;"tHE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 18, 1911." MONDAY; F 1 TO SELECT ECU OUR FROM i Candidates Are A. F. - Flegel, Jerry C. Bronaugh, M. Q. ; Munly and Ben Riesland " Much Interest Shown. i. .. .v.. Partland lo- i wiutuy inowg roaa njwni ena v..v-. ... - - - - food road advoeatea. gave an IntereaU ivnifMiv without distinction to iiii . . . .7- w . .With four eandidaUa from whom to ILLUSTRATES HOI1: GOOD ROADS MAY !", MT;.TCOMA.APTLY DESCRIBED : .. BY PICTURE AND FACILE PEN BE OBTAINED HERE Saniuel HiRoad Expert, Pre sents Facts and Figures Be fore-Members of the Ar lington Club. Samuel Hill of Seattle, on of th moat j widely known road upru and iuv iwlh decide who shall succeed lira. 1 2 W. Sltton a a member of the board of J education. Tne polls will be open at ; j to ting booths from S o'clock to I o ciock in tne enernoon. t The list of candidate Includes A. F. jritgel, Jerry C Bronaugh, U. O. Mun ily and Ben Riesland The candidacy I of Mr. negel 1 backed by a large num Jber of prominent property owners, beting- tb result of a petition addressed to hint which contained, anions; a large 1 number of others, the following: Rufua Mallory, Leroy R. Fields, T. 3 M. Word. C. K. Henry, J. C Alnsworth. i Thomas O. Greene, M. J. Clohessy, Wm. IF. Woodward. R. J. Olnn. F. J. Clarke. J. A. Black. C. E. Fields, F. C utile. K L. Thompson, J. W. Shearer, E. F. Allshaw. Will Llpman. A. R. Parrott T. K. Bledsoe. 1. H. Cook. J. P. Jseger. L. L. Williams, M. r. Brsay, -nae. Zadow. F. 8. Fields, Charlea K. Korell. ' A. W. Moore, John B, Cleland, Newton ,W. Rountrec, John Van Zante, A. II y, Tanner. A. M. Wright. Waldemar Set on, r a O. Sutherland, J. C. Morris. Earl A. Clark, li. B. Reader, M. J. Delahunt W. y:6. Hufford. E. K. AngelL Robert L. v Wlthrow. Tboa. Hlslop, A. W. Lambert. 1 M. R. Johnson, H. 1 Johnson. Oorge J Vf Caldwell. W. M. Gregory, Frank F. -r Freman, George W. Simons, John QUI, jno. S. Be 11, Ogleaby Toung, Mrs. W. ' Montgomery, J. K. QUI. W. F. Back- . 2 us, A. R. Williams, E. A. Hartman. 4. JSb. Mosford. Kate U Barstow, Roaella Clark. , L ' . Woman express Mrs. A. C. NewUU president of the fi Woman's club, stated last, night that ?the club haa expressed no choice for a :. candidate in the coming scnooi eiec ijtion. ,i , .- !) -We did plan to place a woman candl- date In the field." said Mrs. NewllI, "but 'kad to fire It up because it waa too ?late." I Mr. Bronaugh. who, like Mr. Flo- gel and all the other candldatea, la an 'v attorney, has received strong Indorse Tment from several aoorcea. Bom of f too mlnUters of the city wlU apeak . for him today at the churches. The fol flowing indorsement baa been given in ;a letter from President P. I Campbell J Of tho University of Oregon 4 "1 am glad to ae that you jhavo con. t sen ted to become a candidate for a plaoe i on the Portland board of education. It seems to me that it la the duty of every f graduate of the university to take a live interest in the educational progress of A his community and the state. Tour old j preparation for teaching in the public schools especially serves to qualify you J for these now duties. If they come to I you. we are always giaa to jearn or me university graduate making good la the public service, and we have no doubt tnat you wm make good In any posl- F tlon of publlo trust into which you i may come." -4. . ; , ; An active campaign has also been waged in behalf of Ben.Riealand, who nas . me - indorsement of several eaat side clubs. He lives on the southeast aide, while M. O. Munly. a resldefit of 1 ine northeast side, haa the support of other east aide clubs. 'Judge Munly was the Democratic nominee for mayor two year a-o. Where to Oast Totes. ' The polling places arc as follow: Precinct 1 R. J. Newberg, 840 Thur I man street i - Precinct I Couch school building:. 4 Seventeenth and Kearney, a Precinct S Crescent Paper company, : ; 42 Front street, corner Ash. Precinct 4 Atkinson school. Eleventh I and Couch. . , 3 Precinct S--A. I Howard, 171 'I Eleventh atreat 2 - ' ..w- v - ' ii nvuuvi fur" J nltur company, 244. Third street. Precinct 7 -H. J. Lango Publishing company. 104 Third street ' '. $ Precinct 8 Cottel's drug store, E9B ; First street v "5 Precinct Terwilliger school. Mac j adam road and Thompson avenue. I Precinct 10 Carl Gelman, 800 Front t street. i Precinct 11 Stephens school. East 1 Seventh and Stephens. ' !i Precinct 12 R. M. Gate wood ft Co ; 1S East Thirteenth street Precinct 13 F. E. Potter, Arleta, ad Joining postofflce building. i Precinct 14408 East Alder street Precinct 16 Hunter's hall. East Yara-.