The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 18, 1911, Page 44, Image 44

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IOHT at the beginning the society
editor wishes to apologise for any
of the charming affaire of the
week she may . have overlooking
but when everyone in town does
. , something, the hours In the day do not
eeem Jong enough to cover the round.
The calendar hea seldom cnronicieo i
' btteler week, filled wltb scores of af
. fair, from the "ton Informal to mention
sort to weddings, receptions snd teaa of
'moment. From the east, and aauth are
coming, many visitors; an unfailing sign
.", Of say atrial life which promises to
continue until the aummer eionus.
."' -'-. . w w
', One of the' altogether brilliant -event
- of the seaaon will be the forthcoming
. fresco production of Klektra by Ra.
mond Duma a and his original company
of Greek playera, at Horkholm. th
; beautiful place af Dr.- and Mra. A. tl
, - Hotkey, on Riverside orive. rnaay even
to f. June II. A special train wilt con
vey tho an eats to and from the perform
- anee, which will be proceeded by a abort
concert. Introducing auch music as the
ancient Greek hymns and Chtneae dra-
0 matlc music Those who are acting as
-nurenrears for the affair art Mrs. A.
E. Rocker. Mrs. Helen Ladd ("ort'l.
Mrs. L. Allen Lewla. Mra. K. A. J. Mc-
kesjJe.- Mra. Holt V Wilson. Mra. Soto
; i mon Hlrsch. Mra. Henry Ladd Corbett.
.'. Mra. David Taylor Honeyman,, Mrs.
Theodore B. Wilcox. Mra. L C. wort
man. Mrs. J. C Bingham. Mrs. Charles
r. Swlgert. Miss Elizabeth Cadwell. Mra.
A. C. Newlll, Mra. Oeorge Winter,
Mrs. Leroy Hadley, Mra. Julia far-
F uam, Mrs, Q. M. . Magruder,
t Mra. J. D. Hpencer. Mra. E.A. Kyle. Mrs
O. H. Mayea. Miss E. BrecV. Mrs. Sarah
f' A. Evans. Mrs. R. J. ' Chlpman, Mra.
I Max H. Houser, Mrs. J. Wesley lAdd,
rMrs.' H W. Corbett. Mrs, William Mac-
l Master. Mrs. WlUlsm M. laa. Mrs., w.
r ' Leadbetter. Mra.. Thomas ucou
.Brooke. Mrs. Henry C Cabell. Mrs. Jo-
aeoh N. Teal. Mrs. Ia Hoffman, Mrs.
I Benaga 8. Josselyn, Mrs. 3. P. O'Brien.
Mrs. Charles If. Carey. ire. uuy weo-
V ater Talbot, Miss EllsabetS P. Sawyers,
! Mrs. 3. C Alnsworth, Mrs. Albert Feld,
( enhelmer, Mrs.', Cyrus A. Doipn, Mrs.
rrank a, lKiey.v Mrs. 1. I. I irncnntr,
Mrs. Andrew C. Bmlth, Mrs. John Por-
V Mrs. Adotph Wolfs Mrs. Richard Nuns
and Mra. Walter M. rook. , .: i .
' . ' 1 f f '
" A: smart amd iff? lattractlve affair
waa the French te given Wedneaday by
Mrs. J. 0. Gauid when ahe assembled' a
' Urge number . of friends to introduce
1 P. James who aave an Interesting lec-
a ''''' ' '' '
ture In Trench, dealing largely, with, his
s life In . Nicaragua. Mlsa Buses Clark
presented Mr. James to the guests. Pol
' Plowing the lecture the women strolled
f about the handsome Gauld grounds and
' jr enjoyed tea-poured by Mrs. Frederick
I'R. Stronar, ai,l .M.- pdmund U Dever-
eau. Beautiful; ehiatere of Oriental
e popples tn brass I owls were used about
the reoma. ,K .. ;i '. ,.C;.- '
, k Luncheon " for J ; at Waverly Golf
' f club waa the very pretty courtesy ex
- f tended to Miss Florence ' Rldenbaugh,
... I-Miss Genevieve Thompson's guest from
Boise y Miss Cornelia Cook on Friday.
The guests were seated on the veranda
fat five tables, each bearing an attrac
tlve Japanese basket of flowers. The
' f ones te -enjoy 'Mills Cook's hospitality
were Mies Rldenbaugh. Mls Genevieve
f. Thompson,. Mrs. .Clifford Monoid. Mrt.'
' James A- Dougherty, Mrs. Alexander
Angus McDonell.- Mrs. J. Andre Foull
houx. Mra. Gerald E. Bee be, Mrs. Wal
' ter Bowne Jr.,Mlss Anita Burns, Miss
i' Caroline Wilson. Miss B3-elyn? Wilson.
