The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 18, 1911, Page 64, Image 64

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, ' ' . - ' ,. '(Copyright. MIL, by Tns North Aimrlen Company.) . ; , - ... . i "7 '- - . .v ' . .,: ; . ' .
1 III TV . r w i
ACK nd I wtrt
strolling along at
ease under the wil
low trees. In tha
water rocked our
host with tha dip
ping of tha rivsr.
Tha lata after
'noon wm refresh
ing after the In
ti)M haat of mid
day, and I wtm
glad" to see Old Sol
going down In th
wait that I 'wm
at peace with all
tha world. Sudden
ly Jack turnad to m. a pacullar quls
slcal look In hla eyes and hi forehead .
wrinkled In the moet troubled fashion.
"Did It ever ocour to you, Mac," he
remarked, "thst wa lead about tha most
monotonous Ufa of any boy In the
world's history Not Juat you and I,
understand, but every modern young
I grunted; the Afternoon waa too
peaceful to dleturb with discussion.
. "Why," aaid Jck. elttlng up and wax
ing eloquent, "think of the life of a
fallow of 17, In the daya of Kldd. for
Instance, and compare It to ours. What
adventure ever befell ua in all tha courae
of our HveaT Don't mention the time we
were loat in the marah when 'we were
out after duck; why, that"
time? We go Into high achool and then
Into college and then Into business or
aome out-and-dried profession. Humph I "
Neither of ua would know how to act ,.
If we were attacked. Om! I wtfh I
could get on that a loop and sail oft after
aome dangerous, bloody French privateer
or aome huge Spanish warship." , . ' '
- I' Jumped -tip qulcty.-na-thafar
the way you feel about It let' gat on -our
way. Who know what may happen
under cover of tha darkness r
Soon we were comfortably neconced
In our trig little vessel. X taking my ',
place In the atern.
The boat glided smoothly and ewlftly
rU DEAR ME, I cannot mm
V- Where all the little ehipg can be;
I watch them go out in a row
Along the far horizon though
I never see them come again
Across the sily'ry, distant main.
Oh, do they reach some fairy shore
And wish to stay there evermore!
Dear little ships, that now I see, .
Some day,' oh please, come 'back to me.
Elsieand Fnp33q thefiddler
prised U see alUth anlmala troop out and
back to Bis bidding. They came to a mar
ble room In tbe palace, where stood a Illy
pond and the throne of In Hoptoad King.
The prince worn (am of checkers, and
shortly afterward the Hoptoad Kln died.
Runnlnc to the floe below. E Isle found
JLtilB LEE. having lost her pot parrot.
was invitea oy a rairr to ro in searcn
of huu. ahe t-ilinwed lata lb (airy
. host, and eh and the fairy- splint up a
sunbeam until they reached an Island, on a
projection of which Elsie espied' her par
rut. Leaning out to Kt him. sh lost her
! fcalano and fell down, down, only to
awaken la her father's anna .
uue day. whtu hv . In a woods,
the tree beneath which sh stood turned
' Into a cloud of butterllles. which, enveloping
her. sailed away to an underground cavern.
Her colled In a comer Froagy the Fiddler
showed Elele a hue snake. Rushing out
vote, she round h-ielf on the brink of a
stream. Suddenly Proirry the Fiddler pulled
nr la. She awakened la a hug water
.. At the wedding of Spring asd Winter
Fromry the prlnc was changed Into a llt
: tie hor prtnc.
Elirte and he had a game of taar. during
the Brorress of which he lifted the ltd of
a bis- Noah's ark, when Elsls .was sur-
Sorae wttchee bolUn the Hoptoad King and
Is followers.
Then he found herself back In the play
room, where sh saw a live doll and a talk
ing bear.
She bscsa a tour of the palace with the
prince. The prtnos ran out of the room,
returning with a oharlot, int which Elsie
Jumped and was soon fast asleep. On awak
ening she , found herself being drawn
throus-h a room the walls of which wer
mirrors. Sh discovered that the palace
belonged to the little boy at her aid.
Th prtnc Invited her to a fancy dress
nail, nne eOTvpiea in invitation, and at
Jvlilel-ir:.. I
SCH on a tlm long
ago there dwelt on
tha ahoraa of the ;
Oraaf ; La a
Yery 'strong brave,
who was , called
, Brows Bear. , He
waa one v of. ,'tha
aaoat thrifty Linen
of his natiod and
his Wtf-"tvnr
BnowMrd.. By day and by night hi
amtchad, but saw nothing. Tha orpha:
boy took good rare-of little 11a eon and
, Uha baby thrived. , , 7 , , .; , ;
. Oae day tbe two were down beside 'tht
, lake and , little rigeon waa trying tc
cast tha bright pebblea into the watei
! when hev saw a' white ailil risa tmrr
tha lake and fly toward them. When 11
wws rmnB oiosa-tr cnanaea into
woman. Snowbird. . ? .
ne caught her Httle eon In her arme
"Don't worry, I won't," I said lacon
ically. ' "What chance does a fellow ever get
te be romantlo or adventurous in these
through the river.