-f bill and Eaat Thirty-fourth streets. f! - a in-tnuf xp j. 1 weeo, IVVl jaX Stark street, MonUvllla. fjt Precinct 17 East Side Electrio com- Pny, E18 Williams avenue, f Precinct 18 Fire hall, Albina avenue, between Willamette boulevard and Kil , k Ungsworth avenue. f. Precinct 19 Duke's hall, Main street, t Lents, Or. f Precinct JO Alnsworth school. Elm ' and Twentieth streets. , Precinct 21 P. U. Pangborn. Flf- teenth and Broadway. ' Precinct 22 Woodlawn school, Union avenue and Bryant. Precinct 28 Emma W. Thompson, 881 Thurman street 1 Precinct 24 Rosa City Park phar . ,! macy. Fifty-seventh and Bandy road. f Precinct 26 Portsmouth school, ' Gloucester, near Dawson atheet. tng and Instructive Illustrated lecture on convict road building at tho Arlington club last night. Mi. Hill has spent years in the study of good roads and has demonstrated thoroughly the value of such roads In different parts of the state of Washington. In tho matter of convict labor, Mr. Hill showed both by pictures and fig urea the remarkable work of the con victs on tho state road which was pro jected from British Columbia south to the Columbia river at Vancouver and by way of the Columbia and Walla Walla to Spokane, and of the other roads trav ersing the state In different directions. By means of thi labor and of a state system of roads. Mr. Hill demonstrated far better roads can be built at a small per cent of the coat of the same work by tho present syatem of contract aad county work. In on place on the state road near Lylo he Illustrated a stone fill of 110 feet long, lttf feet deep and It feet thick that was built at a cost of 13809 which, according to tho North Bank railroad figures would have cost nearly 840,000. This waa but a aamplo of tho difference In cost of convict and contract labo-; Ho said that the convicts were healthier, happier and far more industrious than when at work making Jut bag a in tho penitentiary at Walla Walla. The pictures of ' their camps showed models of cleanliness. All work waa done by convlcta, many of whom had formerly turned their tal ents In similar work to criminal opera tions, the safe-blower handled the dy namite, tho burglar made and sharpened the tools, the baker and cook .took charge of the kitchen. Army men were placed In charge of thera and the disci pline waa excellent The hope of early release under tho Indeterminate sen tence also gave them ambition to do their best In closing, Mr. Hill showed views of scenery In . Oregou and Washington which could easily bo reached by a sys tem of good roads and compared them with pictures of scenery in Swltierland and tho advantage of reaching the places of Interest there. 7 it s. f - , Af- ,. In' ' ' U ) r U I ' X. JtJ y II r I i :. ?- "., ' :i . , ' p,".. n l. . . Those fsw whom the reading of the first edition of John H." Williams' boon -The MounUIn That Waa Ood" did not compel to go at one to see for them es! vea the wonders or ioni xacoma. have but to see me revisea ana eniargxj edition. Just published, to have tho va cation Brobletn settled. Only tho bait and tho blind could re sist the appeal that atr. wimams doob oresents. And to them it accords tho pleasure Of reading or hearing descrip tions so admirable that they are tho beat beat thing to a climb up tne moun tain Itself. J ' Mr. Wllllama' book is its earlier form waa known to - nearly all mountain climbers and naturo lovers. ' Fine as the photograph of that edition were. tner are surpasses oy tne new ones in this edition. There are now 10 photo graphs of tbo mountain and surrounding country, with eight full-page views la . . BeaatUU zsaatrattou. The guide book portion Of tho volume. Including information . about trains, stages, hotels and camping equipment haa been brought up to data for this summer's travelers. , -The MounUIn That Was Ood la a book devoted to Mount .Tacoma or Mount Rainier as it is also called. - Its reat forte la tha beauty of it illus trations, all from photographs, but In 5 spite of tho completeness of Us Illus trations, which treat the mountain from what seems every possible aspect, they do not satlato but rather inspire one with tho desire to see tho original for himself. Tho color 'photographs violate tha usual standard of color photography by containing no exaggeration merely a faithful reproduction of the natural colors that are to-be sees on-any of tho great mountains In Oregon , and Washington. . j Writer Too Modest. ' , , i ' Mr. Williams Is too modest about the text of tho book. It Is fasolnatlng In tho extreme starting with an account of the Indian legends surrounding the mountain, next taking up the national park and the various ways of reaohlna It, then giving the geologio history of u mountain and the account of its dls covory, tales of tho climbing of the lofty peak, and last giving a complete ic eount or. tne nora or tho park and moun tain. - II By some Mr; Williams might bo de scribed; In all admiration, as the cress agent or Mount Tacoma.. Ho might bet ter do called the John tha Baptist of this Mountain tnat was uod. . . . Tho book la boinr issued in threa adl Hons the edition de luxe in limn leatb er. tho library . edition and tho news stand edition for mailing. All are pub- iisnea oy Mr. wiiuams in Taooma and oy rutnam in New Tork. . 