The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 18, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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    - I, ....-nn i-ri--Trmr--HrTyi-n'ymy!imrym-rTmntrrTm1"mmmmmmmmm 1 "ftT f
; V- v . Most Distinguished FamI- , ;;V;v " . !
Score Highest in Meier &
-Frank Contest and Will Go
. ; " to furope; Miss'Catlin Gets
New York Trip.
Member of. One of, Austria's
Most Distinguished Fami
lies Abducts Girl; '
ill ti 1 Miss v. "Cornelia A - Brookmire, Y
rnktltMra' rrsea U4 Wlrw.l
-Vienna, -June If. - Coont otto Von
Wykenburg, a member pf one of the
moat distinguished noble families In
Austria and cousin to the minister of
the Interior, haa been arrested on the
charge of abducting a beautiful girl
who Is minor.
According by the girl t he appeared
outside iCount vVllcsek's country man-
l slon In Polish Ostrou. Leaving the girl
The public school teacher's European
Amerlnan travel contest, conducted by
the Meier St Frank store, cloeed lsst
1 evenlnr at ( o'clock in genuine eam-
' pal an style. Voting was brisk
final ballot was cast, and
ran high as the contest
. reuroalm frtr votes reached
erery home In Oregon, and the affair ' statementa. telephoned the police
we a auoceaa In the fullest meaning i awaited him at the park gates.
Head pf Portland Chapter An-'Portland and Vancouver, B. C., Unless " Steamship Companies
r.Ui. !- ii aIiamaI i Pluhc T'ia frf Caomrt PIoAa. I ' ' nrt Cc Pnoef Pnmnlw With
flUUnCcS ralul ' III IidUUiiaij viuuo lie ivi wbwvuu i lavwii wu kai wvmi vvmpi; mum
Leader "Now ; in ' Trouble; Many Records r smasnea; Demands; r tmproyes , win
' a m A 1 earn 1 . Ma . I , t ' k ft.. ' - s . t
Hopes to Have Him Here. I individuals uei uoocmaces iiop worK.
Once Fiancee of ; Edward
Wentz", to Wed. v'.
Minnesota and". Wisconsin
, Senator's Home Community
Take Up Cry Progressive
, League Is Active. ;, v
Correcting what aha terma a "wrong
Impreaaion" which the public may have
gained aa a reault of published accounta eaualed and a world s record
of the affairs of the American Woman's 1 1()t t00 yro, waa broken at Madison
itMclal Dl.uairS to Vnt Juarsal i
Seattle, Wash.. June 17. tight Pa
cific northwest records ware smashed.
IB the lratloMl N.we Rrrvtre.)
4BmU4 rm Laatea Wl.f
Mlnnsa polls. , June 47. The La Fot .
mi ! fu it a KnisrMi in i nuni n linn it - . i t . . - , a mmasv.1 m am, a r . t. . . i . . i . . . rdBM
until K I . -. i league, wnicn if" inri yi v. prn nil. tunnwu nuvii imi uvm
uniu i an) nn lenrnlne or his absence begged't.. ...... ... .a a i . ih.k i.iDfiiiiii
enthusiasm . (he steward to advance him aoma mon f.'. ........ .t r.iumhi. linmmiM 1. th. Hlith mnuil
closad. The er. The steward compiled, but . being ' tf ii fW4 , m. tii. P.clf Ifl
nr(MiK- ' ilonhiful ebeut Count Wvkanbura'a rinu "H'r, .Tji.. . .v.- it if
of the word. , The police, who detained the couple,
Miss A. Roger -of Ladd school and 1 state that both appeared tired. Count
Hiss C Murphy of Highland school. I Wykenburg established his Identity only
representing the west and east aides I to learn there waa a Warrant out against
of the, river, respectively, and Miss B. I him for the alleged abduction of Krau-
' Jennings of Harmony school, represent
lag Oregon at large, received the lar
gest number of votes In their classes.
1 and will take the trip ' to London or
. . Paris. ,
s t Seyma May 1.
' The votes were based upon a Sl-cent
purchase, In which such a purchaee
, counted 25 votes. The contest began
May 1. and closed laat evening. It drew
attention from every corner and hamlet
In the state. One man yesterday pur
chased 120,000 worth of furniture In
view of turning his votes . toward' a
, aertaln contestant. Votes were allowed
' by malt, and this department had a very
neoeaafal business. The contest waa
.pen to all publlo school teachers In
"the state, and the contestanta 'organised,
regular campaigns of vote getting.
, Managers of such campaigns were se
lected, and thorough cairvaaaea .wera
. -'iad. kA
Tht reeoH of the contest la aa fol-
. Waa Wlnasfa.. , t i -. .1
Prise 1, West Portland Miss A Rot
- era, Ladd school Trip ta either London
r Paria. Vota I.MT.071. - -Prlae
J, last Portland Mlsa C Mur
' phy. Highland school. Trip to either
. London or Parts. Vote 1.7 K.tTS.
