The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 20, 1911, Page 15, Image 15

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FOR SALE- flOVSEfl - ' Ill
SI 5 Per Month.
'New 4 room bungalow, Jot 17x111;
thla bungalow waa built for my own
! bom a, but am forcad to aell on account
of family alukneaa. It la wall built, on a
high level lot unobstructed view and
haa never baan occupied i can be made
an Ideal little borne, near achool and
not far from car. If you are looking for
a, anap In ft email euburban home, are
thla. R-737. Journal.
Homes on Easv Payments
' room bungalow, near ear. fireplace,
bookcaaea, buffet. Dutch kitchen, bard
wood f loora, large attio, eaat front 404
flown, balance monthly,
. . .- '
4 room, two atory house, on carl In,
.lg """jl" V"' ",m(M
mJnth? Uw,u down' b,'ntf'
monthly. ,. . . . , -
.'". ... v - . . o.i.lrldc
mon. Miuiam v.iknm nr Hunnvulde
iwin noun, rirnnr ii'in w.u
car, aeiect neighoornoog. iivuv uowoi
vinuf monmiy, -
APP'ciAt m tiuim two-storr houae.
oak f loora. furnace, .fireplace, tinting.
block from car. restricted nslahborhood.
' tiflAfl llIA . 1. , . MAtklii
nafiaa wi w r mmm aaai rina anana mwri.
C room iwo-atarv nar ear. thnroush-
;ly modern. goon- neighborhood. sa rcZ
iricujr, an improvementa paia. evv
flown, balance monthly.-
. rwma,- roncrete ouHimtni, iirrpmcj.
bookcaaea, Dutch kitchen, full lot. Bull
Rflfl .l..i.t..lta ...... ft I m.
1110 down, balance jponthlir. ,
ZW'inn Poard of Trad. 1
Thoroughly Modern .
I Room Bungalow a dandy, double
( conatmotlon, beet plumbing.
v handeome buffet. Duth
. kitchen, linen closet cement
m ; naaement, launory . trays,
-mm. - flipUee; 11400: 1400 dowo.
I Rooma Very conveniently axrangel
ftreolace. white enamel
'. : ... Dutch kitchen. bedrooms
white enamel; rooma all
Roomel atory, large porch, piped
amiHVk saiuu. eamaw- ici lajes
ror rurnace, large cioena.
nail aeat, high and elghtly,
10x100 eorner lot; $I400 1800
' . down.
Phone builder and owner,
j Tabor OBt or Main 7411.
. A Modern Home
- rooma hath larva ittlp flranlara.
nirnaca. eement . baeement. electric
lights and gaa pretty lawn, located!
on paved street in exclusive residence
district, now occupied by owner: a tfr
wain m tllAA. 1 1 AAA . . . V. k.i.MM 1 lb.
vavvv waini.i ,inwi
ft lot or acreage la lies'
vi caan payment.
Stewart Realty Co.
Main It04. 814 Belling hldg.
, fcUNNYBIDE A beautiful I room houae
' on E. 17th st, 1 lilock from best car
service In olty, for 14000 on very easy
terms; new. modern in every particular,
attractive inside and out; large living
. room, dining room, reception hall, Dutch
kitchen, 1 bedrooms, sleeping porch; ce
, ment .basement, furnace, hardwood
floors. This Is a bargain at the price.
MeAllUter ac Lueddereann. til Electrlo
. oing.
414 monthly bays new cottages cor
ner of Peninsular avenue and Hartford
streets. Builder there dally. Phone
Main i44. owner 44 North flat st
Ssj'tytf'sww a n. 1, s I
Iiy?T19AA.SHIck' ?prsa new
California bunaaiow. U hlrw-k. fmm
..rwirr rv"" 2?u'"uy xurmenea, l
. rwi""'t;irWmc
full basement 4 cement: attle. book I
: SIS n.Urculaa,nd m'ne-i-hlS
or unrurnisned. saay terms. See own-
ar at 444 E. 4th st I
Ut borne for, Unlvers.ty park,, at
Business section; room house, gaa,
electrlo llghta, full basement large
attic, bath, etc; flno lawn, garden, fruit
roeea galore; a fine suburban home at
43400. Phone owner, Woodlawn 414,
IMPROVE your lot with your rent If
you own your 101 we win Duiid you
a home to suit you, and let you pay
for It at 420 per month. Why pay rent
, when this opportunity la waiting for
you r feorreaponaence soiicueo. Beaux
Arts Building 80., 301-3-4 Lumbermens
piog. pnones m aranaii 1474. A-3484.
-iNVEitOR ONLY 43loo7!
. If you want something good below
-mantei vaiue, aee my Deaunrui room
. bunaalow, strictly modern, all lmnrove-
ments In. Located 1174 Kast Taylor
. street, trice fiieuv; iuou oasn, dbi-
ance easy terma Will rent ftr Iss
monthly. Phone, owner. Hansen, Main
' 7 rooms a
rid den, sleeping porch, fire-
ce, gas and elaclrlo fixtures,
m l. V . .
Place, furnace.
. hlllU.ltl hllffvt ann hnnllrbil.
It e. - rah 1400 T
stv wean at., room eie. wain blip.
- Build ,
V; On small monthly paymenta.
, ; 401 Beck bldg. 7th and Oak ets.
v f Beautiful Home, v -
Best location Irvlngton; finished In
s oak and very select fir; modern as pos
sible, lot 75x100; also lots all prices.
East 273. C-1866; no agents. W. H.
. Herdman.
GOOD BUT 43300.
f 1400 down, balance 416 ft month. Now
if votf want to get In a homo that Is a
' home, hero you are: A 3 atory modern I land, near thriving, growing town; orlg
" house, all conveniences, simply fine: a final price f 1300; paymenta 435 per
- beautiful , large Jot . Don't miss , this. I month. This is ft anap for someone. NO
iviu tti-tj., a-u") uhi.i.
A SPLENDID homo for sale: 4 rooma,
- all modern convenleneea and , then!
