The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 18, 1911, Page 54, Image 54

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For OatsjrW th World Xooked to Spain for Iu Ilalslne, Writet'Oeorte W.NBurtn-Of I Ate lean Call-
' foroia Km Come to the ont m Material rralncer or TW T&oUiapnie urop. j ;
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Grape rina at Carpenter!, Cal., aald to be the largeat la fre world
: " Br Oorca W. Burton.
5 Dnla, Spain. ror eanturiea tha
whou world looked to Spaia for raiaina.
Th EnrUih Dlutn cudcUna la a mia
nomar.. Ions ago it w made of dried
pJuma of home arowth; but when cora
meroe began to blees huma llffl Spain
aent England dried frapee. or the rate
to of commerc. and after that plum
vuddina- ahould hara changed ita name
to ralaln pudding. Aa the United Statea
grew and flourished and Americana be
came the rlcheat people of . the earth
end Uved the beat, our country waa the
beat market for 8pantah raiaina.:: Spain
la thoee palmy daye of . the lnduatry
uaed't ahlp from the port of Malaga
alone more than ' 2,000,000 boxea of
raiaina, each box holding St pound a .of
fruit, aa now, and weighing 28 pound!
groaa. More than half of these crop
came to the United BUtea, and we took
elx tlmea aa- many raiaina from Malaga
aa want to Great Britain. Malaga waa
then aa now the great rat-In market of
Europe. And aa In the paat the United
Statea took the largeat part Of the out
put, ao it took the beat gradea ; The
lose Ol ine American mmrimv um pivvnu
a great detriment to the Industry. In
those timee we paid at Malaga an aver
age of $1.4S per box for looae Muscatel
raiaina, The cluatera and other choice
gradee naat two and three, tlmea aa
much. The province of. Denla In paat
tlmea rivaled Malaga In the amount of 1
raiaina rroducSd, but not In the quality.
The TVnla crop uaed to run at about
Z.uo,u Doxea a year, ana tneae -were
valued at the place of production at $
100,000. Aa la the caae of Malaga ae
of Denia. the United Statea ceaaed to
take toearly half the crop, from both
porta our country took aa . high aa
t.000,000 boxea, or. about half the prod
uct of ail Spain. The eoat of Denla
raiaina In thoae daya of low tarlffa was
more than ft a box for the Efenla prod
uct, an average price, -end nearly 11.60
for loose Muecatela from Malaga, ' The
coat in the United Statea waa fully
twice that price, and the consumer paid
60 eente to ft a pound for what went
In his Chrlefmae pudding or to be taken
with: the port wine' at the end Of the
dinner..' The importa were a total of
nearly 100,000,000 pounds.1 The coat at
shipping ports was more than 14,000,
000, and conaumers paid probably 1$,
000,000 for the raiaina. -
,o California Output Oreater.
The output of California raislna is
now a little larger than the Importa of SO
years ago, and the first cost Is not much
more than 15,000,000, and that to the
consumer less than 98,000,000, so Pacific
much, more than IS, 000,000, so Paclflo
coast people are getting more and bet
ter raisins than when we' Imported the
crop,, and saving to the consumer some
$1,000,000 nearly half of the money at
one time expended oq a luxury, now a
common comfort of life. That the Cal
ifornia raisin Is better I am sure. The
Malaga fruit la usually sun dried, with
out processing. It is a sweet and pala
table food, but the skin Is thick and the
seeds many and very hard. When mas
ticated, the best refuse to be reduced to
a pulp, but leave a residuum aa dry as
sawdust which must be rejected by
any one who haa respect to hla health.
The Denla raisin la more palatable and
more tender. But It la because it goes
through a very careful proceae of prep
aration. s
Batatas aa Viet, ' .' .
Since we arrived at Bilboa four
months ago up to this moment here
among the vineyards where raisins
'grow the fruit has been literally pressed
on us. thrust Into our facea. Not only
at the dinner table have we been almost
begged to eat raiaina, but at some
places a great dish of them has graced
the breakfast table dally.. WhyT Be
cause they are so cheap. The clusters
may be had by the single pound at any
shop for 10 cents. The loose ones by
the 100 kilos do not cost a "nickel" the
pound. The people know the virtue of
thin excellent fruit If you ever come
Into the house ' exhausted from any
cause, do not take a glass of ardent
spirits to evlve you, or even a glass
Of the lightest wine. The spirits will
excite for a moment, to force you back
into a greater state of collapse after a
short time. . The wine will prey on tat
costing of your empty etomam. , irr
a handful f raislna. ,,The effect Is el
most electrical.' The refreshment is
nearly Instantaneous , and v the offset
lasting.' In fact, a handful of ralaln
revives fslllng vital force . about a
nromDtly and effectually, as any , food.
As a regular diet they are the best
regulator or the internal ' system -.ever
known. They are as strengtnenlag as
meat, more so than bread, and produce
none of the evil effects in the ali
mentary canal tout come from too free
us of bread or meat. ' Tn grape in
He various forms Is one of the greatest
blessing f the people of countries Ilk
Spain, where these products
cheap as en offset to the high cost of
bread and meat , .' ' ,,'
Method of OeJtifetioa, ... i ,
There 1 not much Irrigation applied
to vines in Spain. At most places th
rainfall Is liberal, the moisture In th
air high, and ,the evaporation low. This
with hh cultivation results la 'good
crop of grapes. To look at the slender
vines with few prongs and to note th
thinness of th soil one would say a ton
an acre of ripe grape .would be th
usual crop. Yet I am told that two
tons la a small crop, and four tons and
mor than that an exception. In Pe-
cemlier the virirg are pruned, leaving
prong on and a half to two inches.
Then ' the main,. aUm la exoaed to th
air for a depth of 10 to II Inches. In
this way ths vineyard 1 left unttl
A prlj, when the roots are carefully
covered, not a weed er a apear of graas
being iefc nor a "sport" from below the
fruit beerlng prongs. This Is all don
by hand, and the soil la, thoroughly
atlrced. I aaw vineyards . in January
actually "trenched" to a depth of from
on, foot to two feet, all by apadlng.
The clays are full of coaree gravsl in
moat place. It aeem a If th vine
feed from th air and the rocks of th
valley a much as from any other kind
of vegetable food. Th vine stand ss
inches to a foot apsrt The vines take
eight years to come to full bearing, and
tby do well for nearly haif a century.
Th insect peata are here and many
vlnea have to be taken out from year
to year. The vineyard la watched with
the eyee of a lynx, and when a vine
looks "sick," out it cornea and a new
cutting is put in th place. Many of
these vineyards yield four and a half
tonS'Of grapes a year, which make 180
arrobaa, about 8000 pounda of oured
The loss of the American market has
been a great blow to the Spanish ralaln
lnduatry. The output at the present
time Is much less than formerly. New
markets have, been developed aa in the
case of oranges, but in apite of all ef
forts the growers have been forced, to
let their old vineyards go to decay, then
root up the vinee and replant with other
fruit. This haa been particularly true
of Malaga, where almond orchard- have
taken the place of vineyards for raisin
purposes. Others simply turn their
grapes Into wine or distill ) the poor
kind Into alcoholic products.' For the
paat three year from Malaga there
have gone to the United States an av
erage of a little more than 6000 boxes
of raisins. In these same years the al
mond have been run to an average of
1000 boxes. The value of the raisin has
been 8114.000 to 8186.000, while the al
monda have been worth at ahlpping
port 9607,000 to 88(6.000.
Coal of Production.
But aa to cost of production, here are
the facta.. These vineyards are culti
vated twioe a year only. They are' not
Irrigated at all as a rule. The cost .of
labor la not more than 25 to 86 centa a
day. '1 estimate that a man should do
on acre In two daya and that th coat
would be aa low ae 60. eenta for each
treatment, of 81 for , the jrear., s For
gathering the crop I allow 60 cent a
ton, and for curing about th same.
making the total actual eoet of labor
for four and a half tone but a little
ftver 98 an acre. Above I have put thle
at twice whet I work out here In aa ef
fort to be fair, and la It not enough?
How much will it eost In Fresno, CaL.
to cure the crop from an acr of vines
In roleing ' grape T Will it coat 80T
If so. then I am right, for tabor here
is worth 28 to 86 centa a day, and there
It costs at least 9160, or six times as
mucn. .. ai mil rat me rresno man
would pay out t0 an . acre (for -culti
vation and gathering and curing a good
crop, I , am not figuring Irrigation,
which her ooeta nothing; If It Is don
the expense is too small to distribute
over the crop, . Nor do-1 figure taxes.
which er not much higher, if any, thsi
in California. '.Neither do I pat In the
Interest on th Investment. Money Is
worth here 4 per cent, there per cent
If an acre there and here Is worth 8104,
the difference for this is only that be
tween 840 and 9(0, and when distrib
uted to ,8000 pounds of cured product
nomes'o only about half a cent, ana
dill in lavor or ine rpanisro. , i
, A 'late government report i put laat
year's export of raislna in Spain at a
value of 88.T14.800. ' Freeh grape sent
abroad were valued at 82.012,200. The
vines of the country .were valued at
918,810.000, ' which ' would make . th
product of the grape In all forms come
to probably not less than 828.000.000,
As to prices, a reference to the valu
of vines as given in an aHfofe on these
will . confirm my low, estimate ae to
.the cost of raislna For if wine can be
turned, out at a market, price of less
than eenta a quart racked off of the
lees, sorely the cost of dried grapes
(ralaln) cannot be highv The price of
grape to make win at 8 centa
quart or. 8 rents a gallon would be less
than half a cent a pound, probably not
more than a -quarter of. a cent , The
curing of three pounds of grapes Into
one of rajeina where labor la as low aa
10 cents to. 20 cents for women and not
over 60 cents for men. Is small. Again
I must warn the reader of the fact
that all kinds of fruits and all their
products In ' Europe are commanding
prices much above the average of five
years. They are twice aa high aa for
the year 1908. when the crops were ex
oe salve, and at least a third above the
average .
Diplomas fciyenvto Class 'at St . Mary's3
, Progreaa on Coos Timber Cruise.
Marahfleld, Or.. June 17. Dennis Mo
Cejrty, who haa charge of cruising the
timber of Cooa county for the purpoee
of a more equal aeaeaament, haa com
pleted the work on one township and
will begin on anotner. He is aaaisted
by Malcom Poble of Portland, William
Keating, Jacob Cabe, Frank Stevens and
James Cowan. MoCarty worked all last
season but the county' commissioners
decided to push the work and this year
hired assistanta. ,
A. W. L, Chapter House Affected.
Illllsboro, Or., June 17. HiUsboro Is
Interested In the . suits against K. O.
Lewis of th American Woman's league.
there being, a. large chapter In the city.
A site for a chapter house was recently
purchased and the deed turned over to
Lewis, but aa It contains a elause that
unless used for the purpose specified
the land shall revert to the former own
er it may not prove a loss In the event
that Lewis' - concerns prove Insolvent
Reading, left to rlgil. Binding AHce-Huitheg,. Pearl Klnitibury. Mabla
Kingsbury; glttlnr, Loolae WaUon.. ' '
A unique feature of this year's pro
gram of the fifty-second annual com
mencement of St Mary's 'Academy and
College Thursday evening, was the grad
uation from th college department of
four young ledlea namely,- Misses Alice
Hugh, Mary Louise Watson, Mabel
Kingsbury and Pearl Kingsbury, upon
whom Archbishop Christie conferred" the
degree of B. A. ,.,.:."'.'...!'
Academlo graduating honors . . were
conferred upon Joaephtn -Marie All e
hoff, Heles Margaret ; Buckley, Anna
Sophia Clemona, Olga Margaret Fisher,
Mary Olivia Thompson, Margaret Oen
evieve Canning, Marguerite Agnes Don
egan. Helga Louise Hansen,. Gertrude
Clotilda Hogan, France In be 1 Houck,
Marguerite Anna K earns, Evelyn Ruth
Nutting, Genevieve Catherine Ryan, Cer
met Marie Sullivan, Irene Elisabeth
Sweeney.-' '
Mtnle graduating honora were con
ferred upon Florence Hughes, Carmel
Sullivan, Myrtle Johnson and r Mabel
Kingsbury. ' ; :i i
Alice Autaen received a diploma for
Junior mnslo course; planaforte. Anna
Clemona and Ruth Maginnls, diplomas
or Junior musio couree, vjoloncello. ' y
. Medals ' were " t awarded as ' follows:
Knights oil Columbus Medal for His
tory to Anna Clemona, '11; Margaret
Canning and Helga Hansen honorably
distinguished;' Alumnae medal for Prose
Composition to Marguerite Kearns, '11; I
Gertrude Hogan, Josephine Allehef f and '
Anna Clemona honorably distinguished:
Christie medal for general excellence to J
Agnea A 1 hers, '18.- ,,r ,; 1 .'-s
The exercises were held In Christen-,
sen's hall with a large attendance.' The
speaker of the evening, John ' O'Hara,
gave a splendid add re a on "The Purpoee
of Education.' Following the program 4
very Interesting musical program was .
glvn. r- , .... . . , : , , s
Jnstico McBrlde July .4 Orator.
- (Sreial OlipatiA ta Tb JoaruLk
HlUaboro, Or., June 17 Supreme
Court Justice T. A. McBrida will be
the orator at the Fourth of July cele
hratlon in HiUsboro this year. The cele
bration will cover two days, the feature
on July 2 being a racing meet at the
fair grounda On the Fourth there will '
be a parade of floats representing local
Industrie, decorated automobiles and
civic organizations, ; In the morning..
patrotlc exerclaes, games and amuse
ment at city park In the afternoon
and elaborate display of firework in
th evening. - t-
Oar Decorated Service Will Beautify Yonr Home for Sammer Experts Will Call and Estimate on Any Work, Without Extra Charge
See Regular Ad, Back Page, Sec. I Custom Window Shades Lowest Prices FurnitureUpholateringShop New Summer Wall Papers
Sterling Silverware 1 0 Off
uxxxm raAjncm-amurr noom
FOR tomorrow, our entire stock of Sterling Silver Flatware is
offered at a discount of 10 per cent. This includes all rich,
plain and fancy, designs, such as John Winthrop, Avalon, La
Rochelle, Florence, Pansy and others. A chance to fill your set
with tea spoons, dessert and table spoons, knives, forks, spreaders,
and so on, at these splendid savings:
Tea Spoons, set of 6, reduced to $4.50, $5.40, $7.20; Dessert Spoons
reduced to $8.00; Table Spoons at $10.80, and all other 1 A(T
wares piacea on saie ivionaay ana oiierea ar savings 01 x v
. ; ; S
Gotten Camp Blankets ! $ 1 .55
asxxn rKAjrxv xiju nooa
fjSE THEM for? camping blankets or in the home. - Just
v pairs in this spedally purchased lot Good, full size, of
cotton with neat colored borders. Just the blankets for ! ff
your camping outfit. Get them Monday at, per pair aji.OD
Silkolirie Comforters $ '13?
. Reg. $2.25 quality Comforters.- Covered with silkoline t1"t - OA
vi picasing coiors.- riiica wiin wnue iamDamatea cotton, Jj JLeU7
V. - : S
4 ISsigte ' IFwriiter Yesterday Tin Reas!
Amazing Sale of Portieres
$20 and $21 Grades $12.35
raAwx-s tkxbui nboB .oboes bt kazzi
NEVER before have we made
such reductions as these
on hicrh crade Portieres! it's
a remarkable offering for those
who delight in artistic draper
ies for the home.
Over 50 patterns in Portieres
at $12.35, including those of
embossed, double-faced velour,
brown armures with embroid
ered borders, olive green rep
with illuminated leather bor
ders ; $20 and $21 Portieres at
$30 to $38.50 Velvet Portieres
with borders of velvet . appli
que ; on Turkish ! satin. Rich
patterns in gold, brown, blue,
green and myrtle. Also dou
ble faced Velour Portieres in
plain green or green with fac
ing of brown. Pleasing em
bossed borders. Special, pair,
To $65 Portieres $37.65
Artistic, indeed, Is the effect pro
duced in the hanging of these beau
tiful Silk Velour Portieres. Soft,
rich, lustrous and drape so grace
fully. Have. both silk and, metal
embroidery and galloons. Hand
some colorings, in soft tones of
brown, mauve, champagne, blue
and greert. They're beautiful.
Regularly $5t to $65, CQT'CC
To $55' Portieres $2 9.95
. Beautifullly artistic are these double-faced
Jute Velour Portieres with
the wide Oriental, and neat floral
borders, 8. different patterns in col
ors of brown green, olive, blue,
gold, red, nile and rose. See, too,
the lovely Velvet and Silk velour
Portieres appliqued. borders of self
material. . Also Metal Galloons
and illuminated leather- trim
minus. Regularly $45 cJOQQC
to $55, tomorrow, only v a )
is readily apparent, when you note the unusual offerings riven here! And it is just so all through our entire stock of Furniture the s savin m !
it- i M . ii rt a - i J i i J . i .. t .. . . ... . ' ef . , - . . 7.
are worm wnnei wno dui a great aepanmeni srore, sucn as mis, couia maKcsucn unusual orrers? Ana we ve two floors ot high-grade Furni
tureeverything you could wish for. See, too, our complete line of all that's new and best in Summer Furniture Grass, Wicker, Reed and
1V4U4U. 1J11UC3 Will UU WCH IW IIUIC UIC3C MU4 dCUdld IU1 iYlUUUilJ.
-Monday at only, pair
$6:50 Oriental Couch Covers at $3.95
Oak Table for $11.29
It's seldom that Solid Oak Dining Ta
bles can be purchased at this low price.
Made Just as shown here. Heavy claw
foot, round Extension Table, 6-foot size.
Ihese handsome tables selldfc jf
reg. at $16 ; special, 3 days j) 1 1
$11 Oak
at $8.75
Splendidly made
Dressers, just as
pi c t u r e d here.
Roomy drawers,
fine cabinet work,
clear, French
pla t e mirror,
gloss finished,
solid oak the
grade of wood
that goes in many
of -the- higher
priced dressers.
On sale for three
days only, r
$20.00 Solid Oak Buffets Only $15.75
Rich, heavy Buffets, exactly
as illustrated, with convenient
compartments. Made of solid
oak, in waxed golden, early
English or fumed finish. Com
plete with French A f jf
plate mirror. Sp'l dlO f D
ffllrl..lli. .'n iiiiifwLiifaiiiiMiiriiii
98c Stools Only 49c
Only 300 of these Stools
remaining, so popular have
they been. Made just, as
shown, here. Golden .or
Early , English Oak AQg
finish. Special at nr7C
Yum Yum
Springs ;
... Springs that sell elsewhere
', for $3. v Made in all . sizes,
r center braced, to giva satis-
faction. We ' reserre the
j J right to deliver when going
. to your neighbor- f i?ft
hood. Extra sp'l. '. 107,
Our $6.50 AH Steel
Here are Sanitary Couches that are as, carefully- constructed
as many1 a higher priced one. It's one of our soecialsthat's
the reason of our low price. Made as, pictured, ot heavy chil-
less steei, wen 'supported ana Dracea-comtortable; A j eyr
sanitary ; $6.50 Couches- on : sale one day only for b4 1 0
June Club of the Hastings Kitchen Cabinets
; Every housewife knows
y or shoujd know, . there's
nothing, more' convenient
for. the, kitchen. tWn one
of, these wonderful Hast
ings "Cabinets."
' v 31 distinct compart
mentsa place for every
thing. No walking here
. and there, for dozens of
articles simply reach for
1 them" . at your Hastings
Join our June Club and
enjoy the use and comfort
of a famous Hastings'
Cabinet. Use "it; w h il e
you pay for it. ' , Prices-,
$35; $40 and $15;
$5Down-$l Weekly j
if x m