The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 21, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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l I I H 1 1 1 'I 'I III' I T 1 I I " 'I"
Government to Buy 4,000,000
Open . Air 5; Reproduction of JJ B. Robinson-Says A;B.r Ewj
Men Leave The Dalles to Keep Silverman Accuses Hennessy
Climax of the Commencement
Days Comes This Morning
at the Campus.-
Feet for Use In the Mare
Island Navy Yard.'
'.tlectra" to Be Given for. Ing Misrepresented Terms'
Flames From the Grain oT Vanous Things; Charges
:of Contracts.:
Fields. . Are Threatened.
1: '
: :" tmdcd d APcn Tn DDtCQTnDAMA ; n cd n
i t Miima m , r mw m m tiiii iiiyiii
iimuLi. i LnuLUj i u i.iiluliii uanuin uilu ltimu ultilu
i mi I v . i I I
' ' r - . ',".
. 1
' (BrUI Plapates Tht Jrvrnal.)
"t'nfverelty of Oregon, Eugene. Or,
- June II. Graduating exorcises drew a
big and happy crow to the ctmpui
rthls morning when degrees were granted
' to the large class named In yesterday's
The NimUr meeting of the board of
' regents was held yesterday, under the
- Increased membership rule aa provided
' for In the last legislature, nesld.-s
Charlea H. Fisher and A C. Dlion. the
new members, Governor Wwt, Secre-
' tary Oloott and" State Superintendent
- Alderman were . present. iTesiaent
1 Campbell reported the total enrollment
In all departments to do aninuui
3- a folio we: Graduate department. ;
college of literature, science, and the
7 arts. $14; . college or engineering, 100.
e summer achool. 80: school of law, 1SS;
J achool of medicine. 74: echool of music,
tot; correspondence achool, 171. The
year's gain In the department at Ku-
gene amounted to II per cent.
T . ateferendom Causae Burdea,
In regard to the approprtatlona Pres
ident Campbell reported that withbold-
lng of toe funds given or me legista
5'ture will rreatlr burden .the .work of
'the university. He lias been obliged to
limit the budget to the. old approprta-
' 'tlon, the Inoreaae In tbo old budget be
T, lng but f IIS. Thle allows for a saving
In salaries of $S0. The budget for
,'"1111. also presented at the meeting,
1 allowing for an Increase of $00. but
'a saving In salaries of 11000 was shown.
The available resources for the year
r- .nn off litsi. in was tnua
i.i m..... ,. Tk. j.-.i i I "L as an attorney, ror one win not
The ball. Or., Juno 11. A prairie I stand for any ourbstono lawyer or the
fire Is raging In the hills south of The
Dalles that has already burned over
about 1000 acres of pasture land. It
started on the Cooper ranch, three miles
west of town, about noon, and was drtv
en across the hills by a stiff west Wind.
Firs fighters are leaving for the scent
of the conflagration and It Is hoped the
district attorney's office to make
kangaroo eourt out of the police court
I Intend to file charges against Deputy
District ' Attorney Hennessy for mai
feasanoo tf office." Attorney 8. J. Sil
verman. A clash recurred ihls morning In Po
lice court between' Deputy District AN
flames cai fee checked before they reach I torney Hennessy and Attorney 8. J.
the grain fields.
(Ualtsd Frew Leeeed Wire.)
New Haven, Conn., una 11. Endors
ing ths decisions of the supreme eourt
In the oil and tobacco trust eases. Pres
ident William Howard Taft today mads
an address at the Tale alumni dinner.
.1 believe tho decisions have benefited
business and laid down a distinction
which It Is. not difficult for any honest
business to follow," he said.
Ths statute, tho president said, applies
to conspiracies and restraint of trade
where the intent la to monopolise and
exclude competition and control prices,
but whore there Is no such conscious
result tho statute does not object to
found Accessary to cut the llowavno J CHIEF TELLS WHY HE
xv. President Camnbell . ' "'w " " '
emphasised the fact that the condition
- of the university must bo temporary as
the continued growth will necessitate a
radical change.
Changes U ths Teoulty.
Captain of Detectives Moore explained
today why ho ordered Old Tupper, who.
In the recent trial of Chief of Police
Silverman over ths dismissal of
case yesterday. In which Silverman
hurled burning asaertions at Hennessy
and threatened to bring charges against
The case over which tho controver
sy started was charges made against
Anna Ruvanaky by Dora Caplan of as
sault with a dangerous weapon. Last
Saturday tho woman appeared In court.
Attorney Silverman representing Mrs.