Prise I, Oregon at large Ml as B.
Jennings, Harmony , school. - Trip to
. cither London or Paris. Vote 1.09.I7I.
, Prise 4, next highest in all districts
' Mlse B. Cstlin, , Hawthorne school.
Trip to New Tork city. . Vote 4,103,S7i.
' v Prise I, next , highest In all districts
Miss K. Blckenaon, Shattack school.
' A month's vacation at any Oregon beach,
, Vote t,T8J)2. ,
i Prlae . Next highest in West Port
. land Mlsa F. . Q. Portor. railing
achooU two weeks' vacation at Bay
ocean, with all expenses paid at Bay
ocean hotel. Vote 1J98.0B0.
Prise 7. Next highest In West Port
land Miss it. .Heggle, Davis school.
Two weeks' vacation at Seaside, all ex
peases paid at Moore's hotel. Vota 2,
: 141.076.
i Prise 8. Next highest In West Port
:, land Mrs. P. Bingham, Couch school.
. Two weeks' vacation at Longbeach,
Washington, expenses paid at Breakers'
bote!,. Vote J,a0,400. - t ' i
.'Prise o. next highest In East Port
, land Mlsa Mahle Taubenhstmer, Sell
i wood school. Two weeks' . vacation at
Gearhart park, expenses paid at Gear
hart hotel. Vote I,"7,000.
Baat , Side Wlaaara.
.' Prlie 10, jiext highest in East' Port-
land Miss Chaney, Bunnyslda school.
. Two weeks' vacation at Ocarhart park,
v expenses paid at Oearhart hotel. Vota
2,100.775. '
Prise 11,. next highest In East Pprt-
land Miss L. E.- Black, Peninaular
Two weeks', vacation A at Long Beach,
- Washington, expense paid at Breakers'
y hotel. Vote 1.857.875.
Prise 12, next highest in state, out
I. aide Portland Mies Irene Carter, Mil
waukta school. Two weeks' vacation
;' at Bayocean, expenses paid at Bay-,
', ocean hotel. Vote 1,266,4)0.
Prise It. next highest In state, out-
aide Portland Miss D. Badolette, As
leln Rosa Oraas from her parents home
at Eger, Bohemia. Tbe couple are aald
to have eloped some daya ago and re
mained In hiding until their money waa
exhausted. The police have restored
the girl to her parents, snd released
Count Wykenburg on parole.
R.1 O. Lewis, president of the organ!
tatlon. In strong terms,
. . -Mr. Lewis is a victim of claaa per
secution." declared Mrs. Taylor. "Tha
asperalons cast upon his Integrity are
absurd. The charge that his financial
dealings have been Irregular art ground
less. Mr. Lewis, at his awn personal
risk, haa attempted to secure the oredlt-
ore by every possible means. Tha 200,
000 women of the United States who are
members of the American Woman's
league have utmost confidence In the
stability of the league. It will not dla-
Integrate as a result of these proceed
ings. Mr. Lewis will be vindicated.
Powerful Influences have been at work
for years to accomplish the -undoing oi
the president.
"But the unselfish motives of Mr,
Lewis are tha enduring foundation
stones on which tha league Is built.
Its laudable alma are to uplift women
and bring about the education of the
members within tha homes. As ta theee
suits a majority of tha creditors are
perfectly willing to Jet the receiver
ship take Its course. They are not
parties to the suits which have lately
been instigated." '
Mrs. Taylor declared that an at
tempt is being made to break up the
block of tenement housea on Fourteenth. I organisation In .this city. "We know
The -boys, Joe Rolche, who lives at who Is behind the scheme in this city."
No. 246 North Fourteenth street, and she aald. "We are certain that any
Mike Fenovich, of No. 227 North Four- such movement Is aura to fall. The
teenth, were playing In the house laat local members have every confidence in
evening. Welch, while passing on his . Mr. Lewis. When ha visits Portland
Two boys, one five and the other six
yrarr old, . are- accused by Policeman
Welch of starting a fira In" a vacant
house at tha corner of Fourteenth and
Riley streets last evening that for a
time threatened. to burn out the entire
The tirattla Athletic club took flrat
place with 70 points; Multnomah Ami
teur Athletic club of Portland and the
Vancouver Athletic club of Vancouver.
B. C tied for aecond place with 20
polnta each; unattached men took four
points and fJ tan wood one.
. Courtney and Nelson, both of Seattle,
put up a great struggle In the 100-yard
- . (Ualled Press' Leae-d Wtref
0t, . Louis, June 17. Announcement
that , Miss Cornelia F, Brookmire of St.
