The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 22, 1911, Page 15, Image 15

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Health ahd Beauty Qucricb
.. '".-, ' . S'-'S ' ' BT MRS. MAS MARTTK ' ' 'f ,, .
. , LZlL ..i-.- r- - - - . . ,
t .Largest 7 Attendance In , Years;
h; Sessions Close With Camp
i Fire and Singing of Chinook
'- .;ongs.
v.-, f
Oraf on plonaera ara aeparatlnf today,
' folnf to their homea,. after on of the
;bappleet aeaaloha they bava terv an
, jjoyad. Evrn oldest resident do not re.
. mam bar whan tbaro vu a larger ,at
tendanca of lha Oregon Pioneer aaeo-
, elation than that which eloeed .with a
camp f lr and tha quaint alnglnf of
Chinook eonas laat night. '
'i No haata In parting ta rtaibla. Too
'flrat camera to Orea-oa would Ilka to
be tha laat ta rat urn ta tbalr horoea,
Only a a tart, they aar, baa baaa mad a
' in recalling tha aarlr daye and th
pleasant and blttar raemorlea of them.
Separation of yaaro cannot ha recom
pensed by meeting aa ahert a time, they
i Mif Ohlaaoh stoajra. ,,v ,
. 1 ' Cyras H. Walker, Href aaaar Parvtna
and athara af tha aldaat pleneera aang
with Toloea frequently tiaefey with mora
than age, thta aong laat . night from
.the CTilnook:
i . "Ntka mlUlta yakwm alta, , "
I Kopa llleheen . . . ;l ,
l Waka lala nlka haley ,
Kopa lllaheer
Kan ntka klatawa, '
! Nlka lala halo kamtuz:
K1ale nlka tumtum kopa,
! Blah lllahee.
f , And tha meaning of the aong, aung
to familiar tuna of "TherVa a Happy
(Land." la;
"I live bar now,
On thta earth
Not long and I ahall b gone
; From tha earth;
. Where ahall I go
For a, long time I dldnt knowi
Dark waa my tnrnd about
Tha far-off land.
' fllrery ona who had a rolo capable
f carrying tha awaat old tana cam in
on the laat . rero. keeping meaaured
time and produolng aa lndaacrlbabla
effect upon, one wha for tha flrat time
, had hoard auch alnging '
"Klnaha tllllkuma mltlite at-ah,
Kopa aaghall;
cultus tllllkuma mituia aeea-wi-iee;
Kop hlaa pl-ah. -Kopet
apoaa nlka kloaha;
Ma eh meaachte konoway;
Delate ok-oke Tyee,
Lolo nlka yah-wa."
j The translation af thle rerae le:
"Oood people lira far off
, In heaven;
Bad people lire below ,
' In the great flra;
' Only If I am good.
; Throw away everything bad.
Truly thlar God
; Will carry me thera."
, 'v V ' T' ivy's? )
f (I) Jill '
Plctnrt shows pioneera eotermg aatoa on Yamhill atreet, near Tenth. Lower left hand picture shows Colonel Robert A.
. ' - night elected president ot the association!.
Miller, who was last
Mra. Cora T.t Kven Aiouah your hua.
band ob)onta ao atrongly to your uaing
face powder, it la your duty to look te
fouthful and charming aa pvlbl; try
hta lotion and although It wtii brnuti
fy your face much better thiin nowrtur.
he nan never detect any evMeni-a f.a
powdered look. Get four ounrea of auiir
mas at any drug atore; dleeolve it In
one-half pint hot water, th-n add two
teaepoonfula glycerlna,
APKly Mile lo.
and arme. rub-
tkn to your face, neck
blna aentlv until dry and it will leml a
moat wholeeome, natural, charming lone
to your akin. It will whiten an-1 cl-r
your complealnn and take away that
ahlny, aallow took. I find l axceMrnt
for removln frerklea and akin oimDle:
it alao afforda tha akin aplendld protec
tion agalnat tha aun and wind, and will
not rub Off easily like powder doea when
you wear a veil.
Daley U; Scanty, tbla. ahort-hair
ran be fluffed up and made to appear
abundant without the aid of falae hair.
Try shampooing your hair with a tea-
spoonful of canthrox dissolved In a nip
of hot water, ftnnlnc afterwarda with
clear water. This shampoo produces a
rich, creamy lather that cleanses th
hair and srp as no other shampoo
will. If makes the hair beautifully lua-
fm.ia bai in. el,,.. It At- ..-
quickly and after using It you will find
your hair eaay to do up and will atay In
place without the aid of a net or velL
and look nice much, longer than ever be
fore. You will no longer be bothered
with dandruff and Itchlna acalo. You
can get a canthrox shampoo at any flrat
ciaaa nairareaaer a or Buy in canthrox
at your druggist's and do your own
shampooing. Never shampoo with aoao.
