The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 21, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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, . ilJ.I ULUl - J.La.LJi , U.-J-UJJJLIJ L- '.'I l'lJLJ!L.JJ.LJ.ilIiJA4UUJtOI!IIL'.J'ilLJI.i-IUUIULl t I U.MI
in i:
r X C.
PEIM3 John Irsw In "Smith" v '
OHl'liEUM Orpbeum Circuit .yeuae.
vine. ; t ,
BAKEK Vaudevlll V : ,
PA NT AGE Vaudeville. ' ' '
ORANI-eulllven Coneldlne, Teude-
villa. ' , - , .
OAK 8 PARK Bend or. cart I grand
opera ouertet, aternoon an4 "
Flrat run pictures, 11 a. m. to 11 P
Weather Condition. '
Thar haa haan a marked decrease of
atmoapherle preeeure over the Pacific
northwaat. and trough of relatively
low praaaura, extending from Artaone
to Washington, tha Paolflo
slops. Another depreaelon la noted ever
tha extreme northeast- High praaaura;
obtsins over central United isiaies ana
(snada-enerallv. Llaht ralna have
fallen to northeastern Oregoivnorth'
weet.rn California,, northarn Nevada,
aouthweatern Colorado, tha weatarn por
tion of. tha bakotaa. Manitoba. Tan
neesee. South Carolina, Maine and Que
bec, and modaratalr heavy raina m
north central Montana. Saskatchewan,
aouthaaatarn Texas, and aaatarn North
Carolina .Thunderstorms wre reported
from Baker, Roseburg, Wlnnemuoca.
pnoenix. Havre, ana awni vurrani.
niilmnm milnA v.lnrltv tit 44 I1S a
hour from tha northwaat waa reported
from North Haad, Waah. la Interior
California, tha Baaln states, tha lower
Mississippi valley, tha Lake ration, and
eeetward to tha Allan Uo . oeet, the
weather la slightly cooler. Except in
California, tha North Atiantio ana can
trai uuir atataa icnpiruuru ara
aratlw ihMi AArmaL
CnnAMlnnm ar favarahla for ahewara
f anarallr. In thla dlatxlct tonight, and
aaat af tha Caacada mountalna Tbura
dav. Thundaretorma will ooour locally
aaat af tha Caacadaa, ana winoa wm pa
vanabia. Dacoming nonnwwitnf
Portland and Vlcinltri Showara t
night Tburaday probably fair. Bout
wat t sarthwaat wtnda.
Oragon and Waahlngton: Showara
waat. abowara and thundaratprma aaat
portion tonight Thuraaay rair way,
ahowara aaat portion. Varlabla wlnda,
bacomlng north weatarly.
'Idaho: Showara and thundaratartna
tonight and Tburaday. -
: Maota-a KcXrldas rnnaral Tha fa-
naral of fomaar United Stataa Senator
Oaorga W. MoBrlda waa held yeaterday
at Trinity church, -tha eervloee having
baan eondnetad by Rav. w. A. at. uraes
and Dr. A. A. xornaoa. na pau
baarara ware: Aaaoclata Juatloa T. A
Moora, AaaocUta faatloa Oaorga H. Bur
nett Charlea W. Pulton. Mayor mmon,
PhU MaUohan. D. M. Dtinna, juaga i . j.
Claaton. I. I Patteraon, W. D. Panton,
J. C Moroland, rranli X. Lavall and
Jamea Muck la Rev. Brack eondnetad
tha eervlcea at tba crematorium.
- Oairtan Plaa Xxoralo The Port
land Latter Camera aaeoolation will
. ran an exouralon to Latanrelle rail
July I. Tha eteamer Monarch baa baan
ehartarad for tha aeeaalon. Tba purpoee
af tha azoureloa la to ralaa funda for
tha benefit of tha aaeociatlon which la
need to pay alck benenta and pravlda
for the wlvea and children of dlaabled
member Thla la tha flrat excureloa
Ivan under the auaplcaa of tha letter
camera for four or fire yeare, but here
after it la propoeed to make It an an
nual affair.