' I Miss. Barbara Crocker,, Miss Bhanna.
e Cummlng, Miss Angela Kinney, Miss
Olive Falling, Miss Dorothy Morrison.
Miss Maisle MacMester, Miss Jean
t. Msckensle, Miss Isabella Gauld, Miss
l; Alice Hiller of San Francisco; ' Miss
' '.Helen Etekea,. of (Philadelphia; Mine
A lice Carey, ' Miss Dorothy Holbrook,
v Miss Lesley-Smith. Mle Mills Wesin-
' ger, MUS Leslie Weldler, Miss Louise
Carey and Miss Cully Cook.
' Miss . Isabella t Gauld wea another
- '.luncheon hostess ofthe week for Miss
' Ridenbaugh when she invited, guests for
t yesterday. ( Red roses graced the table.
Today Leland Smith la boat at a picnic
party planned- for the pleasure of Mlsa
V Ridenbaugh and Miss Ruth Clements,
-J. Mra. Preston W. Smith's . New York
- Visitor.'--. ;.v--
Tomorrow Miss Thompson has asked
. . guests to enjoy - luncheon at the Golf
Links-with'. Mies Ridenbaugh. Miss Cle
I'tnents and Miss Alice Hiller, Miss
V Gauld'a cousin from Ban Francisco, and
. on Wednesday Miss Elizabeth Patterson
' Sawyer will be another hostess Honoring
, Miss Ridenbaugh. 5
It hae been learned with regret bv
i many that Lieutenant Colonel John 8.
'f Prke, U. 8. A., haa been sent as mill'
: tary attache to Brussels Instead of
being stationed at Vancouver barracks.
; Lieutenant Colonel Parke- sailed 'the
first of the month for his new post, but
Mra. Parke and . Mlas Genevieve Parke
I are gueata In Portland for a ahort time.
I Miss Pauline Parke la visiting friends
In the eaat .On Thursday Mrs Hamll
L ton Brooke asked a few of Mrs. Parke's
friends in. to spend the afternoon with
'r her at Alexandra court and enjoy a cup
'.; of. tea. ;
Mr, n4 Mre. ctttfei E Carey -liave
I eent out Invitations for the wedding of
t their - daughter, Louise Harrington, to
? Harold Merriam Sawyer, to be solem-
nlsed, at 8 o'olook Wednesday evening.
1 June SB, at. -the Carey home, on River
8 aide Drive." Miss Carey will be attend-
d by her sisters, the Misses Alice and
i Evelyn Carey, and Mr. Sawyer has chos
en Charles MacCormack Snow as his
, groomsman.' Reverend John Boyd, of
; the First Presbyterian Church, will read
;the,eervtco.;i;--';v;s-,,;. , .
" Mlas Marie . Grune walfi, of Chicago
?.: waa the complimented . .guest et An ,in-
i formal tea. presided over byiMri. Frank
M. Warren Jr.,- on . Friday. . ' Mies Meta
V M. Buehner poured. 'Mlas Grunewald,
'-.V. V-eVV.
ft? -J
y Third Floor Washington BIdg.
, EeL Sd aAd 4th on Wasbgloa Si.
II- II - M
Mlsg Edith Coburn Noyej of. Boston,
who has ben the Misses Buehner's guest.
returned to her eastern home yesterday.
Mies Ada Hammond, who was also a
visitor at the Buehnera, departed on
Wednesday for her home in Seattle.
A eon. made his advent in the home
of Mr. and Mra. Berwick Wood, at
Ontario, a week ago Monday. Mra.
Wood was Miss Alice Howes. .
A coterie of the younger set
gathered' at the home of Mra. Theodore
B.i Wilcox Thursday to enjoy an after
noon with Miss Edith Coburn Noyes,
who gave an Inspiring talk on ."Woman
hood'' and read aeveral charming selec
tions. Mrs. Holt C. Wilson, r Mrs.
Thomss Kerr snd Mrs. J. C Alnsworth
assisted Mrs. Wilcox in the dining room.
Mrs. PreStow W. Smith waa hostess
at a delightfully Informal tea on Fri
day to meet her friend from New York
Miss Ruth Clements. Sweetpeas adorned
the table, which waa presided over by
Mrs. Lloyd R. Smith and Miss Gladys
Weldler. The Misses Ruth and Gene
vieve Church with Mlas Lesley Smitn
aagisted. . -
' - - w .:-
r Mrs. Thomas. Scott -Brooke tnyited
gueata for luncheon Wednesday to meet
her guest from San Francisco, Miss
Helen Cliesebrough, who waa one of
the bridesmaids at the Bronke-Pomeroy
nuptials In November. The guest of
honor, -Mrs. Hunt C. Lswis, Mrs.
