The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 19, 1911, Page 11, Image 11

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..t. ju;-11 .., n
: Bearded "Wi!dman,,; Had Ter
r -rorized Residents of John
: ! -son Creek--Carried Dyna
mite and Garter Snakes-"
Reeldente of the Johnaon areek' eourv-
try are tnuchpleaaed over tne
of a man whshu for Hint tlmti-'
nabltca. the brvah and Urea aa a wild
man, terrorising woman and ehlldxen by
his occaalonal, nana to rarainouaea in
parch bt food. Ilia capture la du- to
Vnttrd Btatee Deputy aterehal MoSwaln.
. McSwala did not co man buntln jrea
tardar, but-want an a pleaaure trip along
. the banka of Jobneon creek, me at-
ttntton waa attracted by tha atrana
action, of a rough clad, bearded nan,
wha peered from bahlnd a log and waa
- calculated to Ineplr terror br M wild
. appearance. .: ' u '
McBwaln angaed tha man ta eonrar-
, eatlon and ha talked wUUngtr. but Jrtth
a atrong foralgn aoeant ,. Ha ehtwed
J! vial tor a five gallon ir can. In
, whTcK a number of email gartar enakee
wara carefully covered with a cloth. Ha
aald thaaa wara for making ttediein.
Tha man waa barafooted, and on look
' ing for hla aocka. McBwaln waa startled
by finding ona of than fined with yn
' amlte atlcka, cap and ruse. Thar wara
alght atlcka of tha exploslY. ,
Upotf making tbia discovery McSwala
telephoned to. Oraaham for aaalatanoa
' and ad automobile waa aent from that
place. . Tba man made no reeletanee, but
V insiexea upon laainr ma can 01 anuw
to jail with him. Ha aJao quit talking
fngllah, which ha apoka fluently enough
at flrat, and adopted a forelfra Jargon,
Ha la believed to be an Austrian, No
Information eould ba obtained from him
after ha learned ba waa In ; charge at
officers, ,
, WhUa waiting for tka arrival of f
' fleera from . Oraaham tha wild man
ahowed UcSwaia tha picture of a womaa
in, the aoolaty column of aa old Mwa,
paper. That othar fallow kill her like
thla," ha aald. Indicating a thruat With
a knife. I Tie kill her. Thla thing got
to eiop.-'
- While there la only the remoteat aua
pleion ttiat thla man knowa anytftlng
of tha H1U murder, tha realdanta of the
Johnaon ereak country feel lees nervous
now that ba la removed from bta haunts
la tha wood. He la aald to have en
tered many houaea, without tha formal
ity, af knocking, -to aak for' eirge and
othar food, and what ba might hare
done with, bla aupply af dynamite la a
matter of apeouJaUon. , ,
0 Gil
Burgard Prepares ;: Ordinance
', Providing for Unobstructed
' ;View of Players.';; v
Cenaollmaa Jobs A Burgard ta pre-
paring an ordinance providing that ail
rl and billiard room a ahall be ope
tha rlew of tba publlo and that tba
tablea operated ' ta auch plaoee . ahall
all ba ta one large room free from al
oovee and parti Uona. V, - .
' n win auDtnif icia e romance aa a
eubatltata for tba one latreduced tw
weeka 'ago, prcvMlaf for tha ' doalog
of ' pool and , blllard rooma Bundaya,"
aald U r. Burgard thla morning, in ad
dition to tha prtfvlaloa relating to tha
unobetructed Tlew of, tba- ana raaorta,
I will aak tJiat Ueenae faa ba charged
for each rooI and bollard table. ' '
-Tun not la faror of cloalng anruaa-
ment eaUbllahmenta of thla charaotar
Sundaya any mora than week daya. - It
tbay are all right 'on week daya they
ahould be permitted to operate SundaTa.
aJao, and if act, they ahould ba aloaad
altogether." .. - . ' , , . ,
- VafM RaJaed tn Oennaay.
