THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE -18, " 1011. CORNERSTONE OF DI0CES1 LIBRARY LAID YESTERDAY Bishop Scaddlng Accepts Gif of, Catherine Percival Made ; In Honor of. Departed Pries !;- 6000 -Volumes. 1 With . Impressive services, la whloh Xilahop Charles W. Scaddlng of : tha Kplaoopal dlooeee of Oregon,' waa ee aleted by several of tha local clergy, - and In tha preaanoa of tha donor, UUi Catherine PeroivaL tha 11 R. Perclval Memorial Diocesan library cornerstone was laid yesterday afternoon. Tha new library building, which It tha (1ft of Ulii .Perclval In mamory of tiar brothar, a noted aoholar of tha church, who spent moat of hla active career In .Philadelphia, Will coat about tISOO and will houae I00O volume at tha atart, togethar with tha offlea of tha bishop and tha diocesan offloera. It' la being constructed at Nineteenth and 'Sprint streets, Portland Heights, on a . lot adjoining tha new realdence tof Blahop Scaddlng, and alao adjoining tha lota upon which e tan da tne cnapei of tha Ascension r' -. OItm Sloaarat Addieaa.' T A , fair slsed congregation - gtood . la tha ' bright aunahlna while- tha - aenrioe waa read tad tha brier addressee made by Blahoo Scaddlng and Rev. C W. Koblnaon of Oregon0 ty. To tha latter tha oeeaalon waa one of aapeelal satla factlon, aa tha glvsr of the building la a, former parlihioner of hla, when he . waa In Philadelphia. . Hla address, waa an eloquent tribute to tha Eplaoopal church for It defenaa agalnat tha aa aaulta of unbelief. " Otherg ot the dargy participating In tha ceremonies were Archdeacon Cham bera. Rev. John Simpson, Rev. W. Pow- II, Rev. u. Bowen of Hell wood ana Ktr, John Marshall of Portsmouth, in copper box within tha eorneratona were plaoed eopies of tha Portland newepa pere of June IT, a pamphlet on "Oppor tunltlea In Oregon" by Blahop Scad- dlna. a brief hlatory of tha library. review of the life and work of Bar. Henry-&. PerolraJ, tha Oregon Church man for nay, mi, ana vanoua aiooeean leaflets, t tIn hla address. Bishop Scaddlng aald: "On June IT, 1861. exactly 7 yeare ago today, a convocation ot tha clergy and laity af the Kplecopal church of Waahlnrton and Oregon waa neia in thla olty of Portland. It waa the f Irat convocation of tha Right Rev. Thomae F. Boott, first missionary bishop of Oregon. In hla addraaa on that oeea alon ha need theae worda: It give tne pleaaure to aay that during my vtelt to Philadelphia prevloualy Ao aalllng, I received upward of 9 volumea from tha librarian ot-'the Blahop 'White Pariah Idbrarr association to ward a a diocesan library for thla territory: and alao for ths -same object ISO In rafth from mem. bera of St. Andrew'e church.V - -. . Many YelnabU Book. ' VI am delighted to report that-these books ara atUl Ja my possession, ana also tha original, bookcase owned f Blahoo Bcott. Since that time libraries of clergymen, whobave dleddn Bhiia-J CcipWa, oaf a. comcoy ,wut io,ine ojo eeae. Blahop, Merria collected many booka. and noma of them are of great value. On several ; occasion Blahop Itorrla appealed for a aultabla buUdlng In whloh to houae them. At laat tha appeala have been heard, and It la aln guUrly .fitting that a lady of Phlla- deinhla ahould Duiw thia beauurui ana muoh needed memorial to a prieat of the dloceaa of Philadelphia, whoae Ufa and. work, on lfterary, Unea haa meant ao much to churchmen. : ;We have now about 6000 volumea, andTihe .