The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 21, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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LIVE OREGON CITIES $40,000 Is Subscribed for fllerisburg Y. M.CA RECLAIM 300 ACRES
I Remarkable Interest Is Shown
- Throughtout State In Street
ImDrovement Medford Is
Leader In Extent of Work.
. , MedforA. Or, Jae 11 LX
V nearly 100.000 Miliar yards of hard our-
fsoe pavement wu U14 ta Mm ford.
' Contracts nrtttUxt nearly 119,900
aquare eet were carried over for com
pletion this year. This amount, wun
what baa been contracted for thla eea-
eon, to data krtoars tho totaj up to 170,
, 000 sou are yards to bo laid thla roar.
Wben present work ta completed Mad-
ford will tan nearly i miles or paved
streets, coetlns nearly 11.000,000. a tre
mendous amount oonaldortaf tho popu
lation aow oatlmatad at 10,100. Three
years aco tere waa not a single aouara
yard of patina; ta tho atata south of
Aa tha Clark Hoary oompaoy woro
able to gat aa oarllar atart thla spring,
tho manaeer expects to f lnlah tho work
. loft ever from laat aoaaoa oy .Auvuat
1. when ho will eommonoo tha now
' work of at laaat 110.000 square yards,
which wUl Us tho capacity of tha plant
. to oomolau bafora winter aata in.
Soma Idaa of tSa masaltude of tha
work may ba had from tha amount of
holp employed. At preeent thay ara em
ploying naaxly 400 man and 110 borscs,
which la 40 par cant .mora than war
' employed laat year, and ara ualnf tha
moot modare equipment for laying a
parfaei pavement. Tho aaml-montbly
payroll la ever $11,000, or ever 110.000
Bar anonr. '.' i .
Tha eounty court haa contracted for
tha laying of asphalt macadam para
moat fcetweea Madford and Contra!
Point. Cve mllaa la all. and work wlU
oommaaoa aa thla aa aooa aa tha com
pany eea aaaambla tha plant, probably
la 10 day a. ; v ,
. naMaBaBBnaeBjajaaa !-
. ; Big Contra at La Grande.
La Oranda, Or, Juno ll-The Warraa
Construction company haa complatad
. tha paring of Mxth atroot and haa bo
run work on Mala avenue, waaningroa
V irurat la alao bain a graded and tha
' rook haa boaa laid for ana block, On
Xlm atroot everything la awaiting tha
"hot stuff which will bo applied aa
iff . .. V .!. y ' "-s .
Farmers Cooperate to Drain
Land and '.Build Needed,
County Roadway.
Plana for EUomaburg Y. M. C. A., work on which la to begin Jalv 1.
rtawtal DtaaataO ta Tm iMraal.l
Dlanaburg, Waah, Juno 10. By July
L actual construction of tha Ellanaburg
T. M. C A. building will ba bagun. ac
cording ta tho trusta of tha lnatlta
tlon. who oxpaot to tiara tha 140.000
building raady for occupancy by Chrlat-
a. Kxcaratlon for tha two atory
building haa boon complatad for ar
aral daya, tha monay la on hand and Oua
Rowdan. formerly aacratary of tna
North Taklma T. M. C A, la In tho city
ta o-roraaa conatruotlen and act aa haad
of tha xaUnsburg lnatltution whan it la
Tho local T. M. C A. la to b uui ox
brick and racnforoad ooncrata. On tha
baaamant floor, room haa baan allottod
tho chamber of commerce and one cor
ner haa been reeeryed for a woman'a
real room, a new departure la T. M.
C A. work. Tha remainder of tho baaa
mant will be taken np with ahower
hatha and awlmmlng'Voola kitchen and
claaa and locker rooma On tho flret
floor In front tho building la divided
Into lobbies, one for men, tha other (or
bora, and In tha rear 1a a large gym
nasium and handball court On tha aeo
ond floor are 11 rooma for mom bora
and a running track.,
The miansburg T. M C A. waa argaa
laed In December laat year and after a
characteristic campaign $11,000 waa
subscribed for building and furnlahlnre.
All reoorda wore broken la the earn
palgn and Bflenaburg haa tha aeoerded
distinction of aubecrlblng mora per
capita for a T. M. C A. than any other
city of the United fltatee.
Owners of Waterfront Land
Report Negotiations Pend-
, ing for Large Tracts.
(aedBl Dtreateh ta Tha liaiail 1
Marahflald. Of- ana ll-lt m
aooa aa Mala arwoua la complatad. With I eraltr ballared hare that tha Meaeaha
theaa and ethar atreata pared and Boo-1 Woodaawara company of Mooaaha. Wla,
aad. Wast. Adama and fieuth rourtb I s,,,,,. . w(. inn,bM- maau-
maeadamlaed La Orahde will auraly I - 1 ... ", .. n.. r i.
