THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. TORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, . JUNE 19. 1011. v S UFFEIgRS' M ECCA National Association for Study and Prevention of Tubercu losis to' Meet In Denver. f. .. Denver, June 1. TW city, 1 the liacce f eonaumptlvas for the last tt yean, will for the flrtt time In IU bit ('. lory be the scene of a meeting of tuber , eu loafs ftghtars from all parts of, the 'United SUUa, whaw tha National Aa ' sedation for tha Study and Prevention of Tubarsuloala holds Ita two days ; v boavenUon tomorrow and Wedneedar, , June 10 a ml XI. .UTha anaeUe ( Ut esaealaUaa will be In four aactlona; tha adrtaory'eoan . . en, ontittlng of aecrttarlaa of anU tubareuloal eoctetlea, health Offlcera, - aupartnttndanta of Institution- and ' Othsra; " tha pathologloal eectlon, da voted to tha atudy of pathological quae- tlona In relation to tuberculotlt; tha -clinical taction. glvvn over to tha treat- want of tha dlaeaaa and allied eubjects, and tha eodologlcal, which will dlecuat ; the aoolal queation In ralatloa to tuber euiotia, and particularly how tha die- rc aata may ba prevented. V Dr. William Charlae White, madlcal ; director at tha Tubarouloala league of Pittsburg, la chairman of tha advisory . council- Tha ganeral aubjoet o ba die r, euatad by thla group la. "Official Ba- aponalbllity In. tha Tnbareuloala Prob- lam." Hon. Bomar Volkt of Naw Tork, eecrttary of tha state Charltlee Aid aa aoclatlon, and formar commit doner of eharltlaa in Naw Tork city, will dlaeaaa ( tha subject from tha point of rlatr of tne atata, ' ur. Hoyr b. Deerhoii af Mil - vraakee, executive aaorotary of tha Wla- ootialn Anti-Tuberculoate , aaaoclatlon, will lead tha discussion from tha alda f tha oonty. Dr. Clyde F. Ford, . health officar of Clavaland. will ahow . tha cltys raoponalblllty in tha matter. ' BEND BUSINESS MEN END , LONG . INTERIOR JUNKET ' (Saarial PtipiUI to Tha JowatLlf Bend, Or.. June II. A long trade as eeralon, ' ending tonight, haa Juat been taken by about XI Bend bualneea man. who left here Thuraday moraine; for a four daya' trip by auto to Klamath FaJle. Lakerlew, Silver Lake and other towna of tout hern central Oregon. Tha Junket waa rotten up by tha Commer cial club and eeveral bnalneaa men came In from Portland and other cltlea to make tha trip. Among; the Port land men waa Dr. F. J. Bailey, pro moter of tha woolen mill to ba eatab llahed here. . . ' 1 : m ; Carolina Tennlt Cbampionahlp. Greenville, 8.-C Juna II Some of the foremoat tennis experts of tha coun try are entered In tha fourth annual tournament for tha "championship of tha Carollnaa. which waa opened today on the courtt of tha Sana SoucI Country club of thta city. Tha eventa to ba de cided during tha week Include tha men'a ehamptonahlp In alnglet and doublet, a oonaolatlon for tha men, womeo'a tln . flee and mixed doublet. i f Aviator Meet at Fort Erie. Buffalo. N. T., June II. Tha Fort Erie race track la . to ba tha ecene thla week of what promlaea to ba tha moat notable aviation meat ever held In thla tec t Ion. Tha program provides for a wide variety of oompetltlont. Including t peed recta, alow flying, ahort Starting, flying for accuracy aplral glldea and circle dlpa and altitude and duration conteatt. Curtlaa, Beachey, McCurdy, Ely and other well known airman are acheduled to take part DRIVEN 'FROMi OFFICE I RUSTLERS STEAL 20 HOUSES ra E Camp CreeK Ranchers and the Sheriff of Crook Outwitted : V , by Two Gangs.". ; V Police Oommlaalonor James C Cropeey, ' who haa had a atormy career in niri office at 'the hea4 of New Torko po-; ana 4 heavy thund.r -torm and cloud 'Bprt tHtMtra te The Joerail.l Prlneryie. Or June II All effort te obtain ' trace of the norte ruttlera who made big raid In' the Camp creek country in aoutheattern