Caplan and Attorney S. 8. J. MoAllls
ter, representing Mrs. Ruvensky. Both
attorneye asked Hennessy -to havs the
oass continued until today and both
assert that this was agreed to, but U
was set for yesterday and when the
ease was called then, no one respondod
and Hennessy asked that the case bo
This displeased Silverman and when
he appeared at poUce court this morning
to find that ths case had been dis
missed, he shrieked his disapproval.
Hennessy makes the asssrtlon that J
he did not set the case for today, butl
claimed that Judge Taswell set it for
yesterday. Silverman asked that tn
case be reopened but Judge Taswell
ruled asalnat him. stating that ths mat
ter could bo taken before ths grand
The trouble between the women oc
eurred several weeks ago when Mrs.
Caplan took a soda tank to tbo soda
works run by Mrs. Ruvensky to be re
charged. Mrs. Ruvensky saw that the
tank belonged to her and took forcible
i .jig
i ' - m lsh. esnoBBb.
SUto Senator M. A, Miller, who ad
dressed 'the Oreton Pioneer aso-
clatlqn today.
.' Professor C 3. C Bennett was made I Wappensteln. of Seattle, was called "The I possession of it. Mrs. Ruvensky was
actins dean of the school of education
and acting professor of education for
1111-11 In the place or vr. eneiaon wno
arrested at that time on a charge of
asaault and battery but the case was
Tenderloin Prince," to get out of town
Monday night
"Tupper Is an undesirable." said the I dismissed because Mrs. caplan naa not
.has resigned. Dr. Bennett has retained f captain, "we don't want Ms kind !) ere. I been notified when the case was set ror
bo i loia mm 10 get out oi town - ana i inai. uii ween mum mwvrm ig muhim
to get out quick. He did." complaint, charging assault with a dan-
Tupper appeared as a witness against I gerous weapon.
irih, who has reslmed. Ous-I the former Seattle police chief, testify- In discussing the case. Attorney Me
ing in regara 10 uriDe money auegea 10 i Aiiisisr saia: inere mmrmw iu urn prair
have been given to the chief by resort thing peculiar about the case. Twice
the chair of psychology also. Dr. Ed-
mund & Conkllng was elected assistant
professor of psychology to succeed Dr.
7 ' . QiMh.n rt thm AAiurtniMit of nubile
1 speaking was granted a year's leave of
1. science and L. Lerov Johnson was ap- keepers.
pointed in his place. Several advances
of salary, wore made and ths board au
J,' tboiixed the appointment of a professor
-: In the place of U R Alderman, who was
recently -elected . states supenntenoent
of schools. ,
. A Detltlon f ronv the Oregon Scandlna
' vlan society was read, which requested
that the university establish a depart
ment of Scandinavian languages. Phes-
Ident Campbell recommended that this
be don .as soon as - means were avail
President Campbell recommended the
graduation of 111 students from ths uni
versity in ait aepartmenta: -.
' : .Graduate sobooL. 4 ; .college sf Utera
ure,, science and ths-arte, 71; college
,'ot engineering, , li; sonooi ox meoicine,
t IJj.'scheor of law 40; and school of
H i Charles W.i Robinson, - Portland, and POSTOFFICE IS GIVEN
J Percy Collier, Eugene.-are winners, ro-
spectlvelyof the Falling and the Beek-
man oratorical prises, which were con-
The students of ths St Johns High
school have Issued their first school
paper, the Golden Rod, and ths members
of the staff and the contributors to ths
psper deserve special mention for the
work they have done.
The book contains a history of James
John, ths founder of the town which
bears his name, also several Interest
ing stories and poems, besides the plo
tures and mention of the many dudIIs
of the school.
The poem, "Columbia," and "Ths Son
net to Mount Hood," are written by
It has come up and both times the cases
have been dismissed. I don't understand
lit there Is surely something peculiar
there." ,
I, tested (or iw uigm u at part ui tnw
university of Oregon graduating exer
I else. Ths Falling prise, not to exceed
i ; fl SO. Is the Income of an Investment of
Washlnttoa Bareaa of The 2oonuL
Washington, June 21. A postofflce
nas Deen estaouaned at south Junction,
Or with J. W. Foster as postmaster.
i J Portland. . It Is awarded, according to
the terms of the gift "to that member
1 1 ui ui senior class wno intu primuunce
. the best original oration at the time of
, 1 Mm or her rradiiatlon " The Reekman
ij prise, not to exceed 1100. is the Income PMlc regarding the memberahip of the
' -. . . . ...a .u- ...i Lot Annlea lahar nnlnna an in.
mm fi Kill U L tlOUV, uriBBUKV W LUH UIU- 1 . J MU .M-
Increaae Is Enormous.
(Cnited Prees Leasrd Wlre.1
Los Angeles, June 11. Andrew J.
Gallagher, secretary of the State build
ing trades council, tn a report made
verslty by C C. Beekman of Jackson- crease has occurred during the last four
vllle. It Is awarded under the same
' i terms as the Falling prise, except that
; It la given to the second best orator.
