 steers 96 steer 89 ateera 9 ateera 19 ateera 25 ateera 21 steers 40 steer 16 steer 25 steer 14 steers 73 steers 3 steers 6 steers 1 steers . ...... .1167 , 1075 , 1198 1092 1188 13R6 833 .....k.,.1120 COWS. 7 cows 795 6 cows 945 18 cows 910 2 cows 1020 3 cows 980 STAGS AND BULLS. 1 stag 1400 3 hulls 1693 10 bulls 1300 7 bulls 1093 5 bull , 940 CALVES. 163 calves 210 SHEEP AND LAMBS. 108 lambs 64 124 wethers 277 wethera 104 Bheep ., 83 sheep . . 126 sheen ., L137 ewes .., - V - : 1 ',' South Omaha, -Neby, June 28. Cattle S100, market steady. Steers S6.00&6.30; cows and heifers. 14.60(6.65. . Hogs 15,000, market t to 10c lower; hojfa. !e6.. Sheep 8800, market Strong to 10c high, r: yearlings 44?; wethera, 13.50 fit 4.10; lamba. 16.607; ewes ld. 98 96 7 91 61 82 Weighed last evening. HOGS. 70 hogs 255 Price, 86.2S 6.25 6.25 8.26 . 6.25 6.25 8.25 6.25 6.00 6.00 6.S0 6.80 6.75 6.25 S.50 15.00 6.00 4.75 4.60 4.04 $5.50 4.10 4.00 8.60 1.00 17.60 85.26 1.60 . 8.00 8.05 2.76 2.00 3.00 e.so South. Pac, c. South. Rail., c. Texas A Pac. . T.. St. L. & W..c T., St.L. A W. pfd union t'ac, c . . do pfd U. H. Rub., c. U. S. Steel Co., c. do pfd Utah Copper ... Va. Chemical . . Wabaah, c do Dfd '. W. U. Teleg. ... Weatlnghouae El. wis. cen., o. ... 127 148 83 H S49 14 liS 47 69 138 112 17 49 Ta 180 35 H 151 143H 17 49 19, 110 40 109V 134 124 54 106 10914 63 82 242 H 30 113 108 63 an ii 241 80 100 23 127 12H 148 147 83 82T6 34 34 H 64 64 14 29 68 87 47H by 13S 160 80 132 18 61 180 35 161 143H 37 'boh 14 28 47 68 137 114 106 J160H 30 38 eb 46 Total sales, 878 (.an money, 3 126 82 3 21 49 189 8S 5 46 126 32 121 17 49 179 36 150 141 86 49 19 109 46 109 134 106 159 30 82 66 46 21 H 4S 189 42 79 118 60 66 16 37 90 76 68 68' .800 shares. 1 per cent. 124 8 148 21 48 188 t 66 10 84 61 40H 118 78S 108 4t 81 113 105 108 63 80 241H 30 100 23 46 12 147 82 34 64 81 75 145 14 82 28 87 86 161 187 22 141 121 17 60 179 36 150 142 8l 66 49 66 19 109 46 108 134 124 106 36 101 169 96 90 30 93 32 4 45 66 82 71 124 31 27 20 48 188 94 42 78 118 49 65 16 35 80 IVanklln County Whrat, Walla Walla. Wart.. June 28. Prank Hoaktns, a wealthy rancher of thla city, haa returned by automobile from a trip to hla farm in Franklin county. More rain fell In that aectlon yesterday than here, he reporta. and wneat is looKIng better there now than it baa in several yea re. Wheat Crop Freshened. Winona Wash . June 28. Though lit. tie rain fell here, the cool weatber of the laat few daya haa freshened the wheat. Some of the earliest field of fall wheat are beginning to turn. Increase of 15 Per Cent. Ellenaburg. Wash., June 28. Andrew Olson, a reHldent of the Kittitas valley for 20 years, and a well Known nay buyer, estlmatea that thla year's crop will exceed iasi season a narveai oy 10 per cent. Mr. Olson basea hla opinion on tne raet mat tne raina nave Deen unuaually plentiful thla year and pre dicts that 60,000 tona of hay will be cut thla fall. BARBER SHOPS DECIDE ON A 7:30 CLOSING ' (IpeHal Dteealrti ta The Joeraal.) "Vancouvar, Wash.. June ItAccord lag to an estimate mad by Soott Sweat land, buyer for the 3. K. Anneby com pany, the prune crop of Clark county thl year will net 110 earloada, which will equal about . 