The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 18, 1911, Page 62, Image 62

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    Syrian muleteer ' toasted bread
a , prer; the fire of coala."
I F THE testimony of tb averMr
housewife la to b received u
Utr euid ffoepel, toutmaJUns mad
, tM-brawInr are two of the eaaleat
taaka that Cau bar lot. .
Bear m breathlnc," ah would aajr.
Wiser thlnkers-wbo lead the times, not
content just to keej up wttn them are
CAiynj our attention to the humiliating
fact that cot one person in twenty
knows faow Co breathe properly, j
, f'But tba another story.7 v
. We have been making ,: toast lone
nourh to have mastered the art It
came like a dash from the far-away oast
whan 1 saw the Syrian muleteers tear
off portions of the leathery, unleavened
bread brought from home in their knas
, seeks and toast them over the lire of
ooate kindled upon the desert sands in
the lee of their tent 'bow ftrobable it Is
that this Js what -was meant by the
"cake baken on the coals" Elijah found
at hi head with a cruse of water, at
waaeainr rrom tne Bleep or exnaus
tioa under the Juniper tree. Customs
do not change in that oldest of lands,
, ae every traveler will beat 'me wlt-
.. ness. ' -
' Toast and toasters were old stories
, In Shakespeare's times. We have f re- .
quent references to both in his plays.
The oooks of ths day must have made
a better variety of toast than the
aforesaid average American cook
: turns out, for the custom of putting a
bit In the bottom of the tankard be
fore pouring in the liquor was estab-
Ushed. . . - . .
Oo,-fetch me a quart of sack! Put
a toast ha UP' orders FalstafT; and a
few lines further on repels the sug-
. jreetlon that eggs may be added to the
potation. He will have it "simple of
itself." That 4s, with the toast alone.
From a number of the fashionable
TaUer, bearing date "June f. 170."
we learn , the origin of the term
toait." ' as applied to . a relgnlnr
celle or, more widely,, to a sentiment
urtere by the one . offering the
toast to be drunk. We use the
phrases so naturally bow that we
'ryBOAVBB of th tnornun
f mtmber of tetters sent to
th0 Exchange, I must ask
contributor! to limit thtir com
munication! to 100 word, except
coses of formulae or .reeipee
Whiek require creator epaoe. I
vant all my eorretpondente to
have a thowing in the Corner,
and if mv request in thie reaped
la complied with it will be possi
ble to print many more letter:
Attention it called to the foot
that Marion Harland cannot re
ceive money for patterne, ae the
ha no connection with any de
partment that sells them.
, "A; Home for Some One
1 TTAVINQ read of the (frievancea of "The
f"T Buin Girl" and "Juatlcia," I wish
' to state that I hve been looking for
ever a year lor a woman to do light house-
; work in exchange for board and loDsinga,
and all the prlvllecM of a private home,
and all in vain.
It 1 plain that the business girl doesn't
' want to do housework. I don't expect "an
- awful lot" of aen'lce. I have three children
aad a house to take care of, and It would
: be a blMlng to have somebody to hlo
; . clear up after the evening meal.
1- Jty tiustwnrt'a buiineu keeps him out late
en aoma evening, and I dread to be left
;v alone.
Wouldn't you think that I should not
. bar trouble in gluing a helper and a
!. companion, when you read what the girla
V write about the hard lime they have to
' make both ends meet?
I am not using the Exehange as an ad
vertising medium, but tf any one should
aak.for. my addrea through Interest in
f the subject, plewe let her have it
J. 4 t . Mrs. W. 8. W. (Chicago, 111.).
" By the seme mall which brought
your letter, I bad one of a dozen pages
from a working girl. It goes eo far to-
ward answering your suggested queries
that I should print K here but for the
. length.:
The writer 'Is still young and un
' married, but she has swung pretty well
r" around "the circle of employments for
1 women in "a day when these outnum
ber, fifty to one, ;the avenues open to
, f the sex fifty years ago.
. She served her novitiate In a store
- where she worked sixty hours a week,
and longer In the busy season, and was
pushed and hustled about like a dumb
animal. -
Ijist eummer I worked in a drug store
Where there was a soda fountain. I
v worked seventy-two hour every week.
