The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 18, 1911, Page 45, Image 45

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r';i;. :'"' rVl; coirnircED frosc preceding aob . - v .'-.-:': f " I
I . , 1 . . ,. ,, . ,. . ? , ;.: ' ' . . h
, hr kha wilt Join Mr. Young, a. dls
tlnulsheJ! lecturer and foaether they
'sail for their home In London. Tacoma
Ledger. IMri, Tounf DM mnr,p'
land t rlends,. ... . , ., ;i ,-.
Dr." and. lra, Oeor a PelsTsm left
New YorK Jest, wee xor jMonn
r.Mn um. whsr the hsve been en
, Joying.' rare bsss f Uhlnr 1 They wltl
rmin-unUl the . f lret of July when
they will o to Mooee iead lake tor
, the remainder of the. summer. Tuey
are rlannlng an European trip to begin
, In AprlL Mr. and Mra. Ok W..Cole, of
New york, Mm. Pelgram'e perente, who
. earn, from Seattle for me itoee eu
. aL will return to the Bound city the
flret of July to o to Alaaka, rurnlnr
, to Portland about the nrei or Auguaw
Mlia Jean, Wold came home Tneaaay
from Bolee where aho baa apent tne
wint. to.nhln in the ' Unlralty of
Idaho.. . . v '
. i ', W W '
"; Erneat Ortman left ' Sunday J. for
Seattle where ho will join hie nphew
and erulao la hia eteam yacnt in Aiaa
. an wattro for the aezt aiz weena. .
Mr. and Mr. Norton C Welle of Los
, Anaelea. hare been the gueata or Mr,
and Mra. C Lewla Mead. Mra. Law
rena Knapp enterUlned at , bridge oa
t .Wodneoday for Mra. wens. :
Mra. Jonee. Mlaa Kdna Elmraerman,
Mlao Bdna Thompaon and Mlaa Jennie
Terry, all . of Pendleton, have taken
apartment! .at the Madlaon Park for the
, summer.
, x. . w
' Mra Guy Parker Goodwin, of Loi An
. gelea, la a gueat for the week end of
' Mlaa Nona Lawler. Mrs. Goodwin waa
Mlas Jeaa Foulkts, who formerly made
her bomo In Portland. ,.
Mra. P. J. Cronln and her daughter,
. Mlaa Katherlne Cronln. have removed
from Alexandra Court to Garden Homo
for the summer months.
Mr. and Mrs. Harper W. Skuae left
rather auddenly laat week for Bend,
Or., where they will, make their future
' Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Morgan and their
daughters, the Mlaaea Mildred and Lll
Han Morgan, have been enjoying, to
the full their mojor tour through tho
eastern states. En route to Portland,
where they will arrive today, the Mor
gans have had a short vlalt In Chicago
with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Bowe. The
Mieata Morgan were much feted gueats
of Mlaa Dorothy Bowo -for the Chrlat
mas holidays.
Mra. E. W. Hall haa as her mi eat for
the summer Mrs. John A. Zellara, her
niece from New York.
Mrs. Mary A. Wella arrived laat Fri
day from San Francisco to apend a
month with Mr. and. Mra. Horatio Wella
and Mr. and Mra. C. Lewla Mead.
Mrs. A. D. Charlton, with her daugh-
ter, Mlas La Veils Toung, left yesterday
morning by steamer for Long Beach,
CaX, where She will spend six weeks at
the Hotel Virginia.
Mr. and Mra. W. Glfford Naah
left yesterday for their summer camp
on tho Blue river. It is from this point
that Mr. Naah will conduct hia Caacade
touring part lea.
Mrs. Herbert Holman Is the guest
if her slstejvJMrs. C. F. Cartwrlght, la
London, where she will remain until tho
laat of July. Mr. Holman is expected
home in another two weeks and Mrs,
Holman will sail July 25.