: wvmm, lot ivasu, wo. iwwin ana
In fruit trees; I earltnee, close in east
Bids! If Interested phone owner, Bellwoodj
CV.D A ,AAm . hnuM. . mAAorn r(m
j lawn, hard surface sC 40th and Davis. I
. years, 4 per cent Owner, E-718, Jour
nai. - - 1 - . - " .- i
tin monthly whloh lncludea 7 ner cent
Intnrrat. buva S room home. . Juat IE
UKe rent.. aaeraeni, oain. aao, eiectrio i
? Ughta,
Corner lot. Price)
f ZB0.
Phone owner, East 2741V -
r FOR SALE New, modern seven room
' - bungalow, lot 60x130; Price $4400,
.43000 down, bale n ca f per cent 1297
Hawthorns avenuo. near 44th street I
fc56'UR- room house, bath, toilet S blocks I
irom union svraue, ri ouranir, I
blocks north Alberta; $1100; terms easy,
(no agenisv 1 -
w 4 ' ROOM house, 876 Rodney ave on
email montniy payments. A-tnt, ii
-' !483, Main-iss. - ' -
.-'4 saaaasaavasHaaaHfeiaiBaBsapeaaxapeiaaia
.ONE lot New Astoria, 6 acrea near ocean
beach, mile south Ft Stevens. Value
--.63600. Will trade for all or part Bur-
. pick. e rienry nian,
Owner, leaving city,: will sell beaut 1-1
v. rul Weatmoreiana 101. price seuo. terme.
I blocks Sellwood car. F-723, Journal.
you want to buy a cheap lot on easy
- terms call at 624 KUllngsworth. Wood-
fr ' lwn 829. ; - rj ' ' - !
?;MUST sell 2 lota 60x100. each 160 feet ,
from Kill nasworth ava. on 14th et
is;Ciwner. 695 KIlHngsworth. -t
F6 R" 8 ALB Lo t on fe. 6lJv si "aI-twrtt-
Phone C-1946. ,
! 3 1 i240 JbQtlTY In fine Capitol Hill lot;
mnit9 orjer.- vwnwr, tuvi
i. 4400.. TERMS, takes mv Weatmoreland
1 ni nn car line. N-7Z. Journal.
1 PhECOTT street snap, corner 40x104
;m Vernon. . owner, jk-jxea. v
. At Fulton Park -
n.antifut in iniino. t blocks from
station of Kslem K I set He. and only 74
feat from B. P. R, K.; Mat rront: omj
13 mlnutea' ride from center of city:
mutt aril: no reasonable of far refused.
Q-714. Jon rn al , ' - -
fcELLtt ClUCA? SNAP. .
Thla lot la one block from carllne,
facing east a deslrabls building lor a
tlon: will aell at a price conalderably
under value, with, terme. For full par.
tlculara. address owner, 919 litn il
Oregon City. '
WffXfwill you. give for ft high, well
drained building lot oexioo, on ft ev
foot street with city water,, ft Short
diatance from, ft good carllne? I will
aell you such a lot for 43.44 ft weekr
Mr. Leonard, Columbia Tmet company,
a em at.
10 Down, $10 Per-Month
fine view lot, matured fruit trees;
restricted district near oar. cement
walka. Bull Bun water, fmlt cared for
tt of charge ,101 Bosrd of Trsde
i , m
I CLOSIJ In acreage on the Weat Hlo,
ihe "West ' SlJ
which la better for ft horn or Invest-
ment than a lot. - Wo have teome very
choice ftoreage, only 11 to to mlnutea
rar riae. io caen payment ana iv a
month. m. k. lee, m loroeitoing
: ; Waverleigh Lots,
or aale, two choice lots cor. E. II
and Kelly ate
Phone B. : N.
Woodlawn 1144
CHQICK oornervon Cerbett atreet beat
buy on the ecreet... ir you are loosing
for property In thla direction. It will
pay you to aee ns at once. You can
buy thla no you can double your money.
M. K. is, ill tjorneit Diag.
I new city park, fine view, a bargain at
$700: 1375 caen. balance 110 per month
at 4 per cent; reaeens for selling.. Phone
Tabor 1444 call til B. Alder. . No
Barents. , ' -
EOT SOjtlOo juat- north of Willamette
HOlgnta. witn a magnmoent view oi
tha cltv and mountains. For Bale cheap.
10 per cent down, I per cent ft month,
E-72i. Journal.
Millard Ave. $500
40x100. I blocks, corner, restricted
district, 100 bslow market pries. Ta-
bor 414. .
H21 BUT8 a "4 acre, only 24 mlnutea
ride on tha Oreaon Electrlo Una; Ilea
beautiful; excellent view; water piped
to each tract Terms 424 down and 44
a monm. M. K. lee, u v.ornrit mag.
Kenton Factory Center
410 ner month buvs choice lot 4
blocks went' of bank and car Una. Phone
owner, C-1390;
Deep, rich, black soil; good roaAs and
Plenty good water for all purpoae; level
land In cultivation; now is the time to
buy; realize a profit this summer.
1 40 per acre and up: close to Portland
In tha tamoua Tualatin valley; any slse
tract: your own terme.
406 Couch bldg.
10 acres right at Oak Park on Ore-
Jon electric, is acres in orcnara. gooo
room houae, barn, poultry houeea, etc.:
fine team horeee, two aeta harneee, bug
gy, wagon, plow and all orchard lm
plementa; over (00 chickeaa, splendid
soil. This olace will be sold at a
racrlfice and on terms to suit pur
chaser. Inquire of U M. Hlekok, room
448 Chamber of commerce.
Water Front Acreage
New man of Portland harbor shows
ownerships of waterfront property, rall-
roaa tracKage. aeptna or water in nvor.
docks, warehouses, mills, faotoiiea and
J ...,i . i tCl . --a
industrial districts Of
roil 6ALB LOT
trlcta of Portland Sttand garden; ehade treea and good .Water,
nnton. For, sale at 1022 1 on splendid road, H to 1 mile from
mmerca. phono Main 7153. town ;also unimproved tracta of any
Johns snd Llnnton.
r-h.k., r r-ran..r.
FRtJlt Und. Ideal location for summer
. yr p,wwi tov.
'! scenic surroundings, mountains,
fflTs? aWicS'Vafi. T
numerous sprinas supply pure aold wa
ter, one hours ride from Portland; no
better land anywnere. mono raoor
CHICKEN snd fruit ranches nsar Port-
la.nd. walkinr diatance 10 rood town,
ninnlno- witxr. beat BO 11. free WOOd.
splendid fruit district View of Colum
bia river and snow peaks. 3 acrea 4260
3 acres isov; iu acres iduu; in per cent
cash, easy payments, other tracta near
railway station 426 to 40 per acre.