- Am .1... mtrtm mm an- JWllHUii Btma wa v
vmww mm -w j, w..!l I, will
a. i - A. . 4M Omtam I Ui, u mil wmwwi www " "
naououT mu vu wwi n u i .ir ----- - - -
oil Miiimi la In Mrd to atraat aav- racino coast, in, owner, ox
ell aaaalona u ta regard w atroot par i trMU haT
. I necotlatlnr with represenUtlres of tha
will oomplete tta eontracU la La Oranda """u" '"Jr.' AvTn.T,r iri.
I.... - i . ... -i . in.. I of the orovarty to the oompany. it ta
comoanr wlU hare laid about 40 Mooka
.of bUullthlo paratnant whaa tha work
;ta completed. . v .
; . ' Bttallthiff ai Qranta Paaa.
Oranta Paaak, Or, June 11. Ooatraeta
Ifor tho paring af North Birth atraat
1 from B atraat north ta Brojyn arenae.
and tha Darin of B atraat from sixth
,to Seranth. hay been let to tha War
raa Cone traction aompaay, tha aata be
ing SiaO per aouara yard.
Plana aad aped fl cations for tha par
ing of O atraat from Sixth to Clark, and
alao Lawnrldga avenue and Washington
boulevard, with bUullthlo, hare been
adopted and ordlnaneea paaaed declar-
Ina Intention ta para these atresia.
Property awn ara oa North Fourth
atroot. had asked for the lmproremont
of Fourth ajtreet With bltumlaoua mao-
adam, bat hare asked for bltulllhlo,
.from tho north aide of A atraat to tha
acuta aide af Bralya aweau ta Llnooln
Much Work at Salem.
' Salem. Or. June 11. The elty awuncU
has agreed. to lay bard aarfaoa pare-
' rnent oa Baat ' State atraat Instead of
macadam. It la tha plaa of the atata
to eonatruot a boulevard connecting the
- penitentiary and tha asylum If thla
. street la pared, and that will mean much
travel oa tha atraat and in tha Judg
meat of the oouncll, makes It lmpera
' ' tire that a hard eurfaoe pavement be
Contractor Kehrbergar haa finished
the work on South Commercial street,
having added a large force of men to
complete hi contract la time. Fully $00
feet of atraat waa' finished In a aingla
Tha Unlveraal Construction company
4 Of Portland, which haa the contract
for laying El Oso aaphaltlo pavement
, en North Summer street and Oaks ad
dition, will begin the actual laying of
the pavement thla week, several bun
4 red men and a large number of teams
are at work and the chief engineer
; promises to have the first pavement
(finish very aooa.
Work Continnea at Aabland.
Ashland, Or., June tl. The Warren
Construction company, which 'la engaged
i In a contract in force, waa awarded the
contract covering tho Improvement of
parts of Second street, Third street, B
a treat and Sherman street.
' In . the matter of paving Mechanic
otreet from Main street to Hell man
treat it , waa decided to lay the pave
ment U feet wide. An ordlaanoe haa
been paaaed providing for the Improve
ment ci Mechanic atreet from Main to
Helmaa atreet Tha council haa paaaed
a resolution providing for the improve
ment V with bltullthio pavement of A
atreet from Sixth atreet to Ash atreet
. " Vota Bonds at Springfield.
- - Springfield, Or., Juno 11. At an ad
journed meeting of the common council
ja resolution waa "passed providing for
'an additional bond issue of $50,000, to
ba expanded la atreet Improvement Thla
' action la la line with the councll'a plan
, to make Springfield a model city.
3 Tha traction oompany haa agreed to
extend its trackage oa Main street to
- the paving limits and the council haa
Ordered that preliminary steps be taken
Without delay to pavelwlth hard sur
facing, the main thoroughfare from Mill
' to Seventh atraat
t?p to thla time nearly half the atreets
.in the city have been graded and mac-
acamuea by the city at a email fraction
"of tha loweat bid aubmltted. The elty
before each atreet la to ba graded calls
tor Diaa, ana when these are above a
certain figure, aa they always are, the
city: doea it with Its awn machinery
and workmen.
stated that tha aompaay wants a tract
of at least 100 acres aa a aUa for It
plant aad will alao need other tracts
for booms, etc. The oompany owns
about 14.000 acres of timber la Coca
county and if tha purchase af tho south-
era Oregon oompany property la made
as It la reported it may be. the oompany
would have something like 160,000 ecree
of timber la Coos and adjoining counties.
