THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING. JUNE 19. 1911. rats- FAILS HHRI CAR, rati! RECALL BUST : - OF. COMMANDER ' OVER AGED TABLE robber mewed RAISED TO OFFICE - AGED COUPLE vAR BOY GEIiiUS FAIIIER AWJiKr.ipninnf I lUUi IJL.U IIIUIIIULU i inn rt I ;.V(ASlUlifclMUHtT Father of High-Priestess of Absolute Life Cult, Tells of : His Efforts to Get Daugh- .. ter."'V Henry Morrison Relieved of $2 -Chinaman Is Held Up', -"'-V; for $10. Henry Morrison, living en East Slih ty-elxth tlrNt, reported to the polio that ha wu bald up at Eaaf Twentieth ana Division streets laat aigm ana re lieved of IS. He says tha man bald a flash llcht In hla face. Another bold-UD was . reported by a 'C1M ?r?? EaT. at Loee" ."rt d rS W VV'Tr- T ? a men had bald him an, nrldtea ef the Abeolute Ufa ,truok him over tha bead with a gun yvelrn Arthur Soa today told of. hi relatione with ma Teveeier- ei me ; cyalt. and tha effort ha mada to tat tha ' vlrl from tha "Junior commonwealth." ';. Bridges said ha had first been Inter , ated In See six years ago. 11a attend . ed seme af hla meetings, ha said..,. - See WwW sCey. gee's ambition," Bridges' testified, xiMmtd to ba ta cat money. Punleh fnent wu threatened hla follawara who did not contribute.-' Bridges aald that at that time ha knew, that Hone Reee lived with Baa. who aald har praaanca was necessary ta hla epl ritual welfare. "At flrat my daughter Mildred bad no use for Bem. tha wltaaaa continued. Once, whoa I returned from a trip ta the Faclfle aoaat la I0, I found my wifa jout Jflhe city and my-eushter, living at tha Junior oommon wealth. Sha was then oompleuiy comma tea ny o "I demanded . bar to return ta - bar - awa home, - Sha aaid aha-waa1 111, but would return tha next day. Bee eon Hrmed tha atatemant ah would return tba next day and aald. "ana a au ngnv Tells af Threat. . She la not alt right, you dirty pup,1 r aald. bacauaa Z waa vary angry. 1 1 started towards him and ba fled from tha bous la terror. Tba nasi aay au dred bad ecarlet fever and tha corn monweelth was Quarantined. Since thaa aha baa been under Sea" a domination. That maa haa broken up my homa aad won my wife and my aaugnier rrom and robbed htm af f 1 at Larrebee and tlioa streets. . Patrolman Frey arrested Philip Sher idan at Fifteenth and Hanoock atraata. lie had a larga revolver la hla pocket. Ha la suspected of tha crime Ha waa fined II by Judge Taswall this mora Inc. Ha will serve tha fine. Robt. 0. Graves Defends Ju; Abraham &. Stuart Honored by L Q. Harvey Claims Reliefs dicla! Record of Judae Coke Indian veterans Reunion . Does His Divorced wife ...... ?'i ..'V Tomorrow.' of jCoos County. Both Are Firm.- PORUD MEN ' ACCORDED HONOR 1 . me." . . . . , Brldgaa denied that ha used vlla lan Kuaca in tba presenoe ,or bia aaugnier. Ha identified a letur ba bad reclred from Mildred, thaa II, which reproached him In matura language for swearing in her presence. J- .; , , SEAMffl'S STRIKE IS OP LINERS Ad Men Elect D. N. Mosessohn and W. C. Campbell as -Officers. Two Portland mea W. C Campbell; aad XX N. Mosessohnw era elected to offloa In tha PaolfUr Coaat AdTartlalaK yen's association convention at Bpo- fcana last . week, U r. Campbell harlnf been choaaa aecretsTT-treasurer aad Mr. Mosessohn ahalrmaa af tba exec tire committee Delegates ta tba convention who re turned yeeterday and today aay tha bit of tba affair and the thin that did mora thaa anything; else to bring next yeara convention ta Portland waa a huge banner, bearing an Invitation to visit Portland, which waa tied over the meetlryr, while