Suddenly I eapled a light ahead.
"Must be small," remarked Jack,
We paid no further attention to the
craft, which looked as though It
were a fishing oUtnt
Suddenly our aloop rocked a little
and we heard several distinct snaps.
"Hark!" I exclaimed. We could
hear angry shouta from the men In
the rear and the aound of awlft oars
in the locks. By tbe aid of tha little
lantern they carried we made out the
forma of three man In tha boat
They were roughly clad In corduroy
breeches and soft shirts, open at the
necks, about which were alung bright
colored hnndana handkerchiefs.
"Foreigners," exclaimed Jack. "And
they've got their ' dander up, too. -What
had we best dot"
"Discretion ia the better part of
valor, quoth I.
"They avre too mad to be monkeyed
with. Hit It up. Mac."
From the rear we heard the words
"broke and "Ashing lines," In pecu
liar foreign Hugo, and oame to tha con
clusion that wa had broken their lines.
I waa trying to start the angina ail.
thig time.
"Something' wrong with the con
founded thing," I breathed, . trying to
get at the base 'of the trouble. "Can't
start. Jack."
Tha forelgnere were now alongside,
and Jack made hast to posaeas him
self of an oar. Wa eould not make
out what they were aaylng, but the
atata of their feeltnga could easily be
ascertained by glance at their gut
tering eyea. '
Tha biggest of the lot put his hands
on the rail of our sloop. Without a
- second's .hesitation Jack brought tha
oar down, and tha huge fellow dropped
back wtth a howl of pain.
Next a lithe little fellow, the smallest
and thinneat of the three, watching his
chance, tried to board the sloop, (
Jack placed the end of the oar on the
man's chest and pushed him back Into
the boat.
His oar played Ilka a flail from one to
another. Not for a moment did he lose
hla nerve. Meantime I worked furiously
with that unyielding engine. At last I
had it in condition. I shoved the tiller
. clean over. I could tell tha moment the
wind poured out of the canvas and the
boom tilted up. I sprang for tha other 1
oar and used It unsparingly on the two
who were trying to board the atern.
The boon swept over our heads and
the sloop heeled over with a vicious Jar, 1
and the little craft plunged ahead Ilka a
frightened bird, leaving those cursing,
bronse pirates far 'behind.
When we had time to breathe I looked
at Jack. "Adventure la dead, is K?" I '
asked sarcastically. "If that'a not ac
cording to Kldd, I'd like to have you
dope It out for me"
-... ..nt hunary m""ns ana nursing mm. ny signs shd
never went """ mad known to the orphan boy that hj
oacaus vm ; o onng me cniia uver vry oay.
1 1 ' lift...' t 1 n 1 - ' V
to h,,nt 11. tiaA a very prn . rar in rrom me,
a bright.' , nuni.tbe bo' toIdl Wm tht H
little wife. ; Snowbird, and a ""'J1-! - pened. When, the next afternoon, htj
eyed little papoose whicn ne w
"Pigeon" because of ths soft, hipy
000 which was tha, only sound It made.,;
Besides these there lived In hi wig
wan bis old cross mother and ev httle
Indian boy, whom ha had adopted. They
would all have been very happy, Indeed, J
had K not been for. Brown Bear's mother;
but she was cross enough and wicked
enough to make them all unhappy. ,
Brown Bear was very dear to bar, In
fact, her favorite aon; but she was so .
Jealous of .hla wife that she often tried '
: his patience sorely. -' r :;.
Hour by hour' ths old 'woman nursed ,
her Jealousy or Bnowbird, until finally aha
began to plan to make away with her ,
poor little daughter-in-law. She forgot
her own youth and how aha had loved
Brown Bear's father and bad gone to,,
bis wigwam, there. to be treated wtth ',
the greatest kindness.
1 On day aha asked Snowbird to go
with her to see a great grapevine swing '
which stood near the Oreat Lake.
Sh got into th swing and, gradually
working up speed, swung far out over ,
deep water. Then she Jold Snowbird to
took the baby to the shores of tha lake!
