The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 21, 1911, Page 15, Image 15

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.Inspector Barbour, Goes Eas
Ao Represent . PortlancJ In
IV Hearing Cases of Deserting
Allen Seamen. ;
v.; In order to con for -with Commissioner
'Sonera! of Immigration Keefe and Sec
retary of ' Commerce and Labor Nagle
to to the legality of the collection of a
' iMd tax on deserting alien seamen, Im-
migration Inspector J. IL Barbour will
tear tomorrow morning for Washing'
i ton. While Uiara, ha will also take up
' other matters In connection wltb tha
' tdmlnlstratlon of tha work hart during
'tha next yaar.
It baa bean customary to eolIOct
head tax of 14 for oaoh alien seamen
', leoertlag from Tassels here. A que
Uon as to the legality of U tax was
raised some time ago and the natter
' is now up before tbo ooramlssloner gen
eral and tbo secretary of comraeroe and
labor.. 10 tba meantime a provisional
bead tax has been collected pending the
settlement of tbo dispute.'
VCr. Barbour will also confer with the
eommlssloner general of Immigration
and tbo secretary of oommsroe and la
, bor on a number of decisions In tba
United Btates oourts In regard to do
portatlon of alien undesirables and of
some white slavery oases, which have
, some op recently. Ho will find out what
.effect these decisions will, have on the
. administration of bis office. While la
Now Tork Mr. Barbour will take up
'; with Commissioner Williams, at Kills
1 Island, matters conoornlng aliens com-
'-- Ing to Oregon and also tell him of eon-
,. dlUons hero aa the department' exercises
supervision over aliens for at least
three years after their arrival.
Two aliens will be taken back east
by Mr. Barbour for deportation. A Nor
wegian girl will be sent back to Norway
by way of Quebeo and Liverpool, and
; George Staff, an Insane patient from the
'' asylum at Salem, will bo deported to
Germany. He will be accompanied to
' New York by a doctor from the asylum.
In addition to the business that takes
him east Mr. Barbour will bavo a leave
of absence and will visit at Chicago
on his way back to Portland. He ex
pects to be gone about four weeks.
Power Passenger Yacht lias Success,
ful Ocean Trip.
After making her first round trip
voyage to Bayocean, on Tillamook Bay,
which was entirely successful, the IS
guests expressing--themselves ss very
well satisfied wltb the three days' trip,
the power passenger yacht Bayocean
mA l.-l fit,, w.a nut In all
kinds Of tests on the trip and Is -aid I Snivel g. (lor. etr.
Thomas I VWandl Captain Peterson,
cleared skis morning for Ban Vranclsco
with 1000 sacks of wheat In her bold
and 100,000 feet of lumber on deck.
' Aorordlng to reports many skippers
running Into Coos bay are making com
plaints because of o hogback left at
the entrance to Pony slough by the
dredge Oregon. The bump will be re
moved when tbo dredge return from
the CoQullle. ' :-.- - i.
. Carrying 140 passengers and ,1100
tons of general freight., the steamer
Oeorxe W. Elder. Captain Thomson, ar
rived at S 'clock this morning from Ban
Diego, by way of Los Angeles and Ban
Francisco. Tha British tramp Strain.
bog's bonded f relerht for this port did
not come on the Elder as was expected
and It will probably reach hero on the
Roanoke, which will bo, the . next
steamer. - ' ' . -"-.. X
Steamers of the Shaver Transporta
tion company will leave, down from
Stella at J o'clock' this afternoon with
the first clear shaped raft Of tha sea
son In tow. . It la being sent out by the
Hammond Lumber' company for Baa
Francisco. . .'
7 Dally RJvtx Readings.
Tbo Dalles .........
Vancouver .........
Portland . .
Albany ......
it. I
10. el 0.1
to have behaved In a very fine man-
ner. Aa there are aorae changes to be
made In her exhaust. It 1 not yet defl
nltely decided whether she will leave
out tomorrow or remain here a day or
River rising; river falling.
Duo o Arrive.
Str. Golden Gate. Tillamook ...June 10
6tr. Anvil, Bandon ...Juno 11
mr. Beaver, Han pearo ....jane iz
Str. Breakwater, Coos Bay. .. .June 14
FUr. Roanoke. Bin Pedro June z
Btr. Bue H. Elmore. TtUsmook. .June 14
Str. Alliance. Eureka June 2
Btr. Bear. Ban Pedro Juno II
Btr. Geo. W. Elder, Ban Diego... July
Btr. Rose City, San Pedro July
Due to Depart.