the dlacusalon aver the next convention waa tha hot test. . waa released with strings and pulled from the four corners of tha room. Aa It opened It emptied thou sands of roses and countless rose Isavea upoa tha heads of the debaters. Rival cities capitulated to Portland at once. . ' At a dinner given by the Portland delcgatea, ooplee of the new hooka on Oregon Just, published by tha chamber of oommerce ware given eacb truest and ware greatly admired, the ad man ac knowledging that Portland la the lead Ins; city la tha country la advertising work of that nature, v ' The officers of the Portland club. Mr. Mosessohn and B. W. Johnson. have bean chosen delegates to the meet Ing of tha National association In Boa ton next August. Strongly opposing tha proposed em ployment of tha recall against . Judge Coke af tha Beoond Judicial dlatriot, Robert O. O raves, an attorney af Marsh. field, spoke freely of his objeetiene to the plan this morning. ' It la a mistake for this mora to be mada," ha aald. "I am not a par Uoular friend af Judga Coke, but -X practice la hla court and have observed blf work, X believe him to be a. thor oughly conscientious Judge, and .view the proposed use of the recall apoa him as aa unjustifiable . attack upoa the eourta. . , ;- The reaaoa assigned for tha' recall aa X . understand It, la that there are some who disagree with his Instructions la a certain case. It will be Impoaal- ble for layman to pass on tba ques tion of these Instructions, whaa lawyers who have devoted yeaxa of study to the law may have different vlewa 6a the polnta Involved. X think the move ment Is a serious mistake and believe that If a recall election Is ordered, the people will rebuke It aa aa unwar ranted and Indefensible attack upon the eourta- Taere4e ee-aewU ta-e 4a Coos eounty favorable to the recall af Judge Coke." Mr. Gravy la lieutenant commander of the Coos Bay division of the Ore gon Naval reserve and cams to Port land to be a member of tha party that mat tha cruiser Boston at Coble yes terday. , i H. H. COREY LEAVES e o. oft Abrabam B.' Stuart bCJa- tP y v71dw'a row, aPrtland, famous neat Isf old time romances, figures prominent ly today In the case of Edward O. allr. vay against ' frenoea Harvey, ta the I circuit court'. Judge aXJtens Is hearing the two old peofe tell their stories about their respective ownership of aa old table, which ownership theyf ailed to settle 'last September, whan I 01 vorea waa granted Mra. Harvey at Ore. gon city. ': , , In . the days whaa , dowa' row; north aide of Washington street, j be tween Park and West Park," was I the height of -popularity aa a center for boarding- homes. 'Mrs. aHrvey was tha I proprietor of sunk a house. Mr. aHr vey waa a boarder. v This was previous I to 1110. in which year the two people were married. Mra. Harvey aaaerts her husband gave hat tha table la -finee-tloa as a wadding gift Tha husband seyrthe table belonged to an old Rua- I -1 - .Mtl. t.M W I .a film In AUaka la 117. . 1 wouln't part with the table for anything." said Mr. Harvey. "I never saw . womaaX would-giva-ma Mr. aHrvey and hla bride from Twld ows row" did not get along very well and tha divorce resulted. All property rights' were , adjusted, except the -table. The husband claimed It, aa did the wife, He brought ault today to re cover possession, He la also asking for an old writing desk, and Iron safe. Mra. Harvev denies knewln anvthlna about -the tatter articles. "She's got a house full of furniture land now wanta my little dab," sarcas tically testified Mr. Harvey. "She knows