gpq&Sm NEWS BEAVERS GATHER FUOAKLAB . , a... jMBSBSBSJBBMSS-ssssnBBSSSSSSBB .". . Champions Play Good Ball and F win Opener From ; the V Wolverine Tossersv . ; Sen rranclsoo,' June IU The Beaver champion added another victory W their otrlng yesterday by giving the Oakland elub a ssvere trouncing, 7 to a. . Portland dlsplsyed greet machine work during tha entire game and only In tha eighth Inning, whan Hendereon relieved Btaen did tha Oaka have a look la and Ahen tbey Ulllad twice. ' r or Hand opened up a Pernoll la tha flrat Inning and four binglaa oomblned with ooupla of error Batted them three runa Another run waa made In the aUth Inning on a walk, a aacrlflca and two more errora by fumbling llnera In the eighth Oakland filled the bases end with, a .tally counted already on Btaen. Henderson waa sen in to pitch He let loose a wild beava and Hoffman cored. Then he tightened up and fanned Ml tie. wh waa put In to bat for Pearca Tha Re a welled their runa to even In tho ninth Inning by a number f alnglea and a couple mora errora by tha Oaka. Tha Oaka made another one tn the ninth o Pfyrs double ana cut ahawB si n vl ft. , cim KoMtntr will likely work In th Knifar tha Beavero thla afternoon while Wolverton may eend either Kllroy or Able to tba mound. ' The aoore: i . . eoBtt ivn ' ARB.W.PaA.Jt Chadsourne, rf. J Barry, 3b.... ... Ryan, cf.. Krueger, If a Kappa, lb.. Bheehan. lb Pecklnpaugb, aa J Murray, e J rUeen. p J Henderaon, P II Totals It T 11 17 11 I OAKLAND. An w II PA. A. K. Pfyl. lb Onv rf , I 1 I 11 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 I Hoffman. If Cutahaw, Zb Zacher, er... Wolverton, lb Wares, aa., Pearce, c - Pernoll, p B Miue. o. .Totals ;.IT I 11 17 H SUMMARY. . . kit- XXJm RlMIL BaOrl' o.r: Hof f- San. Flrat base on called balls-Of t Bteen I. Pernoll 8. Mf'."" w-.H.rn out By Btcen i. '1 'w.- to deraon. Time of 'game-One hour Ulnutea. Umpire filldebrand. n. ma in pivi. wiia uuuii 41 STANDING OP THE TEAMS f Pacific Coast League. t W. L. PC. .517 Portland "s1i Baii Franclaco Vernon ;i Oakland t " Sacramento Loe Angelea II 17 40 41 43 41 .549 .50 .60 .411 .315 Northwestern League. w. L. P.C. .635 .1 .1 .461 .443 .210 Spokane . . Tacoma . . . Vancouver Portland . Seattle ... Victoria . 40 I 20 37 II'- ., e . American League. W. 40 34 2 27 23 24 20 IS P.C .70S .664 .663 .621 .627 .40f .370 .313 Detroit -Philadelphia New York , Chicago Boston . ... IT II Cleveland Washington gt. Louis . National League. W. It- 35 10 . 36 21 P.C. .636 .625 .582 .579 .646 .446 .357 .232 Chicago .. .. New York . Pittsburg .. V Philadelphia ....... 13 Zf ...... 30 25 35 31 20 3 13 43 Cincinnati Brooklyn . . Boston JAPANESE BASEBALL v , TEAM -TO PLAY TODAY Aw The japancee ph kelo university, Japan, arrived 1 1 . . In . portiano, ni iuuiuwi . their game thla afternoon with the Multnomah club. . The game will be called at I o'clock and tha D(W grandstand will be thrown open to the punuo. D BULLETIN JUNB 21ST, 1911 On June 2Ut, 1783, the Seventh Continental Con tress adjourned after m eegsion lasting 1816 days. The longeet eegglon ever held in the United States. I w! M Mb 4ee(-? i ill5 . 5t ' ' " THE OOI'S TRACK K1EET CALLED OFF Expense of Staging .'' Pacific Coast Championships, is : Considered Too Heavy. ' Aatorla, June ' 11- Tha Aetorla ean- tennlal "eelebratloa eommlttaa at iu meeting last night, decided to call off all arrangements for tha Paelflo Coast Track and Field champlonahlpa, which ware to have been held here lo Auguat, for the reason that suitaoie grouooa oould not be secured and prepared ex oept at a eost out oz an proportion w the benefit accruing from a one day's meet Other attrectlone will be ar ranged for to take Ua piaoe m om rrdfllr emakslt While the meeting woiua no ui hare attracted a large number