1,106,000 pound of dried fruit Tha crop, he says, la cat tared as usual,' heavy In aome aectlou and light In other, fair, tboagh, at whoi. ,":' v, Th quality will be the beat for years, he aay. and good price should prevail. However, at the present time there 1 Itttl or no demand, and no contract ar using mad and no price quoted. About the aame estimate la made by A. C. Burdlck and E. L. rrench. ether prune buyora oi Clarke couaty. - - Cltljenshlp Appliratlong. , (gpeelal Mmateh t The Jeanil) Vancouver, Waab., June II. Th fol lowing hav mad application for oHi- . senahlp paper and will appear before , Judge McMaater Saturday to show eaua why paper should b granted: Char lee Clair, Auguat Samulon, Al fred Bernhardt. John Alglanaa, John H. Helnonen, Joseph Schlaffer, Henry Ahlahlqulat Jo.eph A. Michel. Carl B. Oberg, Carl A. Noeen, John H. Llnd gren, phllllpp A. Ruso, Ouatav Schmidt, William Koike. William Jaaper and Chart H. Wlchr. ' t - ' (RpeeUI rMfiMtefe to Tha JoaraaLl Oregon City, June SI. compromise wa effected at a meeting of the local barbers last night whereby all th bar ber (hop of thla city will be closed at 7:10 each evening, beginning July a. CHICAGO nOGS LOWER Chicago June St. Run: Hogs, 18,000; cattle. 19.000; aheep. 16.000. Hog ar 6c lower; left over 1600; re ceipt a year ago, 16,000; mixed, I6.10O 6.60: good and heavv. II.S06.4l: rouah and heavy. 11.0606.35; light 16.104 6.60. Cattle Steady, lOo lower. Sheep Strong. ..New York Cotton Market. Palouse Crop ExceUent. Pullman, Waah., June 28. Paul R. Maurer, a pioneer farmer living near Almota, aays: "I never saw a better Drosnect In all the time I have lived In the Palouse country. I have fall wheat aa high as my bead now, and aome of It la ao heavy It haa fallen down. While there will he a light loaa because of this, I notice that whea never falls down unless there Is s enormous crop. A poor crop never falls. rhe a crease la the largest I ever saw. Fall wheat has never been better and spring sown wheat, of which there la a large acreage, is looking rine ana promises better than an average yield The Falouse country naa never naa 1 failure, but I will admit I was fright ened In April, when prospecta were darker than I had ever aeen them here. Montana Wheat Crop, Ronan Mont.. June 28. New settlers are pleased over the prospects of good crops, which the recent shower h practically asaured. Begin Cutting July in. Palouse Falls, Wash.. June 18. Wheat in thla section is looking fine. According to reports the farmers will begin cutting fall grain about July 10, Open. High. Low, Close. January 1824 1331 lilt 1S16AK March 1383 1316 1311 1I11A2S May 1343 1344 1121 1129010 June 146!ifll! July 1465 1474 1448 1455056 August 1457 1463 1441 1451 $62 September .1366 1165 1361 18611963 October ....1325 1331 1114 llll17 November ..1326 1326 1326 131ll December ..1326 1332 1315 13174)11 Arkanaaa Get Into Trouble. (Ipeetal Menatrh t The JoaraaLl 1 Vancouver, Wasb June 2I. TA Walah, of Van Bnren. Arlu aeemlngly well supplied with caah, waa given a 10 day sentence In polio court this , morning for vagrancy and the en tenc suspended provided ha ' left the city. Walsh olaima to have taken pity on a woman he met In the otfy and to have advanced her 164 In caah with which to vialt her parent In distant -tat. State Building; Contract Let. (Special Dlepetrh to Toe JneraaL) Vancouver, Wash.,' June 21 Word . reached Vancouver thla morning - that th contract for th traction of th new atate buildings' here had been awarded yesterday to Erickaoa 4k Han- en of Cbehall and Tacoma for I18. 