1 1 Both prlxes have been competed for
' , c ft n
Robinson's oration, 'The Scapegoat,
; was a stirring appeal for the Jew. Mr.
f i- Robinson, himself a Jew. and one of
the brightest men ever graduated from
, the university, threw his whole soul in
- his speech, which was by far the beet
of the evening. It was with this easts
speech that Robinson recently won tdi
Interstate oratorical contest against the
universities of Washington and Mon
later Heads the Alumui.
The University of Oregon Alumni
association held Its annual meeting and
election, of officers here yesterday.
I i Judge W. T. Slater of Salem was elect-
J i ed president -of the association. The
r, other new officers are Miss Ida Patter-
; son of Eugene, vice president; Ray
Goodrich, Eugene, second vice president;
4 C. W. Converse, Eugene, secretary treas-
urer. rrotessor George- Hugg, Prores
r - nor Carl McLaln and Judge L. T. Harris,
j all of EtiRne, wcie reelected members
of tlm uthletlc councIL In order to
keep alive the "Oregon spirit" shown,
: an appropriation of $200 was made in
order-to send the university paper to
au members or the association.
months, which Is one of the most phe
nomenal In the history of the labor
a V i,
4- The program of the graiiuating exor
cises of the St. Jonns High echool,
I which will be held tomorrow evening at
t .. 8 o'clock In the High school assembly
hall, has been arranged as follows:
It .Music by the High school chorus;
president's address by Elizabeth Stat
f ler; reading by Eva Clark; music; recl
? tatlon by Ermon Wheelock; class poetn
J by Cella Hunkins; music, High school
, chorus; address by Rev. r.enjamtn
t Young; music by the Girls' Olee club.
J - ,ThIs is the third class to graduate from
, the new James John High school and
'' consists of four girls.
Will Visit Bay City.
postmaster Merrlok will go to San
Francisco Saturday night to attend a
meeting of the publishers of western
trade papers devoted to foodstuffs. Ths
editors are to be entertained by A.
Schilling A Co. of San Francisco, and
the party will Include representatives
irom Seattle, Tacoma, Denver, Los An
geles and Salt Lake trade papers.
Indian Is Held.
Frank Johnson, an Indian, accused of
naving stolen eignt head or cattle near
Pendleton, was brought to Portland to
day by Deputy United States Marshal
Hamlin. Johnson was given an exam
ination before a United States commis
sioner and held in $1000 bonds to the
federal grand Jury.
Kilmer Trial Begins.
T. W. Kilmer of Crook county Is be
ing tried this afternoon for selling
wnimtey to Indians on the Warm
Springs Indian reservation. The case
was set for trial, this morning, but
Kilmer attorney. Judge Wolver
ton appointed R. W. Hunt to defend
Kilmer and continued the trial until
this afternoon,
(fUlem Bureau of The Journal.).
Salem, Or., June 21. School directors
In Oregon cannot be recalled until neoes-
sary and proper laws are passed pro
viding for such recalls, Is the opinion
banded down by Attorney General Craw
ford this afternoon. They are'publlo
officers, he declares, snd subject to re
call amendments but because School
elections are special, special provisions
must be made for recall. "When the
legislature provides for Invoking the re
call as to school officers," continues the
attorney general, "If no changes are
made In the qualification of .voters at
school elections, women will be qualified
to sign petitions demanding the recall
of school officers."
The Portland publio schools closed
yesterday for the summer and will not
open again until September 11. Six
hundred and sixty were graduated, most
of whom will enter the high schools
next fall. , .
The average -attendance this year was
25,601. Many of these will go to the
various summer resorts, but the ma
jority will either go to work or put In
their time at the different playgrounds
In the city.
Some of the teachers have already
left for their vacations and within a
few days all will be scattered to the
four winds, resting from their arduous
The St. Johns city fathers bold their
regalsr meeting last night In the city
hall and Carried the buslnees through
with a rush, adjourning at 10:80. The
lawmakers found that the four miles of
sewer which had been recently laid by
L. Seybold was not up to specifications
and therefore did not accept It. The
matter will be taken up again after all
the members of ths council have In
spected the sewer.
The law firm of Whitfield & Coan
served notice on the city of St Johns
for settlement to the extent of $2500
for Injuries sustained by Leslie Peter
son who last February fell into an
open ditch near the. corner of Fillmore
and Charleston streets. The papers re
ferring to this matter were turned over
to the city attorney.
Meetings of Attorneys General.
Salt Lake City.' Utah. June 21. The
annual meeting of the National Asso.
elation of Attorneys General beKan liore-""" -- Z'"..: " k-
.. ... ... . uvwdi lavuv an vvwu hiuird ?