Btr. Bue H. Elmore. Tillamook Juno 10
Btr. Golden Gate, Tillamook.... June ii
Btr. Geo. w. Elder. Ban Deao. .June II
Btr. Rose City. Ban Pedro Juno 11
Btr. AnvM Randon Juno 11
Str. Roanoke. Ban Diego.. Juno II
Btr. Breakwater, Coos Bay. Juno If
Btr. Alliance. Eureka ....Juno I
Str. Bear, Ban Pedro ..July
Coasters to Arrive.
Despatch. Am. str. ......Ban Francisco
B. Stetson, Am. str. ..Ban Francisco
A Chsnslor. Am. str. .San Francisco
Shasta. Am. str. ...... ftan Pedro
Shoshone, Am. str. Sen Pedro
Roeecrans. Am. str. Monterey
westerner. Am. str. Ban Francisco
Xeilowstono. Am. str. Ban rearo
XIsooUmoous Teeeels Bnroute.
Bannockburn. Br. str. Antwerp.
Carondelet, Am. boo. ....San Franclaco
Etneiwoir, nr. otr. . .., victoria
Ethel Zane, Am. ooh. San Pedro
Hampton. Br. str. ...... San Francisco
King Cyrus, Am. sen, 6an Pedro
Koan Jd. atr. Honolulu
Louisiana. Am. bge ......... .IrondaJe
St David, Am. bge. Irondale
, Antwerp
Nor. str. .. .....Victoria
drain. Tonnage Baronse.
CoL do Vlllebols Mareull. Fr. bk.
v Glasgow
Jules Gommea, Fr. bk. Newcastle onT.
Rene, Fr. bk. -Newcastle, A
twit Iniinr and hiva tha work dona. I RL Heorra nr. atr. Antwarn
Arrangements have been made to place 2ir'thbef- Br''tr:' Antwerp
dock. Just soutk of the Morriaon street R bk. Newcastle. A
bridge, on the east side of the river. Bretagne. Ft. bk Newcoatle on T.
from wnicn a stairway will iaa to a Kirkcudbrightshire. Br. eh Newcastle A.
walk to bo built along ths eaat side of Kinross-shire, iff. bk. .Newcastle on T.
tne aocx, tor tnp isnaing oi passen-1 u to
a-ero. I"- nacKieia, uer. sn. . . .rtonn jracinu
IOaiUliK, AIU, DU11. ....... .... ,Ob JUIHI.
Boston. U. 8. ss. Stream
Suverlo. Br. ss Albers
Oswestry, Br. ss. Tongue Point
Am. os . . . . Ainewortn-
Am. ss West port
.On way down
and Hunt: builder. Henry Hand: 111)0.
Portland Railway, Light A Power
company, two story fireproof concrete
building, near East . Lincoln end Water
u-eeia; nuuaor, same; iv.euw. .
Oust Eastman, one and one-half story
frame dwelling ' East Thirty-second
street, between Emerson and Sumner
builder, same: lltuO.
-Dooly Co., repair brick hotel, til
Flanders street, between Sixth and
events: builder, J. V. Lynda: lees.
PereyJ A "trickier Co., repair frame
w.r.nsuit, Knot rirtietn street, oetween
Thlrty-foerth avenue and Powell Valley
noao. puiiaer, oamo: 11 too.
' D. C. McKay, repair one story frame
dwelling, 066 East Seventeenth street,
between Going and Proscottj builder.
wnii flVVO. . . .
William Walker, repair two etory
frame shop, Sandy Road, between Twen-
LlI.nm llul TaMitv.nlntll! . mil tnmr
i. C. WaUer; IU0. - .
WITllam Walkae rankle lA ' atnrf
frame atore and dwelling, Sandy Road.
oetween Twenty-eighth and Twenty
oinm, oniiner, j. c walker; iio.
nop, ifo.Havlor street, between Twen-
ij-iiiin ana xwantv-aiitn: bniinar.
same: 11000. - . , ! . . '.
John Claua. Vanalr Ana atnrv fVa'ma
dwelling, 711 Baet Eleventh street, be
ll )0 ,on nd ssijjng; builder, oamo;
John Loire, ana alitra frama 1 aralllna'
East Seventy-second street, between
Bixiy-iounn and Slxty-f fth avenue:
Sixty-fourth and Slxty-flfth
builder, same; 1600. t, -
Ifl. J. Hohberger, one stor
chicken house 141 Fargo st
tween Union
builder, same: 110.
i neoaore
Story frame
sir tel. oe-
noy , avenuesj
B. Wilcox, repair two story
eie canay etc
iilwaan trieih
builder, atone A w.kiia.
CorporaUon; I54.0. . "
W. A, Garratt. ranalv In atnr tram.
dwelling, til East Seventy-olxth street
and . Taylor; builder,
between Mala
oamo; lisoo.