Louie, who received 1100,000 from the
estate of her fiance, Edward L. Went,
a Philadelphia millionaire, when he was
mysteriously slain eight years ago, will
New ' Tork, June,' 17. Unless thai marry Howard Gillette of Chicago, came
steamship conpanlea running boats on a a distinct surprise to all but berilette candidacy for. president, announced
the Atlsntio seaboard comply within vlw,t,t friends. QHlatta la a wealthy in Washington today, waa promptly tn
h. ,... a. . with th. n.manrf. Chicago -clubmen.. Miss Brookmire Uldorsed by tha Progressive Republican
the international Peamena union of lPndlng the summer at Blddeford. Me. 1 league of MlnneaoU at a maetlng hera
. a i r wenia. ncr iirsi nance, waa actively in i inia eveninr. univ live memoora or inm
merv coal passers and longahoremea fhrf of, finily a ,-extenslv, tand executive, committee war. 4nt,. but-.
win etrlke. and the general tie-up or l T " . ; ,;. V.T'irr .., 7 .v-
ah pping between Eaatport. Me. ta New .'-"ZTZuif UteV.- The tZJZZZZTt ,W. th. : -
vrieana win ensue. t i, i , . r : r "r. : 7 .
All th eomnanlea were notified laat I ' " wmimur, on mm aoe-rni noi . u ivi-
etk tht thTPmenew.ntJd bt t.V -t "ad impo;: re.trlctlona ;. t,n lowing resolution was .doptadr- ;
tne mountaineers ana u was auspecten , "Feeling that iio&eri L Fount te
Tha family of I has become tha reoognlsed national lead-'
fared 820.000 for hie return alive amller of tha progreaalva movement of tha
I500Q for hla body. If dead. The corpse United SUtaaJ ,, . J ' J , , .vt
waa found alght months - later, but J "We, the executive , committee of
wuviuvi ii cm- n -.i.i-u ui vviii" I me -ainneaoia rrogTeBiiTa -vepuoncaa
weak that the men wanted better treat-
m A k.ll.a . - . . Ah... I U
J"!; i .I :?:: - ...;L:-..V.; had been murdered,
.viva t,iaa iriiv iaai aa rm saav uu iu
reault if they did not answer the union's
secretary by today. Every company
with the exception of tha Southern Pa
j-.i. r . i j a m ivuiw m-i-u ivi an Mitniiwr oi urn-, i...iij. . tfwMb. I . . . - ..i......
un, uunnvjr wiunmi in w -"-- I j t,mir ka.i. . tt -u.h.ni4 I " ""' league, are unanimously ana emnueiae
onds. one fifth of a second under tha . "a 7 1 crau mlrea " engagement to Wants waa not I tlcaJlr In favor of Wa eandldaoy for
,'. ,-.rrA UnIA kv nBn Vallu I n 1 ' r- . I Irfiiiwn until ih-'lnnM-ul at the funeral. I -. l .1 a -. X .. . A .. s '
beat saw flamea inside tha building.
Ha found the two children inside and
a mattress which they. had. lighted with
matches, burning briskly againat tha
alda wall, while ' the woodwork . had
caught fira and waa getting a good
start , It took Welch 20 mlnutea to put
the fire out Tha boya were aent to
their homes.
' iCaltrd PreM Ltwl Wire.) t
Newark, N. J., June 17. After being
aent more than 10.000 miles to be veri
fied by witnesses, thewlll of J. A.
Frlnk, which had been lost for months,
iwas probated hera today. One witness,
Edward C, Strohm, of Bakersfleld. Cel..
waa the only one' living who had signed
the paper, and it was aent to him for
a hearty reception will be accorded him
by, the chapter hare."; "
'! . . .
I, T. Xgaores Detaaada.
Through the failure pf the Southern
Pacific to notice tha demands, five of
Its boats were held up until lata this
evening, when they were able to aend
two boats to sea.
The strikers Include coal paaaera, fira.
men, steward, waiters, sallore- every
man employed aboard ahlp, exteept the
C W. Junger. general manager of tha
Morgan line, or tha Southern Paclfta
Steamship company, declared that the
strikers' troubles were directed on hla
known until she appeared at tha funeral I president and wa recommend tha same m "I- ipi i" M i I that "at VAl-ahU anvAki nAO'tft (IIMt .. th .
mctnbtrihlp throughout tho aUt
... ... , , .
(OsitH Preea Utased Wlre.1 . . '
Madison. Wla., June IT. Progressiva
(Onlted Ptms teeeed Win". I D.iiihilMni I-. MC lAU-nnmin enthuaed tv
Delaware, Ohio. June 17, Plana for I H.-t.j,. fmn, Wuhln-ton that UruV
. . i . . xr. i r - . , .
ted Btatos Senator' La roiietta had
exhuming tha remains of Edgar Way,
yU.t onX-do Un'n' WtBt'd t0 " i7bi7-.C , c'andTda'cr f-or
'-Th. ? J. a, -oieiv fr . "dr IV. i f.'?.n" the R.publlcln nomination for th. prea--
F. A. King, night manager for the
Portland Taxlcab company waa arrested
last night at 237 Btark treet by De
tect"Va Tlchenor and Howell on a lar
ceny charge preferred bf Howard
Sweeney of 201 Vi Stark atreet
According to tha story told tha dis
trict attorney yesterday by Sweeney,
he was riding around the city Friday
night in a drunken condition and when
verification through - the mayor. Tha' h t0 ay nl" bm tn '"ver
luue, mm 10 ine utaiuao neaaquanera
where ha alleges that King made him
pay tne amount of tha bill but In addi
tion to that, took 227 from him.