The alkali streaks, bleaches and eata tha
vary lire out of the hair, maklna- It
dull and lifeless.
In each eye twice dally 4 few drop of
a elmpl tonlo mart by dissolving aa
ounce of crysioe In a pint of cold water.
This tonlo Is very strengthening and
soothing to tired, weak. Inflamed ayea
and you will find by tiaing tt regularly,
you will never have cause to romplala .
of not having beautiful, unarming yaa
Irene: T'nless you want your far
covered with unsightly lis I re, you had
better atop using those greasy cream a
at once. If you want a good, depend
able, greaaeleaa complexion beeullfler,
maka It yourself aa folio we: Htlr to
gether two teaapoonfula glycerin, one
ounce almosoln and one-half pint cold
water. Let stand a few houra befora
uln. You will find thle fine for mas- '
aAalng aa It removea thoroughly all
tore dirt. There la nothing Ilk It for '
removing and preventing blackheads, (
wrinkles, skin roughness and enlarged
pores. This cream Jelly will mak your
skin clear, smooth, fresh looking and
plurrtp. a a complexion beautlfler, yovl
Will want nothing better.
snd otherel: Yes. I ana
to repeat the flesh reducing for
alad to repeat the flesh reducing
mule which has given such aplendld re
"Qaaea Mother of Oregon."
When th election of officer
(Special DUpatek Tb Jrarail )
Eugene, Or June 2). A aecond crew
of, eurveyora in th amploy of the WI1-lamette-Padfio
Railway company, a new
corporation promoting a railroad from
Eugene to Cooa Bay, haa arrived in thla
dty from San Francisco and left for
Mapleton, from which point it will work
down tha coaat to Marahfleld. Tha first
craw la following th preliminary sur
vey made by th Southern Pacific com
pany, Indicating that th Hariimaa pao-
Jng of the crown of reToreno upon the x WendUDti b,c tlmbw owner
l"? ,T". ""' i VT T. the head of the new pompany. H owna
Srfndra Klnem'd B"'A iw controla fcllllona of feet of timber
:"?J" rn.-" " -"r Ikai la . the coaat.. mountalfta. -and.. tha
IS roaff lr tvetng projected primaMly for th
1 market bafora It becomea worthlaaa.
Colonel R. A. MUler. '(4, waa
president to succeed P. H. D'Aroy of
Salem. Joseph BuchteU '6 J, on of Ore
gon and Portland', bast known pio
neer, waa chosen aa .vie president,
and George H. Hrmee, fer the twefrty
alxth oonsecutlve time, waa vested with
th honor and toll of tha eeeretaryshlp:
Charlea K. Ladd, 'ST. ana a native aon
of tha atate, was chosen treasurer, 'and
aa directors; N. H. Bird, Ml, Portland;
Cyrua H. Walker, II. Albany, and A.
X Carter, MS, a native of Oregon, liv
ing In Hood River. v ,
.- Sea Otty rretm Aato,
Mem bars f th Portland Automoblla
rttiS fnrnlaheil nearly anourh machlnaa I failed
to show -all tha pioneers around the
''Honolulu, June 11. Word has Juet
reached here that labor contractor have
succeeded In shipping another lead ef
Hawaiian; laborers to go to tha Alaakan
canneries.- . . . .
Tha laborer will be picked na at
Koloa by a San Framclac ateamer and
taken direct to Alaska. Tha laat at-
to aeoure Hawaiian laborers
when th men taken to San
Franciaoe oa tha - Senator refuaed ' to
city yesterday and many of them en- I traneahlp for tha north.
joyed the beautiful ecenlo ride. Others
attended the banquet In the Armory.
There were said to be nearly 1600 prea
ent at th feast. 4
F. X Matthlau of Champoeg fame.
Captain Thomas Mount, Grandpa John
Mlnto of Salem and many other spoke
for a few minute before the pioneer
yesterday. Some Chinook conversa
tions were held, too, in which the unini
tiated could not Join, but which were
njoyabla, nevertheless.