:.:L rpf reBe"tative8 of many vltatlon and he believes It should be
oiatco iu txfciciiuaiii;tt. unuurra laws ana
Tillamook business men are very
anxious to have Portland business men
pay them a visit They want to get
better acquainted-with their neighbors
and promise to give them a good time
jf they will only;make the trip. ,.'
Tom Richardson who was among those
who made the. trip to Tillamook on the
other subjects of common Interest will
bo discussed during the three days' sessions.
.'A. 'two reel production of "Faust."
With musio that in Itself cannot fall to
prove attractive, will be the special at
traction at the Star theatre for four
days, commencing today. Specially ar
ranged musio for this opera will be ren
dered by Thorn and Carney doing double
piano and organ work, and Miss Helen
Lowe ' will r sing Marguerite's- "Flower
Song." accompanied y Fraulein Broe
chart on the violin. ' Other films la the
comedy Una round out the show, and
at tbe Oh Joy and Arcade theatres en
tirely new programs are offered.
Minister, Accused, Sues. ,
Uulted Prwa laaeQ WtrO
Peterson. N. .June 11. Berauae
Charles P. Pintter accused , Rev. C.
Brandt of St Johns Evangelical church
f wanting a rake-off for a memorial
ttlndow, the minister ,tias filed suit for
t00 damage.
Fined for Speeding.
Charles H. Noble, president of the
Monarch Lumber company, was flnftd
$25 this morning by Judge Taswell for
speeding his automobile. He was ar
rested Sunday noon by Motorcycle Pa
trolman Sims while making 25 miles an
hour. He pleaded guilty.
accepted pronrptly.';
"It s a revelation to see that country
down there," said Mr, Richardson this
morning, "and the' merchants of Port
land should not overlook the opportunity
to pay the Tillamook business men a
visit. They have a wonderful country,
and it Is a territory that means much
to Portland." v?
Governor Marshall at TJ. of P.
$10,000 IN WOOLENS
San Francisco, June 21. Customs in-
Philadelphia, Pa., June 21,. Governor spectors today Seised a consignment of
Marshall of Indiana delivered the com- woolen goods valued at $10,000 on the
mencement day oration at the Univer- German Kosmos, liner Seraphla. The
slty of Pennsylvania today. More than goods, customs officials say, were
850 Students received, diplomas, the hmnrht tw ranir of altera! smii.
class being the largest that ever grad-
uaiea irom Uje university.
glers, who were endeavoring to get
them In duty free. The woolens, It Is
asserted, were sewed inside the mat
tresses snd pillows and hidden under
false bottomed seachests and boxes. The
Meets at Cape May.
Cape May. N. J.. June II. ReoreSen
tatives of many of the principal rail-1 entire consignment. It is alleged,; came
roaos or ine united States and Canada from Germany.- ; "r-:
were on hand today at the opening of
the annual convention of the Associa
tion or Transportation and Car Ac
counting Officers. 7 ,
Retirement of Colonel Scott.
Washington, June 21. After $7 years
of active service Colonel Walter' 8.
-ott of the Fifteenth Infantry Was
placed on the retired list of the army
today. Colonel Scott is a native of
Arkansas, but was appointed . to , the
army from California.
a. A R. of Michigan.
Yjsllantl, Mich,. June ll-Thls, the
opening day -.of the state encampment
of the G. A. R-. was devoted chiefly to
welcoming the veterans snd the mem
bers of the affiliated organizations. The
opening exercises will be held tomorrow
morning. The annual parade will take
place In tbe arternoon, and in the even
ing there will be r campflre, with ad
dresses by Governor Osborn and other
I men of note.
While Lorraine Laldlaw. aged IS of
Alymer, Ontario, who has been visiting
with his uncle. Dr. W. R. Laldlaw of
East Fifty-seventh street and Sandy
Road was swimming - at the foot of
Tully street - In the Columbia slough,
yesterday afternoon, he was seized with
crsmps and drowned.
His remains were recovered late in
the evening by Hugh Brady, the city
grappler and turned over to Dunning A
McEntee, and the coroner. - The remains
will be sent to the man's father, Ed-
mond Laldlaw at Aylmer.
Toung Laldlaw, In company with sev
eral companions went to a ranch near
the slough yesterday to pick cherries
and In the afternoon, all went for a
swim, Laldlaw was caught by the swift
current and was' unable to recover him
self. His companions were powerless to
help him.
"Smith," In which John Drew appears
at the Helllg theatre tonight, presents
some new and amusing types. Mr. Drew
ppears as a: former Londoner, back
from eight years' farming In Rhodesia,
He finds his sister surrounded with a
typical bridge playing; coterie. In this
crowd he discovers a bright faced, dean
minded young girl. Smith, his sister's
parlor maid.
