THE OREGON SUNDAY . JOURNAL, PORTLAND, , SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 18. 1911. ; Big Spoon-Shaped Vessel Has ; ,100 Horse Power Gasoline Engines Carries 250 Tons of Freight r , ww 9 mm m mmw w TOHOLDBAIIET Closing of Year's Work of the Women's Press Club Is ; Interesting Event ; ; RlflfiMM IS !l. Bin tiredfle WilhDceoeii Channel at Burlington . lilfflFN WRITFRK ui iiiul. ii aai ill w -ii fc . .... w . r . . . . . . .....,,. '4,.''''nM.iiriH'An"iPT fnzf " wlL"'- V r j sh - ' . fl . I ill - - 111 II ! HI ID, I I tlAV 1 1 1 . n lir- mntm, a I, ,,u t,i , i m i i mi mj&mihl.tiiit ,, ;i iV--i:jr" w pwicniraoN ! . . -4! PHOTOGftAPHYS Amid the cheering of large nura- . , bef of people gathered to witness the H neremonjr; the- large gan barge Waken ' . tit launched at the yard of the Port- land -Shipbuilding rompanr yesterday afternoon at I o'clock.- Whrn the enp f ports bad been knocKed out. tha eraft "slid easily from tha wy to the we. str, while the whistles, of lha nearby " araft icrtfrtiM a greeting1-, the new '. barf a entered her element. Bha wil chrlatenod by "Abe," an eld noffro, who ( rok tha bottla of champatna, m Mif wtiltA hlti rlhhim' On bar bow. f Mora Ihan a hundred people wltneaaed tha launching of tha aoval eraft, whleh ' la an Innovation to tha water of tha Willamette and Columbia rivera, and tha affair waa pronounced ft aucceM from every oolnt . 1 Tha Waken a waa designed by Charles M. Nelson, of tha Portland Shipbuilding ' company, and was constructed by that company for tha Clatskanla Transports tion company. 8he la a twin-screw, spoon-bow bsrgs 121 feet long. II feet beam and nine feet depth or nun, wun a draff of five feet She Is equipped with twa 109 horsepower gasoline en sines and Is fitted with electric lights. ; The barge baa a double boom derrick forward for handling freight and aha has sleeping accommodations . for eight . or ten passengers. 8bo has a carrying capacity of Z60 tons. Tha name Wak en was suggested by George H. Himes, of the Oregon Historical society and ta an abbreviation of tha name Wah-kte- nah, which was that - of an Indian 1 srfneess of Cathlamet - When tha barge goes Into commission In tha next weak or two she will oper ate between Portland and points on the lower Columbia river, such aa Deep i River, Grays river and come of the numerous . sloughs . that cannot be reached by tba steamer 3eaver. NAVIGATORS' NOTICES IJ. 8. Branch Hrdrogrsphlc Officer , Make Report. Captain Unauist, schooner O. M. Kel loss-. ..reports sigh tin a on May 11. In latitude 21 degrees II minutes north. longitude lit dogreee T minutes, the mast of a large vessel floating and up , and showing about two feet out of water. Ship pasaed within JO feet of the mast. - . Captain Fogel. tug Walter Haokett, reports a shoal of hard clay upon which there is 4 feet at M. I W about 201 feet by 100 feet directly In mldchannel. extending from off Taylor's Bunkers ta off Broadway, Oakland. Cat Several vessels have grounded there. Captain J. I Wilson, steamer Will lam , H Murphy, reports sighting on May 10, when 10 miles seuthwest mag netle from Table Bluff, Cai . a - large tree (0 feet long with roots extended . six feet out of tha water. . ; -Captain U. B. Smith, steamer Daisy, reports that on June I, when about 10 miles west northwest (true) of Yaqulna Head ha passed two large logs, one . about It feet long and 1H feet In diam eter and tba other about 40 feat long 'and 2H feet In diameter. " Captain C E. Kalstrom, Amerloaa . sxshooner BelUngham, reports that dur ing tha morning of June2 he passed a number of big logs between Port Crescent and Port Angeles,: Wash., and It looked as If some boom of logs had broken adrift They ware bunched