The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 18, 1911, Page 63, Image 63

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Mrs. Hlnry.Symes
' ' '.--;.'-. t . . J ' .
remedy for the biwt tilled T J live In Ha
eounlry end Jo aot know where logo for it.
- Can yU l"U me ehat do for Ure
Veins OS the back of th hamla a:i4
. armaf ,-..,. OUT-OK-TUWN.
I - am not at liberty to give nr
names and addresaes, nut It you will
' take tba prescription to your nearest
drug store, I am sure you will have
no difficulty in havhxj It filled, or eie
nndlna tbe name ft a large concern,
to which you could send the recipe,
I do not think I can prescribe snr
hlna. fnl thla .
N 7KB appointed day for the third
exhibition of the three ivMch John
and Alary were rlvine ' ms, . X
found that they bad a number of
tittle exercises ' to show.
vfTbeM are for VERT buey peopl.
explained Jobn, "who cannot apart mora
than five minutes, a day. They are all
aaally done, and perbapa torn of your
reader -would Ilka to try them before
the harder Ones,"
Tba first exerciee was, aald Mary, a
food way of getting up the circulation
wtieif one le still sleepy, or later on,
on whiter morning?, when one la cold.
-. " . .
' The vtevdihq attendants
FTER tha bride and groom come
the attendants of each and their
duties, and U la about the other
members of the wedding party
; that I wish to speak to you today.
It Is a bride's privilege to decide how
many persons shall be In her. escort to
the altar. . Sha chooses the maid or
matron of honor and her brMeemaJda,
and with the groom selects tha ushers.
I At a home wedding there la really no
occasion for more than one attendant
for the bride. At a church wedding
; there can be aa many as she wishes.
' The maid of honor Is usually tha bride'a
sister Or ber most intimate friend. The
flower girls or pagea are usually chosen
- from the younger members of tha
bride's or groom's family.
-'- There are many, attractive ways for
tha wedding party to enter the church,
depending on tha arrangement of aJslee
andon the number-of attendants. . The
beat man and the ushers are tha aama
In number as tha maid of honor and
'the bridesmaids.' . y -'" ..'rw '
Tha maid of honor receives the bou
quet from the bride Just before the bride
la given away. She ateo takes the glove,
if It Is removed. These are returned
again after px ce"remony.j , v v,
The duties of the best man are some
what more comprehensive. He should
: place ait. the disposal of the g:room his
services and time. He accompanies the
groom to' the church, or If he should
Met af-a Party
itAR MTa. Adam.
Is It proper for a young girl to
anaak to vouna- men on the street.
If ahe met them at a card party, but
: was sot made acquainted with, them Ti
I : vf,.,!'".! .Yj. WO CHUM&;,f
If you met tha young men at a pri
vate party, you are at liberty to apeak
to tbem If you wish. It you came In
contact with them at a public narty, t
0- you should not recognise them. . -
. Acknowledging Gifts
."Dear Mrs Adams.' ' ,; .
Upon receiving presents when graduating
v from high school, bow should a person
. acknowledge receipt of same from persons
In the same town and from trsons out of
townt. i.-v , r ' THB QRADUATB.
A note of thanks ahould be written to
each person from whom a gift has been ;
. received. , , , .
:Vr. What to Sayt ; : . "
Dear fra Adama. - " '
1. Will you pleeae tell me what to say
when a young man aaka to take me homo -and
I deaire nle company r ; - . , . . :
- 1 When a youna- man aeka mo to set '
- a time for him to call, ahould I do so ' .
without the consent of my parent T I .:
.; always have ta aak their permission to go
to places.
8. At what length should a gtrl IT years
- old wear her flre.eeeT She Is (.feet I IncLee .
tall and is rather stout. .
4. .W111 you-pleaee tell me tf It would bo . :
' proper for a girl to wink at a boy, or
vice versaf . .. M. U K.
' 1. "Tea, thank' you, I shall be glad to
bftve your company." ,
V Tou should toll the young- man that
pinA crc6 bttefffcmfefy
(That aounda Ilka a Joke now trot
wait!) ' Bhe and Jobn, their right arm
locked by holding their hands tightly
againet each other chests, pushed
alternately backward and forward.
After a .few minutes they reversed, and
used Instead the left arm. ' A very
little of this exercise, they aald, set the
blood In a glow. "Gives you an appe
tite for breakfast," added Johns and,
"Even If you bay to cook ft!- aald
Mary. ' .