Thomas' Kerr, Mrs. David T. Honey
man. Mrs. Herbert S. Nichols and Mrs.
Brooke made up the party.- Last pight
Mr,, and Mrs. . Brooke entertained with
a dinner dance at the Golf club for Miss
Caroline Wilson whose engagement to
Kenneth Beebe haa been a recent an
nouncement of note.
Mrs. uuy w. Talbot has asked a
number of friends to come tn Informal
ly tomorrow to meet Reginald Harrison
and see some of his miniature Work.
Mr. Harrison will be a guest In Portland
v W W
Mr. Ind; Mrs. Joseph N. Teal had
as their dinner guests Wednesday even
ing. Dr. and Mrs. Holt C. Wilson. Mr.
and Mrs. C. B. Woodruff, Mrs.-W, W.
Hepburn, J. W. Bennett and Henry Teal.
v . ' -
Mrs. H. C. Campbell asxed a few
friends ofMrs. Frsnk -E. Thayer, of
Los Angeles, in to meet her on Friday
and enjoy a cup of tea. Mra. Thayer
has been spending the past month with
her sister, Mrs. Harrison Gray Piatt
Mrs: tt W. B. London's return to
Portland from her present home in Van
couver, B. C, for the graduation of
Mlsa Wlnnlfred London at St. Helen'a
Hail, has been,-the signal for a, round
of delightful entertaining In her honor.
Last Friday Mrs. Mark GUT gave an
informal tea for her and on Wednesday
Mra. Lewis Russell asked a number of
friend In Informally to make up a
few tables of;, bridge. . Mrs, Walter F,
White gave a' luncheon with places
marked for ten on Thursday, compli
menting Mra, London writh bridge, fur
thering the pleasure of, the afternoon.
Caroline Testout roses graced, the table.
An informal tea on Friday; waa the
diversion planned by Mrs. James D. j
Hart. Mrs. Charlee F." Swigert with
Mra. .H. C, Wc-rtman presided over the
urna. -They were assisted by Miss MiJJa
rWeseln ger. Miss Cornelia Cook. Miss An-
geln KJnney and Miss Cully Cook as.
alsted. : Mrs. London has been the guest
of Mrs, Mark, Gill, during her sta and
her daughter.- Mtes Zulette. -who accom
panted herA has been staying with Mlsa
Margaret.:: Ayer.", With ner aaughtero,
the Misses. Wlnnlfred and Zulette, Mrs,
London.; returned tocher home In the
nortn .yesterday. . -
Quite, the i most : attractive - . of the
senior -pattlea. fet given at St. Helen's
Hail was the promenade and dance of
Wedneaday evening, which brdught to
gether a large assemblage of the younger
set. All of the verandas were lighted with
Japanese lanterns and the rooms were
dainty and" attractive with trailing Ivy
and a profusion of field daisies. Class
colors and flags made touches of bril
Uant colors. In the library Mme. Rus-.
ses and -Miss Eaton, presided over the
punch bowf. Mrs. T. W. B. London
served Ices and Mrs. Oskar Huber and
Mrs, A. A. 1 Morrison poured tn the
dining room. Patronesses for tho danos
were Mra. Charles Scaddlng, Mra. A.
A. Morrison, Mrs. II. E. Blossotn,' Mrs.
T. W. B. London and Mra. Oskar Huber.
The membera of the graduating class
are Miss Dorothy Huben- Miss Cassle
Hiller, Miss Wlnnlfred l London.' -Miss
Joan Spencer,. Miss , Fern Hutchinson.
I ' - -I,",--.? I' f I: . '
wbo was MrsA. E. Rockey'g guest
Miss Ijiura Cummlng and Miaa Mary
Mrs. William Henry Nunn waa an In
formal bridge hostess on Friday, when
she aaked guests to make up a few ta
bles to meet Mrs. William H. Taylor, of
San Francisco, who, with Mr. Taylor,
Is a guest of her sister, Mrs. L. Allen
Lewis. After the games a number came
In for tea. Mr. and Mra. Taylor arrived
last Saturday and will be in Portland
about a fortnight.
Mrs. Charles T. Whitney's Invita
tions for an at home Tuesday with
readings by Miss Edith Coburn Noyes
of Boston, brought together : a smart
gathering of women who were charmed
by Miss Noyes' interpretation of Mrs.
Browning's "Aurora Leigh." aa drama
tised specially for her b? Archibald
Reddle. Mlas Noyes annual vialU to
the coast are always the signal for
brilliant social and literary gatherings.
