The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 18, 1911, Page 42, Image 42

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    TuyhZv; ivv -; .o''' ''Tins' Oregon ; Sunday. journal; Portland, sunday i morning. june is, mil
7 0M'&ri
Invasion of Heavy Mining Op
'. erations as Well as of
: Standard Oil Has Charac
: tcrized Last Few Weeks.
8iMiii iiitfi to n Jri.
Seattle. wh.. June 17. A crarabl
of tr. M fellow to ft Into .Alaaka
a- fcv nr,nl nAWI haiDTllnf;. '
1, mull"" v . .
Tli latot factor in tha arelopmnt or
lh territory nd It ntural reoore
U tha Standard OH company. whoo n.
try hat bn halld with delirht br all
Alakn. This enmpanf haa announced
officially tha cloelng of a contract with
th Amalgamated Davalopment company
of Vancouver. B. C. for 100.000 barrel
of high ra refining oil of that com
pany' well at Katalla. Alaaka. Th
di.n.r win alao end It tank tam-
, ' era to Alaaka to transport tha produot
I to tha reftnarlea of California.
A few weaka ago in uniira "-.
Mining. Smelting A Refining company
opened an offlc In Sttle and an
" ' nounced It determination of awtdlng
. It flald operative throughout Alaaka
for a thorough exploration of tho coun
try, wtth tha Idea of purchaalng and
" -developing promising gold or copper
,' properties.
J riersoa opl Soak Xa.
' Within a fortnight following thla an
nouncement, the riron Syndicate
.transferred It entire fUld taff of 1
," men from Mexico to Ahtaka,' and theae
geologtaia and mining engineer are
now covering the entire Copper river
region, a well aa the remarkably fine
mineral region lying back of Seward
. and Valdex. It ha already been an
, nounced that the Plereon have Uken
" an option on a group of Z gold quart
.. claim In the Lk McKlnley district,
. '' which I one of the moat promlalng new ;
, xf leld reached br ' Utaly completed
Copper Illver A Norrnwetern railway.
The aame ayndlcate ha alao devoted
considerable attention to the quart
properties la the hill back of Seward.
well m those located In the country
tributary to the Alaaka Northern ralU
way, and K ha been given out In 8e-
. ward that the company has made over
' turea to purchase the Alaaka Northern
If the mineral development along It
root proves satisfactory
Othet Bl oaomer Work,
1 Clark Eaton, of the Singer building.
New York city., with whom la associated
an eastern syndicate, have taken over
the Mother Lode property on McCar
thy ereek. and mining engineers with
' large number of miner have left for j
the scene of operation to develop thla j
property during the present summer.
; In the meantime the copper proper
ties operated by the Kenneeott Mines
' company are ahlpplng large quantities
of high grade or to the Taooma
; smelter, and the Yukon Oold company
Is preparing ;to punh the most exten
slve work In gold dredging on a large
' scale that has ever been attempted In
n Yukon territory. t
. The ' individual '; placer , miners' are
more numerous than ever , and all the
old diggings are filled with sourdoughs
who have gone Into the country earlier
v than usual.
' , - r J1 Means a Bigger Oat pat
The advent of theae big operators,
however, has had the effect of stimu
lating the mining industry throughout
" Alaska and Yukon territory and the re
sult, will be that the year will undoubt-
. edly ahow a greater production of gold
and copper than during any year In the
history of the country.
A most Important factor in the change
: that ha com during the last two weeks
Is the practical settlement of the fuel
' question by ' a contract made by the
Standard Oil company for supplying
from Its crude oil wells In California,
the big operators of Alaska. The tank
ships of the Standard will take the
crude oil from California fields to Alas-
Jean port and return laden with the
high grade refining oil from the Kat
alla fields. This will give the tank
hips a load In each direction, and will
serve to develop the high grade oils
of Alaska as well as securing a, new
market for the low grade fuel oils of
.. Since the official announcement was
made a few days ago. Alaskans gener
ally have taken a more hopeful view of
.the situation and with the consumma
tion of theae several deals the business
- outlook for the year seems blighter
than usual.
Secretary of State Olcott Asks
District Attorneys to As
sist in Collecting Fees.
(B.l.nj Brrn of Tbe Journal.)
Salem, Or., Jun 17. Tha discovery
, recently that a Portland corporation
., which had submitted a favorable bid
on state .work was a forelgm corporation
Which had failed to comply wtth the
Jaws of the state and to pay Its fees
has led to the announcement by Secre
tary of State Ben W. Olcott that he
would Immediately address to every
district attorney In tne state a lotter
asking that lists be made of such 11
- legal corporations In order that these
corporations may be brought to trial.
The law mae It the duty of the sec
! retary of state to request (district at
torneys to Institute actions to recover
In cases where the law has been vlo
A la ted and It Is the intention of Secre-
tan Olcott to see that this law Is en
forced. It is estimated that the state
of Oregon is losing $10,000 to $25,000
. Annually as a result of these foreign
:. corporations, doing busmess in the state.
; .failing to comply with ui law.
. . Iwi Are Specific
- ' Section 6707 of Lord's Oregon laws
applies to foreign corporations that en
,.j , ter the state and commence the trans
' t actios ot business without having first
, . filed the necessary papers and paying
the annual license fee This statute
pro rides: "Every such corporation. Joint
,', stock company or association, foreign
as well as domestic, shall pay an an
' nual v license .fee, in proportion to the
amount of Its authorisea capital stock,"
and that , !any corporation. Joint stock
" fvrnpany or association doing business
in this stats contrary to this act shall
be liable to a fine or 1100-to be r
. covered, together with any license fee
, ' lue, by n action at law In the name
of the state." .