That, of . course. Included evenings and
: every 'other Sunday for part of the day.
I was on my feet and hurrying most of
. the time.' The floor waa of tiling, which
; ia very tiresome to walk on all day long.
I received U a week, and waa told in
th fall that that waa too much to pay;
, that .some one could be found who would -work
cheaper. Fo X waa turned ff and, la
consequence, out of work for two or
three months. 1 'stayed with my parents.
. hea 1 ara working, I pay board to them
at the rate of 15 jT week. . .
aome Jlme ego you publ'sbed an article
signed n 'A Rade Man." The writer
thought girls ought to do housework foe -
a Uvuig.. use woman, wbe hires glJs.
''...( ia sssbw
"The toaating fork was an essential in our foremother's kitchon."
never bethink us of their origin,
Two hundred years ago the Tatler7
thought it necessary te explain to
readers that the "allusion was to the !
usage of the times of drinking1 with .
a toast in the bottom of the glass." ''
How many, even of the scholars ,
who offer them at class-day snnlver
eeHes, know why they are "toasts" 1
What reader of English poetry does
not recall the swing and the ring of
The Three Troopers aa I put that
question T
In each of the eupe they dropped a
And stared at the guests with a frown;
Then drew their swords and roared for a .
"On ni -this Crom.wcn down!"
"Crust" and "crumb" stand for the
toaat without which posset, ale and
sack would not be quite to the
Briton's taste.
The bit of toasted bread in the bot
tom of tankard or wineglass must
thought the same. If either of them had
, to do housework as a trade, they would
change their minds. I could write a good
alaed article on that subject. I tried It
two or three times! 1 think there Is
enough said! That work la out of the
hf"-J.Mln' woman signing herself
Mother" says she does not pity glrla
who are not obliged to earn money, but
prefer to do It. it may be that the
parents of those glrla ' can feed and lodge
them, but oaanot buy them clothes. I
would say to thla lady that I almost
envy her daughter. For myself. I fairly
loathe going out Into the world to strive
ae I have to do. but what Is one to do?
'Now, she goes on to say. she is in a
I work enly fifty-five hours a week (for
we have Saturday afternoon off), and I
make 9 or 10 a week. After I get more
practice. I can make more. 6ome of the
glrla make U3 per week. Ths work la
light. It la a stocking factory. We mate
and pack stockings. We make twice aa
much money as we got In the atorea, never
work In the evenings, and alt down most
of the time at our work. I know that all
factories are not aa pleasant to work In
, as this. Of course, there are aome where
one cannot earn much. I would not work .
in one of those. ,
I tried once to teach school, but 1 could
not stand life In the country. I tried to
'rough it," but my strength broke down.
I tried working In a hotel during the
summer, but after three years of struggle
I gave It up and worked at anything I
could get to do. Just at present I am
trying hard to get back some of my. lost
strength to fight the battle of life.
Please excuse this painful scrawl! , I
am so tired and nervous tonight! In fact,
I am nervous all the time. I think the
majority of working girls feel the same
way that I do.
MARGARET M. N. (Chicago).
Apparently the nervous wreck has
never found the right socket. It is as
palpable that, of all the vocations to
which she has addressed thought and
" energy, housework finds least favor in
her eyes. She dismisses the topio with
disdain and finally, "That Is out of
the question."
During the reading of the plaint, I
recollected a message I had forgotten to
give to the cook, laid by the paper and
irtepped across the intervening room and
hall Into the kitchen. The place was as
neat as hands could make it and bright
with bracket and drop light. IThaer the
latter, at a white-covered stand, eat two
maids, one reading the evening paper
aloud, the other busy with a square of
embroidery. Both were neatly and be
comingly dressed; their dinner had been
as good as mine, and they had eaten it
as leisurely aa they liked to do. Each
ha her own room, well furnished, airy
in summer and warm In winter. They
draw good wages, and, their expenses
being the merest trifle beyond their
clothing each sends money "home" and
has besides her account In the savings
bank. They live for years in my family
without ever receiving a sharp word or
the symptom of a rebuke. When they
are ailing they are eared Cor as sedu
lously as if they were indeed- members
of the family. They have consideration
In their worries and in their enjoy
ments. The picture might be duplicated In ,
thousands of American homes. The
oomeatica In our homes are the most .