131, excluatve of heating and plumb-t Ing. Work will be started at ence and the building completed thla fall. ', Woodman Chop Finger Oft, (apeelal Dtmtch ta The JoaraaLl ' Vanoouver, Wash.. June 38. whll working In th wood north of Van eouver yesterday, Thomaa Miller chopped off on of hi finger aad maahed another. He wa brought t 8C Joapeh'a hospital. Speaker Champ Clark haa been en gaged to deliver the Fourth of July oration at the Chautauqua aaaembly la Webster City, Iowa, tiave WHEAT BULLS GET A SEVERE BEATING Chicago. June 28. Bull trader were beat to a frazzle In the wheat market today, the closing being extremely weak, lc to 1C a bushel lower than yesterday. " Market for wheat opened with a spell of ahort selling and liquidation by long. Initial values were down c for Julv ana eepiemoer ana c ior uecemuer. Market abroad was mixed. Liverpool closed d lower to d higher, but Paris was extremely weak with a losa of lc. Rain was reported In Kansas and eouthern Nebraska and therefore the trade had the impression that the crop waa improved at those points. Omaha reported that the first car of 1911 wheat had been received there from Adama, Neb. It graded No. 2 hard, teated 62 pounds and sold at 860, Spring Crop Assured. Connell. Wash., June 28. This see tlon waa visited by rain today and th ground la well soaked, assuring an Increased yield of spring grain. Liverpool Wheat Market. Liverpool. June 28. Wheat: Open. Close. July 610d 6s9d October ..6s8d 6s8d Pecemhor lis 9 d fiKSfJd Bonds Investments Timber Lands Ncuhauscn & Co. 701-2-3-4-5 LEWIS BUILDING. . PORTLAND. OREGON NORTHWEST BANK STATE3IENT Portland Bank. Clearings today 11,274,847.18 Year ago 1,288,406.81 Oaln ' today ......... Balance today ...... Year ago . 86.440.87 147,617.61 136,791.41 Clearing' today .Balance toaay Taooaaa. ....... .asee.eus ... t,ZB Journal Want Ada bring" result. Range of Chicago prlcea furnished by Overbeck & Cooke Co. WHKAT. Open. High. 90 91 89v 90 91 92 CORN. 66 67 69 69 58 68 OATS. 43 July Sep. Deo. July. Sep. Deo. Low. 89 88 91 66 68 57 Cloae. 89J B 89 91 57 69 A 67 July .. 8ep. , Deo,' . Jury .. Sep. . July .. Sep. . Jan. . . July Sep. . Jan. .1616 .1535 43 44 44 46 46 , PORK. 1621 1636 PORK. 818 830 42 44 45 43 44 46 lit 827 IIS 827 RIBS. 822 18 . 1610 1632 811 827 111 825 1525 1535 816 830 81S 811 831 781 A B A A A A B B, i lUESTIONS are freqaeht- I7 atkerj of banks as to the proportion of the business of the country which is transacted by check as compared to the use of money. The following is uotecI from a report to the National Monetary Commission. Document No. 399: ."We may there fore safely accept an average of 80 to 85 as the probable percentage of business of this country done by check." LUMBERMENS NATIONAL' BAiNiK w. ON FIFTH AT STARK Overbeck & Cooke Co Commission Merchants Stocks. Bonds Cotton. Grain, Etc. 216-217 Board of Trade Building , Mem ben Chloago Brfard ef Trad. Oeereepohdenta ef Logan 4k Bryaa. Ch4oa-o. Mew York. Boat on. - W have the only prtvat wire ' emneotlng Portland with the ' v eaatern eiushaiige. IC Ladd & Tilton Bank ESTABLISHED 1859 ..w Capital $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $700,000.00 (. Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks Issued available en"' all parts of the world. ; CORNER WASHINGTON AND THIRD STREETS FIRST NATIONAL BANK : CAPITAL $1,500,000 -' SURPLUS . $750,000 . .Oldest National Bank" West of tKs ' , , Rocky Mountains w V 1