the table la of great historic value. It ta solid mahogany, and la about 1000 years old.1 Mr. Harvey u represented by Attor ney James Oleason. while the worn represented by the law ' firm o mona, Kmmona st Reld. Judge autena The twenty-sixth annual -reunion of I has taken tha taae under advisement mn la Em- Death of Father In. Baker SUSS , causes Him to step out Earlier. the Woodmen of the World hall. Elev-I loath a treat between Alder and Wash ington. , The morning session, begin ning at 10 o'clock, will bo occupied by the addreaa of welcome by Mayor Simon I and addressee by members ef the asso ciation, : A banquet will be served at aoon by the Bona aad Daughters' as- ORDERS ARRESTS OF-AUTO SPEEDERS "a ' "m aa aa aaa t '1 . Freighters CreSle and Sol, 1 Desert Vessels, r ' ; v v..- i .-- H S - ' ' I (TJslted Preee 1nh4 Wlie," : New York. Juns 19. The seamen's BtrUe Is affecting shipping here. . The mwim tk. fliiitli.m ni n Una frelrhtera Creole and Sol deserted when' , the vessels docked today and officials of the seamen's union here arrest that , within a week tha entire Southern Pact af the seamen's union hare aaaert that members of the union here are acting aa unit In demanding better pay and more atlsf actory conditions. If these condi tions are not granted by tomorrow the at Hirers save, eimaral mtrWm here la cer tain. -. - I- Ban Diego, CaL. June U. A hole In .When the XreJghtere reached quaran- the' atarboard bow of tha torpedo boat line a tug met them and a man on Rowan Is the recult of a collision be ifleck megaphoned the fact that a strike tween the Rowan and the -submarine Jnad been called. The crewe Quit afteh boat Grampus. The boats struck bow oa locking. v T . aj about l:S0 this morning. ' Tha danger SUBMARINE KNOCKS HOLE IN ROWAN'S BOW H. C. Griffin, vice president of ' the American Seamen'a union, announced that ho Intended to call out all tha sea- was aeen In time to avert a serious acci dent; the Grampua, aacaplng without In- Jury. " No one waa hurt The responsl ncn on the Morgan Una today. . The puitjr for tba accident la not yet placed. "Morgan officials say they have J000t T Officials ' of the Southern' Paclflo jBteamahlp line plan to ask .a federal commission to arrest the men deserting Ihs Momua yeateday. : HORSE ON WHICH HALL IDE ESCAPE IS FOUND K . ' .im,-,-: r (Beleia Bnreea ef The yoara.Lt ; Salem, Or., June llv In the finding f a sadle and bridle concealed in the .brush near Turner today the small son of L H. Small gave the officers a due .which may lead to the apeedy recapture of Jesse Hall, the trusty who atole a horse from the Institute for the feeble .minded and Wde hi escape Friday msuu aiut ui. unujo ana s&aaie were found search led to the finding of the i norss loose in the hills. The horse was Identified over the phone by the brand .and general description, 8. A, Mullln. .owner of tha horse, went out today to get toe animal. MAG0N1STAS CAPTUR E OWN OF CASAS GRADES (rnTted Press Lesed . Wlre.1 ' Juarea, Mexico, June II. The Magon tstas have taken Casaa Gradea, accord ing to reports reaching here thla after noon.. A apodal , troop tralft with 100 Madero insurrectoa departed at once to recapture the town. - " Madero telegraphed General Vlljeon this i morning to abandon the Lower California expedition. He aay the Magonlstaa have agreed to surrender their arma Alberto Madero, an uncle of the revolutionary leaOer, haa been In tba district buying off the Magonlstaa. (Balrsi Bnrvas ef The Journal.) Salem, Or- June 10. News of the tnPL 1 WSSLi JLLVM-Oon. VhlchU al-rr. charT. mm ,u,u. u,, , r "Ik t 1 the afternoon program. H. Corey, chief clerk In tha secretary I n-. .k- -..k- k n i nn. of state's office, to an and. Corev left I ' 7 . . , .7 Z'ZXLV?tZ Puts Motorcyclist on - - sr ------ - - - ana- Knrr lann naa nvrinai ear ss aa nej mm. 