-The second llttla exercise waa a sort t
of wrestling at arm's length, John and
go alone he should arrive In the vestry
a quarter of an hour before the other
. attendants. He has Charge of the ring
and the fees; and Ila suggested that a
last look be taken before the ceremony,
to Insure smooth sailing for everybody.
Tha beat man receives tha gloves and
hat from the groom Just before - the
bride arrives. Ha bands tha ring to
' tha groom Just at tha time In the cera
, tnony when it should be adjusted. After
the ceremony, the hat and gloves are
handed to tha groom, before he and his
wife walk down the aisle.
Then the best man, with the maid of
honor on his right arm, follows the bride
and groom. It Is the duty of the best
man and the ushers to present guests
to the bride and groom and to keep up
the general good spirit of the reception.
The arrangements for the wedding
- trip are made by the beat man. Tha
tickets, stateroom, luggage, etc., are at
tended to by this friend. -
And now about the ushers. The head
usher sees that the proper number of
pews is reserved for the families, and
It la the duty of every usher to famil
iarise himself with the names of the
persons who are to be In the honor
seats. The general rule Is to seat the
friends and relatives of the groom at
the right of the center aisle and those
of the bride at the left Tha right arm
la offered to the lady whom the usher
escorts to a. seat.
When the bride's mother appears, the
head usher escorts her to her place.
Ha alao gives the order for the church
doors to be opened for the married -couple's
exit, and with the attendants
keeps the other guests from crowding;
too quickly after tha bridal couple.
In a home wedding: the duties of the
attendants are similar, but less com-.
plicated. Last of all, it Is the duty of
every one of the wedding party to call
upon the bride's mother within two
weeka of tha wedding.-.
you will let him know after you have
consulted your parents.
i. One or two Inches above the shoe
tops. -.
. i. Any form of flirting shows a lack
of good breeding; therefore, no one
should Indulge In it if he wishes to
. save bia reputation.
In a Sleeper
'. he arm. limi.
afy slater and I are about to take a long
trip, and ' we wlU have to take a sleeper,
Aa we have not traveled a great deai. we
are quit ignorant in this matter. Will
you please help us outf When, we arise
"- in the morning - m net we draee 4d our berth :
t or can we walk through the aleeper in a
klmonof- How la the porter to know that
we have left -the berth, so he eaa take it
dowa during our absence T ,
You can either dresa In your berth or
In the dreasing room. It Is perfectly'
proper to walk through the sleeping oar
in a kimono. . You Inform the porter the ,
evening? before ani what Urns you wish
to be called. He will not fall to make
Inquiries aa tf whether or not the-berth .
le occupied before) attempUnff to take '"
,ltdown ... , . ....
... - -- i. . ' , i" .''.
' ...'. (., eawasrssaaaSJ - v
--t-pie Son is Rude : ' '
- Dear itra. Adama.' ' i!" ' ' '
Several months ago I was Introduced to
a man with whom I bad been frequently .
eieoclated for over a year. In all that
time his conduct suggeated that he might
SV 1 ;now ' we have many intimate
friends In common and his mother and
-slater vtaU me often. X am fond of tbem
and would aot saerliloe their friennania U
' BS
7 X V,. V :i':;.-V!:: U f '
-fk 7 ) v
a -aw ." . - . m m j , w . m. -sev v ' -a
B,l IS. ' I I . 1
Mary oUsped tianda firmly, and then,
without either touching- the other one
further, wrestled back and forth In good
"Nobody aver gtfts thrown," aald
John, "but wa get Just as much fun out
of it, and a lot mora goodJieelth."
"The next la a balancing- stunt, rood
for reducing- waist lines," remarked
' Mary. "Oat tha table. John."
So 'John got tha table and Mary
climbed on It, lying- on bar stomach,
so that tha top of her legs Juat reach
ed tha table a-dge. John held her
ankles firmly, and aha kept her hands
on her hips, and bar neck straight.