One of the reasons for returning to
London was to choose a good, healthy
wife, snd he selects Smith because she
Is a farmer's daughter. He does not
profess to love her, for be believes that
If two healthy persons are placed in
each other's company long enough they
will naturally come to love each other.
But Smith Is romantic and refuses hlnv
The refusal brings about a-aeries of re
freshing love scenes. .- : . .
(United Free Leased Wire
Canton, Ohio, June il. Two,, men
were killed and six severely hurt in a
cave-In today at ft gravel pit near here.
The Injured men! were burled ) 10 min
utes before being rescued through the
frantlo efforts of their comrades to dig
them out ' C;.'V' t
(Continued from Page One.)
The government today placed aa or
der with Pytland and Columbia river
sawmills ror rest or lumber.
to be delivered at Mare Islasd navy
yard, for, juse la; the construction of a
sea walL The materia will be shipped
south from time to time aa needed. In
steam sohoonsrs plying In the coast
lumber trade.- - r'.
About t.000.001 . feet of the material
wanted will be out and supplied by the
Mountain Timber company, Kalama. and
the remainder will be out and supplied
by the Peninsular Lumber company and
the Clark Wilson mill en tbe lower
Wlllsmetta, ' - ,
. The order calls for sticks 14 by 14,
II by 11, and I by 11. 10 feet in lengtn.
The big order. It Is believed, will have
a good affect on the .lumber market.
A earge containing 1.000.000 feet was
sold yesterday by the Mountain Timber
oompany for Honolulu delivery.
Washington, June II. By a vote of
171 to lit the house today refused to
accept the resolution for the direct elec
tion of senators as passed by the senate.
and tho measure was sent to conference.
The vote waa taken on strict party
lines. - Sell (Rep; of Tennessee) voted
with the Democrats. Burke (Dem, of
Wisconsin) voted with the Republican
SqcietyJFoIk; v V "
V.' . A V' ". ' ; I t ; .',
',. . "V ' . '' , ., . ,-. w ,' ,"' " .
Portland Vllr have the-dlstlnctlon of
witnessing the first performance, of the
'Xlectra'! -of Sbphoclea - oy : Raymond
Duncan kndi his company In the open
air next Triday evening. The perform
ance, will be given-at Rookholm. Dr.
A, E. Hockey's home at Riverside, which
Is peculiarly adapted for such an out-
Jf -doors pevformaaee, iuhen has glv
if the "Kleotrs" In several of the larser
cities of the United States 4ut never
before out, of door..
Arrangements have been made where
by the , grounds WiU . be lighted by
torches, after the fashion, of the ancient
Greek theatres, while the musician, all
Oreeka, ajid who. Will play . classical
Greek mualo on ancient Instruments.
IU be stationed about -the grounds.
concealed ty the shrubbery and will an-
Alleging fraud and'fnliirepresentatloi
tn ' the organisation and managemenl
of the Ewlng-RobJnson Land companyl
J U. Roblnsoa started suit thle morel
lng in the circuit against A. HEwlnJ
to recover $X00J paid on land n Tarn)
nui couniy. it is charged that Ewinil
made flattering representations and in!
duced hint o take conIdrat)l . atocil
in me iana concern. , ,
. Robinson states that E wing rep re 1
semea ins company nad options oil
several pieces of land. and. on " tbi
strength of this, secured money front
noDinson 10 pay on xne land. Later Inl
vestlgation by Robinson showed thai
Ewing had not paid the prices he had
reported to the company, snd that pari
Of tbe land had not been nurchaaad... I
The plaintiff alleges Ewlni seourei
an opuon - on tna jrreman nlaoa fol
wr one anouier wun tneiT- nuie cans, i ... ln... ' '
Special scenery used in other perform- m! rSrfh.e1 .Vl . rprt
ancesof plectra" hae beenant from Tr Jfc'h' Iw'n
stan srancisooj . .....
Mr. Duncan has brought te Portland
a considerable -number of tbe members
of his company who 'gave tbe famous
tragedy in ths. east-including Dionvsos
Devarls, who WiU play Orestes i Oeorge
Pappageorge, editor. of the Partheon at
Boston,; and Penelope Dunoan, -who will
play Electra. . Preceding the play Mrs.
Duncan .will - give a- short . program of
Hellenlo .folk songs and ancient sacred
hymns. ,,--' . , - '. ... .
The musicians and. man v of the com
pany have been recruited from native
Greeks living near Portland and those
whom Mr. Duncan has Secured to assist
tn ths pVoduotloa are- eald to be re
markably skilled. Mr. Duncan himself
will give , tbe choral daneea and Gera-
slmus Soumllloe will recite the chorus.