'J?U? BB W- k00" TjJ inander ha. fallen to AbrahanV a Stuart ROadS W StOp VlO atOlS ------ ; Z . 7 " 1 01 roruana, xormer junior yice-oom lng. new chief clerk, whom he has chosen I mander ,'who will preside at the meet but not yet announced, assumes hla da- 1 1- u. ra.... Mr. Stuart la over It years of age. of the Law. i. M'NABB WAS MURDERED, tlea Owing to the large amount of time . oonsumed with board meetings. Secretary Oleott will have to work ex tra long houre to handle the offloa un assisted, but he considers this aotlon warranted as It will result In hla be coming familiar with tha details of the office eooner and will also save money for the state. Aa a member of the board of regents of the university. Sec retary Oleott win go to Bug ens tonight eaenjfJ aariiaM AmAWMBV wtlavhw I - uu Wa aa ivuiuiivw asaau I Su.t N1A aW ssv. a h -imir, ooHe- mehth! rS IM,r"r' DItrtot Attorney Brown le In- Thla acUon by the eounty court Is tha secretary excepting memberanip on I ....... .1-- At. n 1 uxi.vt. . m . Vi t.t hoards. Hla dutlea will h- mnrl I . JZ T . . - ; I ro-un wl ui. gnuwiwo w4 iiwmr - - - --w w nea nrim ai ear stain sa ar n n w es ss rmini bii siii - - - m uuiua IT IS NOW BELIEVED The county court today put a motor cyclist oa the roads to atop Joy rider and Automobile speed fiends who have been destroying the roads. The man haa been sworn in aa a daputy eheriff and given instructions ta arrest all per sons who are caught exceeding It miles an hour. Parsons found Intoxicated are to be taken to the county Jail and not allowed ball uatll sober. Speeders are to be taken before Judge Taswall of the ' Mrs. Fred Lowe's Skull May Have' Been Fractured Is ? ! " Still Unconscious v lira. Pred Lowe of 101 Stanton street fell from a Russell-Sharer car at Rus sell and Rodney Streets last night while the cer waa la motion and sustained In juries' that may result in her death. The woman was standing on the atep and It la believed that she either lost her foot. Ing and fell or believed aha wss nea her street and attempted to Jump from the car, which waa going faster than she auspeeted. j. Dr. Karl Swansea waa summoned and When he arrived the woman waa un conscious. She waa taken ta St, Via eent'a hospital, where Dr.sO. C. Smith took charge of the case. ' . It la believed that her skull 'hea been fractured. She ia still unconscious. 0FR1IUI1G Professor. Boris SIdis,: Parent of 12-Year-0ld Harvard ' ; Sensation,1 Issues -Treatise ' on ProDer Care ai Children. ALFRED RUEGER 7 KILLS HIMSELF more important under the new law than the duties of former chief clerks. . . HO CRY ELECTION ON AT DALLES TODAY to death In his lonely home II miles! The Llnnton road haa been damaged ta souuiwesi or uus wiy DTiaay. An in- the extent ,of several thousand dollara. quest la being held today. . Nelghbora The roada leading east from the city say aicisaoD naa money wnen be re- ere also heavily damaged by the speed turned borne but neither this nor hla era. A moderate rate of speed does not watch, .knife or guns could be found Injure tha roads, but there has been In the ruins of the home. It waa first more excessive speeding the last three thought the fractures of the skull were weeks thaa aver known la the history causea oy neat out it is now suspected I of tbe eounty. uey were cauaeoby