The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 21, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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V. I
he atanda with on foot en tha old
world and on on tha new. 0ha apana
tha obaam. . 0ha la Wisdom, ".implicit
and Truth of Abeo ute Ufa. Tna now
ar of my Ufa, tba bloom of mr youth,
aha ta eeekln that ordalnad for bar.
(perfect meUierhood) In bar la com
pletion of tha aplrit. She la oompaUat
ta bo tba wifa of tha Lord."
. Hakes Paiagla AAmlaaloaa.
After raoaalad aoatradlctlona made
In bar affort to shield Bee, Mlldard waa
trappad Inta makiiur 'damaclna admis
sions, aud lpalnr her confidant air, aat
creeuailea and oonfuaad during tna real
Af tha f.tttmAnv aha SmnlmS at first
Commission Named by Mayor JSSLr.S:
Simon .Takes the Oath of . iua
OIUIVII v lilivca mo vain vi id wrtttan aaeh athar lattara
Office Getting List of Var- th -
A letter ii than Ukan from tha maaa
of documanta which had ben removed I
from tha aafa la Saa'a aparUnenta, and
Mildred identified it aa bar owa writing.
YVhJlo It waa being- road ta tha Jury
I ious City-Owned Locations.
1 Tha fire membera of tha public audi
torium communion took oath yesterday I tha pretty (lr wilted.
to uaa their unltd affort In providing I Tell af Lara.
JTortland with a great publlo mMtng i f that now I here antarad tha
J.iapa.that aliall fit tha ideal projected true aplrit of wifehood." tha lattar aald.
during the aullto-lum campaign, and -i jf0j (hat wa araon a truar baala than
he at tha eame time commensurate with lvr before. FYom thla day I will pick
roftyind growing dignity ana prrang up my Ufa and an tar tha aplrit of wlfo-
, a ainauonaily Known convention cny.
Mayor Simon called tha commlaelon
1ogther. There ware preaeot Dr. J. R.
.Wetherbee. Theodora B. Wilcox. Phil
Metachan. Jr.. W. D. ronton and Hugh
Kami. Mr. Wlloox waa nominated byhng 70a your girl wife.
Jtugh Hume ror in poamon or cnair- 1 ovt you.
tnan. and ha waa electee. Tna ootnmie-
hood and be a trua wife. JCvelyn, I do
love you, and I am trying my beat to
bo what my purpose la. Na matter
where you may be. alwaya remember
that there la a little girl at home lor
Bvelya. I do
Tha etato hooea ta break dowm tha
1 m -
lonera eaat lota Tor lengtn or term, 1 wltneaa and foree nor to give detaila
(resulting aa folio we: W. D. ran ton,
, lve yeara; Dr. Wetherbee, f our yeare;
j Hugh Hume, three yeara; T. B. Wlloox,
vaara mnA Phil af ataehen Jv ana
Tha commlaaloa daalreo to be abso
lutely certain that tha act under which
it la created la constitutional and vena.
rThe city attorney waa aaked to prepare,
therefore, an opinion at hla earlleat oon
lenience, exhaustively treating each
eectloa of tha law. particularly that
wherein the commlaalon la given power
to issue publlo auditorium bonda to the
amount cf 1100,000. which cover the
cost of alta and construction.
f Deputy City Auditor wclgand waa
I HnmtruptmA tA nrenara a Hat of ail cltv
( tiroDertiee containing each an area of a
t block or mora, tba eenee af tha commie-
'elon being that If tha city owaa prop
(crty aultable. than tha entire bond laaua
i "will be ueed In construction coat. Dr.
wetherbee ana other memDera or tna
Commission are convinced that tha en
tire 1(00.000 ahould be uaed for the
Two altea have been considered, the
XJncoln High school block, which will
kjiot te avaiiaoia oerora two yeara, ana
the Market block, bounded by Second.
.Clay. Third and Market etreete. The
East Side Business Man'a club la under
atood to be preparing to offer a bonua
of either a free alta or I100.000 for tba
jlocatlon of the auditorium on tha eaat
Ida of tha Willamette. Tola Informa
tion waa given Informally to tha com
mission by Hugh Hume. ,
(Continued from Page One.)
