The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 21, 1911, Page 20, Image 20

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JUNE 21.
; to m fflwa
'.Popular Vote Should Be Ap
plied to All Measures in Op-
( position to Mayor's Com
mission, Suggests Cellars.'
Counrllnvtn Gorge B Collars, nipm
' fcor of the chr.rter commission appoint
ed by Mayor Simon, advancod a auir
' jrestlon taut night at I he nerond mwt
Jn of the commission, that nil the
tmenilfd charture that may he framed
, by the olvlo or other orKanlr-atlona In
opposition to tb ono lclng- drafted hy
It mayor's eommlwlon, lx) voiert on hy
tne pecple, the one rcclvlnc the hl-h-
'. eat number of rotes fD he adopted.
J'l are no reaaon why the people
'shouldn't vote on one, two or three
! proposition for conimlaalon g-overn-
laenC declared Mr. Cellara. "If eome
I tber plan la euRsreated and It tra-
preasea the electorate mora faTorably
than oura.NJben let them hare It I
'take It for (ranted that th beet plan
eubtnttted will reeelr the greatest Bum
br of vote. .
TSTOra Omni Amtmdmn..
i Tor thia reaaon, then. I would havs
fsnsral amendment aubmitted asking
votera to caat their ballota for or
aaalnat a conimlaalon form of govern
ment.' If the people deride for auch a
municipal government, then I would
have thenr vote for whichever plan, of
all aubmitted. that arpeala meat The
one receiving the highest Indorsement
would. If my auggeatlon la carried out,
be adoDted. If the people cait a ma
Jorlty of votea agalnat a commlaelon
plan, then all the propoaed amendmenta
would be defeated. I do not know
whether my propoaltlon would be legal.
but I would eusseat It, if the city at
torney eaye It can be worked out."
Mr. Cellara" remarka were elicited
when one of the charter commissioners
mentioned that Mayor-elect Ruahllght
might appoint another charter revision
body. The commission agreed to go
ahead, regarciieaa or now ninny nmr
commlaslons or organlaatlona may enter
the field.
0o llowlr. Adetses.
"It occurs to me," said Chairman E.
C. Hronaugh of the commlaaion, mat
It wolud be wle for ua to move cau-
tioualy and alowly In attempting to
chimge the preaent charter. Aa I view
our work, we have bean appointed to
amend the charter we now have, not to
draft a new one. There ara many fea
ture of our preaent charter that have
pruved to be thoroughly practicable and
the aupreme court of the atate haa given
Judicial conatructlon to many other
parta of the charter. It would be the
part of good policy for ua to atlck to
what haa been eatabllahed aa good. In i
pre'erenoe to embarking on a cruise In
uncertain wstsrs. ,
Tor Instance. . the auction of any
charter providing for tht opening and
laying out of a treat a and kindred mat
tera at alwaya aubject to vexattoua
litigation when these hav. been untried.
Changaa Xls JCU4.
"I am heartily In favor of eome form
a? (nmml.MlAn AV.mMnL thouah. and
It la only a queatlon with me of ellml-i commlaaion plan, th on that appeals
a great deal of work to do to attend to
my owi business. ' 8 till, I an .willing
to give my time to th commlaaion If,
at th vary outset. Isim Maurd that
w will not waat our Urns., I will
give cheerfully of my time, but I hart
no time to waate. I feel that tbls body
ahould be unanlmouely In favor of
commlaaion form of government.
'The underlying principle of thla
natlng what la undealrabl In the old
charter and adapting th real or it,
with th addition w may adopt to
th commlaaion plan.
"I have changed my mind on a num
ber of point of municipal government
alnr 1101. 1 waa on of th member
of th commlaaion that revlaed th city
charter that year, and I waa atrong for
a ward ayattre of electing councilman.
I opposed any change from ward repre
sentation because I represented an out
lying ward myaelf. Wa eompromleed,
however, by voting for a ayatem that
called for five councllmen at large and
10 from wards.