Xa Tburingia, Oermany. owing to the
Increaee la tha coat of living, wagea
have bean ralaed In many af tha faa.
toriaa during the laet year ar two. The
dally working time baa bean reduced
from II to heura la tha glaaa fao
Presbyterian Church Must Re
tain Doctrinal Authority,
. Says Rev; Babcock. . .; i
i l oonil
'' " ffalal 9ataa af Tka Joaraalt "I '
Sal am. Or.June That la tha tri
al af minlatera and teacher pa charg-
aa of bereay, tha Praabytartaa church
doea not preeume. to try their eincart
ty aa minlatera, or their atate of be
ing aaved, but only their right to
preach or teach by tha authority of
the Preabytertaa church, doctrine that
are not la eonformlty with Wie doo
trlnaa of tha church, waa tha deciar
tloa af Rat. Henry T. Babcock of -the
Preabyteriaa churoa Of Balem yeetar-
day. In addraaalng a large audience oa
the aubjeot of - tha trial of Dr. Grant
by the, lllrd Oaneral aaaembly.of tha
Preabyteriaa church la America at
recent -aeealoa la Atlantic City.
Mr. Babcock waa one af Oregon
mlaeicnar to the general aaaembly and
participated la rendering tba verdict
convicting ur. Grant - - ,
"The aignlflcant thing In connection
with the ooovlctlon of Dr, Orant," de
clared Rev. Mr. Baboock. - waa that
tha minlatera of tha aaaembly had tha
oo u rare to take aa actloa which waa
a lire to meet with much popular dlaap-
proval ao that they might affirm their
raita la the deity or Chrlat E urant
waa found guilty of being Talae to
hla vowa aaa Preabyteriaa mlnleter
and ; waa auapended from tha church
until auch a time 'aa he ahould re
nounce hla doctrine to hla owa prea-
bytery and pledge Ma faith to tha ooa-
feealon of tha church. Bat the caae
waa -up to general aaaembly on aa ap
peal from preabytery and tha lower
body bad adready acquitted Dr. Grant
and ha bad publiahed hla eonfnealon ao
bla relnetatement la oaly a matter of
abort time." ,
Bay of Xeraay Male jfot Boaa, ' I
Rev. Mr. Baboock made It Dlala that
tha age of hereay trial 1 had by no
meaaa paaaed la .the Preabyteriaa
church, but that tha mlnlater and aid-
af that chuach atood aa ready aa
aver to defend tha ayetera of doctrine
agalnat tha onruah of tha modern
wave of free thought . He quoted Dr.
Prlnoetoa aa aaylng that 100 yeara ago
the tat of truth waa found la what
tha Bible aald of It, but that now the
Bible Heelf waa being tinted.
Upon motion of Dr. Wiley of New
Tork City a committee headed by tha
dominating epltit of . tha aaaembly,
Moderator Dr. Caraon. waa appointed
to work to bring about a cloaer coop
eration and a batter upderetandlng be
tween the Preebytartan church' and
Union Theological aemlnary. ' Thla
arhool baa for yeara bean under the
ban of the Preabyterlan church be.
eaua of tha liberal vlewa of tha deity
af Chrlat aad of tha Bible bald by it
profeeeora . 4 1 -
Aaaembly Xeepa rreaaat Maa.' '
. Another algalfloaat feature - of tba
work of the general aaaembly waa It
failure to deeoreaaa tha repreeontatloa
of , preabyterlee In order to make tha
aaaembly amaller. Altnouga . aenti
ment In favor af a amaller. aaaembly
waa atrong. legal obataolee wara Inter
pooed to prevent action. When It wa
found that ta , oonaolldate two . borne
mlaalonary board for Inatanoe woui
endanger property rignta. a auggeauoa
wa made tOav tha aam director
ml both, which meant ooneolldation 18
fact but not In nam. Dr. Mofflt pre
vailed agalnat thla mov by declaring
that auch action would ba jto follow the
example of tha great corporation merg
era' of tha country tn violating tha law
whila aeemlng to follow out tba letter
of the law. ... . ., .-. ,.'
.1 ... ,-
-,.'.,...- ' t . , C !
