The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 20, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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nnrniT linT nnfn
biltUII hUl uIVLH I
In nrn.urin nnc
U. Ul U. iNLL UIYL , l
?Astor Not "Man Deserving of
" Honor so Much as War Vct-
3 crans Verdict of Pioneer
Veterans Meet. .
. t Tb failure of th United State gov
;rnment to recognise fittingly the eer-
President of .the University of
- Washington . Will Preside
- at Exercises.
only as employe,
' . tawrial Dtsnatrb la Tk iotmLt
University Of Oregon, Eugene. Or,
Jun 10. Senior Mk at tit Uolver-
Itr of Oregon commenced yesterday,
afternoon with tb annual senlor
alumnl baseball game, la which . the
senior class was victorious by a soor
of to I. Tb alumni, faowvr, turned!
the tables, winning th tennis wiuj
Claim That Stock In 0. W. P.
, & R. Co. Was Given Former
General . Passenger Agent,
Burned Man's Brother Is Off Lincoln Highchool to Be the
for Myrtle Point to Inter
cept Three Men. . ;'
Scene of Commencement '
Exercises Tonight. , '
Sixty-flv graduate of th Lincoln
high school will reoelv tbolr diplomas
tonight at tbo llth oommonctmont la
tbo assembly room of tbo school. Tbo
address will bo flvon bf Bir. A A.
Morrison, rootor of Trinity Episcopal
oraoH Floras sixty-six past
Grand Marshal Minto to Ex-1
tend Welcome Auto, Ride
;.u for, the Guests; ." ;-
- -' .
. (Ipwltl DtraUft t Tb JoaraaL)
noseourg, . or, Juno 10. Th ooro-
n.!.J &ic ArtA i..t.;A w JT woicn investigated u deem
UCIIieU ia,UW IIIVUIVCU. of Alexander McNebb, tbo lono ranoh.r,
i wbo waa found burnod beyond reoognl
t Inn In 1 Ka nilna r.4 til. Vail-
Whether or not 1000 sharaa of stock 1 nMr Brock war 11 miiaa uuDimt . I church, and Mrs. X W. filttoit, retiring I arrival In Oregon and with It an Oregon
annual meeting of tbo Oregon
Plonoor association will oommene at I
o'clock tomorrow afternoon la tbo Ma
aonio Tempi... Several hundred of th
association's member bare already reg
istered at tb otty hall and have re-
eelved each a badge showing th year of
chairman of the board of education, will
Ice of the veteran wso. In conquer-1 cioan sweep. Tbo University of Oregon
I a.MMs MaiithAl 1
Ins the Indian of th borthwest,-con-1 school of 'muslo gav a . recital tn tb really Issued with
'ouered the twtlUed land for'euitlvation, evening, presenting Miss Lilah Proaeer I Morris la th mala queetlon to
Vttlement and wealth, formed the text ' Eugene, who la the only senior re elded by Circuit Judge Havana
'of several, earnest addreseea during th
opening evasion of the .Twenty-alxtb an-
-nual grand enoampment of Indian war
; veteran la Woodmen e bJi uua mora
, In, i . ' . . . ' " a
UnwrKtea history waa aiscioeea oy
F.'B. Morrts," were
the authority of
be d-
Kavanausb in
oelvlng the degree of Bachelor of Muslo. I the case of Hurlburt against Morris
Th annual meeting of tho Oregon I Brothers, tar an aooountlns. which was
Ajumni a.aociauon was nmia una mvwu- oonuluded yesterday arterioon.
o m Oregon water Power a ttaiiwey i Robur- t wrfdav ev.nit.a- cnairmaa or me ooara
Co, Iseoed to-W. H. Hurlburt and to- f ' T,dJr T,n,n'' t,tu preaent the diplomas.
Ing In VUlard halL The members of
the association were tendered a recep
tion by th president la th afternoon, j
Graduating exercise will bo held to-
The case Involves a claim for about
171.000 on tb part of Hurlburt, who
waa formerly general passenger agent
of the O. R. eV N. Co. Hurlburt quit
this position, bo says, to enable htm
to max a success of tb O. W. P. A R.
Co. prior to It sale to tho Portland
Railway, Light Power Co. Ho was
msde president of the company, of
which Fred & Morris and bis brother.
' th. men who haloed save Oregon to thai winh r..