Of the "rltae" BraaUoed U the "00m'
During a brief raoeaa. See antarad tha
wltneaa room where Mona and Mildred
were eltttng, and began to talk ta them.
Stephen Brldgea, Mlldred'a father, Juat
then entered the room and with clenched
fists started toward tha "prophet" At
torney Frank Hogan seised Brldgea and
restrained him, while Bee fled preclpl
lately from the room.
' Qaeettoa Srlags Blaahea.
1 Aaked regarding bar peraonal rela
tlons with Sea, Mildred blushed and re
fused to anawer. She defied the state's
attorney, ahoutlng: Those are ques
tions that no gin of honor would an
She denied that her relatione with See
bad been meretricious, and refuaed to
anawer when Burnham aaked: "Wall,
then, why did you tell the grand Jury
that they had been?"
Asked why aha wrote Bee '1 love
you," aha replied:
I do love blm ar a god man. I have
every confidence In him aa such. Ha la
tha only god man."
The girl waa still on the stand when
the noon receaa waa taken.
Much of the "book of truth" waa read.
In court Many of the exoerpta ware
. (Continued from Page One.)
! evenlngs there, reading, writing and
. 'jlaylng games.
' Assistant State's Attorney Btrrphain
' ; cut In on her testimony, ta ask ear-
j -castlcally, "Where did you get tbtf light
. ;to aee the trutb that you ware report
; ',lngr
, "From the source that there get It
. from God," the girl answered.
' The Brldgea girl's testimony la given
' tin the capacity of a wltneaa for the
'..court. . "
- I, .- - ' Called aa wltneaa.
i At the closing of the reading- of ax
: cerpta from the "book of truth" which
, contained a thinly veiled defense of the
- theory of "spiritual free love," Mildred
' Vaa called to the atand aa a wltneaa.
The girl. In reply to questions by
". Judge Honore aald that she had flrat
met See alx yeara ago while aba waa
with her mother. - He had often called
at their home,-sha aald. 'She admitted
. . that she bad often vialted See In hla
apartment while, Mona Reea waa type
writing the "book of truth" and had read
It In I ta original form. She admitted
that she Waa etHJ in abort dreeaea: when
alio went to live 1ft Sea's apartmenta.
Sie described the apartment, with its
paucity of bedrooms, in anawer to the
. k courts questlone.
Two chapters of the book are de
. "voted to the two high prleateaeee of the
,.ult One chapter la headed "Mona,"
nd refera o Mona Reea. The other la
Called "Mildred" and refera to the
-Brldgea girl.
: J The following excerpts from the chap
1 iter "Mona" were read:
"Sjie will not be any place but where
jiahe Is. Behold her simplicity, seek to
know her. she is the light of my houae."
, f Referring to Mildred, the book aaya:
tha life of the king and prevent any ac
cident to royal gueats. At the same
time forces In the Xaat End, where the
recent battle with anarcaiata waa
fought, were Increased and those oua
pootad of any connection with aecret or
terrorist societies were placed' under
Tha coronation robea. Jewels and' re
galia were carried today from Bucking
ham Palace to Westminster Abbey,
They are there under tbe special care
of the king's Ufa guards, who constantly
stand ward over them.
Oongeotloa Ceases Trouble.
The unexpected congeatlon of traffic
which it was believed could to handled
by. the London police, no matter, bow
vast tba thronga pouring into the city,
threatens to cause eerlous Inconvenience
In the great rectangle, two and a half
miles across and three and a half milea
from east to west, which will be closed
to traffic for two day a. In this rec
tangle, which la In the heart of London'a
bualneaa center, are situated some of tha
magnificent hotels at which tha guests
of tha coronation are ataylng.
, Besldea tha hotels, tha section In
cludes a part of fashionable London,
many of whose homes are filled with
gueats for tha celebrations of the week.