.'-, , " . ,
Twenty-Third Annual Convcn-
I tion Ends Election of Of-,
fleers Held.
t CVnMt Praaa Taw. Wlra.1 ' ' "
Toklo. June II. A aever a term I
raging throughout. Japan today ant)
heavy loaaea and aevere damage are re
ported. N
Commanleatloa taland la out off and
Toklo today la virtually laolated exoept
by oabla. . .
Mill mm Itetara to Work.!
Bli bundreS mill man l8t Loula, wto
had been on etrlka for two montha.
have returned to wont, a aanefaetory
agreement with tha employer having
been reached.
Journal Want Ada bring result.
i Tti Twan.thlrd anaaal convention
of the Eplaoopal church cloaed yeater
day, when a .aumoer ex country ciergy
men filled the dty.puipita or taa eoi
copal church and told of their work' la
different -parta of the' atate. -
i - VaiIawI.. Im AAmnl.t, paault of the
alactlona to 'the of flea and board, for
tb eneulag years . -
' Standing committee Rov. H, M. Ram
eey, Rev. HK Talbot, Rev. Barr a
Lea. Dr. g. B. Joaephl, R, U Ollaan, IL
D. Ramedell; chancellor of the dtoceee,
Rodney U OUaani aecretary and regta-
trar Rev. W. A, M, Brock treaauror,
R. W. Haatlnga.: "
, Blabop Bcott School Truate Rev.
A, A. Morrtaoa. Rev. a "W. Roblneon,
Rev. J. E. IL Blmpaoa. J.1W. Qaaong,
J. K. KolloA, 8. H Orober.
fit. Halan'a HaU Truataaa Rev. A. A.
Morrlaon. Rev. Joha Dawaon, Rev. XL
a Chambers. J. K. Kouoca, Xt. Leon
ard, c Pfahler.
Board of Church Extanaion Kv.
Barr O. Iea, Rev. Joha Daweon, Rev,
H. M. Ramaey, Rev. C. W. Baker, Rev.
H. D. Chambera, Rev. T. F. Bowen, Rv,
H, R, Talbot, H. D. Ramadell, J. N. De-
eadorf. a C Burton, C N. Huggin. C,
a Pflahar, A, Auteraon,. W. Whit
field. ?
HoplUl Truateea Rev. J. Dawaon,
Rev. T. F. Bowen, Rev. n. R. Talbot,
R. U Ollaan. Dr. George T. Wllaon. Dr.
S. X. Joaephl. 1
Enlaoonal Fund Truereea Rav. T. r.
m . rmm n T a T7 AW C XV
Ttohinaan. H. Dl Ramadell. William Mac-
maatara, Oaorga a Nicholeon.
Board or Equanaaiion ana Aaaeea-
Uw. H. D. Ramadell, W. R. HaaUnga,
Bv. w. A. u vreca. ...
rulmlM tA Iflaalonarv Conference
Rev. H. R. Talbot. Rev. H. M. Raraeey,
Rev. William Lucaa, Rev. H. D. Cham
bera. A. a Newt 11, a B. Pfahler, F. &
Wttt, Frank Bplttla.
Auditor Jaroea laiaiaw, w. u. a-
vord. J. C Roblnaon. '-.
Bocial Service Commlttae Rev. IL R.
Talbot. Rav. IL M. Rameay, Rev; Jar-
raid Potta, Rev. John Dawaon, C., A.
Bell, R, Hahn. Dr. L. W. Ifyda. ?
Ucenaed . Lay , Read are J. Laldlaw,
O. CT Burton, Mr. gwaatoa. Dr. Flxott,
Mr, Spittle. - - -
Sunday Bohool Committee Rav. Jar.
raid Potta, Rev. W, B. Hamilton. Rev.