Mrs. G. Walter Gates, with her small
on, O. Walter Jr., left Monday morn
i i ng for the east, where aha will remain
for six weexs. Atlantic city ana iwi
burg are two placea that will claim
large ahars of her time.
Mrs. J. E. Culllson hss as her gueat
for the summer her niece from Brook
; tyn, Miss Mildred .Culllson, .
Mlas Jean Morrison left Thursday
Tor Hood River In company with
Thomas W. Laweon, bis daughter, Mlas
Lawaon, and his daughter and son-ln
law. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McCsll. The
party will bo gone several days.
Mlas Haxel Tlchner is tho guest of
Hiss Gertrude Jones at Brooks, Or.
. Mr. and Mrs. iv K. Hoge have as
! their guest for the summer MlasCarrle
; Calvin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. R
VI Calvin of San Francisco,' who were also
. sruests In Portland for a short visit i
0 fortnight ago. Mr. Calvin Is vice presl
dent and general manager of tho South
orn Pacific Miss Jano Hoge returned
Saturday from Brier Cliff where she has
been for the past year.
' ii
.J I Mrs. R. B. Stanfleld of Echo, Or., who
' xas been visiting in Portland, returned
: to her home yesterday.
w .
Mlas Iva Hill of Pendleton. . is vlslt
, lng her nolco, Mrs. V. H. Porter, at Tho
Miss Mary Hewntt, Who will take her
.degree at Wellesley in a few days, was
one of tho members of the senior play
taking a male part. Miss Hewitt will
i Vlalt In the east during the summer and
'Dot return to Portland until. soma time
In September. , ;
Arno DoBch, $ San Francisco.
, ' paying a short visit to, Portland. .
' Mr and Mra Alexander BalUlo, ; of
. Tacoma, havo been entertaining Miss
, Frances Guthrie, of Liverpool, England.
; Miss Guthrie la the daughter of the
'junior member of Balfour, Guthrie &
A 'Cascarct' Makes
You Feel Tip-Top
;Ko Need of. Days When You Are Not
If at Your Best -No Need oi Head.
ache, Biliousness, Dizziness
1 1 or Bad Stomach. ; ;
J; .
Most of our dull days are
due to
of our
'Inactive bowels. Nearly all
I minor ills could be avoided by a little
j candy Csscaret. Also, half of ou?
-greater ills. Isn't It foolish to suffer
4 when there is such a pleasant way to
avoid it?
: Cascarets save the hours. They save
. the time that we waste Jf wo are not
at our best. They bring good cheer.
For the blues and HI. temper , rarely
occur when : the -bowels Are properly
helped. They, make the breath sweet,
ithe complexion, clear, tho eyes, bright.
AJ1 this for tea cents per week, v - v.
H In tho, old days people lot "matters
;run until they needed s, largo doso of
;physle. - Then they took something ss-
vere like castor oil, salts or cathartics,
'That meant abuse to the bowel.' These
jare the days of the gentle and natural
; the days of Cascarets. ; , Carry 10
'cent box always with you. For the
I ;-ri"t.o ooii as you need It ,,v;. ,;j
ilr i
' -t,;.--::v' .;:v: ..v; jj
v ''"- v - ' I ..''. V;?V-'.'l'' M
v "V I . v!7' "':f ir . I
B : V .JX v.' r; i -?-Vv..v a
1 , v; .AfcfeML!
Mm. Arthur L. Denny (Miss Evelyn
Co., snd Is returning to her home after
an extended visit in tho unitea mates.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Emmons and
Mr. and Mra Amedee M. Smith will
spend two or three weeks In the east
before returning home, after, their trip
Mlas Genevelv Thompaon and her
guest from Boise, Miss Florence Rlden
baugh, spent Sunday and Monday at
Cloud Cap Inn.
Mrs. B. L. Stone and her daughters.
the Miaaes LllliAn and Madeline Stone,
are planning to leave the last of the
month for the coast where they will
spend the remainder of the Bummer.