United BUtes. X U Coffey of Wash- p presldant of tho University of
.tutu, . iih mn " : . 1 Washington, win preatae. Tn univer-
r. saia passionewix -v. Blty of Oregon graduates III with the
" hb.vw - i f i m m m nr i s iir kimu 111 Banui
th Oregoa country wbea as a matter J cono0La 0f law and modlolna, whlob
fft " v aJlT r la Portland, and 14 the collegiate JamM IL viorrl., were the chief stock-
.quenUy unhonored V1" WA. J?1?: 1 department, la Bogno. Of this num-toUlmra u.A Dromotera
etooa penis ana eieaaissuy "l tl bsU from Eugene, while II come M fo j-i-
1 niviii, th. Mil who had. won the hon-1 ' t . . -v-. T.. v- I Argumeass sei los raiy.
era accredited to Astor, , honors about thc oeption 0f two, are from
I to b graven on a monument Jor the per VJuiouJ part, 0f the Ut. Of th
.petuatlon, said CapUJa Coffey, of an- - 4 ar womaa and M men.
gArtiiat1 IbYUFAIbL " e.i i j a. ak. at. a easkA avlll
- ' gUHOWlDa ! . 11 SB IIBjL Ul klivn WW MV w as
KJr " M rainaltl " fTsff. tnl I " . a A -.
... . mih QaT fjariT in i uit
From KUfine jmiiio uiir, uuin i : Mm va u
lAw"? byh. Vy. mj w.IT xb."a
Tie died by " moans of TloUne,"" and
that he was "unlawfully and felonious
ly killed , by some person or person
who name ara unknown to tho cor
oner's Jury."
Thinking bis death accidental. It waa
decided Saturday that no Inquest would
be bold, but after District Attorney
Brown and Coroner Jewett made a
vlalt to tbo scene of the crime Sunday,
an inquest was determined on. Both
Mr. Brown and Mr. Jewett ' lnollne
strongly toward th m order theory, and
In this thy are supported by moat of
Mcisaoo neighbors.
Sheriff Qulno returned last ntsht
from Yoncalla, where bo ha been lead
ing the search for the Bhaata robbera
Three Hundred Knights and
100 Pythian Sisters Arrive
at Astoria; Legislative Mat
; tere Cofne up Tomorrow. ;
U'.1. . .-. '."-'''."'
Spedal tnaaateh te The JoeratL)
Astoria, Or, Juno 0. The steam rs
T. J. rotter, and Hasaalo arrived about
t O'clock thla morning, bringing to this
city tho delegates to th Knights Of
Pythias grand lodge. Previous to-the
tlm of leaving Portland last "night It -was
thought tbst tb Potter would bo'
sufficiently large to carry the crowd,
but it ' aa found necessary to press
the Hassale Into aervlo. and both were
well filled. . ...
About 100 knights and over 100 Pyth
ian siatera were la the party. Acoord-
(Rubsnstein), Miss by tb president. P. H. CArcy of Salom. I ,n to grandUodgo officers, this session
Th pro tram!
.Violin saio. "Walther's Pretalted1
roea Many of them are member, too.
of tho Indian War Veterans association
and are sharing tn both aeaslona.
Grand Marshal John W. Mlato will
(Wagner), Mlsa Cornelia Barker; Mrs. I welcome tb pioneers tomorrow after
Shepherd, accompanist. Vocal solo, "Sun
shine and Rain" (Blumenthal), Miss
Matte Brown. Address to the olaaa. Dr.
A. Morrison, rector of Trinity Epis
copal church. Violin solo, (a) "Melodic"
Q luck), lb) "At the Brook (Baled.-
fee). Miss Cornelia Barker. Preaenta-
tlon of diplomas, Mis. L. W. Sltton,
chairman ' board of education. Vocal
solo, "Der Asra'
Metta Brown,
Th members of tho elssa ere:
Enrll.h course Halea Anderson. Will
Boyor, Vivian Z. Brown, Emily P. Cole
man, Lawrence I. Dlneon, Marjort It.
Draper, Hasel B. L. Edgecomb, rorrest
noon end In this bo will bo aaalated by
hi aides wbo are T. T. Oeer. M. C
Oeorgo, Oeorge A. Harding. H. W. Fret-
tymsn, K. J. Jerfery, James T, Falling,
Nathan H. Bird. .Colonel Robert X Mil
ler, Judge William Oalloway, Penumbra
Kelly, j, K, Masera. j. c. Moroiand.
Joaepn d. Ieo and Dr. Day Raffety.