Moat of the hotel keepera. club stewards
and owners of the homea endeavored to
prepare for the two days' cessation of
traffio by securing pienurui supplies to
last until tba ban waa lifted. Condl
tlona yesterday, which were bad, and
today, which are far worse, played
havoc with tha plana. Only a small part
of the stock of provisions ordered could
be delivered and a famine In the trufflea
and pate de fole graa district seems im
minent. The famine may impose a real hard
ahlp, for, after the' close of traffic to
night the embargo against trade, will be
genuine. Big gatea will be put acrosa
tha mllea of a treat a thai are ta be cloeed
and special guarda will be etatloned at
them. As a result London's center will
bo enclosed aa though In a high fence.
ana only those having special paaaeo
rroat tha king will be permitted to enter
or depart after the gatea are shut
Spectators who so to aee tha corona
tion panaae and Friday's royal progress
win bo held virtual prisoners for two
days behind the gatea. Although the
re tee will bo open for a brief time
Thursday night after the coronation pa
rede enda ther will bo closed again so
early Friday morning that vary few of
tnoee wno enter tha enclosure win nave
opportunity to leave and fewer etlll will
be able to leave and return ta time for
Fridays royal progress. -
Tha gatea will be closed ta vehicles
tonight Vlaltoro will be allowed to
pasa through until tho police conclude
tnst tna great enclosure baa hjran auf
flclently filled. Then no one Will be
allowed either to enter or depart as-
oept for tha few hours Thursday night
that tha barrier will be removed. No
vehlelea. however, will be allowed to
pass through even then.
TheUr Majesties Olve Bassae.
One of the most gorgeous eventa of
the coronation waa the great banquet
given last night by their majeatlee to
the visiting royalties, the , special en
voya, the ambassadors and their suites
and to English royalty, cabinet mints
ters and former cabinet ministers. Tbe
banquet rivaled In splendor any feast
ever given by an oriental potentate and
never nas tna court of St James sees
a more gorgeoua function than that at
Buckingham palace last Bight
rou owing the stats dinner a Shakes
pearean ball waa given la Albert hall.
Thousands of dancers ware on the floor.
while tho royal guests were In the 409
boxea around tha sides of tha room.
Twenty-nine quadrilles were danced at
muiwneouaiy, me participants repre
senting cbaractere from tha Shakes
peare plays. Members of the smart set
ana leading actors took part
9 BoyaJty Cheered U . Streets.
The flrat real spectacle of corona
tion week occurred thla afternoon when
tbelr majesties. King George and Queen
Mary, and their aultea made their way
through tho atreeta of the waat end to
the International show st ths Olymbi
Thousands cheered ss their majesties
A rrw Ll a k. - - j .
..ou. ahw urn a umw m uovp pvreun&j
Interest la the ehow, and has donated
rophlea in tha military contests, which
he will personally bestow.
Thousands of persons this afternoon
were permitted to enter tha coronation
room and inspect the decorations. They
cheered the varioue notablea who were
In, the great hall during tha afternoon.
Religious services were held at church
ea throughout London today.
Tonight tha Duke of Connaught uncle
of the king, gave a dinner to their
majesties and to tha visiting royal
ties and envoys John Hays Hammond
The strain of tha coronation festivi
ties Is already beginning to tell on tha
queen. Pbyslclana attended her this
nnnn rnnn nrno
buuu ruuu, DLUO,
' ' : : 1
uarry Meleter . rauaed Iter . downfall
wnaar promise of marriage. - Several
young men rrom Sell wood, . end as
paclajiy Hacker and Arata. told damag
mg aronea against . the girt It la
agalaet these two persons that Deputy
"-gi uorney rage plans presenting
evidence to e grejKl Jury. Meleter
wae oraerea connned in the county jail,
nd will bo sentenced Friday afternoon
t I o'clock.. .,'
1 . -: r - 1 '
r (Ceiled Fleas Laaaad WWI - ' "'
New York, Juno II. A geaeral aalu-
tatlon af Whistle anf airan. la h. v..
Hours Harrv Meister ' Is bor gnnouneod the amvai off
rAlmj r..:u : I " "Utloa of tna new White
POUnrJ Utility. ISUr liner Olympic, the largest and
1 mast steamer arioat, wnicn aalled from
Liverpool a week ago today. Although
Judge MeOtnn of tha circuit court I Breaking no speed records on her maiden
Judge Believes Jurymen Are
Entitled to Best and Shorter
Number of Eye-Witnesses to
Collision to Give .Their
: Testimony, ir ;:
Count Files Counter Charges.
Called Preta Lsaeed Wire.1
Chicago, . June 21 In anawer to a
ault for divorce filed by bla wife.