carefree of the, working classes. "Their
or It
been thtn and delicately crisp,
would have converted sack and
into pap. The A. A. C. afore-
. mentioned . slashes off a slice
or nreaa
three-ouarters of an inch ' thick.
leavea the crust on, and holds it be
fore or over the ore until it smokes
angrily on one side; then turns it and;
cremates .'the Surface of the other.
The edges of the crust are charred:
the interior of the slice is moggy ana
Will the reader bear with me for a "
moment while I try to explain in un
sclentlflo language why I insist that
toast shall be thin and cooked
through without scorching? The in- '
side of the loaf (the crumb) Is largely, i
starch. Before starch can be dl-, ,
geeted by the human stomach it must ,
be converted into dextrine by the '
action of certain acids. If the crumby
part of the loaf were chewed long and ,
faithfully, saliva would do most of .
this work. Without knowing- why, we
bread and water are sure," the' term
covering food of excellent quality and
ell they want of it; comfortable lodg
ings, now and then the "treat" of an
evening at the theater (tickets supplied)
or a Jaunt into the" country on the
same terms; books and papers at will
if they care for reading; church-going
regularly, and evenings out In turn
carefully provided for, sometimes at
the cost of th employer's convenience.
Bet down these unvarnished truths
against the- unrest of the woman to
whose tale we have Just listened, and
say which of the two has chosen more
wisely her lot' In a working-day world.
In the well-managed household duties
are as distinctly defined and performed
at appointed seasons as methodically as
In factory or store.
Even the bugbear of "company,"
against which a certain class of so
called philanthropists raise the cry,
echoed by the maids whose champions
they assume to be, is reduced to a
bagatelle when examined near at hand
and In a strong light. At Its worst, it
is not to be compared to the pressure
of the "busy, season" in factory and
I have been drawn' into this defense
of housework and housemother by the
unrest 4n the very air we breathe,
which fairly throbs with the murmurs
and moans raised against domestic
tyranny, and the panting and pushing
of the strugglers after na wider and
higher life" (heaven save the mark!) for
the working woman.
Home Recipes
The accompanying recipes are an answer
In part, to correspondents who have asked
for them through the Exchange. '
I get ao much of Interest and benefit
through that medium that I am delighted
to return the favor.
Canned String; Beans j
Cook the beans in aalted water until
they are tender, Then pack closely In
glass cans. Boil the salted water In which
they were cooked and fill the Jars to the
low, wvering tne neana wen. four la
at the last a tablespoonful of boiling vine-
e 1 on uio wu vi eacn jerxui; ae
ones and keep jna jgj.jjark place.
Baking- Powder
One pound of the best Quality of cream
of tartar; H pound of baking aoda; u
pound of cornstarch.
Mix all together; sift the mixture four
times to be sure of Incorporating all the ln-
Jrredlente evenly; put at once Into glasa
ara or cans with tight tops.
s Canned Corn
Eleven cups of sliced green corn; 1 cup
of auger; V, cup of salt. Mix thoroughly; .
put Into a porcelaln-llned or enamel pot .
and cook half an hour, stirring frequently
to prevent acorchlng. Seal boiling hot In
glass cane.
When yon wish to use It. cover with
cold water; acald well; drain and eook
with whatever seasoning you like, .
" Boston' Brown Bread --
One cup of sweet milk: 1 cup of sour
milk; 1 cup of cornmeal; 2 cupa of graham
flour: hk cup of molasses; 1 teaspoonful of
baking soda; y, teaspoonful ot salt.- - "
Mix quickly and steam for ihi hours. -:
Then set in. the oven and bake It minutes.
. , Mrs. Q. p. W. Dnion City. Ind).