Th meeting will be called to order
For nine days tho taxing of testimony I
continued before Judge Kevanaugh. It
was agreed yesterday by W. D. Fenton.
chief counsel for Hurlburt, and Wirt
Th Invocation will bo delivered by th
chaplain, Rev. p. 8. Knight, and tb
address .of welcome by Mayor Kim on.
Tho annual addresa will bo delivered b
M. A. MUler of Una county. -
The annual bejiau.t will K. h.M
f.lAViv VftatAV r'aplvl.. JlaliUp. AmpmI.. . . . . n ... .
alnco early Saturday morning, and left S. Oray, Roas Heywood, Tboodato Hobbs, I inf aa boat, at 4 p. m. tomorrow and
this morning for tho acene of th tras-
ay. There u not tho slightest evl
oene ao rar to connect any person
with tho crime. Tbo sheriffs efforts at
; praises of A at or are being sung, and the
, men who offered their uvea aa a aacn
when those of other wars who never
: turned over their hands la actual aery
'flc forth saving of tb Oregon coun- Collier. Mary Creltser, Mary De "1V1J2f:
-v mmIv. nanalnn. nf 11 . month I ' . . ' . u I UOT1 InVOlVeO.
;";'r.7-;-K::"-; --r-...:; . -J""1 -7.u In November. 104. stock certificate
41 la the O. W. P. A R. company was
laauad La the name of Hurlburt for
1000 shares and certificate. 41 for an
eaual number of shares to Oeorge L
Brown, ancle eer for the company. On
both appear the word "Authority F.
Identified aa the banuwni-
2i.V'!l?L?"t" -ting
three atrangera who were aeen loiter
ing In the vicinity of McNabb'a bom
last week. One la aald to be a half-
Annia U. Johnaton, cnariotts x. -m-lthe annual business session will be hald
oroaux. Maud Llttlejohna, Lee B .Mo-1 tomorrow isnlng tn tb Masonto tern-
nouani, xiarrr -uiuei jaount, atriuii i oi b.rlnntn. at :SO tt . t
o. Ripiy, vrna Mae Robinson, Antu , One of tho treats ai th day will bo
Watklns. Nora May Wilson. ,- l. . nn tnnhlla Hde rlvm tn infirm m.m.
Latin course Reubew Oeorge - Bona, I bare af the association u . M.uit nt I work allotted to them, as the sessions
Ruth M. Buckley. Ion Vivian CottrelL I .fforta made by ifnvoe Simon .nit w. j. I tomorrow will, be legislative in char-
Kvelyn Carlson, Roy Victor Earl, How-1 Clemens, president of the Portland Auto- tct,r Tb dramatic order of Xhorassan
Is tb beat attended of any yet In Ore
gon. . The grand lodge was called ts
order shortly fterl0 o'clock this fore
aooa by Grand Chancellor D. E. Toran
and tb morning aossloa waa devoted
principally to tbo Initiation of neat
chancellors Into tbo grand lodge rank.
Ths committee on credentials also sub
mitted its report. 'V -
At tbo afternoon session tb. etenarta
of off Ice re are being submitted and tho
electlon of offloora will b hld.v Th
various standing committees will do the
W ntchelL R. June Gray. Madge N,
t wi r U.kk.. PntiltfM Kurd
Ice, perhape, are receiving many time Virrlnla Hurd. Pearl Johnaon, Charlee
.. much." .- ' I - . ii. t irrn w
All Waa to Talk. ', iMoCallum. Ruth Rolfs. Morrla W. Star-
Tbe formal program of fho Indian I buck. Lucia Wilklna. Edith V, Wltsel,
i Decauss i ine reunion mm wmo i njan seaen, uuiaa unoge., . . , pr. bookkeeDor for Mor
to the majority of the ttO present was n. Doble. OUvo DonnelL Gertrude RtS .fl!l.-- k..
i mora Important than speechmsklng. Tbe Holmes. HatUe Hyde. Melvln Ogden. Ta Z .i
'recalllnf Vf goao by days mads It fro- Oeonre Otteo, Merwla Rankin. Charles I . " !T . ,..7,, '
junuy . necessary w a..jj. in, W. Roblnaon. Alios utoaaaro, reari wl-,. tAi1 h ntTer agreed to give
grand commander, to rap for sUsnce.,' wllbur Md Kdlth Woodcock. Hurlburt any intent IntSr corpora-
! la tbe audience were .many quaint visa Bonhls Catlln and Harvey Slater. f?"f ID"" lT.-.
ir::r :zr; r,z w-t at 14000 per year ana ws saiary
oiniiu, nuumw, vh., . 7. . I later raised to loOOO. Tbe liuriwiri
waa ready to tell wer beyond -number. flid. Iowa: Lllah Clark. LenU; Juliet I . mrmm .A v.v. ,n(l0 j
Tome of th steps wer alow, not a few (cross, Oregon City; Gertrude Den hart, I ihlr, ot atock aa additional compenaa
yieeded help to a td. from tb meeting I White 8. X4 Mabel Hill, Junction City; I .j ft w servloes with tbo com-
piace. QUI. irtrr uhtkiuuii mvu u.v i uua nouiuu, I nany.
