The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 21, 1911, Page 17, Image 17

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    !S-JB '.us i. .t .. jas
quarter acre tracts ...
On Ml, Tabor Cur $880 T'P.
V'lila la ! nnmtrlf and ft neat Of
sarden aotl. no better offering on Jh
market O. L. Webb Real Krtat co
414 fi. Htarlt at.
Walnut Park
Top. Kmerann and RodneT. ' 10"100:
$8606, ttrtni, Phone Wood In wn TV
I. I, and 10 acr tret,- if
minutes, ride on either steam op
Wtrto road, both cleared and
uncleared land, no rock r gravel
but rich soil, $160 to f 600 psr
era and upon eaay trnn. -.
Ill Fauna at, Main II, A-IBOO.
irRRinm rrnfli" TO PORTLAND.
Low nrlce and ciy rni on few r-
1 mamma- tract: ncn. oiacrt nm
al In crop, thl year' crop goe with
If ha land. Thl i th beat-bu-In tba
Tualatin valley.
Marshall 361. . . . a-jizo
401 coui-n tM,
i Near Beaverton ,
$125 Per Acre
23 .acrca located near Beaverton and
fronting on county road. Thla property
I offered for leaa than lOo on tha
dollar to cloae an estate. Can make
term aa I have party to make loan for
reasonable time at 7 pr cent interne.
4 2 2-4 IS Teon bid.
Main tint, A-S983. .
The beet and the cheapeet acre re
on the market; river and rail transpor
tatlon: all cleared and In cultivation
no tract more than It mlnutee' walk
from elation; mostly all nearer: five
lOatnd 10 acre tracts; fine for orchards,
garden, chicken, etc. County nil built
up. Prloea only 1160 and 1200 per
acre; eaay term. Bee u before, buying.
Lumbermen bide.
Three acre on eaat aide. clos In. to
minute on ear: Improved atreet, ewer.
a. .-electric lights, modern 7 room
house, chicken house and yarn, nearly
1 acre in loganberries, raspnerries,
larre sarden. 160 bearlna fruit tree, a
very nice home and growing In value
rapiaiy. waitcing distance rrom nwi
Institute, price vary low or win iraae,
Lumbermen bide;
A Fine 10 Acre Rome
H mile from manA town In Wash
ington county, all cultivated and bct of
on an in crop, rood puuaing. line
well of water, 4 A-l cow, about 100
cnicicen and an farm loo is go wun
rlao. Price $3350. If you wantaome
hlnir rood, wee thla: (rood orchard and
all kind of email fruit Neal Brown,
708 Bwetland bid.
Hear 5c Car Line
SNAP. 127B0.
I acre near Lent, excellent .berry
ahd fruit land. Land adjoining selling
from 1760 per acre up. A bargain for
few day only 13760., Bee HolbrooK,
u rywetianq dips;.
Water Front Acreage
New map of Portland harbor show
wnersmps or waterrront property, rail
road trackage, depths of water In river,
docks, warehouses, mills, factories and
J'Ubllo building In the business and
ndustrlal districts of Portland, St.
John and Llnnton. For sale at 1022
Chamber of Commerce, phone Main 7160.
CHICKEN and fruit ranche near Port-
land, walking distance to good town,
running water, best soil, free wood,
splendid fruit district, view of Colum
bia river and snow peak, 2 acres $250;
t acres $300; 10 acres $600; 10 per cent
cash, easy payments. other tracta near
rallwav station $26 to $40 per acre.
800 Yeon bldg., Portland.
EXCELLENT condition and finest loca
tion In world, for .chicken ranch or
fruit farm. 10 miles from Portland,
$200 cash, balance will rny for itself
' Main 8512. 910 Lewi bldg.
Close in Acreage Cheap
0 acres, fine soil, running water, 20
minutes' ride, in Tualatin valley, .will
sacrifice for about V4 what It I worth.
If sold at once: terms.
' 444 Sherlock bldg.-
$86 For tills week only you can $35
buy 10 acre of choice fruit $35
land, all tillable, with fine $35
stream of water, plenty of $36
timber, In good location, two $35
hours' travel from Portland- $36
for $350 $35
niz coucn bldg. 3u
10 or 20 acre, partly Improved, near
O. W. P. and Mt Hood line, 20 mile
out Thi Is choice land; $150 per acre,
u cash. Owner. K-7I2. Journal.
2 1-2 Acres In City
With good room house, barn and
chicken houae, with steam heat, fottH
and 7 blocks from 6c carllne; can be
ubdlvlded now In lot at a profit; right
price and terms, can & Baimon
FOR SALE Nice little 5 acre tract; ad
Joln city limits; 7 room house; base
ment: barn: chlckenas. house fenced
woven wire; all in cult: 22 bearing
fruit trees; $1600 caah takes this. baL
easy term, otto a case, ez em it, no,
122. . .
CLOSE IN acreage on the west aide,
which la better lot a horn or Invest
ment than a lot We have some very
choice acreage, only irr to zo minute
car ride. ,$50 cash -payment and $10 a
. month. M. is. leo. au uoroen Diog.
FOR 8 ALB 5 aores on United R. R,,
14 miles rrom Portland. Price I960;
term to ult ' Also I acre, all cleared
and under cultivation: price $1150; thi
M close testation, see owner, bio a.
14th t N. Phone wooqiawn 4,
$100 BUYS my equity of $160 in a 10
acre tract conveniently close to Port
land, near thriving, growing town; orig
inal price $1800; payment $25 per
month. This la a snap for someone. Ko
agents. Addres A-715. journal.
f : : MOSIER SNAP. ""
- E acres adlolninx Mosier View Or
chard for $500, at $10 per month for
quick sale. A. L. Dundas, 302 Falling
bldg.. Main BZ79.
--. All cleared and fenced on 2 Bides with
'woven wire; live creek ana beat oi son;
on road near scnooi. or sale ngnt.
Call 285 Salmon.