Gradually aha raised herself, until
her head was back and her trunk waa
nearly upright Then slowly sha fell.
any gala. irhn I met the yomg mas fee
waa very eourtaoue, but since then be baa
peaa4 me oa the street and lanored my
greetings. I oould Ignore bUa and aot care,
but bla mother baa Invked m to speed a
week la bar home, sarins that ao excuse
will be aocepted. Plraae tell me what to
So to retain her friendship and to avoid the
eoa's rudeness. ,. WOKIUED,
Accept the Invitation and then you will
have opportunity to aak the young man
Ma reasons for aotlnn so strangely, if
he ahould continue to be rude. Ignore
him entirely and explain the situation
to his mother, so that aha will under
stand your attitude,
Difference in Religion
' Dear airs. Adams.
t am a youns maa 1 years of age, and
am deeply In love with a slrl. and I know
ahe alio loves me. I went with her only
a few moot ha, and on aocount of a differ
ence In religion her parents objected. Now,
ehould I find my one lot or live unhappily
It la very difficult for ma to answer
your question, for while I should like
to see you win your heart's desire. I
cannot see how you can overcome the
eerloua objection whioh has been raised.
However, you are very young and can
afford to give time a chance. When
you and your sweetheart grow older
your minds -will have broadened and
you will both be better able to see
things In a different light
Not Engaged
Dear Mrs. Adama.
M I have an older sister who has accepted
Jewelry, Including a diamond ring from a
young man to whom the la not engaged.
This doe not seem proper. Would you ad
vise me to remonstrate?
Will you kindly tell me If It is proper
for two glrla who are abopplng In a large
town to ipend the night in the hotel f
I think It would be better to nave your
mother or father, speak to her about
the matter. She may resent having a
younger sister reprimanding her actions.
It would oe proper If the girls have
the consent of their parents, who are
better able to decide a question of this
kind for their daughters.
Dear Mrs. Adams.
I do not wish to send Invitations for the
church wedding ceremony, but after our
honeymoon we expect to have a reception
for our Intimate friend. Would It be
proper to send persons with whom we have
eloae business associations sa announce
ment without Inviting them to, the recep
. tlont
Wben should the announcements be sent
and what Is ths correct form for themr
Should the persons who ere Invited to the
reception be sent an announcement and
may they be aent together f B. H. X.
' Yes. r-
' The day of the wedding, after the
ceremony has been performed. They
ehould be prepared beforehand and
ready to be mailed by some kind
relative or friend. The proper form for
the announcement Is:
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Black
have the honor of announcing : .
; the marriage of their daughter
- to '
' Mr. fYaak la lonee " ,
On Saturday, Juno the third, -nineteen
hundred and eleven, at
the First tTeabyterlaa Church. " '
Those who are nvlted to the reception
Should receive announcements. The
invitation to tha reoepUon should be
sent separately. '.
Using' Slang
Star Mrs. Adama.-
L Is. It Proper for dear friends to use fc
slang in their correspondence t
. V Is it proper for the boy to ask perm Is- ,
' alon to eailt ...
a Do you consider ths habit af sending
' Dioture postcards soodT -U
Would It be proper for me to give a
--pejgy In honor Of one ef my girl frlendeT -
We have a large lawn, DONALD F.
- 1. elans; Is never used by the well-bred
. person. . . ..,! -
X.- YeS. ' - " i'" 'C;;.;" v
,J S. Yes, tf it Is not abused. ' -
" 4, Yea; your mother or your slater
. could aH aa hoatesa. Have the lawn
decorated with, lanterns, bunting; and
"back" and repeated tha exercise.
"Two or three timea are plenty," aba
said.' "Besides, this la nothing at all
for John. Let ma show you one where
. ho baa to work."
John held her, his arms around her
waist, and then, with her arms ex
tended behind bar, and ber feet al
ways on tha ground, aha leaned
backward until her hands touched tha
floor. John DID have to work, too,
for Mary la no lightweight, and hla
back and arm musolea came Into full
"We've shown you all wa do now,"
aald husband and wife as I thanked
them and bade them farewell. "When
we think up some new stunts we'll
send for you, ao that you can aee
them and write about them."
And X am now waiting; for that In
vitation, V
Beauty Queries Answered
EPLIE3 to letters sent to ths
writer of thla department will be
printed In regular order, but no
replies In print may be expected la less
than three or four week.
Correspondents desiring- immediate re
plies to queries may get ' them by
inclosing a stamped . self -addressed
envelope. Personal Inquiries will re
ceive prompt attention it accompanied
by a stamped and addressed envelope..
. Enlarged Joint
Dear Mra Byrnes. . , - ' .
- I have read year edvloe la th Sunday -paper,
and have profited by it In many
. ways. I have aa enlarged Joint on my
great toe, and thla, I fear, will develop
into a bunloa If not checked. I am only
IS- yeara old. I have heard that painting
the Joint with iodine will reduce it. How
long will It take to do thlsT 8V M.