Crook ' and northern Lake count lea laat week,' have been of no avail. Mora than 21 head of horaea belonging to Randolph Gibaon, Alas Ammon, tha llaye ranch and Har vey Barnea, ware driven off by the ma rnudcra.' the Ttncnert finainr ln Hard. ly enough eaddle horaea to begin pur tult Soma oonaldered themaelvea for tunate atlll to have their bam a. Sheriff T. N. Balfour of Creek county ruahed to tha ecene of the ruatllng. but hia party waa delayed in getting mOunta Ilea force, and whoee realgnatioa fol. lowed . recent development , in tne 'crime wave" iavaatlgattona. SOCIETY AND STATE DEMAND SERVICE (Iparlil DfteaUh to Tfce JearaaLI Pacific Unlvaralty. Foreat Grove, On, Jane II. Baeealaareete Sunday waa ob- aerved at Pacific yeaterdty by union aerytcea at the Flret ' Congregational church. In the morning the baccalau reate aermon waa delivered by Freal- dent Ferrln. The topic wit "The Call to Service." The apeaker .developed tha truth that to every man there la a call te,uae hia powera In active arrvlce to the atau, to aoclety and to hit fellow man. The movement toward t aatabllah- Ing a- world'a peace court for the tet tllng of national dltputaa, ao aa to make war unneceaaary; waa referred to aa the moat Important political quettlon of the time. The annlveraary of. the Chrlatlan aa- aociatlona waa obaarved In the evenlnk by a atrong addreaa by Dr. Arthur .H. Smith, of China. Dr. Smith pointed out the unlveraal problema of tha day and tha manner In which they could ,ba met He appealed to tha young peo ple to meet tha demande and the call to duty In the evangelliatlon of the world. Vocal numberd were rendered by ad vanced puplle of the conaervatory and by Mra, Paulina Millar Chapman, head of the vocal department Protect Cotton Lading Blllt. New Tork, Juna II. The perplexing quettlon of cotton bllla of lading, which waa brought te a head by the dlaaa- troua failure of the firm of Knlght, Yancey A Co.. waa the aubiect of dla euaalon at a conference hero tday of renraaentatlvaa of th ttankinv and rnt. tan lntrflta Af twtfh t H nnpth mnS i eouth.; It la hoped by'thoaa concerned that a plan may be agreed upon where by the integrity of lading bllla may be' aaaured. buret obliterated the tracka Of tha horaea. It la believed, however, that two gango operated ae aa te mlalaad the offlcera, and that they ware aue- oeetful In getting acroaa the Caacada range Into the Willamette -valley with moat - of the band. - That the matlera moved faat la indicated by the fact that part of . the anlmala, being draft horaea and . unable to travel rapidly, wore cut out of the band and left be hind. Tbae were found by the aherlff and bla poate. v t Maury mountain waa aurrounded by Che poaae and cloaely watched, but no clue to the thlevea waa obtained there. It la believed that a different erowd now haa the horaea la Ita poaaeaalon to thoee who gathered them tip at the va rloua ranchea on Camp ereek. Several men- in the vicinity of Camp creak are under the aurvelllance of the autherl tlea of Crook and Lake countlea. Au thor! t lea in tha 'Willamette valley coun tlea have alao been notified to keep on the lookout n ANOTHER'S NEGLIGENC Boot and Shoe Worker. Bt. Paul, Minn., June 11. The annual convention of the International Boot and Shoe Workeraunlon opened in thla city today with delegatea preaent from many polnta throughout the United Statea and Canada. The aeaalona are expected to laat a week or 10 daya aa many lmpor tant mattera 01 bualneaa are te come up. A Wonderful Record Every Intelligent Oregoman Should Know This: OrtgonTifc lie Only yfe hsnraEcc Company Fall River Cotton Carnival. Fall River, Meat, June 19. A cele bration of the one, hundredth annlver aary of the eatabllshment of the cotton i (mill Industry in New England, waa company WniCIl aCCeDlS nOriSKS opened