It la believed that tha reported pur
chase of the local property of the Ore
gon Coal A Navigation company may
have some bearing on the local railroad
situation. Although there is nothing
definitely known It .la Bald that tha
Menaaha Woodenwars company has pur
chased tha land and some think that a
part of tha property la to be turned
over to a railroad for terminate. Soma
think that Hill may ba interested in the
deal while othora believe that it la a
movement of the Northwestern.
of tha completion of the paving of Mala
street la connection with the celebra
tion of the oompletlsn of the Fourth
af July. With the prosecution with
vigor of the reclamation works, the
great municipal Improvements now
tinder way, the installation af . a gas
system, the construction of a street
railway and the coming of two great
electric yet ems, not to mention the
building of the Modoc Northern and
the Oregon Trunk, Klamath Falls has
something to look forward to and boast
(special D4satch a Ta JearaaL)
Olympic, Waah., June IL A large
land deal waa closed when John Bat
achl, tha Tacoma hotelmaa, bought the
Collins place for $40,000. Tha farm la
ten miles south of Olympia and la
crossed by the newly completed Grays
Harbor branch of the Chicago, Mil
waukee A Puget Sound Hallway, with
a station at Offut Lake, oa which body
of water the Batachl farm fronts. There
are 400 tores of bottom land between
the river and the lake, 100 acres cf
prairie graalng land and $00 acres of
timber land. Extenalve Improvements
will be made by the new owner, who
expects ta make It one of tha finest
dairy farms and stock ranches la tha
west, and will alao probably nut a eon-
alderable acreage into celery, of which
large consignments go annually from
Olympia to the Portland market The
le waa made by the Dlnamore-Sama
Thla sale follows the aala of a 14-
acre euburban fruit and chicken ranch
ta waiter C Williams, a former St.
rani, Minn- stationary engineer: a 100
acre dairy and grain farm to Thomas
ttaiiara. a farmer from Mankato, Minn.;
a 100-aore farm to Charles Wilson, an
juverett, wasn., shingle manufacturer;
an $-acre island of Puget sound, 11
miles from Olympia (aupooaed to con.
tain burled pirate treaaure), to a Seattle
grocer; an so-acre waterfront eatata to
James Barton, a former manufacturing
lithographer of Chicago, and a 140-acre
lakefront home on one of the many lakes
within 14 miles of Olympia, to John TL
Walthew. en til the present spring expert
oourt reporter of Seattle, showing
strongly the tendency from tha city to
the country and from tha east to the
rtaerlil DUsetna te TV
Spokane, Wash. June 11. la tha vi
cinity f Lane, Idaho, $1 allea from
Spokane, about 40 miles frem Wallace,
oa tha Coeur d'Aleaa river, there waa a
tract af awampy Land, mora or leas cov
ered by "Lake Klllaraay." About $00
acres of this land Is owned by three
farmers T. J. MaAndrewa, K. S. Shur
loek, who recently bought out the IL H.
Roberts place, aad Timothy MoCarthy.
The story of the reclamation of tha
$00 ecree u ana of peculiar Interest In
thst tt shows what can be done by a
few farmers whan they ara In earnest.
A dike has been built $400 feet long. 1$
feet wide on top and Its highest point
feet high. Oood tamarack and red
fir pile 10 Inchea at tha top were
driven t feet apart Thar wra 400
of these pllea la all. 100 of them $1
feet long, 75 were II feet long, 100 were
14 feet long, and the othera If, 11 and
It feet In length. Three Inch tamarack
planks It feet long were nailed onto
theaa piles and the earth plied against
them. The entire cost cf tha dike. In
cluding the pumping plant, la about
The hletory of thla project ahowa
that two yeara ago a county road was
laid out aero ae the marsh to accommo
date the a t tiers living on the other
aide of the river from Lane. The ooat
of tha road waa too much to bSMinder-1 later be occupies: by the Implement
taken. -With a petition at sued br $TJ crock ; of the H. K. Wlllertoa. Tha
men In the county, a committee of ettl- Mays building, which' haa been pur-
sens want bafora tha county sotamte- j chaaad by the Pease oompany, will be
sioners wun a proposition mat a aiae reraoaeieo, beta an the ground floor and
should be built. .11 feet wide at the the upper story. When all alterations
top. for a county road, aad that tha ara completed thla will ba ana of the
three farmers would put up $1100 to- largeat - department stores outside of
ward the road. '
The eommleeteaers were convinced.
furnished the - neoeeaary lumber and
gave ths oontract to a Spokane firm for
tha work of erecting tha dike, which
was computed last December. . The
pumping plant baa already lowered ths
water sa that aultlvatlsa, af tha
claimed lands baa begun,
It win ba aeon that this land Is re
claimed at a scat ta tha owners of
about $17 ta $1$ aa acra and that tha
county gats) a pcrmaaeat roadway for
snaoa laes tna a a treeue would eoec
Brothar Is la Faaatlo'a JTand.