101 Yeon bldg.. romanq.
Cloee to Beaverton. all under eultl
vatlon, orchard, 4 room houee. Owner
must nave money quica. onap ior
someone. Bee Mr. camp at Hartman a
Thompson bank, corner 4tn ana Htaric
in acrea at Helvetia. 800 feet from
hlectrlo station, fine for poultry farm,
owner must have llttlsmonsy. If
I a . awe 4V aft - f ASa. S r'rt ah nna aft 4 Sft alln
- V"T.i--f. m ui-iT
l.M A,rii HKKIAJW,
332-33ft Chamber of Commerce.
Close in Acreage CheaD
IV Bl'ICR, llllOJ OS V !. a UHiliUB "Wvi m w
minutes' ride, in Tualatin valley, will
sacrifice for about H what It Is worth,
at .Haa 41 ma. sanll minnln wtataat 9Q
If sold at once; terms. . .
444 Sherlock blda.
For this week only you can
buy 10 aores of choice fruit 45
lend, all tillable., with ' fine 436
stream of water, plenty of 436
timber. In good location, two 436
hours' travel from Portland, 435,
for $360 435
' 613 Couch bldg. -' 436
6100 BUYS my equity of 4160 In a 10
acre tract conveniently close to Port-
agents. Anargaa A-ut, journal.
FOR ttALE Nice little I aore traot;' al
joins city limits; 7 room house; base
Dear-jmont; cam; cnicaena; nouao
woven wire; all In colt: 33 bearing
fruit trees; 4160 oash takes thla. bat.
easy terms. Otto & Case, 43 4th at. No,
34 acres, 20 in oats and1 hay, 4 springs,
auto road, 10 miles olty, 6 miles Lents.
lino per acre. casn, uiw aaa,
tn at., iso. izi.
a rT ira nu. Ttnla JTunntlnn mxnml-
lent berry and. fruit land. Juan a a
uiiinr f, tTso imp um and un.
a anan for few days only. 42760. Sea
rood eli
and 10 acre tracts, close in.
Mil liM-trln tr anrvlcc. 3100 to XlKd
thl acre: bla- values, easy terms. Call.
I - T. - kirtur t xr r.
fin Realty Co.. 308 Corbett bldg.
42000 BUYS 10 acres on the Willamette
river: handy to Portland: boat landlna
en me piece; iraio country noma ana.
M. HL Lee. 811 Corbett bid.
tamonth. M. E. Lee, $11 Corbett hldg.
CLOSE in acreage on the Weat Side,
wnion is Better ror a noma or invest
ment than a lot We have some very
Choice acreage, only 16 to 20 mlnutea
car ride.' $60 cash payment and 614 ft
month. M. E. iee, an uornatt bag
16 "DOWN, $6 month, nlcellttle chicken
ranch. 2 S minutes out; garden, shade.
Close to rlvsr. You buy this from
owner. Call after 10 ft. ro. Smith, 282 Hi
Washington, room 18. '
CHICKEN ranoh, 4 acres. 35 minutes
out 4 DiocKS to car. uuy 01 owner
cheap this week, easy terma. Smith,
832H Waahlngton, room 14. -
IrtiRTY acrea bottom and Jbeaverdam
on wuiameuariver near wuaonviue,
mile Oregon Blectrio railway station.
-714. Journal, i"
I PLATTING, proposition, 14 acrea on DI
: vision St. close to Psrk and two car-
tinea. L, B. Thompson Co., 1414 Dlvls-
$33008 ACRES Improved. 40 b
17 . . , .v.....Ak. .hik
Fred Grant, fourth houaa south Kendall
station, ..TftOor il. j.
'"Garden Tracts, r
-t Rich black sandy loam soil, rlv
- er bottom land, plenty of depth.
Sub-Irrigated, good drainage; very
. productive to relary, onlone, caul' '
: Iflower, ate. This land Is cleared
and plowed, part under cultiva
tion; river and railroad transpor
. tatlon. ,. . . - i
, $300 to $400 Per Acre
"ir-Easy Terms '
. Thsaa traota are not .far from.
Portland In a, locality that haa ..
proven very profitable la truck '.'
gardening. . . y
' Automobiles run hourly tract '
. See ns for further particulate.
harden Land Co. -
407-.f Merchants Trust Bid. '
Maln447. w A-I4IT.
10 arrea, 4 acres under fine state of
cultivation.- 1 acree of . fine bearing
orchard, tpoetly applea, good variety,
plenty of mixed fruit for family Uee,
good I room house, good barn, chicken
hoaae, beet of eoli. creek on place, well
at nouee, l mile iro a store, ooai iana
ln and B. P. 4 B. etuon. good road, 4
milea from Waahougal, place overlooks
Columbia river and a beautiful place
to live; this place would be an Ideal
chtckeif ranch; price 44000, 41000 cash,
balance In one year, Oeo. T. Moody Co.,
Waahougal, Waah.
: A Swell .Suburban,' Home
I acres, 34 mlnutea' tide from Port
land, en Oregon City car line, 100 feet
frotn station; all planted to peach and
English walnut treea; modern bungalow
of 4 rooma, bath, fireplace, eta.; on au
tomobile road from Portland to Oreaon
City; nothing finer on the market; will
Juat ault aoma gentleman of in pen a or
Portland bualneaa man. Price 48000;
part cash, or will sell 3 acres, with
or without house.
Stewart Realty Co. ,
Main 4304. 414 falling Bldg.
40 ACRES 4S00, half caah; 4 miles
from Noxth Plains; 4 acres In cultiva
tion. 40 acres 41440, 4340 caah: new houae
and barn; 4 acres in cultivation; on
county road and near school.
40 scree 4 milea from North Plains:
new barn: 13 acres In cultivation; 1
horae and 30 goate and crops go with
the place: 43360, half caah.
30 acrea 14 milea -from Portland; H
mile from electric line: all In cultiva
tion, fine young orchard and vineyard;
1-4. of crop goes with the place; cash,
balance eaay term a. 870 K lth at-
1. 3, 4 and 10 acre tracta, 40
minutes ride on either steam or
electric road, both cleared and
uncleared land, no rock or gravel
but rich' soil. 4240 to 4400 per
acre end upon eaay terma.