King, at police headquarters Jaat
night declared he la Innocent of the
charge and that Sweeney la merely
"peeved" at having to pay his bill and
swore to the chargea for revenge. He
was released on 1250 bail.
mayor misplaced the ,wlll, finding It only
a few daya ago- In the meantime.
Strohm had moved. It waa returned
hera. Finally the missing witness wis
found In Surrogate. III., where hla sig
nature waa affixed.
' (Catted Frees Leased W!re.
Washington, June 17. Another blow
at the-Southern Pacific's former mon
opoly of the water freight between the
two coasts, via Panama, waa struck to
day by Secretary of War Stlmaon, when
he Issued orders for the government's
world's record helf by Dan Kelly.
The summary:
100-yard dash Courtney, 8. A. C;
Nelaon, 8. A, C; Astel, Stsnwood. Time
0 4-1.
220-yard daah Nelaon. S. A. C;
Courtney, 8. A. C; Britton, 8. A. C,
Time 21 2-b.
440-yard Cash Qlsh. 8. A. C; Oalor,
V. A. C; Davldaon, V. A. C. . Time
40:1 (P. N. A. record)
Half mile Edmundson, 8. A. C; Oal
or. V. A. C; Warren. S. A. C. Time
1:00 2-0,
One mile run Clyde, 8. A. Cf; Lang.
8. 'A. C: Redman, 8. A. C Time 4:20
(P. N. A. record).
"" run vnanaier. v. x. v.., - """" mg or tier 31 -year-old atep-aaugnter, ldenev ... Dunnina a meeting hara
. VI " V. .. - Vul . wer aoanaonea ipnignu wlth)n the next few daye t Uuncb
v. iim i- ir. n. y. recoroi. a " mi. . I Thla announcement waa made by Da-1 t Imii.tte'a active campaign. '
im-yard mgh nuraies Hawams, m. e ra ni nou. iney i- itfK.tivt Matthews, working on the Hen- guta Senator A. W. Sanborn, chairs
1 A r . f. M A a f that it Ih.v mr nnt akan h oan. I . . . ... I 0ie DOMWr ,T dwiuvih '
a,,1"',' '"'.? "' ' J.," L,;;;,ru.V. -rt.n Po,0n,n case, xouowmg ma mum mn of tha Bwly organlsad Wlsoonala
haw, S. A. C. Time 10:2. tain masters or do not live at certain from . conference with authoritlea at Uranch of the National Prcrreaalva
"0-yra low nuraiea Hawkina, M. ooaroing nouaea, iney era noi aoe to wheeling. W. Va.. where Way died pre- , r ahtI)a tonight Wtaoonaln pr
A- A-.?':. Mr,co'nr"0"' A-.F-L L,Aour- 0b'? r.mPl.5rm!B. .umably of lead pol-onlng, and at CalcV Lve. we Jl?d f" L
i an. ja ja. . . i iitia ib i I n. A . i j ii n . i ninpn wini id mm kr mn rr . i .... m.,. , tir . w i - . . .
.7 ' I , j. . .w I won, wiiiu, wuerv w my we wwr wur-
Pole vault Wllllame, M. A. A.
H. Bowman, 8. A. C: Ned Humes, 8, and beter food aboard ahlp.
A. C. Height 11 feet t Inches.
High Jump Thomassen. S. A, C;
Bowman, 8. A. C; Evaas, 8. A. C.
Height 0 feet 10 Inches.
Broad Jump Qlsh, 8. A. C; McCon
nell, V. A. C; McDIarmld. V, A. C
Distance, 21, feet 10 inches.
Hop, step and Jump Ned Humes, S.
A. C; Sam Humes, B. A. C; McDIarmld,
V. A. C. Distance, 42:0U.
Hammer aillis, V. A. C; Baker, M.
A. A. U.; Bherrick, s. A. C. .instance,
140:1 (Pv N. A. record)
forms, but la carrying them Into el-
fct' , .
ment with the company direct a. they 1M,.- Matthew, dilared thai Prosecutor b iom natl d ted. H. ha; prorM
orurr ine remains eznumen aa aim es-1
perience In the Bchenk trial had con
vinced him of tha lnadvtsablHty of
. . a a . . . I
prvsecuiing a poisoning cnargw unieea i , . . lnniin
tha evidence was very strong. It la not HEAD Of MUKMUN
expected, therefore, that there win H mJIIDAU Dl CUnC
any further developments until Mra I ull U nOM rLLAUO
Henkla Is brought to trial.