H. F. One areot twa atnnr tntll aon.
otructed otores. Salmon street between
w""tw ana Tnirteenth," builder, oamo;
lllvo. ..
O. W. Jackson, three storv ordlnarv
construction anartmanta. Union annua
Yiwen oucn ana uavis; builder, same;
foe, vvu,
Paul DOld. one and a half atnrv
frame dwelling, county road. 160 north
?i Kent otreet: builder. H. Z. Messier:
If. Frost, ons story frame dwelling,
1040. East Twenty-seventh street be
tween Alberta, , and Bralnard; builder,
same; 1100.
P. M. Dobha. on a and a half atorv
frame dwelling, I7f East Forty-fourth
street between Haflcock and Broadway
puiiaer, same: izeuv.
Henry Lanehart one storv frama
oweinng. Kast Thirteenth street be
tween Skidmoro and Mason; buildsr, C
ijecnner; fieou.
C RIsenhardL two atorv frama ttwall
Ing, 177 Height avenue between Fay and
Bianaena; nuiidar, Theodore Battler
A J. FTeum. one and a half storv
i raise .a weinng, is saues street oe-
The Upper Willamette River Boats J"
117111 Tl TTn
Because .of a report from tho Port
land Railway, Light Power company
to the effect that the Oregon City locks
will have to be closed the latter part
of July or the first , of August, the
Oregon City Transportation company
' will discontinue steamboat service to
tho Upper Willamette. Tho steamer
Btrathlron. Br. ss On way
Marshal de Content, Fr. bk.Port Lbr. Co.
Marechal de Castries. Fr. bk....Llnnton
K ,
O. H. Fay, repair one story frame
Tm. iff tvi. n 'h.r i..t inn .- dwelling, Kll Huroa street, between
curvaiiw uuui wiyu.r a. auv iuw. I JneS 126.
will remain cloaed during the extreme O HT Far erect ona atorv frama ahad
low water period and the allla of lock 1612 Huron street, between Lombard
No. 1 will be lowered and the basin and ODernn; builder, R. E. Lines; 6126.
nun ry ivern, repair one ana one-nail
story frame dwelling.
dredged out, according to tho report
of P. W. Sullivan, hydraulic engineer
of the street railway company.
Complaint Is Made Against Steamers
Passing Linnton.
- A letter has been received by the har
bormnster, Captain Jacob Speier, from
' Clark A Wilson, complaining that a
i number of steamers have been exceed
ing Uie speed limit lately
Linnton. As that part
out of the Jurisdiction of . Captain
Speier he will turn the letter over to
the united States engineers.
41S Monroe street.
oetween union avenue ana ueventn:
builder. O. Galllson: 1760.
McDonald A CasseL one atorv frame
' dwelling. East Sixty-sixth street, be
tween Fremont and Klickitat; builder.
A. McDonald: 11500.
Stelios Chivlgl, ons story frame shed.
Delaware street, between Argyle and
Hunt; Duuaer, Henry Hand: 1100.
Stelols Chlvlel. one atorv frama dwel
ling, Delaware street, between Argylo
,bhTe S folks Past fifty
of tho river Is
Must Use xascarcts
What Glasses Are to Weak Eyes, Gas-
carets Are to weak Bowels. Old
People Heed Them and tho
weed Zs Only X aturaL
- Astoria, June tl. Sailed at 4 a. m.
Steamer Casco, for San Francisco, Ar
rived and left up at 1.30 a. m. Gaso
line OChOOner Anvil, from Bandon and Toil oM.nnnnla Paaharata ara nartln.
way ports.' larly for you. Tou who don't exercise
San Francisco, June 11. Arrived- as much as you need to. Tou who like
Bteamer F. 8. Loop, rrom Portland. , the easy chlilr. Tou whose steps are
Coos Bay, June 21.Arrived Steamer slow, and whose muscles are less elas-
;ereaxwater, irom -priiana. . tlc You must realise that your bowels
uueenstown, june au. Arnvea uer- have also become less active.
; man ship Eimeaa, rrom Portland. - i Don't regard Cascarets as physic.
Freemantle, Juno 18. Arrived Brit- I They stimulate the bowels lust as some
isn steamer inverxip, irom rortiana via foods will do; Just as exercise would
; Adelaide. 1 do. if -you took enough of It. Thev are
Dublin, Juno 19. Arrived British not harsh, like salts and cathartics. Tha
, bark Inverness, from Portland. help which they give to weak bowels Is
Astoria, Juno 20. Arrived at 6 and Must as natural and s-entla aa tha amir
etc ai o p. in, Dioomer ubutko w. or VOUtn.