of ath letes, ths Loa Angeles Ainieuo eiuo having already gone to ne wi naming Its athleUo represenUtlTea, m.n . of the beat athletes along the coast might not have attended owing to tha lateness of the season. - TV. Aalnrla. aommlttee appropnaieu fiooo o build a ouaner jnm ciaa-r traoir and nrenare the grounds, but It was found that It would require con siderably mora than uiai aura. Inasmuch aa ths meet was to have occupied only one day, the entennlal Mmia iu. thoua-ni it oouio u money- to better advantage In providing attractlona of a different enaracier, ui probably equally aa interesting. TWO SHOOTERS MAKE PERFECT TRAP SCOHtS rninmSna. Ohio. June 31. When the InteraUte trapshootlng tournament waa resumed today, two araamen am feet acoree of 100 each, made In the prellminarlea to tha Grand American handicap, the yoafs ahootlng olaaalo, which Is scheduled for tomorrow. . M- Hawkins of Balltmora and J.J R. Liv ingston of Bprtngvllle, Ala, each killed 100 straight birds. Ffve others made a core of 99 blrda. Mrs. Ad Topnerweln of Ban Antonio, Teas, hung up 97. ' Spokane la Lead Again. Seattle, Juno M Spokane's victory over the Olanta yesterday put them In first place again by a margin of one ama. The final aoore yesterday waa 10 to 6. iNetaal and Frisk each clouted out homo runa Sago, formerly of Ue Vlc torlana. pitched for the Glanta after the eighth Inning, and was treated badly In ths ninth. The a core: "... Spoken 0 Seattle Batteries Bonner and Hasty; Beaton and Shea. Vancoarer Tied for Second. Victoria. B. C June I. The Canucks tied Tacoma for second place, and are one game behind Spokane, aa.the reault of their victory ever the Victoria team veaterday. Eagle waa in fine ahapo, .-a .unvkl rive hits. Jacoba, a new pUyer, performed at ahbrtstop for Vie- torla. Ths score: " ; Vancouver 7 li a 18 4 Vivw v. Batteries zmgis ana ww. '" ner and Spleaman. Angela Trim Sacramento. T.. Anaales. Cal.. June 31.- The An- (ela defeated the Sacramento team in the first gams of tho oesles yesterday by hitting In plnchea, aided by a couple of costly errora Hall waa hit hard, but not In bunches. Thornton played first base la place or Bane umbj. - score: a i Loa Angeles Sacramento , I Batterle Halla ana fsmun; jxuur and L&lxmge. Bator Bafflea Vernon. San Franclaco, June 31. The Seals defeated Vernon by the score of 3 to 0. Sutor waa a myntwy to the Hoollgana. while Raleigh was pounded hard. The score: San-Frane'sco J 0 Vernon "".V.? Batteries Sutor and Schmidt; Ra leigh and Brown. Overall Pitches for Bushers. (Valtad trtm LaaMd WlrO ; Bacraioento, CaU. June 81.-Orvle Overall, tha lormer Chicago pitcher and TTirif v of California aUr. wllU per form In the bush for tb.4 summer. The former premier hurler has signed up with the Dentonls, a club In the Tokay league, and will pitch hla first game at t.wh next Sunday. Overall la at prea- ent working aa a mining engineer at Angela Camp. ; Journal Want Ada nring reaulta 'mm 4 A fLafgifniia i li : M w 71 r OREGON DAILY TOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. JUNE 21, MIL I Ring, Tracli; I : Held, Diagonal HICKS HICK TIGER FOR ANOTHER GAME ,Y; v-.:.''T' :.::"'-:v-- Lefty Jensen Pitches Good Bail . and Homesters Finally: . - . Win Out.4. ; - Taking ovary advantags of tha weak ness of lfoCamant and Hall. tha Ta coma twlrlers. tho Nicks captured yes terday1 a game, t o 4, on a total of 14 blngles, four errora by the visitors, a raeaed' ball, a alt bataman. several stolen bases aad a couple Of walka Jensen, except for ono Inning, was mas ter . of ths situation, errors entering Into the soortng of the Bengala Mundorff was the flrat to make the rounds, starting with hla single down the first base Una - taking second on Casey's out and registering on Stovall's elngle. ' Taooma tied