Countess Eleanor Gtsyckl. formerly
Miss Eleanor Patterson, Count Joaef
Olsyckl has filed counter charges .of
desertion. Olsyckl Insists that he was
a model huaband.
thla. morning requeated Sheriff Stavana
to hereafter provide good bods and
aultable food for all Juries oat at ttlght
from his court The Judge also an
nounced that his Juries would not be
required to deliberate later than tt
o'clock at night, unless they wished to.
lie said good beds doea not mean one
rati cots, nor does suitable food mean
cheap lunch counter service. 1
This action from the Judge came
when a Jury returned a Verdict of guilty
agalnat Marry Meister, aocuaed of s
criminal charge by Emma Olson. Tha
Jury reached a verdict laat evening at
1:I0 o'clock, and had to alt up In a
small Jury room until 1:41 o'clock this
morning. No arrangements had seen
made to nave tha defendant In court
When tba verdict was reached, nor had
teds been provided for tho Jurors.
"Gentleman of the Jury, you have
been moat Inhumanely treated," aald
Judge McGinn. "There . haa bean a
series of blunders, of which I acknowl
edge my part The defendant got away
from here and could not be located.
Tou were compelled to alt up, or aleep
in chairs tha greater part of tha night.
and until late this morning.
10 o'clock Limit.
"Mr. Sheriff, I wish to call your at
tention to section lit of the coda, which
requires tho sheriff to provide a Jury
with aultable and sufficient food and
lodging during the course of tne de
liberations Thla will be the last Jury
In my court to be treated aa this jury.
never want another Jury out later
than 10 o'clock, unlesa they want to
work later than that hour. After that
hour, they must have beds, not one rail
cots. They are entitled to sufficient and
suitable food, and aultable food means
tbe beat at hand."
Attorney John McCue asked for 10
days within which to file a motion for a
new trial ror Meister, dui tne juage
aald: "I'll not give you SO daya. The
law allows you one day, but I will give
you five daya."
Fralse for Slstrlet Attorney.
1 wish to say to the district at
torney," continued Judge Mcuinn, -inie
haa been a meritorious prosecution, and
credit to the district attorney s 01-
ftce, I hope you take up the case
against these hoodlums snd make a
esse against the two men, Lydlaa
Hacker and Louie Arata. If thla thing
haa been going on. It ahould too stopped."
Miss Emma Olson testified that
voyage, tha Olympic arrived several
hours ahead of her schedule. ' , t
Jewel0 Auction Sale
Commencing Friday, June the 23d, at 2:30 P. M., we
will offer our entire high-grade stock for sale, regard
less of cost The object of this sale is to close out our
entire stock and fixtures. This sale will continue at
.2:30 P. M. and 7:30 P. M, until all is sold. Chairs will
Tbe provided for the ladies.
Stock consists of Watches, Diamonds, Clocks, Solid Gold
and Gold-Filled Jewelry, Solid Sterling Silverware, fine
Silver-plated goods of all kinds, Cut Glass, Hand-painted
China. Umbrellas, Ladies' and Gents' fine Rings, Chains,
and Art Goods.
NOTHING RESERVED Everything at your own T
price. This will be a grand opportunity to buy high
grade goods at your own prices. You can call ror any
article in the store and it will be offered at auction. ' Don't,
forget the date Friday, June the 23d, at 2:30 P. M. :
v NOTICE TO LADIES At the opening of this sale
there will be given away several beautiful gifts.
Our ads? And did you see in Monday's Journal or
Telegram, .or Tuesday's Daily News, our . announce
ment of general price reductions on every article in
our Boys' Department, as follows?
Boy' Knickerbocker Suits ' '..Boys' Long Pants Suits
at at
1-3 Off Regular Prices 1-3 Off Regular Prices
Boys' Wash Suits Boys! Straw and Summer
at Hats at
1-2 Off Regular Prices 1-3 Off Regular Prices
Boys' and Children's Oxfords, Sandals,
Shirts, Blouses and. Underwear at
Many People Are. Already Profiting by the Great
Savings Offered. Are You?
166-170 THIRD ST.