I insert jour recipes willingly,- and ;
T.s 'a m y ' '
How inany of flie icholari t claas-day ajinireriaTieg know why they.
are 'toaiUT ' .
rat the impression that toaat la more
easily digested than plain bread,' The
reaaon for this Is that heat helps on
the chemical change requisite for as
similation. Heat muet penetrate te
the heart of the slice submitted to It,
or the gentle warmth' makea the in
ner portions clammy. Then, the eater
"bolts" his toast, and commits a crude
poultice to the notion of stomach and
intestines. Instead of digestible dex
The notion that toaat and 'tea are
the beat food for Invalids Is so
firmly fixed In the mind of mothers,
nurses and physicians at large that It
would be rain to combat it. It la
founded upon the fallacious belief
that tea is made with boiling water.
.drawn off from the tannte acid latent t
In the leaves and drunk before heat
and tonic properties have left KJ that
toast is cut thin from stale, sweet
bread, the crust pared away, the
slice exposed evenly to dear heat
and cooked through without charring;
then, that it is eaten at once, with
the merest suspicion of butter if any
is put upon It. The stomach that can
not assimilate this delldate offering,
washed down with tea "brewed as
above, Is in a bad way. Always sup
posing that the teeth have acted well
thele part in converting the toast into
pulpy dextrine by the help of the
saliva. '-
When we, aa a race or nation, learn
vbow to breathe and t chew aa nature
intended ua to perform these func
tions, dyspepsia will be a forgotten
. word, and centenarians multiply in
the land until their pictures will eease
to figure in the columns of the daily
papers. .-.''
Contrast the ideal bit of toast de
scribed Just now with that piled upon
a plate, each slice keeping its fellow
warm (and clammy), the evil task
furthered by a thick coating of but
ter. This has soaked Into the viscid
heart of the slioe by -the time it is
transferred to your plate. It is more
than likely that the slice is black
edged, in harmony with the rest of
the composition. '"Buttered toast" is
Invariably preferred at hotel and fam
ily tables. Ths call for "dry toast, if
you please," is assumed to be the
choice of an Invalid. -'
My eyttaa guideand undoubtedly '
question the propriety of nothing per
taining to them as you have written
them. ,
But-in the interest of our house
mothers at large, may I drop an ob-
servatlon with regard . to the canned
corn? After -you have sweetaaed and
salted it to make sure It will keep, and
then soaked much of the sweetness of
the milky vegetable out of it to get rid
of the saltiness, ia it one-half as good
as the; best brand of canned corn now
put upon the market under, the eye of
the pure food laws? As I have explained
elsewhere, the method adopted by scien
tific eanners to preserve this most deli
cate of esculents (or green cereals) is
heat raised to a degree not attainable
by the kitchen range, and holding the
corn at that for a longer time than you
or I would keep It. By these means the
flavor and eweetness are retained. -
And don't think me ungracious, but If
there be a better way of doing any
thing than I know of I must get hold
of it! I have always maintained that to
mix sweet and sour milk together in
cookery was akin to putting a piece of
new cloth into an old garment. Why
the combination in your brown bread?
Please let us hear ' from you upon
both of these points. Much of the good
done by our Exchange is due to the in
terchange of sentiments and the friendly
comparison of ways and means. I am,
myself, "a learner still" in housewifely
lore. Not a day passes in which I do
riot pick up a crumb or a morsel of
-useful information. Tour frank reply to
my request herein made may put a
crumb maybe a loaf! into my hand.
One hint to the canner may not go
amiss with your gift of recipes. Wrap
Jars or cans in paper, secured closely by
paste or string, before setting them
away. Walt until the glass and -contents
are cold before doing this. The paper
will exclude the light and help preserve .
the color of fruit and vegetables.
Home-Made Ice Cream
Will you kindly print a recipe for 'home
made Ice cream? You make frequent men
tion of it In your menus for family meals
for a week. 1 It -e lly- aiad Aad la It
more expensive than cream bourht rrom
Mrs W. H. D. (Paterson. N. J.).
If you wish a plain cream, make a
custard of a quart of sweet milk, seven .
eggs-, and four cupfuls of granulated'
sugar, Scald the milk, ' add the eggs
. beaten up with the sugar, and stir over '
the Are until the custard is rich and
smooth, but not until it begins to break.
