The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 21, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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I!, )'
Mrs. S.G.,Wood of Wall
f Walla Born r In! Portland-
: Father. Proprietor of Firs
Grocery Stort. v V
.( ' : ' ''-; " ' : ,
.-There Is on plonMr la Portland to
il y who la lonely, tine mlssee the
ecenee with which aha waa familiar
when she waa a resident f tha tUr
. She misses tha Umber that stretched
from Portland Heishta to tbe'WIllam
etta river, and aha mlaaea tha lakee
that practically aurrounded tha city, and
pne' misses tha Indiana,'
Tha pioneer la Mrs. 0. Q. Wood of
JVValla Walla, Wuh., who la In tha city
lor tha purpose of attending . tha ra-
union of tha Pioneers of Oregon and
today aha went down to tha Esmond
Hotel on Front and Morrison atracta
and looked at tha alte where aha waa
" "In lltl my father, who waa John
wayfnlre, cam to tha valley," aald Mra
wood thla mornlna. "I waa born la
log cabin where tha Esmond hotel now
a tends In lit. My father etarted
Jtrooery atore In. tha cabin, and wa lived
In tha rear. Ill atock of groceries
tonalated of tobaoco, black New Orlaana
ugar and calico. Calico waa then le
Cent a a, pound and everything elaa waa
proportionately Rlgn.
J Tuaeer STerywhtre,
i "Our neareet neighbore' doge - could
e heard barking aomewhero In tha
- vooda, and the amoke from their fires
could be aeen curling up above the trees
but wa couid not ae anyone because
of the heavy timber. Why, derfr could
be aeen lota of time running paet our
Mra. Wood la 14 years of age. She
aye at tha time of her realdence here
there waa but 15 famlllee in Portland.
There waa a church, built of loga. but
Bo preacher. Tha horny handed tlllera of
the eoll were the apeak ere and nearly
very one attended the aervlca clad In
calico and no ahoea. A few wore moo-
eaaina, but ahoea and boot were lux
Mra. Wood'a father aent to New Tors
for a atock of groeerlee by a little vea-
ael that cama to tha Columbia river
ance every alx montha. Ha traded with
the Indiana to aome extent and managed
10; eae out a living. .Later, however,
he made conaldarable money., Ha aold
Me atore, building, lot and alt for $400
10 yeara later and removed to Dallas
where ha conducted a grocery atore and
louring mllL He amaeaed a consider
ate fortune.
I Mra. Wood waa offered two lota and
two houaea on Waahlngton street for a
learn of horeea, but the offer waa re
fused. Horaea were valuable then; there
waa no Waahlngton street tha lota
ware only a cleared apot In tha timber.
5 red ramflya XOfa,
4 Mra. Wood'a huaband oroaaed the
plalna with hie parents In 1846. Hla
name waa Solomon Wood. Hla father.
Dr. Alonso Wood, built the flrat wharf
tn Portland. Mra. Wood telle of a fam
ily by tha name of Kennedy that had
bargained with 'another family comlna
from the same point to bring them to
Oregon, but after they had traveled a
considerable distance, the food began to
get scare, ao tha Kennedy family waa
put out of tha wagon and told to hustle
for themselves. Alonso Wood, hearing
Of qie or the Kennedys, went
back Btipr them, thua aavlng their
.Uvea. The later generation of the Ken
nedy family la living In Portland today,
It is, said. .
f Mrs. Wood attended a wedding In
Polk county In the early days at which
a dinner waa served. The dinner coa-
sisiea or coiled - meat served In Iron
cups with Iron spoons. Because of the
prominence of the family aha refuses to
divulge their names.
rood Waa Boarea.
"In those days," said Mra. Wood, "It
Waa not ao much "What are you going
to have for dlnnerr as "Will there be
enough of the dinner to keep ua from
getting hungry too soonr The rood
consisted of boiled wheat and an occa
sional dried fish. Sometlmea a deer
Was brought In, and then a feast waa
th order."
:' Canned goods were unheard of In
those days, said Mrs. Wood, and there
were no hata to create envy In the
hearta of the less fortunate women.
All dressed alike and nobody had more
than his neighbor. j
--' "A man who could spell a word with
two syllables waa competent to teach .a
school." resumed Mra. .Wood. "Fre
quently men and. women with families
attended school with their children and
many of the pioneers received their edu
cation after having become heada of
Court In those days, said Mrs. Wood,
waa held under the trees there was no
building here for that purpose. The
jurors sat beneath the shade of a tall
maple tree and the children played
about them.
: r Mn't Helf.v mv mvmm"' umlA TUtrm i
Wood. "It doesn't seem possible that
Mrs. Marie KellyVFIrst Hus- U Grande Commercial Body
band Was Hudson Bay Co.
Arranges:' Affiliations-.: In
Grand Ronde Towns
I 'y ' 1 "I
:. ; .... ; I . -
Mr. Marie Kelly.
