The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 18, 1911, Page 57, Image 57

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Impressive t Ceremony
Attending Formal Establishment
Of Reign Of George And Mary !
r ?
Br Mabet r)k-Btt.
nrt their homm. AMn at. the colro-
tAka tha crown of amclra. Tha Tha. ritual amrlyed today. With btft
.f"!!1!,.-.!;: .im.- Httla mutton, ta of reat antiquity.
both Mysyf -susfs-
real ranJeur wUl occur In London, tha tlina of Kln Ethalred. Soma of
Juna . Tha formal offtcUl aatabllah- tha moat aloquant paaaaa of tha prea-
1, , ,h "uia Mo- Excal 'own r uaed ln that early day.
w wileaty JoVaa tS PiftT by the The great oak coronation chair, known
SuTnStJ PKindbom 'o? M Kin. Edw.rd'a chair l. , which .tha
Great Britain and Ireland and of tha .to ..
rmiih nomlnlona beyond tha aeaa. of Edward I and fitted to hold tha fa-
SlSSSrt th? FaTth and S mou. coronation atone JjuV b-tt
peror of India;- throu.h a mediaeval t Blnca Hit each kln and queen
r:lL; .. ,h. U t..o .olm- who haa been crowned haa aat over thla
1 1'
. t IJJAMl', vs
t- t ...
r.caacff4ATlcT CJT
tojatt the. ccatQVasaiQJi-.
IQ6S... ... ......,',-
ancv an v vi.". ,,,... auw.tln Hiatorv erovea almnly tti. vthHnr the altar ahining wa, 1110 ru f'"""-'"" - '- nana aa ino
Conqueror, when durlnf hla orownln. Jo B0"" J StlahM wSm LAV !Tln. ma.alveaold plate. n the Proteatant Reform religion ea- to decay, maintain the thinga that are ,Cepter In her
the aoldlera ba3ame alarmed at the a number of Bcottl.h Kino were wltn M, covering of nwaalva foJa piMJ ubUihed by lawT And will you main- reatored. punish and reform what ia r0d with a do
cheera of the. multitude within the Ab- crowned upon It before lta removal to th. t ot : cloth , o : gold .tha .richly Inviolably the aet- amlM .donflrm what la In good or- JSkZm ahorl
over thla peop whom the Lord your prayer In which- he aaka that their faithful who by our Epiacopal hand.
God hath given -you to rule and to gov- queen be made "a great example of vlr- though unworthy, doth thla day aet
era. In tha name of the Father, and of tue and piety, and a bleaalng to thla orown of pure gold upon your head.
me Hon, ana or me oiy unoi a m en. King;)jom through Jeaua Christ our enrich your royal heart witn 6ia awina-fkM-?SVhSL
rbllThonf LortJ-" WhIU kneeling upon the fald- ant grace, and crown ' you with all
!al': W.h,LMh,! "I"" atooL aet before the altar." four peereaaea princely vlrtuea In thla life, and with
Archbiahop. "Will you to your Which ha reaumea hia kingly aeat Tha ara holding over her a pall of cloth of an everlaeting crown of glory In tha
nea to ine unun n m. . , when ha viewed the heavenly ladder, haaaador colonial ruler. Indian poten- power cauae law and justice, m mercy kln(r iu then preiM)I,t-d Wth tha epura, gold while the Archbiahop or Tone an- lire wnicn ia to come, tnrgugn j.u
moat profound, and to the world at large when J , Kat to fSS- UtThlah Of ficial, of tha army and of to be executed in all your judgmenUT" the .word of atata that he may "with noint. the crown of .her head with ap- Chriet our LoVd. Amen." ,
a peculiarly faaclnatlng IntereaC Jt : m gy P0 tha aivV-riararn man In aplendid King. "I wUl." thla aword do Ju.tlce. atop the growth proprlate ceremony. Supported by her biahop. the qn
Not every - coronation paaaea off Y5,n.f?J century B C." unifornl belewffed wnSlln moat bril- Archbiahop. "Will you to the utmoat of Mqvltr protect the holy church of v Thereafter the archbiahop placea the goea from the altar to her throne, be,
amoothly. Hlsto-y wlatea a ; dlaturb- toi Inland. In te eighth WJJ i,0my while ing on of your power maintain the lawa of ood. help and defend wldowa and or- ring on the fourth finger of her right log to the king aa aha paaaea tm
M k itapamnnv of William tha na j9m.Tm iaier 1. w carnou nant attire. It 11 oniy wnuo uy'.vu a. mmt of tha roflDcL .k .hinar. tK ni - .-k- M,h k .aat.ii fuwi .( throne , , .