143 Fourut St. Main 44. A-SSOO.
Good rich soil. Fine place for gar
dening or poutry farm. Under culti
vation. Only ten minutes wslk depot
4600 oash, balance terma. See Mr. Camp
at Hartman it Thompeon bank, corner
4th and Stark.
LlWLfi h6mes
AT Dundee. 37 . miles from Portland.
Several elegant little homes of 4, in.
i. v anu v acrea. imi?ruvva v m i
neat budding. little orchards, berries i
slse. This is the moat beautiful spot
In Oregon, and prices are low. Geo. E.
waggoner, Dundee. Or.
37 Acres for Trade
This is exceptionally choice 37 acrea.
Ilea rfght along tha Salem Electrlo ear
line and oloee to station. It Is all In
high state of cultivation. Ilea perfectly,
no rook or gravel. Choicest of loose
mellow loam and perfectly drained.
Good 4 room house, barn and outbuild
ings. Nice orchard. Juat H mile to
station. We have never examined a
nicer tract than this one. About 49
minutes from city limits. Price for
this elegant tract is only 47600. Will
exchanee thla tract for Portland prop
erty. Must b rood value.
133 N.
4th st, cor.
4th and Gllsan.
Main 4881.
FOR SALS cheap, owner sick, 80 acre,
fine farm, 26 aeres clear, In crop,
without stumps and fenced, 10 acres
slashed and easy to clear, bal. In brush.
Good 3-story house 16x34, addition 14x
24; woodshed and blacksmith ahop; new
barn 40x64; old burn 40x60; S chicken
coops; new windmill with 1660 gallon
tana: water pi pea to nouee ana garden;
100 bearing fruit trees, 8 to 19 yeers old:
half way between Portland and Beet tie;
6 miles to Wlnlock: 4 miles to Napa
vine: 3 miles to Evallne. K. R. flaa sta
tion; 1 mils to rural route. Price 46000.
Caah 43000. bat time or trade. F. Van
Btraien. too H. Grant
We offer one of the beat and most
oroductlve 47 acre farms in Clackamaa
county at a price that la positively-low.
This land Is a rich loam soil with
stream of running water, one half
cleared and balance In oak and fir. All
fenced. On good county road. 3 mlies
from Oregon City and 14 milea from
Portland. The price, 486 per acre on
very liberal terms. Do not delay In
seeing this land NOW. '
Mala 100$. 1 A-1904
TO Fourth Bt.
The Live Oak and Sunsst Colony
landa In Sutter county. Sacramento val-
ley, can now be purchased by our EAST
PAYMENT fjuan. tns most liberal op
portunity ever offered to secure a farm
In California. The buyer a absolutely
firotected and the soil. Irrigation sys-
em, transportation, markets, etc., are
unaurnaased: aoverument renorta. mini
and descriptive matter FREE. For the
whole story address
Livs Oak, Sutter County,- California,
Farm, $15 Per Acre
Will aell my 164 acre farm in Tilla
mook county for 916 per acre, between
39 and 89 acres in grass, and balance in
paature. Fair houee and barn on place,
near good town and creamery. Creek
running through place.. There can he
69 or 76 acres cultivated. Terms 31000
cash. bal. on time. Call at 413 Chamber
of Commerce bid. -
Saw PaD.
Look at this. 88 W acrea at Tlgard, 16 In
crop. 1 horse, 3 cows.' 36 ohlckens, 3
wagons, 1 buggy, harness. 4 plows,
land worth'$176. Will sell all for 114-
aore. TaKe roy woray tnie place is
271 H Morrison st.
$12,50 Per Acre
169 acres. 100 acres tillable, larere
creek, several .springs. $8 miles from
Portland. 833). Washington st Room
' 640 Ber acre takea it! 440 aerea alfalfa
land with exdualve watar right for Irri
gation, good term tmiidingsr good out'
siae range roe etoca. Aaareea dox IT4V I
jviamecn raus. it. ' t
A RfSAXt bargain in so acre larms, i
miles to uswsgo, " partly improvea,
fine aoll. aood bulldlnas. bearinr or-
chard; must be sold. Will sell cheap, t
For terma see owner. 348 3d. --. .
60 ACRES. 20 cleared, orohard, build-
mas, trout stream, worto. 48: ror
19 days
$1109,., cash.
flu. rvojeeater I
;THE 0NEN . ,
:. : w k appies., .. t-lV... ,
Trees II year'B old. In sxnallent condi
tion, produced 4074 bones of apples laat
r4r. which brought from. 74 centg to
1.74 per box, bealdea a largo car af
y megar applea selling for 44 par ton.
4 acres timber snd 4 acres In yard,
garden and stock lot ' '
Packing houae 40x44 feet 744 ftPP
hoxea. New power sprayer and mixing
barrels. . . .t . ,
. OaiuI a u.. .... mmI an AA
chicken houae, eta. All buildings painted
ami in good condition.
Teem of horses,, harness and Wagon.
New .plow and harrow, and all small
tools neceesary. - .
I- Jersey cow, 1 pig, 44 chickens,
cherry trees; garden planted, , About ft
year's wood cut .
There la no better fruit land In this
stats and is located In the Willamette
valley, 1 mils from new high achool In
thriving town in Lane-county, and 1H
miles from Southern Paolfiq aiding
where apples are loaded on the rare.
Hero. Is a bearing orchard producing
apples- eaual to anv In Oreaon at a
lower price than the raw land can be
bought for In I other fruit dlatrtota, and
the buyer haal a payer from tha start
without having to wait 4 to I years for
returns. The terms give more than
ample time to meet deferred payments
from the proceeds of the orchard. No
such barcaln waa aver offered before
or ever will be aaaln.
rnoe ' iiz.eot; iBooo casn, vzeos Jan
uary 1, 1414; 44000 January 1, 1114.
Interest 4 per cent
, .
' Main 4304. 314-14 Selling bldg.
t0 acres, 3 miles from R. R.. on good
county road. In Washington county. Ex
cellent soil. 7 acres under cultivation
and more easily cleared. About 40 fruit
ireea. nair in Deanng. new a room
house, with telephone. 34x40 ft barn
and other outbuildings, 740,000- ft of
food timber, fir snd cedar. Price 41400,
100 caah.