The death of Mrs. Maria Kelly laat
Friday at tha ago of 17 years removes
ona of tha few remaining participants
of the atlrrlng tlmea when tha Hudeou
Bay company ruUd the northwest.. Her
father, Louie Rondeau, waa a trapper
for tha company, and waa well known
aa a scout and guide. He waa one or
the guides who piloted General Fremont
hla "patnflndlng" expeditions
Tha mother of Mra. Kelly, or Maria
Rondeau of that time, died when aha
waa but t years old, and ahe waa adopt
ed by Sir James Douglae, the Hudson
Bay company governor. In 1844 aha
waa married to Rcch Duchenay, a clerk
In the company. The ceremony waa per
formed by Blshlp F. N, Blanchet, ona
of tha first missionaries, and a vary
old man at that time. It took place la
Vancouver at the headquarters of the
company, and among those present was
David McLoughlln, aon of Dr. McLough
lln, who acted aa beat man.
Mra. Kelly waa twice married aubae-
quently, and la aurvlved by four daugh
ters and three aona. She had over 100
direct descendants, two of them being
great, great-grandchildren, the children
of Mra. J. O. Elliott of Altona. Waah.,
tha oldeat being a girl of 8.. Among her
frlenda were many of the most promi
nent figures tn the northwest.
Tha great, great-grandohlldren of Mra.
Kelly are Oeorgle and Irene Elliott
- : (ftpecU! Dtopatea te The fae nta LI
, X Oranda, Or June XL Two com
tnerolal clubs have been organised In
the Orand Ronde valley during tbe past
five daya at the. instigation of the La
Orande Commercial clubthrough 8. M.
Slough, manager. The 'Imbler cltlaens
have formed a club" with an enthusUU-
tls set of offloera, and Surnmerville la
tha laat' to form each fen organisation.
At Imbler the following are the offl
cere; O. L. Sawyer, prealdent; J. P.
Lars en, vloe president; F. N. Hoffadtts,
aecratarr and treasurer. At Bummer-
rllle the organisation la now controlled
by David HcKlnxle, president ; . F.
Choate, vice president: W. F. Chattln,
treaaurer, and L. M. Klea, secretary.
JT. A. McRae, Ixtt Elmer, B. D. Hubers
and Chester Hamilton, directors.'
V ' i ,
- UpeeU! JMspateb to Th. Jattrsal.)
Forest Grove. Or, June J I At the an
nual ., achool election In this elty laat
Monday afternoon, M. Peterson was elec
ted director to aerve three yeara, and
noDert r. wins waa elected clerk. A. O.
Hoffman, present member of the school
board aad chairman of that body, was
up for reelection, but ex-Mayor Peter
son dereated him by a substantial ma
jority. L. J. Carl, who haa been clerk
or tnia district for several yeera, was
aiao up reelection.
mm roonms sgo an agitation waa
atarted to bond the district In a large
aum for the purpose of erecting a new
high achool building. While tha move
met wlthfavor among a number of the
patrons or the district, considerable op
position waa ahown, caused by doubt ss
to tne probable site that .would be
cnoaen for the new buildlns. and a hum.
tlon aa to the etyle of the edifice, that
would be erected by Uoae having tha
funds In charge. The change In the
regime in the achool board at the elec
tion yesterday la an echo of thla agita
tion ror a new nigb achool-
... - '
! 7 f
Sale off GeBlpiine Price
g insHMi ' a i m ii hi , asMBBBsas
PARENTS are finding this sale useful.
The goods are all this season's make and style.
The reductions are genuine and large.
(BpeeUl Htnereft te The JoataaLt
Washington, June 21. Announcement
has been rade by Senator Warren
of Wyoming, (0 yea as old, of hla en
gagement to Miss ClarBe Baron Morgan,
to, oaugnier or the late John L. Morgan
oi u rot en, conn.
Coal ' Is Imported.
(Doited Preae Leaned Wln.l
Calgary, Alberta, June 21. So serious
naa Decome the ahortage of coal caused
by the Crows Nest strike that Alberta
Industries are forced to import fuel
from Pennsylvania. In order to avoid
a tleup of Its entire plant one cement
and coal company Is bringing In 4500
tons of Pennsylvania coal. Tha frelgtit
on thla coal alone will coat the com
pany 825.000.
Boys' Knickerbocker Suits
Every Boy's Knickerbocker Suit in the store
u . marked down.
$2.50 Knickerbocker Suit .$1.85
$2.95 Knickerbocker Suits $2.35
$3.45 Knickerbocker SuiU ,$2.85
$3.95 Knickerbocker SuiU $3.15
$5.00 Knickerbocker SuiU $3.95
$6.00 Knickerbocker SuiU $4.50
$750 Knickerbocker SuiU $5.35
$8.50 Knickerbocker SuiU. $6.35
Bojs' Waist
Every Boy's Waist in the store marked down.
50c WaisU down to 39c
75c WauU down to 58c
$1.00 WaisU down to 73c
Boys' Wash Suits, Stiilor and
Russian Styles
50c Wash SuiU now 35c
75c Wash Suits now .49c
$1.00 Wash SuiU now 65c
$1.50 Wuh Suits now 98c
$2.00 Wash SuiU now $1.35
$2.50 Wash SuiU now $1.65
Boys' Underwear
Every piece of Boys' Underwear in the store
marked down.