be i tween Edla Hook Light and Baca Bocks light. - v' BAR SOUNDINGS U, S. Branch Office Receiveg Re ports From Masters. Columbia river-bar. May 27, 21 feet chart plane. Captain George Brldgett, .American Steamer Ascunslon. - Klamath river bar, June 2, 1011, t . feet chart plane. W. T. Bailey, Requa, Tluamook Bay Bar, June 1, 1111, 10 feet chart plane. The channel is now straight out west south and east north whistling buoy and Garibaldi . wharf. By A. ferlckson, steamer Golden Gate, Portland, Or. Rogue river bar, June 1, 1J1, 4 feet chart plana. Channel shifting slightly - to southward. A small Island has formed to tha southward of the chan. tool, by Fred 8. Gaughell. Wedderburn, ur. .' , Cbqullle liver bar, June 1, 1911 Chart plane 1 feet Channel well to - south. Sand spit extending outside north jetty on north side. By J. L. ' Kronenberg, Bandon. Or. Coos Bay bar, June 2, 1111, 19 feet chart plana. Channel same. By M. Bendegard, tug Columbia, North Bend, .Or, TOW BOAT CRIPPLE D Steamer No Wonder Has to Leave -;. Raft of Logs. While towing a log raft up from one of the sloughs on ths lower river yes terday morning tha steamer No Wonder, of tha Sharer Transportation fleet waa crippled by an axhaust pipe which broke, and she had to tie the raft up at the lower end of Deer island, three or four miles this side of Kalama, and come up to Portland for repairs. The . pipe began to give out when the steam-, r was abreast of Coffin's Rock as a result of the heavy work required to tow the raft against the strong cur rent in tha Columbia river at the pres ent - The, exhaust pipe waa repaired yesterday afternoon and the steamer was able to go out again last night SHIPPERS ARE WARY Preaent Rate of 29 and 30 Shillings e Not Enough. " , s ' Shippers are not over anxious to take sailing tonnage until they know condi tions better. According to one of them they ? will not touch much tonnage at present rates or rrom 29 to 80 shillings. Two carriers offering yesterday at 29 hillings received no response, although It Is said that some of the shippers would have been willing to figure At 28s Id,, which was tha highest that they wouia consider, it is believed that there will be plenty of steam tonnage available during September and October at !3a L ?.'.- - -"i a aa Upper picture, view of Burlington; i -, ' ' With the towing of the new dredge North Bank to a point ta the Willam ette slough near Burlington, Portland's new Industrial suburb, comes the an nouncement that the channel will be dredged immediately to a depth suffi cient to safely float tha largest vessels across tha Columbia river bar. "Built for uae in filling tha bridges of the North Bank road along the Co lumbia river,, tha big dredge waa towad ta tha Willamette slough whsra mora than a . mile of the channel will ba dredged. ; As soon as ths Columbia river falja the dredge will proceed to its work at tha various bridges, returning to complete the work at Burlington in the fall. , Burlington's water front la three miles long. The sand taken from tha channel will be used in filling In the low land at Burlington and thus prevent an over flow during high water In the Columbia and Willamette rtvsrs.; : Already several hundred feet of track has been 'laid from the Ban shingle mill, at tha south and of the property, to a point near the bank. This track will ba extended tha full length of. tha Bur lington water front as the work- ef dredging progresses, and will eventual-, Jower picture, dredge "North Bank." In Willamette slough, ly connect with tha spur already built from the main line of the Spokane, Port land A Seattle line to Astoria and the beaches. In an interview yesterday, O. M: Mc Dowell, general manager of the Ruth