4s sores In Washington county, 4H
miles from railway, 4 acres under culti
vation; houae, barn and outbuildings;
41(00; 4400 cash.
44 acrea, 1 miles from Osaton, 35
acrea under cultivation: houae, barn and
outbuildings; aome stock and Imple
ments; 44000; 42009 caah.
74 acres, right on railroad, 3H miles
from Buxton in Washington county; 14
aores under cultivation: bouae. barn and
outbulldlnga; 1,000,004 feet good timber,
which alone would pay for plaoe; 43400;
41000 cash.
100" seres, 3 miles from railway. In
Wsahlngton county; 20 seres under cul
tivation; houee, barn and outbuildings.
Price 43SAO, half caah.
146 acree in Cowllts county, Wssh
Ington, IS seres under cultivation:
house, barn and outbuildings; stock snd
Implements: 4 acrea good orchard; 436
per acre; easy terms.
436 Lumber Exchange.
$40 acrea. fine for orchards;
closa to electrlo and auto road; ft
snap, 946 per acre,
20 acrea on Villa ave, 6 blocks,
from electric line; lies splendid
ly, 6400 per acre.
14 acrea, all In cultivation;
front on Base Line and electric,
41000 per acre.
40 acree. uncleared, croaaed by
electrlo line; 4160 per acre.
Mt. Hood Land Co.
1614 Chamber of Commerce.
- 6, 4. 10. 13.-39 and 49 ' acre
tracts, highly Improved, neat
houaes, family orchards, berries,
fine water (aome with streams),
splendid roads, from U mile to
1H from town. Important fea
tures: Extremely beautiful and
cheap. Will soon have an elec
tric line and a perfect winter and
summer auto road.
Dundee, Or.
$20 ACRES In Grant county, near town
ana rmuroaa, lev aorea timoer, l,oou
AAA ff fiA ,AM, In Mtlllu.llnM 4c ,
which Is in alfalfa with perpetual water
right Good house and barn. 36 horses.
4 head cattle, hors snd noultrv and
smsll family orchard on place; ontalde
range: an ideal stock farm. P-737,
ONE of the best 100 acre farm a in
Polk count, with cron and atock and
Implementa, at ft bargain, right at
Smlthfleld etatlon. E. N. Keensy, R 1,
Dalles. Oregon.
43 Acre Apple Tract ,-
1U miles from Gervsls; 40 miles
south of Portland on 8. P. railroad; all
In cultivation; black loam, deep, lays
well for drainage; 31 acres in Jonathans
and Rome Beauties; family orchard; 1
room brick house, barn 44x73, etel Ev
erything in first clsss condition. "
A contract for care of 43 aores young
orchard adjoining at 416 per acre goes
with place. Insuring buyer good living
until his orchard begins to bear. Price
44400; terms.
$204. 413-414 Selling Bldg.
Portland, Oregon. .
RICH "RED SHOT orchard soil, pleas
ant climate and beautiful scenery,
can all be found in Chehalem Valley,
within 33 miles of Portland; easy terms.
Call or write Eager A Watson. 410 Lewis
WANTED To rent a grain farm In cen
tral Oregon of not less than 300 or
$09 acres cultivated land,- for half of
crop; owner mus furnish what is neces
sary to work farm for the 1913 season;
8 pair 'hands to work. . John D. Raima,
The Dalles. Or.
19 to 40 acrea. convenient to carllne,
with buildings preferred, . N-739, Jour
nal. -
HOMESTEADS, located near Portland,
good soli, near R. It, river, school,:
P. O.;' wheat, alfalfa., fruit,, potatoea
growing nearby; one day to 'see claims.
Room fl, 261 Oak St.
ij(iun,. f avi f ,,. v
mall route. For partloulers write, T,-
u nuru an i duuiio menwu mi
Foreler, .Baker, Oregon
FINE homestead 44 miles from Port
land: 49 acres tillable land. Prion $100.
'634 Washington st. room 14.
'-r- init ' SALsa TIMBER.
tA ass AAA rmlU,mr nfn il till lur
-ieoo: rirst eiass iimoer, in one ooay,
excellent ,iocaiion ior manuiaoturina:,
close " to .railroad. Address box 37.
Klamath Talla, Or. - -. '
FOR SALE Timber claim in Douglas
county. Or, near South Umpqua rlv
ar: cruise aooui e.oee.oee reet price
szooe. Aaareii x. u uumora won
Creek. Or.
Tl acres, 44 miles below Roaebura, ,on
the Uoipqua, erulae 3,404,000, 42000, S.
B. Powere, Shedda. Or. ' 1
11H acres. 1 mils from Tlgard, si
eallant soil, half under cultivation, new
4 room house, barn and outbuildings,
good spring; price 474.
. 41 acrea, 4 milea from Oreaon City,
on good .county road. 3 4 miles from
Ry, and boatlandtng. good soil. 44 acrea
under cultivation, 7 room houae, new
barn and other autbuildlnga, 4 horses
snd 4 sows and ftll Implements; price
,lWiV'V m ACRica
On good county road. In Cowllti Co
Waah.. excellent soil, all .tillable land,
14 acres under cultivation1 and In crop,
and more-eeelly put under plow; 4 acres
in good orohard, well sprayed and trees
about years old: 4 room house, 8 barns
snd other outbuildings, well, springs and
crei'k; od team, wagon and harneee
and all Implements, also 3 good cowg gi
with place; price only 434 per acre, will
take unincumbered Portland property In
exchanee. or aell en eaay terms. A
beautiful place.
434 I.umbor Exchange.
TO TRAbU for vacant lota In Portland;
Irvlngton or Holladay addition pre
ferred. Will pay balance In caah. My
property la free from encumbrances and
listed at Its cash value. 1 five room
furnished cottage with largo porches,
located la nice fir grovs, plain view of
ooean at Long Beach, Waah. Lot 40s
140. I blocks from -Long Reach etatlon.
3 blocks from P. O., 1H blocks from
store snd meet market 41000; also 4
lots In Kelso. Waah.. all adjoining, mak
ing 140x110 en First st. Wsll located.
Price 41600. B-714, Journal.
140 acres. 40 aores under cultivation.