in thla city today and will con ft '. . tlnna thn Orcgonlify is the only life insurance E CAUSED PIE'S DEATH neelT PtanaMi t TW Jiwrnal t Madraa, Or., June II. After hearing moat exhauative evidence relating to the cauae of the death of A. A. Paine, of 1961 Flrtt avenue. Seattle, who waa killed by a falling derrick yeeterday morning, the coroner't Jury brought In a verdict declaring that Paine a death waa due to the negligence of Edward Meyera. in that Meyera had abandoned hia pott of caring for the guide ropea that govern the derrick. It waa while Meyera waa gone that the ateel waa picked up which, twinging wild, canned the overturning of the derrick car, Palna't death rctulting when he waa caught under a piece of the falling ateel. No arreata were made following the verdict, but the matter has been brought to the attention of the dlttrlot attorney, and any criminal proaecutlon mutt follow at hia direction. .. At a poet mortem, examination held by the coroner yesterday, it waa found that Paine waa cut about the head, hit back broken In two placea, three rlba broken, one foot almoat aevered Juat above the ankle, and poaalbly internal Injurlet ' auetalned. Tha body waa turned over to an undertaker, and Mra. Paine communicated with. She gave Inatructlono to bury the body in thla city. - . REYES MARKED AS ASSASSIN'S VICTIM ,'' .i, . Mexico City, June HtA plot to aa aaaalnate General Reyee haa been die covered here, . The leadera ' are '. not named but are known te' be men high la . the eounella of the revolutionary party. They had plenty of money and had hired aataatina but Reyea eaeaped through a warning given by aervanta. . i .' Booth Brad Homea Ham, ' . . tmmrUt rtapatra to Tt JtoaU , louth Bend, Waah . June ll-Two honaea on Flrtt afreet were-minted at about 4 'o'clock Sunday morning and a third waa eaved by almoat auperhuroan exertion. C. A. Hayden Occupied the hoete where the flrtt fire appeared. Ha waa alone, loat all he had and aaved hlmaelf by Jumping - from a aeoend atory window in bit night clethea. O. W. Pattlaon and family occupied the other houae that waa deatroyed and managed to aave a email portion ofMhetr gooda. The loat It ettlmated at 18000. There waa a tmall amoant of Inturanee en the nouaei. ' DELEGATES CROWD; G0LDOI GATE CITY More ' Than f 20,000 - Persons .Will ; Attend J ntcrnatlonal vV S. S. Convention. ' ' (Br tka lateraatleaal Vet Brvlee.t Ban Franclaoe, June ItvThe ho tela of thla city are crowded to-their vt moot eapaclty and the thoueanda of delegatea to tha International Sunday fichool Triennial convention, which will open Itaaevtn daya'aetalon here tomor row and elote on Tuetday, June 17. are bually engaged . In aearchlng for quar tera among the llat of boarding houaea tupplted by the arrangement commit tee. Indication! are that thla conven- tlon'a delJgatea will outnumber thoaa of any prevloue organiaatioa meeting in the hiatory of San Franclaco, and will reach, at a contervatlve eatJmate, about IO.eW. -: . , . .... v . Part of tha program of exerolaea for tha week wlU Include two big outdoor meetlnga, one In Oolden Gate park an.l the other at the liearat Oreek theatre In Berkeley. , . . - . Every phaae of Sunday achool work la to be treated by . apeclallata . at the varloua. metttit.. The Rev. A V. Schauffler and the Rev. Dr. J. William Chapman, both of New Tork, are to take leading parte: In the work of (tha convention. . ' S ' . . i ' Mlnnraota lAbor Federation. - Mankato.. Mian, June II. Delegatea from all tha principal cttlta and towna of Mlnneaota aaaembled here today on tha opening of the twenty-ninth con vention of the Bute Federation of La bor. . Tha convention promlaea to be the moat Important In tbt hiatory of the federttlon. . Btepe will be taken to form an independent labor party to take part in atata and national politlce. Spirited rnnteeta are etpected .ever the eleettea of offlcera. PLAfJ Mil OF "Ml HOOD AUTO ROM . , 5. ' . . 