Trust company, said that Burlington would be given every possible facility for tha handling of freight With the channel dredged an additional six feet whtoh will make It approximately 21 feet, a sufficient depth to accommodate ocean steamers, and with ample track age, Burlington will have both rail and deep aea ahlpplng facilities capable of taking care of any number of new In dustries that may locate there. Switch- Ins- facilities will also be provided to take care of any demands. , Tha extension of tha United Railways from Banks to the great timber belt will make Burlington tha deep sea terminal for a district estimated to contain more than feet Tha '.United Railways pass through Burlington and tracks win : ba laid to handle ail . IU- ture business as it develops. Burlington Is 11 miles from Portland, with frequent service offered by the United Railways and the S., P. eV 8. rail way." ' 1 ready for work of dredging channel "The work of dredglng,tha ship chan nel will commence at once and Indus tries located there will have every rail faolllty necessary for tha rapid and economical handling of their products, as well is the raw materials." said Gen eral Manafr McDowell. The draflge North . Bank, recently launched at the Supple ahlp yards, has a capacity of 100,000 yards per month and will carry higher and further than any dredge on tha Paclf io coast Every thing on tha big craft was althernade In Portland or purchaaedthrough Port land firms. William Gerlg, under whose personal supervision the - dredge ' waa built aays that it cannot bs duplicated for less than $100,000. A crew of 20 men la carried to handle tha dredge while in operation. The North Bank Is 110 feet long, It feet wide and has a depth of hold Of seven feet -: The height of the dredge is 50 feet: The main engines have 600 norse power, with zso additional horse power, giving the dredge capacity to pump through one and one-balf miles of pipe. The dredge operated under lta own. steam, carries its machine shop and electric plant Three months will be required to complete the work out lined at Burtlngton at this time. The cloalng of tha year's work of tha Women's . State ' Prees . club of Oregon was marked with a memorial and cen tennial program, given last Wednesday evening In a committee room In the elty halL The maetlng was la ehargs of Mrs. Luda Paxon Addtton and was thor oughly enjoyed by tha large number of women writers who were present Among the authors abdut whose lives and writings Interesting facts and anec dotes ere presented .ware Kdward Ev erett Hale, Julia Ward Hows, Harriet Beecher Stows, Elleabeth Stuart Phelps ward. My re Kelly. David Graham Phil lips, Thomas Wentworth Hlgglnson, Pro fessor William; James and O. Henry. The speakers of tha evening were Miss Sarah Lyman, Mies Elinor Baldwin, Mrs. Eve lyn Allen Altchlson, Mrs. M. L. T. Hid den and Mrs. Additon. Some of those present were able to add remlnlsoenoae from a personal acquaintance with the authors named. " ,- a A pleasing incident of the evening arose from tha fact that It was tha birthday of the president Mrs. 'Hidden. Mra Additon. on behalf of ths dub, pre sented , Mrs. Hidden with a handsome pen and holder. A clever Impromptu poem addressed to Mra Hidden was written Immediately before the meeting by Mrs. Edith Palmer -Putnam and re ceived much applause when read. The annual banquet of the club will take place Wedneaday evening. June II, mm story . v Vaudeville Sketch Is Given a : " Public fl ehearsal Aik dience Applauds,.' , r YEN A very Interesting and educational program on photography was given un der the anspices of the Washington High School Camera club at the home of Its nresldent Dale JewelL . Friday evening. ' . The early