To prevent this, put a pinch of soda into
the milk while cooking. Always make
custard in a double boiler. . Let the cus
tsrd get perfectly old before stirring ,
- into it a quart of rich cream. It is now
' ready for flavoring1. If you use a simple
, extract of vanilla er bitter almond, or -lemon,
ail you have to do is stir It in. --Have
at hand a quantity of finely
- pounded ice and a bag of rock salt.
Turn the custard Into the freezer and ;
surround the latter with alternate layers
of pounded-ice and rock salt, fill to
the very top of the tightly closed
freeser and pour In two quarts ef the "
- strongest brine. The reeser must b
of the
.. ,. ;..- . ' ' . ' - '.,
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his remote ancestor, contemporary
with KUjah-atuok his -"cake" upon 'A
pointed sUck and held It over the
Are of coals. When one side was done
he pulled off the bit of bread, reversed
it and atuck It on again. - One may see
the same operation la the Adirondack .'
woods today when a tourist or hunter .
la ao eocentrlo as to refuse flapjacks.
The toasting fork was an essential In
our foremother's kitchen. It bung
above the sink in a line with ladles
. and pothooks. She troubled her busy
' brain aa little with thoughts of the .
antiquity of the Implement as her
granddaughter vexes her yet busier,
wits with the history of toaat Tot
name and uses had passed Into a
proverb by .the. time Shakespeare
wrote "King John," In the alterca
tion over the dead body of Prlnoe Ar
thur, Faulco abridge admonishes Bails
bury: Pat as thv sword betlaml
I'll o maul you and yeur t nesting-
rout ew.
In "Tom Brown' at Oxford" we have
a like opprobrious epithet applied to ,
a bully's sword. "Pistol" and "toast
ing fork" are coupled.
The conventional toasting-fork of '
early days had three pronga and a '
long handle which allowed the cook
to conduct the work at a safe dls- :
tance from the open Are. .When fire-
Slace and andirons were superseded
y the closed cook stove, a lid was
removed tnat .tne bread might be held
through the hole it had covered, down
to a bed of clear coals ah awkward
business thst brought about ths pat
ented wire frame laid across the un
covered hole in the plate of the
range. I recall the glow of pride that
went through me when, forty years
and snore a gone, I. thought' out, of
and for myself, a plan for preventing
smoked toast an oft-recurring an
noyance unless the cook were 'abnor
mally vigilant. Some loose crumb
would fall Into the lire through the
wires set above it,, blase up and catch
the toast or smoke it into bitter
ness. The one and only way to secure
unburnt toast was to watch it from
the moment It went over the coals
until it came off, turning it several
times to make sure all was going
well. My device was to set the toast-
burled out ot slgtt In cracked lot. Put
over all a thick clotlv a doubled sack
or a piece of carpet and set aside. In
an hour's time open, beat and churn the
contents, having scraped the frosen walls
of custard from the sides into the middle
of the freeser. .
Now Is the timefor adding fruits of
any kind berries, peaches, pineapple, a
mixture of chopped crystallized (fruits
and nuts; in fact, whatever you may
wish to vary the dessert with. Beat
these in hard with a wooden paddle, and
as fast as you can, for the outer air
soon melts the frosen contents of the
inner vessel. But beating and churning -must
be thorough If you would have
smooth Jce cream. Fasten down the lid;
drain off about half the liquid which has
(accumulated in the - outer ' pall; not
more, for the salt is needed to carry on
the process. Pack fresh supplies of
rock salt and pounded too about the :
freeser; put a weight- on top to keep
the freeser from floating; cover so
close! v that the ale cannot aret at the
salted ice. and leave all for two hours V
"Lfi-; - . ' v .. . .
This is self-freerlng cream. It Is about
as easily made as any other sweet dh.
and the best one can have In warm "
weather. It is all the better toe linger- ,
lng tn the ice for some hours after It
is frosen. Tor many years It has been
a favorite Sunday dessert in my family.