144 acres tillable, balance good pasture,
several good aprlnge. 4 room houae,
good barn, 49 head of cattle, 4 horses,
all Implements. 4 miles from town:
price 44000, 44099 caah. balance to suit;
will take 43000 or 44000 In Income bear
ing Portland property; thla plaoe haa
an Income of ovfer 4104 per month. Oeo.
Y. Moody Co.; Waeheugal. Wash.
IN case you want to buy,, sell
" or exchange, .you auto see
Otto & Case, 62 6th st.
I HAVE one of tha flneat apple orchards
In the Willamette valley; 19 eores In
full bearing Spitsenberg and Baldwin
apples 9 years old Just coming to besr
lng thla year; lls beautifully, hi mile
from R. R. station and town: price
44000; will trade for houae and lot In
Portland. My bualneaa ralla mo hare
or I wouldn't think of disposing of It
N-730, Journal. ;
$400 EQUITY in 40x194 lot on
macadam street; ideal for email
manufacturing business; double
frontage trackage. Will exchange
for most anything of value.
474, Journal.
Don't Read This
If you dont - care for bargains In
farm a. We hava a lot of fine bargains
In farms and acreage for sale or trade-
Peper & Baker
' 444 Sherlock bldg.
5 to 15 Acres
AH In potatoea, will trade for room
ing nouae. wnat nave you,
371 H Morrison st
WANT TO TRADE for automobile
Hava two beach lota, value 4460,
would trade In on 4 or 6 paaaenger
eeoond hand automomie or late modet
Would pay cash difference. Call Wood
lawn in,
Sell or Exchange
Wa have all kinds of nropsrtlsa for
sale or exohenge. See ns before making
a sala -R. M. Hood. 644 Lumbermens
bldg. ,
FOR SALE or trade, 1 acre and a naw
4 room houee about 100 feat aouth of
Silver Spring station on the weat side
or tna Oregon uity car, at a snap ana
easy terms. Address J. Carlson, Mll-
waukfe, or. R. F. u. No. 1. box 34.
Rooming House
40 acres logaed oft land at Hood
River to exchanee for a good rooming
nouee. K. m. Hooa, 604 Lumbermens
FOR SALE or exchange for Canada
land, 334 acre dairy raneh close to
condenser town, good Improvements,
now narn, plenty or rruit For partlcu
lars write Box 418. Amity. Or.
HAVE client who wante good mercan
tile buBlneaa. has to exchange for
same good west aide home, 820 acrea
tlmben and fruit land and 144 acre farm.
L. K.-Moore, suite 417 Board of Trado.
Beach Lots for Auto
4 40x100 lots at Long Beach, very
desirable. Will take light 6 passenger
or runanout. Taoor 841.
BEAUTIFUL half acre on Grays av-
enua, ml Bcoit car; cneap two room
house. Trade $630 equity on house and
lot or cheap land. 904 Board of Trade
WILL aell or trade for house and lot
my 1 paseenger Studebaker, cost
93300. ror 31750. a-1 condition, wood
lawn 601. evenings 3162.
WE HAVE sevetal clients wishing to
exchange property ror rooming
houses. , Northwest Realty
woarn o xraae oiog.
I WILL take a lot as cart Daymen t on
new. modern, 6 room bungalow In
Rose City Park. Owner, 444 E. 44th St
N. Corner Thompson.
$1600 EQUITY In 336 foot frontage by
100 aeep in reaircciea aiainct, to ex
change for clear, close-in lot. or will
dlsoount $260 for cash. Phone B-1017.
WE have houses, lots, farms, buslnsss,
roomlna houses, auto, orchards, or
anything you want to trade for.
OA KU AINU fc UAKBfNco, ii ein Bt.
60x100 choice warehouse eorrer, weat
, side. Will trade for income elty prop
erty: equity $9000. Eastlund A- Da hi,
403 Worcester Bldg,
TO EXCHANGE Realdence property
for Improved acreage in Colorado,
cloee to Denver. Inquire 47 Church
street West '
WILL take ft lot as first payment on
new 7-room modem house;-also 4-
room bungalow,
Phone owner, Tabor
WILL TRAt)E choice suburban Iota
clear, for house and lot. or land, clear:
nr take back an equal amount 4)4
Board of Trade.
FOR farm exchanges, ousinees chances
nr rnnmlnc houeea call on us. North
west Realty Co.. 417 Board of Trade
W lots, Mt Scott district, value $400,
tor acreage near roruana. rwj.
Journal. . .
SEE ua for real estate trades anywhere.
808 Board of Trade hldg.
FIVE acree near Portland, street car.
Want city property. , 416- Hamilton
$2000 oqulty In new 43004 bungalow to
" , u, i 1 i
traae for iuu in rviina ve ic-ni
rail 807 Soaldlna: Ndg.
14 WELL furnished housekeeping rooms;
trade ror any gooa city property. -
738. Journal. -
TIMBER claims to trade for tot or
acreage, cloaa In. . by ownsr. A. NIK
146 4tn, Bt
IT you want to sell.-buy or trade, eee
Shoemaker. 639 and 427 Henry bldg.
Mam 4466, A-T434. v
19 ROOMS, full steady rooms, at a
eaerlftco. Call orrer, Main 4782.
NEW oottaga furniahed, with garden.
for aale or trade.
H-719, Journal.
huy, aell or trade anything.
Leer 1916 .oard of Trade bldg.
H. F.
uit.t. irnina ana three beautiful lota
overlooking the sound In West Seettleu j
a cant rare. irice-onir .
have you to trade! 404 Board of Trade
bldg. ' .
ii an 1 .fin '
k Steel range, nearly new: two dressers;
two beds eomplcts; 4 pillows, 4 quilts,
chairs. 1 sanitary eouch with rriat
treaa; 1 aofa; aleo 1 Bet Oreen River
blackamtth etocke ond dleaeuttlng from
U Inch to 14 inch, two stocks and taps,
will trade for motor eyolo or anything
Rvalue. , 337( Prand ava,
rnone w
1 1 v'n vmI irVPUiklnit
' rJ4 , W , '-
1 Wa have a good plggta to aell or ex
change on ft nice little paying buslnsss.