Elder rrom an uiego ana way ports; When oyes grow dim, you help them,
steamer Johan Poulsen, from San Fran-J bo tho same with the bowels when age
; Cisco, sanea at p. m. British 1 makes them less Actlva. Th.r. I. nnth.
steamer btraimyon, ior Honr Kong ana mg more important. Costive bowels mean
way ports. Sailed at 7:16 p. m. Steam- the decavin food Is cloze-ad har ant
'or Breakwater, for Coos Bay. Arrived the ducts of tho bowelo suck Its notions
... ii t v. in. auk jvauuiieBB wuu ureuiro i inf ft tha ninnrt v nn m.'t fa.) .l l ..n
fin tow, rrom Ban jproneiseo va Bius- til this 4s corrected. But do It gently
regularly- one Cascaret - a - day. Coax
the weak bowels don't drive thenv
Just try, a 10 cent box of Cascarets.
They Grow Hair
Certain Ingredient, if Prop
erly Combined, Stimulate
Human Hair Growth
Resorciri Is one of the most effective
germ destroyers ever discovered. Beta
naphthol IB a most powerful, yet abso
lutely safe germicide and antiseptic,
which prevents development of germ
matter, and creates a clean, healthy con
Pilocarpine, although not a coloring
matter or dye. Is an Ingredient well os
tabllshed for Its power to restore nat
ural color to human hair.
Borax, because, of. Its well defined
softening and cleansing properties. Is
most useful In tho treatment of scalD
and hair diseases. Glycerine acts aa
sumuianr to tne hair bulbs, and has a
soothing, healing and nourishing Influ
ence. Alcohol la Indispensable In med
icine because of its antiseptic, stimu
lating and preservative qualities.
Rexall -II" Hair Tonlo- is chiefly
composed of these Ingredients, wich
are, compounded In a particular form,
and we believe It la the most effective
remedy known to medical science for
scalp and hair troubles generally. We
personally guarantee It to eradicate
dandruff and scalp irritations and to
grow hair, even though tho scalp In
spots Is bare of hair, providing of
course there Is life and vitality remain
ing in uie nair roots.
we want every one troubled with
scalp disease, dandruff, or loss of hair
to try Rexall "H" Hair Tonla If it
does not remove dandruff and promote
a growth of hair to the satisfaction of
the user, we will without question or
quiDDie return every cent paid us for It.
xnts guarantee Is printed on every nack
age. It has effected most satisfactory
results In 91 out of 100 cases where
put to a practical test.
Kexail "93" Hair Tonic Is entirely
unlike and In every particular different
from anything else we know of for the
purpose for which it Is recommended.
we urge you to try It at our entire
risk. Certainly we could offer no bet
ter guarantee. Two sizes, 60 cents and
11.00. The Owl Drug Co., Inc.. cor. 7th
and Washington sts.
1 publish my own photograph, per
sonally conduct myown office,- have
no connection with any "medical
company,", "institute" or museunv'
but am a 'thoroughly reliable, up to
date scientific specialist In all dis
orders of men. No hired substitutes
to treat yQU. If I accept your case
for, treatment and do not effect a
quick and lasting cure, you need not
pay one cent of my small fee. .Let
me prove to you, without cost or
obligation, that I will cure you . to
Btay . cured, before paying out one
to 6 T to 8 Dally; Sunday, 10 to la
Examination Advice Proo.
Rooms 309-10-11 Merchants Trust
bldg., cor. 6th and Washington sts,,
v Portland, .Or.
p ' San Francisco, Juno 20. Sailed; at 4
p. ' m. Steamer Beaver, for Portland.
? Arrived at 4 p. ta. Steamer Washing
X ton, from Portland.
'. IImvb Tlarhnr .Tuna 9f) A rvlvtut
. Steamer1 Aberdeen, from Portland,
j,' .Tatoosh, Juno 21. Passed In at 6
t a. m. Steamer Fairhaven, from Port
I land, for Port Ludlow.