(Catted Prwa taaaS Wlrs.1
Victoria, B. C, June It. Another an
archistic plot, almllar to that for which
Kotuku and hla associate were execut
ed several months age, ' which also
aimed to assassinate th Japanese em'
peror, haa been discovered at Nagoya,
according to advleae brought by the
Awa Mara. Th , police found a large
atore of dynamite and other explosive
hidden in the house of Genmatau Goto,
who waa ona of tha Kotuku group, and
had been imprisoned and under police
surveillance aa a result. Under rigid
Investigation h confeaaed to the plot,
like that which lad te th exeoutlon of
TCbtdku and aaaoclatea. Included In th
explosives found in hla house were it
sticks of dynamite, 72 gun fuaea and
other- destructive material.
(Special Dtsaateh to The leenal.t
Kewberg, Or., June Jlv Nawberg
w)U have a rose featlval Saturday.
and are making elaborate preparatlona
for tha event Business houses will dec
orate, a parade, program, elaborate
floral decorations and other attractions
will be given. Committee are making
arrangementa for th entertainment of
farmers who are Invited to come and
participate in a baaket dinner and enjoy
the day.
8. M. : To ourlfv tha blood, tone un
mi ayaiem, snarpen tne appetite, ana
fret new life and strength) there la noth
ng like taking a good tonic. If you will
go to any drug atore and get one-half
pint alcohol and one ounce kardene and
mix them together, then add one-half
cup sugar and boiling water to make a
full quart, you will have on of the best
tonics known to medical aclence. It I
Inexpensive and by taking a tableepoon
ful before each meal, you will Boon get
rid of your Dimples and liver blotches
and your aallow akin will take on the
tlat of perfect health. Thla excellent
tonic haa a moat beneficial effect upon
the complexion and will brace you un
from that "played out" feeling.
Nancy: Don't worry even if your
eve do aeem to be weaker and losing
their color. You can easily . maka them
strong and lust aa clear, brtaht, spark
ling ana run or color as aver by putting
I am glad to repeat
of that wonderful remedy
Ada (also Eve):
tha formul
for hair and acalo troublee
gether one-half pint alcohol.
Mix to-
pint cold water and on ounce qutnsoia
hi tonlo I noted for it remarkable
hair growing properties aa well as for
stopping falling hair and deatroylng
dandruff. I have known many people
thla tonic regularly twlca a week on
their scalpa soon had aa luxuriant and
fin hair aa any one oould deal re. It
checks acalp irritation Inktantly and
makes the hair glossy, fluffy and free
from sickness. Many high claaa hair
dressers and barbers use thla tonlo ex
clusively and with excellent result.
Maude: The trouble Soma hairs of '
which you speak .can be quickly re
moved oy applying plain delaton. Get
an ounce of delaton from your druggist
and with a little mix om water to
form a paste. Hpread on hairy aurfae
and in two or three minute rub off
and waah the akin. Tou will have te
fay a dollar an ounce for delatone, but
t la worth it aa it rarely require th
aecond application.
Quickest Results Are Obtained' by Want Ads in The Journal
CofflapsIMe Go-Cart So5(0)
Foley Kidney Pills
Tenle la Action Quick la Be suit.
Give prompt relief from BACK
and all annoying URINARY IRREG
ULARITIES. A positive boon to
Ramey. 100 N. ltth St.
1.. writes: "My work re-
Mr. Harry B.
Hnrlnr field. 111..
quires a great deal of stooping and bend
ing. Some time ago I noticed a sharp
pain over my kidneys which grew worse
and I found I could not walk without
being all tired out. My kidney action
waa too frequent and painful and I
could hardly Bleep. I waa troubled
with dlxxlneas and apecks before my
eye. I got a bottle of Foley Kidney
PHI and took them a directed and the
Here's the dandiest little cart for $5.50
that you ever saw. Neat and trim with
hood and front guard complete upholster
ing black or maroon enameled gearing
10-inch wheels heavy tires folds up per
fectly flat back Is adjustable to any posi
tion. A strong, cozy, trim little cab just
cozy enough and large enough for your
little one.
A one-motion collapsible go-cart, worth
$7.50, for the special price of
flret few day showed they were dolm
good work. I kept on taking them and
am jiow no longer irouDiea a i waa.
am aa strong and well aa I ever
and all this la due to Foley Kidney Pllli
which I recommena to people wun km-
club, la connection -with the Commer-1 Btora Morrison and Weat Park ata..
ciai ciuo, nave taxen me matter in nana woodard. Clarice Drug uo.
Cash or Credit Terms to Suit
' One hundred and eighteen graduates
of the Washington High school received
their diploma last night at the as
sembly room of.the school from Mra.
Li. w. anion, cusinniw ui in 0(1004
board. -.