Immanuel Presbyterian church, Los
Angeles, wa the scene of a beautiful
wedding Wednesday evening, when Rev.
Hugh K. Walker made Misa Adele
Huntsberger the bride of Harold E.
Reed of Portland. Miss Florence Metsler
of San Francisco was maid of honor and
the bridesmaids were Miss Julie Hunta
berger, Miss Julia Moore of Piedmont
Miss Alleen Staub, Mlaa Florence Hall,
Miss Marjorle Little and Miss Lillian
Dunlap. Little Miss Helen Hunts
berger acted as ring bearer. The groom
waa attended by Ralph Huntabergerand
the uahera were William Vlckery, Har
old Huntsberger, Carl Crandalt. Fred
Bralnerd, Gerald Reed and Rolland Mc
Nelty. Mr. Reed is the son of Mra
Rore Reed-Hanscomb, a graduate of
Stanford and an athlete of note.
On Wednesday evening, June 14. at
8:20 o'clock, at the home of the bride's
mother, Mra .M. F. Hurley. 184 East
Sixteenth street. Miss M. Evelyn Hur
ley was married to Arthur L. Denny in
the presence of immediate relatives and
a few friends, the Rev. Benjamin Young
officiating. The bride Is. a well known
and accomplished musician and at the
present time is contralto soloist at the
Taylor Street Methodist church. She
Is the second daughter of Mrs. Mary F,
Hurley and tho late Judge Hartwell
Hurley, and a sister of Mrs. Gordon
Moores (Miss Jessie Hurley). Tho groom
is a young business man irvthe city who
comes of an old pioneer family. After
a short wedding Journey Mr. and Mrs.
Denny will move into their new home
on East Fifty-third street, Mt. Tabor,
where they will reside.
w w
A simple wedding solemnized Tuesday
evening In the First congregational
church "by Rev. Luther Dyott, at
o'clock, was that Of Mrs. Ada Male
Leldy. of Los Angeles, and Cloyd Per
kins Lott also recently or Los Angeies.
They were attended by Mrs. Virginia
Schumacher, . who came up from Los
Anxoles with Mrs. Leldy and C W,
Helnocka Donald Hogue, of Los An-
aeles. : was a guest at the wedding. A
weddln dinner followed at the Port
land. Mr. and Mrs. Lott have taken
anartments at the Nob Hill where they
are at home to their friends. Mr. Lott
came to Portland some two months ago,
He Is general manager of agents of
tho Pacific Mutual Insurance company
In the northwest. He is a member or
the University club and secretary In
the south of the Phi Delta Theta alum
ni club.
Louis Clifford Davis of Kelso and
Miss Lillian Bertha Campbell were
quietly i married on Tuesday evening.
June 8 at tho homo of-Mr. and Mra
J. F. Altstadt, 64 9 Gantenbein by the
Rev. E. E. Hertaler of , tho Second
Methodist church. Among those pres
ent were Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Altstsdt
and Mr. and Mrs; El C. Lugar of Port
land. Mrs. Fred Cowles of Kelso, Miss
Bertha Squire of Chicago, Misa Caro
line Louderbough. of Kansas City, Mo.
At the home of the officiating clergy.
man. Rev. F. B., culver, Monday, June
12. Fred McCarl and Miss Mabel Bishop
were united In marriage. Tho wedding
was a quiet one and cam as a 'sur
prise to their many friends and ac
quaintances. Mr, and Mrs. McCarl left
on the afternoon train for Seattle rhere
they will apend a few days, after whtch
they will return and be at home In this
city. Mr. McCarl is in the employ of
the Portland Railway company wuiiej
Mrs. McCarl has been employed as
saleswoman in one of the department
stores of tho city. ? .- . .
ng at 8 o'clock In .St
Francis church, Fattier Black united in
marriage Mis Lola Aliora Claver and
James Edward Bannon. . The bride wore
gray traveling suit ana? carried, a
white prayer book. "She cams In, on
tho arm i of her uncle, George, Gaston,
who gave her away. Miss Rosa Friedle
was the bridesmaid and Albert I Glan
elll attended' tho groom. The ushers
were Fred A. Martin and. Will Sheehy.