Jo-rMt Waal Ada bring- results.
Are Invited to Talk
Some joung couples who would not feel free to explain their wants to a talesman STflly appreciate the
kindly interest taken in them by the head of this great ' business enterprise. ; Our manager takes special
delight in meeting young folks who contemplate going1 housekeepings and will see to - it ; personally that
they receive every consideration. He is familiar with the fact that at marriage there are many expenses
to be met and that special easy terms should be made, and he will arrange all matters to your complete
1 - .? r .
ana enure lauuatuun, iuai
$12.50 Morris Chair
Solid oak, spring stat.and back, up
holstered in green plush or chase leath
er. Sold everywhere at $12.50. Gads
bys' price ,..$7.50
Solid Oak Table
The Table we place on sale at the low
price quoted above has claw feet-and
pedestal base. It is of solid oak, and
no table at $25 could be better finished.
Extends to six feet, golden or weath
ered finish. On sale at one-third less
than value $12.00
You Run No Risk in Buying
a Majestic
Gadsbys Gas Ranges Always
QofieAr Buy Your Range
OatlSry While the Price Is Law
$20 Gas Ranges Now
Want greater comfort in cooking?
Want to get away from working
over a wood or coal fire during the
warm weather? It's none too soon
to be thinking of ordering your gas
range This is a model range. It
does not heat the oven when you
broil, it does not heat the broiler
when you bake or roast. All the
valves have regulating openings for :
the gas pressure. It is of the best
construction. A $20. range for $15
Made on
Gas Ranges
1 1
With Our Manager
- i & .ir:i l.j .
cicui au uuuh unui ywu o iwu m
Sideboards Only'
Thfs handsome Sideboard, sol
id oak, well worth $25. Gads
bys' price $15.00
$40 Leader Steel
. ' . Range
Equal to any $40 Range in the
market; oven 20x16 inches, as
bestos lined throughout. You
cannot break the lids. Offered
special at $27.50
)?, ., "li ,;, "".I
J " ft
Fine workmanship in a range is not
for its own sake especially commend
able, but right results through long
years are not possible without it. In
the Majestic factory the first question
is not "How it will look Y nor "How
will it sell?'; but "How will it affect
baking, cooking fuel economy and dur
ability?" There are hundreds of MA
JESTIC RANGES in use not only in
Portland, but all over the world, testi
fying daily to their superior worth
from the standpoint of fine baking,
cooking and fuel-saving.
1 11 jde RELIABLE flA
k m ' ia
About Our, Credit Service
ni....nt okii untk him -
wiwm uu,niui ?
Cash or Credit
For tess
650 Different
Patterns rf
Five racks like picture
Rugs from 12x15 to 6x9
Persians, Indians, Arabians,
dads and Tepracs all
Some Special
Bagdad Wiltons, 9x12 ft., .
each . '. . . y , 29.50
Sanfora's Axrhinstersi' 9x Ci
12 feet, each,.,. $23.00
Extra' Axminsters. 9x12
feet, each ......$25.00
Saxony Axminsters, 9x12
feet, each ......$18.50
Sussex Velvets, 9x12 feet.
each ...$17.50
Metropolitan Brussels,' 9x
12 feet, each.... $18.00
FVeel dS?deFreseofeSo Freel
Gadsbys' Quality
Style and Safety Combined
Baby andmother both like a 'nice, stylish
- looking, . cprof ortable - and - safe Go-Carts
: We carry ; the kind to which . yon can .at-,
Mach storm . front, mosquito protector and
"other new features. The kind that close
vtp easily as an umbrella and that are light,
durable and give lasting service. The one
Ve show in cut at $6.50 is a o-Cart of
quality. - It is made of enameled steel, with
rubber-tired wheels,' safety brake, good up
holstery, etc. Don't fail to see it and also
our big line of Sturgis Go-Carts. , Gadsby
w w mm -b-j Ma ) amm m r - u
'i :i . No Mottcr What You Wont In Furniture
each carries
Old Hickory Porch
Furniture and
Porch Swings1
20 Per Cent
Discount This Week
at Gadsbys
r mm . a . m-- m- m m m f mr - ivg
feet on display. Anglo- fS8ffi';-; M
Rnvl Wnrcfprlc Pact- 1
here at bottom prices
s rrv v I amor
... II ulH Hi: - I 1iMAwtm .
-y . :; n..; wcuaiuucui
2 1 :
Upholstered in f.
Chase leather,
foil spring seat
and" " back,", oak
frame $35 values,
Gadsbys' special
; price $22.50
Other" Dave n-
-m i j v m i i v m
ports ; in
' spe
. cia)
125 patterns. BMmlT ffl
Wool Velvet at., $1.00
Savoniere' at . . i$1.60
Tapestry Brussels . -75c
Extra Tapestry... $1.10
Axminster at".. . .$1.25
Body' Brussels at $140
fxtra Wilton at.. $1.80
igelow Axmin. $1.40
The Famous
Cleanable White Enamel
Keep Your Food Cool and' Clean;
Save One-Third on Your Ice Bill.
We are - agents : for the celebrated
Gibson Cold Blast Refrigerators,
white ; enameled. Carload just ar
rived. 'All sizes and shapes.'
FROM $12.00 UP.
Davenport Beds
$122150 -