Boys' Poros Knit Underwear 19c
Boys' 50c Underwear 395
When You See It
in Our Ad It's So
1 V I ' , First and Morrison
First and Yamhill
Second and Morrison
Third and Oak
89 Third
thle la the place where I waa born 64
yeara ago. But It la. My, things have
changed, things have changed."
Mrs. Wood waa accompanied to Port
land by Miss A. F. Way mire of Spo
kane, a daughter of her fathers broth
er. Miss Way mire Is a nurse. They
are guests at the Perkins.
12-Year-Old Forger.
Unitr Press tased Wire.)
Ontario, Cel., .June II. Dewey Hol
land, 11, is held In the detention home
today awaiting trial In the Juvenile
court. today for alleged forgery. H. C.
Kennedy, motorcycle dealer saya 'Hol
land, after obtaining a motorcycle, gave
htm n worthless check for fits In pay
Coroner Walsh Dies.
(United Press Ise4 Wt.t '
8an Francisco, June 21. Coroner
William J. Walsh, injured a week ago
Sunday In the Mulr woods, near Mill
vauey, wnen ma automobile slid over
200 root precipice, died yesterday.
Freed by the Insurrectoe.
- (United Press Leased Wire.)
Tucson. Aria.. June 21. W. A. Haw
kins, Wells-Fargo express messenger.
charged with embeuling $50,000, today
la a free man. He was liberated from
Jail m Masatlan when the Mexican In
surrectos captured that city.
"East Side People's Store" 388-390 EMorrisonStNear Grand Ave.
TalMng About Waists
Emerson said in substance that the merchant who had the best things better than his neighbors
would soon have a pathway worn to, his door by an appreciative public
Please Be Advised
That our sidewalk has been relaid, in anticipation of the rush that will be here tomorrow attending our
For Infants and Children.
Tlii Kind You Hare Always Bought
Bears the
Bi&ature of
,The entire one-half of our store will be devoted to the sale of waists.' Our windows are filled with
them. There are literally thousands of the newest and most up-to-date style Waists at prices that will
make this the most extraordinary waist event that ever took place in this city. This is the way we are
going to sell them:
Sale of Trunks
Traveling Bags, Suit Cases
and Reed Luggage
Woodard, 1 Clarice fk? C
Artistic Picture-Framing- by Experts at Lowest
, . Prices -. ' ' :' -
oaa r - r it. r t s.Tl
Styles, the Very Best
$1 arid$1.25 Waists
Placed on Sale at EaV
There .will ,. be exultant crowds in one triad bar
gain revej carrying these away tomorrow at this
price.? j hey are the daintiest and snappiest lit
tle' creations of the season All made in the new
kimono, sleeve style, low neck, with sailor collar
and tie effect . .,
Silk Embroidered Lawns, Shirt
Style Soisettes. Outing , Waists
of Best Percale, Mull College
' Blouses
Over 50' styles to choose from, every size. A
new and remarkable record will be made here
tomorrow. Supply your waist wants for vacation
' ';
150 Dozen of the Season's Lat
est and Best $2.25 and $2.50
Placed on
Sale at .Ea.
This immense
purchase repre
sents the pick of
all the best things
of a prominent
maker's stock. A
big variety of
dainty new styles
made of lawns,
dimities and cm
broiderd Swisses.
Manv are made
with short kimono sleeves, low necks, with yokes
of crochet and Battenberg lac! some have sailor
collars with silk embroidered band trimming. A
big assortment of handsome allover lace net
waists in sizes for women and misses.
Mercerized batistes, white and colored allover
lace net waists, fine mull waists, deeply embroid
erer, nanasome iingesie ettects. .Waists that
would delight the eye of the daintiest woman" in
town." You'll like them--their equal has never
before been shown at less' than double this price..
Oregon's Greatest Hotel
With Private Baths
The largest and most magnificent
hotel in Portland ; unsurpassed in
elegance of accommodations ' or
excellence of cuisine. European
plan, $1.50 per day and upward.
O. 1. XAVTMAMM, IDUsagar.
The Bowers Hotel
Eleventh, Near Washington St
Largest Cafe in the city. Service unsurpassed
SO ROOMS ....$1.00 PER DAY
50 ROOMS . .$L50 PER DAY
Special Rates to Permanent Guests
ample Rooms for Commercial Travelers
H. C. BOWERS, Pres. and Gen. Mgr.
Formerly Manager Hotel Portland
AT i a.
ieiaii i ii i
cd a a
New Perkins Hotel
In the very heart of Portland's activity Modern in every respect
L. Q. SWETLAND, Sec. and Mgr. C. H. Shafer, Asst Mgr.,
"The House of Welcome '
. , - ,v
Beginning May 1 our rates will be as follows i Om
side back rooms, $1 per day; single front rooms, t
$1.50 per day. Our omnibus meets all trains, t .'
Portland's Newest and Most Up-te-Date Hotel -
Proprietor 1 Manag et '
Hot and Cold Water " Long Distance Phone
rno TOten a am mni
1 I
a.0.SiT.aT.7evreassv DATCC 1 fV t. I!D i
aiepa. Ii kLara.