Airuwn jjear jowoweo and hid behind thai
ouanes. ine ooy cnose a white pebble I
ana cast it into the lake. Soon thai
wmi gun ro rrom the surface and I
came ashore, then aa before changed I
i - wuinan. Mgeriy snowbird I
d for the child. Brown Bear, still I
mm.-, pmni, sprang rrom me I
bushes with a glad cry of welcome. - I
1 "Why did you ever go awayl" hel
Snowbird could not speak, put pointed
to a heavy belt she wore.
.Bwn Bear aimed a mighty blow at
hum, wmcn were oroaen to irag
. tnenta. and droonaH tn the rth
Then Snowbird oould apeak again, and
ahe told her huaband how It happened
mat she loll into the lake; how a hug!
seisea ner ana arew ner- to
tno oouom; now she found that he lived
In a magnificent lodge, where the floora
vjl wnuesi Band.
. There WUr great forest In tha rnun.
try of th water tiger, and great num.
here of flSefliea lit the place at night.
The water tiger consulted his mother
ss to wnat to do witJi Snowbird. She
told him to marry the beautiful Indian
maid. -.,.
Snowbird kept the tiger's lodge neat
ana was not very unhappy. She con
sented to marry him if he would allow
her sometimes to go on shore to aea
ner cniia. The water tiger a mother
' Me te
the hen met Froe-TV tbe Fiddler,
a vary enlorahl tlm.
Bh had
By A. J. Drcxcl Biddle
1 n
IQAIN Elsie's host
addressed her:
"Tou srs going
to leave ma Do
you know, I : am
the only 0 h 1 1 d
down her?. I shall
miss you sol Con
dltions hars
e h a i g e d, and
Froggy the Fid
dler can't call for
you any more,. The
Fatea decree that you muat come of
yourself hereafter. To get here, fall
asleep, and, In your Bleep, pick a four
leaved clover. Inatantly you will be"
Elsie couldn't hear, the rest. She was
running away from, the little boy.
"I must be crazy," she said to herself,
and tried to stop. She could not. Her
effort only resulted In making her
prance like a horse. Elsie bad heard of
Bain. Vitus' dance.
"I wonder If I have It?" she thought
Then, strange aa it may seem, the
little girl found herself outside the ball
room and clambering into the chariot.
The horse was prancing. Just aa she
had been doing a moment before.
Had she been prancing, or wa It the
horse ail the time? Elsie felt overcome
With bewilderment. In this state she
father once told her. "alt quite Hill and
do not attempt to Jump from your
. Elale recalled this, so she eait still
and screamed. The long hall had been
paased through, aa had the aquarium
and looking-glass rooms, and now ths
horse was cantering through tha toy
The floora were covered with Noah's
ark animals. They seemed to be en
Joying a frolic all to thomselveg when
the hobby horse dashed In among them,
it ruthlessly trampled over elephants,
rhinoceroses and hippopotami. When
the dancing bear came near, however,
the horse took fright and sped away
through room- heretofore unknown to
Elsie, and from' them out Into the
She was still calling for help,
when the ringing of a bell caused
her to look behind.
Froggy the Fiddler was pursuing
upon a bicycle..
"Don't go; don't go!" he cried,
Elsie answered:
"T can't help It I Stop the horse!'
But the wooden . animal In-i
creased its speed until it seemed
to fly.
"Here I ami"
Elele strained every nerve to listen.
"Come, wake up!" the voice con
tinued. "Tou have been sleeping the
entire afternoon."
Elsie felt herself shaken gently by the
"Pull." she cried, excitedly; "pull me
out of the chariot!"
There was a hearty laugh close by her
ear, This frightened Elsie more than
ever, and, believing that aome giant
had her, ahe opened her eyea. But ahe
aaw no giant Uncle Tom was lifting
her on to his kneea. Elsie was safe,'
and fairyland had vanished. ,
"Dreaming again, I do declare," aaid
Uncle Tom. "What a little dreamer you
Elale atlll felt dazed, rbut she waa aure
that ah had really been to fairyland.
This belief was confirmed when ahe
looked down and found, clutched in one
of her handa, a dainty little package
In pink ribbons.
"Why. that'a my present from Froggy
the Fiddler!" ahe exclaimed; and ahe
proceeded to tell 'Uncle Tom how
Froggy had given It to her upon her
arrival beneath the water sky. He had
at that time requested her not to open
it until she left him, and he had also
asked that she keep it in remembrance
of him.
Elale'a uncle listened smilingly. When
she had finished speaking he said:
- was .carried away. The hobbv hors
; began galloping. EJsie was all alone,
. v. but she concluded that it would h a.
gerou to Jump from the chariot In
deed, the steed went faster and faster.
naill at length Elale made up her mind
that it was running away with her.