-building will not only contain these properly arranged and catalogued, but also .a registry In' which Important documents, papera and Journals can be kept,' and alao ,an of floe for; tha blahop and. aiooeaan. omcers.. , v .: , a Grateful Thanks Extended. : : '."bn behalf of the: diocese, I have great .pleasure la? accepting thla gener ous gift from Miss Catharine Perclval, who is with us today, and offer her our grateful thanks. It Is a spirit of gen eroltr wa wlllaail do well to oultlvate. It is a beautiful, appropriate and prac tical way to erect a monument to our loved, onaa. who have entered Into the kreat of paradlae; a, far mora useful me morial than a marble shaft , "In accepting ' thla building may I remind our own people In Oregon that theological booka, like medical booka. gat out of date, and that it wouia be a aood thinr for the clergy, lay readers and Sunday school teachers, and read ers generally, If we could add 7 or ep new, up-to-date theological and aorloua books every year. PereivaPa Career. "I ahall be triad ko hear from church- mon in thla diocese who would like the orlvileKa of helping me tn the creation of a email fund for this purpoae., i Henrv R. Perclval. to whom tha me morial la built, died September 28, 1903. He waa of auoh unusual precocity aa a youth that tha University of Pennsyl vania set aside Its rules aa to age to admit him aa a student. At the ago of S4 he became a priest, and for IS yeara was at tha head of tha Church of tha Evangelists of Philadelphia, Ho devot ed , much of hla time to writing, and waa the author of several important works. Including one upon the doctrines Of the Episcopal church. . . PENIS FOR TEDDY From far-off central Oregon cornea a nnuin of cheer and tt for the half- hlind bov. Teddy, alven by a little fel- HARNEY BOY SAVES Ulow . who hones the Portland waif may some day ne anie o see wm himself. Teddys little friend at Har ftty read of-tha-haltAUad-boy's condi tion and haa been carefully saviug hla pennies for a long time. Hla name li I.ynri Bower, and the UtUe fellows let ter follows: , -.v "Harney, Or., Juno 9, .1911. v "Dear Little Teddy I am sending ymi today a money order for 13. hope you will be able to go to school aa 1 air, and some day -be able tor aee the samo as other children. .' ' : - . t '"From- your (riend, -LYNN BOWER," ' WHITE GIRL. MARRIES,: JAPANESE; TRIALS MANY i ' K: (Unltml Prena Xaaaed tre. - Kansas City, Mo,- June 17. Miss Carlotta Conklin, SO, Of Topeka, Kan., waa. married - tonight - at Omaha, to Rinyickl Oda, a Japanese, after nnsuo cenaful ' attempts ' to. wed at- Kanaas City, St. Joe and Council Bluffs, where they were refused marriage licenses. ROSEDURG IS HOST OF RAILROAD PM Fifty Mile Automobile Ride 1 1 Past Umpqiia Farms Is '.-i.-One -Treat, f"--:..-y . (IdmUI DUtwtea to Tk, JooraaLk ' ' Roseburg, Or, June lTTha parfy of Northern Paclflo Railroad offlolala and Portland newspaper mea who hava been making a tour of eastern Oregon arrived bera, at 1:10 thla afternoon. Their spe cial care ware met at the train and they were taken for a. (0 mile automobile tour . through . tha aurrouadlng vaileya. At 1:10 o'clock the party waa taken to tha Curry ranch at tha forks of the Umoaua river. nine miles Weat of this city.' where dinner r waa served under largo maple - traea. '. Thla evening the visitors were given aa tnfomval recep tion at the Commercial club and they left for tha north at 11:30. They pro nounoa this vicinity a moat beautiful aectloo. , ' : ... ;. i . '" ' Except that -the Oregon iruna una will be extended as far as Bend, the railroaders had nothing to aay regarding railroad building. , TRUE Bias AGAINST. ' M'NAMARA, WM. '. BURNS AND 1 OTHER (Continued Prom Pago One.) volvtd in tha indictment, la James Hoa- sick. deputy sheriff of Los Angels, who Is Jointly charged with Burns with kid naping. Governor Marshall expressed himself as highly pleaaed with tha grand Jury's report which exonerated him of any on lawful act In honoring the requlaltloa (or MoNamara'a arreat and extradition. Ore Oat of Arrest. s ; Tha kidnaping charge grew out of the arreei or jonn J. atcnamara in inaian spoils by Burns and hla extradition to California. , Tha arreat occurred on Saturday eve ning, April tl. McNamara waa taken from his office at tha headquartera of tha Iron workers, where a meeting of tha