Last year Mrs. . Wallace McCamant In
vited a large number - to hear Mlas
Noyes read "Bleak House," the drama
tisation of which she secured from
Mme. Janauschek, the Bohemian ac
tress. Just before her death. Miss Noyes
has come up from California where she
has been since the middle of May. In
San Francisco she was the, guest of
Mrs. Sidney Smith. In Portland she
haa been entertained by Mrs. A. E.
Rockey. Assisting Mrs. Whitney In tho
dining room were A. E. Rockey, Mrs.
John Forbls, Mrs. Wells Gilbert and
Mrs. Frederick Alva Jacobs. Mrs. Rob
erf Dlecko-and Miss Carrie Calvin of
San Francisco, presided over the punch
bowl In the library. -Vases of -long
stemmed American Beauty rosea were
used for decorations. Miss Noyes lsft
for her borne In the oast Thursday. .
'w '
Mrs. Frank B. Riley presided at a
pink" sweet pea luncheon for- eight at
the Waverly Golf club Wednesday in
honor of Mrs. Ralph Eugene Kingsbury
(Miss Lulie Hall). Bridge rounded out.
the afternoon.
Mrs. Edward Failing haa sent out in
vitations for the wedding of her daugh
ter. Ernestine, to Horatio Elwln Smith,
of New Haven, to be solemnised Morf
day, July t, at t o'clock; in Trinity
Episcopal church. ' Miss Failing has
chosen as her attendants her sisters,
the Misses Olive and Rhoda Falling
and tho best man will be Edward J.
Failing. Miss Katharine F. Falling has
planned a tea, on Friday for Miss Fall
ing. w '
Miss Louise Carey was guest of honor
at a pretty prenuptial dinner last even
ing at the Llnnton home of Mr. and Mrs.
Wilson W. Clark. Baskets of roses
centered the table circled by Miss
Carey, Miss Genevieve Thompson, Miss
Florence Ridenbaugh Of Boise, Miss
Barbara Crocker, Miss Margarita Bueh
ner, Miss Margaret Hewitt, Miss Meta
Buehner, Leland Smith, Stanley Jewett
Carl Wernicke, Charles Holbrook.
Maurice Dooley, Harold M, Sawyer. Har
old Schroyer and Mr and Mrs. Clark. .
The Thursday evening riding class at
Kramers enjoyed a ride to the Golf
club Thursday evening for dinner and
a dance. Making rp the party were Cap
tain and Mrs William S. Biddle. Mrs.
C Edward Grelle, Mrs. James A.
Dougherty, Miss Lillian O'Brien, Miaa
Alta Rush, Miss Eleanor, Gile, Dr. J. N.
Coghlan, Rodney GUsan, Mr. . Stewart,
Stanley Jewett and Chester G. Murphy.
w w - .V.'
The post gymnasium at Vancouver
barracks presented a gay scene tfriday
night when the officers and women of
True Beauty Without ;
Powders or Cosmetics
, ' (From Art in Dress.)
"Much, harm la often done with the
too free use of powders and cosmetics.
says Mme. Ferrl, authority on beauty,
'and when -women learn to know the
true value of a good lotion much of this
will be prevented. ,
"Nothing equals a simple, inexpensive
lotion made by dlsaolving a email orig
inal package of mayatone In - eight
ounces of witch-hazel. This should be
freely rubbed into the skin every day,
ATter a, short time ualnc the mava-
tone lotion the ekin grows clear and
velvety and blackheads, pimples- and
Other blemishes are permanently - re
moved, and the complexion takes on
that rich embellishment, which. Is the
hallmark of true! beauty. Many women
use this lotion to prevent tan, sunburn
or xrecaies.' , v-.-,".: .v.., . ,:
! the First Infantry gave a reception and
flsnce m honor, or the Becond new er -
.III..... ...,..... t fMM tha
i 7,i v...
rnmppines. r lags ana greens were umna
for decorations and refreshments were
served in one end of the hair curtained
off with flaea. The table was lighted
with numbers of candles. . Among the
Portland people wbo rroesed the river
for the dance were: Mr. and Mra. K. .
Shevlln, Mr. snd ITTs. J. .Ernest Lald
law. Captain and Mrs. William
Riddle, Miaa Cully Cook. Mies Genevieve
Thompson, Bliss Isabella Gauld,' Mla oration of Uieir' tentn weoaing annr
Florence Ridenbaugh - of Boise. Miss veraary. The idea of tho tin wedding
Cornelia Cook, Miss Frsncca Wilson, waa skillfully carried out In the decora.
Miss Nan Robertson, Mlsa Evelyn' Wll- Hons with chains of tin and In the
son, Miss Genevieve I'srke, Miss Lillian refreahmente which were Served on tin.