Kaa May sue.
It la aleo asserted by the plaintiffs
that W. T. Mulr was to receive 1000
bipod Indian. It Is reported the men lard 8. McKay. Franklin W. Stalgor, Ray I mobii. einn.
weni'wwara uyru l oini. HCriaoo
brother, at the request of the sheriff,
has left for Myrtle Point In th bono
or apprehending them.
th light of young manhood and young INalr. Tillamook; William Moses, Cres
twomanhood. , --' , woU; Cornelia Plnkham Bpokano; He -
- .m ....n tn mi..... r Anw I en Washburne. 8prlngneld; Cecils Wil-
Examination Shows That Bad
Check Man Committed Sui
cide Body to Be Sent.
I - m m-w-r v . a m-ia a ik..
ih.t ,.ri. th. vif both T. v. B Em. lt uranae. ana wu "'is
I- t pagxoeo ta
Brown, but no certificate waa vr Is
sued to him. It la possible another
An examination made last night of
tbe remains of Lloyd Light, tbo suicide.
ted grand commander, and ; Harvey ; W. j The degre of Bachelor of Sctencowlll I ult wU. be brought bysMulr for the! who for aeveral weeka had posed In
mond J. Toomey, Eunice Townsend.
Germsn course Clara Behrman. Anna
Bluer. Elsie Cramer. Mary Davidson,
Florence C Gardiner, Calvin B. Hlrsch,
Elisabeth Edith Bohols. Hslsa Smith,
Ernest F. Bparaer. Arthur D, Btruble.
Hqrtense Van Frldagh.
College preparatory sourso Orac
Frances Huntley, Ruth Elaabeta Tur
Commercial ' aourse rlvla - Bagy,
Norma C Cur tin, Esa Dltrlob, Annie
Emily Dring. Sylvan F. Durkelmer, Hel
en M. Hermann. Mayms . Lao Hurst,
Clyde W. Xelster, Gladys C. MeAlUs-
fer, Louis Nudelmaa, Esther M. Bar
ran sky. Max Herbert Sommer, Alloa W.
Scientific course Rnaeell D. . Berst.
Ray Otis Balrd, John Edgar Muck.
Teaching course Zella Carr.
Latin 'and English Henry J. Hawley.
Latin and German Elsie Mildred
German and commercial Ruby Stein
First honor pupils Helen Anderson,
Clara Behrman, Reuben George Bens,
will have thla evening all to Itself and
a grand parade will bo a feature of
th evening, followed by a session at
th ball, at which aome 100 trros will
be fed to the tiger and a general good
time and Jink will be indulged. Thla
order la similar to the shrlnera and Is
purely social tn character.
There were Of past chancellors Initi
ated Into tho grand -lodg rank, ths
largest class In tb history of tbo Ore
gon grand lodge. On of the most
tt i ti n. t-. . r .-v...... m aii.naano at
aTUT -11 X.Z, TV! V7-"-"- Oeorge W. Hochstedler
H. Moody waa killed la a runaway last
night. Colonel Moody resided in the
upper Hood River valley with his son.
Charles L Moody. While driving along
tn highway near the Hayes sawmill
something became out Of place with th
harness, and whll tb son was out re
pairing tb break, tbo team 'ran away.
Th father, wbo was sluing la th rig.
was thrown out sad killed. - '
Colonel Moody a a wealthy retired
army officer, coming to - Hood River
from New Jeraew and purchasing a
tract of orchard land ta the upper val
ley. Tho body was brought to the city
of Portland, - past supreme represents-.
tlvs, who was a member of tho grand '
lodge of Oregon at Its formation to
years sgo, and has been tn attendance'
at every sesalon held since that time.
Mr. taochstedler Is a member of Laurel
louge of Albany, but resides la Port
land. A. R. Bhumway of Milton, who
was appointed grand prelate In the ab-
enc of W. W. Elfert of Medford, has
Just been married and Is spending bis
Honeymoon at the grand lodge.