Frederick W. Goodrich presided at the
organ. . Additional musio. was rurrusnea
..V ., . , .
-m i ia-r
Hurley) whOB marriage too place
before the service by Mlaa Catherine
M. Covach, Mica Mae Breslin, Gustav
H. Crsrner and Will Con ley. Over one
hundred .invitations were lsaued for the
wedding, which waa followed by a wed
ding breakfaat In the banquet room of
the Imperial. Places were marked for
Mr. and Mrs. Bannon, George and Lew
Gaston, uncles of the bride. Miss .Rosa
Friedle. Miss Catherine Covach, Albert
L. Glanelll. Fred A. Martin. Will Sheehy
and Guatav H. Cramer. Mr. and Mrs.
Bannon left in the afternoon for a wed
ding trip of two weeks in British Colum
bia. The grpom Is a traveling salesman
for the Aldon Candy company, and un
til the end of May the bride was em
ployed as bookkeeper and stenogrspher
by the same firm.
w w
A very pretty home wedding at 4
p. m. Wednesday, June 14, marked the at the'W. O. W. Temple on June 20,
nuptials of Miss Zula A. Faulk, daugh- 1(n Reception committee, Mrs. 8. E.
ter of Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Fsulk of Wunard, Mrs. T. A. Wood. Mrs. S. Par
1860 Dana street University Park, and ! r,8h Mrl R x. chambreau, Mrs. Otto
Irvin Jones of Utopia, Texas, in th
presence of about 80 relatives and Im
mediate friends. The rooms were
simple but beautifully decorated with
roses and sweet peas. The ceremony
waa performed under a bower of ever
greens and white roses from which
hung a large horn of plenty made of
evergreen and roses. Rev. Mr. Jefferys,
pastor of M. E. church, University Park,
officiating. "O Promise Me," was sung
by Miss Kda Marsters and Immediately
the bridal party entered the rooms to !
the strains of the beautiful wedding
march, (Hayed by Miss Alta Clark, cous
in of the bride. The gown of tho bride
was a beautiful creation of whlta
brocaded silk poplin with trimmings I
of seed pearls and lace over white satin.
The maid of honor waa Miss Gertrude
Liggett, of Kelso, Wash., who wore a
very becoming- gown of pale green silk
with gold and lace trimmings. Ths
bridesmaid, Miss Bertha Otterstedt
wore a dress of white and lavender
trimmed with lavender satin and hanJ
embroidery. -The bride entered on the
arm of her father who gave her away.
immediately alter tno ceremony a wed
ding dinner was served in a rose bow
ered arbor on - the lawn. ' A reception
was tendered tho happy couple In the
eevnlng when about 125 friends called
to extend their heartiest congratula
tions snd best wishes and were enter
tained by a short program consisting of
music and readings, chief of whicn J
were the instrumental solos by Miss '
May Merrill and the readings given by i
the favorite, Mrs; George Hall, of St !
Johns. Later a .dainty luncheon was
served. Mr. and Mrs. Jones left Thurs- ,
day for their new home in Hood River, j
accompanied by the best wishes of their .
large circle of friends. Those helping i
serve were Miss Alta Clark, Miss Eda
Marsters, Miss Fay Wise, Miss Lowell 1
Shatto, - Miss Ossle BaUmont Miss
Hulda Nordstrom and Mesdames Z. A.
Leigh, George Hall, Minnie Hlnkston
and Helen Gano.