It up In the aeoond when Morse singled to left and todk aeoond as Pat tl grew lt the pill roll away from him. Abbotfs out let him to third and ha registered on Selbt's single to right osro Two ta Beeomd, Tho Nicks opened up an. McCament, the attenuated Tiger t wirier. In the aec opd. taking third on Pettlgrew'a Infield hit A paaaed ball let Coltrln In and put Pettlgrew on third, whence he scored on Bradley's aacrlflce fly to Lynch. Jensen and Mundorff followed with alnglea but Casey and Stovall were easy outs. Tacoma tied the- score In the first half of the third when Coleman's single, Rockenfleld's double to left, Mundorff s error and Morse's sacrifice fly let two In. However, la the second half of this Inning ths Nicks forged ahead when Williams singled, took second on sn out, stole third and scored on Cola man's error. Ed Kennedy's double-to left tsV the sixth, which followed after three men were on base, seemed to put the vjslt ors out of reach. And then they added another In the seventh when Morse elngled, stole second, took third on Mundorffs drop of Coltrln' a throw after -Lynch'a grounder, and then engi neered a double steal with the redoubt able Mike eliding acroea the pan In nice fashion. Pitches Same Old Way. Even thla handicap did not take tha heart out of Jensen and he kept on pitching at his same old gait. Hla good work was fruitful, for by the strange slanta of baeeball, the Beavers pulled out ahead In the seventh Inning by making five runa Elongated Mc Cament grew unateady In thla frame when he walked Casey and Stovall and Williams single filled the bases. John son's grounder let Casey In because Selbt dropped the throw. At this Junc ture Bert Hall was called upon to re place MoCament Hall fanned Coft- rln and then slammed Pettlgrew on the larboard wing, forcing Stovall in. Brad leya elngle to right registered Wil liams and Johnaon .and Pettlgrew- came In when Abbott bounced the throw to the plate over Burns' head, Eddie having replaced Selbt when Hall took up the pitching. Bradley took second on the error, but waa out trying to acore on Jensen's single to center via the Lynch-Hall-Burna route. In the eighth and ninth the Tigers were retired tn one, two, three order. TACOMA. AB. R II. PO. A. E. Kennedy, ir ......... 6 Coleman, 3b Rockenfleld. 3b Morae, ss Abbott, rf Lynch, cr Selbt. o Fisher, lb ..... McCament, p .. Burns, o Mall, p Total 38 7 11 34 10 4 PORTLAND. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Mundorff, Sb Casey. 3b . . . 6 13 0 13 3 S 10 0 3 3 0 Stovall. rf . Williams, lb Johnson, cf Coltrln, ss . Pettlgrew, it Bradley, o . Jensen, p . . . 0 0 Total ... .85 t 14 37 6 SCORB BY INNINGS. Tacoma 01300810 07 Hits 03301410 011 Portland 13100080 I Hits ......... 8 4 1 1 1 1 3 0 14 SUMMARY. Struck out By McCament 8, Jenaen ft. Bases on balls Off McCament 3. Two baae hits Kennedy, Rockenfleld. Mundorff, Stovall. Sacrifice hlta Morse, Bradley. Stolen bases Morse 3 Lynch, Stovall, Williams. Coltrln. Hit by pitched balls Pettlgrew. Paaaed balls Selbt Innings pitched by Mc Cament 6 (1 score, 8 on bases In sev enth). Hall 8. Base hits Off Mc Cament 13, Hall 8. .Time of game 1:88. Umpire Baumgarten. The Columbua club Is preparing a boxing amoker to be held In Merrill's hall next Monday night, at which some of tho best three rounders tn tha city will be brought together. - . , Steve Hanns, the Bucoda btffcr, wni take a whirl at Mlebua in the heavy weight while othera who will hnr are stevena. Wheatley. Gale, Paul aon. Mahoney. Swain, Farrell, Davia, Roaa. Meae Hefferman and Powers. It waa hoped that 3attllng Nelson oould bo secured to act In some ca pacity, but the Battler will- fight In British Columbia July 4, and has already started north. ( - " Moore to CTght ConlejV Chicago, Juno 21. A