; ' JTec Xtra Captain The city dvll aerv
Ica aommlaeion haa oartlflad tba namaa
af 11 ft ram an who paaaad an examina
tion to provide eilglblee for the poel
"tlona of eaptain In tba "fire department
There are three vacanciee. Tba three
receiving the beat marking In the ex
amination are: W. A. Oroce. Il l; R. O.
Voaa. l.9; EL K. Lahmann, 87.. An
examination to aecurt eilglblee for the
poaltlon of captain In the police depart
ment will be held July si.
. Bz. T. 7. Sale land, the well known
chiropractor and the flrat In the waat.
haa returned to tha city and will be
at hla offlcea. 151 Eaat Thirty-third
treat corner of Belmont during big
veual houra, prepared to cure Buffering
humanity. Dr. Relaland will treat thoee
who are unable to .come to hie offlcea
at their homea. Phone Tabor tl. Beat
dence Tabor 7 SI.
Coronation Window Tha J. K. OIU
company have decorated one of their
large ehow windows In honor of the
coronation. Ptcturee of the king and
queen and many plcturea of London
aeenery make a very beautiful and ap
propriate display. The display will re
main through Thursday and Friday.
. Third and Aider atreeta.
Paolflo States Plre Znsnraaoe Com
pany, home office, Portland, Or., room
100 Chamber or Commerce building,
Phones: Marshall , A-4II1. a
Steamer lease xarktnn for Camaa.
Washougal and way landings, dally ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street
dock at i p. m. -
Diamond Konae ralnt NJone better.
11.00 per gallon. Good paint brush. 71 o.
Portland Sash & Door Co.. 210 Front e
Rag rags for sale at the People's
Institute, 284 Burnaide st Reasonable
price. Hours 6 a. m to fi p. m.
' Wednesday Select Club Sanoe Rlng-
lar'a, new hau, Becona and Morrison to
night . a
- Anto Stage to Tillamook 'Leave Port
land and willamina, Call East 141.
Ante Stage to Tillamook Iaave Port
land and Wllamina. Call Marshall 710.
- W. A, Wise and associates, .painless
dentists, Third and Washington; ,
. Xkododendron, Tavern. " near " Mount
Hood la now epen. Oregon's finest
mountain resort where flahlng la
Riding aoreas the plains of Umatilla
county, than Into. the sbeap section of
Morrow.' through the wheat flelda ef
OUUam, Into tha hlUe ef Sherman and en
to Waaoo, ' A, C Power, repreeentatlve
for the Pebdletoa Round-up. reached
Portland laat evening, having ahlpped
hla tough little saddle horse from The
Dalles. He made the trip from Pendle
ton In leas than week.
"It's going te be some roand-ap this
year." aald Mr. Power. "Folks say we
have the finest grandstand In the weat
and the new park Is a hum-dtnger. The1
grandstand and bleaehera will seat IS.'
00t people,. and If necessary we can aeon
build more seats. We have a fine Quar
ter mile race track and a dandy half
mile pleasure drive. And te keep It in
good condition, we have organised
driving elub that la working overtime."
Bee treat tana
Mr. Power made the ride from Pendle
ton on "Doc," winner of the half mile
race at the Round-Up last year, winner
ef the northwest pony, express raoe ana
third In ths relay race.
Doe la sure some horse," aald Mr.
Power. Tou've got to hand It to Doe.'
Any time they gat away from Doe,' be
lieve me they got to ge seme.'
The -Round-Up thie year promises to
acllnaa laat year a performance ny a
hundred per cent . thinks Mr. Power.