Merle Henkle, who has-secured rooms
away from her father "and stepmother,
la still considering a vaudeville offer.
v (Continued from Page One.)
fFBBiiiierr rm teiata wire. I - m . Mvit m ,
Chicago. ,111.. June 17. Evidence MUnMUN UArllaCCd
Bhot wolf, M. A. A, C; Bruaeth. un-I which la exoected to reault in the In-
attached; Patten,' ' 8. A. C Distance, Idlctment of two hiah labor officials
i:e tr. is. a. recoraj. . connected with one of the most Influ
Ulscus Olllls, V. A. c; Wolf. M. A. I ential uniona In Chicaao. charalna them
a r . w.iu a - a rt tx.-... , 1 ... .... . T
. .,,., a. v, wiiiiin.c, i witn maintaining an "assassin s do-i . " , r " -r ' " . i , -,.....nn tar- will vnn
'wtOH. reau'from which gun men were sent y R"
Hardwlck com mi tee. asked that ha .ba
. . . i Tfc-..tT,-... aiiti '
one of the leading lignta or. uie Mor-
MflinFWS IN SFA mon church, a a substitute , witness.
i.iwt.w ' 1 , U...(.V ,hl K. rr ttA (l' tnm unwrna n irtx I - " ...
London. June 17. Thousands of holl-l n "Determined to have your testimony.
Javelin Neil, M, A. A. C; Evans, 8. to carry out their murderous plana and I wltneaaed a Mormon baptism at aea to
C: Glsh, 8. A. C. Distance, 140 feet paying them well for their Crimea. wlUaa?' ' , ; . :
0 (P. N. A. record)
00-pound weight McDIarmld. V A,
C; Olllis, V. A. C; BruOeth, unattached,
Distance, 22 feet 2H (P. N. A. record)
I be placed before the grand jury wheal
coma on tha 22V with subpena, or abalt
we send an officer to -aerve you; An-
Af tar addressing a great crowd, the I awer at once.?- r ,, ,f ,--.. ti. ,
reconvenes monamy. . . 1 ... ..... .n,. i... tin . . . tt vi.w
This fact became known on good: att-1 v. v.. .t!v.i T 1 ln" i"""""" 1
thoritv todav following renort that the "" JHma " . ."""f ;"v called tor, inia repiy was rw nn.
. . . w " . i vminar wnman a 1 1 1 r.n in, whllfl .nmmar. . . .
n.w evidence had alraadv been Biased I ' ... . --. ... r i uf rn..,
k.. " . ... - . ' . icostumea. wnen tne water was on a i
- - I l.h . Mara thv Bllnnut
The avldenca Is aald to be In the . tr ,"," . ..,k.- I
form of confessions made by three tun r." "V..;.."" ' "ZLZ "a -."i.T:
men to agenta of the Plnkerton Detec- , th. . r..A 4h,m Th8
tlve Agency, In which one man con-1 -..-.i,. tn -.l
....4 k. l.v.. .-J .ii .k... I w-m - t
Before he left the Mormon addressed
lines on the Paolflc. Under the new
rulea . ta Panama Steamship company
i will hereafter ply between Colon and
I Philadelphia. In addition to New Tork.
toria school. I'wo weeks" vacation tt I hunt im h. R.t. . Ph...w
Seaeide.vexpenaes paifl.t Moore'a ho- j wh0 have established an independent
Ua. Vot . 8 . " a a.- iitne hetween Pacific coast cities and
i The contest was under the direction Panama,
j of John F. Carroll, Manager and editor j ,
New York. June IT.With-110 paa
aengers aleeplng oeacefullv aboard her.
the Morgan line ateamahln Mnmna lev !
ten line of steamers on the Atlantic M Pf a late hour tonight Of-
side to cooperate with the Independent
news editor of Tbe Oregon Journal: O. ! DOCTOR-MAYOR FREED,
-V ..... . .1... . . i . . . 1 , , . F
i . jucucr, uij runor oi ine Aiornmg
Oregonian. ,
tt.rm n th. .hi. .... ..14. . 1..
v. v wv W MAWf liWOIRUt
They were waiting for 2p strikebreak
ing seamen who were to complete the
Impromptu crew which waa expected to
take the place of tha 200 striking
sailors, who walked out Just before
the boat was scheduled to sail today,
on a fight for better food, sleeping
quarters and hours. Morgan Una of
ficials at midnight were optimistic that
the necessary 20 Bailors would arrive
In time for the ship to aall before noon
(Trotted Press Leased Wire. - .
.. . -Columbua, Ohio, June 17. The sec
ond trial growing out of Ohio's legls
lative bribery acandal in which 12 legis
lators and one senate employe are un
der Indictment' will be called Monday.
Tha case, is that of Rodney Dlegle, sen
- ate sergeant-at-arms, charged with act
' lng aa a go-between in soliciting a bribe
tor Senator Andrewa from Burns' de
tectives who were posing as lobbyists.