20 ACRES -near Barton station, 18 milea
"r:i6 Portlandf black ajoll: house, chicken
house, well, 400 cords of wood standing,
12 acre in clover; $160, M caah. Mar-
shall 2828. r
li aores, 20 in oat and hay, 8 springs.
H mile school, church, store, on good
auto road. 10 mile city, 5 miles Lents,
$400 per acre. M cash. Otto 4 Case, 62
th t, No. 1ZI.
1, 2, J 6 and 10 acre tracta, close in,
good electric car service, $100 tc $250
the acre; big values, eaay terms. Call,
phene or writ u NOW. J. W. Heffer-
Iln Realty Co.. 203 Corbett bldg. -, ,
4,83 ACRES at Valley Vista electric
-station; no rock, level; only $1000, $50
caan, $15 month. Smith-Wagoner Co.,
Lewi bldg..
t?rioo RTTT8 10 acre on the Willamette
river; handy to Portland; boat landing
on tha place: grand country horn alt.
M."E. Lee. 61 1 Corbett bldy.
$2200 1 ACRES . Improved, 60 bear
In ' trees
Fred Grant, fourth house south. Kendall
Station. Tabor 8104. . n "
20 -ACRES unexcelled for ' -fruit and
' poultry near Vancouver and electric
jmu. iiveo, term.. ; jkraoiu,sA uir
cnanta rui -
1. 1 mini,
Garden Tracts 1
Rich black sandy loam soil, rlv.
, er bottom land, plenty of depth.
. sub-irrigated, good drainage; very
firoductlve to celery, onion, caul '
flower, etc. This land. I cleared.1
and plowed, part under culllva. ,
tlon: river and railroad tranpor .
i tatlon. . '..,
$300 Jo $400 Per Acre,'
. - " Easy Terms . r
These ' tracta are not far from
.Portland In a 'locality that has
proven very profitable In trvok
. gardening.
Automobile run hourly to traet.
Bee u for furthlr parttoular. ,
.. ' ' Garden Land Co, ' , .
v ' 407-s-l Merchant Treat Bldg. "
Main 1417. . A-JIJT.
: 10 Acres for Sale
- 10 acre all under : cultivation.
acre bearing -orchard, 1 acre
of berries, good room houae,
new barn, chicken house, place!
fenced with good fencing, fine
well. Tlaoe adjoin smsl) town
and electrlo line, 10 antnutea' car
ervlce. Thl 1 a J'lne little farm
and dirt cheap at the price, $1800.
Terrae to suit ' -
Ground Floor. Lewi Bldg.
2f7li Oak St., Cor. 4th.
See Dryery
$100 will put yon In posses
sion of I acre of cleared land,
all In crop, of which will get
one third; take advantage of
'our offer and buy now. It
mean caah to you; close In
acreage $60 per acr .up, eaay
40S Couch bldg.
A Swell Suburban Home
K KfiHJ II Inllt..1 vMa fMM PArf.
land, on Oreaon City car line. 100 feet
from atatlon; all planted to peach and
English walnut trees; midern bungalow
of 6 rooms, bath, fireplace, etc.; on a au
tomobile road from Portland to Oreron
City; nothing finer on the market; will
just suit. some gentleman or mean or
Portland buainess man. Price $$000:
part caah. or will sell 2Sk acres, with
or without house.
Stewart Realty Co,-
Main $104. $14 Selling Bldg,
$35 00 PER ACRE.
We are offerina for the first time
fine -timber land in 20 acre tracta at
$5 per acre. Very rich oll. fin for
dairying, general farming or fruit rale
ing after timber i orr. Right in a
fruit district. You can buy a 20 acre
tract for $60 down and $io per month
balance 6 per cent until paid. Owner
oes not need the ready cash, so will
ust as soon have hi. money draw In
terest la thl land aa any other. Call
at our office and let ua tell you about
It. It 1 worth looking into.
$3f-SS8 Chamber of Commerce.
$1700 $200 DOWN.
New 4 -room houae, with
on acre, fine for chickens,
near carllne. Thl 1 posi
tively a snap and must be
seen to be appreciated.
Main 1400. $26 Yeon bldg.
ACREH $800, half cash: ( mile
from North Plain; 8 acre In. cultiva
40 acre $1360. sseo caan; new nous
and barn) 5 acre in cultivation; on
county road and near achool.
40 acre I miles rrom Norm name;
new barn: 12 acres In cultivation: 1
horse and $0 goats and crops go with
the place; $2250, half cash.
zo acre 14 miles rrom vortiana;
mile from electrlo line; all In cultiva
tion, fine young orchard and vineyard;
3 or crop goes wun tne piace; caan.
balance easy term. 270 K. lth st.
New 6 room house, outbuildings, ate;
land in fruit, berries and garden; 2
block to electrlo atatlon, near Port
land, In thickly settled community.
rice only $1260. See thl place. C. L.
Baumberger. Marahall 711 Room 2,
Lumbermen dg.
20 acre improved, good ( room houae,
large woodshed and outbuilding, barn
32x16, with shed on 8 side, crop
oata, vetch, clover and timothy, potatoes,
truck garden, family orchard and ber
riea: fences good, best of soil, gently
rolling, good watr, 1 good team, luml
Der wagon, ugnt spring wagon, norae
drill, plow, cultivator, harrow, potato
planter and digger, mowing maenme,
rake, 5 hog", Standa bee, 60 hen,
harness; 5 mile east of Rldgeflcld, fine
community, 26 miles from Portland; can
have some bottom land with It if de
sired. This property belong to a wid
ow and she Is offering It for a quick
sale at $3500, $2000 cash. Can you
beat It?