Ths wildest mean eat bronchos from over
the United Statea will be there aa win
the riders for them. From Colorado,
Wyoming, Utah, Montana, Waahlngton
everywhere where there are bronchos
and riders. The hllla of northern Arl
sona will be made to give up their un
tamed, unbranded ateeda: the Hole-lathe-Wall
country of Wyoming will be
acouted for the backers,. and the eastern
Oregon man-killers will, be rounded up
for the fray.. . f
$380 Saddle FrUe,
rt. ffrat mrta for the winner of the
buoklng broncho contest will be a ItBO
aaddle. aald to be one of the flneoT
on Champion "Doc".
band carved saddlea ever turned out It
la now being made by B. L. Power aV
Son. of Pendleton, and 4t will be ex
hlblted at the Seattle Potlatoh. after
ward at Portland and at the Cheyenne
Frontier ahow, which will be held the
latter part of Anguat It will do doubj
attract a great number ef outside riders
Beside ths bad horses that took part
In the . contest last year Dynamite
Llghtfott. Blue Blaaea and the Nelson
horse there will be other bad ones from
ether states. Inoludlng Teddy Rooeevelt
Jr., said to be the worst horse In Wyom
ing. Teddy Roosevelt Jr- is a nsw find
and he le aald to be It times worse
than Steamboat who could buck mor
ways than waa aver dreamed of. Steam
boat haa lost many of hla laurels, for
many oowpunchers have auccessfnlly
ridden him straight up, but no one hag
yet successfully negotiated Teddy. Then
there will be a number of other horses
yet unnamed the owners can't think of
names that sound vicious enough.
Woman Rider's Challenge.
Mra. Dell Blanchett Wyoming's fam-
ous woman rider, wjli be at the Round
Up with a challenge to any woman rider
In ths world te ride a bucking broncho
without pulling leather. She rides 'em
all alike and It Is said that few men
can stick to the saddle In emergencies
as well aa aha.
Buffalo Rill haa nrnanlaaA K nra.
ent at the Round-Up this year, as haa
uurrajo vernon. the famous bull doe-cer.
Other noted bull doggers will alao be
present Bull dogging consists of catch
ing a wild Texea. eter t)V the horna
and -throwing him and holding him on
the ground a dangerous pea time with
accent on the dangerous.
The QSte for tha 1111 Round-TTn hkm
been fixed for September 14. . IE and
8. Laat year about 10.000 oaonla m
the contests; this year preparations are
being made to entertain 80,000 and it la
fully expected that mat nun will at.
Dr. Calvin S. White to Address
' National Meeting at
r Los Angeles.
That Oregon Is making great ef
forts to protect publto health aa any
ether state la the union will be the
message which Dr. Calvin S. White,
state health officer, will carry te the
meeting of the natlon'a health officers
la Loo Angeles June 10,
, Dr. White will leave Portland . for
Los Angeles tomorrow He win address
the editors ef medical publications on
"Medical Organisations In the Hotel
Alexandra at Loa Angeles next Monday
evenine. . The subject of his address
before the health, authorities of ths
United States will be "Railway Sen!
tatlon" . . I .
A number of Portland physiolaas en
pact to attend the meeting of the Amer
ican Medical aaaooiauon in nan rraa
olsoo. which will bs followed by a elm
tier meeting In Loa Angeles. All will
return to Portland for tha annual meet
Ing ef the Oregon State Medical aeae-
elation July 10-11-11.
important Maetlnf.
Thla year's meeting of the state mad
leal aeeoclettoa will be the most Ira
portent It haa ever held, dsn to the
national fame of the speakers. Dr
Masyok P. Ravenel, director of the
Wisconsin Stats Hyglenlo laboratory,
profeeaor ef bacteriology In the Unl
veretty ef Wisconsin snd the world's
leading expert la the relation ef hu
man and bovine tuhereuioeie, wiu ne
speaker In chief with two addreseea,
the first "The Relation Between Hu
man and Bovine Tuberculosis"; the see-
ond. -Control of Bovine Tuberculosis."