altar hinina UVU, a v.. ---- w - e.VBV vu-a w DKna Utj bV v, Diiiuci v m vii! ww 0carvB aKv .... - . f
IT riBnl nana, ana inv iTorj v ioen jjtiua u- wwu. viwn
dova In har left " Ha then Breoter the klnff and queen knei tspon
.i..- k.l. .1aaAAlai airtf ffa KraMk1 ilAt
bey. ind thlnklnrr that their aoverelgn England. . subdued coloring of the ,It tlement of the Church of England and der." - quMn j, ready for the crown and the wine for communion, and also a pure
was being attacked, inatead of rushing Tha coronation of English klnga In wonderful perspective 'ch "" the doctrine, worship, discipline and Th,n th- rchbUhop jTeeta him with archbishop places it upon her bead of gold, after which they reaume their
to his aid, "haatened. with the atrange Weatminster abbey is belUyed to date to amaitng heights, that one feels oia ,.overinnent thereof, aa by law eaUb- tfi, royml nba delivers tha orb to him. with the following words: embleme of authority, and to the aound
instinct of their nation, to aet tire to back to the time of Harold IL Previoua inclined to agree with Washington irv- ,)ned EngiandT And will you pre- pUce, th, rinf on flnger tn- roy,i "Receive the crown of glory, honor of triumphant music, pass in state to
the buildings around tha minister." ao to that time St. Paul's, In London, was in; in declaring that in this great struc- ,erve unt0 the biahop and clergy of epter, "the enalgn of kingly power and Joy; and Ood the crown of the tha aeolualon of at. Edward's chapelv
that the spectators would come out to a lavome piace ior in. wnnu,. xure ran r.nViwVrk." Kn1"a' "u ' , ,h ""e. -ii .uch iul,c' n n,B ""ht nana ana the
in cuiuii HuuiuiHicu - rua wiui ina aove, me roa ui equiiy
At a late hout In the morning the rig-hte and privllegea, aa by law do or U( mercy,- in hla left
king and Qjuen PPer t the west door .hall apperUln to them, or. any of crown of thf) f,,tnrul.
of the abbey, and while the choir is themr Mmi.a t do" th archbishop, taking tha crown
tinging an anthem they slowly advance King. "All thla I promlae to do. anJ Uylnj u bef0fe Mng m th
to their recognition chairs In tha the- .. 1Ur- "!. wi beseech thee, and
atre. Then they kneel and engage In Tne King Uatn. sanctify thla thy servant George our
nnv.r Hhoruv mev rise, m kius Then tha kin, aaaietea or nm iu Kinr: ana aa inou aost tnis aav sec . a
THERE Is a genius for health aa parent, aa citlsen, he or ahe does not turns to his people and ceremony be- great chamberlain with the sword of crown of pure gold upon his head, ao
well aa for mualc law, or ar- make good. The latter functiona re- it conslsta of three distinct parts. ,tate carried before him, passes again enrich hia royal heart with thine abun
chltecture It is matter of com- qulra balance. They call for men and tn6 the unction, and the crowning, to the altar and takea hla oath before dant grace and crown him with all
mon observation that aome par- women, not for prodigies running to a and u takes several hours to complete his people. Kneeling upon the steps princely virtues, through the king eter
sons keep their health longer than elngle faculty. tt 81nc eaCh coronation has essen- he lays his right hand on the Bible. nl. Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.",
other. T do and thatwhen lost, soma Shall we. then, neglect our special tially the same ritual, a summary of the tendered by the archbishop, and re- as the king Is reseated in King Ed
recover health more eaatly than others. glftsT Is tha world to become a dea- eeremony found ln the official service peata the following word.: ward s chair the archbishop haa the
Th othera strive, struggle and floun- ert of mediocrity, with never an oasis. ... ' understanding of the "The things which I have here before crown brought and he placea it rever
ter and Vet but amall return for all Jnat for thla prosy quality of healtht !",. There are slight variations promised. I will perform and keep. So ently upon the rulere head,
thai -iiain strength and awkward- Not a bit of it There'a no desert crownings, but they do not help ma God." He kisses the Bible Obedient to the king the peer put
There U TaTeaaon Listen! ' where there'a health. - Balance gives " LffBteuU fom. . and puta his signature to the oath. : en their coronets, the bishops their
Tha brafn builds the body. To be power to the wings of genius as weU of Canterbury pre- A very impressive scene, this one In caps, the kings of arms their crowns,
!?t and Utol It is tha mind which aa to the flight of birds. What did T.h.Hr.h fn hneoe asking preparation for the crown, the people's and thousands of lights suddenly lllu
Hnl th. work- but thrmlnrclothM Carlyle's dyspepsia profit him or the f?n,uthe m onr crhf . tS. to you? vo, ' approval, tha king humbling mine the scene and make the countless
does the orK, out ine mn if "all you who ccme this aay to your ..... .. knM, . hi ooa and uarki. with ri...iinv mi.