"If my conception of a commlaaion
form of government la right, I believe
ward councllmen will be eliminated al
together. 1 am now convinced that I
waa wrong 10 years ago, and that th
a stem of ward councllmen ahould be
done away with. The councilman, or
commissioners, or whatever the rulera
of th city ahall be called, ahould rep-
reaent the whole municipality and not
any particular part of It"
Duty to Ferfornv
"I feel that I have a duty to perform.
otherwlae I could not afford to acoept
the oneroua tak that ha been impoaed
on m by Mayor mmon, aeciarea
Adolphe Wolfe earnestly. "Now, I hav i
to m more atrongty than all th rest
of Ita'a-ood restores, U th bualneaa
method -on which It I based, Aa you
all know, a larg body of municipal
officials mean confusion and cliques.
"Moat cltlea with commission -gov
ernment hav five, or as few as thro.
commissioners, In sort. Instances, to
manage th affairs of th public Con
centration la th keynote. . ,
Most Be One Xeaa.
"A large city ahould b operated on
th asm principle as a lag depart
ment ator. . Th department store puts
as many lines under one' head as pos
sible and makes that one head abaolut
ly responsible for everything under his
control. He cannot blame any aaslst
ant for anything that goea wrong.
Concentrate your department and
fix the responsibility. That la the sum
ming up of the commission plan. A
Urge city like this ahould have, though,
I should say, at leaat five commission
ers." W. F. Woodward aatd he thought the
city ahould have at leaat aaven com
missioners. The commlaaion voted to
build up a commlaaion charter around
th seven men Idea. Th seven depart
menta to b headed each by a commis
sioner, will be flnanco and accounts,
parka, publlo property and Improve
ments, . water, fir, streets and sewers,
pollc and public safety, health nd
charities and publlo utilities, dook and
harbors. V v ; '" .,
-V, TT9n Wfo Tsmre. ; :
; In 'leas than 100 years from now.'
asserted Mr. .Wolf, ."publlo officials
will be chosen lor life.' th same as th
United States suprsm court Judges are.
I oaa see no rason why this plan should
not be adopted for our city, but Of
couree, I raalts -thst th public Is not
educated to th Idea as yet However,
It does seam, to m that If a man prove
to c aa efficient and faithful publka
servant h should not be -turned out of
Offlc vry few years. .W hav plen
ty of safeguards in th way of th
lnltlatlv and referendum to prevent th
operation of laws w do not Ilka, and
finally w hav the most effective club
of all th recall If th officials prove
recreant I am in favor of long terms,
at leaat, for all municipal of flclals."
Four members of th commission
were absent lsst nlhf, on thlr account
Chairman Bronaugh dlS not appoint any
committees. H will announo th Pr
sonnal of committees nxt vteek, '
Principals of many of tho Chicago
schools will visit Portland an rout to
the National Bducatloiml association
convention, to be held In Ban Ftanclaoo
In July. A. 8. Hall, president of th
Chicago Principal' club, has written
th Commercial club saying th Chi
cago men will spend a day In Portland
on their way to flan Francisco,
Lebanon's Annual Fair Begins
; Tomorrow Fine Pro
V ( gram Prepared. ' ;
Lebanon.', annual strawberry fair bo
gins tomorrow with a good roads day,
and sevarai automobile loads 'of bual
neaa men and better highway advocate
will go from Portland. 7:10 a. m., to
partldpat In th program. Among th
speakers announced sre Judge J. N.
Duncan, pr. Andrew C..fimlth,.C C
Chapman - of th Commercial club.
President Charles T. Prall of tho. Or
gon Association for Highway Improve
ment will also bo on th speakers' list
In tho Pottland party, will be Included
John 8. ' Beall, Frank C. Bigg '. and
others. ...
fitate Senator M. A. Miller, president
of th fair, says tber will b luacloua
red strawberries and rich craam for all
comers. The program will also be or
particular Interest tnoludlng th hors
show and stock pared at 10 o'clock to
morrow morning, tho spol making In
th big tent at I p. m. and continuing
with th following program (or. Friday
Grand auto pared at 10 a. m. sharp,
headed by th Lebanon Poeritsa band:
Treasurer Ksy, Secretary of State ON
eott, Judgo Oeorge H. Burnett, 8uper-4
lltraryprogram at I p. in, by Crowfoofl
grange In th big tent Bpeechao byj
Btate Lecturer Johnson and olhsr prom-g
Inent grangers, ...... n
Saturday ths program wfll bei At ti
nv, speaking by Governor weat, Bute
Intendent of Publlo Instruction Alder
man. Colonel K. Hofer, R. J. Handrloka,
C. U.McNary and Othrs. Prises Willi
b awarded on this day to th wlnalngJ
exhibitors , or Strawberries, t rose , and
horses. ' ..," i .