232 Chamber of Commerce.
SO ACRES of genuine garden
land, all under cultivation, 25
acre already planted, 18 aores of
onions, 10 acre of other garden
reduce, all fenced. 1 good houses,
am and other outbuildings. This
tract adjoins a town of 8000 peo-
?le and Is 60 minutes' ride .from
he heart of Portland. - Why pay
21000 per acre. Thla is beaver
dam land and can be bought for
$300 per acr. See us before buy-
Ground Floor, Lewi Bldg.,
267 H Oak St, Cor. 4th. -See
On Mt. Hood Electric
80 acra farm. 20 in cultivation, paint
ed house, good barn, nice bearing or
chards, fine trout pond with plenty of
fish; 1.000.000 feet fir, close to mill
site; $50 per acre if you come quick.
Mt, Hood Land uo,
1012 Chamber of Commerce.
7$ Acre Stock and Dairy
16 miles from Portland. 40 acres In
crona balance easture with lot of
running water, 7 room house, good barn,
brick milk house, hop house, potato
house and other outbuildings. Fine
spring water, weH and good family or
chard. Fries $125 per acre. Including
stock nd Implements .
? 432 'Chamber of Commerce bldg.
. The Live Oak and Sunset Colony
lands in Sutter county; Sacramento vmf
ley. can now b purchased by our EASY
PAYMENT PLAN, the most liberal op
portunity ever offered to secure a farm
In California. The buyer is absolutely
protected and the soil. Irrigation sy
tem. transDortation. market, etc. are
unsurpassed; government reports, maps
and descriptive matter FREE. For the
whole story,' sddreas " ' - - r
Lav oakv Sutler county, caaiornia.
1 i'inram.-j..uj-iui.-J a 4
' : - - BEST BUY!
A' $M AI'ltK VliniT PA RM.
. v;-; ..WIN APPLES.
Tree U year old. In eieellent condl
tlon. produced $07$ hpxe of apples iaa
year. Which hrnnvht from 1l cent t(
$1.75 per box. bl.lee a large csr of
vinegar apples stlllng for $6 per ton.
6 acre Umber and I acre la yard.
garon and stock lot. .
Packing houae (0i60 feet. 700 appl
". , w power sprayer ana
barrel. . . -
flood K ' roam ' eotture wood' Shed,
Chicken houae, etc. All building p'llnted
n gooa condition.
Team of horaea. harness and Wagon,
New plow and harrow and all small
tool necessary.
tfi,ry cuw, 1 Pig vnicRna, -
cherry tree; garden planted. About a
mri wooa out.
There la no better fruit land In thl
tat and la located In the Willamette
valley, 1 mile from new high school In
thriving town In an coutitr. and l1
mile from Southern Pacific aiding
where apple are loaded on the car.
Her I a bearing orchard producing
ppiea equal to any in uregon
lower prioa than the raw land can be
bought for in other fruit dlatrlcta, and
the buyer ha a payer from the start
without having to wait to ( year for
return. The term rlv more than
ample tlma to meet deferred payment
from tha pfoceeda of the orchard. No
such bargain in ever offered before
or ever will he arsln.
price $11.00; $6000 caah. SlfOt Jan
uary . 60o January i, iie.
interest per cent
Main 1204. 31$-14 Selling bldg.
40 Acres for $2500
40 acres. 16 acre In cultivation, bal
ance pasture and timber, rine spring
and nice trout stream. Poor 4 room
house, barn and outbuildings. Irge
orchard, lot of berries and grapes.
Personal property: Good team of
horses, cow. chickens, hoas I waaona
and farm Implements, C mile from
store, school and churches. Price $2600,
iivvo casn, naiance easy.
; Hargrove & Sons
122 N. lh at., cor. (Ith and Gllsan.
Main 4361, A-726t.
6, 6, 10. 12. 20 and 40 acre
tracts, highly ' Improved, neat
houses, family orchards, berries,
fine water (some with stream),
splendid road, from 4 mile to
1H from town. Important fea
turea: Extremely beautiful and
cheap. Will soon have an elec
tric line and a perfect winter and
summer auto road.
Dundee, Or.
16 acres near Oregon City; I room
house, barn, granary, hog pen, poultry
house, concrete milk cooling room; 2
good never falling springs, stream large
enough for water power; fine farm
team and harness, 4 extra good cows,
22 hogs and 160 chickens; family or
chard, 7 acre heavy clover, 4 acre po
tatoes In fine condition, 6 acre wheat,
4 acre oats. M acre kale and family
garden, rdses, eta I am authorised to
sell thla property for a small payment
down and balance on long time and the
price is right ir you want a splendid
farm com in and ask me about thla.
Inquire at 838 Chamber of Commerce
and swk for I M. Hick ok.
FOR SALE cheap, owner sick. 80 acre,
fine farm. 26 acre clear, in crop,
without stumps and fenced, 10 acre
lahed and eaay to clear, bal. In brush.
Good 2-story house 16x28, addition 16x
24; woodshed and blacksmith shop; new
barn 60x05; old barn 40x60: 8 chicken
coops; new windmill with 1600 gallon
tame; water piped to nouse and garden
100 bearing fruit trees, 8 to 10 years old
half way between Portland and Seattle
miles to Wlnlock: 4 miles to Nana-
vlne; 2 miles to Evallne. R. R. flag sta
tion: 1 mile to rural rout Price $6000.
Cash $3000, bal. time or trade. F. Van
Stralen. 900 K. Grant.
We offer one of the best and most
productive 87 acre farms In Clackamas
countv at a price tnai is positively low.
This land Is a rich loam soil with
stream of running water, one half
cleared and balance In oak and fir. All
fenoed. On good county road, 8 mliea
from Oregon City and 14 mile, from
Portland. The price. $86 per acre on
very liberal term. Do not delay In
seeing tnis iana now.
Main 1008. A-1008
70 Fourth St.
12 Miles From Portland
14 Vi acre of excellent land, good
house, barn and other buildings, 5 acres
in hops, balance in other crops; good
wen ana lamuy orcnara. trice tssoo
482 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
Sav. PaD.