'otntng at a time when the eta te
le effort that Is being msds to ellm
Inate tuberculosis from among the dairy
herda of the state Is attended by the
dispute as to the transmlsstblllty of tha
bovine "whits plague" to human kind,
the assertions of so great an authority
as Dr. Ravenel are expected te have
Important effect on the Oregon situa
Other prominent Speakers.
Among tha ether announeetaente on
the program are:
Dr. John B, Murphy of Chicago, en
the work at Mercy hospital.
Dr. John B. Deaver of Philadelphia
on some surgical topics.
Dr. W. J. Butler of Chicago will de
liver an address en "Serum-Therapy.'
Dr. It M. Fusel! ef ths University
ef Pennsylvania will give one or more
papere en "Internal Medlolne."
This will perhaps be one of the great
est opportunities for post graduate
work that haa ever been offered te the
medical profession of the state.
Ths social and entertainment fee-
tares will be unusually attractive. The
City and County Medical society will
be boot at a banquet"
Burglar Sentonord.
Henry Ingersoll. ths confessed bura-
lar who waa captured last week by De
tectives Tiohenor and Howell, with a
large quantity of Jewelry in his pos
session, , waa santenoed by Judge Tas-
well to nine months la ths county Jail.
The Jewelry Is aald te havs been taken
from various east slds homss.
craft Is new being made ready for vis
itors day, and whan that time arrives
aha will be as eleea and bright as new.
Trevcllnf Salceman Bank nipt.
. Mark O. Potter, a traveling sales
man,, baa been adjudged a bankrupt
upon hla voluntary petition in the Unl
ted Statea district oourt Ha haa Ua-
jbllltles of 1718, unsecured, and ne
property except household goods vsl
anas a m t m a I property axcp nouaenoia gooas vei-
All May, See Cruiser From 1 . or, which exemption
a. '-I ar I at I fVt abn
0 UIOCK ; 10 0 Pe 11. TO ,
Be Spio and Span.
Sunday will be visitors' day on the
United States cruiser Boston, which baa
been turned ever by the government
to the Oregon naval mllltla, and which
Is now at anchor In the harbor at the
foot ef Eaat Oak street Lieutenant
Commander Sealer baa ftsed the hours
from 1 o'clock te o'clock. The bistorts
uy . . a
M tin ai.i r.
wny noi oe
Safe? V;
If. when yon buy or loan on 1
real aetata, you accept an 1
1 abetract leaned by al eon- 1
f earn without the equipment 1
I and proper facilities for 1
I this work, you ARK JT.O- 1
We have the equipment
that enablea us to prepare
abaolutely authentie ab
atrarte -and back of our
eortlfioate atatlng that the
abatraot IS reliable le ear
capital of half a million
dollara. Thla Is your secur
ity if we make a mletake.
what would secure yoa if
the Irreeponslbls fellow
maae oner,
The OldRellable
union Painless Dentist
. Wll"T,
OTTf Of TOW nOPU aboalS
membwr that our force le ao organised
that we caa do their entire crown,
bridge and plate work la a day If nee
Full Sat ef Teeth ...SS-OO
Bridge worn er Teem witnoat
Platee S3 60 to
Oold Crewne 9'4-oQ te
Porcelain crowne ....gaoO to
Gold or Porcelain Fillings. . . .SI
Sliver Fillings SOe to
IS Tearo gaaraatee.
Honrs I a. m. to I p. ss.t Bundaya
I M la
Union Dental Co.
Only IS ears left for as te aa baat
neea U. Wa aleee laly a.
fL AA For Suits worth
tbt)eUU $15.00.
fff For Suits worth
07 I O $20.00.
AlO ip For Suits worth
A large Msortsaent te pick from
in au aiaes.