A quiet wedding took placet at the
home of . Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hlnman
on Wednesday morning, June 14, at 11
o'clock, when their youngest daughter,
Viola, was married to Clarence A; Fore
man of Clackamas Heights, Or. The
ceremony was performed In . the living
room under an arch of beautiful ferns
and white roses by the Roy. Mr, Zim
merman. The . bridesmaid was Miss
Ethel Mann and the groom was attended
by G. Ev Ackley. Only relatives and a
few Intimate friends were present
Francis Knowles Chandler and Fran-
cis Templeman Roberts were married at
the Centenary Methodist parsonage, 844
East Ankeny street Wednesday, June
14, at ( p. m., Rev. Delmer H. Trimble
performing tho ceremony; ;
- S3
a- . -
Miss Myrtle E. Long entertained on
Tuesday evening at her home, 883 East
Ankeny street in, honor of Lillian Josse
Harris of Salem, who has been her
guast for the past two weeks. The par
lors . were tastefully decorated with
roses, and tho chandeliers ' were en-
.twined with 8cotch broom,, making ; a
very pretty affect Five hundred Was
tho' principal amusement of tho evening,
at which Miss. Alice Agler and k rank
Moore won highest honors. H. A. Bonn
rendered v several piano solos, ; which
were appreciated. " Those present wore
Miss Marie Btaehr, Miss Jewel Etter,
Miss Marjorio Martin... - Miss 'Bertha
Winnlnghof f. Miss Alice" Agler,v H. A.
Bonn. Dr.. Arthur Shaeffer, William D.
McGlivrey, Urank .Moore, ;Virgil Epos,
F. Cigerol - and,- -Cr A.' Allen r'1T "f
j h w ; '-'f - ' '-i - :
A surprise party was given Mr. and
Mra Martin Van- De Hey at their boma
Newton, Or last Sunday, in honor , of
their tenth annlverssry. - Those present
were Mr. and Mr. Heesacker, Mr. and
Mra J. A. Van De'Hoey, Mr, and. Mra
P. Van Den Berg, Mr. and Mrs.-John j
JCUUvMr-and Mrs., Gosmana Mr. and
Mrs. O. Rowrey, Mr, and Mrs. 1L Moore,
Mr. and Mra.' N, Jansen, Mr. and Mrs,
J. Jansen, Mrs. Allen T. . Anderson of
Portland. Alber Jansen of Forest Grove,
Nettle Jansen, Miss. Lena Jansen, Wal
ter Van e Hey, Nellie Heesacker. Bert
Heesacker and Earnest van po Hey.
- 'W -
Tho New Tork State society of Ore
gon held a very Interesting . meeting
Wednesday evening at Cbrlstensen's nail
when tho following- program was lis
tened to with a great deal or pleasure
Piano solo. Miss 'Eugenia Patten) vocal
solo, Mrs. Jennie Simmons Clow from
tho Columbia Conservatory of Mualc;
piano and violin duet, Mlas Nad Ins. Bob-
lander and Mlas Uditn lunasirom irorn
tho Columbia Conservatory of Music;
reading, Mrs. Sylvia McGulro; vocal solo,
Albert Brown; piano soio, miss mop
pet After tho program light refreah
ments were served. . Tho society will
hold a bsskst plcnlo on July 4 In tho
grove at the resldenco of Mr. and Mrs.
Wsgstaf at Woodmera on the Mount
Scott carllne. In place of tho regular
monthly meeting.
A very enjoyable evening wss spent
at the homo of Mr. and Mra. Edward
Wlesendanger, 1101 Berkeley street, last
Thursday. Tho eocaaion was a delight
ful lawn party given by their son Al
bert The fuU moon added greatly to
the pleasure of tho evening. At 11
o'clock refreshments were served, the
following young people participating:
Misses Irons . Pembroke, Emma Muck,
Fayo Farley, Effle Farley, Nova Cham
bers, Ruth Chambers, Ida Mutchle. Mra
C. Heflln, Mra Leslie Ewlng and Messrs.
Arthur Clark. Edward Brown. Jess Col
by, Charlie Heflln, W. M. Russell. Lea
He Ewlng. O. B. Worley, Waller and
Albert Welsendanger.