O'Brien, Miss Lucy Wallace of New The receptlpn halt and drawing room
York, Miss Shann ' Cummlng, Miss were all ln ' white peonies eVh Ts.lms
Laura Cummlng Dr," W, A. Cummlng, and other beautiful greens for a back
John Bank s, George Warren, Beaton ground. - About' the walla were banked
Taylor, Blake Bobbins,' Mr. Barron, gorgeous flnral offerings' sent by the
George, Sailor, Clarence Clark and Curtis many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Mead.
Bailey, pink peoniea. with electric lights gleam-
. . Ing through the green was the artlatlo
Mlsa Susan Clarke has taken the Pisa 'of deorsthm In. the living room
apartment of Miss Dorothea Nssh,
Ionian court, for the aummer. ..
. - , . ..
u t ri.nri.a ' hi f R.,miin antnnii.
mented Mrs. O. JJ. Nottsge. of Besttle,
and Mra. Vrnest Palton Walt, with a
brldae of elaht tsbles Monday a f tier -
noon. Mra. Uuatave K. Pruere captured
card honors. The rooms were fragrant
with roses used for decorations, , Mra.
Walt, who. with her husband has been
living In Eureka for four year a, has
returned tn Portland again to reside
here. Mra. N'ottage waa
the guest of her
shley. who gave
alater, Mra. M. A. M. Ashley
a eard aftarnoon for her Wedneaday,
The oeason at the Portland Heights
club came to a brilliant close Wednes
day evening, when the final dance waa
held. Refreshments were served on the
verandas, which, aa well as the grounds,
were gay with many Japaneae Jan terns,
Caroline Testout roses and ferae trans
formed the msln ballroom Into a bower
of beautiful blossoms. Rosebrooka or
chestra furnished the ;musla Down-
Ranged for "dldVot c" S
dancing. The hoetesses for the sven-
Ing were the social committee, Mrs. A, I
D. Charlton, Mrs. Jay Smith. Mra. Fred
vi ' ?-,. -a u.
Page, Mao. Dan Malarkey and Mrs.
A. C Panton. Tho Portland Heights
rose show will bo held at the clubhouse
this week.
w w
Mra. J. Hherman O'dorman waa boot
ees at an informal bridge of three ta-,,,, assisted by Mlsa Henrietta Roth
bles Monday evening for her sister andhiM u,.. i ....
Powell of West Superior. Wis. Card
Harry Richer planned
for Mrs. - Powell at her house boat at
the Oregon Yacht club. Tuesday Mra.
George D. Peters will entertain with a
bridge for Mrs. Powell.
have as their guest for some weeks.
Miss Lucy Wallace,, who arrived from
New York on Thursday.
Owing to the Illness of Dr. A. TE.
Rockey, It haa been necessary for Mrs.
Rockey to recall the invitations for tho
dinner she waa to have given Tnea
day for Miss Louise Carey and her
fiance, Harold M. Sawyer.
w w
Mra. Otta B. Wight will be a lunch
eon hostess on Friday.
Miss Lorraine Dean entertained a few
of her young friends with tea last Sat-
urday at her home on Portland Heights.
The guests were Miss Catherine Russell,
Miss Margaret Mears. Mine Elizabeth
Jones. Miss Ruth Hall, Miss Katherlne
Graham. Miss Prlscllla Ellloott. Mlas
Gensvelve Halley, Mlas Nsn Russell,
Mies J-Jniee iving, siiaa lone Btewart,
Miss Esther Jones, Miss Doris Smith,
Miss Anna Barket and Miss Alice Gads-
Pjr., : -. , . r- " .-
-' ;--',.
At the annual June tea to be gfevn
at the Patton Home Tueaday afternoon
from 2 to B o'clock, tho following wo
men will bo In the receiving line: Mra
D. H. Rand, Mrs. John , H. Burgard,
Mrs. August Lang, Mra. Arthur Ballou
Mra. B. F. Weaver, Mrs. Arthur Glle,
and Mrs, Alice Shannon. In the din
ing room, Mrs. D, M. McLauchlan. Miss
Francis Jeffery and Mrs. O. Hoffman,
will be assisted by Miss Helen Cake,
Miss Mary Brownlie, Miss Beth Lud
lam, Mlsa Helen Ladd, Miss Agnes
McLauchlan, and Miss Sara McCully
On the program, arranged by Mrs. J,
P. L,udlam, will bo Miss Maud Dam
masch, Miss Zeta Holllster. Tom Dob
son, Miss Alice Juston, Miss Cornelia
Barker, and Miss Marguerite Egbert
with , Mrs. H. A. Heppner and Miss
Sadie Ford accompanlsta.