' At least 1B0O frlnd and remttvea
crowded the auditorium, which was
Very prettily decorated with flowers
and llghta.
' President Homan of Willamette uni
versity was unable to attend owing to
the death of Mrs. Homan'a mother. The
address to the clasa waa delivered by
Or. E, N. Todd, vie president of the
same Institution, who spoke on "A
.World's Cltlsenshlp." Several mualoal
numbers were also given.
! Logger Killed by Falling Tree.
(Speela! Dliph e The JaoraaLt
Marahfleld, Or., June 22. Nothing
has been learned of the relative of
Thomas Douglas, who was killed while
working in th Beely ahd Anderson log
ging camp on the Coqulllo river. The
body haa been taken to Bandon. .The
man some time ago told some of the
Joggers that ne naa a hair brother m
Kugene. uougiaa waa iirum pj a sail
ing tree and Instantly killed, f
Tenth and
Alder Sts.
Suits, Coats, Children's Wear, Millinery, Corsets, Waists
Great Friday and
Saturday Special
ion Sale
All Suits Reduced
arid Stratton are included.
A decisive clearaway of every women's tai
lored suit in our superb stock. Suits from such
famous makers as Schwarcz, Maloney, Deutsch
From the highest priced to the most inexpensive all reduced.
Sewing Machine for $25
$1.00 Down, 50c a Week
You do not need to join a club to secure one of these
fine machines. Why pay more than $25 for. a good
sewing machine ?
You are not asked trust prices. No agents no middle
men's profits they come direct from manufacturer to,
$29.50 and $32.50 Suits .$19.50
$40.00 and $35.00 Suit ...... .$24.50
$45.00 and $50.00 Suits. ... ... .$29.50
$55.00 Suits now at .$39.50
$65.00 Suits now at $47.50
$75.00 Suits now at .$59.50
Sale Chase Leather Bed Davenports
$30.00 Values for
BLACK SATlk SUITS, ultra twagger models, formerly, priced at $50 and $45,
now reduced to only $39.50 and.'... . . t. '
rkallip HrACQPgl Misse8' styie Chanie Dresge8 th Dutch $1 A 5ft
VllCtlllw MJl COOCO neck, with leather belts. Choice at, each ff,lUOV
If tou suffer from headache,
indigestion of constipation
that tparUing laxative water
will cure you quickly.
comes n( bottles caDed
apliu and one dote. . 4
AO drug stores, cafes, hotels
$3.39 Petticoat Sale
Italian silk jersey and" taffeta - silk with v Persian
inserted border--Fridajrvaiid. 9 9fJ
Saturday JaJ.Oif
A Corset Special $1.69
Included Narcfese, a $3 grade, and American
Lady $2.50 quality Choice two days J
All Goats Reduced
-, " ' f t'- . - 4-''- ''
Pongee Coats," only .v. .... .w. . .
Pongee Coats only !.V.. U . li
and $29.50 Ponge Coats, Only ...
Buy Friday and Saturday while we are
reducing prices in anticipation of inven
tory. ,-.'
.....f 19.50
$25 White Serge Coats, only
$25 and $29.50 Models, only . .
$45 Marquisette Coats, only ..
.f 24.50
ENGLISH TOP COATS, in, tan. gray, navy blue, scarlet.,
BLACK SATIN COATS, $35-.ancK$4fr values, reduced to. . ,
...t $29.50
Children's Presses
Ages 6 to 14 years. We guarantee them to
waah without fading. Your choice, 2 days
59 c
Covered with Chase leath
er. Frames are made of gen
uine oak, quartered, in weath
ered oak, early English or
golden finish. They are fit
ted with box wardrobe, strong
steel construction, biscuit tuf
ted, made like
the above cut. .
711, uiotun iui-
rmxrxaxaxcmi :
Investigate Our Confidential Credit System
Oar Qpen Account or Easy Credit System is the most dignifiedthe most confi
dential credit plan ever devised. It makes no difference what your income-is, you'
can enjoy the comforts and conveniencesof a well-furnished home by paying for the
ods as you use them. No publicity nored tape.
m It
aulta In relieving, an many of their bur. .
dnsoms fat. (,rt four ounrrs of par
notla at any lniK store, dlssolv It In
one and ona-half iilnta hot water and
when cool, atraln out the. sediment aad
take a tableapoonful of the liquid ba-
fore each meal. Tbls remedy Is harm,
leas and cuts down fat rapidly without
the Inconvanlencea of dtxtfns; and eisr
clalna. It haa accomplished excellenl
raaulla where other remeilos failed.
. 1
1 .