match between fmmT Moora and Frankle Conley. ban tamweight championship aspirants, will probably be fought at Fond da Lac, July 4. . Moors nas aignea articiea tus vv lor haa promised to sign., . Mernsio to Fight Murphy. t nhioaatL June il. With the under- t.niiinr . that tha winner will be matched with Packy MoFarland, George Memsla and Eddie Murpny nave agreea to fight In East Chicago, Ind-, or In aome nearby- Wisconsin point on July " blacklrarne Out lor 8eaaon. Chicago. Juno llvLona Blackb.urne, tha White Sax lnfl elder who underwent aa operation for floating cartllagw of tha knee, nas gono to new jeraey w root. Ho. probably wUl not play baU COLUMBUSC UB WILL HOLD SMOKER MONDAY F -TME RIFLE EXPERTS TO Clackamas Rifle Range to Be ; Scene of First Annual ,.:v Tourney. v Company H. Third Infantry. O. N. O., rill hold Ita first annual 100 yard rifle tournament next Sunday, at Clackamas, Or., on the state rifle' renga ' There will bo a large number of oonteatants sa the shoot la open to all mambera of the National Ouard and Naval Re serve of Oregon, the Oregon State Rifle association and the National Kiixe As sociation of America. The prison consist of silver trophies and medal a, which are now on exhibi tion at the Armory at H companya quarter ' Tha condltlona of the match are two sighting shots and five ehota for reo ord. shooter to continue ahootlng until out of the bull'e oya Dtatanoe (00 yard a Tho first prlae will go to the highest aoore mada all other prises will go to the contestants who havs never eom neted in national matchea. The prises to be competed for hsve been offeredwfey the following persons am firms: Wadhama A Kerr Broa.. Wil liam Oadsby, Ftledlander Broa, Rledar A Pope, A A C Feldenheimer, coionei David Dunne. Portland Boat Oun club. Butterfleld Broa.. J. D. Duback Ontlcal Co- Caotaln T. V, Drake. This will be a reentry match and the conteatanta may shoot as many scores as they wleh B0 cents for ths first entry, 31 cents for reentry. The money made from this match will go towards the purchaae of a large trophy to be hot for In the Third infantry. O. w. O. A large crowd is expected, as s number of good shots rrora Baiem, Woodburn and other points are expect ed to be thera The Southern Pacific train to tne range leavea at 3:30 a. m. Sunday morn ing. Chimmie's Column Lost, Strayed or Stolen The Nlcka' Angora, rinaer win piee mp. m WW JXt the Nicks keep on hanging the de feat sign on Mike Lynch'a bunch we might Juat aa well figure on getting another flagpole for the Northweatern pennant. Jenaen ta the candy kid, and the way he la winning games for Williams Is a caution. Williams haa three aouthpawa on hla list and each one of them Is a corker. Ton can talk about your ball gamea In the big league. Coast league and even ik. Nnrthweatern. but none will com- vith the game scheduled for Van couver this afternoon when the Fats .-a Tana t together. The proceeds of the game will be turned over to the Commercial club. Louie Wlae was nether fat nor lean snd therefore la In eligible to play. The batboy-a job waa all that Louie could sign a contract ror. All the big league acouts wllr be In Vancouver thla afternoon. "Pap" Van Haltren aaya he la looking em over for Plttaburg. It waa Van who copped Harrlaon of Vancouver for the big leaguara a few daya ago. "Don t know how long I will be with you." aald Van. "I like Portland and may atay a few noura. w w It Morse can field any kind of aa' hit ball what can iko a e it.m i. a kit of lla-ht eomedy of the daffodil line that might make you grin: If Owen Moran is gooa at nu"- he Ad WolgastT If there Is s famine win ioam If a rope wlU strangls a man will an artichoke .... ,. If an aviator arena iw w gasoline would It make an aeropiana soarf . .. . If they let you in on a