- w w
Miss Tessa. Dent 'is home from the
east where she spent the winter as
student at the New England Conserva
tory of Music. She baa Just returned
rrom gaiem after a vlait of It dava
with her sister. Mrs. R. M. Hofer, wbo
invuea tne Kensington club and a few
of Miss Dent's friends In for an aft
ernoon or five hundred Monday, when
Mrs. Robert Chauncey Bishop was the
The Most Easily Driven
of All Bectrics
The most delicate woman a 12-year-old
child can handle the largest a.uch
ft Lang Electric with perfectease.
You merely push a handle forward
when you want to start pull It back
when you want to stop. Pulling It back
not only shuts y6ff ell power at once,
but puts on a strong brake. The car
stops elmoHt immediately.- You can use
the foot-brake.-too. if you wish, but it
isn t necessary.
The steering t nothing more than
pushing forward and pulling back on a
handle placed directly, where the right
hand rests naturally and comfortably.
It Is very easy not in the least confus
ing. ... " " -v- : f t -.
After one ride, you'll ' have absolute
confidence In your own ability to drive
the car anywhere.and everywhere.'
' We have furnished the car Inside and
finished it outside Just aa handsomely,
aa richly and as tastefully as you would
do It yourself. W
It's the largest and most luxurious of
all electrics, . v
Write for our new art catalogue
showing the styles -and all the advan
tages or
. ' 2aekard Servio Bundinr,
OorneU atoad. S3rd and Washington sts.
le.jji. . 1 x1"
winner of (the high score. Mlsa Dent left
l veaoesaay lor ntwiwn w kh
I mniith at th Itntup MtttOa. I''
- - ------ - -----. ,
i i
I Mr a. Taut B. Froeiloh has card oui
I for a bridge, June 33, In honor of hr
I elster-ln-law. Mrs. T. J. Mllrhels, who
Its a Portland visitor for the summer.
i ww
In their heme, embowered with nun-
- ldreds of neautlful pink and white peon-
Ins. Mr. and Mrs C. Lewla Mead Monday
night received about 100 friends is cole-
at"o tho dlnlsr room the same sweet
blossoms arranged tn feetoone with the
I cnaina were tiaea, , receiving wun
I Mi" snd Mra. Mead wcro Mrs., Mary A.
Wells, an aunt fram Han Franelsco, and
"r' "! wrs. Jonon . wene.
1 front Loe Angeiee. Mrs. Horatio Wells.
Mrs. W, B. Ferhnelmer. Mrs.. Henry
Dickson and Mrs. Cliester Peering as
sisted about" the rooms. Roeebronk's
orchestra was' stationed la tht hall .on
the seoond floor;
-vMrs.- Meed greeted" her guests in an
lahorate Parlev gown .of ellver spangles
Pn P"i ' .
mum, vvtj mvrw ir mTmJ
satin with diamonds.
Mrs." Norton Wells wag lit chiffon Of
a deltoatald Tose with real lace..
Mra. Feohhetmer had on white satin.
Mra, Dickson wag la pale blue crepe.
Mra. Horatio Wells appeared la apri
cot brocade with laoe overdress.
Mrs.-Peering wore white chiffon over
. '' ' w
Mra. W. R Patterson and Miss Vera
Pattereon entertained with a large and
V J""!
presented a pretty picture with its
draplnga of flags and floral decorations
,"h"" VJ n - runc w"
I rvd there by Mlsa Florence Davis
and Miaa Charlie Fen ton. Caroline Tes
tout roses were, used all over tho rooms
In great clusters and banks. la tho
dining room Mra B. S. Pa rue, Mrs.
R. E. Schloth. Mrs. L Vsnduyne and
Mrs. Otto Rothschild presided. '. f bey
BVldgeto7 S VrYncTsco who 1.
BD.Rdinir .h mumm.r ,,. thJ .,.fc.
anna M tmm WAa T v. a r.
.Mfc,wpf7, maim MMrguwrum
Gets and Mra. Lea Barnea, of Ellens
burg, Wash. Little Miss Ada -Otten
took the cards at the door. Mra. P. A.
Gets and Mra. W. M. Patterson re-
uets win oe an event of September t.
w w
An Interesting engagement announce
ment Is that of Mies Ella Mead Doble
and Dick Alden Hathaway, the wedding
to take plaoe later In the summer. Miss
Doble Is the only daughter of .Mr. and
Mra. Malcolm Doble, a Unlveralty of
Oregon girl, and a member of the Kap
pa Alpha Theta. Mr. Hathaway la the
only son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hatha
way. He, too, la a University of Ore
gon graduate and a Kappa Sigma man.
ww 7
Mra A. King Wilson, who will as-
aume the presidency of the Portland
Woman's club next Friday, expects to
give much attention to the social side
of the club this year, and the past week
haa been hostess" at two club affairs.