Men's Suits
SuiU worth $15.00,0.170
dn np
Suits worth $17.60. aSO. .7 0
rlef-i mm
Suits worth $23.00.iy. O
(10 iP
Suits worth $30,Ol .40
Boys' Suits $1.05
Lawn Waists 294
Silk Petticoats $1.68
Ladies' Trimmed Hats.,. 054
Lingerie Dresses $2.10
seigeiaa of every kind and deeexip-
Bet 2d and 3d. .
! . Seveatk Tay:
Paoaee Main 1 and A-llX
f 'LA8T TIMX TONIQHT, 1:11. .
,;'la hla latest enmedy . gueoeaa.
. VJUTM. .
Er.nlnga Low.r floor, II. 11. 10. Pal
cony, rows, tl.10: I rows, i; rows,
fie; roW. Joo. Gallery, io. Mat.
tomorrow. 11.10, II. Uo. tio. Ito, Its.
xxzuo TUAtma
. Speolai Prloa Matinee Saturday.
. The Favorite Comedienne ,
In Her Famous Comedy Hit
The metnveestton ef Annt raav.'
Evsnlnga Lower floor 11.10 II. baW
cony, t row a i. rows Tie. 11 rewn 10c
ii a a a . . a.
itU. SVG. 99fJ.
3 A ICE , JS "aid 14)M
Sierra L Bakes. Maaawea. -
Blrgeat and eooleet summer vaudeville
and Photo Play theatre In the elty. AU
high class acta. First' run photo plays.
ads moot xor uo least money.
I OeCfcneVen Undsr Tan 5 .
Afternoons, twe-ahows, starting at I.
Evenings, continuous, starting t:I0, Xn-
tire change of bill
am. aT m. m m
f KAnr a. a low -
1 uatimxm STSjrr sat
ran it
t easle hurrr. "r1ia ytute STaawW
one aieea-.taaewral Bdward bavle
aleane Many nlllvan ai
to Borla TtIHi af lllar ajaa
Xrla -rienura r,ieatr.
Q RAIN D Week Jane 19. 1 til
The OhesterfleU I Peal Caae ft Oo.
The Wilsons
. RUes and Bess
Pearl Teoaa
Barmard's ManiMaa
TeUlaa; Tlaasly
Talea Plena Be-
the "Oora."
HltMM evamv Amm l it mv.-m a. 11.
Bvenlng nerformanoee at T:l and :ll:
be loony, lac; lower floor llo, ben aeau
loo. . -
al - VfnnnielaJ Waa twTlm-
Fine meals. Anto stage makes rouna
trtp dally. Further Information see
RAwevThatcher company. SI4-I Cham
ber of Commerce. Marahall Til.
Tnalatln Academy Graduate.
(Special Dispatch te Ta JosraaU
Pacific University, Forest Qrovs, Or.,
Juns II. The graduating exercises ox
Tualatin academy took place yesterday
in Rrlarhteh chaoel. The gold medal
declamation contest was won by Miss
rbm Bluchar. Miss saisahetn uariyie.
of roraat Orova. waa awarded the achol
arahtn madal for the highest class stand.
Inga during ths last two ysars of her
academlo oourss ksv. jonn tn. jjowaon,
pastor ef tha Hansels atrseA church of
Portland, gave tne aoaress w ine crnaa.
using aa his subject "The Independence
of Clroumstancee and uonaiuona
There were 14 membera or ue ciaas
follows: Keith Abraham, Marlon
Bechen, Rosa Blucher, ,Kutn (jaay,
Elisabeth Carlyley Gertrude Davis, Ivan
Donaldson, Donald Lancerieia, Bert
Lawrence Benjamin Readier, - ciiirora
Rogers, Margaret Shaw, Ruth Thomas,
Slav Walker. Last evening Lawyer
B. Clark, of Portland., addreaaed. the
Alnmnl association.
Card ef Thanka.