The. custard is made on Saturday and
cracked (or ahaved with an Instrument f
set ,in tne refrigerator. . The 'ice is
maae ror tne purpose), ana tne ireeser '
Is packed down before breakfast The
opening and beating and churning' and
the repacking do- not take fifteen min
utes. Nobody's churchgoing is hindered
by the operation. rf:. s !t
When you are ready to serve the
cream, lift out the; freezer, wrap alt
about it a towel wrung Out in boiling
water and invert It upon a chilled dish.
Tou will hays a column of lusciousness,
smooth and flrm.1
Aa tn . Ha .vnan r iftu .nitiM.flna
thm tnrro,ur,t. , v. ' -.3
have decided that a quart of home-made
ice cream costs about - two-thirds as
much as an Indifferent article-tinder the
same name-wouMr; brmgar the confeo'."
A Bit . of 'Dressing. Bureau t
- Furniture v
Cut two pieces of cardboard a little longer 1
titan your longest hatpin and of a like width.
Cover both sides of each niece with sheet a
wadding. Cut two pieces of velvet or plush t
about. an Inch larger than the cardboard.
Stretch these over one side of each-card,'1
turning ln -the edge utn what la to be the a
-wu. .nu uiw nanny mia Biiuwnniy
by catching the lapped-over edge with a ; !
needle and strong . thread, bringing the
thread rrom end to end and from aide to. 'r-r
side until, the stuff 1a perfectly smooth and t
. taut upon . the right aide. 'ow lay toe : '
wrong sides of the cards together and sew
.with a neat overhand stitch all arnuiul the -'
edges. 'Fasten a cord at each upper corner ' ;
to bans" the wadderf silk aouare tin k.
see m-smm.- m
Stick hatpins all around the edges. Ihave
put upon mine three rows of old-fashioned 1
brass curtain pins, fastening them to- the .
plush. They are convenient to bang keys.
Buttonhooks, safety pins and the like upon.
a . LOUISE A. (Fort Podge, Iowa), ;
' v".1 y. -i ,w : a. :';';V' "''
: - M t tv:iv.' i
"a... 1 -v
. i- . :. . . -a - . r - 11 . a a r . M aL.
The modern
or beneath the glowing grate, where,
, unless a stray coal ohanced to alight
upon some part ef the. bread, there
could be no scorch, and the. acrid,
smoky taste which would seem to to
Inseparable from teast la aome houses
was an impossibility.7 .
Then dawned the blessed era of
oooklng by gas, and the slender
barred gridiron that la aet within the
oven when toast la to be made. Or,
the patented pyramidal affair of wire
netting to be fitted over the gaa
flame, toasting four elleee at onoe and
evenly If one , do not take , one's
eyes; away from the toaster too long,
Then black, clndery mini .
One' blessed day last winter I was
invited to lunch with a friend whose
house Is dominated by what ebo calls
"Electricity in Harness." Out lunch-,
eon was cooked by electricity: all the
sweeping, dusting and scrubbing; the
dish washing and wiping; the lighting
and warming of the 'dwelling, were
accomplished by . the same jnysterioua, '
potent agency.
The next day I bought aa eleotrlo
toaster. Since then we have had the
miracle toast Invariably at every morn
ing's breakfast.' A light wire la con
nected with the chandelier above the
table. A small apparatus, taking little
more room than ths silver toast reck
set beside It, te at the right hand of the
person ertttlng nearest the foot f the
labia ' It la flanked, when we take our
-seats, by a -plate of sliced bread. The
slices are crustlees and of uniform else
and thickness. Without break in the
cheerful table chat, the one who pre
sides over the tosster slips In four
siloes, closes the doors of ths toaster
end turns on the "power." Thta, when
we have eaten our fruit. By the Om
the cereal is sent away, and the more
substantial rasher and eggs appear, we
have toast for the first help to all. It
Is hot, It is crisp. It Is real (and ideal!)
toast Those who like H buttered qual
ify it to their taste." Some prefer It
just as it leaves the wires shielding it
from the roseate heart of the magical
"power." All is noiseless, rapid and
conducted without expenditure of labor
or thought In two minutes one side is 1
done to a turn." The operator quietly
opens the metal flap, turns the slice and
In two minutes mora anybody who ia
Pickled Meets
If "B. X." (Chicago), win slioe the cook
ed beeta while they are hot, . Into vinegar
which has been salted (and if she likes,
sugared) to taste, then let them get loe
. cold, she will, I think, find them to be
pretty nearly if not quite What she. Jongs ,
lor. ,
Sometimes we add sliced onion and
whole hard-boiled egga, siloing these last
in serving. They contribute materially to
, looks and taste.