(i.U .IU Ka haaln TFia nrflin infirif" wuitui n lift! UiB uivnuiua w aavw- H sv T haa w Pr....W ...... w """"---"as
1 1 e 1 1 1 L.I1 Liia uasaaa a . . ... kAwieM mwm v m 1 WV 1 1 1 1 1 1 K LU uv viw . . . . m i aw. .
, . ' .... m rha mT What Rvron'a unhealthv eroil-
lOrO ClOSeiy XlilinR ana riuMi - - ---- mammW
4?i . tt does has coma to stand clsm? One and all. they were victims
Conducted by Lora C Little.
If the response is rapturous, trum-
renderlnsr thank offerings, and tnen llancv. v
promising to discharge hla dutlea faith- "Be strong and of good courage. Ob-
fully. "Not until that oath is taken, serve the commandments of God and
. tt.. wninA In common SVCecn. BO vi wnuu uninwuis, uu unii it.suka - . . . VMirata ... i v. uu
J?J .t-tSThm hiM. tha of aentus were less lofty, they have pets sound, drums beat, the band bursts both by word of moutn aBd by mign wlUk.,n hl, noly Ways." resumes the
jet u. 1,.. ufung power upon us, because they forth with the national aninem. ture ,n tne presence of all the people," archbishop. "Fight the good fight of
a nrfctlv balanced brain of good wobbled as they flew. patrlotlo recognition is one of the most wrJte, Bte.d, "can any prince be faith. and lay hold on eternal life;
-.,.iitw hiid. a perfect body? A brain Not that Carlyle ahould have studied picturesque parts of the ceremony. Tha ctownei klng ot England." that ln this world you may be crowned
?hfi T- .meven In development rep- engineering or art, in order to develop bishopa bear the patina, Blljlo and chal- Following closely is the anointing wJth success and honor, and when you
na ,r?."-TI twTtnr- 4d unused faculties: nor that Mrs. Brown- ice to the altar. The king and hia at- ceremony. The king returns to his haVe finished your course, receive a
!.Tm. hv of the same aort a body Ing ahould have practised dressmaking, tendants advance. He kneels upon the chair, the hymn is sung by the choir, cr0Wn of righteousness, which God tha
? rt?h itself A brain that ia of nor Byron merchandising. Balance does vejVet cushion at the altar and makes the archbishop prays and again the righteous Judge shall give you in that
chamberlain has re- Then It la time for the kin to re-
of his crimson robes, ccjVe the homage of his subjects. The
f nur are ahallow in conception, and : of other parts of the royai regana prv- remu. m- - '- Arcnmsnop or canteroury jeaos in tms.