A special train will -leave Jefferson
street station at 7:41 Friday evening
to accommodate those-wishing to-at-
tend the performance.
cured an option on the Nelson place foi
ije.ouo, instead or $17,600 aa Ewing it
charged with representin. (The
place waa held under aa option, whicll
juwins is ecousea or representing to hevl
bees $1T,600, while he secured It ol
the production will be postponed until
the following" Tuesday;
jn; henwood trial
Edna Grady charges la a complain I
for a divorce filed today in the circuit
court that her husband. J. EL Oradyf
burned her clothing to annoy her. Thei
were married In October, liio. and mhl
In case of rain alleges hs has spent all his money fol
(Coiled Prase teased Wire.)
Trenton. N. J.. June II. Complete
returns today from the municipal elec
tion show a plurality of 1911 in favor
of ths adaption of ths commission form
of government In Trenton. Five com
missioners will take over the city gov
eminent August SI, superseding the
present officials.
Ualted fra t aaatd W"tr.
Denver, Colo.. June, II. Examination
of veniremen took up the morning ses
sion today of the trial of Frank N. Hen
wood, charged with the murder of
George Copeland In the Brown Palace I him, and carried a carving knife severe
H. F. Hill complains his wife would
not let him sleep. Hs charges she cam!
in late at night, and refused to get ui
in the morning to get his breekfasd
Mrs. Hill went to her parents home Id
Helena, Mont, last year and has aot rel
turned to her husband. He wants a dil
F, N. Wilde eterted suit for dlvorcl
from Lsjoile Wilde. His complaint II
that she had often threatened to kill
today, that he will go to Marshfield
tonight. It is not known why.
(Special Dispatch to Tbe. Journal)
Marshfield, Or.,, June 21. The two
robbers of the Shasta Limited are now"
probably in Coojr county. Three depu
ties from Douglas county arrived at
Allegany, on Coos river, this morning
in an automobile. ; Tney tnougnt mat
the robbers, after "having been traced
t ftiirtAtv nourlas countv-ihad coma
across on one of the trans to the Al
legany country.
Sheriff Gage went to Allegany this
morning and Joined the" Douglas depu
ties and the officers Will make a search
of the logging camps In that neighbor
hood, believing that perhaps . the men
might seek work as loggers, v-
A man who came in from the Loon
Lake country says the ' two - men have
been In that. neighborhood traveling at
night It -Is .thought they are hiding
In the woods . in the daytime. The
whole country around Allegany will be
searched. '"..,",
Up to 10 -o'clock this morning no
trace of the robbers had been found by
the officers. . , ,
Roereburg. Or., -.June 21. The posse
chasing the Skasta robbers passed Elk-
ton. Or., about -1:10 o'clock yesterday
afternoon; Nothing has.- been- heard
front them since then. They are now
In the vicinity of Allegany. .... .
(Special DLitMteh st Tka JoemaH
Vancouver, Wash, June' II. .Vancou
ver has an Associated Charity, such an
Institution having been temporarily or
ganised at a public meeting;, held last
night at the commercial club rooms. A
committee composed of Rev. Otis E.
Gray, chairman, Mrs. Robert Smith and
Dr. J. M. P. Chalmers was appointed to
draft a set of by-laws and complete a
permanent organisation. This commit
tee will appoint a board of directors
composed of 16, 11 from the city ana
four from other parts of Clarke county.
In this wsy It will! be. in fact, a county
organisation with the head office In
It will be the purpose of ths organi
sation to furnish temporary relief to
distressed persons or, families to aaceri
tain whether or not applicants are de
serving and thus protect tbe r people I
against impostors. The organisation
will work In harmony with the police
and municipal Judge and. look after the
Juvenile defenders of the city and coun
The meeting was largely attended and
views were given by Mayor John P.
Kiggiua, Police Judge Btgbam, Superln
tendent C. W. Shumway of the city
schools, Rev. A. W. Bond, Rev. J. M.
Canse, John Marsh, Dr. Wiswall, Mrs.
Robert Smith, Mrs. Joseph McGoldrlck
and others. It was the sense of sll
present that such an Institution is need
ed In Vancouver and numerous Instances
were cited where such an organration
would be of two-fold benefit.
It is probable that no other public
meeting will be held and the work of
the organisation will be commenced at
once. ,, :; ;. " -v
hotel bar here.
"Cop eland was killed tn a quarrel
which resulted In the shooting of &
Louis Von PhuL FL Louis, aeronaut, by
HenwOod. Henwood . fired three times
at Von PhuL one cf the bullets wound
ing George Copeland, . who afterward
died The state oleottfd to try Hen
wood for the Copeland shooting first
days for him.