, Coroner Duantaif will hold aa Inquest
at 4 o'clock tomorrow ofer tha remains
af Mrs. w. H. terchen. tha victim of
the eolllsloa between tba automobile 1b
which aha waa rldUs; and an Oreson
Eleotiio car at Hood and Glbbi atreeta
Sunday venlng. , . '
Tha orew of tha car and a number of
eye-wltneaaea ' will be called and teett-
XI . . J, 111 Jl'JJSJtaU. 1 ! HJI..L..
m.JUL. il.jl t Li.j'Bg-ag'igaEBsjaaaaaeaBW
moar of Mr. Lerehan. who la still eon
fined br hla tnjurlea, will be Introduoed.
Mr. Lercnen waa at tbe wheel of tha
auto at tha time of tha acoldent Effort-
wiu be made to fl tha blame for
tha accident. ; ; ,' . , ,
Mr. Lerchsn la lmnrorlns and will
be removed from St Vlacent'a hospital
to hla apartmenta' thla afternoon. The
other victims, Mr. and Mrs. 11 d. May
nard. are .improving rapidly but their
14-montha-oid baby la still la a vr
eerlous condition and : Ua tt Is atlll
ta doubt , ' - .
No arraacementa wilt be' msda until
after tha Inquest for tha funeral of
Mra. Lerchen, whoae remains are at
the undertaking parlora of Dunning eV
' ' . Society of th Clftcliuiat!. 1'
Newport k. 1., June 11.7-Tha annual
roeeung or tne general aoclety of tha
iiDcinnaii la in aeealon here with many
dlstlnrulshed men lit attendance." ror
tner Oo vera or Charlea W. Llppltt en
terulned tha delrgatea at luncheon to-
The owner of this building has informed us that '
; our rent will be increased from $350 to $650 a'
' month double what we hare been Davincr. But
we won't stand for it, so we 'decided to quit business. That we may sell our stock
...:.L . ..L s- a .. I L al2 I ; 1 j. i : . . .
Tfiui at men iu hci uui uj uio uiuo vur icaao expires; .wo nave maae aeep cuis inio -our
prices, so there U actually no profit left for us. This means you get the goods ,
at lest than wholesale prices. To make your buying easy during this tale we have '
arranged the entire stock of Clothing into three lots
Raincoat, regular prices 1 1 ' 1 1 M
$18 to
LJ 1 Overcoat or
Raincoat, regular prices
$22.50 to $27.50, sale
price only
1 OTAny Su,t
UJ I eJ Overcoat or
. . . . ?
tuuncoai. regular pncci
30 to $35, sale price
j -
i Forced
Regular $6.00 Panamas, sale 5
Regular 3.00 Straws, sale (PI AC
price s.. Pl.yO
Regular 25c Socks, sale price, CA-
three pairs .... .......... ... Ovv
Regular 50c Summer Underwear, in
sale price : .OUL
Regular $1.50 Quett Shirts on
sale at
Regular $4.00 Trousers, sale
Regular $5.00 Trousers, sale 4J3 C
price DOalu
Reg. $3.50 Alpaca and Serge
Ofifce Coats
Regular $4.00 Soft Hats, sale
Price ...r
Reg. $2.00. Negligee Shirts, QJ ,JC
sale-price .............. ..I) I I u
Reg. $5.00 Sweater Coats, Q r
sale price iDaWaOQ
Reg. $1.50 G. & M. Under
wear, sale price . .
Regular" 50c WashJTies on sale-,CV
at only .
Regular $1.00 Underwear, sale LjZn
Our stock of Blue Serge and Black Suits is complete. We can fit any size man
tall, short, stout or slim at ONE THIRD OFF REGULAR PRICES
343 Washington St., Two Doors From Seventh
The Finest of High-Grade Pianos
v Mighty Attractive Prices
Even the little chil
dren can make food
pictures with a
Ask us for a copy of "THE BOOK OF THE BROWNIES"
Everything in ourspresent quarters must go. The
- largest single shipment of High-Grade Pianos and
Player Pianos ever made is now en route for our
new establishment. Only a few days remain. Act
- quickly,
$275 Pianos Now Only $220
$310 Pianos Now Only $248
$325 Pianos Now Only $260
Etc, Etc 1
Remember, we guarantee quality andv we guaran-
tee price. We can saV or. do no more. Terms to
suit your, convenience. ' Drop jn today or.this evening. ; ,
fl, ...... ttSi
a u-a vis v ii sin.Bi. - mi.
Y 1 Am . '