Miss Olga Goldberg entertained a
number of her friends Friday evening
at her home. East Sixteenth and Al
berta streets. Flowers were used to
decorate the house. The' guests were
Mr. and Mrs. Gustafson, Mrs. Estelle
Nelson, Miss Pearl Rlggs, Miss Edna
Stewart, the Misses Gunness, Esrl
Mechara, Fred Brookman, Frank Bengal,
Tom Whalen and L.; N. Rodby.
The Catholle Women's league has
moved from tho third floor of ths
Stearns building to suite 411 on the floor
sbove. They have an attractive reat
room with couches, books, magaxlnea.
desks and telephones, to say nothing
of the Improved facilities for serving
the noon day cafeteria lunch.
Mra J. H. Urdaht of Laurelhurst.
made Mrs. M. D. Crewsen, of Seattle,
her guest of honor for a pretty at home
given last Wednesday. Marguerites
were attractively used for decorations.
Ths hostess was assisted by Mrs. I. M.
Whit com be.
w w
Tho Morning Glory 600 club were en
tertained at the home of Mrs. Eva An
dross Tuesday by special invitation. A
delightful afternoon was enjoyed. Prizes
for the series were won by Mrs. Reed
and Mrs. Emery. Delicate refreshments
were served.
Mrs. Minnie McGregor, president of
ths Sons and Daughters association has
appointed ths following committees to
welcome and entertain the Indian War
veterans when thev meet in Portland
Kleeman, W. Hosea Wood and J. C.
ProebsteL First table. Miss Tlllle Cor
nelius and Mrs. Sarah Van Horn. As
sistants, Mrs. Maud Corastock, Mrs. A.
We close July 3d, so if yon want
to secure bargains this is your
$25,000 Stock, of Men's anii
Women Wearing Apparel
must be closed out at once.
Store to let fixtures for sale. No
goods charged. Alterations extra.
Prices are marked below factory
cost, because we are selling out to
quit business.
Men's $12.00 Suits, now . . . . 6.95
Men's $15.00 Suits, now . . . . 8.95
Women's $12.00 Tailor-made
Suits fS.OO
Women's $15.00 Tailor-made
Suits 7.5
Women's $25.00 Tailor-made
Suits ... 14.65
AH other goods reduced to similar
Bet. Second and Third Sts.
A iiirurvv"Bi"i ir"TT'i''' " Tri-ynn,
The Ladies
of Portland
Wao are desirous of beautifying
their homes with ABTZSTZC and
OBxanrAt. jubjutuhe, should
aval themselves of tho opportun
ity and secure some of the many
rare and beautiful pieces now on
sale at ths Portland branch, 90S
Fourth st, near Taylor, of ths
Old Virginia
Furniture Co.
J. Fanno, Miss Mints Wilcox and Mra.
Josephine Reynolds. Second table.' Mra
C. G. Ilbpkins and Mrs. IL ft Boyd. AS.
slstants. Miss, Winona Boyd. Miss Venu
Boyd and Miss Edith ' Stuart Third
table, Mra. Chester Hall and Miss Nona
Nina Lane Finch. - Assistants, Mra Q
r. Moffltt Miss Harriet Lane, Mrs. G
c. oreen and Mra Ella Durham.- .Fourth
labia, Mra Harry El Chlpman and Miss
Emma. Elgin. Assistants, Mra Nettle
Moore, Mrs. Tamo t by, Mrs. Minnie Als.
pund and Miss M. Laug head. ' Fifth
table, Mra M. Steele and Mra. L. A.
Bailey. Assistants, Mrs. Letha William
son, Mra Anna McDonald. Miss Opal
MoDonald and Miss Helen White. Sixth
table. Mra Chasten Hall and Miss Nona
Mount Assistants. Mrs. Melissa Van
Atta, Mra Mary Bunn and. Miss Calls
Chambreau. Seventh table, Mrs, 'Anna
Springer and Mra OeOrgs Watklns. As
sistants, Mra Etta McDerraott Mrs.