Iodine will reduce the Joint, but X am
hot able to say Juet how long It will be
necessary to use it To prevent the ap-
fieaxance of a. bunion It la aviso impor-
a nt that you wear ahoes and stockings.,
of the proper size. ' . -
' Exercises for Reducing; .
Dear Mra. Byrnes. ; '"
Please suagest soms -way whereby I may :
reduce my nlpa, bust and abdomen. I can
not lite on diet, for I must have strength .
for my housework.
; ' My hande become very red and cbapped
after dish washing. ', What can J do for
therat . PAtXINE.
The following exercise, if persevered
with, will reduce flesh- around the hips:
First, raise the outstretched arms above
th head,-4b body setalalng- Its erect.
9 ASjssrsj-jfta far if -en rsairrn ijisai "swiajaw ajb)jgl Sfrj
position; then bend alowly forward from
the waist, so that the Angers come aa
near touching the floor as possible, with
out straining in any way. Thla la done
without bending the knees. In recover
ing position, let the arms relax and sink
down as the body straightens up. Sec
ond, with bands placed lightly on the
hips, the finger pointing- forward, let
the body drop forward, easily, ao that It
la bent at the waist. This must be done
gently, aa by jerking more barm than
good ia done. From this bent position
coll the body round to the right, count
ing four tcr It to reach the position of.
being bent over the side; then to the
back, being- careful to do It very easily
at first, till hemuecles have gained
strength, for aa exaggeration of the
movement may cause real pain; then
on to the left, and back to the front.
. Practice again, only ,start toward the
left. The wsist aot as a gfrot tm which
the trunk swings, and tha head Is easily
relaxed. Ttotrd. In this exercise the
hand have the same position, but now
the body Is bent forward from the ,
waist; then back, then to the right and
left. Eaoh movement ahould occupy
four - count. Take these exercises
gently, but let Ih movements be firm .
-and strong. Avoid the slightest strain
of the . muscles. No corsets should be
worn while practicing them, -.Rapid
walking- and running- vrtll re- '
: due the bust, as well as other parts of
;.the body. Do not drink sny liquids
with your meala. and never drink milk .
i of you wish to seducs th bust. - -
' To reduoe the abdomen, stand erect,
cuasn the handa over the abdomen. Con- v
tract the muscles of the abdomen and
: bead at the hips alx times, keeping the .
. muscles well contracted throughout th :
I. II . 'w- - .
' "I" essssssssWaBSsaSss Isstifl mmtmmm an i
W IliJilliUdh
ftlMSssstWisr-ififf ' 4 ' 'sssJsiw
.. ... f2
m wjl -'-T-tr-f'Ttt-'Tir0ir TI 't-T'-' t
.. V.
1 1
bending. Rest by taldng three deep
breaths between each exercise.
To keep the bands in good condition
rinse them in dear water after they
have been In soapy water. Dry- them
carefully and then apply lemon juice.
At night wear coemetlo gloves.
Use soft, large, leather cloves, three
or four alsea too large. Rip them open
and spread tha lnrtds with the follow
ing preparation, then aew the ripped
seam up:
Ground barley, the white of an egg, a
teaspoonful of glycerin and one ounce of
Mix the last three Ingredients snd add
enough barley to. form a paste.
' V
Recipe Requested
Dear Mrs. Byrnes,
Will you please put In the paper as soon '
at poealble tbe recipe for the orange-flower
skin food I had It once, but have loot It
I like it very much. s IC C.
Here is the recipe you desire:
Orange-Hower Cream
'Ul Skln.yood)
Oil of sweet almonds 4 ounces
White wax.. ' drama
Bpermaceti I drams
Bucax X drams
Glycerin VH ouncea
Orange-flower water.,.. $ ounces
Oil of neroll , IS drops
Oil of blgarade (orange Skin) . IS drops
Oil of petit grain U drops
- Mslt ths flrst three ingredients, add ths
glycerin to the orange-flower water and dla
eolve the borax in the mixture; then pour It
alowly Into the blended fats, stirring con
tinuously. To Increase the Height
Dear Mrs. Byrnes.