- 414 Yeon bldg. '
I WANT direct from the owner, a 4 or
4 room bungalow, that la worth the
money aaked for It and that I can buy
on very amall payment down; give all
details. Addreaa R-7Z6. Journal
WifNT TO BUY for faeh. 1 pr 3 acres
of Improved lend on 60 carllne. H-722.
WltftED Lot as psrt payment on
splendid new 7 room home, 43464.
Owner. Eaat 1114. B-1447.
I am going to leave tomor
row flight and the first one
who brings me a check for
$875 will get the greatest
snap ever offered in this city.
This house is a beautiful cor
ner, close In on Flanders
street, Nob Hill, and Is fur
nished complete from base
ment to garret, Including $30
worth of wood, The furni
ture Is all of the -very best, I
gave $140 for one sideboard,
am placing a value of only
$60. (These entirely new). I
gave $100 for a grand table,
lam putting this In at a value
of $25 and everything in pro
portion. This is no "junk,"
out mahogany, birdseye ma
de, solid oak. the camets all
good. The rent of this grand
corner is but $45 per. month,
Somebody is coins to step In-
a . . ... I t r t . l j
io a sweii nouse, Turnisnea
complete, for one-third of the
value. Inquire at once,
Special Bargain; Must
Sell This Week .
14 rooms near Seventh and Mont
gomery, new furniture, hair mattresses.
rant eeo monm. leaae clears 970 montn.
Price only 9860; 4500 caah. This will
atand thorourh Inveatl ration
z rooma, very nest or furniture, rant
$160 month, including ateam heat and
joniiKi, :ii itiv monm. ticti
only 8ZV00, terma! $1360 rash.
Eleaantlv furnlahad. braaa haria !!
floss mattreeaee, flneet of carpets, down
town corner, brick building, a big money
maker, if you have 43009 cash, don't mis
looking up this place as they are vary
hard to find. R. H. Goodktnd Co.. 603-4
Board of Trade bldg., Marshall 468,
A-1 06 9.
- 32 Rooms - '
All houaekeerjlnir. 9 veara leaaa. nleat-a
$136 avery month. Owner leaving city,
must sell: $1600. $360 cash, balance 636
per month.'
44 Rooms
Coed furniture. 2 veara' leaaa elaara
$160 per month: trice 83100. 3800 cash.
balance $60 monthly.
8 Rooms
Newly painted and papered eloas in.
iod furniture, leaaa. rent 634: 3344
casn required.
310 Henry bldg., Cor. 4th snd Oak sta.
Ten Year Lease 32 Rooms
Good Location
Furnished comnlete. with flrat claaa
furniture. Brusseia earnet eta. On ac
count of an accident I am compelled to
icava ior meoicai treatmen v so - tne
first ons here with the money takes
this splendid proposition. $1699 will
handle this, with easy, terma oa bal
ance. Will consldsr some real-aetata
on balance. Telephone Main 3209.
. m iwiua rim o , ivwifq nwr if la
and Yamhill, clearing 460 month; part
m . . K . AAA. In.. m.M
nouseaeeping; oniy xsoo caen required.
KAlifH ACKblil 1jA.JJ CU.,
. 170 Fifth St.
the Pacific keaiapt 6b. '
Hotels, Rooming and Apartment Houses,
Phone Main S660. A.34T6. v
433-34 Falling Bids-, 3d and Wash. Sta
Portland's Leading Hotel Broker.
6 rooms and sleeoina Dorch. rent 836:
fine west Bide location: furniahed . In
housekeeping suites. Price 3360; terms.
170 Fifth St -
34 Room
Strictly modern, In center of city; wtll
leaae for 6 years to responsible party.
14 ROOMS, fine furniture, on Wash
lnaton st: make me -an offer: will
trade' for house and lot or flat Ber
reye Realty Co, 449 4th st Marshall
8888. A-4718. - - - r
411 Henry bldg. Marshsll 644.
Hotels, spsrtment houeea. roomlna
nouecs. pougnt. noiq ano exenangeq.
SEVERAL epecial bargalna in rooming
houses; don't buy one until you ln-
VMMtiatmtm' tH.K, . AtTjtaferti -
Co., 41T Bosrj or Trade.
EIGHT rooms, nest ana nicest little
Aome ana rooming nouae la elty;
everything slick and clean. Se jeB,
son it Johnson. 148 10th. ' -- -Lii
U ROOMS on Yamhill thai will be' soil
- at v great sacrifice If eold in two
days. Bee jonnoop et jonnson. 198 10th.
no & Jol
by own
1 ROOM houae by owner, 43090. half
caah: money-maklnr Place. . 371 U
Morrison. .... ., ,
TRANSIENT houee. 9 rooms. L income
over site, price fioeo. - wash.
4v ROOMS. U. KL, 41109: snap: will
take lot as part pay. Marshall 3424.
. 82000'''
' ttOOlUXQ nOUBI3 rcr. CM.IZ 1 1
Rooming House Owners
Wo have three customer who hava
from 43000 to 41009 raan
:huy ft good traaalent houaa
etda, Muet have linuie and
If you want to aell, phone
who want t
on the wt
t mod am.
If you want to aell, phone us and we
win caii. .
' Associated Investment Co.
. Suite 414 Teon Bldg.,
Fifth and Aider 61a. '
rhont-e Main 41 and A-Ttll.
14 ROOai8.'good furniture, long las
beat location, rant only 474; can er
clear 4100 month above all axpenaH.
and It must ha sold at sacrlfloe; prl. e
only 4960. Sea thla at onca. , 44 lth
St., near Stark. 1
MDncvo srrocxa
MIN1NO and ' industrial stocks; tele. ,
phone and other bonds bousht snd
sold. C. 8. Fletcher, 114 Ablngton hldg.
1 1 11 1 1 J 1 1
BCguresa chaucks .so
Buy, Sell, or Trade
Money making hotel for man and
wife, easy terms, nloa home. We have
soma speclsl bargalna In email busl-
nesa opportunities thla week.
11 room apartment house, rtnrt h4
sold at onca. Highest offer takes If. r
Rooming house, large and amall, oa
saay terms.
14T W. Park 4?t. Opn until 6 p. m.