bis being struck on tne bead. (Ipectal IHipatch to Tbe JeomL) The Dalles. Or., June !. The most exciting election In years Is taking place here today. Grant Maya and James H. Wood are the principal candidates for mayor to succeed B. M. Wlngate and HILLSBORO WORK COSTS' LESS THAN EXPECTED Tl ORRENS SYSTEM (Sal.a Bartis ef Tbe Tooraal.l Hlllsbqro, Or June lit Bids for san- both factions concede that the race will I ltr' nd torm aewera and hard aur- be a doae ona SU new city oounollmen Pving were openea by tbe council are to be chosen also and four water wuraay. Mason tmoo or roruana commissioners will be elected. - It -le 4 were . awarded- the - contract for IS . CALLED CUMBERSOME 'The evolution of the Title Business the I was the subject for discussion at the TS so easy to lose a home, to forfeit prop erty and to experience annoyance t h r ough a faulty title. Secure protec tion from all such things through a Certificate of Title before you make the transaction. Call for ypooaucu j TITLE and TRUST COMPANY Lnrij BcHdiaf 4i ud Oak SHASTA HOLDUP POSS E STILL OUT AT 2 P. M r8Ddal PUnatch to Tbe Joarmtt Yoncalla, Or., June IS, -The five posse members and the two bloodhounds which left here at dawn today to reaume the Shasta Limited chase haft not been heard from up to t o'clock thla afternoon. The posse is snpposed to be six miles south west of here, near the Umpqua river. MILITARY ESCORT FOR MIIDE'S BODY (Salftn BomaS ef Jnrnl.l Ealem, Or- June 19? Governor West has wired Adjutant General Flnrer to confer with relative and friends of ex- Senator George McBrlae relative to having a military and naval escort from the Oregon National Guard and Naval MlUtla. A proclamation has been Issued to unfurl flags af half mast in honor of the dead man. . ' MAN SHOT IN THIGH SUSPECTED OF MURDER rnnltM Press tMaed Wlra.1 Tacoma. Wash.. June J.9. A man riv ing bis name as Join W. Roberts is belnd held at tha city jail here today for the Seattle officers, suspected of .being implicated In the murder of Folloaman Cunllffe. Roberta, who has a bullet wound fn the thigh,, walked into the local police station today and asked to 1 be locked up. He told the police that he was accidentally shot in a lodging house, but declined to give any particulars of tha affair. almost certain that the voters will turn I sanitary sewer and tha Kennedy Con-1 regular weeaiy , meeting of the realty down the proposed charter amendment I structlon company the contract for the board held at Richards' hotel at noon lnafulTlnir commission form or ravarn. I atorm. Tha arerearata or tha two tMa I today. The principal address Waa made ment for this lty because of an obnox-lls 61,11 J, whiclula 114.000 below the lDT Frank Riley, who traced land titles loua phrase. SALOON CATCHES FIRE; esamatea. There waa but one bid for from tn time when Abraham bought a the paving, that of the Warren Con- av,.M. buHal place for hla wife. structlon company, and. thla waa not ac-1 STTJSi ZZCl r . eented-but will be further anmrV;'.Ja.VfPnm-t TWO WOMEN RESCUED l to be held tonight The transmitting land by title. I2.0T a yard for bltullthlc I . J?, . "t tJl", .V, . 