Of special Interest to Portland tnuslo'
lovers Is .tho hit symphony v aoncert
arranged by Conductor Philip Pals at
th Osks park for Thursday afternoon..
Ths Thursdsy afternoon concert Is re
served ovary week for symphony work.
Excerpt from th works Of Techal
kowekl, Thomas and' Chopin will bsl
Joseph Mann of th Metropolitan Opera 1
quartet win sing tn oun xrom verai s
Travlata." .
'HDlka Hennessy In his "death defy
ing" rid and all th other features in'
the 14 acre park will be open, th os
trich farm making ' a special bid for
Results mi Junction.
Junction City, Or, Jun ll-Th an
nual school election was held her yes
terday, P. H. Miller and F. M. Moor
head ware, elected director snd clerk to
succeed themaelvea. Ten mill tax was
xoted for school maintenance,-
;Oar Bis White Restaurant on the 7th Floor Is an Ideal Place for Luncheon Music 12 to 2 Daily Unexcelled Cnisinc and Service
iVe Are Sole Portland Agents for Acorn Stoves and Ranges White Moimtain Refrigerators.!. & T, Cousins' Shoes for Women
Vacation Books for the Boys
X7HATS a better pastime for the girl and boy during these vacstion
" days than the reading of good books. Here'i a lilt of desirable read-
the' child of from 7 to 14.
Rover Boyg of the Farm
Rover Boyg in Southern Waters
Rover Boyg On the Run .
Rover Boys in the Mountain, and'
Motor Boys Over the Rockies
Motor Boya Overland
Motor Boyi Afloat
Motor Boys in the Clouds
Tom Swift and His Motor CycU
Tom Swift and His Motor Boat
Tom Swift and His Airship
Tom Swift and His Submarine Boat
Tom Swift and His Electric Run
A Rare SiSE largali!
Pioneer Store
White Toilet Ware 20 Ott
acErcm h rauurxfj rait rieooa
A LL toilet reouisites in this popular white ware, including mirrors,
combs, brushes, puff boxes, pin trays, etc Tomorrow only 20
you may take your choice at savings of . -iM
$1 Ideal Hair Brushes only 69
$1 Spotless Brashes at only T9f
25c Shaving Brushes at only 18e
25c Tooth Brushes at only 10
35c Brushes, special at only 23e
35c Celluloid Combs at only' 23
35c Bath Sponges at only 23
yi5c ioiiet wnamois at oniy oer
S5c Nail Files, special at only 19
75c Hand Mirror at only 49
25c Whisk Brooms at only 16
35c Hand Scrubs at only 19
35c Nail Scrubs now at only 19
50c Shears, all sixes, at only 23
65c Stand Mirrors at only
73c Raior Strops now at only
itAjnrs rzjuiT
5 MararaiseHtes 9.8c
Tha first sawmill on the Paclflo
Coast was established six miles esst
of Vancouver In 1827-28.
The first white clover was brought
in 1810 and th first red clover In
1851. ' .
, Th first dray business In Oregon
was established In 1846 by Medorem
Crawford at Oregon City and his
team was a yoke of black oxen which
held been driven across the plains.
The first thresher and separator
machine on th Pacific Coast was
brought to Oregon in 1850 snd used
In Washington county.
iCf HAT'8 th building! I
can remember the way
It stood down tkrr on
Front atree-t in th 60's srid
SO's," a Pioneer exclaimed
yesterday aa wo ahowed
him the picture that we re
produce on the left.
Mtier A Frank's la Ore-
Ron'a plonker store! Estab
ahed In 18(7 by Aaron
Meier, it has been through
all theae years under on
name, one management, on
policy of fair, square dealing
and satisfaction to all.
This Is Pioneer "Week st
the Pioneer Store and wo
doubly welcome all our old
friends and patrona. See the
Interesting window display
of Pioneer relics loaned to
us by the Oregon Historical
The wares of carpenters In 1850 In
Portland were from 8 to $12 per day.
The first brick pavement used In
Portland was on September 21, 1851.
In 1861 there were only two old
maids in Oregon.
The total vote of Oregon In 1851
was 2887. That Included the entire
Pacific Northwest
The first brick building In Portland
wss built in 1868 by W. 8. Ladd. snd
finished June 24, 1863.