. B. B. p. (Mount Vernon, N. T,).
fA seasonable contribution to. bur list
of summer salads. The 'donor is In
vited to favor us further along this or
any other line of housewifely enter
prise. , . k ",.!" -. ;
Fried Chicken
Kindly publish a recipe for chicken a la
Maryland and oblige a constant student of ,
the lively and helpful Exchange. , '
... h. xv c. tcmeajro).
' Fried Chicken a la Maryland
, , . , ; , .
Lfolnt a tender chicken as for fricassee,
Wash and wipe perfectly dry. pip each
leS ln beaten egg, .then roll in salted
and peppered cracker dust until it -is
thoroughly coated. Set upon ice for an
hour.. Have plenty of clean, dripping or
otner xat in a aeep t rying pan ana onng
slowly to the bubbling point. .. Lay In
chicken carefully and fry on both
w wvwiu. wuui m w
many pieces in at a time, or all sides of
eacn win not do aone eveniy. Fry long
enough to make sure the thickest pieces
are done all through.
Virginia Fried Chicken
' If cooked as above directed, except
that it is usually tried in bacon fat, a'
pound or so of -fat bacon is sliced and -cooked
crisp, but not to .burning. The"1
fat is then strained -from the bacon and .
this set' over hot water to keep warm '
while the strained fat is returned to the
5rftbr?l?ghVina 0i1 a,n4. aedsfor
course, prepared with ear and cracker '
m UB uw , vi
dust. - When it is fllshed the sliced bacon '
Is iaid about it. Those who have eaten ,
fried chicken prepared ln both ways
give the - v preference ' to the Virginia
method, considering that the bacon, if
sweety Imparts richness to the flavor. . ,
. Cream Gravy fori IVied CMcken '
This celebrated dish' is often served '
without any sauce. In Maryland, and
sometimes in Virginia, it is highly es
teemed as dinner dish when accom
panied by cream grsvy. ... vv f .
11 e. .-. fv
out of the hissing fat, strain the grease
yet again. Stir in a roux of flour that
has been very llarhtlv ' browned than
cooked I In ' a rinefrata nan with i .
00,f etL!.A S??f J ,f ?n.
rous lump of butter and thinned. With a
few SDOOniUls Of cream heated in a CUD.
Alter taking tne last piece or cnicaen -
with the addition of a pinch ot soda to
guard against curdling. . Stir this roux
; gradually Into the hot ' fat, and con
tinue the stirring until it la of the right
consistency and very hot Lastly; add a
tablespoonful of finely minced parsley
and pqur gver the chicken.
I I III HI iBiii-- 1, 1 1 I
electricr touter."'
reaay ror more may ne serveo.. .
.Toast of the right sort, eaters, eo
largely Into housewifely calculations la
devising : healthful, 1 economical ' and
agreeable variety for dally menus' that
I offer no apology for aa exhaustive
talk respecting tt Wo do not lay ft la
the bottom of beaker and "'stela", "now.
But It Is aa acceptable underpinning for
fricassee and mince. It works up stale
bread In a dosrn different ways, and
the left-ore rs, crushed into crumbs and
kept In a dosed Jar, are Invaluable la
breading chops aad other meats; also bt
thickening stews. '
. Lovers of Dickens will be reminded by '
my reprobation of bUcktbordered toaat.
of Mr. r.'e aunt In "Bleak House," who
passed oyer the crusts of her toaat. to
unlucky neighbors, stigmatising a visi
tor' as la proud etomaob-ahat chap!"
when ho would not accept the eest-oft
remnaats. The half-wtled crone bunded
better than she knew. There ahouioj
.have been no cruets for distribution.