a - . ti.Y 1 -Dawaa, . Tm... of iLiA...A a
i a. m. Steamer J. A. Chanslor, r-ff'-- i
I fTTzoniitMk at tho Contagious Blood Poison is responsible foraptatmanyold blood j
f mouth of the river at I a. m.. smooth: Hrntihles. such AS SCrOtUlOUS affections. Shun erUDUOnSt ralTBtu irouoiKi,
I wia northwest ii miles; weather, tog. Rheumatism, ulcerating sores, etc ; There is no such thing as ridding
1 TMaia at aatortaV thuraair - UUh h isvstfn. nf thesft effects bv killino5 the ooisonous perms. Any raed-
wator. :2S a. m.,- 6.1 feet; 9 Jl p.- m., j Hnr nnwtrFiil ftnftuirh to flCCOmDlish this WOUld 81SO destroy manTOI
n.r 1.1 feet; .ui Ai: anl anH wir-lr thm t.nfihit1nn. . The Onlv
. 1.7 feet. Low water, J JO a. tn
. 1.44 n: n. 1.0 feet
the delicate lininrs and tissues, and wreck the constitution. The only;
wiiv tn cure old blood troubles is to REMOVE the cause ffom the circu
lation, and for this purpose nothing is equal to 5L 5. S. It goes Into thev
-A. A.' ... A A 0 . -l - t At- "a. -AAt -
blood, ana anves out every taint ana poison, ana mases mis vjcu huu
" . . a 1 M f t I aL... A.kaaif
. - A ,.. .FA A . i.' 1
steamer ooiden Gate. , captain rick- pure, rich and nouf ishing. S.S.S.hzs long been known as the greatest
son arrived at 6:45 O'clock this morn-1 0.1l V1,4 a...)R.m anrl manw thmiconHa haxr riA fhem!vp fif Old
ing from-Tillamook She- carried lit r" . 1, jtwA vc r-rr,o thi Immiritv frnm the
a. ma I I , III ,1 U I 1 I , f Xr. Il 1 1. A A A AA, . . A-m AAA AW.&I.UV U1V A...WA. " 7 A. v.. a vv
' ..w a . - . ..- n r m r
Oi J. aJ. IS 10 J
,a..A.aKS-l Tha a r IXSt l-M akaa OatellY a II eal
f . . T . . ' 14 . ' it .42A...1 aJ..2U afa-A-AO. A -all
. tomorrow nini. r.-?,.'-it? T n r.An rn inn n nnu Hnu mruiLui Huviijr: iicc tu bil
9.-wr -T,'"- - -v... - - ' -Z ; I liVVWl VWS W srsww . ' - - . T - " - - " aM
At the custom 'snouse -the steamer ,aU r TOT SWIFT SPECIFIC. uOL' ATLANTA VA
SIUW iti Ut Ua lWt trt . KHn.v.". -" ,
Philip Ores, one story frame dwell
ing, Kaet Sixth street between Haaon
and Shaver; builder, C Leohnert I10U0.
Jween irtfth and Virginias builder, same;
A. J. Freiim,' excavate and basement
wall. 101 Miles atreet between Fifth
avenue and Virginia; builder, same;
1100. ' " t . . . ..'
C fl. Palmer, one story frame dwell
ing, lOast Klghty-elgbth street between
Ox1"n and Tillamook; ..builder, same;
a. . . ' - ' ' ...a
, tsart 1.1. faimar, two ana nan ,irr
rranio dwelling. Koyai uour neaa ei
Uuena Vista; builder,. Oeorgo W. Oor
don Sons; (6000.
A. McCalman, repair . three story
brick building, III Everett street be
tween Fourth and Fifth; builder, Wong
Son: 600.. ; ,
William Mlddlestade, repair one story
frame dwelling. Klllingsworth otreet
between Patton and Concord; builder,
W. R. Strickland; 1460.- . M
lalngren Bros, one otorr frame dwell
ing. Kast Fifty-fifth street between
llasoalo and Pacific; builder, oamo,
11600. -
.. Frank Kerr, repair one and a half
story frame dwelling, 1121 East Sixty
ninth otreet between Thlrty-serenth snd
Powell Valley road; builder, same; 400.
Woodland, Cat., Juno 11. Two roars
on tho county chain gang la tho sen
tence Oeorgo A Johnson will servo hero
for failure to provide ror nia enuaren.
Tho county -will give bis wife sad chil
dren 110 a month.'
Tourist Are Loot
(United Preao Leased Wire.)
San Bernardino. Cat, Juno 11. -five
eastern tourists are believed today to bo
lost la Frost canyon, a natural refrig
erator, on the north slope of Mount
Baldy. Searching parties set out rrom
Red lands. In tho party, consisting of
English, Pittsburg and Boston globe
trot tere, were Mark Landon, Oeorgo Mo
Donald, Quo Jordoa and two others.
News of Student Conference.
Northwest Student Conference, War-
ronton. Or.. Juno 11. Interest in the
student conference at Columbia Beach
Is Increasing every day among Its dele
gates. Frank Bayley, attorney of Seat
tle, gave an address on tho law aa a
profession. Tester day afternoon Dr. W.
8, Htnoon, of tho White Temple of Port
land, delivered an address on tho Bible
and Its use.
la tho oerleo of baseball games being
played between tho four teams from
Puget Bound, Willamette valley. Inland
Umpire and the faculty of tho eonfer
enoo, tho latter triumphed over tho Wil
lamette vaiity by tho eloso score of 11
to 10. .The tennis doubles are being
played now, the . finals eomleg at tho
ona or the week, , . ,
. Great Engines Go' Into lse.