evening was passed with music and a flashlight was taken on ths lawn. , Dale Jewell gave a prac tical demonstration of the development of plates and flima. Printing and re development processes were shown by Freeman McNary with some Views tak en from the top of ths Yeon building. Oregon strawberries and cream with cake were served on a prettily deco rated table. . As vaudeville Sketches go, "A Matinee KerOk" perpetrated by Donald Bowlea, and called "a satire on himself by him self," will average up pretty- well after It le properly trimmed and sandpapered and otherwise smoothed. Testerday af ternoon a public rehearsal was held be fore the regular matinee performance, and parti r because the sketch is some wbst funny in places, and partly owing to the popularity of the charactera, it received a good deal of applause. -A Matinee Hero" tells a story of a matinee hero who laves a pretty girl whose father Is a gruff old aea captain who wants to ba shown that tha mat inee here Is a real one, before ha will consent to tha marriage. The girl brother disguises himself as his sister and Jumps into tha ocean while the girl, la hiding, screams for help. , The old man cast swim, and the matinee hero, after showing his medals for bravery, removing his clothing, disclosing a fancy bathing suit ete.. ete- etc, prepares to jump into the water and reseus the boy whom he knows Is the boy, ha having conversed with the girl without demand ing aa explanation when the captain shoves him Into ths damp, moist sea. The climax comas when the brother is draggsd tn and rolled ever barrel. The captain In his seal to resuscitate his daughter, nulls the trousers from thi young man's limbs. , .- . The principal trouble with "A Matinee Hero,' Is that It la toe long. Cut to half Its length and smoothed off In places, the sketch will be a god ons. - It wlU be, different anyway. , -. TONY ELMORE IS KILLED ' BY BULL RUN LANDSLIDE (Saeetal DUeetab to The Sewaatl Oregon City. Or., June 17. Tony El more, who was employed ea construc tion work by the Mount Hood Railway company, was killed la a landslide near Bull Run at 1:10 Friday afternoon. Ha was working en the steam shoveL He ie an Austrian aad has relatives living In Portland. The coroner's Jury returned a verdict of "accidental death." . Students on 85-Mile Hike. , '(pedal Dlapateh tn The JeoraaLl ' Pacific University." Forest Grove. Or.. June IT. Five students of the .university left on an II mile hike to CoranTMeJ eoacn to oa on nana ror ine x. m. j. a. conference, Saturday morning, Tbey took light packs and expect to make tha trip in two days. They want north from here by way of Qlenwood, Buxton and Klst and plan to cross the Coast range through the Nehalem, reaching the coast by tha JKlk creek road. - Those who made op tha party ware: Auatln, Silverman, House, Murte and Bishop. Pianos for the Summer. 1 Pianos for summer resorts and beaches are Obtainable at reasonable rental -at Kllere Music House, now at Seventh and Alder. ' ' e GRADUATES 8 f OU young people who are i ' " graduating this" year, ; gnd .ym relatives and 1,' friend I of, these joting ""..'.'peopIg-4 '. ,.. l ' . M AKE g note n-o-w t$ telect f your, graduation pre .. ent from" .the , aplert- . 'did' - variety" of : Gift ') tfooda "on . display, at -1 Gill'. . 