Barr O. Lee. , Ralph Hahn, Mr. TUthy
combe, -
Emmanuel J pariah, March field, v kd
flraca Memorial pariah. Irvlngton. and
Bt. Mlchaal'a mleaton, Roaamero, war
admitted Int memberahlp with tha con
ventlon, " . , r ' "
Important leglalatlva action wa taken
la doing away with tha old method of
taking periodical canonical offering
for mlsaona. and there waa aubatltutad a
yatematla plan of tha weekly duple
envelope, a mice lonary ' committee ta
every parish and an every mem bar can
vaaa.' , ; , , .
- Tha date of holding the convention
waa changed from June to tha first
week In May, making tha flecal year
for all congregation to end April tl.
... (Continued From ' Pag Ona.)
lar In the wooda back of tho Dalk home.
Tha offloera do not believe tha man was
tn tha wooda or that ha waa ea by
their Informant and they think ha may
be able to ei plain why be gav them
what they think to have been falaa la
formation. . ' ' .
Bog Beat Back.
While tha btoodhounde wara bunting
through tha wooda ha raa up to where
Sheriff Maaa and Bievena were atand
Ing. told them he had aeen tha man run
through tha woods, aa If chased by tha
doge. McDermott, who raa the dog,
saw nothing or tha man nor did any of
tba deputlea who aurrounded tha wooda
aad beat through them up aa far a
the Dclk houae.
The Aoara ware taken back ta Wash
ington laet .night. It being evident o
long a time had lapeed alnce tha mur
der of the Hille that they were uaeleoe
In tha caae. It waa hoped they might
find tha trail of Obriat's asaallant but
as the maa dropped no article of cloth
ing and aa there waa nothing eta from
which to take tha scant, thla waa found
to ba Impoaalbla.
Mew atospeeta.
Two suspect were arreated yesterday
oa the chanoe thy might know some
thing of the caae. Information charg
ing them with . Inaaalty war filed
Councilman Burcard ' on Tra l
' of School Board Inspcct-
V or to Investigate. -
' 1 have bean Informed,' aald Coun
cilman Joha IL . Burgard ' today,
"that tha board of education ta con
structlng wooden achcol building addl
tlona in defiance of the city building
code. " If tbla ba a fact tha board ahould
b prevented from violating the law and
I ahall taka aUpa ta eee that It la pre
vented." ' -'-. .' " '
' City Building Inapoctor H,sfL Plum
mer aay that ao permit ba been la
sued from bla office for any frame
aehool building - addltloa aad that If
such construction 1 under way that he
doea not know It Ha aald ha would In
vestigate tba matter.
Tha school board baa been peralatent
la Its effort to persuade the city coun
cil to amend the present building code
so that many additions t wooden school
edifices could ba built., An ordinance
providing for auch addltloaa cam be
fore the council at ita meeting laat ;
week, but waa laid an tha table. -
agalnat both by Sheriff Stevena this
At least on of them. Edward Rameay,
who waa arreated cppoalte tha Oaka by
Deputy Sheriff Leonard, ba been ter
rorising auburbanltee aoutheaat of the
city for the past three yeara. H baa
been wandering around, living la the
wooda and ateallag hla food. .
H came down tha river from the
mouth of Johnana creek on aa Impro
vised craft yesterday and landed on a'
little Inland scrota from tha Oaka. Her
Leonard caught him aad brought bin to
jail. - '
Felix Cassut, tba othar euppoeedly In
sane man, had a can of gartar enakee
and a sock containing five atlcka of
dynamite, for neither of which bo waa
able to give a coherent explanation.
Journal Want Ada bring resort.