She bad never in her life heard of a
fcobby horse running away, so she didn't
know what to do.
"If your pony ever runs away," her
Home' in a Chariot
LONG the roffd of precious stones
the diamond dust flew thicker and
thicker. Some of at rot Into
Elsie's eyes, which she closed and be
gan to rub. Then, fearing that Froggy
would lose her. she called again:
'Help! Where are your'
A voice but not Froggy answered:
eagerly Inside the book. There were no
pictures! But ths print was so very
large that ahe had no trouble In reading
the first page upon which ahe opened:
Lleten. little girls snd boys.
Ev'ry one who s fond of toys:
"Fairyland's not far away'
This Is what th froggles say.
There's on frogsy you know well.
Who he Is I need not tell.
He Invitea sou all to com.
Throucb tbe water, to his home.
Pown beneath a wat'ry sky.
Where you'd think t wet 'Ms dry.
8tanda a fairy palace grand.
Now I hope you'll understand.
Ther la where th froggy dwells.
How to get ther froggy tells.
Now he'd take you If he could.
Tou must first sleep In a wood
And -
When you enter dreamland fair,
Pk-k a four-leaved clover there.
Frogry then shall take your hand
And lead you to fairyland."
"(JhC what a time V have to get back
again!" Elsie sighed.
There waa something familiar to her
In the last stanra. She pondered over
it. Suddenly ahe remembered:
"Why, those were the very directions
which King little Boy was trying to
give me when I ran away from him."
Now there was no longer any doubt
- In Elsie's mind that ahe had Juat re
turned from fairyland. She knew that
she had, and her' new book furnished
her with all the proof which ahe
needed. Uncle Tom could not bring
Elsie to believe anything to the con
trary. So there waa no use in arguing
with her. Uncle and niece held to their
respective opinions.
Gentle reader, who do you think was
right, Elsie or Uncle TomT It ia left
with you to decide whether the book of
dlrectlona. entitled "Fairyland, and
How to Reach It" was given to Elsie
by Uncle Tom In his woods or by
Froggy the Fiddler in fairyland. If the
latter Is the case and it see ma that it
must be you have an equal chance with
Elsie of visiting fairyland and frogland.
You will aee this by referring to the
first two lines of the directions, which'
are addressed to all young folks. '
The froggles say that the little boy
still awaits the coming of a second child
to his fairy kingdom.
Whenever you see a frog, be kind to
It, and you may learn something of the
r 1 v4
. 4
get in and take swing.' So Bnowbird
got into the vine swing and, happy aa
a child, swung out as far as she could.
Swiftly the old squaw crept up behind
her with bared knife and when Snow
bird was far out deftly cut. ths vines
and let her drop down.
A great deal frightened, she made for
home and. putting on her daughter-in-law's
garments, sat by the fire, hiding
her face. When Brown Bear returned
home he gave her the choice bits of
meat from his day's bunt thinking that
she was Snowbird. She was go cross
thai Brown Bear felt uncomfortable and
got quickly out tf the wigwam.
The little orphan boy had been watch
ing the figure by the fire and he made .
up hla mind that It waa not Snowbird.
Stirring the fire to a bright blase, he
LlkS,! tat h?r .fac- "Where Is Snow
bird V he asked.
"Down by the waters," aaid the old
woman. "She la awlnging." The boy
flew out of the wigwam andidown to
the lake, where he saw the broken
Wtth all haste he went In search of
Brown Bear and told him hla discover
ies. y
Sadly Brbwn Bear walked before hla
cujr Drown nenr waiaaa oerore nia 1 .
W,1W7U H.V could- not . bear- to think.- . -enf her a great guH'a whig with
...that bl mother., was- capabla-of-doing
so wrong a thing and asked her no
questions. He smeared his face and
body with black , paint aa a sign of
He turned his hunting spear upside
down and pressed it into the soil, pray
ing for thunder, wind and rain to raise
his wife's body to the surface.
Days passed and there was no sign of ,
ar, to
to fly. Only -ne-eartlon she rav
to fasten his belt about her tvu
that she would not desert him.
So when Brown Bear broke the chain
she was free again and returned to his
wigwam to watch over little Pigeon and
m hflnnv fArat,aw alt., ' "
The wicked old woman, when she saw
them coming, flew away from tti lodge
and was never hear! of again.
"Tou quaint child! I gave you that
package Just aa you were going to
aleep. It contains another book. Tou
recollect you unwrapped the first book
wbioh I gave you. and I wag reading
aloud to you from it when you wan
dered away into dreamland.