New Tuberculosis Remedy
Based on Medicine
m ju o fun or ufltruinoa. '
Oentlemon: "On June I, 190T. I was
operated upon for Tubercular nerltonl-
tls. After which my physicians gave me
up. J was then urged by a Priest to
take Eckmen'o Alterative. I did, stead
ily gaining in neaitn ana atrengtn, and
now am aosoiuieiy wen.
. (Slimed Affidavit) EDNA FINZEH.
Fuller details or above case on re-
Bckman'S AlteraUve Is for 'Bronchi
tls. Asthma, Hay Fever. Throat and
Lung Affections. For oale by the Owl
Drug co. and otnor leading orugglsti
Ask for booklet of oured oases, an
write to Cckman Laboratory, Phlladel-
ph la. Pa., for additional evidence.
Good For You
You can't have a dear brain
active muscles and firm
nerves, if your bowels are
sluggish ; but see what a help
to you'willbe a few doses of
1U Evatrwkare. fa Usee 10a. aa1 28a.
Young, Middle-Aged and Old MEN
Not Sick, Yet Hardly
Able to Work Every Day
Tlii. la Uw Way You Fwl
1 m
Tour book ppias and aehee. There la a
tendency to fro easily aae every eaer-
tlon of tho boay or mlaa moreasee me e
hauatlon. Sleep dee not rtmX yea; yoa get
up In the morning feeling tired. The di-
Kitlea beeotaao lmpeired. tho temper Ini
le. oplrlta depressed, you feel glee my
and soeuraaed, ending with complete lack
of eonfldenee and a general feeling of dis
gust at your owa debility. Tou oaa bo
oured. Come to ma
The great volume of my practice aJWwe
me to make uniformly lew fees, so that no
man need bo wltheot proper treatment. I
absolutely nave tha best equipped medical
offloeo for the treatment of men'o eMoeaseo.
Best and freshest meoieme preparea m pri-
line ereoi
vata laboratorr under supervision of expert
I AM FOR MEN .tien ynl,no- M -YOU
ONLY PAY FOR CURES Don't Heaitattv-
Don't DeIay---Examination and Advice Free
Nervous, Blood and Skin Diseases. Varicose Veins. Kid
ney. Bladder. Chronic Diseases,' and All Dis- .
eases Peculiar to Men Cured or No Pay.
S. A M. TO
; . r. xc.
to 10.
My Fee in Many Cases
. at, SC. TO
9. .
new giant oil burning Onglnoo will bo
put In f oramlssloa on the Southern Pa-
elflo linos ever the Blorra Novsda and
Tehaohapl mountain grades July 1. .
Ask Some of '
His Patients
They Will Tell You
How They Were
Tbo Chinese Doctor.
Tho saying Traotloo makes perfect"
has been proved to tho satisfaction of
hundreds of 'Blok people who have
sailed oa C Oeo Wo for a diagnosis
and proper Chinese herb medicine to
combat their olckneao. Raving been
established hero In Portland for over
II years, in Chicago and Omaha pre
vious to that his record for complete
cures due to the Insight gained by
years of practice with various Ills, has
been an oxoellont ona It Is tho de
mand for his services by sick people.
recommended by others whom ho cured,
that makes his life a buoy ona Out-
of-town people are not denied bla sort
vtoeo, for they have tho means of com
municating with him direct and ob
taining his wonderful remedies.
People out of town, write for consul
tation blank and circular. Inclooo four
cents la stampa.
The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Cs.
Portland, Oregon
I Cure Men
Pay Whoa Oared.
Ooaoral Debility. Weak Verves, In
somnia Result- of exposure, overwork
and other violations of Wature'e laws.
Diseases of Bladder and Kidneys, Tart
eooo Tolas, aniokly and permanently
oured at small evpenee.
utbciaj aXaaMZaTTB Newly eon-
tcted and chronle cases cured. All
mlng, itching and inflammation
tract ed
burnlnr. It
stopped In 14 hours. Cures effected in i
A. G. Smith M. D.
Laosadlns Spvolallsit
for iVten
I am tha enlv Boedallat la
land who aoos his Use masse and
photograph la his aaaoaaeomeata. I
see and treat my patients personally,
and am not a "medloel eesnpaay."