Oregon apples won first prise at
the California atate fair on October
30. 1863.
ow lor cnarming
1HE imDorter lost vou rain. There are iust 300 yards in
lucky little purchase of $2.00 and $2.50 lovely All-Silk Marqui
settes, which goes on sale tomorrow at 98c.
The very designs women are buying every day now for charming
r . i j II 1 - 1 -
summer waists ana aresses especially ine cnic
draped effects for evening wear. Elegant Persian bor
dered designs, dots, rings and checkered effects, 44
inches wide, daintily tucked. Actual $2.00 and $2.50
Silk Marquisettes, go on sale tomorrow, the yard
$ 1 .50 Colored Silk Pongees 79c
Another phenomenal bargain that'll bring throngs to the Silk Store
tomorrow. Regular $1.50 Colored Pongee Silks, 27 inches wide, in black,
olive, Alice, Helen pink, gobelin, gray, old rose, raisin,
navy, and amethyst. Right at the height of its popularity
for Summer coats, dresses and suits. Special tomorrow, yard
85c Foulards at 59c
Every yard is sure to go in this
stirring two days' sale. Rich
spotproof All-Silk Foulards, in
dots, coin spots and figures of
Alice, navy, brown, gray, CQ
greens, etc.; 85c quality at 0C
Big lot of remnants of Wool
Challies, for waists and dresses.
All the plain shades, beautiful
floral, figured and bordered de
signs 75c grade, 54c; 65c
grade, 44c; 50c grade for
Last ay -of the Jane Rifepffl Sale
LJERE'S the last opportunity to share in these remarkable Ribbon savings. It's been many a day
since beautiful new All-Silk Ribbons have sold at such low prices as .these. Every conceivable
shade, pattern and width. Ribbons for every purpose. Tomorrow is the last day for you to lay in X
supply at these sensational prices.
5-Yd. Narrow Wash Ribbons.
10c lengths. No. 1 Ribbon 6g
15c lengths, No. V Rib.
18c lengths, No. 2 Ribbon
25c lengths. No. 3 Ribbon 15
35c lengths, No. 5 Ribbon 19
50c SILK RIBBONS, yd. 25s
Think of it -25c a yard for
fine 8-inch All-Silk Moire and Taffeta Ribbon. Also handsome
6-inch Satin Ribbons in every shade. Limit of 10 yards OC
to a customer. These are regular 50c Ribbons, priced at 6JC
To 75c Ribbons, Yard 25c
Fancy All-Silk Ribbons, 6
and 7 inches wide. Beautiful
assortment of lovely florals,
stripes and checks. Our best
50c and 75c Ribbons, offered
this last day of the
great sale at, a yard
25c AU-Sirk Ribbons 19c
It's an unusually Jow price
for such fine quality Taffeta
and Moire Ribbons, 6 inches
in width. A splendid array of
all summer shades. Especially
desirable for hair bows, sashes,
girdles and so on. These 25c
Ribbons, special tomor- Qr
row at only, the yard liC
25c to 40c Ribbons 17c
This great group consists of
odd lengths and bolt ends of
plain and fancy corded-edge
Moire. Satin, Persian, striped
and checked patterns. Regu
larly 25c to 40c a yard. "7
Special for tomorrow at 1 1 C
To $1 Ribbons 57c
Our entire stock of 8-inch
Fancy All-Silk Ribbons, In
cluding the loveliest of Print
Warps, Dresdens, " Persians
and a beautiful variety of
other popular designs. Actual
75c to $1.00 grades, rn
during this sale, yard vC
To $3 Ribbons, Yard 98c .
Wonderfully beautiful, highr
grade imported Ribbons, in
cluding rich brocaded velvets,
gold striped designs and love
liest of artistic Dresdens. Sold
regularly at from $1.25 QO
to $3 a yard, special at aOC
4 Styles as
Women's Footwear $1.98
icrzsB ft nim-rata r&oom oxnzs by xaxs
SEVERAL big purchases of women's Summer Oxfords and Pumps join incom
plete lines from our own regular, stocks in this stirring sale tomorrow at $1.98;
Every wanted style and leather not a pair worth under $3.00, and many would
sell regularly for $4.00 and $5.00. Sale starts promptly tomorrow morning at 8
come early.