(sedal Mayales le TV JaaraaLt '
Weston, Or, Juns 11. F. C, EayaH.
brother of Mrs. a I ICennard. the
wife af Or. Xenaard af this claee. Is
ana of tha elx Kansas City missionaries
who are In tha handa of native rioters
St Slfru, Morocco. -Enyart's wlfs Is
with htm. Mrs. Kennsrd has been un
able to hear from them sxopt through
newspaper dlspatahas, and fears that
thay have perished, aa at last accounts
tho town had been looted by Barber
fanatics and tho miaelooarlee deprived
of, food auppliea. ;. , . . '
Republic la BeeognUod.
' Lisbon, Juns 11. - Recognising
new republic of Portugal, representa
tives here of the United Bute yester
day delivered communications from ths
homo government to tha now cabinet.
TntfuatriaJ JTpws of OoqnJTJs, Or,
(aeetal Dfsaeteb 0a Tea
C&qullle, . or. Juae 11 Since eon'
attraction work haa actually commenced
aa tha railroad from Bugeaa ta tha
ooast, people af thla county ara senfl
dent that tha terminal point la Coca
Bay, and ta eoaeequeaea are predicting
good time for coos county this rail.
Already there ara rumors af eptlone
being taken on certain property and
some sales are reported ta con sequence
of tha railroad talk, -
J. 8, Lyons, who haa conducted an
automobile garage here for tha paat
three or four yeara. left far Portland
to take a atata agency far tha Carter
MP At ft MlUa V '
Mora ahad flah are being caught fa
tha Coquille river at tha present time
mu evwr oeioreu ana in loqviue mar
ket is well supplied with them.
Tho Smith-Powers Logging oompany
of Marshfleld has Jnat purchased to
acres of timber land about four mile
from this" place from C R. PhtUlpa for
$10,000. Thla timber la located Close
to ana af the logging roads.
Bwlaeaa Change at Tha Dalles,
iSpecta! Btrnteb Ta 1 it0
The DaUas, Or June IJ. The stock
af tha Edward C Peaaa oompany' large
department store Is being taken from
tha present quarters In ths Maya aulld.
Ing ta ths new building, which will
Journal Want Ads bring results.
leanup auie
FR(0M 15 TO 33 PER CENT- r .
Alarm Cocks, one year a&ti Ak '63c
Rogers 1847 Knives and. Forks, dozen .$3.75
Rogers 1847 TeaspoonsTdoxen f. . . ,$2.35
Rogers 1847 Fruit Knives; fai&n 'i ; . . . . .$3.00
Gold-Filled Pendants, $4.00. reduced 0. . . .$1.25
Gold-Filled Bracelets, $5.00, reduced to r. . .$3.00
Gold-Filled Belt Pins, $1.50, reduced to ... . .49c
Gold-Filled Scarf Pins, $1.00, reduced to. . . . .25c
Ladies.' 14k Waltham or Elgin Watches, $30, at $20
adies' 20-year Filled Waltham or Elgin Watches,
$15.00, reduced to .$11.00
AH articles purchased during this sale guaranteed
: Columbia Lodga, No. 17!
. .: - '
i 01 North AmtrfZa
"Tfie North Bank Road"
Sunday, June 25th, 1911
Train Lctves North Bank Station, 11th nd Hoyt Sti 9KX) A, IL
Music by
Zurfluh Orchestra
No Uqnors Sold on tha Grounds.
Tickets on .Salt at
THE NORTH BANK STATION, Eleventh and Hoyt Sta. . '
Standard Jewelry Store
Pave About Courthouse.
Pendleton. Or.. June $1. The dty
council haa practically agreed to pave
1500 feet of Alta atreet, or the connec
tlen between Main and Court atreata
The property abutting on the atreet in-
cludaa the courthouse and three church
The city council is considering paving
Webb street for one block between Cot
tonwood and Main streets, upon the ap-
ml 4 Ism , lsmwavsa, Ttaa nrahit a ma at el
yttvavtvu a vrn SJ v ew-aa v wsaha. vjri wb
of the St Ocorge hotel, who is ths hear
lest property holder in the district af
fected, v
Work at Forest Grove.
