The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 28, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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    : i
It la the dwn oi in. jw
) nal 10 WW "Me "
A mm1M III ita mocil departmeat
) !, to ttwt Md the NrfOT
) Oils oaTuma are lavttad to and
' tn aay foam Inter t. suoh
SB iMtl III town, jrmmy
lkn end mtrttjaent
dent to social Hf o w"
Shod be addreesed
ttr Adltor eiJ w ch 1,1
off loo before II a. en. If It la
to KppMT hi that dafe te I
In Imperative that mieb oommu
nleanon a cr-owipaolad by
th nam of the aander, which
rfra not in" thai It I t M
publlebed la eoimeetloa With tt
Wra If. Tattle rii hwniai at a
tars affair last evenlne; -te I hooar
f Mnu Fran Kaiaa?. or '. w""
jea ?eurne1 to make hr horn 1a Port
land; tha Mle Bum ana utinnw"
Church, who have complete! a to of
tha world, and nr. J i- R,n
Ad rr. T. A. KleMe. who ar ebt to
) Tor tfurcne. Japane law torn
Urhtad tha Tuttla croaoda wun pwiF
affect. In lb asuaic room near uia
piano a beautiful wall panel wmi o
algnad Of nwuertra on a lkfTound
of ara. A oluaur or naauiay r
.centered tha Ubla In tha dinln room,
Vhare (r i. - Elliott Ill aad Mr.
"W. x laldlaw "erred tee, itlM4 by
inu Lucr Powell and tha snaae
Aatfiaal And Constaiie Kin. IN
linteaa wee aaelstsd or Mr a. jaeoa
JUU Cook. Wra. J. H. IUak and mm.
Joarnh a ADDlewhlte. During- tha ev
nine Mra. TtrtOe and Mr. P. P. Dab-
wr tad lattara rrom we Mis uiwca
written Trota India. J ax an U4 epaia.
JCelsev read a number of Mama with
flano accompaniment by Mlaa Ada Allra
tuttla.' and Judira C D. Oantaabal Wd
bra -vmram to tha tta davaruna; ror
Suropa. Aa rchaatra, aUtlonad on thalwrttt to tourB-j by Darra Mora.
aoond floor, aaoea ta ma w7im" 4 N .aatarn denartmnt atora ad
af tha affair, which la tha Cfta of a I A ,a.- -rh. inrriTo- euatotn
artaa lra by Mra. Totxia naca i ner f ef jg tha plaaauraa of tha
rararn rrom jww ivtb. i m a vj.h vlthnnt hitklm hrlnra
ruaat nat incjuoaa air. ana ra. r i thc .eaaon-a modea many
Kelaar. Mr. amd Mra. u. itwaar. aar. I nw -Udot, dealrna than wa hara
ana Jnra. wimani r- 1 ahawn for many aaaaona Daalimara
Edirar Btlta. Mr. sad Mra. J ace Hill l v.... man affaotlva
Cook, Mr. and Mra J. F. Errln. Mr. combination in which hau. ahoaa. aun
and Mra. rntmrio Pewall, Mr. and Mra. I hjeg mA eeatumaa ar all mada of tha
T. T. nahney. nr. am a ira. wajaoa i mtHi w mirtit uritit tnuit
Kaah. Prof, and Mra. t. A. Oroat, Mr. ..ii- naw .,.ra wa hava hrourht
and Atra. yaau rtaicar. rfucnra aoa ura. iMt t aaaaon both In beach coatumea
C U. Oantanbain. Dr. ana Mr. J. v. i k.tMn mita.
XlBott June, jut. ana jura, wuhbdi
Xldlaw. Mr. and Mm J. H. HMi, Mr. i Xll of which maana that It la no
and Mra. C. T. Bunker, Dr. and Kr.Umg a Hnranr to bath la tha Ml-
i. A. Appiawnita, jar no re. u m gurf. AU real bathlna Is to bo dona
Jackaon. Dr. and Mra. Arthur W. I la Virata, behind the four waUi of a
Chance, Miaa Laura Tax, Mlaaea Rach- jt water aanltarlum and the Ilka It la
aal and Conatanoe Klnc, Mlaa Lucyito b. .trlctlr conventional. Tha a mart
Powell, MJaa Dorathaa Naah, Mra. Blmp- I thlnf la to "beach" It. which phraae
on. Mine Holbrook. Mra. Alice Crane, J translated mean the donnlna of a fa.