X,ook at this, 88 acre at Tlcard, 16 In
crop, 1 horse. cows., zb chickens, 1
wa aAna 1 IsfiavcTW hAfnaas 0 nlAtra
w ayui s. " n-i p 4 v w s,
land worth $176. Will sell all for $145
acre. Take my word, thla place 1
znn Mornaon st
130 ACRES In Grant county, near town
and railroad, 160 acre timber. 3,000.
000 feet 80 aores In cultivation, 26 of
which is In alfalfa with perpetual water
ngnt. uooa nouse ana Darn, zo norse.
head cattle, hogs and poultry and
small family orchard on nlace; outside
range; aa ideal' stock farm. P-727,
688 acre: rich soil: especially adant.
ed to the growing of alfalfa. This i an
improved ranch in a choice part of the
Willamette valley; mostly In crop and
with fine buildings. Price only-$65 an
acre; easy terms.
Lumbermen Bldg.
For Farms and Acreage
See my list before you buy. I have
farms of all size and all prices and In
all parts of the valley. Come In and get
prices', i nave-noma gooa Dargamsiln
acreage and small homes. Neal Brown,
709 Swetland bldg.
$12.50 Per Acre
160 acres, 100 acres tillable, large
creek, several springs, 36 miles from
Portland. .8821 Washington st Room
- $40 per acre take It; 40 acre alfalfa
land with exchistv water right for irri
gation, good farm buildings, good out
side range for stock. Address box 278,
Klamath Fall. Or. ';
A REAL bargain in 20 acr farms, $
miles to Oswego, partly Improved,
fins soil, good building's, bearing or
chard; must be old. Will Sell cieap.
For term see owneHj68 2d.
ONE- of the beat Jk aor farm In'
' Polk -county, with crop and stock and
Implements, at a bargain, right at
Smithfield station. E. N. Keeney, R. 1,
Dallas. Oregon.
60 ACRES, 20 cleared, orchard, build
: -fogs,- trout stream, worth $8600; for
10 days,, IU00 sash. 430 Worcester
bid ' ,-:f,-:T-. '' sf .v.v
yTo Exchange
8 '$360080 acres. 3 mile from 8
B good town on main line of N. , 8
S and boat landing on the Cowlft 8
S river; 16 acres Hi cultivation; 200 S
8 cords ahlngle bolts, balance piling 8
8 and second growth; 2 acres bear- 8
8 Ing orchard, small fruits, well and 8
8 spring and creek; IV story I room 8
8 houae, barn. Personal property: 8
H T.-am, coif cow, 8 heifers, $ hogs, 8
8 chickens, wagon, hack, farm nta- 8
8 chlnery and all small tool, houae. 8
B hold gootis. Terms, 61600 oaah, bal- 8
8 anc year. Will exchange1 for 8
8 Portland property. Thl place la 8
8 on a good road, near school and 8
8 church. ... 8
8-, . g
H $6600160 aeres on Co wilt 8
Sliver, $5 acres In cultivation, 19 8
8 acre In timber, balanoe very eae- 8
S ily cleared, all level; coal vein 4 8
S fvet thick on place; good bearing 8
8 orchard, small, fruits, well and 8
8 creek, all In crop; 1M atory 6 room 8
8 house, good barn. Personal prop- 8
8 erty soes with the nlace: 3 good 8
8 horses, team weighs 2600 lbs., on 8
H 1100 lbs. 4 cows. 6 heifers. 2 hoc. 8
8 chick, wagon, hack and sll farm 8
S machinery; thickly settled; fine S
8 graveled road, very best of aoll, 8
8 will take half In Portland proper- 8
8 ty. Improved or unimproved. $1000. 8
8 balance rash on the place. 8
8 8
8 1200 acre of the best wheat land 8
8 In eastern Oregon. 800 acres In 8
8 crop and aummer fallow, 100 acre 8
8 good timber, plenty of water; 22 S
8 horse, weight 1200 to 1600 lb.; S
8 new engine and separator. ) head- 8
8 era. 8 wagona. all farm machinery. B
8 8 head of rattle. 16,000 feet of 8
8 lumber, all crops. Price $30 per 8
8 acre, Including all peraonal prop- 8
8 erty. Will exchange for Portland 8
8 city property. Thl I a anap, 8
8 guaranteed aa advertised. 8
8 1 8
H Fine farm. 26 miles from Port- 8
8 land; 90 acres In fine state of cut- 8
8 tivatlon, 6 acres orchard, mostly 8
S apples; well In houae; fine i artery 8
8 10 room house, large frame barn; 8
8 very best of soil. Price $160 per 8
8 acre. Will exchange for good 8
8 wheat ranch; want about 600 acre, 8
8 nothing but the beat Thl I Just 8
8 aa advertised. 8
8 8
$3600 10 acres on Cowllt river, 8
8 4 mile from R. R. station and 8
8 boat landing: 6 acres In cultlva- 8
8 tlon; family orchard; 400 cords 8
8 cedar bolts; one mils haul: 60 acres 8
8 vine maple and alder 20 acres 8
8 fenced: box house 16x20 and 16x18. 8
8 barn 22x32; some farm tools, good 8
S roade. Terms $1000 cash, balance 8
K 6 yeara at pwr cent. Will ex-
8 change for Portland property.