1"Z a. mvatanous rire Droae out at tne i . w, w. UH . .tj-.., , j hhu rear or tne hod urn saioon., sixteenth "ur" ' ' .7 . v Attorney Masters waa followed by ana wasmngion sireeis, yesieraay ")'", " .vv.. j, . I Judge Carle C Bronaugh, who paid hla Jolnlng residence to the extent of 1200. , Ttwo women In the house were res cued by the firemen. The cause of the blazs Is undetermined. i FISHING OPERATIONS Catch Sea Fish. LECTURES ON OREGON respects to the Torrena ayatem of reg istering titles, declaring it to ba cum- h.HAm. anil tinPArt.fn ' Th r ra tru. TO BE MADE BY H0DS0N tol,e1 ua e1"0 insurance Makers of the "67 varieties" will soon w?.ul(1 ""n come when practically all have an opportunity to hear all about tlUea will be Insured or protected by Portland and Oregon: from C. W. HooS oertlflcatei lOf title. Ha orlUdsed makers son of Portland. Mr- Hodson, an en- abstraota who have no proper and thuslastlo member, of the Commercial laoequw r wammaf uu MANY OUTING PARTIES WERE rIELD YESTERDAY ntiiH. will Iaav nn. an AaffAifi trln vKsa I t Vf T It MM-m I ' - M w r w AlBrBIUWlL Vli efUUV IB. llflnora I latla no e m eT.fsa earAu fishermen have been keeping the looal .T'Jl "V" JLT r'JlZiZ market supplied with halibut, "ng-cod. " "",f"-"v7,h red groupera and other seaflsh, ' places, will give some illustrated talks . -. on Oregon. Among those places where . . V, . t nw , i v. 1. . . A j w . ato t-acjung Boau. "ZZ .rwl rtk.T Testerday was a day of many out Tin. it Tk- I auditorium at Pittsburg, which la used 1 1 . . nery haa packed and sold 1000 casea of tne benefit Of the Helna employee. I At Crystal Lake Park' the Portland coming a largVindu.t and' m t l.h machlns d ooeraYor to'thT iZ !?c,al. Iurn. Z!e, ?: .? . . . . . . . . . i - - inin mri t n r.i ami m imo n 1 1 1 1- vnnn a are uucen in ine monin or May, wnen I turer. me satmon run is usually siacx, can nery etnoloves are keDt busv and tha financial returns are oresumablv sat. isfaotory to the canaers. One cent per pound is paid for raw fish. nlo with , games and sports for young and old. it was largely attended. At Rohses Park the Swedish) Nation al league held Its annual midsummer festival, with crownlnavof tha mlrimim. w in. mm i mer queen, Thla arfair, too, drew 'a Finish BpetxJ Teats. - YTTnlted Pnes l ed Wire.) San Dleao. CaL. June cruisers California and 8outh Dakota, largo attendance. At Crystal Park the Paclflo built, maintain their ooal econ-1 employee of the Hatelwood Cream com pany are-thla afternoon holding a fam- Salmon Leap Falls. 'Husurn. June 19. The run Of salmon.' I nmv refcutstlon over tha rest nt th. P.. !?pIt1r-,5r - rt2e-a,l,i-bKTIS"ack c,fu '19t- AU eastern bulltT That is Uy reunion. !n .'"I-B?.'ari?t,e!. J" a?Un the cuestlon today amonr tha cruiser cuiiBiuwuui. .iieuuun wow coo Xisn ai- I - - " tempt to leap the falla of the White h"60- Tomorrow afternoon the cruisers rm CCCCCM RFPrtVFRQ' - ' Salmon river at this point In order to I will steam from the. harbor and anchor CUUCrCOUU ntlUCnO . FROM HrSr INJURIES be . successful, the fish must make a (off Coronado, in anticipation of the or VuuWL H?mllv eet' wbicn u aocom- dera from the navy department expected No Reason Given for Act, Bat v Sealed Papers May Fur- v ;: nlsh Clue, Belief, i Alfred Suegar. aged II years,, oom- mltted gulclda this morning by shoot' lng . himself la tha head. In hla room at the home af Mrs. T. LRoy, 0I Twenty-third ' street north. - The body was found thla morning whaa Mra, IRoy called at the room, and, receiving na reply to her summons. walked into the room. All tha man's papera were carefully sealed In envel opea and were turned over ta the dead man's brother, T. Rueger. Zn these mayj be a elue to the reason for tha rash act. WHITNEY IS HEADING FOR JACKSON HOLE IN : WYOMING; PAL LOST (Bserlat Masetelt te The JnarMtl Boise. Idaho. Juae II. Ooveraor Jamea H. Hawley today -offered a re ward af 1500 for tha capture, dead'or alive, (l two desperadoes who fatally wounded Conductor