Miaa Eliza Parker, Dr. T. A. Klehle. I clnatlna bathlnf suit, faahlonad of the
Mortimer Hartweil, Mr. parxar, lacKimaet erpenalve and aheereat tnatarlaJa,
ProebBtel, J. Boaa Farga, J. Hutchln- j together with the thlnneat of thin allk
on and Tom Dobaon. atooklnra, the amartsat of am art foot-
Mr. Carrie Chapman Catt nt New Tort, who haa been real acted preaidant
0 the Iatematlonal Woman'e Snffrafa Alliance, at the alxth oenTaa
of the alliance at Stockholm. Sweden. A thouaand delarate from Eu
ro p, the United State. Auatralla and South Africa were preeeat At the
opening of the conrreaa.
t From CLcrriei
wear, a dream af a eoquatte'a oap,
topped by a "iwantr atlck," aome
tlmea known aa the flirt aunahada. The
reat eonatata of paradlna; ap and dowa
the beach attraotlaf all tha attentlaa
that oaa be gathered together.
Thua, the oldeat Joke la the BngUah
language la no longer a Joke, bat the
very lateet demand of "Correct Deport
ment at the Seaahore."
"Mother, may I go out to awlmr
"Oh, yea, my darling daughter;
Hang your clothe on a hlck'rr limb.
But don't go near the watar."
And, bw oomea tha real answer. It
00 me atraight from the woman who
know a, too. She la tha head of up ta
the minute ahop, and ah aaya:
"Women have always known that the
water makea them look like drowned
rata. Efenalbl women that like to awlm.
do ao in private. Strolling on tha beach
In a aubllmated bathing coatuma, how
ever. I different. It la not only harm
laaa and pleaaant, but tt la a poaltlr
advantage In the Betting forth of a good
rri in PorUand an Friday la Mad-1 U Toa amTe 1,9 ,ee-
ame EUie Duncan, the brilliant lyrlol The July Woman' Home Companion
annrano who will ba th arueat of her contalaa a suggestion for the houee-
'aiatar. Mra. H. C Oardnar. Madame I keeper who feu along without lee:
Duncan Is better know abroad, where 'Obtain a large, common flower pot
he ranks among the groat artist. She a eal the hole In the bottom with
baa Dnt many year In England, only plaater of Pari. Place In the pot the
iturnin to America, aom two year bottle containing butter, or a covered
ago. Thie will be tha flrt time that crock containing butter, and fill the pot
Mra Gardner and bar alster have met with water to a great a aepm aa poo
far ovar 20 vaaxa. I aible without the bottle or crock float
tag. , Cover tbo pot with a board or a
plat and aet out la the pea air, away
from the direct aunllght, and preferably
where there I a out-rent of air. The
evaporation of the water from the aur
faoe of the porous pot will keep the con
tent several degree colder thaa the
outside air, when there la the allghteat
amount of air etlrrlng. The higher the
wind, or the drier the air, the froater
will be the cooling effeoL"
Br Mra. Anna B. loott
New i cherry aeaaoa, and let aa -joy
them while we may. Thar la
nothing that we aaa make at thla Una
of tha year to beat eherry pi a. roiy
poly or dampllnga. Wo oaa alaomae left
over eereai. opeam or wnaai or penuoaa
with oherrle. - and make a dalleloaa
luneheen or aappor dieh,
la the morning Mrhen wo aro preparlag
aereal for breakfaet, and want enough
to have oold for lunobeoa, aae two aapa
Instead of one. Take that whloh la left
over, pat Into a mold that baa bean
rtnaed la oold watar and eat In aa lo
oold place until ready to aaa. Take twa
oupa pitted eherrlM and on eap augur,
mix and aet la oold plaoe until ready for
uae. When ready, turn th mold Out
Into a deep dieh, put the berrte around
and pour the Jute over the top. If the
large, black eherrtaa are aaed It makea
very attraotlvo-looklng dieh. The
amount of sugar uaed depend! on the
eherrlea; If they are very aour, mora
ugar la needed.
Following ar aome good recipe for
eherrlea 1
Cherry PI.
1H oupa flour.
1H tabUapoon lard.
H teaspoon ealL
I oupa pitted eherrlea.
1 tableapoon augar.
1 teaapoon milk.