"medical Institute" or a "mexUeeJ
system.' All men should know who
the k doctor Is they eonsalL
should carefully consider wh
they desire to entrust their health
with a hired doctor of a i
eompany.. I use my photograph so
that whoa you some to oeo me per
sonally you will recognise mo. la-
vsotlaate ray personal standing be
fore accepting treatment freea a dee
tor of unknown Identity o reputa
Ar You
Being treated la a satisfactory man
ner by your present doctor? lo he
carrying out bio promlsesT Has bo
cured you In a reasonable Ume, and
lived up to bla guarantees Are too
Darin a him exorbitant arlcea fee
medicine! Does ho employ thor-
ougniy np-io-oaie ana cienuno
methods, which weald be approved
by the regular family doctor t If
rou cannot answer tneeo queen ons
'avorablv to yourself, eoroo and have
l confidential talk with mo about
your case, it will eoot you nothing.
Cured In Five Days
I cure such disorders as Vartceee
Veins. Hydrocele. Piles. Booolflo
Blood Poison, eta, completely and
permanently, often with only a sin
gle treatment No severe operations
employed, nor detention from busi
ness. I especially eollelt otubbora
and long standing eases that other
doctors have failed to euro, -
Examination Free
I offer not only FREB consulta
tion and advloe, but of every ease
that cornea to me I will make a care
ful examination and dlarnosls with
out charge. No ailing man should
neglect this opportunity to get ox
pert opinion about his trouble. -If
you cannot call writ for diag
nosis chart. My offices are opoa all
day from I A M. to P. ItVand
Bundaye from 10 to 1.
Dr A. G. Smith
Morrison Btree., Cos.
Portland. Os.
S to la.
I In vita la sarUenlav all
who have become dissatisfied
with treatment elsewhere. X have
oured over 18,000 oases la which
other physicians had failed. Z oan
euro yon Safely, Quiokly and for
Ufa whoa others fall. A trial will
prove "It He guesswork.
MB yarn are sue of
your health and vlgo will bo re
stored for life. Why will yea eoaw
tlnne to gnffsrt Ton can ne autao
BOXTaTD aad woU. OaB today,
"very-thing ooafldoaHal.
System of Bloetro-llealeal Troataaonl aToror Palls to Owe VetTo-Tita!
:y, Tarioose Veins, Bpeolflo Blood Poison. Trrethral Obstruction aad .
Complications, Associate Xtlseases aad Weaknesses of Xoa.
Tarioose Veins from
Hydrocele from
Nervous Debility from
Wasting from
Discharges from
moors from
Obstructions from $8 to f IS
iB to BIB
s to iao
. , .B5 to 1S
...S3 to a 5 to iio
, . $5 to SIB
Blood Poison from S to BBS
railing xalr from fa to i S
Bosema from 85 to BIS
Bladder Ailments from ...SB to BIO
Sidney Ailments from to SIS
Vrostato AUmoata from ..S to SIS
oeven dava Consultation free. If un.
able to call, write for list of questions.
Office Hours 9 a. m. to I p. m. Bun
days, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. only.
B94H WAranrorow rrmzBT,
Corn sr Plrst. Portland, Or.
Don't Let Money Matters Keep You Away
have arranged a system of payment that will allow every maa to take ad.
ntare of mv services. If you sre skeptical you are the very man I want tl
see, for I can show you absolute proofs of what I can do, so you will know I
vantage of my services. If you sre skeptical you are the very man I want to
can do all I claim. I do not accept Incurable cases; my prices are reasonable.
my results are speedy and lasting. No other specialist offers you what I do.
for I have the best sure known, together with one of tne finest, meet com
plete and expensively equipped medical Institutions in the West.
prepared in irivate lAaooratory under supervii
the convenience, and protection of my patients.
boratory under supervision of my Expert Chemist, for
Consultation, Examination Free and Invited Whether You
Take Treatment or Not x
Call If you can. Write today for self-examination blank If you oaomojt
, Medicines from 11.10 to $1.50 a oourso from my owa laboratory.
2301, Yamhill St. Cor. 2d St, PortlancJ. Or.
By DR. LINDSAY, (be Eminent,
Long-Established Specallsl
Inferior treatment when
For inferior treatment when you can get
tho very best . medical attention at a fee
Of from XJNK FOURTH to ONE HALF that
i charged by other specialists with my repu
tation? Remember that you are not asked
to pay for any experiments or any failures.
If your case will not yield to my treatment
I oan ascertain that at the first examina
tion, and will frankly tell you so, and give
you advice how to take , care- of yourself.
XT BPSOZATaTZES ABB Warvons Senility,
Blood Disorders, Piles, Tarioose -veins. Hydro,
eele, Suptaroo, Kidney, Bladder - aad all dis
eases peculiar to men, .
.vr.T. eiT.Tina rrBrTiTjIHT -
Corner Alder and Second streets. Entrance III H Becond otreet, Portland. '.