$80,000 of good Portland prop- 8
8 ty to exchange for about 1000 acres 8
8 of good wheat land In eastern Ore- S
8 gon or Waahlngton; muat be first 8
8 class stuff, near R. R. We Dave 8
8 gilt-edge property, all olear. 8
. 8
8 1$4 aores, 1H mile from Eeta- 8
8 cada electric car, 29 mile from R
8 Portland, fine gravel road; 75 acrea 8
8 In cultivation. 10 acre young an- 8
R pie orchard, 2 acres hearing or- S l
h chard; new o room bungalow, large
S barn, water piped In bouse and 8
8 barn; very best of black soli; good 8
8 team, aeveral head cattle, some 8
8 sheep end hogs, chicken and all 8
8 farm machinery, all crop. Price 8
8 only $70 per acre. Including every- S
S thing. Will exchange for Portland S
S property; will aell on good term. 8
8 Investigate this before buying. A 8
8 snap, 9
8 S
8 $4600 160 acre SH mile from 8
8 town on the Cowllt river, R. R. 8
8 station and boat landing, on main 8
8 line of N. P.; 20 acre in oultlva- 8
8 tlon, 3 acre bearing orchard, S
8 email fnilt 26 acres piling, 200 S
S cords cedar bolt, well, spring and 8
S creek: 70 acre fenced: 1ft atory 7 8
S room house, good barn; thickly S
a aettieo, good roaas; scnooi mil; s
S very beat soil. Terms. 81000 caah, S
?n PnttunY .rr1U xcn"n g
for Portland Property; S
205 Gerllnger Bldg., Cor. 2d and 8
Alder. Office, Main 8430; Rea, 8
East 1798. 8
Choice 122 Acres for Trade
This I an elegant farm home, located
jiiat hi mile from atatlon on Oregon
Electric. There are 122 aore, all in a
high state of cultivation, lie perfectly,
no rock or gravel; splendid 6 room
house, new barn and outbuildings. Per
sonal property: One house. 2 good milch
cows. 1 wagon, 1 plow, 1 harrow, 1 cul
tivator, 1 work harness, one buggy and
harness, all farm Implements. This
place la only about 27 miles from Port
land, and Is one of the nicest little farm
homes In the country; price 34600. Will
accept house and lot in Portland to the
value of $3000.
Hargrove & Sons
113 N. 6th at. Cor. 6th and Gllsan.
Main 4381. A-7259.
60 Acres for Exchange
60 acres of fine land with 10
acre under cultivation . and In
crop, more slashed and seeded,
some good timber, fine trout
stream through land, new 6 room
house, new large barn, good
fences, well and all outbuildings,
on a good rcsvd, close to school; 2
miles from small town and 26
miles from Portland. Price
$6600; terms. Will take In city
property, but must b ajt oaah
price. Some peraonal property In
Ground Floor, Lewis Bldg.
367 H Oak St, Cor. 4th.
See Dryer.
8U mile R. R.. Washington county.
4 acres ciearea. poor nuiiuings, line sou.
and mostly covered with large yellow !
fir and cedar- $600 cash, balance 3150 1
per year, 8 per cent. Description ofi
township 3 north, range 4 west. See
the land first, then see me at 2S5
same, p. ui f. a. in yi awuun o, -
43 Acre Apple Tract
Itt mfles from Gervals: 40 miles
outh of Portland on S. P. railroad; alt
in cultivation; black loam, deep, iays !
well for drainage; 21 acre in Jonathan 1
. t r.. ..,. . a-i .
room brick house, barn 44x72, etc. Ev- 1
srytning in nrsi ciass condition. 1
' A contract for care of 42 acres young j
orchard adjoining at $15 frer acre rpes ,
w",h. I JSfaA"?'
tunfl. .rm -1
Main 3204.. 313-314 Selling Bldg.
yoriiana, uregon
" ": ' hood river snap:
10 acres, all good apple land. 10 aores
cleared, part In orchard, large creek and
spring, fair buildings, on main county
road, only $H miles from town; biggest
nan ever of fered : eric only 8250 oer
acre; $1000 cash will handle It 0-892,
journal. . .,- - -- .
rlO ts 40 acres,-convenient to earlln.
With building preferred. N-729, Jour-
HOMESTEADS, located near Portland.
good aoll. near R. R., river, choot.
P. O.; ' wheat alfalfa, fruit potatoes
rowing nearer; on oay to see ciaima.
Iinnm II. 'it I D at.
KUiirtuyittllUKNT for sal. 32001 It
acre. Right near public school, on
man route, tor particular writ.
rorriar, Maaer. uregon,
160 aores of sugar and yellow pins
timber near jaeorora, r.
10 acre near Rlddll. Or. '
10 acres near Pedee. Or- -
$0 aires near Sheridan, Of. (cruised
about 4.000.000 feet of fir).
88 acre near Forest Grove; good or-
cnara iana.
J. E. MARTIN. Owner.
74 First St., Portland, Or,
Bv-i flit v " ti'irb
60.000.006 yellow pins at $3.76 par
1000: first ciaea timoer, in on posy,
excellent location for manufacturing.
cloae to railroad. Addreaa box 37
Klamath Fall. Or.
you 8 ALE Timber claim In Ilnuglaa
county. Or., near South Umpqua rlv
er: nrulae about 4 OnU.OOA feet Price
$2160. Address T. I). Gllmor. Wolf
Creek. Or
71 eorea, 80 mile below Koaebur.
the Umpqua, cruise 2,600,000, $2000.
B Power, Shed'l. Or.
I HAVE 3 good logging shows, hand
.. rl ... , 1 A Alt ft 11 A nna IK flAfl
000: two donkeva 'wlli ret alL or on
donkey and H to mile light railroad
Take part Portland property, part casi
Also 10 acrea. edre of Cowllt pralri
level; this Is the best farming country
In Waanlngton: lie half way between
Wlnlock and Toledo. Wash., on good
macadamized road; haa 3,600,000 feet
fir timber. Price $7000, Juat what the
stunvpag Is worth; will trade for house
and lot in Portland, Irvington prererrea
Phone TShor 2RS4. inn oienn ave.
TO TRADE for vscsnt lots In Portland
Irvington or Holladay addition pre
rerrea. Will pay balance in casn. m
property is free from encumbrances an
listed at Its cash value. 1 five room
furnished cottage with large porchaf.
located In nice fir grove, plain view wf
ocean at Long Beach, waan. l v
100 1 hlorka from Lone- Beach atatlon,
3 blocks from P. O., 1 blocks from
tnra an1 nut market. 11000: also
lota In Velao Wuh.. all adlolnlnr. mak
Ing 160x180 on First st. Well located.