. - Unusual interest attaches to the case
aa it will be the first one In which evi
dence eecured by the detectives on tha
dictagraph will be used.
CfVV DAM CDAfC I ID"! All other Morgan line passenger .and
3UVA DMIU, rnWMC'Ur freight boata are tied up tonight and
1 ' 1 nfffnim 1 si nt tha Tnatmait(Aiial flaavnan'K
'(VbltH preH ItMd Wh. Ttnlnn nf Amertce laaimrf un iilt1mt..m
(union printer who was killed in Wells
flffirifalo Mau, Rolima All tho 1 street January 1 2. One of the alleged
VII'WUI HUIl 'HWIVHl nil IIIV ... onnf...a. t th. Vlllln It t.
The report of the near indictmenta
of men "higher up" created consterna
tion in labor circles. Many - labor
chiefs denied strenuously knowing any
thing about tha present sluggers' war.
named their employers and told thai
scale or wages received. . f . wor(,. tn. crowd on the virtue
ine a i reel niuraer case in qucHioni. h.ntln
wna liiv iBiiin va nui jt it-.n, iivii
Chances of Solving Warri
ner Mystery Are Lost.
Bemidjl, Minn., June 17.
i that unless their demands are granted
iT." Zm Z7 -.TrJ A7ZZ:',..Zly next Tuesday the men on all coast
which, they say, explosives and yegg-
men a tooia have been kept, with the I EIGHT HOUR LAW TO
I'liiKenuiii ana unpuiy jnarsnai
Sam Fullerton asserting that Dumaa Is
the leader of a gang of criminals who
carried on a gigantic and state-wide
campaign in arson and safe blowing,
sentiment in Case Lake and Bemidjl is
divided tonight concerning the arrest
of the Cass Lake physician.
Dr. Dumaa chargea openly that ha
has been made the victim ' of his ene
mies, that the caae against him hss
"been framed," that the atate officials
have been made the Innocent means of
wreaking personal ; vengeance on him
and that he will prove his Innocence.
The physician's frlenda take his view
of the case.
(Called PreM tailed Win.
? ; 8C Louis, June 17.i Hounding loan
sharks drove J. P. Fahey. 22, to kill
if.':, himself, after notifying his young bride
,t his Intentions, according to his diary
ot a three day struggle to die., Ffthey
f;.f,-.d!aappared three days ago. A letter (judge, don't do no thin' to us yet. cause
-" was received from him-from Oranlte we-re eaving all our pennies lust as
'City, ; HI., informing his wife that he hard as we can to get the license.'
Intended to Jump into the Mlsslsaippl pleaded little Clyde Cutting, six, todav,
WfeW.W.-"Hla diary tells of the attempt before Judge Connolly, when he was
at but his .nerve failed, as it did when he nsked why he didn't have a license for
.ft-'? sought, twice, to take poison. He final- ! hia aob
u .hwto iuniuu.iu How much have vou av.d now."
(United Prwe Leased Wliw t
Run YTrenclnrn., .Tuna IT..Th.t tn
California women's eight hour Jaw ap-!have embesaled proved unavailing.
(Onlted Press Leased Wire.)
Cincinnati. June 17. With the aeoult
tal by a Jury today of Edgar. 8. Cooks,
of -the charge of embeszling $24,00.1
from the Big Four Railroad, county
officials concede they have lost their
hope of ever solving the mystery that
surrounds the 2(42,000 embezzlement for
which former Big Four Treasurer Chas,
L. Warriner is now serving six years
in tne penitentiary,
Three cases srrew nut at Wirrliur'i
embezzlement; that of Cooke, " that of J Chris S. Hendrfekson, a laborer, aged
with blackmailing Warriner to get funda lle piling alabwood for the East Side jyUT0 SMUb, U V tK I UnNo!
lor nereeu ana uooKe, witn wnoni iht vvihiwu, v " "
was Infatuated, and that againat War- East Water streets. The man had been
riner. The latter waa the onlv ana con. living at the Rhelnphals hotel and had
vintju I no famtlv. Beveral workmen were with I . ' (ITnllVd Press Leased Wlrs.t
Warriner, however, was convicted on him when , he fell dead. Patrolman 1 Kansas City, Mo.. June 17. John
a charge of merely embezzling 25000 O'Brien took charge of the caae and 8tott was Instantly killed and his two
and all efforts in the three trials to' ordered.-the remaina turned over to the women companions Injured when his
establish what became of the bulk-of coroner, where tha body la, now held. automobile skidded and then .turned over
the 2047,000 Warriner is conceded to
(Dalted Prasa LssMd Wlre.t
Washington, June 17, Warning Per
sia to have no dealings with "tha Amer
ican money trust," Professor E. O. Oat
singer of this city, before tha Persian-
American Educational society, today,
charged that tha wheels of government
in Washington were directed by finan
ciers In New York city.