will you window T . If the Rocky mountains ars In Amer ica, where Is the gaa range? If a tomato wnippeo a would garllct nana Kraoo worked part of yester day's game for Cleveland, Tn game waa played In Detroit, which is Krapp's home town, but that didn't make any difference, Cleveland lost Just the sama ... j It the Nicks can wdn games for the next couple of weeks the way they have since their stay at home, you can t tell where they are liable to finish In this race. You can't keep 'em down. POLICE REELECTED BY ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Offloera of the Police Athletlo asso- a ati wars, reelected yesterday at the annual meeting of the athletlo as aoelatlon. A new charter was adopted ..iAr,m tor Increased sick benefits. Plana were discussed for a polloemen's nnin Ti.iv 1 at Estacada. The reelected officers are: W. C. Epps, president; H. A. Thatcher, ..M.ntf R. 8. Flack, secretary; Harry Circle, treasurer, and L. W. Mad 'den. sergeant-at-arma. Ths board of directors sleeted this morning Includes Sorrenson. Rupert and Preaaey. IkfcFarland to Take Rest. Chicago, June 8 L Because of tha dlf flculUes in securing matches, Packy Mo Farland, who has been after every avail able chance to get a bout, haa an .n..Mui that ha will take a long rest. Emll Thlery. hla manager, thought he had Matt Well's consent to fight Mc- vwit,a if ha agreed to make no pounds, but Wells finally entTff nsgo- . Mahoner to Meet McGoortjr. a, TniJ June 21. Young Mahoney viiia MeOoortv will fight hero Friday and It will be McGoortya first appearance around here since ho met Kallv in Mllwaukea McGoorty ia anhaiiixlarf to meet Phil Schlossberg, the navy champion, July 38, at East Chicago Ind. Jockey After Bet. Detroit. Mich, Juno 81. To win a .bet of 8100 Jockey Johnny Walah and J. H. urini.mi ht. cart ner. are' today on r nil t at . from Detroit to San Francisco wlthont a cent in thelg pockets. r itMtna-. wreatllna. amateur tourna- ant. Columbia club. Merrill's halL Sev enth and Oak, Mondar evening. Jane SHOOT Oil SUNDAY WKLP Concert and Musicale In Hon or of Coronation of King George. The Portland ' Cricket and Tennla elub haa arranged to celebrate the coro nation of frtn aeorce V with a con cert and muelcale -Thursday evening. A flrat claes program has been ar ranaed and after the concert refresh menta will be served by the ladles of the two clone. . ah mamhara and their frtenda are! cordially Invited. A moat enjoyable evening la assured for.all. James Lsld law. British conaul, will be preaent and will deliver a short addreas. p. c Brown, nrealdent of the Port land Cricket elub, will be maater of ceremonlea The concert will be held In the club houae at i-aat Slxty-aeventh atreet, starting at o'clock Thursday evening. Those Intending to be preaent are di rected ' to take a-Montavllla car. A large crowd la expected. 0 J. M. Frelllnger In coatemplatlng a trio to Mexico thla month. Mr. FrVll- Inger leavea to view the holdings of the Rlcollte company In which he la Inter ested. The company Is a Portland cor poration formed for tha purpose of op erating quarries on their property in New Mexico. 8. A. Miller, a nurseryman of Milton and Freewater, Or., Is a bualnesa visitor In tha city. He la a guest at the Per kins. C. C. Harrington, a prominent business msn of Medford, Is s bualnesa vlaRor in the city. He Is registered at the Per kins A. A. Hilton, a capltallat of Tacoma, la a vlaltor In the city for a few daya, a e-ueet at the Portland. John H. Wourma, a prominent attor ney of Wallace, Idaho, la a bualnesa visitor in the city. He la a guest at tha Portland. John Drew and wife, and laabelle Trvinr.and Mary Holland are reglatered at the Portland. They are at the Helllg thla week. Mlee Bolland waa formerly leading lady with tho Baker