The Oxfords
Are in two and three eyelet tie
styles, of tn Russia calf, gun
metal calf, black or tan vici kid
and patent colt leathers. Gen
uine Goodyear welt djl QO
and turned soles, pr. ePleefO)
The Pumps
Are mostly one and two strap
styles in patent and dull calf
leathers. Also a few ankle
strap Pumps. Goodyear welt
and turned soles, Cu- QO
ban or medium heels syleeTO
y we. u w
, $7.25
Sale of Steamer Trunks
acEisx ft rAjnr tottbth raooa
rE dosed out every Steamer Trunk a maker had on hand
of the style illustrated; Full box size, canvas-covered
and sheet iron bound. Black Japanned steel trimmings,
brass lock, cloth-faced tray and covered hat box. Profit by
these extraordinary savings tomorrow:
32-inch, f4.05 $8.25 Steamer 1 ranks, 38-incn,
$8.75 Steamer Trunks, 40-inch, f&.2
$4 Travelight Bags
Tomorrow at $2.95
The famous Travelight Bags, as illustrated, size
24xl3x9-inch, made of best fiber matting, with two
straps, leather handle, brass lock. Weighs only 2fi
pounds think what a difference in the or- QC
dinary Traveling Bags. Reg. $4 kind, at ePe7J
ft ' i
Three-Day Hosiery Sale
IN ASSORTMENT, quality and price, we know of no other
Hosiery stock in the Northwest which compares with Meier
& Frank's.
Prices are also splendidly lowered for three days on all the
wanted grades of women's and children's Summer Hosiery.
Women's 50c Lisle Hose 39c
Women's fine imported Silk Lisle Hose, with 4
inch. double elastic tops, reinforced heel and toe.
Black and tan. Our best 50c grade, sale price, pair
To $L75 Hose, 75c
Women's Imported Black Lisle
Hose in dainty allover lace and
lace boot designs. Regular $1.25,
$1.50 and $1,75 grades. For TC
this sale tomorrow at only I aJC
To $1.50 Hose, 67c
Women's White Lisle Hose, silk
embroidered tn handsome boot ef
fects in self and contrasting colors.
Regular 75c to $1.50 grades, Cn
durinc this sale at only UC
Women's 50c Hose, 35c
Women's splendid 'wearing qual
ity of Black Lisle Hose, full fash
ioned with white tipped heels and
toes. Regular 50c grades, OC,
this sale,'3 for $1; the pair JJC
Misses' 35c Hose, 25c
Misses' and Children's Silk Lisle
Hose, with seamless foot and long
elastic leg. All colors and sizes.
Buy our 35c Hose, tomor- OC
row at low orice. the oair fciwC
Save Nearly Half on Go-Car ts
acEixx ft rxAJrKTS txtth nooa oboeb bt auxr.
Go-Carts $3.95
STRONG rubber-tired Collapsi
ble Go-Carts, as illustrated
above. One-motion style, with
adjustable dash. Upholstered in
durable pantasote. Reg- (JC
ular $6.50 Go-Carts, at DOVO
Go-Carts $4.95
Neat, easy-running, durable Go
Carts, illustrated above. Full col
lapsible; one-motion Style, with ad
justable dash, fenders and storm
front. Regular $8.50 Go- AC
Carts, for tomorrow at P7J
Go-Carts $11.75
High trade Go-Carts, shown In
above . illustration. Made with
four-bow folding hood, adjustable
dash. Well upholstered in black
or .green. Regular $17 ,M . 7C
Go-Carts, tomorrow at efllefU
ihn if TO)
Grass Ratf
ugs $4.65
EVERY readers of the newspapers or magazines knows
Crex Grass. Rugs, for they're advertised and sold the
country over!
Ideal for Summer cottage or porch. Come in cool,
dark reds, blue and greens, both plain and fancy designs.
The 6x9-foot l size, sold everywhere at $6,
extraordinarily priced for jomor'row at only
$3.50 Crex Rugt, 4-6x7-6,
tpecially . priced at $2.85
$8 Crex Rugs,- 8x10 feet
50c Crex Rugs, 18x36 39c I
$1 Crex Rugs. 27x54 1&C
j$1.25 Crex Rugs, 30x60,
specially priced only 98c
$1.75 Crex Rugs, 36x72
specially priced at $1.49
t specially priced at $6.45
$10 Crex Rugs? &12 feet,
specially priced at $8.45