Sarah Hooper, Mrs. Laura Peterson, and
Mra A. Brauer. Eighth table. Mrs.'C.
IL Chambreau and Mrs. J. C ProebsteL
Assistants, Mrs. 8. W. Anderson, Miss
Mary Van Atta,. Miss Delta Chambreau
and Mrs J. Fowler. Booths, No, L bread,
butter and cream, Mra Margaret Sales.
Mra Rose Nash, Miss Mary Johnson;
Miss Alleen Tatura, Mra. Mamie Wick-
ersbanv No. B. meat, fish and chicken,
Mra. O. F. White, Mrs. T. M. Hurlbert,
Mrs. C. W. Msrtya. Mrs. A. J. McDan
lei s. No. I, salads, pickles snd cheese,
Mrs. W. Hoaea Wood, Mrs. Sadts Keed
Miss Arils Wood, Mrs. Alice Lyons. No.
Ice cream sad cake, Mrs. Cecil Bene
dict Mra J. K Burgard, Mlas Roxsnna
White, Mlaa Elda McDanlels.
Thursday evening he St Ann's so
ciety will give a charity card party at
tho bomo of Mrs. L A. Lawler, 4(1
Twenty-sixth street North. Guests
who are contemplating Joining tho gams
should take tho Broadway oar.
July 4. will, bo celebrated at Moonoy
Park. Gilbert station, under, tho aus
pices ot tho women Of St Peter's parish.
Lnta. Or.. Musla, dancing, refresh
ments, races and games of all kinds I
A House Clearance and Stock Redaction of Every Article
12 070
on all
EXTRA! Choice of the House Sale
High-Grade Tailored Suits
At One-Half Former Price
The season's biggest event an imperative stock reduction sale in
volving many stunning Tailored Suits in Wool and Linen.
Tailored Wool Drtue, $20.00, now .$10.00
Tailored Wool Dretst, $22.50, now . .$11.25
Tailored Wool Dresses, $25.00, now $12.50
One-Piece Silk Foulard Dresses, $22.50, now $11.25
One-Piece Messaline Dresses, $20.00, now .. .$10.00
'All Lingerie and Linen
Dresses Ia TCC
- Jll
ni mi n
tniiaren s presses
For School or Dress
Dresses for the most partic
ular child in hundreds of
beautiful patterns, both in
colored and white, daintily
trimmed in combination of1
colors. Each one has an in
dividuality. Sizes from 2 to
14 years, at spe- QCflT
cial discount of J Q
Have Your Furs Remodeled and Renovated
A small deposit on
MAIN 1236
HOME 1236
Galvanized Metal
Frame Adjustable
Window Screen
, -f,
15x37 each?. .30c
18x37, each, .... 32c
22x37, each . , , ; , 35c
26x37, each . V V; 4$6
are planned. It Is a cool, shady plaoe
to bring your family anil spend the dsy.
Taks Kstacada pr Greoham car to gata
Stiles orchestra, Marshall 1141
Tho engagement is announced of Miss
Virginia Merges, secretary of Portland
academy, to William Klotser, who is
at tho head of ths department of phys
ics at. that school. Mr. Kletser Is a
1105 graduate of ths University of
Michigan in tho engineering course. The
msrrlage wil take plac Juno ST.
Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Bomgardner an
nounce ths engagsment of their daugh
ter, Gertruda to W. V., Green, ths
wedding to tsko place Juno 19. at the
horns of the bride's psrents. Miss Bora
gardner is a ' teacher in the Lincoln
high school and Mr. Green Is connect
ed with Washington high , school In a
similar capacity.
Portland week end auests of Hotel
Oearhart. were D. M. McLauren, George
Ballert W, P. O'Brien, Mrs. O. W. Tay
lor, F. H. Irwin. E. V. Pencli W. F.