executive council w in aeealon. Ha waa rushed to police headquartera. where Polloe Judge Colllna honored a warrant Issued on the strength of ex tradition papera from the governor of California, approved by Governor Mar shall of Indiana. McNamara waa put Into an automobile and taken serosa country to Terra Haute, where ha waa put aboard a train for St Louis and waa thence taken to Loa Angeles. On April 14 Ford and Fox were arrested for kid naping on warranto sworn out by John Keegan, a local labor leader. Later Wil liam J. Bum a and Bad or f associate at torney for the National Erectors ware arrested on similar warrants. Each waa admitted to ball In the, sum of 15000. Ball . for Ford. Drew and Badorf .waa furnished by W. A. Katcham, head of the BrowB-Ketcham Iron Works of In dianapolis. , 1 ' . Ths Indictments -camr as -a 1 surprise to those who had, been ..watching the a . Today ; (ha " grand Jury notified Judge Markey that a second report was ready and tbo Indictment ware served.. GRAND JURY'S FINDINGS ?t V WILL EXPOSE BURNS? (TTnltMl Praaa La S Wln.ti Loa Angeles, June. 17.--"This flndlna- tr tha grand jury will give the people or the nation a line on tha methoda em ployed by Detective William J. Burna and hla associates." This waa the statement made :th!a afternoon by Attorney Leeompte Davla, of -counsel for the McNamara brothers. when ahown the .Uoitod Press dispatch telling, of the Indictment; of Detective Burna on a charge of kidnaping In con nection with the removal of John J. McNamara to Loa Angelea for alleged complicity In- the destruction of the Times building. "Burns' action, he continued, "could well be likened to a mob that storms a jail, takes out a prlaoner and atrlnge htm up to a tree without giving him a chance to defend himself." . Attorney Job Harrlman waa Jubilant over the Indictment, a "That's splendid," he. said, "but noth ing more than we .expected. There la no doubt but that McNamara's removal from Indianapolis was In direct violation of all rules of Justice." ' Neither of the .attorneys would aay what effect, if any, the Indictment of Burna might hava on tha trial of the McNamaraa. v (Am Man Usea m Knife. (Special rHptPh to The Journal.) 6pokane, Wash., June 17. "Jim" Logan, a gun. man; formerly a member of the local police department and re- oerjtly a deputy under ex-Sheriff Pugh, Is being hunted by the police tonight for stabbing George Hageman, a mining man. the result of a quarrel over a card gams.' Logan's victim la In ths hospital with an- uaiy aash . in. his abdomen. Logan, has lived in the northwest over 80 years, having followed stock ranch ing for a living up till a few years ago. Special Cleanup Sale .EVERY ARTICLE; IN OUR STORE REDUCED - FROM'lS TO 33 PERCENT Alarm Clocks,' one year guarantee .......... 63c Rogers 1847 Knives and Forks, dozen ... . $3.75 Rogers ; 1847; Teaspoons, dozen . . . . . . .. .$2.35 Rogers 1847 Fruit Kiibres, dozen . . . . .$3,001 Gold-Filled Pendants, $4.00, reduced to. . ..$1.25 Gold-Filled Bracelets, $5.00, reduced to. . . .$3.00 Gold-Filled Belt Pins, $1.50, reduced to . ;49c: Gold-Filled Scarf Pins, $1.00, reduced to. . . . .25c Ladies 14kWaItham or Elgin Watches, $30, at $20 Ladies' 20-year FiUed Waltham or Elgin Watches $15.00, reduced to .iVVv.., $11)0 ALL DIAMONDS REDUCED 15 PER CENT All articles purchased during this sale guaranteed Standard Jewelry xSt g - MVi TtHQRD TKEETIVj NEARr ALDER 1IE0 OFFICERS 1 1 OF Grand Lodge 1 Defegates to Confer With Local Mem : bers- Important ; Meeting ." for Jews on Tuesday. i Tha .offlcera of ., tha dlatrict grand lodge No. 4 ef the Independent Order B'nai B'rlth are espeeted 4e. arrive in PorUand thla afternoon and will spend a couple of days. In conference with the local members.. Those to arrive today are; Grand President Otto Irving Wise and Grand Secretary L J. Ascbelm, Mr. Wise la one tt Ban Franclaoo's moat