5. Ths J. X. OIU Oa, Id sj Alder Sta. BOOKS AND STATIONERT I 4 , V y-o-u are oon to be g bride, r 4 don't delay . g ' day to ' place your instruction .with ' GUI' , for your t E-n-g-r-a-v-i-n-g. ' ' - ND if you, reader, are a , ' friend or relative of a . .;" bride-to-be, rely- upon GUI' for'y-o-u-r Gift. WEDDINGS 94 days from Port of Spain, in the West Indies, to Vancouver, where she arrived Wednesday bight During the voyage ahe had a three-hour battle against the elements with her steering gear broken, and Just before shs entered the Straits of Magellan her starboard boiler broke down. After discharging about 6400 tons of sugar at the British Columbia port, the Ethelwolf will come down here. She Is expected to reach this port In about ten days, when she will load a cargo of lumber for South Af rica' for the L. P. Lee Lumber company. MARINE NOTES Astoria, June IT. Left up at 2 a. m., steamer Elmore and gasoline schooner WUhelmlna. Arrived at 6:25 a. m., and left up at 2:10 p. m., U. 8. cruiser Bos ton, from Bremerton. Sailed at 10:20 a. m., steamer Falcon, for San Fran claoo. Arrived at 10:10 a. m. and left up at 2:45 p. m.,' steamer Aberdeen, from San Francisco. Arrived at 12 noon and left up at 4 p. m., , steamer Rose City, from San Pedro and San Fran cisco. Arrived at 4 and left up at 4:10 p. nr., steamer Palrhaven, from San Francisco. Arrived at 4 p. m. and left up, British steamer Suverlc, from Mukilteo. Arrived down at I and sailed at 6 p. m., steamer Bear, for Saa Fran claoo and San Pedro. ' " "V Astoria, Juns 14. Arrived at JO and left up at 11 p. m., steamer Thos. L. Wand, from San Francisco. San Francisco, June 17. Sailed at 11 a. m., steamer Geo. w. Elder, ror port- land. Arrived at 11 a. m.,' Steamer Yel lowstone, from Portland. San Pedro, June 17. Passed at 9 a.m., steamer Riverside, from Balboa, for Portland. Hong Kong, June 17. Arrived previ ously, Norwegian steamer . Henrtk Ib sen, from Portlsnd. . Adelaide, June IT. Arrived yesterday, Norwegian steamer Sark, from Port land. - : Tides at Astoria Sunday. High wa ter, 4:32 a. m., 7.0 feet; 6:55 p. m., 7.5 feet. Low water, 11:10 a m., 0.2 feet; 11:68 p. m., t.l feet. late and it Is desired to get her out on schedule time, ' y - Fred .De Rock, the Portland . diver and wrecker,, was sent to South Bend yesterday by Captain Albert - Crowe, surveyor for the San Francisco Under writers, to try and ..locate the leaks in the schooner, which stranded In Grays Harbor a few days ago while going out with a lumber cargo.. , , The power passenger schooner Anvil, Captain ' Weber, which Is soheduled to arrive here June 21 from Bandon, wlH take out a cargo of cannery supplies for the Umpqua on her next trip which will be Jupe 23. The supplies are be ing shipped by S. Elmore & Co., of Astoria., , t - - Laden with 800 tons of 'cargo, the steamer Thomas L. ,Wand, Captain Peterson, arrived at Couch street dock yesterday afternoon from San ' Fran' clsffO. I She had 400 tons of cement,-100 tons of asphalt and 100. tons of gen eral freight She will load grain and lumber for. San Francisco. MARINE INTELLIGENCE ALONG THE WATERFRONT , " HAH STRENrOCS .TOYAGE Ethrtwolf "suffers , la ' Battte ' With ' . ; Elements; Other 111 Lock," i -' Northern advices state that tha Brit ish 'Steamer Ethelwolf, -which ts tinder charter to Toad cargo of lumber at , litis port had an exciting passage of Carrying 15 passengers, 16 tons Cf chlttlm bark, 900 boxes of cheese and 10 tons of genera! freight the steamer Sue. H. Elmore, Captain Schrader, ar rived at Couch Street dock from Tilla mook at 1:20 o'clock yesterday, after noon. . 1 Laden with freight from the Siuslaw, the . gas schooner WUhelmlna, Captain Tyler, was scheduled to arrive tip In the harbor last night V i .. The steamer 'Alliance wilt be due te ail from this port tomorrow afternoon for Coos Bay and Eureka with pass angers and general freight j -- Cargo will . be "worked- on the ' Bank Line steamer Suverlc which was due te arrive at the Albers dock at an early hoar Atnis . morning, today . as sna is Ina to Arrive. Str. Geo. W. Elder. San Diego. .June II Str. Breakwater, Coos Bay,.., .June 19 str. uoiden Gate, Tillamook ...June zo Str. Anvil, Bandon ........... .June 21 Str. Beaver, San Pedro...