1 1 mj . - Reeretenutlvee of the Portland Auto mobile club have atarted an active cam palgn for raiting funde with, which te complete tha Mount. Hood road.' It la ea Uma ted that about $101,101 will be required to complete the' highway, aa outlined. ' '- '- - " '- - " ' -Z It la the Intention of the Portland Automobile club to make thla read a monument to th good roada movement of the weat It la contended that Ore- ' gon la conalderably behind tha procaa alon in the good roadt movement and the automobile club will exert every ef- ' fort to bring the atata aaveral atepa forward. An appeal to public aptrlted cltlaena la being made by mrtnbera of the club for aid in promoting the work! ' . . nil 1 mi i.J Journal Want Ada bring reeulta. 'v ' '' In Our alii venile R EDUCT SA.j.E Department Big : Price Redaction$---Sen5ibIe Parents Will Go Over These Genuine Prices AH Thesie Goods Are New and Seasonable LOGGING CAMPS WILL NOT CLOSE DOWN (pedal PUpatch to The Jearaal) Aberdeen. Wath. June II. Indlca tlona are that logging campa on Qraya Harbor 'Will not cloae down for the aummef, aa waa auggeated by tha lum ber combination on Puget Bound. Moat of the camira will ahnt down for about ten daya to Include the Fourth of July, but ' owinc to the dlaorganlsatlon ' of butlneat and the expenset connected with a ahut down, the manager prefer to keep running, especially aa better lumber trade la expected thla fall. Al though there are at preaent plenty of logs, cutting will continue, and reaarvea will be held. One logger tald In regard to closing" "Sutpentlon of work limply meant that we lote the result of long organlaztton. The men acatter, aVid when work Is re turned it taket a long time to get Into ahape again. We have tried cloning down before, and each time we close we find that we have merely added te our expenset." Exclusively Oregon" Receives Preference From Discriminating Buyers on men who have passed the age of 55. OlfflllS writes no policy for more than $10,000 on one life. Notwithstanding, this conser vatism OlMlifc wrote more pol icies in Oregon in 1909 than any- other life insurance company ; wrote more policies in 1910 than any other life insurance company; is : in 1911 surpassing : its own wonderful record. .v tlnue through the week. The celebra tion waa ushered In with the- formal opening of a historical exhibit and tradea display. During the week there win he an automobile parade, an avia tion meat, a horse ahow, a trades par- aae i ana numerate other attractlona. President Taft will attend the celebra tion Friday. The city is elaborately deoorated and la already filling with viauora. It la Juat one hundred years since the cotton manufacturing Industry in Naw England waa Inaugurated with the erection of a cotton mill In Pall River by Colonel Joseph Durfee. About six years later the first power weaving looming waa atarted here. The total number of employes engaged In the industry In Fall River up to 1811 prob ably did not exceed' 35. There are now in thla city 45 Incorporated cotton mill companies, owning 111 mills, with an Incorporated capital of $32,960,003. There are 8,3,44 spindles, or about one aeventh of the total number In the united States, and 83,904 looms. Boys' Knickerbocker Suits Every Boy's Knickerbocker Suit in the store Is marked down. $245 Knickerbocker Suit $2.35 $3.45 Knickerbocker Suits $2.85 $3.95 Knickerbocker Suit $3.15 $5.00 Knickerbocker Suits $3.95 $6.00 Knickerbocker Suit $4.50 $7.50 Knickerbocker Suits. $5.35 $8,50 Knickerbocker Suits $6.35 Boys' Wash Suits, Sailor and , Russian Styles 50c Wash Suits noy. 35c 75c Wash Suits now. . . 