Sift flour and salt Into bowl, add th
lard and rub In lightly with th Up of
th flngera, add Ice watar, juat a little
at a time and Juat enough to hold tha
dough together. Divide the dough Into
two part, roll out on part on floured
bakeboard and line pleplate, whloh ha
been dusted with flour, thaa aprlnkl on
tablespoon flour on tho lower oruat, add
the eherrlea and augar. roll oat balano
of tha dough, wet the edges of tho lower
croat with a little watar, cover and preaa
tha edgea firmly together, put tte or
four airholea in the top of pie and
brush with the milk. Bake about 40
minute and be aure that tho cherries
aro woll cooked and the pie well baked
oa tho bottom. Tho amount of augar
I uaed la a matter of taate, and If more
I la desired It can be added.
teamed Cherry Paddla.
1 aup flour.
1 teaspoon baking powder.
M teaapoon salt
oup milk.
1. agg.
1 oup pitted eherrlea.
1 oup augar.
1 teaspoon butter.
Sift the flour, salt and baking powder
Into a bowl, add th milk and well-beat
en gg, then tho eherrlea and surer, mla
all wall together, butter amall mold
or pall, put In th pudding and ateam
Stt hour.. Servo with any sauoe de
al red, or with a aauoe mad as fol
Chop one oup pitted eherrlea very
fine, add one cup sugar and boll 10 min
utes; servo with ' th steamed pudding.
Cherry Xolj Poly.
1 oup floor.
1 teaspoon baking powder.
H teaapoon aalt
1 teaspoon lard.
I cups pitted eherrlea.
1 eup augar.
I teaspoons butter.
1 teaspoon milk.
Sift the floor, baking powder and aalt
Into a bowl, rob In the shortening very
lightly with the tlpa of the fingers, add
Juat enough cold watar to hold th dough
together, duat tha bakeboard with flour,
roll out the dough about an eighth of an
Inch thick, cover with the plttod cher
ries and augar (eaving on tableapoon
augar to eprinkle over tho top). Roll
the earn aa a Jelly roll, put Into bat- I ' ' Girl Jflgtl Fiver. ,
tared buddlne- nan. brnah tha tan with I - 1 ai k
milk ant sprinkle the tableapoon augar I Garden Cltr. HI, Juna 1. -The Mlaaea
ver. take tho butter that la left and nut I Harriett Clulmby and Blanche Scott to
over mo top la litu blta, aovar and day aro hailed at tn aviation eoiony
oak 10 minute, thaa anoovor and bak!ir aa flight plonear following their
SO minute' longer.. Whea . you ua-1 exploit In being tha flrat A marl oaa
cover you aaa add aaa eup of milk to I women to ooar la a monoplane. Both
the relr poly If daalred. perva with I roae 10 feet In tho machine, elraMa tho
braady ar wine aauoe.
. Caaary Paatpuaga.
1 oup flour.
I teaapooa bakiag powder,
H teaepooa aalt.
I oupa pitted aaerrtea,
I aup augar. .
I teaapoon butter. ;
1 teaapooa milk,
t teaapoon lard. -
1ft tho flour, aalt and baking powder
lata 4 bowl, add tha lard and rub la
lightly with tho tlpa af tha finger, add
juat enough oold water to hold tho donga
together, roll out an floured bakeboard.
about aa eighth ef an Inch thick, out Into
eight part. Divide tha oherrle and
augar Into eight porta, and put ene
eighth on eaoh piece of dough. Wet
the edgea of eaoh dumpling with a lit
tle cold water, ao that they will a tick
together, ahapa In tho banda, put Into
buttered bakedlan. Bruah tha tope
lightly with milk and eprinkle a llttl
Baser on each one, put tho balano of
tho butter on In little bit. Cover and
bake 30 mlnuUa, uncover and bake 10
minute longer. When uncovering the
dumplings, yon can add on eup of
milk, flerv with any aauoe desired.
t H at
rtomln; Money. ,
Prom Now Tork Press.
A Oeorrla womaa a ant for the colored
mammy who had been bar aervant for
many year. She aent for old mammy,
and tho aervant arrived la duo season.
tt ao happened that the Georgia womaa
had to leave town the vary day mammy
arrived. Before departing ah had Juat
time to explain to mammy tho modern
convenience with which her apartment
waa furnished. Th gas stove was the
contrivance whloh tntereated tho colored
woman moat After tho mlatraaa of the
houoehold bad lighted tho oven, the
broiler and Abe outer burners and felt
certain her old aervant understood its
operaUone, th mlatraaa hurried for her
She waa aboent twa weeks and aa
ef her first questions to mammy waa
how aha had worried along.