Stock com C. H. Hammett. a retired capitalist of Boise, accompanied by hla wire, ia niHt at the Portland. H. C. Nutt, general passenger agent for the Northern Pacific at Tacoma, i. a hii.lnaaa visitor In the city. Ha i ia a ruest at tha Portland. Maiirloa Rwltser and wife. Mrs. P. Sllverberger, Mlaa Gertrude wuiora, Jeffrey Swltser and Maurice 8wltxer Jr., of San Franclaco. are In the city for the purpose of attending the wedding of Albert Swltser. They are reglatered at the Portland. . Rlcord GrantwelL a memoer oi in- Oliver Typewriter company, la in tne city from. Chicago. He la a gueet, at the Portland. R. F. Petlgrew, former united otaves senator from South Dakota, la In the city from Sioux Fans. e i a i at the Portland. D. S. Robb, a real estate operator or Salem, accompanied by his wife, la a business visitor In the city. They are guests at the Cornelius. George W. uonneji, iiuiui. - Grants Pass.. Or., Is a buslnesa visitor In the city. He Is registered at the Cornelius. . C R. Hudson or tne city oi jai-v, a. tourist, ia a vwiw Is a guest at the Bewara. BvJ. Canavaugn, an aornu7 Anr, and Jamea W. Bmun, a chant of that place, are In the city on a bualnesa vialt. xney are ue the Seward. . . . John H. Norrle. a capitalist or ui.- pla, who owna a vaiuaoio Bl"L1". near Vancouver, Waah.. is avliitor to the city. He is a guest at mo C I Phillips, merchant and poultry fancier of The Dalles, is "' the city. He ia registered at the Sew- W. F. Osbum OI JCiUgeno, y vt" -v" of tho Osburn hotel or mat ciu, . vlaltnr In the City. e i a at the Seward. L. R. Glavls, tne wen rhuhh ... i.. nt vvhlta Salmon; Wash., fruit is' a business visitor In the city a . tha Rnwnra. He is a Dr. Arthur Crosby, headmaater at the ir...i.ii Mintarv academy of Cal ifornia, is a visitor In the city, a guest at the Bowers. . . R. H. Hart and wife of Medford are .n.ninr a few days In the city. They .....ta at the Bowers. a R. Davidson. Seattle manager for the Flelnehner-Mayer company, ia a k...ioc. visitovin the city. He Is at uuviiivcK - ha ArgfAn . J F. Luce and F. B. White, . capl tallaU of Sutherlln. Or., are In the city on a bualneas visit. They are guests m TmnerlaL S D. Peterson, sn atorney of Milton, Or ' accompanied by Mrs. Peterson. Is . hnainesa visitor In the city. They are guests at the Imperial. tn n TOIsecarver of McMlnnville, fruitgrower. Is a business visitor In the city, a guest at the Imperial.' Thaver Grimes, a merchant, Thomas ti.ii . rai estate dealer, and A. J. a lumberman, all of Marshfleld. ars In the city on a bualneas visit. They are guests at tho Imperial. J A. Baxter, the well known mining man of Walla Walla, Wash:, accom panied by his wife, is a business visitor In the city. They are registered at the Twi nshr! 1 J. S. Lvona and T. T. Land, real estate .nini. sra bualnesa vlsltora In the olty. They are reglatered at n.rl.1 tho Im- H. A. West of tha light and power department of the P. R-. I f -' com pany has returned from a trip through Washington. Idaho and British Colum bia for the purpose, of securing infor mation pertaining to electric light and gas planta '. ' To Consider Reclprocitjr, r..1.1nnn Tim. 1H FlalPITrttinnS tO the National Paper Trade association a annual convention are arriving here to day from all parts of the country. Recl nrnttv with Canada Is one of the prin cipal aubjects- to bo considered by the convention, whoso flrat business ses sion opens tomorrow. The delegates are aaid to be practically unanimous m .up- HSJfflg SICK JAKE DUCKED BE Plunge in ley River, After a Sweat Bath Perhaps Not Such Good Medicine. (Specl.) Dhp.fb !! ,""7,,Ij.fc. White Salmon, Wash., June 3LJake Hunt, youngeet eon of old Jake nuni. .h- nait-iamh of the Kllckltata over 100 yeara old. lies critically 111. and hla rel atives