,9f w'oo houro--f a. in. to ,l.p. nv 8undays 10 a, , iaif,...tO.:..iJ,,B..5m..i
MsiOur wonderful herb
- treatment will positively
cure diseases of the
Throat, Heart, Liver,
.; Lungs, Stomach, Kid
. neya, Asthma, Pneumo
Inta, Conoumptlon,
JChronlo Cough, Piles,
Constipation Dysentery,
vreaaneaa, nerrpusness,
D 1 s a I n ess. Neuralgia,
pendlcltls. Rheumatism. Malarial Fever,
Catarrh, Ecieraa, Blood Poison, Leu
corrhoea. Urine and Bladder Troubles
and all orranle diseases. Consultation
free. Write for symptom blank. Office i
hours, 10 a, m. to p. m.; ail day sun
days. Lady attendant. Leo Hong Chi
neoe Herb Co., 143 H Second St, Port
land. Or.
Every Vcman
, Is Interested aad aheold
kknow about the wonderful
iMAaVELWhlrlinf Spray
The new Tasiaal kTirrlmra,
li iaaae lata
A roar Snnrtet for 1
it. If be oannot eapRly
lha aceeot
for Ulaareted book eeeled. It
. m11 MlAnlan .nH dlraa.
boa liiraluable to la diet. Tpmnmi
for sale by Bkldmore Drag Oo Weodai
darks Oe. and Laua-Diria Iros Co. 0 storea.
Clrai Prompt ead EflKttuJ Kellef
without inconvenience, in the
No other treatment required. ,
The Dr. Green Offer. .. '
1 ' .' '
We want all ail
ing men . to feel
that they can come
to our office free
ly for examination
and explanation of
their condition
without being
bound by any ob
ligation to take
treatment u n 1 o so
they so desire. Wo
will maka a thor
ough and oclentlf-
le examination or
your ailments fret
of charge, an ex
amination . that
will disclose your true physical con
dition, without a knowledge of
which you are groping In the dark.
If vou have taken treatment else
where without success, wo will show
you why It failed, jcvei
I1XS, foe SSI
Laeleet Aek year BrmmriMM i
Chihea.tar's Uluaaai
PUIa la Bad and S)aia
bmaa, aaala4 wlta Blae Rlbbaa.
Taka aa ataae. nar ef
BraarataS. Aakrnirin
rem kaewa w Batt. Safaat, AWnra Rlabla
should take advantage of this p-
ortunlty to learn hie true eondl-
ion. aa we will advise, him how to
best regain his health and strength
and preserve them unto ripe old age,
II your case is curaoie, tne , ;
system of MAN-BUILDINO treat
ment will give you Immediate bene
fit and a quick aad lasting , cure.
There is no uncertainty about It
No risk to run Our GuaranteeNO
FIED is your absolute protection.
Wo cannot tell you In this an
nouncement an we wouia nice toy but
win fullv and freelv eznlaln nnr
proven methods to all ailing men who
come to us for tho help they need.
i ATTSaCTJSnr- lfXsT, before treating
elsewhere, honestly Investigate - our ,
i nroven methods. Tou will then under
stand how easily we euro all en r able
BTaASDEB And BID VST troubles, COW
TBAOTXD allmetits, nXBS aad an
XXCTAJU allmonta. ; -i:. l,t i )
BING CBONG, Cbinest Botlor'
His Chinese herbs and!
root medicines ouro i
blood troubles and all
diseases of the heart,
lungs, liver, stomach,
kidneys. When others
have given you up, con
sult or writs to Bing
Chong. 325)4 Alder Bt
room 11, Portland.
(ment you win quicaiy realise
simple a thing It Is to get well
ho hands Of a SpeclaUst who
irs his business. Our euros add
LI !J 1
What you want is a cure. Come
to us and get it. Once under .our
treatment you will quickly realise
how si:
tn the
not only years to life, but life to
years, pftlco hours, dally to I:
evening. I .to I. Sundaya, 10 to 1
ealys..; a.a..:.. tVuJ.
863 Washington Portland, Or.
i Js A
: ri' ,av
The - famous SL
K. -Chan -ChU
nooo Medicine
Company, with
their remedies
of herbs and
roots cure won-
derfully. It haa
cured many aul-.
fere re when oth-J
, ssasi a tiiiivu iap t , v ay
failed. Sure euro for chrenlfl, prlvare
jeilmenta, nervousness, blood t...i..,,,(,
rheumatism, asthma, pneumonia, kM-..
throat and lung troubles, eoneumr-i .
stomach disorders and ether die--
all kinds. Remedies ba,ritiiB. ,
KRATION. Consultation f;e.
Ination for ladles by ir. I",
Call or write to
Ilii I. I. Chan C-'w
, S9ii Konuoa t . -