Price $16T0. B-713, Journal,
' Liverv and Feed Stable
I have a livery and feed atable, well
located and doing a good paring busi
ness, with very low rent, which I can
sell very reasonable, or would take good
farm or income city property; couia
pay some difference. It does not mean
that this Is not paying because it Is of
fered for sale. Investigate and you
wUl find It all light Xnal Brown, 70D
8wetland bldg.
600 acres of fin orchard land, nea
Roaebura-. on aouth L'mpaua river.
mile from 8. P. R. R. station, splendid
platting proposition, mostly up iana,
well drained, some river bottom land,
would conalder some Portland property
In exchange, the land I A-l and the
nrlce la rlo-ht. Call nr write for par
tlculnr Neal Brown. 70 Bwetland Wdg,
IN case you want to buy, sel
or exchange., you auto see
Otto fit Case, 62 6th st,
$600 EQUITY In 60x1 $6 lot SB
macadam street: Ideal for small
manufacturing business; donbl
frontage trackage. Will exchange
for moat anything of value. E
871, Journal.
Rooming House Bargain
-r' . . V
'Z 'TJ ii mAnthV will i..r 1100
j month; will take $00 lot a part pay
I or tnAttl for ,m. noUM tnd
Anderson, with Chittenden dk Nelll. 810
oak st
10 acrea In cultivation, located near
Portland, fi minutes walk to 7 store
and high school, and on electric canine,
owner want Portland property, 8 acre
in milt hou. etc.
Room 2 Lumbermen bldg.
$18,000 property In good town, short
distance from Portland; will trade part
or an for good notei.
C. J. CTJLLISON, 206 H Morrison Bt.
Here Is a Gem
Pool room, cigars, tobacco, confection
ery, soft drink, fruit, nice place for
man ana may, a-i location; win trade
for a rood lot or roomlna house. Nee
Anderson, with Chittenden & Nelll, 810
UaK st.
5 to 15 Acres
All In potatoes, will trad for room
ing nouse. wnat nav you.
271 H Morrison st.
FOR SALE or exchange for Canada
land. 235 acr dairy ranch close to
condenser town, good improvements.
now Darn, plenty of fruit, for partlcu
iwrs write box 413. Amity, or.
for sale cheap; might accept small
Portland house and lot for part; also
several small farms to exchange, w. s
Harvey, Washougal, Wash.
HAVE client who wanta good mercan
tile husineaa, haa to exchange for
same good west side nome. szo acres
timber and fruit land and 160 acre farm.
L. K. Moore, suite 617 Board of Tradu.
160 Acres
Fine land In Lake county to exchange
ror fortiand nome.
NEAL BROWN, 709 Bwetland bldg.
10 or 20 acres, highly cultivated, new
bungalow, rich deep soil, close to Wil
lamette, owner wants Portland resi
dence. C L. Bamberger, room 2, Lum-
bermens bldg.
WILL aell or trad for house and lot
my 7 passenger Studebaker. cost
3800. for $1750. A-l condition. Wood
lawn 501, evenings 8162.
I WILL take a lot as part payment on
new. modern,- 6 room bungalow in
Rose City Park. Owner, 494 E. 64th st.
N, Corner Thompson. ,
WE have bouses, lots, farms, business,
roomlna- houses, auto, orchards, or
anything you want to trade for.
GARLAND & BARSNEB. 191 4th at.
- TV) EXCHANGE Residence property
j dose to Denver,
8al-!Btreet West
for improved acreage in Colorado.
Inquire 87 Church
FOR farm exchanges, ouslnesa chances
or rooming houses, call on us. North
west Realty Co., 17 Board of Trade
bMg- ft .r
NEW residence for some cash and good
fc..,ul1m In aa nmri V.79R
t..-Y. -
j,..'.tAn . .,K. D-.,',i-j
EXCHANGE f ,ab e Portland Property
for stump land, close to R ft. Glv
descriotlon. price. R-7Z. Journal.
TO exchange, 160 acres of yellow pine
m crook county, ror n.ouse ana-lot in
cltv. Q-724. Journal.
xWO J0t., Mt. ScoU district, value $800".
for acreage near Portland. N-723!
BEE us for real estate trades anywhere.
808 Board or Traoe oiog. a
TFWELL furnished housekeeping rooms;
trade for any good city property.. N
728. Journal. , ' ' ' "
160 AORE Wheat farm In Alberta, all in
cultivation, to exchange for Portland
property. L-734, Journal. -
IF you want to sell, buy or trad.
6hoemaker, 626 and 637 Henry bide.
Main 4466. A-7434. - .
18 ROOMS. ful1' steady rooms, at a
sacrifice. 'Call owner. Main 6.783.
NEW .cottage furnished, with garden,
for sal or trade, ' H-710, Journal.
I WILL buy, ell or trad anything.
B. F. Lee, 1016 Board of Trad bldg. '
FOR BALE or, trad. 1 acre and sr
Silver Spring station 00 the weet Bids
of the Oreion City car. st a snsp nd
eU temT Address J. Carlson Mil-
room house aooui i " V
easy term. , Aonrea j. I"'""'f.
1 ikis. or. n. r. i. po, 1. a
WILL trad $9000 tock of elothlng,
furnishing snd shoe for city or
close In property; must be st right
prices. Add rea P. O. bo 37.
t A i-vni a vn
v. 7.
writer for a row, sail or romw
Addrea O-7I0, Journal.
WANTED-To buy 1 acr from owner.
tie&r Oregon lOino raruna, an
on eay term; prefer on with smell
u '.I" 'r .t tJT..-n.t
rK-tf-nrarvment On 3
a .... 111.111
nisneti muuviu , w... -
Lewis bldg.
WANTED Lot as part J)"n,nt n
plendid new 7 room home, $$$60.
Owner, Fnst 1116, B-1437.