prominent attorneys and la a brother of Rev. Dr. ttepben a Wise, a former occupant of the pulpit of "the local . Jewish temple. Mr. Wise UH vsnr able speaker and a noted thinker. Mr. Ascbelm la one of San'Franclaeo'a pioneers and haa been secretary or the B'nal B'run. xor.neariy is years- There ars two lodgea or the h nai B'rlth In Portland, namely, Portland lodge and Theodora Heral lodge, with an aggregate membership or nearly eos Tha local lodgea have purchased a piece of po party on Thirteenth street. on which a three siory ouuaing win be erected for club and communal pur poses. . . peciai waeuag zneaaay. Tha arand orator of the dlatrict. Rev. Dr. Martin A. Mayar, will arrive Tues day afternoon In time to take part In a Joint meeting of the lodges the same evening at the Belllng-Hlrach building. Dr. Mayer la the minister of Temple Emanuel of Ban Francisco and the lead ing Jewlah oongregatlon on, tha Pacific coast Tha meeting Tuesdsy night win hear a special Interest to tha Jews of Port land on account of the recent Garrard Incident In which at tha Inatance of a representative of the B'nal B'rlth, Pres ident Taft reprimanded Colonel Garrard of tha United States army on account of hla action agalnat a private of the army, , whoso promotion he objected , to on account of the fac't that the private la a Jew. A dlacuaalon of this Incident Is expected to tska up the greater part of tha evening. The Independent Order B'nal B nth malntalna lodgea In the leading cities of this country and haa a membership of nearly 76,000. Beoogmlttoa of Paaaporta, It also maintains lodges In the cap itals of most of the European and Asiatic countries so thst It Is In posi tion at all timea to aid In tha ameliora tion of the condition of the Jewa In those countries in which they are op pressed. - At this time the order Is do ing everything possible to have the Uni ted. States force the Russian govern ment to recognise the passports sf all American ettlsens visiting that country.- Tha Russian . government refuses to allow Jewish cltlsens of this coun try to enter Russia. Thla la dons In violation of the treaty of 1881 and tt la. on thla point that tha B.'naJ B'rlth base, their clalma and voice thelx .pro test '" .7 i , f -Messrs. Wise and Aschetm expect to stay In Portland Monday and Tueaday aad leave on Wednesday morning for Seattle where they will be Joined by Rabbi Mayer. The Seattle lodgea are making extensive preparatlona for the reception of the grand lodge offlcera. RAILWAY COMMISSIONERS ON TRAILS OF COMPANIES fCalted Praia Leased Win.) ' Chicago, June 17. Another step to ward regulating express companies and curbing ' their accumulation of vast profits, waa taken today when a com mittee representing the National As sociation of Railway Commissioners de cided to make a thorough investigation of the' question. This body, composed of railway com missioners and mem bera of publlo serv ice commissions in every state In the Union, Is expected to wield a powerful Influence .with, the various., state -legislatures, and to form laws fixing ths maximum rates- express carriers may charge. "BOSS" COX CERTAIN TO ESCAPE TRIAL . (United Preaa Leaeed Wlre.V Cincinnati. June 17-The last hope of Prosecutor Hunt to, bring George B. Cox to trial on a perjury Indictment was swept away today when Judge Kyle ruled that Judge Dickson had acted within his legal rights in 'quashing the indictments, against Coxx. ProSecutoV Hunt had filed affldavita of prejudice against Judge Dickson. which he had hoped would Invalidate the lattera action in quashing two of the Indictments, but Judge Kyle held that the affidavits hsd been filed too - late. This, It Is believed, ends the last chance or bringing cox to trial. B'llIH 1 "DESERTERS" PAYNE MT. HOOD LrHE CALLS DHW "Father; of the Tariff Wall" ; vigorously, Attacks Under-' I : iwood. Wool Bill. ; . 