- .June 22 Str. Roanoke. San Pedro ......June 25 Str. Sue H. Elmore, Tillamook, .June 24 ctir. Alliance, Eureka .,...,.'. .June z Str. Bear. San Pedro June 2 Str. Rose City, San Pedro. ... ..July 2 Dne to Depart. " Str. Roanoke, San Diego... i.. Indefinite Str. Alliance. Eureka..... ...... June IS Str. Anvil. Bandon Juno 20 Sir. Suo H. Elmore, Tillamook June 20 Htr. Breakwater, Coos Bay. ., .June 20 Btr. uoiaen ante, Tillamook. . ,. June 21 tr. Geo. W. Elder. San Dlero.-.Juno 21 Htr. Rose City, San Pedro. .....June 22 Str. Bear, San Pedro July 2 - Coasters to Arms, Despatch, Am. str. ......San Frsncisco J. B. Stetson, Am. Str. San. Francisco J. A. Chanalor, Am. str. .San Francisco Shasta, Am. str. ............ an Pedro Shoshone, Am. str. .........Ban Pedro RoBecrans. Am. str.. ........ .Monterey Westerner.- Am. str. San franelsco Yellowstone, An str. ..... .San Pedro Ulscellansons Tassels Xaroute. Balboa, Am. seh.....,....,,.MeJlllonea Bannockburn, Br, str. . ., Antwerp Carondelet, Am. bg 4 . San Francisco Ethelwolf, Br. str. .,;,. .i .Victoria Ethel Zane. Am. sch. ,.,, ..San Pedrt H. Hackf eld, Ger. sh ...... , , . Honolulu Hampton, Br. str. Ban Francisco King Cyrus, Am. sch. , .....San Pedro Koan Maru, Jap;', str. Honolulu Louisiana. Am.- bge . .....(.,.Inndale Orterio, Br. atr. . ... ......... . seattla 8t David. Am. bge. . . .. Irondal Solveig, Nor. str. ......... Antwerp Strahlyon, Br. str. ........ r.Tokohama Titania,- Nor. str. ...... Victoria Orals Tonaags JJaronte.. . t- t Col de Vlllebols Mareull,-Fr. bk. ... Glasgow Jules Gotnmes, Fr. bk. Newcastle onT. Rene, Fr. blc ... ........Newcastle, - A. St. George. Br. str. ...........Antwerp Straithbeg, Br. str. .....Antwerp St. Rogatlen, Fr. bk. .....i.,,. London Barmbek. Ger. sh, .-. . ...... Sta, Rosalia Rene, Fr. bk......,.,,, .Newcastle, A. Bretagne. Fr. bk.' -V .... Newcastle on ; T. I Kirkcudbrightshire, Br. sh Newcastle A. Klnross-shlre. Br. bk. .Newcastle on T. Vessels tn Port, H. Hackfeld, Ger. sh. . . . .NortbPaclflo Balboa, Am. sch. St Johns Boston, U. 8. ss. on way up Sttverle, Br. ss. r. . . i . .... . ..; Albers' Oswestry, Br. sa., Tongue Point Rose Cityr Am. ss. .. Alnsworthl Johan Poulsen. Am. bs.. . .. . . .WestDort Strathlyon. Br. ss. .Eastern & Western Marshal de Gontaut Fr. bk.Port Lbr. Co. Marechal de Castries, Fr. bk. ...Llnnton BELIEVES PROPOSED ORDINANCE DEFECTIVE Portland, Or., June 17, 1911. To the Editor of The Journal: . Having occasion to examine the pro posed new plumbing 'ordinance which would have passed the city council at Its last meeting, but for the foresight of Councilman. Belding, I find it defec tive, ambiguous and dangerous. It ts evident that it has been drawn In favor of the plumbing supply houses of this city, as Its provisions in very rigid in regard to tha weight of material used and will cause no end of dissatisfac tion " 1 . The powers of the plumbing Inspec tors are greatly .increased and through Its ambiguities will . causa endless trouble and expense. to both -contractor and owner. ' By eliminating waste and vent connections with the lead bend under toilets, it will cause considerable cutting and weakening of buildings and unsightly furring of walls and ceilings. In providing for. heavier ferrules, sol der nipples, clean outs, tubing, traps and other necessary ? fittings It will greatly increase the cost The provision for walling cesspools is dangerous Jri allowing the brick to be set on edge, the . writer knowing of one Instance where a cesspool so .constructed In Al bina caved in and an aged woman saved herself serious Injury pnly by N hanging to an iron pipe