Pythian Slaters' grand temple held Its
sesalon In ths Odd Fellows ball. It
was celled to order at 10 a. m. by
..Mm MmminilM I h. riven tO.FranolB D- CurtiB Of Port- .SAnn to ha v. been realised atlPnrtbvnd a. th. .th k. t,i... I r .rla".' fr"0 "'V "n- tiwJ.y end .hlnnf M.t fn tt.rm.n I W" .i?a- Brfer. " ra. OJ
,.v--h --" "I- w""ir:7"-r; i.-J .nli W. Grout of La I .J: .."I ,h. p,ti,d 1 " . I "UBTU "u "ucaiey, jar- ' arana cnier Mrs. Mai oevurts of Port
j naa pasaea sway, cauam wm u w i - ' - - I "" - - I jmit-mup. nnn in ine oaturaay lCvenina I Ivle Oelaler. Oeorare 8. Gray. Hanrr J.
grand commander to devolve upon btm, Oranas. . ; . . Railway, Light & Power company.. Post, and who committed suicide vea-1 Hawley. Calvin & Hlrsch. John Edrarl
" he was third 'a ucoesalon, with thol sro oi V" " m.7 . r?f 5!r?. !wT "?r.iT terday morning In tb. city lall. ha. de. Muck. Max Herbert SommW. Eunice
.r:;l.:v.ri,vli i..n-,s m.n. Struck of Hood River. . Railway.-Light Power company. Hurl-
gainermg was lnvoxea oy.ursna voap-1 - - - - , wh.i, f In KI .V ' .r i .'-.
lain W. JJ. i Wing.. .lanMul .narlnaaU-lnr will bS Slven tO I xr ai mm anoth.r i.rt1fln.t.
Mayor fllmon, speaking words of wel- th. ,i,hb-. Philander Brownell 'as "J AAA a. its-tea wKIaIS Wurlhurt flffLli
corns, expressed what hs conceived to Gw.dlner. Eugene F. Hurlburt and AI-1 purchased at ISO per .hare. Thl. was
.bath, satisfaction of the .veterans la I w snii.n. Khi.ene: John J. Keet-1 v,,!.,, tifi.t t nnnaat
- maeuna m xam areai w.j Lum..mrn wmm i ley gprtagTleia; u. JH. Mcuoy. forwana; i Morris, who said h desired to show
,'hsd seen building out of tb wilderness I Leon C Parks, - Junction City; and the bnvera of the olant that bo held con-
lnto power and presUge. ' jAlonso A. Perkins, Balenv trol of the stock and would bo able to
'ill roil cau or oincera snowea inai i ' i n. gnm v vawuwr v.v..u ... turn it over, aiorna was 10 accuuni ior
f Grand Adjutant Otto Weeman, Grand mining engineering will bo given t I him to him, be said, for all th. profits
Commissary Sergeant Charlee Cham- verner a. uuie ox iaw, ana uoum a.ion tb sals of both blocks or stock.
' breau. Grand Chaplain W. D.- Swing, I Plnkham Jr. of Bpokane., - I The books of the company show that
. r ... i,.,-.a Tvt.. BaM. .mt I The desres of bachelor of muslo will 1 rrnPihurt ratoeived Sifi.ooa. the nroflta
n (..Lriaui V waw vvmm w w . m.u - . . . , -
. r.--m t..-. I b. riven to Miss ijuan wm rTosseT. nn h. .Mond block of atock which
, .vrr.ou mx, 17" "7 i 7.w. ... ...
i cuncua. . i am nwua purcnueu uuiriHiib . l .ov, iui
The xtaster or aria areree win o. con- Baj being made at 68 per ahare,
' present.
Letters .
from ' Senator Chamberlain,
::. .V;?r,7'r. - . .V. I end Estelle Mae EM, lArtnur nayee
- hn ft.a affArta Vr.r. K.ln m.'a to Ah.
tain the Increase in the pension sched-
. ' ule wore read by Adjutant KJeemen. It Eu?"e-
Sargent, and Mary Ellxabeth Morgan,
was saia oy au J. Ldoya, pasr. BTno ... . . t . - .lctri- OI alB servio.. iw iuw comj
" commander, that he had found Senator I Uk ae'r ,eclrI any payment of obligation.
Edwin Platts and Ralph Foppleton,
Morris Claims Stock.