49c $1.00 Wash Suits now 65c $1.50 Wash Suit now 98c Boys' Waists Every Boy's Waist in the store is marked down. 50c Waists down to 39c 75c Waists down to 58c $1.00 Waists down to .73c $1.50 Waists down to $1.15 $2.00 Waists down to $135 Boys' Underwear Every piece of Boys' Underwear in the store marked down. Boys' Poros Knit Underwear 19c Boys' 50c Underwear 39c Boys' $1.00 Underwear 73c Boys' $1.50 Underwear $1.15 When You See It in Our Ad It's So First anH Morrison First and Yamhill Second and Morrison Third and Oak 89 Third Excursion Fares East Via Oral? BEST FOR OREGONIANS -Ji'-.-fJ1 --'h am - jt a e e. ' wk a a - w ' - " tMlome Wnu, urMit.iwiW-, Morraoa, rortlana fpr A. L. MILLS, President w L. SAMUEL,' Wescott Seeks Grand Prelacy. ' . ffloactal DlaMtHl to Th. Jnnrnal. Forest Qrove, Or June 19.-Delphos lodge No. 39, Knla-hta of Pythias ef this cur, nas eiectea an wins and Wil liam Ooff to attend tha (rand lodge, wuich meets for a three days' session at Astoria, tomorrow. The delegatea representing the lodges of this county will work for the election of J. H. west cott of the Gaaton lodge, who will be a candidate for grand prelate at the Aatorla, meeting. Mr. Weetcott la a charter member of Delphoa lodge and waa keeper of reoorda and teals for 19 consecutive terms. He waa Instru mental In the organisation of the K. of P. lodgea a North Xamhllt and at Oaa ton, v,'"',.; '.7.:.. : , ; f i i n m i . Kanaaa Postmasters Meet, ' Hvtchlnaon, Kaal, June 19.4-The Kan sas postmastera' association met here today In annual aesslon. Mayor Vin cent welcomed the visitors and Pfeal- CLARENCE S. SAMUEL. H2 Z'.VJ" ii'T - - - - w a we t.. uae awiiiaitta , eaae vam - . iuv UlCf f ?STlTOSTOes liof will eonunue ovtr tomorrow. Sale Dates June 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29 and 30. July 1, 2, S, 4, $ 6, 19. 20. 26, 27 and 28. August 3, 4, S, 14, 15, 16. 17, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29 and 3a e-e FARES. f72.50 .f 60.00 DURING THE SUMMER SEASON, 1911 From All Points on the 0.-W. R. & N.Co. To Chicago ..... Council Bluffs Omaha Kansas City . St. Joseph ... St. Paul St. Paul via Council Bluffs .. 63.9 Minneapolis direct $60.00 Minneapolis via Council Bluffs. .. .f 63.90 Detroit, Mich f 82.50 St Louis 970.00 Boston, Mass. .fllO.OO New York, N. Y. 9108.50 Washington, D. C .9107.50 September 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Stopovers going and. returning. Final return limit October 31, 1911 Oaa Way Through California 1B Additional. Call at our City Ticket Office, Third and .Washington streets, for any infor- . ? I , I r . . . , . . manon aesirea, aiso ior steeping car reiervauons, or address WM. M'MURRAY.' General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. READ THE SUNDA Y JOURNAL XLAROBBT. BSST SUXSAT PATKB Df THH OBXOOX OOCHTBT OREGON HOTELS THE IMPERIAL Oregon's Greatest Hotel 350 ROOMS. 104 SUITES With Private Baths I NEW FIREPROOF BUILDINO MODERATE RATES PHIL METSCHAN & SONS, Props. i . - V r . ... T m ilaSfej rgji-tt iaa'B'S'gS n iSiii I f i hit i i ii i m PORTLAND HOTEL i nc larcsi ana most magninccni hotel in Portland ; unsurpassed in elegance of accommodations or excellence of cuisine. European plan, $1.50 per day, and . upward. O. J. XAVTMAinr, Xanarer. ' The Bowers Hotel Eleventh, Near Washington St V; Largest Cafe in the city. Service unsurpassed SO ROOMS $1.00 PER DAY 50 ROOMS $1.50 PER DAY 75 ROOMS. WITH BATH.. $2.00 PER DAY Special Rates to Permanent Guests fample Rooms for Commercial. Travelers H. C BOWERS, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Formerly Manager Hotel Portland QSSS .li'm ) 1 llii i stSSSL J New Perkins Hotel nrm and Washington stoeets ; In the very heart of Portland's activityModern In every respect RATESS1.00 and up. MODERATE PRICE RESTAURANT L, Q. S WETLAND; Sei and Mgr. C. II. Shafer, Asst. J.Igr. i t .r-