They were married ii
Patrolman J. J. Saul reported to Chlel
Cos thle morning that his attention, ha
been called to the fact that Ruth Speakr
the it year old daughter of Abraham
Speaks, grocer of 1171 Macadar
street. Is working from o'clock In thl
morning until 8:10 In the evening with!
(unites (Teas LMaed wm.l 'lout time ror nar mania Th vnnnd
Cn n ni. r-1 T o, .- t 1 . .
m.u v., ,un. n.-in crvmri vomio declares that the work is no
fleet Is anchored outside, the harbor to
day while Admiral Thomas awaits the
anticipated orders for steaming tests.
The fleet is expected back tn San Dlero
bay within two months. It will 1nt:r:j7
go to the northern drydocks. lnrormea.
. The cruiser Colorado, which got out
of the channel and ran on the mud last
evening, was still aground today. There
was no doubt thst she woMd be floated
at high tide, navy officers aay. . ' ,
hard, but she asserts that she has no I
time ror meala. Several complaint!
nave been maae against the father, and
the state labor oummlasloner may' bj
- A galaxy of presidents will be guests
of honor at the luncheon or the pro.
greaalve .Business Men's club In the
Richards grill, tomorrow. President Har
vey Beckwith of the Commercial club,
President H. M. Haller of the Chamber
of Commerce, President Dwlght Ed
wards ofthe Rotary club and President
David U. Mosessohn of the Ad Club are
to bo among the speakers. D. A. Pat
tulo, one of the, ciuo s most enthusiastic
members. Is to servo as chairman of the
day ana juage Lionel t w easier is to
he, th principal .speaker. ,:"ir " .' v-
Journal Want Ads brine results.
At the meetiug Of Mt Hood circle, No.
151. Woodmen of Woodcraft, held last
evening-the following officers were
elected: Past guardian neignoor, Jennie
Perrllli guardian neighbor, Bslle Peffer;
adviser, Ella R. Evans; magician, Belle
Ten Eyck; attendant, Beatrice Ramsey;
captain of guards, Minnie ' McGregor;
musician, Bemice Mlnar; inner-sentinel
Edward T. Dunlap; outer sentinel, Anna
Benton; manager, W. E. Ten Eyck; hold
over. clerk, Lou Ellen Cornell; banker,
Mary E. Wheeler. ; '
Cbarged With Speeding.
(Special Dispatch tn Tbe Jottr!.) ' "' ,
Oregon City, June 21. August Erick
son,. proprietor . of Erlckson's tavern.
has been summoned to . appear before
the city recorder on a complaint of
speeding nls automobile through " the
Oregon City streets. It is said by per
sons who saw tbe performance that the
car, , in which were , several people,
passed along , Main street at 45 miles
rtn hour. . V '. , .
At an election yesterday held for thJ
purpose or installing -another oaptald
as 1hm head Af tha Hmtnii n...i m4yim1
BECAUSE OF LITIGATION Ueutenaht Commander John J. Reynold!
was selected for the position. The ball
(United Press Un1 Wlra.V ' MoU. wer "! Adjul
Pan Francisco. JTuna 9 irr.rr.i v I lant uenerai W. E. Flnser. O. N. O.. thi
conUnued UUgation and expense, the Dallot b"n closed at I o'clock. Oul
Balaklala Consolidated Copper com pa-1 01 thiruen votes cast Captain Reynold
ny, wixn a muuon aoiiar plant at Cor-1 vn.
am. Bhasta county, has asked the Uni
ted States circuit court to closs down
IU plant until science shall find a
method of preventing the escape. of
rumes zrom toe smelting; which dee
troy the vegetation of the surrounding!
William Lowrey Extradited.
(Salem Bureau ef The Journal.)
Salem, Or., June 21. Requisition fol
the return of William G. Lowrey ti
Illinois to answer a charge tof embexl
siemcnc or ibooo was granted . today bi
Governor West and the warrant of art
rest was sent to Portland. Lowrey 11
auegea to nave represented to Rhod4
RY PI AWTATinFJ UAWnC Ewln V Minneapolis that he was
, ' " 1 single man who was tired of travelln.
life ' and wanted to marry and set
(nnlteC. Preat leased Wire.)
Melbourne. June 21The sugar grow- "' ..C'i.vl"!-mon.lnr.ur,"nM
era In OiiMiulaiut r A ,u. I " "' am woman
acute position in the labor market in ? "'f but 'l"aru:ial tsaoles
consequence of the demand of the T em A nth" 1. !l!
pioyes ror an eight hour day In the
fields. Over 80,000 men are affected.
The groweis maintain it is Impossible
to grant the men's demands, as It is
Imperative to cut the' sugar cane as
quickly as possible. The mills are still
running.. - k
Noon Wedding at Canby Today?