William Kldd and seriously wounded ' Deputy Sheriff Sam uel -Milton, on tha Oregon Short Line train near Spencer, Idaho, ' last Satur day. One ef the men haa not been aoea or heard of since the shooting. The two separated and It 'Is known that Hugh Whitney, one of the . desperadoes. Is headed for the Jackson Hols country. After the shooting and wounding of Edward McOlll at Hamar yesterday, Whitney atole MoOlll's horse and rifle and started weet Thla morning Rube Bobtt, a bridge watchman aManan, en deavored to atop Whitney, -who . ahot Scott In the hand, causing him to drop hla gun. i Bloodhounds - placed on the trail. of tha bandits proved worthless. A posse Is being formed at Soda Springs to go north and tnteroept Whitney, aad It la believed only a question of time until ha la captured. Whitney was for merly a resident of Wyoming and - la headed for the country with which ho Is familiar. .- . - ' - WALLACE BENSON ENTERS FATHER'S FORMErT OFFICE Salna .Bnreea ef The ImmaLl Salem, Or4 June II. Wallace Benson of Roseburg. son of Ex -Governor and Ex-Secretary of State Frank W. Benson, assumed his duties in the orrice of tne secretary of state today. He has been la attendance at O. A. C and waa ten dered and accepted tha clerkship- left vacant ty c A. Zleglsr. x . , Adventurers Cross (he Border. "tatt Pt Leaiwd Wire. , Los Angeles June JT-Reports tht tne Jioarai garrison ac Mexican naa evacuated after receiving f 10 each from emissaries of Francisco L Madero, were scoffed at today by. Rlcardo Magon, head of the liberal movement In Lower California, who la under arrest here for alleged violation of neurallry lawa, .. Magon declares that mora than a dozen or 14 of the men had laid down their arma and crossed the line. These, he said, were adventurers. May Start Investigation, . - (Totted Pre tead Wire.) 1 Sacramento, Cel.. June II. .Adjutant General Forbes of the California Na tional guard today Intimated that ha would start, an Investigation of the facta surrounding the alleged ; selling or pawning of the oolora of the seventh California regiment or Bpanian war volunteers, subsequent to the muster ing out -of that regiment In ,1191. . i ' 'tytlt'ttmt UesM Wl're. .' ' ' .New Tors, June 19.-r Professor Boris Stdls.'M. Ah Ph. P, M. D, father of the 11-year-old genius who crested a sense tloa at Harvard, has Issued a treatise oa the proper care of children, which bitterly aesalla ' present educational methods. - j,- - ( . Present methods, he asserts, are cal culated to produce the largeat possible number of mediocrities. Ills own son. ir. Sidle sera, far from being harmed by the course of study he hss followed, la In far bsttsr physical condition than the average schoolboy four years. his senior, s, - . , ., . Education, Dr. Sldla Bays, ahould be gin when, tbe child la I years eld. By answering aueetlonev he contin ues, "the child will aoqulre knowledge with the earns eaae that' he leema to ride a bicycle. . By hla tenth year- ha will have acquired knowledge which at the- pseesati-eiaaeth wilvoi si ty iraau-" ate only obtains with Infinite labor aad paina." . , usra are some or tne miags mat are (-wrong with, the common schools, aa pr. audia sets it: 1 . , . i The American nation entrusts the fate ef Its younger generations to the care leeaaea of young girls or the ire .of eld - maida, all ruled, by petlfogging officials encrusted with educational red tape methods and routine. .'