1. Will you please give me an exerciee
to Increase my height T
t Will Jumping rope decrease the weight
and le It lnlurlouet
' I. I am is years ota. ie
weigh about 110 pounds. Do 1
much for mv and bela-htt
weigh too
4. My bands are large and red and the
pore of the skin Sre large. How csn I
make my . hands smooth and whiter '
t. How can I make my knucklee smallerT
t, 1 have blackheads on both aides of
my noee, and pimples on my forehead- and
chin; will steaming my facs before going
to bed help any
7. is there any exercise toai win reauos
my bustT
Will lemon Juice take freckles from mv
face witnout imtaiina- me nmi
. I have a large mole on my neck. How
can I take It awayT A BCrlOOLQIRU
1. Stretching exercises taken two or
three times a day for a year will In
crease your height. Rise on the toea
and stretch the tips of the finger as
tar toward the ceiling aa they will go,
then sweep the hands In front and -touch
th tips of the fingers or palms
or the hand to The floor. Keep the
knees straight during- the exercises.
1 Jumping rope . will decrease tha
weight, but It Is very bard on the heart
and should not be indulged In without
the permission' of a doctor. - i
I. Your weight is In proper proportion .
with your height and age.
4. Apply, lemon iulce to them dally. -
t. (Nomina Can be done to reduce th
else of the knuckles.
ABteajnInT"the f acs byrpiylng
towels wrung from hot -water will open
the pore so that thev may be thorough
ly oleansed with hot water and good
soap. To remove th pimples use the -cream
for whioh I am giving tbe recipe:
v Foaattl Cream for Pimples -
Bxtraot of violet, drops "
Sweet almond oil. ....,. tVt drama
Sulphur precipitate..., ....... ... 75 grains
Lanolin.' ,....,,........ TS ' grains
Oxide ox slnc....... ............ S - scruples - s
7. I do aot advise one of your age
to redvee her bust. Walt until your t
nooy nas neen iuuy oveiopeo, go coat
you may treat those carta which are
MHJ All IVVVl HVIil . 1 . . i
- 9. Tbe safest way is to bat? the ele
trio needle applied. v
Large Veins
Deer Mrs. 8yma.
Will you pleeas glre me the adilreee f
drug store wheie 1 can have Ijr. Vautair s
Using Olivi
" Dear brrs. Svmee. - -
flae ull me If maaeestne the fare wtr
olive oil evrry night mill caiiee the hir -to
grewt I have already a f-w dark haire
about my month. Will ytm tell ne how to '
rid mrxlf el tbeee without tha eiM-irto
Olive oil will not produce a growth of
hair, but. the constant rubbing may In
crease the growth already started. For -this
reseon I advise you not to massaa-e
too frequently. . '
. Hera Is the recipe for1 a deptlatorr
which you may use. It will remove the
hairs for a time, but they will return
again. - ': . - . , -
Sulphide of soda or ealotusi iul-'
phlde los grains '
' Chalk ......... IM gralna .
' Mix thoroushlv and kres drr In Wall-
Corked bottle until waatad, fur nee. Take
enough to make a peete and add warm
v mi, e puif eni eoa wnm
it until the proper ooneteunny is .
Itpreed over the haJrY puifaoei
r to remain for from one to flvo I .
water to it unit
end allow
nunutee, according to tne nature or the
growth and the auooepttMllty of the skint
, then ecrape off with a blunt blade a paper
knife, fur example. It should be removal,
aa In every caee with a depilatory, when
the burning eaneatloa la produced. Too
long contact with the aklo ehould be avoid
ed, and immediately after the hair has been
removed the denuded eurtace ahould fco
gently waahed with warm watrr and -ev
eold creem or a bland Ml . applied to pre
vent Irritation.
Thick Lips' 1
pear Mrs. frmea.
What Is a good remedy for thirk tlpet
If the Hps srs naturally thick. It would
be uaeless to try to reduce them. It
there la a temporary swelling, you might
apply alum water or a lotion made of
1 teas poo of ul of tannin to I ounces of
Wrinkles the Forehead M
Dear Mrs. Srmee.
I have a habit of wrlnkllne mv forehead.
How can I overcome thlet Could I apply
a liquid which will remind met , J. I. U.
It la necessary for you to call on wftl
power to break the habit. It may be,
however, that the application of cole
lodlon will serve aa a gentle reminder, ,
Ankles; Are Large .
1. Will you please tell me what will re
duce the ankles snd the ball of the foot?
1. How may my hips be reduced?
I. la there anythlnr but the electrla
u needle that will remove the hairs from the
errasT ,
4. What will whiten the neck and srmef .
. . . , riNkUiS.,
1. Nothing will reduce their else If
they are naturally large. If there la
any temporary sweOlng, you should bathe
the foot in very hot water and then'
apply wlton tiaseL Tba wearing of low- .
shoes will Often cause the ankles , to
swell. t
Z. Hehs ere several exercises that are
excellent hp-reducers: m
Bring the knee up to the dhest, re
mainlng perfectly erect. Practice in aij
ternate movements.