We -Wish to extend our heartfelt
thanka dnd appreciation to the many
friends. who have given evidence of their
resnrd In the beautiful floral offerings
and many acts of kindness on the oc
casion of the death of eur beloved hua-
flneet.'band and father -
An Old Jewelry. Firm
With a New Location
... . ' -v'.y. ' r-'.' .a v ; . f "
We extend you an invitation to visit us. Just come on an
. inspection tour. Ask for Mr. Frank Heitkemper, he will'
personally conduct you over the store. We are justly proud
pf the perfection'of our store. Ask to see the Crystal Room
:the diamond office---the systematized repair office the
v burglarproof jewelry vaults the pneumatic . tube : service.
. We are unpacking the newest and most complete stock;
: known , to the jewelry trade, and the' silversmjthing arts.
However, our policy of giving ' the veryhtwrith the '
margin of profit marked vefy close to the coft price, ri-.,-;mains
the same.; , ; sf, '
G. Heitkemper; Co.
l i
Dryad, Wash., Mill Man Was
Only 22 Years Old and
Recently Married.
(Spll Iltateh to "fta Joaraal.t
' Centralia. Wash.. June 21 M M.
Read, a member of the firm of Baker.
May St Co., lumbermen and mill own
era of Dryad and Mesklll, waa drowned
tn tne cnenaii river yesterday. His
body was found asveral hours after I
death. Although no one witnessed his I
death. It la believed that he fell from a
log in the water, striking his bead aa ha
dropped. A bruise on his brow shows
met ne was stunned when he felL
Mr. Reed waa II years of aae and
had acquired part ownership but a few
montha bexors his death. He wat re-
csntly married to Miss Fruln of Dryad.
; .... , ,,!.,.., , y
Dr. Francis Loses Second Milt
IgnMlal fHanatck to The JancsLlV
Centralis, Waah June 11. Tha mill
of Dr. Thomas B. Francis, four miles
north f centralia. waa destroyed bv
flames last night Dr. Francis retired!
from practloe some time ago and went
into tne lumcer industry. His mill
burned a few montha ago, and the new
mm had only recently been finished.
County Clerk Fields waa arrested yes
terday by Motorcycle Patrolman SI ma
on a charge of speeding his auto at the
rate of IB atllee an hour.
Flelda testified y. that his son,
who was .driving may" haveet-
ceeded the speed limit but he did not I
ueuoTa so. i ne patrolman gave poaltlve
evidence that the speed was II miles aa
At Friedlander's
The Special This Week
Will Be
Just A Little
Annoyance te get aec
the Bifooal or double-lens glasses,
but after this first troubls - of
"accommodating" to the near and
far vision, thsy are a real comfort
I fit all the different kinds of
Bifocals, Including Kryptoks, the
only perfectly Invlalble kind. I
last fit glasses, and Z know hew.
No overcharge; no misrepresentation.
Salts 487 Mnrauam BoUdiag,
rovxTx rzioom.
Tfnnnialaa WaaaVvlTla.
AXXi TRTS WXXX IS Ortgtaal Beev.
ton Fe4sttte-lrhe stoat Oetobraeed
woman vronestra u ue weridi A
Jordan Oo.j WIU Mars, FaWaalr
Beramani Frank SCoOrea Co. I Faav.
tageseopei Popnlar Frloesi Mitlaee Dal
ly. QartahiB SOO. TiSO, S.
Park and Waahlngton Streets. .
xzax OXJUS y
Motion sPlcturco
MADAME OTHIC, Soprano. .
MISS CELROT, Violinist
Admission 10c; Private Bon lie.
Oaks Park
. . . yy t':1.
Great Amusement Resort
Great Success Oaks Park Sand And
Grand Opera Quartet 14 acres ef solid
fun. Natatortum now open take a
swim. The. wonder of the Northwest,
the Ostrich Farm. High class Open Air
Concsrts every afternoon and evening.
Moat delightful suburban rids from any
part of the city. sc. Aamiesion two,
children le, under years free. Cars
every few mlnu tea First and Alder.