Ons of ths beat located In tf a elty.
doing 460 dally, good lease, flaturea,
will Invoice 81300. Am sick In hospital:
will sscrlflce for 4449. Week's trial
given before buying. See my agent
Peters. 16 N. 6 th at - , . ,
Boarding House V;: - -
Beautiful modern corner house Rear
White Tempi full of the beat of room
era and board era; la extra well fur
niahed; you cen only keep roomers It
you desire; owner must sell and you
fat bargain. Price 61149; half fash,
nqulre 44 10th near Stark. ' ; '
FREE Bureau af Information Tboee
out of employment strangere In the
city, who would take good advice and
are desirous of securing good business
cbancra or locating On land priced at
conaervstlve value, are welcome in our 1
office. Inquire for Mr. Wyman. , $91
Buchanan bldg. -
41S Rothehlld bide-
4th and Waahlnvton eta.. Portland. ' -
Wo have farms frpm 19 to 444 scree
hop yards, orcharda and orchard Und;
timber, shingle in'Ue, "hotels and olty
property. Wo locate timber claims and
nomeetsds; always rellabla -,
WANTED Steady man aa partner In
old aatabliahed caah bualness; can't
depend en hired help: you must be sat
isfied with 4309 monthly for your part
experience not needed, as owner will,
teach you the business. Inquire 44 4th
st. Office 417. . ' .
WANTED Partner for poultry ranch,
hv an cTDorlenced noultrv man: aood
profitable buslnes sssured: $999 capital
raquirea. mono jaam av uu uimii
anoolntment. -..
FOR SALE or partner wanted. Paint- '
ing and decorating buslneaa, ' Includ
ing typewriter, automobile, office fur
niture, ladders, scaffolding, ropes, ate,
Phone owner, Kast I7l.
$346 BUYS ft flrat elase restaurant lit
Business center, cneap rwni, oni
building; doing good busineaa; don't
wait. Phone Main 46. Hogan. $04
Madison st f
Rf.inKRyiTti and ahoalnc ahoo for
aale. working 9 men and doing fin
business: will gall half lntereet cheap
or might lease; a very little down will
handle thla M-69. Journal.
A GOOD buslneaa 4409 will handle:
matte gooa wag ior wimmny mm. a hu
be independent:
line cnance xor cga
ness to lnorease.
n-72S. lournal.
Olve phone number.
INTEREST in wall esUbUshed huaU
neaa a snecial - ooDortunity for ft ,
hustler to make not less than $176 per
month easy, western investment-wo
nnard of Trade.
A nice little confectionery on tmsy
street; wa servo aoma lunches, and this
SI ace pave big. Sea my agent J. B.
Ichole Co 616 Teon bldg.
HAVE you $1009 for ft buslneaa anap
at great discount T
xnia la genu met
must no sold at one.
tu u peraon.
161 Grand ave.
4-ROOM cottage. 46x76 lot; will trad
for roosafna houaa. What hav yout
Berrey's Realty Co.. 349 4th st Mar
shall 8838. r
LADY wsnts lady partner In an esUb
llahed cleaning and preeslng bnslnees; ,
experience unnecessary. , I will teach
you. R-734, Journal. -
FOR SALE Dye worka complete, ea-
tabilshed traae, 7 years lease on prop
erty; will teach buslnsss. A-714, Jour.
HAVE, to Invest 46300 6 psr eent de- '
msnd securities in nrst eiass retail
store or unincumbered Improved real
estate. S-730, Journal. . , ' ;
FOR SALB3 A new, up-to-dat confeo-"
llonery. and Ice cream store. Every
thin complete, satisfactory reasons for
sel II ng given. Phone Eaat 6384. " ' ;
HAVE some good town property and
acreaae that I will exchanae for ft
aood dlean stock of general merchandise
or herd ware. T-739. Journal. f
ONE of the best opportunities , that
can .be Touno in tne real estate line;
all business, no hot air. 301 Buchan
an bldg. rnone Main zzi. ,r
HALF, interest In finely located grocery
store. doing Dig nusiness; gooa icanei
first class proposition. Western Jn-.
vestment Co.. 417 Board of .Trade.
A GOOD opportunity for a few huatlere.
either sex. to make good salary; 6104
cash bond required. Q-731. Journal. -
SALOON In good location and
good ,
trade and stooK. unis weea-
81800. Otto at Case. 43 4th at
STOCK ana fixture of confectionery,
loo cream, cigars and light jrroosrlea.
for sale. Phone wood lawn jess.
FURNITURE repair shop, doing goool
business, for. sale cheap, in good , lo
cation. B-735. Journal.
FOR SALE Home bakery nd confeo
tionery, only bakery here in town.
Write The Cobury Bakery, Coburg, Or.
A BUbINEsb paying gooa money; ex
cellent location; ahow good reason for
selling, h-tzs, journal.
FOURTH of , July celebration at 8her
wood, Or.; concessions 66 up; , big
crowds. Address Bo 76. Sherwood.
500 Business Cards $1 . v
Rose City Prlntery, 183H
FOR SALE Reetaurant cheap. S years'
- lease. Kent izo.- vynone -33i
HOME restaurant, confectionery
lunch. Owner; living ? rooms.
KUBBeu at. .i
A FINE paying restaurant and lodging
houee tor aale; cheap rent A1 lo
cation. --733. Journal, .-.'-r--,
MOVING picture theatre for sale; good
. stand, trice reasonable; a good in
vestment T-784. Journal, ' ' -J
FOR BALE Grocery atore, good loca-'
1 tlon, good clean-atock; parties going :
east. G. P. Boardman. Jennlnas Lortee.
FOR SALE A email grocery, excellent
trad, a bargain, 137$ Union are.
EeT terheapsTEnveXopks, C a P :5f.
Acorn- Frees, an fsucnaran T)iig. jh. ".
imii SALE-Boiler, enalne and bull-l
ing; rood factory site. F-739. Joiml,
I l ', ,,' , T ') -i' Ifl .-n.-. - j
SOLICITORS can make $3,80 np. Cnti
w $4T Yamhill, after 4 p. m.; steady
work- .
USfcAtLfeD for Ullor-'n'iaoeJsuTta. t 4
UP. Taylor the TeMor. 36 lt im ,
VE aU uncalled for tlltr mil e
110 up. iiirvtraiiiiwf. t ir--.
WEAR ft Kenaliaw 43 hat; a.l rw.
STRUCTURAL 4ton workra f
town, apply Jj..pwwimetci t - . i i