1 ' (ttaltea Freea Leaaad wU.1 ' ' - .Washington, .Juns-1 ft la defense ol the present tariff lawa which ha fath ered, Sereno K.' Payne of New Tork, today attacked the - Underwood wool bill, pending In ths house. Us scored the Democrats , f of "deecrtlng ' free trade," Payne declared tha Underwood bill waa rrfmed without" sufficient con sideration, and that tha Democrats were rushed Into tariff legialatlon with put the slightest study. - : . Payne declared the reason ths Dem ocrats had not put raw wool on the rree list, was that some gentleman back home told them tt would ruin Democ racy." :'-:,..'... : i . Choice "B. Randall of Texas, ' sup ported ths measuro declaring that it would reduce the coat or woolen cloth ing. Randall . also defended William J. Bryan, saying hla fame would endure house had paaaed away, 't , "ID MAN" IS ONLY A SdcIiiI tMaaatek Sa Tha Inaraall ' Oregon City, June 17. The "Oregon City wild man" waa captured tonight by Henry May, Into whoae barn ha had gone to sleep. The "wild man." who has terrified ao many women In the Bar- clay school neighborhood, turns out to be no one but a harmless workman- em ployed by a Seventh atreet contractor. He waa aleeplng out In order to aave money. Tne man bad been moving Ms bed around the canyon each night to minimise-the likelihood of any one dis covering and at eallng hla bedding. To day, however, some one discovered the cache and made way with It, ao he found refuge In May's barn. Local po lice will do nothing with him. RABBIT DRIVE AT MAUN NETS MUCH IN BOUNTIES (Snd1 tHMMtea tn Tfe Joarul.k - -Merrill, Or., June 17.- A rabbit drive that resulted In destruction of many hundred bunnies and was attended by scores of people from the southern Klamath region waa held near Malln yesterday. In spits of the alaughtc- of 100 rabbits when tha snow waa on, they have multiplied so rapidly this spring that the farm era decldrd to hold another drive in the hope of lessening the damage the anlmala do to growing cropa. Since the county court haa raleed the rabbit bounty to ten cents, the financial returns from the drive were consider able. A division was made at the corral. TnAIn haa trained runner rhn ran cover more than 800 milea a day. HARMLESS LABORER In Our Juvenile Department e '.v Big Price Reductions Sensible Parents Will Go Over These Genuine Prices SALE OPENS MONDAY MORNING Boys' Knickerbocker Suits Every Boy's Knickerbocker Suit in the store is marked down. , $2.95 Knickerbocker SuiU. . . . . . .... .$2.35 $3.45 Knickerbocker SuiU $2.85 $3.95 Knickerbocker Suits : ... .$3.15 $5.00 Knickerbocker SuiU $3.95 $6.00 Knickerbocker SuiU. $4.50 $7.50 Knickerbocker SuiU. $5.35 $8.50 Knickerbocker SuiU. : $6.35 Boys' Wash Suits. Sailor and Russian Styles $1.50 Wash SuiU now 98c $2.00 Wash SuiU now. ... . . ....... .$1.35 $2.50 Wash SuiU now .$1.65 TO BE EXTENDED Portion of Riflht-of-Way From Lusted'8 Hill to Cherry- V ville Secured: . Ths Mount Hood Railway haa secured a portion of tha tight of way ' for the extension Of Its tins from Lusteds Hill, this side of tha Sandy river, through Bandy to Cherry villa, a dlstanoe of about 10 milea It Is reported that the con tract win be let la a few days for ths grading of -the- first ft v miles of ths projected extension, . - ,.. PRESIDENT AND MRS. .TAFT Continued Prom Page One.) lnum locket watch, attached to an or nate dlamond-atudded chain. . The wires of the officers ranking below that of general will also maks Mrs. Taft a personal gift Flva hundred contributor Is a mod eat estimate for the group. . . Ths members af tha Philippine party who went with tha former secretary of war. now the president of the United Statea. hava bought a handsome silver piece. Others are making Individual area. enta. Members of Mrs. Taf t's cabinet of ladlea wlll.preaent their gifts to her Instead or to both the president and Mrs. Taft, while their husbanda will do Ilka