De flnea' ever," waa the reply. "And
dat air gaa etove oh, my. Why, do
you know, Mlaa Flo-ence, dat fire ain't
gone out ylL
field twice and landed unhurt
Gets Ufa Oommlaalon. '
tCd veae Laeeal Wtre.1 '
Waahlnston. June II The marriage
today of Interstate Commerce Commla
aloner Edward E. Clark, and Mlaa Ag
ne Barnea waa one of tha moat lnter
eetlng aortal event of the month.
Praano. CaL, June II AJthoigh.
neither ha ever aeea the other, a r.
manoo of many years atandlag la eon.
ummaUd bar today by th marrtae
of Erneat t Monia and Effl M. BuU
It van. Merrte la a local bUnd plana
tuner and Mlaa Baulvaa la a blind girl
from lawa. The apark of love waa
lighted . la tha Iowa etate a avium for
tha blind many year a ago whan both
war etudenta there.
. . J .
lonrnal Want Ada bring teaalta.
A Free Sample Can
We hare a limited number of am
ple cant of Jap-a-lac, one of which, tc-
E:ther with a copy of the booklet. The
ome Beautifier, will be jfren free
to every person calling for them at oar
Sundries Counters.
Ta'p-a-lae re-fires old woodwork, fa mi tare, floors, etc.
We have at all times a full line of colors In the rarious
sizes, selling as follows t
Quart cans OOfJ
gallon cans S1.65
1 gallon cans $3.00
yi pint cans ...20
y pint cans ........30
Pint cans ....50
Call for 'Simple Can and BookUt
They Are Closely Observing!
Public Health Conditions.
Aa examining physician for on of
th prominent life insurance eompanlea,
In an Interview on th aubject. made
th aatonlablng statement that th rea-
son why ao many applicants for insur
ance ar rejected la because kidney
trouble la ao common to tho Ameri
can people, and th large majority of
applies ta do not even aupot Jthat
they have tho diaeaae,
He atatea that, judging rrom hia own
experience and re porta from druggists
who are constantly In dlreot touch with
tha public, there la one preparation that
ha probably been more auccessful tn
relieving and curing these dlaeaaea than
any remedy known. The mild and h easi
ng influence or Dr. KUmera Bwamp-
Root la eoon realised. It atanda the
hlgheet for Ita remarkable record of
We find that 8wamp-Rodt la strictly
an herbal compound and w would ad
vise our reader who feel In need of
such a remedy to giro It a trial. It la
on eale at all drug etorea In bottlea of
two slsea flfty-oents and one-dollar.
However, If yoa wish first to test Ita
wonderful merite, a end to Dr. Kilmer St
Co., Blnghamton, N. T, for a sample
bottle, abaolutely fro. When writing
be sure and mention th Portland Dally
r A i 1 a
rown uaisy ADsorDing
Dust Cloths 25c
Should be used in every home. The cleanest, neatest,
most durable and economical labor-saving dust-remover
ever made for home or office. Made of soft brown yarns,
chemically treated with a colorless liquid which renders
them antiseptic and gives them the properties of absorb
ing dust and lint from all surfaces to which they are ap
plied. They pick up the dust and carry it away. They
will not discolor white or light surfaces. On sale at our
Rubber Section, Main Floor.
Woodarcl, Clarke fe? C
Wa will bo dad to hare you open an account with us. All
goods charged on 28th, 29th and 30th of J una will ( la your
Jul account Canadian money received at par rahia.
Miss Marguerite Boachk ha Invited
guest for a luncheon aa Friday honor
ing Mlsi Blanch Dorothy Scbott, who
tn&rriag to Walter H. Yertaa will take
place July IS. Mlaa Mabel Weed I
complimenting Mlaa Scbott thla after
e a
Robert R. Boyer cam dowa from
Vancouver last week to Join Mra. Boyer
and remain for a time aa th guest of
her mother, Mr. O. O. Wold.
Mrs. John Weist will be a hoatess at
military whiat Saturday afternoon.