Forest Grove, Or., June 21. Street im
provement work la going rapidly on.
Ditches for tho curbing on Main street
from North Second avenue to Paclflo
avenue have been made and are practic
ally ready to receive the concrete nux
ture. Rock Is being delivered for con
tructing the It blocks of hard surface
streets for which tha city haa con
Paring at Oorvallls.
Cervallls, Or., Juno 11. The paving
of Third street was begun several days
ago and ths block between Madison and
Jefferson, with a part of the one to the
north, is entirely finished. The street
between Adams and Jackson la 5$ feet
Resume Work at Bakes.
Baker, Or., June 21. Street paving
in Baker has been delayed several times,
but active work is now being pushed
forward. Baker is doing so much pav
ing this year that there has been some
anxiety that the delay might prove suf
ficient to prevent tho completion of all
that Is contemplated.
Celebrate Ootnlnsr of Pavement
. Klamath Palls, Or., , June 31. -JClaraJ
am raws is soon toave a paved tbor
eushfare from the dejnot to tho bridge,
ll is planned ta arrange a ' celebration
Getting Ready at Albany.
Albany, Or., June. 21. The Warren
Construction company is assembling ma-
en in ery and tools in thla city getting
reaay ror toe pavement of Ellsworth
and Washington streets. Ellsworth
street will probably ba paved first.
Operate Patterson IDTL
BtcU! Oittwtrti to Tfce JoeraaLt
Rainier. Or.. June It i resort.
d that the Patterson mill will; be
placed in operation again after a long
shutdown. During; the time the mill
has been doxed tho loggring company
has accumulated 10.000.000 feet of aoe-fe
In the water and are now working ea i
li.000,000 of Umber. 1
The regular Summer schedule b the O.-W. R. & N. between Port
land and this popular resort will go into effect on
On which date the well-known excursion steamer T. J, POTTER
will make its initial trip, leaving Ash Street Dock at 8:30 a. m. On
Saturday 1:00 p. m. No Sunday trip. See published schedules.
Direct Connection at Megler With the
Ilwaco Branch for All Beach Resorts
Season Tickets, on sale daily. . . .$4.00
Saturday-to-Monday Tickets. . . .$3.00
Five-Trip Commutation Tickets $15.00 ' '
Reduced Fares Prevail From All Parts of the State
Purchase Tickets at the City Ticket Office, O.-W. R. & N.; Third
m WW . SI a . a a . '-
ana wasnington streets. , r : .
If AY 18 TO SEPTEMBER 7. 1911
Northern Pacific Ry.
A few oamplet similar reductions to many
other points in the Eastern United Sttteo
and Canada, as well at ' the Middle West:
St Paul $60.00
Minneapolis 60.00
Dubith ; 60.00
So parlor ......m..1.... 60.00
Chicago 72.50
St Louis ; 70.00
New York $103.30
Philadelphia 108.50
Omaha 60.00
Detroit ......j. 82.50
Boston 110.00,
Montreal, Qua...,. 105.00
Long limits and liberal atopovero.
Low ratea (or Great takes steamer trips.
We serve thoie "Great Big Baked Potatoes."
Let us arrange yonr itinerary it will be a pleasure
Bouts of the
North Coast Limited.
Astoria Centennial ....Aug. 10 to Sept 9
Tacoma Carnival of Nations... July 3 to 5
Seattle Golden Potlatch .....July 17 to 22
Pendleton Round-Up Sept 14 to Id
Minneapolis Civic Celebration . .July 2 to 8
Duluth Water Pageant July Z0 to 22
Yellowstone Park Jane 15 to Sept 15
Through Sleepers Daily to Official Park
A. D. CHARLTON, Asst Gen. Pass. Agent Portland
255 Morriaon St, Portland.
JULY I, 1911
N JULY 41911
. V Vto;tht'; l
Chicago. ; MUyafee
Spund Railway
'";-', -' PORTLAND TO '
ROCHESTER (Juti 50 to July 6).Vi ii.25 ; K
ATLANTIC CITY (Juna 28 to July 6, i.,.:
' -. Return Limit October 31, 1911 ; "
- Liberal Stopover privileges and choice of diverse routes are permitted 'f?
SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS on ' aale most every day te) -
nianjr pther.Eastera points. fSyU-':' '
- Fors additional information regarding fares, routes.
. aleeping car reservations, train service, etc, call on or
.twrite-.H'fcw-A 1 ' .
District CFrerght snd Passenger Aeent, 'Railway Ex.
; ' f rii-X l change Building, Portland
Wmi' .11