honor to tha presldsnt Prank Hitchcock, postmaster general, haa an elaborate sliver urn for flow- era. - The governor of Virginia and Mrs. Mann have aent set of flva vases. Other presents ara a miniature paint ing" In a handaome stiver frame from Leo MoCIurg. treasurer of the United States: a ellver pitcher and tray en graved with tha Initials of the presi dent and Mrs. Taft. aad a tiny grid Iron from the members of ths Gridiron club; a heavy, handsome sliver flower basket from ths members ..of the Press Gallery In the capltol; two silver frames from Mrs. Francois Berger Moran and Mrs. John M.'Hudglns. containing the pictures of President and Mrs. Taft and a dossn silver slmond dishes from Mrs Harley Calvin Oage and Miss Margaret Gage, Bat One Other Similar Bvent. Only once before haa a sliver wedding been celebrated In the White House. That was on December 10, 1877. when President and Mrs. Hayes celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of. their wedding. It -is a curious coincidence that Mrs. Tsft then Miss Helen N. Ilerron. daughter of President Ha yea' law part ner, a beautiful young girl waa a auest at the Hayes reception. It Is reported that Miss Harron on thst occasion Jok ingly remarked to President Hayes that she would never marry a man who would not become president of the United States. Low Wages In Dreat Britain. Sixty per csnt of the sdult workers of Great Britain receive less than 7.50 weekly wages, according to estimates quoted In the house of commons by II. Tennant, tha parliamentarian secre tary for ths board of trade. In opposing ths motion of Will Crooks, labor mem ber from Woolwich, for a compulsory minimum wage of 17.10. When You See It in Our Ad It's So . First and Morrison :: i First and Yamhill Second and Morrison : Third and Oak 89 SHASTA BANDITS fVAUt BACKWARD . . nil H . -; J i - Bloodhounds Take Trail 61 the .Crafty Pair, Who 'Looted ?Mai!car, Near Drain. ; 5 I"Deeial U The mill " Roseburc Or.. J una 1 7 i i Toncalla aay that Sheriff Qutna . and vim powea nave not yet returned to that city; Two bloodhounds wars received there on tha o'clock local anl put on the trail. On a hill a short distance northwest of tha city tracka Were found where tha man w.ikjul in tka 1.111 i k ward.t' On top of the hill were found irc woare ucy turned and walked forward again. It la supposed they did this as a ruse-to throw searchers off tho track. ''... u v It is thouaht th.aa 4wh . ,..- a . larger number who robbad a general merchandise store at Drain laat night. Uklng . aeverai aultcaaea, suits of clothes, guns, ate. - . - MAIL CLERK MEYERS .TELLS HIS EXPERIENCE " WITH SHASTA ROBBERS ISlwelsl Plapatra la Tea Jmraat.) Ashland. Or June 17.Jnim n &r. era. who with Jamca I. nn .. a r Grimes, all of Portland, mads vp the . w . 1 . . . . in in man cieraa in me man car or the Shaata Limited, ssld today 1 . "Wi had luat nulled nut a rtr.n were busy at pur work when we were imm.u or a command 10 Throw ua your handa.' "The tWO men had n. nnmmrA w k their revolvere and reslsUnce waa ?m- possiDio. wa held up our heads. The robbers then ordered as to cut open the registered pouches aad pat all the Dackaaee ' in ana nniirti , tw . aa and aa the train neared Woe . station, WS were conuselled at tha tmin e k. robbers' revolvers to pull the emergency auai. may uireaiena to kill us If we did not do thla. When the' train beean to alow down tha mhr ihh,mii off and disappeared In the darkneas. '"; uia noi aave maass on out tried In everv wav tn hid hi. r.. .,... Tha BeoDle at Rlee atatlnn n iei and the train proceeded. ins men did not Impress us aa be Ina old handa at tha hnM n. hn.u... and were extremely nervous. They were l.Mtk am. ia uvtu vuiif 11 1 on. Tha men in charge of the" mall car rCDOrt that tha rohhora Imk alt latered matter except one Loa Angeles poucn wnicn waa overlooked. The clerk, ran tin m nnifiM(ii