Manicuring and Hair Pressing Parlors, 2d Floor Tattc Lunch In Our Tea Room, 4th Floor-Bakery Department, 4th Floor
Marlette Corsets Mrne. HcleneIVlorqulae. Royal Worcester and Bon Ton Howd, La Beau, Rengo Pelt Corsets 2d Floor
Women' Drawers in the open or closed stylet, made with fitted yokes, umbrella or
butterfly styles; or of fin muslin, cambric oflongdoth; lac or embroidery trimmed
Summer Bed
ding Reduced
The most complete stock of Summer Bed
ding in the citjr is here for your choosing,
$1.25 Comfts 95c
86 Cornels $4.75
Tn th hitr 'RirlHino Store. 3d floor, we will
... "o I o i
nlace on sale 8 different lines of Com
forts in he Summer weight, filled with
pure white cotton, covered with silkoline,
dimity or silk. Reduced - afc follows i
Regular $1J25 Comforts at only, ea. 95
Regular $2.00 Comforts at only $1.45
Regular $2.50- Comforts at only" $1.95
Regular $2.75 Comforts at only $2.10
Regular $3.50 ' Comforts at only $2.85
Regular $3.75 ' Comforts at only $2.95
Regular $5.50 Comforts at only $4.25
Regular $8.00 Comforts at only $4.75
Blankets at 01.45
TT:.U 17 I v- ti mtiftlifl WT1 rH
ilVl" XIV 1VI UV USVHU waaajssjv 1 f b H UtkVM
camp on the highest peak.? ; Must nave
gooa, warm xacic a a, Heavy cui-
ton fleece Blanket, : in tan or J f
gray; good sellers $L75, for? Blft3
Reg. 05 Vicuna
Blankets at 03.25
The best of all the good olies . for outing
good, warm I blanket for ' either coast or
mountains. - A i regular - $5.oq n
value, offered special at, pair, &UuD
Woo! Blankets
$3,25 'Valsi 02.65
The plain gray," ideal for. camping or
hnnReholdi ; use.-.: - Hotels y and .rooming.
iiouses might weHlay in a. good supply
$35 Wool Blankets priced V at $2.65
$4.00 ; Wool Blankets priced at $3.25
$5.00 Wool Blankets priced'- at $3.75
Sale Women's Gowns
In .the big Underwear Stor. 2d floor, 1000 fine quality Gowna, mad of very rood
fra material Neatly trimmed and styled In every imaginable design. "Come early.
AY a A vi . . a m a
y- wwiia, ieqax yar n IZJQ Gowna, apedal f 1.69 .i $3.50 Gowna at
1.75 Oowna, peckl 1.19 jlJS Gowna, special f 1.80 Um Gowns at 2.6&
.uu uowna, apeciai 13.00 Gowns, pedal f 1.93
$20.00 Curtains for $8.48
ft f a . J
Keai nana-maoa Battenberf Curtain, a broken lot Only 20 paka Q JQ
, , Pffrtof worth regular to $20, oa spedal sal at low prfc, pair tPOeO
ittt ' -A A1 POWERS AT 69f
$1.75 DRAWERS AT fl.39
$1.00 DRAWERS AT f 1.65
$X50 DRAWERS AT fl.89
Moll Ordcra Promptly Filled
Duchess Hand-Made Curtains, only 6
pair left; $35 values to close f 8.48
dpi! IPsite Lm Canipflainmis
Tomorrow we will launch our Annual Clean-Up Sale of Lace Curtains, in order to reAice stock and close out all odd pairs and bro
ken lines before our buyer starts to market This sale affords the broadest range for choosing of any Lace Curtain sale that has
ever been held in PortjanbNew homefumishers who are -in need of curtains for the whole house, those who are housecleaning and
find need for but one or two pairs, hotel and rooming-houses may now renew their curtains at a great saving from the regular prices
8,1.25 Curtains for 98c
$2.00 Curtains at $1.38
2000 pairs of white and ecru ;Lac Curtain, good
patterns in Nottingham, suitable for nyQQ
room in -' the house; $15 values,; pair, at wOt
Notgham ' Lsice Cortalna ' in' white ' and ecru,
fully 1000' pairs in, the lot; the patterns are un
usually' good and well assorted. They djl QQ
are actually worth; $2- a . pair at only tPjJLeOO
Another lot of .Nottingham burtalnS, Just a little
better. Quality and more' select oatterns: white
'and .'ecru;' actual $2.50jrahies,-special J-J (Q
tor this stock clean-up at only, a pair V-a-eVfU
I, " ' . - .
$2.25 Cable Nets $1.28
S2.75 Nott'hams $1.89
800 pairs of white Cable vNet Curtains go on sal
at a saving of 40 per cent These are most desir
able for living rooms and will be selected by those
who come looking for higher priced curtains.