"It is thli very aama American
money trust which Is the 'breaker ahead'
for Persia," aald Getsinger, "Let that
kind of money get a foothold In Per
sia and Persia will ba govenred from
Now Tork, aa the government at Wash
ington la directed from New Tork city."
as W a wa ssmf- wy w m uumwm -vav.wvv
piles to , clerks, and stenographers in
telegraph, telephone. ' - manufacturing,
mechanical- and mercantile establish
ments la the opinion formally drafted
by' State Attorney General, Webb and
made public today.
under tha ruling only Women em
ployed In the offices of physicians,
lawyers and a few other professionals
will be. exempt. ,. ,,4
CAP. J. P. SHANNON, 89, . ,
twice Into tha ditch on the freshly oiled
road nine miles south of here late to"
Miss Genevieve pieroe, 22, was ser
iously injured am Mius Minnie Collins
According to her statement after
learning the news this afternoon. Mrs.
Jennette Ford, the "Woman in the War-
rier case," was the happiest person con- ,...,., T pmi shannon a. ninnur I was hurt about the face, and arms,
nected with the trial of C chauffeur, whosa name la urt-
hVm " H - the People's TransporUtlon company, w u"
"vn,. ..'k .Mh . . died last night at the Good Samaritan
ni. ZT. T " In Ohio In 1822 and came west in loto,
vwwac wan iici
and In It Smith setd:
The sugar industry In Utah, and Ida
ho la one of the greatest bleaa In ga to
the paopla. The men in charge ara ca
pable, honest men, any one of whom can
give you all tha Information' I can and
more.. '.. .
; "X am alwaya willing to give avldenca
aa to any busineaa with which I am
connected, but my obligations hera .
make it extremely difficult, if not Im
possible, for me to reach Washington
by the 2!d, John Henry Bmlth, one of
the presidents of the church, a director
and member of the Utah-Idaho Sugar
company, la now In the east and could,"
without expanse to tha government
meet your committee, and answer any
question proper for me to answer. Be
sides all this. I am suffering with sciatica-rheumatism,
and am In no health
to go to Washington." .
At a lata hour tonight Hardwick had
received no reply to hla final massage
to President Smith. v
(Bpecial Dlspatcb to The jonrasl.) ' '
Butte. Mont. June 17. Nathan J.
Davis, aged 81, a pioneer merchant of
the n6rthweat and a distinguished cit
izen of Montana died today. t-For threa
terms ha ; was clerk and recofder of
Madlaon county' and for two terms waa
police magistrate. He came to the atate
by mule, team in the early sixties. He
was high In Masonic circles, t
, Arrest Robbert Snspects. .
Nick Ramble was arrested yesterday
afternoon on suspicion of being- Impli
cated with Ole Hill in robbing Frank
Miller and E. B, McBrlde Friday morn
ing. , The charge of -vagrancy haa been
placed againat him. , . ' ,
Journal Want Ads bring reeulta.
here today.
" A Children 'a day program will be
, given this morning at tbe Epworth
: Methodist church, 887 Savler street. The
'v; welcome address will be made by Esther
, Mills of the primary department and
the acripture reading by Miss Elsie K.
. Lathrop. .Clifford McFarland, the
, amaltest boy in the Sunday school, will
tgive a recitation, and a primary exer.
. rlaa will be given by Clara Baker, Mar
. aTuertta Sager and Ellen Dahi. Several
; other children will take part in the
program. Rev. M. J. Bailey will de
.. liver tha sermon in the evening.
Do Wot Fail to See Them!
Very f fine exhibition pianos are, ob
tainable now at greatly- reduced prices
; at tllere Music House, where tha entire
' grand opening display, of pianos, player
pianos and other Instruments is pew
being sold.
Joual Waut Ada frlna- reaulta,
i asked the court
"I think we got 76 cents." and his
smaller brother nodded in verification.
Upon which the court gave the lad a
permission to go back home and aee If
their mother wouldn't give them the" re
maining 40 cents.
IT. . 1 ... A , U . 11.
Aaked if she was going to go back i i. a,.-r-i. th
to Cooke. Mr.. Ford said: V'.. th-" t,n.
Oh. no, it's all over between us now. .... v,(t, .n. v,.
I want him to go baok w hs wife. Ul'TL.- ' ' . "
1 were only young again 1 could live a.....t...n oni. au.. tnr.
Over my life as I had been tauuhl- to I ..." . ...
All records for live. When I am well again, I am go- UZwlf SkT;- - a..Ut-, tw
Inar nnt In th. . i -o .. . , w......