At ths sam tlm the books show
$16,000 credited to Hurlburt, which Mor
ris declares was a girt in recognition
of his servloes to tho company, but not
V. i i.i. n.i.i.j. Mm.A -tt.-1 cai engineer.
ttve efforts to aecure the lncreass when ' hurun "Magna"
' he had visited Washlnrton some Umal The following students
Another $10,000 was credited to Hurl
burt for a tract of land In Clackamas
graduate I county which had been turned In on
ato. i"Bummauum jjauae, nivini u e;tj-
A rommltt. to nraft reaolntlonn In tlonal etanamg in scnoiaranip: caim
honor of the veterans who have died Baker. Eugene; Olive Donnell, Portland!
Idurlns- the year oast waa snnolnted Myron Getchell, Kugene; tiattie Hya
... . . ' . . " . n .1 A. T T ' . T3 1 m . T7l 1 .
run jcowara koss. a. t. i.iovi ana 1 x unmnu, uoui . Aaiinuu, umvci , cua
Georse Miller as Its members. McCallum, Eugene; Alice Btodaard, .u
t . At noon dinner was served to tn vet- ane; rranci. urim, l orunnu;
eraha bv Sons and Daushters of Vet-1 McCoy. Portland; and Verner A. allies
:trans In. the Woodmen of the World La Grande. MIbs Lllah Clark. Lents; had no knowledge that It bad been Is
Banquet nau. Tne aiternoon session ana J"s uwinra. jouiinrs, .wnive, o. gUed to Hurlburt Brown also testt
will be concerned with the election of graduate Magna c um Lauae, 1 fled he had no knowledge of atock la
yoff leers and eomnletlon of the business which is slightly below the Bumma." .n.d to him .t th. .am. tlm. hut tami.
or ine veterans, a resolution to oppose I n" nyu. 01. iwunmi .no mm imony showed this atock had been voted
' .U. -1 , .j . . I TnK n Z annAn . T)nl.i mkh M..if.,.l .. . . .
J in. nwuw or roeiecuon ui any conI"' niouuam a. A StOCXnoluers meeting OH S proxy
. . I Kflunima M V, a v. k. Utlnntlnn a Kani I . . .
niBBBiuan wdq' ova ovb. .jiiirvv. lus 1 ww.. ...... u ww,.w.. v 1 issuea Dy xirown.
" . m r.r mi .. rn. nwi.inii. A i n , n . mu. iiiuim i l n vai v ..w wiifi eimvi.
j, . W U ... W . UUU.U... V. UU.BU TT . I " O ' "
the deal. Hurlburt asserts that be
should have received $35,000 for tbla
land. The other 110,300, said by Morris
to bo a gift, Hurlburt asks to be treated
as part payment of the $6S,000 which
he alleges is due on certificate No.41.
Morris asserts that certificate No. 41
represented stock of his own, and he
taking cyanide of potassium.
The remains, which are now In the
custody of Dunning A MoEnte. will be
hipped to Klpon, Wla these Instruc
tions having been received last night
from a bank at Jacksonville, Fla., which
apparently la la. charge of tho buslnesa
affairs of the dead man' sister, Mrs.
Ira Light Tayler, and the mother.
Little by little as ths fact of Light's
death la spreading through th city, re
ports are -being made of further crlml
nal depredations be had committed, all
or them being the distribution of bad
From Intimate frlenda In the city It
has been ascertained that Light had
become despondent at the refusal of
his wealthy aunt, Mra. von Rennselaer-
Krueger of Philadelphia to assist him
out of the difficulties Into which he
had entangled himself. .
The telegram does not state to whom
the remain of Light are to be sent In
Rlpon but It is believed that his rela
tives have a family plot there where It
Is proposed to bury him. The aunt
who la said to bo In Italy on a cruise,
has not been advised sa yet of the death
of her nephew.
The wallet containing the four certi
fied checks aggregating $3660, belonging
to W. F. Sinclair, which Light la be
lieved . to have taken from Sinclair's
pocket tn the wash room at ths Perkins
hotel, has been restored to th owner. I
(Continued From Pago One.)
era slope of the Coast range and It Is
a comparatively easy journey from
there to Coos bay. Sheriff Gage of
Coos county Is expected to go out as
soon ss ths two men ara definitely lo
cated In that county. Tbo posse wag
IT miles behind at last reports.