They are our regular $2.25 values, spe- 0" OQ
cialized for this sale at low price, pair 4JLe0
Nottingham in the two-toned effects; very at
tractive, neat curtains, that may be used in any
room. The patterns are exceptionally good. You.
save 40 per cent on this lot; regular &"t QQ
$275 values, offered special at, pair PXeOe7
Real Clurty Curtains
Regular $6 Values lor $3.48
7 " 1
500 pairs of real Quny
Curtains, which sro so
very ' popular this year;
wid insertion, edge of
real Quny lace to match,
mounted on good grade
French net Best regu
lar $6.00 values; buy . all
you want of them during
this sale at (PQ AO
only, a pair POelO
X9. pattern fat .teal Brem Curtains in dainty dlgM, fut.
able for Irving room; very striking $7.50 value, of- gQ QQ
fered special for this sale at low price of only, pair vOeiO
,03.00 Irish Poinls
Only 01.48 a Pair
500 pairs of Irish Point Curtains in ecru
color, patterns which will appeal to peo
ple of good taste; $3.00 Cur- C"f . ! Q
tains, special for this sale, pair wJL u
$30.00 Curtains Now $11.49
$1.50 Values at 89c
1000 pairs of Battenberg Curtains in lots of
from 6 to 20 of a kind, white only. Not a
pair in the lot worth less than $1.50; OQ
offered special foe this sale at, pairOaV
BSO Renaissance
Curtains at S1S.48
Real haid-endi Rasalssaaoa Curtain) m arrratrva pattens
pleasa tho who want aomethlng axcaptioaally jl Q A Q
good. Only a d 01 ear pairs. , Regular $50 vala, pair tDxOe'JbO
S50.00 Arabians
Special at $25.00
Real hand-made Arabian Lace Curtains,
10 good patterns to choose from; excep-i
tional values it $50 a pair, QOtZ ((
special for this sale, pail eJJStleUv
600 pairs' of nand-made. Imported. I-ace Curtains, in white and
Arabian colors. Regular values from $20.00 up C 1 VQ
to $30.00 a-pair J offered special for; this sale, pair iPXXarta
$17.50 Arabians Now $9:49
A splendid assortment of hand-made Arabian Lace Curtains in
good, desirable patterns; regular $17.50 values, un- (PQ A Q
derpriced for this , sale, . special at only, the pair tDaeXal
w 1 11 mmmM.
I i mm
Great Sale of
in Odd Lines
W are closing out odd lines of
Decorated Jb reach China at extra
special prices. These, are specially
suitable for Rummer homes and ex
tras for entertaining. All this .week
we rice them at great savings, thus :
Hread - and Butte r 01 )fl
Plates, $1:75 vals doz., dlaUU
Bread and Butter of
Plates, $2.00 vals.,' doz. . MajD
$1.25 dor. Fruit Saucers, only 80
$3.10 dor. Breakfast Plates $2.20
$4.00 dor. Dinner Plates at $2.85
$4 dor. Teacups and Saucers $2.85
Semi - Porcelain Dinner
Sets Are Greatly Reduced
S27 Set S17.95
French China, border decorated, sold
in sets only, 100 pieces of well se
lected dishes ; regular 47 1 7 A F
$27 values, all week J) 1 . 47 D
Havlland China
D 1 mi cr Sets
S65 Vals. Q39.9g
Haviland China! Dinner" Sets, with
gold band border and pink flowers;
100 well selected, good shape pieces ;
regular $65.00 value, QA QC
special price, the set 03 4 aD
G3G Dinner Gets
Special at Q25.2Q
Full gold and green and pink flow-
ers, ou-piece uinner fln on
Set,; $36.00 value, at; aD,U
German Cliina
Fancy shape, full, gold line small
pink border pattern, priced like this ;
50-piece $11.75 Dinner Set at $7.35
60-piece $1150 Dinner Set at $0.10
100-pce. $21.50 Dinner Set $13.40
. ' vv .......