10 A CliKS from owner good, cleared
lend near electrlo and Portland. K-
724 Jotirnal 1
E FOR 8875
I am eoine to leave tomor
row night and the first one
who brines me a check for
$875 will set the greatest
snap ever offered in this city,
This house is a beautiful cor
ner, close in on Flanders
street. Nob Hill, and is fur
nished comDlete from base
ment to garret, including $30
worth of wood, The furni
ture is all of the very best, I
gave $140 for one sideboard,
am placing a value of only
$60, (These entirely new). I
gave $100 for a grand table,
I am putting this in at a value
of $25 and everything in pro
portion, This is no "junk,"
But mahogany, birdseye ma
ple, solid oak, the carpets all
good, The rent of this grand
corner is but $45 per month.
Somebody is going to step in
to a swell house, furnished
complete, for one-third of the
value, Inquire at once,
Ten Year Lease 32 Rooms
Good Location
Furnished complete, with first class
furniture. Brussels carpet etc. On ac
count of an accident I am compelled to
leave for medical treatment, so the
flrat one here with the money takes
this splendid proposition. $1600 will
handle this, with easy terms on bal
ance. Will consider some real estate
on balance. Telephone Main $200.
Swell Rooming House
60 rooms, extra fine furniture and
carpet, all new. Hot and cold water In
11 the rooms. 5 yearn' lease, rent oly
300 per month, finest location In city.
never been offered for sale before. Not
less than $5000 cash. Price $7000. See
Anderson for bargains, with Chittenden
Nelll, mo Oak st.
10 rooms always full, lease for 2V6
years, rent $20; now If yon are a strang
er here your rooms for one summer will ,
cost more than 4hls place can be bought
for. and this house will keep Itself up
nd (give you rooms for your own use
and money besides; nart cash, balance
like rent. J. E. Nichols Co., 616 Yeon
F YOU are in the market for a rooming
house I can aell you a place ao vou
can make some money both by running
It and also by selling again. Location
and reasonable rent coupled with a lease
are the essential point to consider.
Seven years lathis business In Portland
enables me to protect you In buying.
jonn m. tjooaarq. n feon Diag.
WILL sell my rooming house, consist
ins of 34 rooms, in the best renting
part of Portland. Furniture in splen
did condition, good lease, rent $160 per
month, uiears jzuo .per montn prom.
Am going back to Minnesota and
wouldn't mind taking In part payment
some Portland piopertv. Owner, Mrs.
Roger F-699. Journal.
the Pacific realty co.
Hotels, Rooming and Apartment House.
Phone Main 9560. A-S476.
822-24 Falling Bldg.. Sd and Wash. Sts.
MAxvz 16. L.I!.TNT, -
Portland' Leading Hotel Bniker.
i rooms, cloae In, on 10th, furnished
with nice new furniture, beautiful
yard, fine modern house, owner forced
to sell on account of alckness. See this
at once If you want a snap. Inquire 88
Oth (near starx).
34 Room
Strictly modern. In center of city; will
lease for 5 yeara to responsible party.
Z7l Morrison st.
IVE to 100 room rooming houses rang-
ni, In nr iii frnm t?.nn in i?n (inn-I
rms arrana-ed to suit ourchaser even I
I have to loan the money necessary.
. . v. - - I
fin. hufrtr vnu ruiv John H lrA
dard. 605 Yeon bldg.
ROOMS well furnished, in awell loca
tion, rooms always full, a money
maker and a nice. home. Save commis
sion by buying from owner. Phone
Main 9010
lU ROOMS Strictly transient house,
downtown, on Washington street
clearing $135 monthly above every ex
pense, price JitH'u. uoaaara, duo i eon
411 Henry bids. Marshall 664.
Hotels, apartment houses, rooming
house, bought, sold and exchanged.
NINE room.- completely furnished,
cheap rent lease. iz . lain s, near
Washington. R. Ritter owner,
Main 6270. 302 Falling bldg.
40 ROOMS, steam heat hot and cold
water In every room; best furnished
place In city, $7000, term easy or will
trade part, Goddard. 606 Yeon bldg. i
14 ROOMS, neat, airy? well furnished.
; rent reasonable: lease, elears .8100
month. Prtc $1260. easy terms, .Ood
dard. 606 Yeon bldg. -
15 ROOMS, rent $65, take fer acreage
close In. Berrey's Realty Co.. 248 4th
Marshall 2828, A-4718. , .
ELEVEN rooms, well furnished, clear
ing $60 m6nth: located rlsht, for $800,
terms to utt. Goddard. 605 Yeon bldg.
WANTED- T buy .20 room rooming
houae- must have rood leaaa.
hk worn OF
itbouDra uorsr-i ron twin
32 Rooms
All houkplng, 1 1 :
1136 svery month. O
. wut sell; fl60. $366
AH housekeeping, 9 years' leas, eleeea
owner leaving en.
60 oaah. balaaoe iti
per month. ; , , .
''44 Rooms
Oood fumltur. 3 yssre lease, clear)
$160 per month; price $1100, $400 caan,
balance 160 monthly. . ... . - .
" . 8: Rooms ; ; ; ' A
Newly painted and" pepered rlo 14 ,
a . u, invuia, inn ' tej
.-.k .
-""- ""
310 Henry bldg.. Cor. 4th and Oak st.
Rooming House Owners
W have three customer who h
: " an who want w
h"y food transient house on the wet
I side. Most have lease and be modern.
Lf..r Pb
Associated Investment -Co
Bnlts 118 Teoi Bldg.
Fifth and Alder Bts.
Phone Main 481 anA-7113.
On Washing-ton at., long lease, slar
Ing $16 monthly; good fumltur; in) .'
ick, so will eacrlflce for $1000; terms. .
Peters. 16 N. 6th st
MINING snd Industrial tockai tele
phone and other bond bought nd
old. C. 8. Fletcher, 126 Ablngton bid.
Restaurant '
Central location, doing good buainess,
It good transient rooms In eonectlon 1
long lease chean rent; muat aell at'
once. Partners disagreed. Come, maks
an offer. ,
Choice prune orchard, .13 acres, near .,
Vancouver, Wash., near electric car.