. Roseburg, Or, Juno 10. Nothing baa
been heard her from th posse search
ing for the Shasta Limited robtwra
since It left Yoncalla at I o'clock thla
morning. It haa been following the
trail In a westerly direction and la said
to be near Elkton, which la about' 17
miles west of Yoncalla. Tbe mountains
are very rough and wild In that part of
the county, making travel alow and ex
ceeding dangerous for the pose. It Is
likely th bandit will cross tho Ump-
qua river near there ana head for Coos
Bay. If not caught.
Robert and Emll Ehnert th Drain
store robbers, are in Jail her In default
of f 500 ball. They had nearly all the
stolen goods In their possession except
two revolvers. There la nothing to con
nect them with the Shasta robbery. Tue
fact that Uvo revolver were not found
lead to. the belief that three or poaslbly
four men did th Job. .
, (Catted FruM tavaaad Wtr...
Washington. Juno SO. Th house
this afternoon, by a rot of 111 to loo,
peseed th Underwood wool tariff bllL
reducing Its schedule by (0 per cent
Tbe bill .now goes to tho senate. The
announcement of tb vote was tho signal
for a demonstration by the Democrats,
who cheered wildly. Twenty-two Re
publicans voted with tho Democrats,
while one Democrat Francis of Ohio-
voted against the bllL
Washington, - June SO. The Under
wood wool tariff bill was op for revis
ion In the house today. The Kopp
amendment making the - duty on raw
wool 40 per cent and tho Sharp amend
ment making tb duty 10 per cent were
beaten. An amendment by Rucker ot
Missouri restoring the three classifica
tions of wool and changing ths duty
from ad valorem to specific making re
ductions averaging 20 to 10 per cent be
low the Payne law waa defeated. 1
By a vote of 118 to 189, the nous re
fused to recommit the wool .bill to tho
ways and means committee to await a
report from th tariff board.,1
land. Th buslnesa of th morning ses
alon consisted of hearing the reports
of the grand chief and credentials com
mittee and Initiating 88 past chiefs to
tho grand temple degree. This after
noon reports of grand offloer are be
ing heard and election of officer held..
tBaleta Baraa at Tbe Jort
Salem, Or, June 10. The bill provid
ing a flat salary for the state printer,
which Is to bo Initiated, will not cut tho
salary of that official to 81000, but will
leave it at 84000, aa provided in the
Miller bill. Tbe only provision of the
Initiative measure wl'l Jt. on putting,
tbe Miller bill Into effect Immediately
after the next eiertlon lnatead of two
years after the present state printer's .
term of office baa expired. Thl decis
ion was announced definitely today by
Harry Hill, secretary of the Salem Typo
graphical union, who Is secretary of the
committee having charge of the Initia
tive bill. Petitions will be circulated
through, the granges snd unions so paid
circulators wiir bo atolded and oppor
tunities for charges of forgery mini-"
mtsed. - -. y , '.- ;
f veterans 1 expected a one of the lm-
portent results of ths meeting, today.
to complete
three years.
the university course In
Helen Mohay was arrested at 150
h isregotlatlona for a Bite for a branch
" factory of the Berlin Machinery Works I Couch street yesterday bv Patrolmen
T HAlm f Wll h.v. Irtt.n linil.. wav P...M. ..4 .1 ........ .. ...
- - 1 - tm -j jvwevu abiiu juauuua, auuavu ui curl'
,., nera jot aonie tun ana may ne closed I ducting a dlsordeniy house. The case
y.m-un. . n. rr. nymono, manager or in came up for trial this morning.
roruwia iommerciai cjuo industrial The chief wltnesa against the Mohay
bureau has .been assisting for several woman was plenn Holllster. 17 years
: months In getting the firm Interested old. The arrest of the Mohav woman
. .5-, uwi cumpanys rep- Was making trouble. In the house and
.. wiu,w,i, , . twura, WU in ran- I ho anVo th. nnll,. tn ,, V.l.
'..,- ..ui .t- -, . . . I" " ' - - I". ""
i . r. . z " . ..u ua aim wnen ratroiman (jameron called at
vvisuea Beatue ana other coast dtlea. th. v,,,e. trm.... n, ...
. u.b wwa n,a ,dwuu viaiu A aRiinna i . t- v . . . ... . . .
. . 1 ii.i mm ui viYf, .wu infm ijamaiua
' I , . wrTrohawy to reached In a and started down tbe street on a run.
h"","1 """"" w vw rnn grau a motorcycle waa passing the cor-
. 1 . . ... " 1 urn aou nuiiiBLer nnneu ior a riae. 'rlo
I'-dS Uronosed tllailt Will amnln. ahant U... t .v.- .... ...