" ""JC ii-. L -"V ,u, Mis Edith Shannon of Denver; W. E
to make my lifers long as I poetiibly shannon ot Hood. River and Mrs. J. M,
Colli. ' f I . a-
mmt fKa wo lianoptmanr afraenAnn Th It. fv tt 4-Via nutia , aaa 4-a1 I w
The' niimbei1 of ' no'n-effec,tlves for last one. Following his acquittal Cooke WOMAN SAVES BABY
may, mciuaing sick, guaranouse prison- ; unnouncea mac ne would return to ut)l I t r-nntu rl Aurc. IAAV nil?
era and those not available for duty for j cago and go into business there . I rKUIvt rLAIVltoJ IV! AT Ult
any reason wimimwypr, was per j ' tn ,, i - , ,
1000 men. The average number of non- lIDDnC CTDCCTb i FftD Chicago, June 17. Mrs. Mary Mes-
effectives In the whole army during! imi iiuwu j I I u. run I siha is dying tonight, aAtctlm of her
isio waa 43 per loov.
Waahlneton. June 17.
(United 1'ress Leased Wire.) i efficiency in the United States army
Detroit. Mich., June 17.- "Please. I have been broken hv the division at Sin
Antonio, according to a report.Teceived
WFW RFFIY-4WQT1THTF J mother love. The woman tried to start
i II'" 1 1 1 a f ire" in a -safetygaaollna. atorfc,,.Tha
i Joplln & Gieblsch, who have the eon
1 tract for Improving Woodstock Avenue
from Reed institute to East Fiftyi
j Seventh street, will begin grading and
i building sidewalks next Monday. They
win also start to grade and build the
MTnltMl Pm ImauaA VIm
! Chicago, June 17. A conduit man
1 frf nniiim n.Pp jivis, mivnim, iu iu - 7 ,
I 000 POUND SAFE : Edtaon company, was blown up tonight, ! 6lde,w'lk!! ?B 58t TWrty-ninth from the
the police say. by strike sympathisers """
and electric light service to the west f5rst from Kel,y treet tp Woodstock
side was partially paralyzed. - avenue and Kortv-fourth , from Kelly
This is the fourth electric conduit I st,eet t0 Wty-fourth avenue southeast.
blown up within a week.
(Halted PmM hnumt Wlr..
New Tork, June 17. Robbers broke
Into the home of George B. Wlcke, a
wealthy manufacturer, who is in Eu
rope, in broad daylight and stole a half
ton safe containing silverware and jew.
expiotiion set her on fire and a-tarted
, a blase in. her house; Instead of rustl
ing to the street for help,, she ran into
her hedroom, carefully wrapped her
baby In a blanket, and rushed out, while
the flames were eating at her head and
Physicians say she will die. The
babe was saved. .. - :).
Butte, Mont., June 17. Becauae 'Ed
ward J. Ruaael), a miner, had no money
when he. waa held up tonight by two
highwaymen, who poked two guns into
his face, they took his dinner bucket.
1 saying they wera hungry, ,
I San JranclBco, June 17. Dolores
traltei Press Leesed win.. I Hughes, a girl employed ' in a dance
New Tork. June 17. It was learned J hall at 487 Pacific street, tonight shot
tonight that, -every important- steel
manufacturer in the United States will
'sail next week for Brussels. On July 6
andJ) there will be an international con
ference Of 'steel, magna tea at. which
world-wide agreement regarding prices
la expected ta ba reached,. -
and probably fatally wounded her para
mour, peter omes. ? . 'i.,v ?
-. The shooting, followed a threat by
Gomea to leave the woman. She fired
three; shots, one of which took effect
in the head. He Is not expected tor live.
Tha Hufhes woman was arrested, v '
The condition of Dr. A E. Rockey,
who was operated on yesterday at St.
Vincent's hospital -for appendicitis, ac
cording to the reports of the attending
physicians,-la very much Improved and
there ia every hope that he- will recoven
although It is conceded that Ie is seri
ously ill. , - , .
t ... in 11 ; e'n'l 1 nt , 1,11 p.-si-.
Experiments . ar , Under way In tbe
United States army with a view to es
tablishing. . a. system of photographic
identification of Ua horses. -' -
. .... -rr.
Consult ouf advertised prices carefully-
find that we do exactly as we advertise
then come to us and you will
ly as we advertise. Better still, bnna this.
vith you, get the work performed, then pay us, the advertised prices,'
Better still, bring this "ad"
We fill, crown, treat, bridge, regulate or extract teeth without pain,
These low prices buy "best quality" dentistry. " , '
BRIDGE WORK, per tooth
22-carat GOLD CROWNS
TION (when plates' or bridges ate"
(when other work is ordered.)
Silver FillingsSimple . 50c; Com
pound $1. a 4
' Gold - FillingsAccord to size, $1
up. ' ' a t ,
- killing Nerves and Treating Teeth
$1.00. to $1.50 extra." , ,.t : v
FullSetof Teeth $5, $7.50, $10
According to quality of work desired. All work guaranteed for IS years '
i . . 1 .... ,:, ... .. ... . ... Sk
Open 8 a." m. to 8 p. m. . Sunday 9 to lk p.
Northwest Corner Second and Morrison.
Painless, '
Dintlsts ,v-v's--.
m.. fhjone Marshall-2146.;.,
Upstairs, Entire Corner.-4