5 wnef all v FacuIrJ.. of Two Kinds. ' ...S th altar. Ported and attended aa before the king Kneengr before the king he promises
.1 TSie that their scope niuit .,,. ;n-th t th Afferent ma to take the coronation oath. Gam-i of gold over wm . ine iean or west BCC0mpiished.
be Vextenslv. with the rang, of man'. &ueT'withour dYstuVbing the indi- ig - hi. consent, the archbishop iur-. e
nooT oua ity dull and InacUva, like- not require that a man should be a hla offerings, an altar cloth of gold and choir sings.
wue ullds a bX to match. X . Jack of all trades. It Is quite another an ingot of gold, placing them in the - The lord great e
rti- lndtcatea that the current roodea kind of balance that Is essential. nand 0f tha archbishop. Then bearera lleved the king of
ciiT- iJ ?in , r Mher narts of the royal regalia pro- removed his cap of
anointing spoon from the altar and, xh Oneen T Crowned
solemnly pouring oil Into the spoon, hands It to , .,
tJUl tne queen im uu iu im t.wwuou.
. . . ... . A . . . . Ak.. MH..,lAn him
powers. eucn scnooia wui .nav - viduai's equiubriunij w tna aecona r".""" ..Vui vmi
1st independently oi me . present. cj.g. there must be reasonably even i- r thl- ;h. .hnihnn who enninta the kinr
tabllshed systems of edw"0" development, ot else charactor, pow- pnom JJ f Qat, Britain and ln the form of a cross on the crown We are all so much in the habit of re
the latter anr overhaaled r. health and happiness will all uf- tn tod King dom " ,0" thereto be- of the head, the breast and the hands, ferring to this ceremony as "the coro
ganlsed until they become s-enilnely Ter. - v ordfna to tha T statutes In "And a Solomon was anointed king nation of the King," that many of us
educational instead of being as, now- The intellectual faculties Include, the ' JJf tnmpwst.-br Zodok the prlfat aad Nathan . the. forget the queen'a prominent part In It.
. 1 most of what we call talent Varying f" , cu.toms of the same?" prophet," he concludes, "so be you an- While the queen kneels at the steps
A Place for Physical Culture. development of these faculties Is what ve Jaws aac 1 cu , to do so." ointed. blessed and consecrated king of the altar the archbishop offer, a
makes one man a manuiaciurer, an- .-...,. .
Including that of the near
There is a place, however, tor pnysi- - - .rfW..--11;, ..n.itlve and ODen aa to do not? or when only love it under theories.
cal culture and other ba a first cialn farmer healthy happy present a "raw i.urf ace to the world, or certain guises? We can do anything scientist who declares that germs are
and care of the body. lnce there ia SVLJT'l- 11 .l-.tiv. nd secretive as -to en- we musfdo. On these terms only can 2rav.nara.. It is by Professor Bechamp
. -. 1 . - - .M anrinn in. nnnv HU viwl.wwo, aa.u v - . . ... . . . ... i .... - - u
rMLLii'ii am . - . . . . ,. . .
reacts upon
iii.iiu -- .. .. - h, "" nh.ilM.n nihil, nt. ltl ha th AUtHOWtD OI ma menial w J""' uwui. . . t. , v..
rtlrt love use. And since It 1s s mae w 11 in in wiu"" v
the body is t . Our only quarry part of this wonderfuMaw of use every: tltleof the work Is "Le. Mlcrosymas." It
with these mode. or treatment,!, in tertX?. " "S1 k'. ? ?fX' iTldw wltlTth." whara permeating life, that a faculty or haa been translated and 1. published
tTe m"dnrthrouhTha tral an impenetrable .halL we fcvJh. the medical school Of Montpellier.
bMrt- model letter. Another Ineach and every case, his ailments total of well being; we t 80, reference having been previously
Vl .J? mv-h . erent nhvsidan whlia ut. will be the outgrowth of hla mental we will Just shape our conduct aa though f r" .. . ,m. Th-irrenh
making them the enter or mm nmne- - VSit I- .V- a7: . irttat W to alter the mental attitude and a habit grows by uatng it why. then, or is to be published in London.
Thua empioyeo. mey .i. .h.t, m.ioin. . ih. k faculties at work to before we know it we shall have ac- advance notices f It are to be
and wm u -taw ena-ineertnr ana atm ba a rain atrenatn by exercise of them, doea quired the habit, conrorming the lire ev., t.A monument to Pasteur in
Cti V aaww - -
1 i.u vv ".7": .on. h..tthtr on Mnntd man hla natlent mor OOd Dy thai one mmg 10 UM wui-flaw uwuuiti aevunu miur , . v.. . fh rrnnnd when
S iwaU&" V P-: 'fflffiS de,,Bht,Ul maS Xa th the ;c,enUf,c world is made aaare of
.ndSecS onM adWi ta tb. pen.141 . . ,e . h4lth. Bechamp's work. "Pasteur win appear
brain culture 1 that is 1 neaim iwiranirjr; I" Vn -tm mnr. diffir, t t re! rMe. thla look ; complicated, la the and ft
. . I l..i.t o-ut a-.wciA 1 lh& -i paa.