Of how tho men entered the car. The doora are auppoaed to be kept locked. nop can anyone Da rouna who remem bers seeing any auspicious characters before the men entered tha mall car. It Is supposed that they boarded the rear platform of the car at Drain, where the train stops for water, and began operationo Immediately after the train pulled out. Much Money Paid In Benefits. Since January, 1896. when the mold era' International eatabllabed tha alck benefit fund system. It has paid to brothera In alckness $1,S70,TI4.4. Dur ing ths year mo It paid In death and disability benefits $(0,(60,10; for out: of work benefits. S140.110.4O. 1 Boys' Waists j Every Boy's Waist in the store is markeci , ( down. 50c WaisU clown to .... .39c 75c WaisU down to . . . . ............ .58c $1.00 WaisU down to . . . ... ....... . . .73c $1.50 WaisU down to . . . .$1.15 $2.00 WaisU down to. .... . . . . .....$1.35 v Boys' Underwear Every piece of Boys Underwear in the store , . - ; 1 marked down. ; ' . - Boys' Poros Knit Underwear . . ... ... . .19c Boys' 50c Underwear . . ... .. . . .. .. . . .39c Boys' $1.00 Underwear . . ... . . . .... . .73c Boys' $1.50 Underwear ... ... . . . : . .$1.15 Hvird GIRL PRIESTESS SRIRHS ALL" FOR SEE, "LIFE'S REVEALED'' "Public, May Crucify Me Upon V Cross of Contempt But PU ' ' Never Testify Against Him," .She Says. ' ' ; Waited Praaa Laaa'srira.) ' -. Chlcam. luni 1 T "Th. - w ,.uuu mmj crucify ma upon the cross of Its con-" tempt, bat I will never testify against S!wlvft A rtkn. flA . W . . . . I am a pure girU I know Sea la tha best of men, and no word of mine ahall avsr be used to send him to pr!son., Mildred Bridges, ths 17-year-old high priestess of the cult of tha absolute Ufa. j.ttr.l W .. 4.11. . (. . , . .vwfv wuvww uoiiiuva;y sve IB charged with contributing, today made thla final reply to Aaalstanf State's At torney Burnham. In doing ao ths girl spurned tha offer of her father to make ' her his sols heir, with an Income of ' 110,000 a year. No Inducement could '" force her to agree to testify agalnat Mothers Bosaala Plna. ",' w i a . a ji a m a . devotion, will be shown by Mildred Bridges, by her mother. Mrs. Stephen : oiiuii, 117 ouni nm ana oy ner mother, Mrs. . Felicia Reea. The two women wnom ine state cnargea wltn turning their daughters over to 8ae for Immoral purposes will be his firmest adberenta in hla actual trial, whloh open a Monday. Tha women believe See to have been what he professed the reaveler ot ao absolute life, disciple of a race of per tect mothers, and a living reincarnation of God. Oae Mxl WU1 TOIL -But tha atata haa found one woman who will not aland ao blindly by tho revealer. It waa announced thla after , noon that Bertha Klelnhause, now 1 1, : formerly a neophyte In Bee'a ' Junior . commonwealth, haa agreed to take the wltneaa atand and tell all tha thlnaa aha aaw and heard in the commonwealth during her three years' life there. ' She Is expected to testify that See took only jruung gina iuio ine inner lempie) of the cuiu It la aald ths girl's 'state ment will be a aensattoaal exposition of the actions In this Strang cult. Stephen Brldgea, father of ' Mildred and for a time a follower of Bee, , will bo another Important state witness. He and his wife gave thouaanda of dollara a.. n.rraln. on nt th nrk ' of the cult There is every probability that Sea ill make the closing address to the : lurv for the defense, though such a move wlU be bitterly opposeo py ine atate's attorney. See claima thla to be 'hit consUtutlonal right, and attorney a believe judge tionore win granv ma requeat. . 1 111 1 n 1 " mmtm-m mm aaaaBaaaMi aaaanss Finest Ever Shown. - Verv fine exhibition pisnos are- ob- , tainable now at greatly roduced price at Eilera Music House. where the en tire a-rand onenlna display of pianos. Player pianos and other instruments is - now being sold. -:V"' . . . !. .,