snd friends are gathering at hla lodge vp tha White Salmon. A white doctor was railed, but now a medicine nman haa charge. One of tha flrat things shs did was to warm the patient in ta tha .wealing Dolnt. then rush him down to the river and duck gilm In the Ice cold watera of the White Salmon, mm Jake wait one time medicine man. nractlclnar among theiTaklmasi hi own tribe, and one aumtner went to Pen dleton, where he was regarded as a fakir. Ills long treaaeo were inum, n cayuse waa taken from him and he waa .ant hark to hla lodge on the Columbia where, humiliated, he went Into retire ment for eeveral monthe, walling for hla loat treeeee and loet power. Since it,., ha navar r.ractleud. The "alck Injun" haa a homeateaa worxn aiv.vw, reaervatlon allotmenta and bank ac atJa AAA counts, and la one of the richest men In the valley, whltea not exoepiea. Landholder Wins Again. , iBiJ. I I klat tt lea Thai JaflVfAaLt White Salmon, Waeh.. June 31. For the aerond time in court prpc-w."a brought by the Nortnweaiem mtcing company to condemn hla land on the Wnlte Salmon, Henry inompwn nmm won out, Judge McKenney Issuing an or fnr tha ronmanv to file another petition if It wana the land. ' anHl MmtAll ta Taa Joarl.l South Bend. Waah., June 31. The case In which Mlaa Bertns Kanaora oi i-wn- land Is aulng 'the city of South Bend for 330.000 damagee for personal in Hrin Saturday, tha caao was frequently Interrupted for tne tranaac tlon of.extraneoua bualneas and adjourn mant was tsken early In the afternoon. Monday, no court was held because of .v.. ,tAa'm Ulneaa. Tuesday, the de- r.n.a'a motion for a nonsuit wss argued. for the motion were: No nniira waa given city of the ex i..r,. nf a Dlank nailed to aldewalk at time of alleged Injury. No evidence j..tmA that nlalntlff was Injured by reason of s plank on aldewalk. City was not notified of claim for damages within 30 days of date of accident. To Aaw .virlance for plaintiff was resumed. A great deal of feeling has been atirred through this suit and two fao tina nava daveloDed. one of which be- Uavaa the lrl ahould be relmburaed for hr extraordinary expenaes land long monthe of suffering while the other characterises the eult aa an attempt of a clique to exploit tne city. in tv'a ATrmnin for aoeclal counsel and detective work la said already to exceed 32000. The testimony for tne piamtui riii nmhabiv consume a day more snd sensational testimony Is looked for when tha defense opens Its case. ine oia; court room of the new courtnouae crowded at every seaalon. la MEXICAN BANDIT ENTERS CAPITAL; MEETS MADER0 (United PrM Leased Wlra. xrarlrn ritv. June 21. Emllanlo Za pata, -who raised an army of 3000 and captured Cuernavaca, yesterday entered Mexico City. His arrival naa causea great excitement. The former bandit at once Bought out Madero and had a long consultation with him. Claim Agents Meet, (Unlt'd Pres. Leued Wlra.t st Paul. Minn.. June 31. Represent ing more than 225,000 miles of railroad and steamship lines In the United States, Canada and Mexico, freight claim agents of the different lines are here today attending the annual confer ence of their association. The conven tion was called to order Dy rresiaent j. r Luskin, claim aaent of the Missouri Paririn railroad at SL Loulfc The prin cipal business before the meeting Is the Hnntinn or unnorm run ir iw prompt settlement of freight claims. journsl Want Ads bring reaulta The Best on Earth for the Price They are stylSslb, NOT COVERING MISS RANSOM CASE COSTLY TO SOUTH BEND Sfcraws T55 W$ 1 A 'paBiacialarly fiinie line -of Psuqiaimsis now, $5.' Morrison 13 H Pacific Power. Agrees to Arbi tration; Maximum Price Y.; Is $42,500.' t,', r (SpaHaJ D4.Pua Tea j-sraaj ' ... Hood River. Or June 81. Thst the water fight reUrdlng tho Interests ot the city for a number of years la aoon to bo aettled permaaently now em a certain. The elty council Mooaay msn adopted a report from tne rira ana water committee that will eubm't the matter of fining the price of the water ayatem now In the elty to a jury ai i next term of the circuit court In Wasco county. The Pacific Lignt at Power company, preaent owners of the plan, offered to aid the city In every way poaalble to naaten ternunauun the case. The company agreed to aet the maximum price of the. plant at $43. 