' Yet-that nothing bo wasted iay thej
parins in the oven to brown slowly, -and
when they aro crisped roll them no,
for, your crumb jar.
-v 'BREAKFAST. " ' "
fruit, cereal and cream, broiled ohlckeo.
potato cake, toast, tea and coffee.
. - , . X.CNCHBON. :,-.--
Jellied eaira tongue. Saratoga potatoes,
peanut sandwiches, tomato and cucumber
salad, crackers and oh ease, home-made
cream puffs, iped tea.
, : -A. "... ... . . DINNEflW ,. ...
Julienne soup, rib roast of beef eautf- '
flower, browned potatoes, horseradish sauce.
raspberry ahortcake aaaatled With whipped
cream, black coffee.
Berries, cereal and cream, baron fried
.with green peppers, French roils, whole
wheat bread, toaat, coffee and tea. .
Remnant of Jellied calf's tongue served as
a salad upon lettuce with mayonnaise,
baked Welsh rabbit, crackers and cheese, -baked
rloe pudding, cold tea. '
, t- DINNER, 1 ,
Testerday's soup, cold beef with horse
radish sauce and pickle, green corn fritters,
young beets with the tops on, canned peach .
ple.rilack coffee. 7
TUESDAY ";,- ,
FrulC cereal and cream, hany. omelet,
eora bread, toast, tea and coffee.
, v.''-:.'.;.V,I'tmCHEON. ' '''V'
s Beef hash (a leftover), beet and -egg i
j salad, graham bread and butter, c racket a
aad cheese, hermits, tea.
' .iV'.vfS ': --DINNBR. . ' " .-
Cauliflower soup (a left-over), calf's liver U
larded and roasted in the casserole, aspara
gus, , green peas, berries end cake wits)
cream,, black eoffea. .,; ... ; ;;. .
r ' BREAKFAST, . , ; ,C 5. :
' Orangea' cereal and eream, bacon, soft
boiled eggs, tried bread, toast, -tea and
coffee.: ... .
Sardines with lemon, green pea souffle ?
left-over); - qul-sk biscuit, hot crackers, -;
cream cheese and gooaeberry marmwlaUe,
cocoa, 1 '
J Macaroni ' soup with Parmeaan cheese,"'
liver balls, en casserole (a leftover), mash4 . 1
potatoes,1 creamed young onions, .- tipsy
parson, black cones. ' ;
Berries, cereal and cream,- roe herring.
hominy cakes, toast; . tea and coffee. ,, I
. Cold ham, garnished with cress; en
: dive salad- with French dressing, cream' ,
cheese and olive sandwiches, stuffed po
. tatoes, Spanish style; fruit, iced tea, . 1
Tomato and rice -, soup, lamb chops '
, breaded, 'String beans, sweat potatoeSi
. currant pie; black coffee,- .v. .,-'1-
- 'breakfast
r. Berrlss, oareal and erafltr saeeai- het
ahortcake and honey, tpast, tea and-
Clam fritters,, shortcake heated over,,
baked potatoes, chopped sweet potatoes
(a left-over), - bread and butter : pudding, .
tea, . .
DINNER . ' -
Creamed "greeta corn "chowder, baked
halibut with sauce tartars, rlced pota
toes, browned; spinach, tapioca pudding. :
black .coffee. , - '
' . ' satoSdat , ' 1 -
" ' , BRBAKFA6T ' , '
, Orange, cereal and - eream,' Salmon ;-
j strips, French tried , potatoes, muffins.. ..p.
toaat, tea and coffee . -. .
' " , LUNCHEON '
Salmon -tlmbales with; white sauce- (a
left-over), potato puff (a left-over),, j ,
heated muffins from breakfast, romalne
salad, trackers and cheese, cookies aad ;
tea.- .-
" DINNER , f ,
; :"8erap"- seap, beefsteak - and eailona j" -aquash,
eggplant.- berries and eraaos
With cookies; black coffee, , . .
4 ..