Launches foot ef Morrison at
$25 Diamond Rings. Reduced to $20.00
$35 Diamond Rings, Reduced to $28.00
$50 Diamond Rings, Reduced to $40.00
$65 Diamond Rings; Reduced to $52.00
$75 Diamond Rings, Reduced to $60.00
$100 Diamond Rings. Reduced to $85.00
Set to Suit
5 the Purchaser
If You Find It
hoar. , suspended sentence was
posed. , ,....".'..,.;.., 'y;
A. C Rudy who waa arrested for run
ning 10 miles an hour waa fined
Merchants of St Johns closed their.
wm yasiarany auring tne ranerai or one
or tneir most esuemed cltlsens, Charlea
A. Wood, who died at the St. Vincent's
hospital Saturday afternoon after an
Illness of a few deys. ' r., ,
A special train left St Johns at 11
o'clock carrying the friends ef the de
ceased to Flnleys chspeL where the
funeral Service was held. -, , ' , t
Journal Want Ad bring Neulta, ,
Forty Years of Upright and Unfail
ing Integrity have made the name of
FRIEDLANDER an absolute guar
anty for all articles offered for sale
;yr.y '..; . 'v-,'.;y'-,
Star Theatre
Direction People's Amascment Co.
Today Jomorrow. Friday
and Saturday
Pathe Film d'Art, SpedaL .
Matchleit Double Production ef
"FsMt. : .
Soeciil Music from Opera by
Messrs. Thorn, Carney, Carney and
Flower Sons; (Italian) In Costume,
by Miss Helen Lowe. ...
Violin Obligate, by Crystal
Broeckal. '
Popular Ballad, by Jean Wilson
and 1 '
- J Other Fine Pictures J v
SQIMW, India
Western. - y '. ii...;
OF '62. , ' . 1
STAR next Wednesday, Lawoiv-
er's Life, 5 Reels, Most Massive Spec
tacle of the Age. - ' . f
I To make both ends meet, you can ease
tne ouraen eonsiceraDiy Dy nuying ail
your hardware at thla atore. For you'll
find a dollar aroea farther here in the
purcnase or . dependable hardware
you thought possible. . Make the trial
and you u nave tne proof. : .
48 Third Street
Present Location
k Waghington j
Bet Third and Fourth
. ' Future Location
Wilcox Building
Sixth and Washington
Third and Pine
Apply to Mr. Mat Gevuru, care of
Gevurts fic Sons, Second Snd Yamhill
' Multnomah Hotel Co.
-Footer Klclscr
High Grade Commercial and dacttlc
Xaat Tth and Sast Bverett Bta.
seat Mali BSs
filers Recital Hall
Thursday Evening, The Daisy Chain :
All the beautiful It' senr numbers
of the series will be rendered. Mrs.
Lulu Daht Miller, Mre. Mae Dearborn
Bchwab. Mr. J. Roes Fargo and John V
Claire Montelth ' beina the artleta for -ths
evening-, with Mr. Lynn Coevert
accompanist on the Autopiano.
This will also bs the first appear
ance In Portland of Miaa Alloa Oene .
vleve Smith, harpiat, who will render .
Thomas' "Reverie for the Harp." i
Tickets at EilerS Muate House, la the .
new location at Seventh and Alder.
Cos. Taagha and Tweaty-fonrtk Sta.
; TAC0r.lA
. ' . Jose SO, 81, S3, S3. S4, 8ft.
Games begin week days I:0 p. m. Sun
davs t:S4 n. ro.
Admission - Bleaehera 16c: grandstand
. S0C1 boaes zee ex ire. vnuaren, oiearn
era, 10c; grandstand 16a. Ladles' dr
. Friday. Boys under 13 free to bleacit
ers wedneedsy.
a; 1 C
icrtknd Prlr.l::
"Stosk, Catalog
Xtoek SladUf aad suask I
11 Taylor St. Ft-::::A?; '