500. Councilman Early addreaeed tho council In favor of a apeedy eettlement, and bad the eeveral councilman place themeelvea on r-ccra mat inej wvu stand by the proposition when It waa finally submitted to the people for a , vote to Issue bonds for uis purenaaa the plant. Ulan A Co. S sttorney ouommea lengthy report, sistlng the reasons tor rejecting the bond Issue of 0,ooo. Mayor Hartwlg submitted a commu nication to the council urging ths ne- ceaalty of placing speed signs aiuna tho highways as proviaea cyme aiaio lawa Hn alao auggested the advisabil ity of having the looaa dogs mussled In order to prevent hydrophobia. An ordinance wss passed providing thst tho city officers who now receive f aea for service "turn these amounts Into tho elty treasury. UPPER LEWIS RIVER wnnriiani. Wuh. June 31. A large . timber fire la In progress about 38 miles up Lewis river, above tho town of Tele, wssn. At tne jrm u ------ of the damage la not known, as tne fire Is not under control mere ar no settlers In the district In which the fire is burning, and aa the aettled dis trict nearby Is one that waa swept or the great fire of 1308 In which 17 peo ple loot their Uvea there la no appre hension as to loss of Ufa . , r 'waaa.wi a I 1 1 I Funeral of Pioneer Woman. . ; ((toacUt DIsDateS H iTbe Jenraatr 1 Woodland, Wash.; Juna 31. Mra. J. a Bosorth. pioneer of the Lewis River valley, died la Portland. June 17. at the residence of her brother 8. A. John. The funeral wss held hero Sunday st tend id by a large concourse of relstlves from this section aa well as from Oregon, al ao by many of the old timers ot this section. Mrs. Bosorth was born in Ohio, coming across the plains In an ox team driven by her father In 1861. She was nearly 88 years of aga - She leaves one brother, a A. John of Portland and two sisters. Mra C. A. Boaorth of Woodland, snd Mrs. Elisabeth Bollen of La Center, Wash., all pioneers. Mra Bosorth was ono of ths best posted historians In the northwest and had tha distinction ot being the first woman to ride on a rail way train -tn uregon. Inspecting Dairy Herde. (8mcU1 Dispatch to The JooraiL) Woodland, Waah., Juno 31. S. L. Brown, aaaletant sUta veterarian. Is In thla vicinity to . Inspect the herds of dairymen selling milk to the local agency of the Damascus creamery that ships Its milk to Portland. He bss Inspected two herds and found both In good condition. Other dairymen In the vicinity are filing applications to have thalr hards insnectad. - Frost Does Damage. (gDeel.l Dtpt to Tha Joom.l ' Woodland, Wash, Juns 31. Ths ex-4 traordinary sesson of weather that haa prevailed during tho winter and spring still prevails and as a consequence tho crop condltlona both aa to general crops and fruit are not up to the average for this section. A biting frost Is re ported from ths upper river country on. Sunday night that killed all tender vege tation. , Slave Traffic Alleged. VMfintuw .Tuna !l Amonff three Indictments returned oy tne umi Btatea grand Jury waa one against Enrol F. Hopper, alleging bo engaged In tho white slave traffic - at- Fourth OODRWERVATER FIGHTIIIAHEIID TIMBER FIRE SWEEPS 3 TjT I v sumo up ' 4 'V- -1 Sdliifiig' port of tha measure, v, .V' M 'it. . ! mil this, wswii ' .v 88. - Admission i ane .a. - 4