leading into it It will require more Inspectors to en force the provisions, yet the annual II cense fee of plumbers has been elimi nated. thereby causing a loss to the city's revenue of about $2,000 per year. It is evident that ' the framera of said ordinance wanted to do something for the betterment of the sanitary con dltlona Of the city, but they have failed to do so. 1 The present plumbing ordi nance has been In 'effect for several years, Is Sanitary in every respect and with a' few minor changes will be good enough for this or any city.: The pres ent, building ordinance has prevented mar v persons from building, so why add to the . cost of tha,. over-burdened home builder by passing this proposed plumbing ordinance? . v I trust that the members or tne city council will, examine Its provisions and reject It. l . ; . - A TAX PAYER. , v Expert Piano Tuning; ,v This is the time of year that pianos are tuned most advantageously. Ellens Music House tuners are expert In tbetr line. 4 Charges are J reasonable. Tele phone or call Eilera Piano House, now at Seventh and Alder. ; . , . ' V - MV-Vrw-W UMaaaaaaialliaaaaaailiaiaaialiaiaiiiii . i.''-' - ' 1 1- ,v, 1 - -TV' 1- . , -: f ,f,- in . : , , .. ... . f 1 -, .... - ' .'' , . . 5 . I. ..."., j. i. - - .a.'..". OPENING OF MY NEW DENTAL PARLORS .'1 -i Finest Dental Parlors on the Coast Now Open to the Public New L6cation,313te Washington St; Cor. 6th. Entire . : Upstairs Corner Immediately Opp. Wilcox Bldg. Dr. E. CAusplund, the pioneer: dentist, proprietor of the Electro Dental Par- lors, Fifth and Washington .streets, has now opened, at ' the northeast corner: Sixth and Washington streets, in the newly constructed La- . fayette " building, - whatrnre conceded. to be vthe .tmest dental parlors west - of ' the Mississippi nver. , , Everything that goes - to equip a new and, modern 'dental- establishment -: has - been installed all the ; lat est appliances for, extract W ing and filling teeth pain- lessly i 4he ; best . and most . . skillful operators that could 'be . engaged;, reception ; . rooms of comfort to those ..waiting for attention; nice, ; : c6ol airy, ventilated oper ating room, etc. ; ' v:. . v Dr. Ausplund has spent '. years of study in dentistry; . and every patient is given the, benefit of his : expert r knowledge While it is ab? ,-solutely .impossible for Div -. Ausplund to. give his per- ' sonal, attention " to every visitor, nevertheless - the IIM 11,1 ' DR. E. O. AUSPLUND, "Manager:.. . work is so arranged that each patient has the same care and treatment as if the doctor himself had : taken the . case.'- because " every thing is done directly, under his supervision. - Owing to the volume of business done by the Elec tro Dental Parlors, rates have ; been reduced 'to: the lowest possible1 minimum For the -benefit of - those that are not acquainted with; the established prices,;; they. ' areherewith ,' pub- ; Iished : Porcelain crowns, ; T;.;i $S ; 22k gold crowns5 ; ; X 22k; gold : bridge, ' $3.50 ;. . gold filUngsHn, silver fill-,; ingsv3oc,Ueeth with plates, Hi i $5.;A11 work is .warrant- ed for 1 5 years and best bank", references given. Dr; Absnlund . wishes it distinctly - understood that he feels that the success of the' Electro i Dental; Parlors is "due. to the fact:that4he - -very best . work , is " per formed at very J lowest prices.' Patients' are depended-on for, recommen-' dations The , offices are , open 1 every , evenings until 9 o'clock. : ; 1 ; ; A cordial invitatioais ex- v tended a everyone r: to visit ' the new Electro Dental Par lors, formerly. Fifth and , Washington, now -corner fl j S i x t h and ' , Washington, northeast corner, opposite' ' the new -Wilcox building..; - 1 I 'A