If you are looking for a lodging;
house or hotel see u. W haV tnarn f
from 7 room up. Bes our list and
price bafor buying. Restaurants, bar
ber shops, cigar store, saloons.
167 W. Park. '
On of the beat located In the city,
doing $60 dally, good lease, fixtures. ,
will Invoice $1200. Am sick In hospital:
will sacrifice for $400. Week trial
flven be-fore buying. See my agent
eters, 16 N. 6th st
H acre, cleared, 6 room house, barn, ,
long fancy chicken houae, 6 run, fancy , ,
wire . fence, 72 blooded chicken. ; 160
egg Incubator, brooder, ome furniture, ,
lovely garden, rosea and fruit in front - '
yard, 30 minute of poatoffir, Mtfioott
line. It' worth $2100. but muat bs
sacrificed for $1300, $$ot of wnicn
be paid st $100 yesr.
606 Yeon bldg.
Wanted to let, contract for building '
modern hotl In country town near
Portland, to party who would be willing
to take desirable piec of property aa .
part payment; exceptional opportunity,
for an energetic man in thl commu
nlty, as new town Just started and many .
other buildings. Including store, soon t
be built, fi-eso, journal.
What Will You Give?
Fine cigar and confectionery, posl
room. Ice cream, oft drink; very fins
place. A-l downtown location; got to
be aold tomorrow; give offer. See An
derson, with , ";
310 Oak Mt.
Small But Extra Good .
Nicest and best littl grocery store
In town, doing a fin bualnesa In fe
rine neighborhood. Stock, fixture, horse
wagon, all for the low figure of $660,,
Worth $1000. Will ell on lght Bos
Anderson, with Chittenden Nelll, 310
Oak ft. -
410 Rothchlld bldg;. -- '
th and waahlnrton sts.. Portland.
W have farms from 10 to 640 sere; I .
hop yard, orchard and orchard land:
timber, sblngle mMls, hotel and city
property. W locate timber claims ana
homesteads: alwaye reliable. y4
GARAGE fully equipped In good valley
town, agency of 8 machines, Indian -motorcycl.
plenty of repair work, best
of location, cheap rent and an estab
lished business. Writ for particulars'
to Love Real Estate Co., woonpum, ur.
WANTED Steady man a partner In
old established cash business: can't
4ennd on hired heln: vou must b sat
isfied with. $200 monthly for your psrtj'
experience not needed, as owner will,
teach you the buainess. Inqutr 84 fta
st. Office 417.
With 6 living room, rent only-118.
Northwest side. Established. 10 yesr?
. "reseni owner.. Ku r. v-
z -a ammon.
w 4 vTirri Vnnnr men to
iearn rea. .,
estate business; t!g money mad from
tart; experienced salesmen will teach
you the business; no money required,
Anplv 402-3 Behnke-Walker bldg., 161:
4tn st
FOR SALE The following concession
for th Bulne Men's picnlo at Mon ,,
tavllla. July 4, all day. merry go round,
confectioery, cane rack, knlf rack, and ,
etc. Apply to Vf. E. AHn at snd of 1
Montavllla Una. . :
I HAVE placer ground that prpecto
the water and th dump. In eastern
Oregon gold bearing district, which can
be handled and put in operation foi
small amount of money. L-737, Journal.
CLIENT, ha 25 room housekeeping
house, valued at $1400; win take; ,
something of good value to $850 as first .
payment Hous clears good monyw .-;
Goddard, 605 Yeon bldg. " ,4
FOR SALE or partner wanted. Paint-
ing and decorating business, Inolud
Ing typewriter, automobile, office fur
niture, ladder, scaffolding, ,rop, ,stc.
pnone owner, r-am im.
AN energetlo man with a few hundred;
dollars can get an interest la small
steam laundry. Money needed to lnoraas
cspaclty. , Phon E-4211, . rldno J&
6341. : , . -
DELICATESSEN Horn bakery, son
f ectlonery, lunches. 111 health! : will
sell for i:uO: good trad, low rent Hv
ing rooms. 698 Union av N. . i
FOR SALE Dye works complete, es
tablished trader 7 years lease on prop,
ertv: will teach business. A-714, Jour
I nal. L' ''":''. '''''''''. ' .1 T;;
24 ROOM. 3 tory orics : nuieii g"'- ;
ai eacn .Muni, iw...
Or.. $2000. WiUIam HesseO, manager
Troutdale, Or.
, J.I.
WANTED Honest partner with $40
for moving plctur theatre at summot
resort. Particulars 528 H Wash., .nsal
17th. . " '
A GOOD opportunity for a few hustler
either sex, to make good salary; $106
cash bond required. Q-731. Journal. t
PARTNER wanted In a fine 80 room
modern hotel; big paying proposition..
33500 cash required. N-72I, Journal.
SALOOl , (n good location andfc gooj
-trad and tock. This week only
31300. Otto A Case. 63 tn st.
toA SALE Millinery stock and fix.
tures; bargain. Owner going safc
L-722. JournaL ,
SALE- or trad, country hotel S3 beds,
saloon In connection, good business,
no agents. Box 4, Houlton, Of.
FttRNITURF. repair shop, doing good
, business, for- sal cheapo In good ls
cation. B-72S. Journsl. ,t
FOR SALE rtome bakery and confeo.
tlonery. only bakery here In town,
Write The pob"rXJ5ifyju-gflJIf.0D
IrOURTH bit July celebratlon at Sher.
- wood. Of-: xmiceeslona - 66 tip; b!
crowds. Address Box 75, Fiierwro4.
. 500 Business Cards $t
-?-:?Jttose Cltv Prtri fry. M
frR SALE lleeiuiant, chean, 3 ri
f 'OR "tSAI K tlrocerv 'r. r M i ' 7. .
tton. g"d clean stock:'r
aat O.-D. Boardman, Jnini L.