Brock, Mrs. Brock, Miss Cora Rotan,
George H. Klelnserga F. J. Walsh, Mr.
and Mra H. P. Barnhart Miss Barn-
hart. S. Waldman. Mrs. J. Goldberg.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cransi Mra A. N.
Lincoln, ' Miss B. Norton, and Edna
Howard Balm.
Among ths prospective graduates
from Oregon who will take their diplom
as at Laks Forest College, III, Juno 21.
are Miss Mable Ell tyre and Elbert Mar
lon Stone.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. La they had as
their guests for ths Rose Festival, tho
Mlaaea Elite and Myrtle Ewlng, of San,
Buffdintt Cor fourth And Blorrison
All Choice Trimmed"
atn.,!n.rr. lh Price
A Sale
La Camile Corsets
All the latest
cluded in this
of Corsets,
our latest shipments.
Novelty Jewelry 1 9 c
Regular 25c, 35c and 50c grades, including
Barrettes, Hat Pins, Coral Beads, Coral
Brooches, Sash Pins, Belt Buckles and hun
dreds of other novelties. Mon- i A ,
day special at ;X aC
furs will hold the same until
Columbia Hardware Go
'p " '
No. 04
No. 77 ft h w I
No. 77 Garbage . or. Ash Can,
special Monday only.l .$1.50
No. 04 r- Large "Size Garbage
: v pallj with bail, Monday $1.00
Francisco, who are mallng aa xtn,1
tour of the' northwest
Miss Ramona Toungs. of Mont ana,
was the guest of Miss-Louise Meyer,
Roae Festival week.
MIbs Florence Hofer. Of Salem, spent
last week ss the guest ef Mrs Q. C.
Mouror. She Will vlalt Vancouver be
fore returning to her home.
Mr-and Mrs. R, Meyers sro enjoying
a few weeks' visit In Saa Franclaco.
Miss Maals Fltsgerald has returned
to her homo in Tscoma after vlxlt
with Mr.-and Mra-T. 8. Sllvrrs. for
mcrly of Tacoma. ' Mr. Silvers has re
cently become manager of Ellers' muilu
house. ', ... ., ,. . . . $ 1 ,'
Mr. and Mra D. C, Iundsbury are
visiting their daughter, Mra F. C Brew
er, tn Tacoma - '.'
Miss Ball was in Walla Walla lat
Wednesdsy to attend ' the, wedding of
her brother, R. Dougles Ball, and Miss
Frances) Pains. . '.
Mrs. Oscar Thorborg. - of Hoaqulsm.
haa been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. -Charles
Arnold for several days. .'
Miss Gertrude Roper of Tacoma re
turned yestsrday to her homo after' a
delightful vlalt with Mra L M. Whlt
combe. - '
Dr. J. B. Roth has left for Now Tork '
city to spend several months la post ,
graduate work eye, esr, nose and
throat' , ,,
Mrs. Helen N. Packard who has been
hovering between life and death so long '
In Tho Dalles hospital has been taken
to her home much Improved and rapidly
recovering. ' ' ,
Mra D. G. Msstlck ef Detroit Mich.,
arrived in Portland on Friday, having :
come with an excursion party which - -left
Detroit It dsys before. Mrs. Mss-
tick Is visiting her parents, Mr, sad
Mra A. W. Mills and expects to re
main for the summer.. . . ., . .
- Mrs. Bertha Oilman, department In '
spec tor W. R. C. of Happner. is spend
lng the month In Portland.
Mra J. C Murray and her sister, Mrs. '
Samuel Smith, of 614 Couch street havo
(Continued on following Page)
in Our Ready-to-Wear Store
on all
of C B. ancft
models of the season are in
special price reduction sale
20 Off
at Summer Prices
the fur season. -: ..''.
- - - -
i' tfJ
Fireless Cocker, . 'ith so!:.i '
aluminum ' utensils, i r v
and durable, specinllv ;
for . Monday - O ' 1 ' "
at . ',. -