Thursday Mrs. Wilson entertained st
her beautiful country home; Wllsonia,
I ""' C' "Cj
Mystic Stewart Range
Polished Steel ?ody
A .new and exceedingly popular form of
Steel Range. It-combines all the good quali-
- ties of the standard steel -range, with the
high leg base, of the cast range, making what
7 is considered by many an ideahrange. The7'
advantages claimed ior the-high. leg base
are improved appearance, better protection''
to the floor from overheating, and the .great-,
er and, easier cleanliness possible. ' N
Six Hole Range, $33.50
near Osweso. the preaent snd Incomln
board, at luncheon: v Friday the pay
cliolngy department of tho club was he
guest at a plonla, when about IB gueat
were present, Lunch was spread under
tho trees, iajid a delightful day waa
spent Taking advantage ot the large
number . present, . arrangementa - were
made for next year's work and Mra,
M. A. Oxden was eleeted chairman 'of
tho department for tho enaulnc year,
Nest .f uendiiy Mrs.' Wilson entertains
the new calendar committee at luncheon,
when the plana for the next year's work
will bo dlacusaed.
..." 4..
Mrs L. R, Hadley will give a Hellenic
tea In her home. Council Crest, Monday
afternoon to bear Raymond Duncan gtv
a discourse on the .''Elektra of Bopho
kles." Many of the patroneaaes for the
Friday evening . performance wilt be
present and Greek delicacies will be
served by young society girls in hand
woven Hellenic robes and sandals. -To
day at I o'clock Mr. Duncan will lectufl
at the Museum' of Art on "Greek Sculp
ture and Us, Relation to the Drama,'
and Tuesday evening at. I o'clock. In the
Y, M. C A. auditorium, bo will speak
for the1 Collegiate Alumnae- and all
thoae who are Interested In the Greek
drama and give a resume of Elektra.
-",. ..' V. '. W W-- ' '
Mrs. ' John , Jt. Reed ' entertained ' at
bridge Friday afternoon for ker sister,
Mrs. Wilburs. Sample.'. 81k tables were
played and the prlie won by Mra. John
StonoroedL It la deeply regretted by the
many frlenda they , have mad during
their sojourn Ri Portland, Jhet Mr. ana
Mra. Sample are. returning to Chicago
on Wednesday to reside there,,
. - ; . aV . .,
'.Mlas Francos Oberteuffer anterUlned
hwlth a blue shower on Thursday for
Miss Goff whose marriage to Roes Uo
Ewan will Je an event of .Thursdsy,
Miss Ada Ifowarthof Rverett, Vash,
was the- guest of Miss Louise Glsaaon
for Rose Festival week, Oa last Friday
Miss Gleaaon Invited Informally for
three tables of 100 xo tnoet Miss How-
arth. The prise was captured by Miss
Henrietta Rothchlld. . w 1
The! wedding of Frances Katherlne
Purdln to August F. Bock waa. solem
nised June 14 at St. Mary's cathedral.
Rev. George F. . Thompson officiating.
After a wedding trio through Yellow-
stone Park they will be at home to their
frlenda after July, first at lift Eaat
Harrlaon atreet. . .
Mrs. William Laldlaw will bo ntstess
at a- largo reception on Friday, Juno It
The Informal Bridge club will hold
the last meeting of Its season a week
rrom next Tueeoay witn Mrs. Kay msij
aon. Prises for tho year will bo award-1
ed then.
4, . -
Miss Blanche Dorothy Sehott and Wal
ter H.- Yerlan have choaon wedneaday,
July 12, as ihe date of their wedding.
to be ' celebrated very quietly at Ail
Saints Episcopal church.
In honor of Mrs. John Bamford -of
Seattle, Mrs. El wood Wiles entertained
10 ladles at a dinner party at the Com
mercial club Friday evening, followed
by a tiox party at the Orpheum. '
Mrs.. George J. Cameron entertained
at luncheon on Tuesday, Juno ,12, for
Mrs. J. Yager of The Dalles. Tboae
Invited were Mrs. W. D. Deaver, Mrs.
Albert K. Cooper, Mrs. B. W. Hayes,
Mrs. William E.. Clerk, Mra. a C,
Graham, and Mra. J. Wlckes.