" (Special Dlsptteh to The Journal.) 1
Canby, Or., June 21. Sadie May
Evans, a daughter of Thomas Evans of
CaruS, and William H. Lucke, a promi
nent ousinesa man or mis place, were
united in marriage At the bridge's home
at noon today. Rev. C. L. Creftsy of
uanoy oinciating.
had $5000 In notes and mortgages sbJ
mu.ym, no luuutou ner lu caan inem snq
give him the money to invest In thl
candy manufacturing business. Wheij
he got possession of his lady's onsfl
no lert, sne saya
The deceived woman states in hel
affidavit she found after Lowrey rati
away that he was a married man. mil
nois authorities were Informed by Chlel
or. rouce cox of Portland of Lowrey d
presence mere.
Eagles f Three States, .
Charleston, S, i C, June 21. A trl
state convention of the Fraternal Orde
Th bride wa born f of Eagles opened in this city today wit!
ana raioea in county anl IS a
graduate of the Oregon City High
school and the Ashland Nonnai school.
The groom was horn near Corvnln m
raised In Canby. where for some three
years no nas conducted a (commission
and shipping- business. They leave
Portland on the , steamer Rose Cltv
Thursday morning for an extended trip
to California and , will be at home in
uanpy aiter August i?
large delegations In attendance fronl
Jacksonville, Macon, Atlanta, Augusta!
coiumDta ana -other leading cities ol
Florida, Georgia and South Carolina!
Tbe gathering will continue over tol
'if-TTttuuar y Captoped. r; "vTC
Oregon City, Or" June- II. Harry
Clark, who ran away after, serving IS
of thedo day sentenoe at street work,
was captured by Chief of Police Shaw,
at the squaw camp, yesterday, Clark
laid the cause of the trouble to bad
whiskey given him by a friend. He will
be required to serve the remaining 1 J
days of bis sentence. ,
i ,vt ..-:t .-
. Attemptet Robbery, v "
An Attempt was made late last nlsht
to rob Myers saloon at 113 Grand avo-
nuav The proprietor . Was standing at
the j&oor when a man' entered the sa
loon from the side entrance and' went
to the cash register. When the bell
rang the attention .of Myers was called
to It and he. pursued him but the man
To Represent Navy. ' , '
New T6rk, , June 21. Rear Admiral
Watte, chief constructor In the njeVy
and Rear Admiral Cone; chief of the
bureau of steam engineering, sailed on
the Lusltanla today for London, -where
tney are to represent the United States
navy at the Jubilee meeting next month
of the British 'Institution of Naval
Architects.' . i .....
' . Forgery Alleged. -
''W. 2. Dow, a laborer, was "arrested
last night on complaint of W. H.-Oldham,
a grocer at 225 Holladay avShu,
who charges Dow with passing a forged
check for $10.81 on him.- Dow -was sen
tenced to SO days on he rock pile.-
viv. 'A. i...ltiiapp Improves, ; '.V'-A-
M. - Knapp, who was operated on
recently, for spine trouble,' Is reported
by his' physician,,-Dr.; W F.. Hubbard,
as resting quite easily and showing con.
alderabie Improvement , . '
Brown Commencement.
1" Providence. R."t.; ' June 21.i Secretar J
of Commence and Labor Nagel dolivereJ
an address here s today in . eonnoptioil
with the one hundred and forty-thinf
annual commencement of Brown univerf
slty. - The other prominent speakers Inl
eluded Governor Pothier of Rhode Isl
iana ana rresiaont -aunce of the tin 1 1
verslty1 w
, ...mum i I'.., , , - ,' V
Robbers' rinnder Found,;
(DoltMt pnras taiid Wrra.
f 1
Saratoga, Cal., June 21. A wallet con
taming; $300, which was, a part, of th
plunder secured by -the yeggraen wh
blew open the-safe in a grocery stonl
here -was found today , near .here by
ranchman. This discovery Is the firsi
clu -that Indicated which direction th l
robbers, had taken. v;
hi , . m ' u , " , ,j '
5 - Kaiser Greets Americans!
Kiel. June 81. The emperor today- e J
changed visits -with Admiral Badger anil
the officers of the American bsttleshin
which aro paying a week's visit to Kiel
Dr. Davd Jayne Hill, tha American tm J
baasador at Benin, officiated; at th.
tntroduetioni.N The meeting of the em J
peror and the American officers was eq
a tnost cordial , nature, v- v. ,
; ' , At t'nf verslty of Wlaeonsln.
r Madison, 1 Wis., June ti. The fifty!
eighth ; commencement ' of the Unlverl
sity.of Wisconsin concluded today wit J
tne . grpauation - - exerpisps. Presidani
naries . van liise eonrerred lraJ
on the largest graduating class la thJ
t . . At . Mm .... I 1