.VuWbVphV. -or. djfflcult to re- ,Do. tM. j; ah 'SeeS'.tlV of "th. 1 wim "the serum-therapy
mo uuvo... oumg w mo i.uiw ..-K.i.M(,. --r w" . .h. ... ... that haa been built UDon t. It is stated.
-ultles are, conscientiousness, benevo- these columns in, L-J" '"." 7 i. . V.rMd ver.ion of Rechamo. with
ise culture added
much aAneralUlns-. It la (fatal to on, Bechamp a wora oegan Derore tnai.
ly unaerstoou.
nd aeain Into i disease because
primary cau.e .i.eft, :Lu.t a 1. a garbled version of Bechamp. with
Observe. , that tne genius lor ,.J"J' :. ""Vr.-. -1 hai.;ea andVeuUre are ImnorUnt. Beware of too vivisection and dlseas
is ouite opposed to genius aa common-, iura.17,. eiun, u..u, .. ." " T.....1..V1. ' m.inh n.r.nin- Tt 1. i fatal
. - a . --a. Afltaam : flmnNaaa nskn ara 1 nn annarira aa 1 m n iitt. - n saw-am 11 in ill aa, uu id a as - ---a - - . ..
nderstooa. m tne . -"-w--; . -iyjrT. . fI -nrn,eiV. wron loves make achievement Many a one thinks he is of Pasteur and continued niter me iat-
," "7 r. . - 1 ..j i ,. ,.. . intii. nr svt ran awav wltn ciae ma weaa ones ne win oesin jw me ...
flan 111 a or inia aina may kitb w .u, vu. v. " , -
""kL r.r"ir;:.-to miffed. -Tl..i; in . in who ut ie flr.f Combative... the best of hi. ailment, and do 1
itKSccomp for .eaae, The natoreV of hi. . neyer ouarreto wHhrthe neighbor, thoroughly.
nrod lay or monsternot a man. Such arUcular weaknesses. He may be lrv.altlveness never broads over wronge.
' enlua writes entrancing poetry, com- Writable and .u.ptciou., or laay and n- real or fancied, when use rule, tha
- ravishing -music, perform, methe- efficient. r a mon.ter of cruelty, or ao life. One cannot love use and be
f matiJ miracle.;-- but 7or want of a aoft hearted as to be Uaeleaa to Mm la.y or ncap.ble. . One cannot love use
. . isi an eA tv a fail. r op inviMitiT -MiHei. or iriB a, cuw uBunrtiiiiejF mu itaii uiw a a
i. tha nmmAn riitnom nr iir. aru. or su rua wi j, ti iwaj w a xie aonai u-u w
-CORRG8 P O K D ENT inquires
whether tha embargo ' upon tha
.combination Of ruit ana starch
in the , diet applies to stewea
fruit such v aa gooseberries.
NOTHER writes to know where he
can - obtain the latest and best ,
information uoon the' 44 term
' theory." There Is now In the peaches, etc., taken at breaKiast witn
hands of the publisher, or it is cereals. Tea. It la a vicious comblna-
- noaeihiT out b this time, a work which tion and -cause of much, pf the in-
BU'UBO A V a ubi : T " a, . ' an aaa " "
T - ... ..... i wk.a i . lv..av ahkaw era nMHil.aJ IA AVtrTnrn I nrBani riOfuvea UCBB Va UlUUiVtil ' -
riiid. aa husband or wife, u vaun or io ucuiAUDg m w agiuava ')-. m .flW cm wa . . ' -
Steffi ,
''pslfp . ffi
-.-aas-: 1:
: V..Viv"
An aeroplan eoarlag above "the leanlnr tower ot Pisa the flying r
der of the twentieth century la compartnoa with the leaniug v
' der of the fourtct-ath, , - r'- -