. America's school systems are ruled by Never la history have echool teachers fallen to such a low level of mediocrity. American children at le are little brutes, and wests their moat precious years la unaanltary jechool rooms. " Astra Clclo Elects Officers, ' Thursday night Astra Circle elect ed tha following officers: Past guar dian neighbor, Mrs.tA. Tiffany; guardi an neighbor, Mra,' M. ' Briggs; adviser, Mra. K. Cook; magldan, Mra. L. Ernst; attendant Mra. K. Mitchell; manager, J. Hayes; Inner ecntfnel. Mra. B. Mitch ell; outer eentlnel, -H. Koolegeorge; musician, Mlaa H. Gra nation; .captain of guards, Mrs. C. Stltea. - . . . ,. .r. , , , . ' Good Judgment " Shown by your friends; the neat looking, ail efficient, glasses they . wear are our ref- , , erences. - '' The many years we have been here give us standing. All these years we have been giving. the same . satisfaction to u & jaUiera, wmnow; . bffer you.-' W take ears of your eyea In the way of . lem vchangel fcfr one year from date ' of pur chase. No extra charge for this Bervke.!? ' '..t Thomp son Eyesight Specialist Second Floor Corbett BIdg:. FIFTH AND MORRISON STS. Member American Jatt Assn. of Optometrists. - Registered - under Oregon State taw of Optometry. Weanesday. L P. . Bdlefesen, Who waa injured in Adrnlral Thpmas, commanding the Pa-1 a collision of hla buggy and a streetcar of omo neei saia tooay. n tne cruisers , week ago Saturday evening, while,' r. Big Salmon Run. Qulnault salmon this year exceeds all I r expected to finish some Speed testa I turning . from the parade of the Rose previous rwurai, ana me pace; at tne l oeiore juiy i, m-wui om inciuaea in Festival, is reported to be much better. MocIIds cannery haa already been hrnlc. I n.ri . arffotannv nnnrti m. r.!- i. mm-m c ahoaii t haiittv that .k .Ii I latest, targoi rexsoraa. pack of these fish Will reach ' 10,400 caseSL The run this season ia rannrtA to be the largest for' several years, and Is the fourth season since the Indians voluntarily adopted laws Which left tne middle or tne river open to allow we nan to pass up to tneir spawning k rouncis m liiut vumauii. Sensational War Picture. I Johns Water company, also a proml- is hoped by ms many rnenaa tnat no win. soon' recover.- ; ::k. The ' most f thrilling war picture ev- "n, recover. ' er exhibited In Portland la featured at the ' Arcade ' theatre It ' shows the "Ballroad ' Haiders of t" desperate There hava I miinr : and tha aenaatlnnal dautnifw Bean very few instances of violation of I have been seen clavlnir off-tha coaat. I - - 1 . . The presence of these creaturea la not r , - Shoots Self Through' Eye. , unusual, but the Indians say that they . raited Riw Lmwi vrtrai - - ' this vear ThTs will afford nlentv of I i.?!0"?! Blaf A' .-'l -f" t"??- J? I ?J t?:?'r ."'Iff. brla.f Anl" J"0' matprlal for the new whullnu- atatlnn -at I P-J0""1". vvwywi. rf. r.. vura, e was 4 painiuiiy oruisea aooui me uth BaVVK ' Lo Angeles, committed sui- head, . losing several teeth.: He- was here next week, - when the capture of I cld ,n Pc",c Pa'k today , by shooting rushed to the Good Samaritan hospital this school of whales t will begin, V .V J himself .thraugli. thai aya.. .".;;.3'.-;r:: la a Bad Cross ambnlanoa. x A n . WI0T0RCYCLIST IS RUN : DOWN BY AUTOMOBILE . v.. . - - I '- ":T t H. C Harold, a young man residing at - Seventieth street and - Fifty-second avenue southeast, waa struck by . an auto while riding on hla motorcycle BREAKS PORTLAND to SEASIDE i. 150.5 miles 10 hours, "23 minutes running time. , -Best previous time, Portland to Astoria. 129 miles 11 hourt, 40 minutes. w, .- , ; r PadficCoast DUtributors Buick Automobiles Z : r SEVENTH AND COUCH STREETS mm 9, i