"Now. you have often asked ma the
way tare to fairyland, and as I found
. a book describing tha route, I got It for
' you." '. r ' .
r- Elsie opened her package. It did con
tain a book. In largs golden letters on
the book's cover waa ths title. "Fairy
land, and How to Reach It" The Itttla
girl was now wide awake. She looked
: Tears have passed since Elsie's won
derful adventures with Froggy the
Fiddler. She is now a beautiful young
lady, but ahe atlll regards as one of
her most valuable possessions the pre
cious book, "Fairyland, and How to
Reach It" - '
THOROUGHLT wipe. and pollen a
wineglaaa so that It la quite bright
and clean, then All it with water,
aa much as it will bold. If the glass is
quite bright and clean, you will be able
to fill it above the brim.' Now take a
card and carefully place it on top of the.
water, pressing it on the brim of the.
glass. If this be carefully done there
will be no air bubbles between the card
and tbe water; If ths glass be more than
full, it can certainly be accomplished.
Now quickly turn the glass upside down, '
keeping th finger, on the card. .
This being accomplished, , the . finger
can be removed from thai card and the
water will not run out nor will th card
fall away1. - The explanation Is aa fol
lows: .. -". f -. ,
The gurgling sound wo hear when
liquid Is poured from a bottle arises
from the air rushing through the liquid,
and taking Its place in the bottle.
The air which goea Into the bottle
must be the same In bulk as the liquid
which runs out, otherwise there would
be no flow. . For the same reason, a
venthole la made In a cask.
In our experiment no air can get Into
the glass, and so no liquid can flow out
If the glass, still Inverted, be placed on
a tray, the card cart be slipped away
and still no water can flow out , r
A Chinese Coffin
"If" : - . .
. When Philip of Macedon wrote to the
Spartans, "If I enter Laeonla, I will
level Lacedaemdn to the ground," he '
received for answer tha single wordV
"If.": . This U considered the finest la-.-conlc
utterance on record, worthy of ths '
people 'who gave a .same to abort and
pithy speech, ri, . . . '"v . '". Vv r
A i- '''' . ' '. '
CHINESE ccffln is made in a very
sunstantiai manner. -
Four times as much wood la
needed for it as for one of our cas
kets, and much better wood, at that,
than is generally put Into um : -
There are four outer slabs, i which ;
are from six to . eight inches wide. '
The- logs are concave Inside,, and .
little -: is dons by ' way of decorating
them. - Thr is not a great deal of
room Inside. The Chinaman Is laid '
away in crowded eemeterlesj which
are av feature of ; bis . overpopulated
country. .. .v--1 v
HT Is It, Aunt
" Edith." said Mary,
"that one has to
dig a flower bed
very deep?" ,A
"The main reason,
' dear," , said Aunt
Edith, "is that
the roots may have
a chance to go
; down deep . and
find their : own
drlnk,,, - "
- "Why Is' it that
, different flowers
1 need different de
grees of moisture t
My - sweet- pess
; drink a great deal
"more than tha nasturtiums. Lilies drink
a good deal more than popples or ml
; gnonette." -: "S'-h :v ' . . .,
Aunt EdIOl laughed, "Now you have
asked me . a question, that ,1 . cannot
answer.' Mother Nature just made them
'. so. 'I suppose." , ". :.:: ..
"I see,' said Mary. "I think I'll run
to the house now and get my watering -pot",.'
'...;,:'' ,'; ';''' y-v.-"'''.-?
. "While the sun is shining so strongly! :
That would be very foolish, Mary. The
sun would drink up the water before
the flowers get a chance. Always re- .
member, ., too,, that a mere sprlnkie of .
water does the plants very little. If any,
good. When you water flowers, soak
them. thoroughly; give them a good bath, .
not a little hands-and-faca wash. This '
1s tha only ' way you can be aura-that
the'water will get right down to tha
roots."; : vvv v. i --r J ,J- "t-- v';
, thoughtfully, "and always soak' my
plan! a well." 1 ,
'There is another thing to remember,
though,' said "Aunt Edith. Spraymg
the leaves of a plant washes off the dust
and Insects snd permits the plant to
breathe well, which is very important
to their health and comfort" :
SF a,. " V ' "V - ASyff.WSjJIJPjg, I,
V' "
"Yes; I should think so." said Mary,
"Their bodies are covered ! with , pores
Just as ours are. I think watering Is
r very Interestingsubject Aunt Edith,
t -don't your"
T shall remember that,-. said Mary,, v -Tea. Indeed. smiled Aunt Edith.