If So, You Will Be Interested in the
The U. S. System HasBeen Tested
To your perfect satisfaction in all kinds of dental work. Wban w
firoduce for you a bridge, plate or any other kind of work in oar Dra
ession. you have tht full assurance that it is tha best of ita kind
that it is possible to produce, and than oar prices are ao moderate for
such service.
lie Mediae Which Helps the Son Make Sweet, Geaa Hay
Mrs. Ajrtta. R. Hill arrived rtr
day from Santa Rosa, CaL, and will
visit her eletera, Mrs. Charles E. Run-
yon, and Mrs. R. D.. Cannon, for
month. Mrs. Cannon wa a luncheon
hostess today, complimenting Mrs, Hill
and Mrs. sterling Campbell of Eureka,
Mrs. J. Horace Luckett has planned
an afternoon of five hundred tomor
row for her Bisters, the Mtssas Ruth
and Sam Montgomery, of Fort Worth,
Texas, who are spending the summer
In Portland. Mr. Luckett returned a
fortnight ago from Fort Worth, where
she had been visiting for two month
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Duncan are
giving a studio at home tomorrow for
their friends at their Ford street atudlo.
The performance of Elektra, to be given
at KocKholm, has been set for Satur
day night Jn case of more inclement
weather Mr. Duncan is considering giv
ing the performana in Portland that
mgnt ana mnung the public.
Mrs. M. E. Steinfeldt arrived Satur
day from tsr home in, Los Angeles to
epend a week as the guest of Mrs. J. O.
iremblay, who entertained about 25
guest in her honor last evening.
: Pointers on the Superiority of the
-md i lanMai. aal
I sat rtakaaa w each punch a! Im aiM, m aba
rkaaa aak mSnta af mm. Sanas acaUy aawa
aa. - "
I lla,a.
A Good
" i ;
TH oaallty of th goods disposed of
-, at our store reflects aatlntacUon every.
r f where. Quality combined with reduced
!.s jirtee nav mad Avery & Co.'a hard.
' - war store extremely popular. Be on
. vi ui aaiiaiiea. .; j
48 Third Street
Jfw. aaWal Te aaa If
! fct art Bast a'j ! aal wnts. 1
Z1nfmmUmmf if aiinai aiiliBaiSsm aai I
fcaajT naaititaat m 'wuTmi aMaTUtfeaai' vXlm M -'jJ??fc-4gj '
Improved 1911
laWsft Maw aaaVatoaaVaf Mwl b9
WON YOKE, laaa aat hft Si
fmheah i mmt mimrnlf hnmti Imf
yay 4B aaafta sv
ALWAYS Bw, aarfa
safes1 ffCv 0aaj aWsaaaaBaaas
and secure latest
Champion cata
logopinions of
users and prices
28 Offices
in the
Better health will be your reward. If ravr tawtk ar Deaarod, hat
thorn attended to at our office by th V. B. aaTpert workxnea, wn are
killed in the U B. 8 T STEM.
WE KNOW what to do and bow t
t. Thar wt
if rar work 1 CTUjLRANTBSD
Popular prices that are wttala tha reach
to eo it Taara wny au oar wonc
. la poslUvely PAINLESS. That's also why all of oar won
to give lasting aatiaracuon.
fit everyone are cnargea.
Coupled with our lnoom parable low prloea for dantlatry of guaraa
teed reliability Is th fact that wa do not expect tho pay until th work
Is satisfactory to you.
22-k. Gold or White Crowns ....
22-k. Bridge Teeth, guaranteed, each..
Good Set of Teeth on Robber Plate ,..f5.00
Office open from 8 till C Baadays, io 1 X. at,
Ovr Merchants Vatloaal Bani, enslr eoraon
Mala 711
r Spokane . Boise Seattle
Agents Everywhere
The Champion
With Its Positive Force Fee4
Elevator, Is the best machine
money can build.
' The Time-Tried
Styere service holds no terrors
; for the Champion. ..
l'.?"J i 'ilj iriV-i iIiIV'miI"-"f'-'"" 'n ..Mai"' ' 'ni V-
i lteUJaaaniaaaaiariaBiteiMMMJaM
If you depend upon the
mail to do that import
ant business jou may
regret the time it takes.
Successful men every
where are using "West
ern Union Day Letters"
and "Night Letters" to
clip days off the fast
est mail service.
t .. -.: