The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 18, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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bile will be at tha disposal ef the par
ty, whloh will be taken over the city
and Into the surrounding oountry, vtalt
Ing Springfield en route. The party
will remain here It hours but will have
only about four to make the auto trip.
ing at Waltervllla, on tha McKensie rtv
er. II . miles , east of Eugene, , was
drowned l'n a slough' near bis home last
evening. - Ha waa -bathing with a com
panion, Richard Iluaton, when be ven
tured too deep and, being unable to
swim, sank.; Tha Huston boy ran to the
village and secured help and the body
waa recovered a few mlnutea afterward,
but efforts ta restore life were futile.
The family only -reeenUy , arrived at
Waltervtlle. , :V' v . .
ple witneeeed the first aviatloa danioa.
stretton . over . home territory . this , af
ternoon When Charles F. Walsh nufle
successful flights at ' tha fair grounds
and dell sated 2000 people. The attrac
tion will be repeated tomorrow- after
. ' i t, '. 1 :.; '!
Roar burg. Or, June IT. The clreuta
tors of the Judge J. & Coke recsll peti
tions are meeting with great auoreie,
according, to statements autde by At
torney XL L. Cannon thla evening. He
reports shout 400 signatures secured In
a few hours today, only about two pr
cent refusing to sign, be said. No peti
tion baa been circulated outside the city
yet .-v .
noon. ,. :: , i A( - v. n
,' t j 8 wins 8ode tf deta.
(ftneeial DUpatek te The IneraaLI
. Eugaae, Or June 17. 'Eugene clti
exns are preparing to entertain the party
of Hill railroad offlolala and Portland
newspapermen tomorrow. They will ar
rive from tha aouth at 2:40 a'olock In
the morning and will be greeted at I
o'clock by mem bars of tha Commercial
elub and eltlaens In general. Automo
nm jroruana uruetu-verein, com
posed of members of the Swiss colony,
who own a hall on .Third street, have
elected Mike Amacher and J. J..SCrebs
aa delegatea to the national convention
of the Cruet!!-Vereln socletlea. It will
be held la Milwaukee, Wis, next month.
: Journal Want Ads brtn results.
OiweUI OUiMtaa M The JmwmLi .
Albany, Or June 17. Albany . peo
Progressive League Swings' in
Distinguished Famiiy Contrib-
Behind Senator From Wis- Juted Liberally to. Cause of
.Eugene. Or, June IT. John . Brauer,
12-yeer-old son of Charles Brauer, liv
consin Changing Political! , Mexico's Freedom; Cost of
Diaz Overthrow, Million.
: "'. n :- v ... .... ' .'
(Wi.klnctoa Bareas eC Tlx JeoraaL)
Washington, June The announce
. tnant of La Follaiu' eandldaey for the
, presidential Domination today brinrfl
the National Republican Progressiva
,Meacue deflnltalf Into tne fight
Although whan it u organised tna
league announced that Ita purpose waa
to stand for measures rather than for
' man, this bureau baa stated that whan
the tlme'oomes the league would be
found forwarding tha La rollette candj.
dacjr and agalnat Taffa ranom I nation.
: That tha reeult baa baa attained waa
' today admitted by a atatement that tha
. league would support - tha Wlaconatn
"man to 'tha finish of tha preliminary
campaign at the national convention.
v It haa been admitted that upon tha
- face of tha existing political atatua,
Taft would be renominated. When,
, however, ' tha Hat of leading ' eltlaens
who openly back La rollette for tha
nomination la published. It will ba seen
-Instantly that tha entire situation haa
'changed from certainty to wide uncer-
V taJnty, and. that tha. Taft erganisewoti
muit fight If bo la to ba renamed. .
. Senator Bourne, . prealdent ' of tha
league, will throw himself Into tha
; conteet for La rollette, although ho baa
made no publla announcement aa yet.
lie will utilise tha Progressiva league
for that and In an anergetlo campaign
country wide la acepe, . baaed largely
' upon tha popular government law and
reionna. ;
' Polndexter will alga the, manifesto
asking La Folletto to run.. Probably
Works of California will do tha same.
La Folletu will make hla campaign
: laraely on hla opposition to reciprocity,
and will Uke tha lead In a tariff fight
In the senate. . "
. Borah will aunnort Taft. la all prob
ability, aJtbOUgn na Will not Xigni js-pcnrge ei me cautiwi. i ne Dana wnn-
Follette, with whom ' ba is on good
Jones, of course, will aupport Taft
Dixon and Perkins are also for Taft
. With almost absolute unanimity, pol-
' Ulclana express the belief that Laf ot
lette cannot win the nomination; but It
la conceded that he will develop much
.strength, and will go to tha convention
witb a following ao powerrui aa to com
pel tha Taft organisation to take ac
' count of It, and adopt a platform with
much mora progreasivaism than other
;. wise. - i
In the contest Oregon, the first In
' the field on. aocount of Ita presidential
preference law. will ba nationally lm
" porUnt aa wall aa will Nebraska, North
Dakota, Wisconsin and New . Jersey,
where the same law has been passed.
i. Graduatolna- exercises of the Mult-
nomah Training- School far Nurses will
. ba held tomorrow evening; at I p. m
at tha First Congregational church. The
nurses to receive .their diplomas are:
Ooal Marguerite Barnea, Elisabeth Blat
ter, Emma 'Louise Hodgson. Edith L.
Keith. Edith lfataon, Loto Bulab Peck,
and Isabel! m. Wallace.
The program; Invocation, Rev. Wil
liam Parsons; duet, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Boyee Carson; addresa, Bav. Luther R
Dyott; violin solo, Miss U Griffin; ad
dreas and eonferrlng of diplomas. Judge
T. J. Cleeton; selection, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Boyce Carson; class charge,
P. Geary, M. D, '- ; ' .
' San Francisco. June 17. Raruso Nit
ta, alleged white slaver, waa sentenoed
, to ten years In tha Folsom prison today
by Judge Lawlor. Nltta waa convicted
of putting hla wife, Sonoe, into a dla-
. reputable Japanese resort Tha evidence
showed that ha had offered to aell his
' wife for $360 and has agreed to allow
her to get a "Japanese divorce" for
$2t0. "-.
. "The crime of which this defendant
stands convicted," said Judge Lawlor,
in passing sentence,, "la not only a de
grading one, but it seems to be on the
Increase. Those found guilty of it should
v be severely dealt with."
drew from the rubber market and real
ised upon Ita own planta to the extent
of 12.000.000. It waa at this time that
Joae L LI man tour, minister of flnanoe,
returned from Europe and told President
Dlas that the country waa in the hands
of the rebels. -
Despite the Intrigue tha Mexican gov
ernment says Madera, reckoned with
out one of the strict laws of tha country,
tha national banking law.
According to the - Mexican 'banking
system all local banks must bold stock
In the Central bank of the City of Mexico.-
This forced the Central bank to
aid the Bank of Nuevo Leon and tha
latter was able to liquidate Ita 13,000.
000 claims.- it waa at thla time that
Llmantour returned to find tha finances
of the country in a snarl.
The minister of finance realised the
government's causa waa hopeless and
undertook the task of winning Dlaa to
compromise with tha Maderoa. It
was a long fight and one that ex
hausted both Dlas and hla adviser. Both 1
now are going abroad to rest I
Eleven Charter Members. 31
From Portland, Make Up
' 0. A. C. Roll.
Oregon Agrioulturlal College, Cor-
vallia. Or., June 17. A chapter of the
Kappa Pal fraternity, to be known aa
Beta Zeta chapter, has Just been In
stalled at the Oregon Agricultural col
lege with a charter membership of 11
-jaii J
M II It:
f I
I; I
f ' ' 1
" . : Henrietta M. Petergon.i 'v ' : .
?' Henrietu Manervla Peterson, beloved
wife of Frank C. Peterson, and eldest
.'daughter of W. H. Wilton, passed away
at her home,. 79 East Salmon street,
Saturday, June 3, after a brief Illness.
' She had been-In hoe usual health, hav
ing been out to dinner at a friend's. Com-
I Ing home she prepared to retire, when
'jjShe waa stricken with hemorrhage. Of
the brain and immediately became un-
"conecloua, remaining so -until death, Bhe
had a wide circle of friends. Her lire
S had been mostly i spent In and ; about
Portland, having come to Oregon at the
; g of f years. - She was born In De
troit Mich.; May : 8, 188, waa married
, to F.- C, Peterson October it, 1893. She
via survived by her widower, father and
T mother,- One sister, Grace Wi!ton, who
is well known in musical circle, two
brothers, W. Wilton and Bruce WUtou.
' Funeral services were held at her hdme
Monday, June 8. Interment waa at Rose
City cemetery, -
men. Lyle V. Hendricks and A. Harry
Nltschke of Eta chapter, Philadelphia
college of Pharmacy, and Bert Penning
ton of Beta Gamma chapter, University
of California, conducted the Installation
and Initiation exercises, and were after
ward gueata of honor at the Inatallatlon
banquet at the . Initiation banquet at
tha Hotel Julian. They told something
of tha history or the society, which.
founded In 1370, la not only ons of the
oldest meaico-pnarnuo rraternitiea in
the country, but also one of tha leading
societies of ita claas, having In Its
membership many of the best known
physicians and pharmacists In tha country...,;..-
"... ' '
The charter members., of Beta Zeta
chapter are Clarence M. McKellips, Cor
vallia; E. C Calloway, Spokane, Waeh.;
L. . Ai Prescott, Seattle, Wash.; L. M.
Gerdes, D. M. McClalre, and Joseph G.
McKay,' Portland; C. W. Strong, Med
ford; F, H. McGllI, and H. M. Peery,
Springfield," Ford A. Hand, McMinn-
vlile, and W. J., Thornton, Rosaburg.
A new course, in tna teacnln of pub-
llo school music, has been added to
tha summer session curriculum at the
Oregon Agricultural college thla , year,
and Miss Mabel A. Garrett, supervisor
or music at Baker, has been secured aa
instructor for tha work.-: Miss Garrett
Is a graduate of the Thomas school at
Detroit. Mich., and has had considerable
experience In music instruction sine
completing; her work there. . There will
be no additional foe for the work, the
only -expense in the entire summer ses
sion's work, in addition to the cost of
board 'and room, being the regular 35
registration fee, which covers the cleri
cal expense of registration. In connec
tion with 4he public school musio In
struction, w teacners - may also secure
training, in methods of teaching public
school .drawing. Four courses will be
orrerea. in une drawing, light and shade,
water-colors, and outdoor sketching, -
iBpeelal Dttpatcb to The JooratL)
i Eugene, Or., - June ,
waa Instituted in circuit court 1
here thla, afternoon by , W. ' H.v
Kay, owner of A sporting goods
store, against 13. ." A.- Farrtngton.
chief of police of Eugene, to
restrain him from carrying: out, '
tne provisions of the recently
enacted ordinance which prohib
its dogs from runninf at Urge
on the streets and provides for
their aelture and death In case
they are found loose. It is i-
a legeo that the ordinance Is In r
e 'violation of .the charter- of Euv 4
gene and a violation of section , e
W i. arucie i, or tne amended e
e constitution of the United States. :
(eaalal Manatee 1a Tea Joarealt
. Houaton, Texas, June 17 The cost of j
the overthrow of the Dlaa retina In
Mexico was lesa than 11.000,000. Ex-
oepting the loss of life, the pillage and
the . financial losses . to Individuals I
through the operations of war Tut t00,-i
000 was needed to force Dlas from office
and return Mexico to the hands of the
people for government, ao the constitu
tion of the republlo provides.
This war fund was jfut up entirely
ny tne niaaero zamuy. rraneisco i.
Madera,' Jr.,' (be rebel leader. Invested
about ftOO.000: Gustavo Madero about
1200.000 and Francisco L Madero, Sr.,
about 1200.000. The money waa Invested
In arma and ammunition. Tha soldiers!
served without pay, love of freedom and
patriotism for tha constitution and their
rights drawing thousands to the cause
of tha Maderolsta.
Since the crushing of. the self-con-1
stituted monarchy In Mexico an Inter
esting bit of history regarding as In
trigue by the government to make Im
possible the financing of tha revolution,
haa come out. It appears that when
Madero "pronounced" the revolution the
government attempted is crush - the
bank of Nuevo Leon, In which the Mad
ero family was heavily Interested.: Tha
paid-up capital of the bank waa II J,-
000.000 and it had a 12.000,000 reserve,
largely In guayule rubber planta. It
was also heavily. Interested In varied
Mexican Industries. - ,
Xfforta Vada to Sola Bank.
- At the outbreak of the revolution the
bank bad 12.000,000 la outstanding bills,
"Senor Madero declares" creditors, were
urged by the government to Insist upon
liquidation within 20 daya and that an I
"intervanto" waa appointed - to take
J . . ( ' . ' , , r. ' a .
. . . ,. , J ....!. '
This Sale, like EVERY Sale inaugurated by this store, is
GENUINE. Prices quoted are the prices at which these
goods have been regularly sold; The reductions are real
unlike the EXAGGERATED "VALUES" quoted by many
department stores. Unlike them also, in not having pur
chased these goods SPECIALLY for SALES. This is a rare
opportunity, that will appeal to all economical mothers
Sale Starts Monday Morning at 8 (Clock
m the Ben Selling Store as well as in all the Moyer Stores
Eoysp anndl C&th9 Weair Jhh Season's Qodk aft Real Rediuicftnom
Boys' Wash Suits
Sailor and Russiail Styles
(Size Vz to 10 yean)
Every Boy's Wash Suit in the house is
marked down. Our stock was clean at
the opening of the season, and all we now
have is fresh, new, clean stock abso
lutely different from the sale goods oft
other stores.
Boys' $1.50 Wash Suit now 98c
Boys' $2.00 Wash Suits now. . . . .$1.35
Boys' $20 Wash Suits now. . . ..$1.65
Boys' $3.00 Wash Suit now $1.98
Boys' $3.5a Wash Suit now $2.35
Boys' $4.00 Wash Suit now. . . . .$2.65
Boys' $5.00 Wash Suits now. . . . $3.25
Boys' $6.00 Wash Suits now $3.98
On the Third Floor
Boys' Waists
Every Boy's Waist In the house marked
50c Waists down to 39c
75c Waists down to. .58c
$1.00 Waists down to ,73c
$1.50 Waists down to. $1.15
$2.00 Waist down to.... . . . .$1.35
On the Second Floor
Boys' Knickerbocker Suits Girls' Tub Dresses
Every Boy's Knickerbocker Suit in the
house marked down. . v
Boys' $5.00 Knickerbocker Suits . .$3.95
Boys' $6.00 Knickerbocker" SuiU . .$4.50
Boys' $7.50 Knickerbocker Suits . .$5.35
Boys' $8.50 Knickerbocker Suit . .$6.35
Boys' $10.00 Knickerbocker Suits . $7.50
Boys' $12.50 Knickerbocker Suit . $9.85
Boys' $15.00 Knickerbocker Suits $11.25
Boys' $18.00 Knickerbocker Suit $13.50
Boys' $20.00 Knickerbocker Suit $15.00
On the Second Floor
Boys Underwear
Every piece of Boys' Underwear in the
house marked down.
Boys' Poros Knit Underwear. . .... .19c
Boys' 50c Underwear. . . . .39c
Boys' 75c Underwear. ........... .58c
Boys' $1.00 Underwear 73c
Boys'$1.50 Underwear .$1.15
On the Second Floor
100 Boys' Kmcker Suits, sizes If? PA
11 to 16, reg. $5 suits, at. .. $fO3
Boys' Stockings
Boys' 25c Hose . . . .... ... ... .... . 19c
Boys' 50c Hose ,39c
v On the Second Floor
Every Girl's Tub Dress in the house
marked down. ' !'
(Ages 4 to 14)
$1.50 Girls' Tub Dresses now; . . . T.7F
$2.00 Girls' Tub Dresses now. . . . . . 98
$20 Girls' Tub Dree now ... .$1.31
$3.00 Girls' Tub Dresses now . . . .$1.65
$3.50 Girls' Tub Dresses now . . . .$1.95
$4.00 Girls' Tub Dresses now . . ..$2.25
$5.00 Girk' Tub. Dresses now . . . -.$2.75
On" the Third Floor
Girls' Stockings
Girls' 25c Stockings now. . .... . . . 19c
Girls' 50c Stockings now. ...... . . .39c .
On the Third Floor
Misses'. Suits
We place on sale as a special attraction
30 Misses' Suits, sizes 14 to 16, at . : :
Half Price
$25 Misses' SuiU now ...... . '$12.50
$30 Misses' Suits now .$15.00
$35 Misses' Suits now. . . : . . . . .$17.50 .
On the Third Floor ;
y'?:.vv-'. ;srH'.viri'i';'..f' v--. r,-,'sj, - '';s"?s,y':vi'-.'rr:v
V.ff', !, ..A'-,. :'i,:' 'f't- -J'f V-' ''-'1
'r,v:1' Morrison ct:EourLh