.'" men w negin witn. Th' Company pened to be Patrolman Maddux and the
manufacturea all kinds of woodworking boy waa taken to the police station to
Question for Court.
Morris testified he kept Hurlburt ad
vised as to the progress of negotiations
for the sale of the company's Interests.
Hurlburt denied It The latter asserts
that through the fli.ancing.of the Morris
Bros, a bond Issue waa floated which
allowed them to come out more than
avn. mnA th. mtfifjt w.ja l.ft " "
The main question for the court is the I
Interpretation of the Issuance of certifi
cate No. 41 to Hurlburt "authority F. j
S. Morrla, and lta indorsement by Hurl
burt subsequently to Morris. If the
court finds from the testimony that this
was really Issued by authority of Morris
and later turned over to him by Hurl
burt merely to facilitate the sale of tbe
properties, Morris will be called on to I
pay 855,000.
A lesser question is th deal affect
ing the Clackamas . county land, for
whlob Hurlburt received 110,000 and
claims $35,000. The case will not be
decided until after the argument and
submission of briefs next month. -.
machinery. -
.tt, 1 1 "
. Patrolmen Shaffer and Jones last
tjilght arrested Minnie Sullivan, a notc
. rious woman, at 205 North Fifteenth !
., aireoi, wuo rcaiue. mere, ana aiargaret
Benjamin, wno war Visiting at ths, on a vagrancy- charge.
: Numerous complaints had been made
, against the Sullivan woman and the
- arrest has resulted in a promise from
' her attorney that sbs will leave the
neighborhood this week. She pleaded
.guilty to th -vagrancy charg thia
t morning. " On promise to move. Judge
J Taswell gave her a suspended sentence.
The case against th Benjamin woman
, was dismissed.. - , ; .
I be held as a witness against the Mo
hay woman.
On his testimony this mornlnar Judca
Tazwell ordered Holllster placed under
arrest ana remanded to the luvenile
court The charge against the Mohay MeXICan YOUtll, ToW tO QUlt
" .tvvcji uuuer Buvisement anal tan .j.xi. r 1 t ' ixn
wniuimg mick, miis iex-
a decision will be rendered Monday.'
? The cbarres sgalnst T.A. Xing, night
manager of tbe Portland Taxlcab 00m
paay. who was arrested on a charge
of larceny last Saturday night on com
plaint of Howard Sweeney. , wr dla
missed this morning becaus of tb
)ii-aparanc of fiweeaey. -, '
an and Is Hanged.
(Halted Prea. LuKd Wir. t
AUBtin, xexas, jun zo. word was
received here today of the lynching of a I
Mexican boy by a mob at Thorndale,
in Milan county last night , .
The lynching followed tho murder
or Charles zeitung, owner of a auras-..
Mount I by the youth. Zoltung had ordered the
and I Mexican, whose name la not given, to
The difficulty between the
Hood Light dss Power company
their former linemen haa not yet ended. I ceaae whittling a stick In front of his
Thia morning trouble between th strtk- j place of business. For answer the boy
" wt wtwi nvw miuvmjea . was ataDDea zeiiung 10 aeaut with his pocket
narrowly averted by the appearance of knife..
several special officers appointed Jy , Following his arrest a mob stormed
V, . O, T.I . .1 . . ... . . .. .... . .
. vm kw -viuia, . wuer. imn. oi ine town jau ana toox mm to the cen-
the work Is being done. , ter of the town, while waiting for some
Union pickets were doing everything members of the party to- bring a rope.
In their power to prevent the , 'crews a Mexican' farmer drov by with a load
from connecting up the wires which of watermelons. Hie team was un-
have ; been recently constructed. A hitched, and the trace chains fastened
representative of th Mount Hood com- together.- . One end of the" chain was
pany mid this morning that they have placed about the boy's heck and ha wis
tho situation well in band. - - , hanged to a telephona polav ...,." y
yfe&ffi&& Here's an individual among drinks : V ,
' a bcvcraSc. fairly snaps with delicious good- ;X V
f W$Jr ncss and refreshing wholesomcncss. ,. .
, . has mbrc to it than nere wetness and sweetness it's vigorous, ;
Pv v full oi life. Tou'll erijoy it from the first sip to the last drop
I and afterwards. " . " , ' ; x
' V , Delicious Refreshing : . 7
,V. Thirst -Quenching J - f '
" '-; ?' sfC -Arr 6w-thin k,;'f
Send for T.
our interest
ing booklet, . .
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