Mrs, Margaret McCud of Montesano,
Wash., waa the gueat of Judge and
Mrs. George J. Cameron Rose Carnival
week. Although past 72 years, yet ac
companied by Mrs. Cameroh, she at
tended six of the parades, went to the
Use a Stewart
Stewart Cabinet
' 17 it h Warming Oven and
This modern form of Gas Range is the' acme of
convenience and cleanliness. .Cooking top and"
ovens are just the right height for; easy access,
land there. is no place for dirt to' lodge, either in
- side or out.v Interior f bake and broiling ovens
can . be removecj, for cleaning in one minute
Can be furnished 'with" ovens at right or left end
to conform to your kitchen. - " ' '
Oaks, ths roes exhibit at the . Armory
went through all the large department
stores, to the fifteenth floor Of the Yeon
building, called on a a em bar of friends
that formerly llvud In her home town,
took dinner with Mrs. F, T. Williams
on Hawthorne avenue, luncheon with
Mrs. J. Wlckes at Tremont statloa and
enjoyed meeting the following gueata at
Mra. Cameron's home oa Thursday eve
ning: Mr. and Mre. Daniel Henderson,
Mr.. and Mrs. Albert K. Cooper, Mr. and
Mra. O. C Graham, Mrs. J. Macklo, Mre.
J. Yager of The Dalles. Mra Jennie
Wlckee. Powers Wlckes, William Graham
atld ftila Clrmnm at m ntnrt
Major O. C. von Exloffstetn. who haa
been associated with Hill Military acad
emy for the past is years, lsft this
mem Ing for the asst. where he will sail
shortly, for Germany to attend one of
the reunions or his family, held every,
Quarter of a century. hbt la the ma.
Jors first visit to his home In II years.
He will remain threo months. ; ,
Mrs! Lambert, Dunbar entertained
with three tables of bridge on Wednes
day for Mrs. Kenneth L, Cooper, her
guest from Moslsr. Mrs. Oliver Klifg
Jeffery was ihe fortunate eonteatant
at cards. Thursday Mrs. Dunbar was
hostess- at an Informal luncheon 'for
Mra. Cooper. and on Friday Mra.' w.
B. Scott also entertained Informally st
luncheon for her. Mrs. Cooper returned
to her-homo yesterday. -. . l k
v ., t,. , - oil's '. '
Miss Henrietta Rothsohfld entertained
with a theatre party yesterday, fol
lowed by tea at tho Portlaad for Miss '
Vera Patterson, when her tuaiti war
Miss Kveiyn Bridgett of Baa Franolseo.
MM ena e a A asi at
Oeta, Miss Leonids Floury; Miss Fran
ces Lackaff of Vancouver, Wash, MUs
Florenoe Davis. Hiss Edith Levy, Miss
Lillian Samuels of Oakland Mlas ' Lll
Clmm1m III.. V ma Vu. 1 1
llasel Roaenberg of Seattle,' Mlsg Fan
aio May and Miss 'Edna BlnSwanger, ;
Mrs. Robert F. Hall win bo a hostess '
at a bridge tea on Thursday. v
Fleming-Winters orchestra. Ptioaes A-
4O04.B-2I0X. . ,e
Mra. 3. O'Donnall entertained with
cards and dancing Tuesday. June 12, In .
honor of her sister, Mrs. J. C. Hurley. -and
nieoa. Miss Katherlne Hurley, ' of -Belli
ngham. Wash. ; The' rooms were
beautifully decorated 'In pink with blus
ters of Carolina Testouta and smllax.
Those .present were Mr. and Mr J,
O'Donnell, Mrs. J, . C Hurley, Mrs. 8. J,
Monttey. tho Misses Katherlne and Mary .
Hurley, Margaret O'Donnell. - Lola . Bl
sanetee, Jnle Terney, Jane Mooney, Ma
rio Chapman, Pattella Mullen, Margaret
O'Keefe, Elisabeth Freeman, Katherlne
O'Donnell, Loretta Chapman, Mary
O'Donnell, Julo O'ponnell, - Florenoe
Pre host, RandaJl Hurley, Thomas 8tott,
Frank Muahalen,. Harry Taylor, Herbert
Stott. Jack Morah. Joe O'Dawiell, Har
old Wlfaon. Walter Stott, Dick MoCarty,
Martin Ruessman, Frank Revermaa, Joe
Mullen and William O'Donnell. Muslo
was furnished by Miss Marts Chapman.
Mr. and Mra. Preston W. Smith are
home again after two months ipent In
the east They were accompanied by
Miss Ruth- Clements, of New York, who ,
will pass the summer with them.
Mrs. Blchnell Young, who haa been a -
guest for a month of the Misses Young,
North Warner street, left Friday for,
San Francisco, where she will visit her
son for a few daya Leaving Califor
nia, ahe goes to Chicago and Pittsburg,
(Continued on following page)
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