Place bands on hip shoulders well
back. Raleo tne leg. with knee flexed,
and give a high, quiok aide kick, bring
ing the foot beok again to tbe floor. Re
peat ten times, first with the right foot
and then with the eeft -
Take standing position, hands on hips
and rotate the hips, bending the knee
and keeping the chest and shoulders lm- .
movable. Contract all the muscles used
in this exercise and reels t. 1 , ,
Bending exercises also are good.
1 If you use the depilatory for which
the directions are given below, the hair
will disappear for a time, but they will'
return afraln, thicker and coarser than
before. The electrlo-needle Is the only '
thing whichj wil remove bairs per
tnanently. '' r
Sulphide Pf soda er calcium sul
... Phlde ..r......... . 100 grain
VDeaisl seeesaoe4awe)esaoeeeeea 100 gralna,.'
Mix thoroughly and keep dry la well-''-corked
bottle until wanted for use. Take,
enough to make a paste and add warm -water
to It until the proper consistency le ,
secured. Spreaid over the hairy aurfaco
and allow to remain for from one to five .
minutes, socordlng to the nature of the . s
growth and the aueceptlbillty of tbe skint Ij
then scrape off with a blunt blade a paper ; '
knife, for example. It ehould be removed, i f
aa In every eaae with a depilatory, when ' t
the burning sensation Is produced. Too
long contact with tha skin should be avoid- 1
. ed, and immediately after the hair haaJy 1
been removed the denuded surface ehould
be gently waahed with warm water and a '
eold cream or a bland oil. applied to pre-;
vent irritation., v. . , . 4 r m
4. Sathe the neck and arms in milk'
onoe or twice a day. At eight appljt
lemon Juice. - - - . '
Excessive Perspiration-;-r . i
Dear Mra. Byrnes. , . ' t. -How
can I make excessive jpersptratlon ef -the
handa less annoying t I ana taking a
tonlo which Z hope will soon build me up;
and therefor check the perspiration, .
Use very bot water for the hands, . -'
dry them without rubbing- and thaa
aprlnkle them with borlo acid powder. j
Freckles B 'airHands '
Dear Mrs. Byrnes. - ; -
How can I remove freckle from my skint -Pleaae
suggest something to Increase the
thickness of my hair and to make it curly,
What shall I do to whiten Wj I
Ta remove the freckles app'ly g
lotion made of equal parts of watep
and peroxide of hydrogen. You)
should protect your face from, ths sua
and wind as much as possible.
To increase the thickness of yon?
hair apply castor oil to i the scalp
two or three timea a week. Stand by
an open window or out In the air. and,
massage the scalp - once a day, ;
Apply lemon Juice dally., ,, . , ; ' ;
A Pug Nose ;
Dear Mrs. Byrnes. - 4 " -" i
I should like to know how. to ret rid of
a pug nose, . pax 8.' I .... -.
Nothing can be done to change tha
shape of the nose, , , - .
A Secret of Beauty ;
SLEEP is a wonderful beautlflor,'
Nofhins; so rounds out fcollows as
sound, healthful sleep t nothing
eootnea and mends irritated and broken '
j verves; notihin so restores the tisues
of the tired body, as plenty of natural ,
i. sleep in a well-ventilated room; - and
nothing- Is fairer and softer and mors
peaceful than. the delicate flush on th
, cheeks of one who has Just stepi-ed oiC:
of tbe realm of dreams, where all thing ,
'-are rose-colored. iw-uv..''
A clever writer says worry Is a mortal
; enemy of beauty and charm of oiannor.
.' This la - Undeniably , true.- Worry ovr
the inevitable Is not onlv a wrlrikle iti
ouoer and a irawn Instia-ator, but it l
a senseless and wlclted retielllon ugslnrt
what cannot b helped. Worry tiou.H
- tbe eyea, makes the voice sharp an t
' impatient, pits hard .lines '-' sbout tiit
mouth and destroys retose and gentle
ness of manner. Whatever I. ) reir.
to know that bright eyes. swest ui.
and smfle about the mouth -will
m-uth to one'a bet-ity ant t. on's c'i .
Of friends. A grntl caretnr twvh.
c a !ire popslon. it govt ha-i-i t I
with beauty of character, unit t ' .
temierneas of heart, puiiiv of
-honesty of soul end ;
though ,