2 GREAT E S BY BOOSTERS FOR BRIDGE ARE SEEK South v Portland Association GriIIsCity Engineer Morris for Estimate Will Continue Campaign. SH1IERS TIE IN LARGE CLASS Fifty-One . Candidates Cross Burning Sands From All ' Parts of Oregon. NEW RATE WILL ADUNGTON Oregon Mills May Suffer in Competition for California Trade, Result of Cut. ROBERT SMITH OFF TO CLAIM m Oregon lumbermen will probably feel keener competition from Washington mills in the California market by a re duction on lumber from points on the O.-W R. A N. In Washington, Wlnlock and, north, to points on the Southern Pacific In California, Nevada, Utah, Arlaona and New Mexico, The new rate beoomes effective July 8, according to a Just published supple men to the Southern Paclflo tariff, the reduction amounting to about 70 cents MtrzW and Club Harbor. Heretofore the through rate from theae points has been the full combination of locals on Portland. In this came supplement and effective on the same date tha rates to placer villa Branch and some points oast of Rosevllle are reduced to the basis In Just as tho great orb of day peeped Avar tha aatem borlson this morning, or somewhere near ' that time, II bo- Lraaclad. foot-sore, wlld-oyed, weary pilgrims, now stopping to gaao fearfully Into the mysterious presently, now trua-slln forward only to halt and peer behind thorn Into tho goldon was, sighted in the dim distance an oasis on tha burning desert and with eyas aflame and footsteps halting they re newed their vigor ana laoonousiy limped towsrd" the haven of rest and peace Al Kader temple. Last night a largo class of Masons crossed the burn- ng ssnds that lea to tne mystic rarm It was composed or Masons or tne thirty-second degree from all over the state from Medford to Portland and Miss Beatrice Famham, a Boston artist, I from Marsh field to. Ontario. A great and the top -of Independence monu-1 number or tne memoera oi m cimwm ment in western Colorado, on , the upon which waa conierrea tne uurr- topmost "point 6f which she' Is to be second degree last Thursday night, last married to John Otto, the hermit of night became Shrlners, beside a great Monument Canyon, which Is to be number of others. Following ia a list set aside aa "Monollthls National of tho candidates: Park" by President Taft The monu- Robert L. Olio Rooebufg; Melvilte P. ment is SS0 feet high, and Uses at tho Baldwin, Salem;' Carl W. Evertson. entrance to the canyon. Nobody has Marshfiold; John W. McCullocn, On- cltmbed to tho top. although Otto tario; Jacob Prlnilng, Ontario; C. E. made an attempt laat summer to Belding, Ontario; Charles Hall. Hood raise a flag on the pinnacle. For River; Howard C Dudley. Medford; this marriage he haa- commenced j William c Mooro, rammii; jonn u. building a Udder of spikes, which I Baker. MoMianvlUe; Alexander Strahan, are driven into tho side oi the moun- Dufur; Edward J.' Wilkinson. Bay City; tain. The unique marriage will take I Percy A. Xockwood, CorvalUs; Charles place as soon aa the stairway is oom- I Phinips, ,Tn uaues; uarvoy. r JObnson. Dee: cnariea Moaariaira. aenoi Harry T. Dewltt Hood River Oeorr T. Cochran. La OraiWe; W. A. fichaffner. Hood Rlvor; William H. Lawaon, Philip Flood, Ouy E. Holman, Oaora-a H. Wenalev. Clarence E. Moul- ton, O. H. Flthian, O. D. Cleveland, William L. riiedner, Henry J. Copen hagen. Walter A. Porter, Thomas Hammers ley, vGorge W. Herron.. John B. Klefer, Arthur W. Mooro, John M. Llowellon, Benjamin Tronkman, Perley A. Combs, Blaine R. Smith, Jenjme O. Hoyt Charles E. Rlstlg, Adam M. Shan non, Lloyd Bates, Jamea A. Tweedle, Robert F. Edgar, Earnest F. Oatfleld Charles F. Read, John E. Toung, Oeorge Humphrey. Will M. See. William w, Darling, Frank P. King, Portland; for Antloch temple, Dayton, Ohio, Orth C Graves. CHILDREN BARRED BY LANDLORDS Berlin Flat Owners Allow Cats and Dogs, but Taboo Babies. plete. E man to Wed Miss Andrews From Tasmania. - Rmi intimate friends of Rohart effect before May 22. 1910. Some of Smith, president of the Btanley-Smrth MASTERY OF PACIFIC mo tmucuom nra qun nvy, mQ mat, LtumDer company, ana one, ox tne Dosti mm, ait nr I AD A 81 for Instance, the preaent rate on fir known business men In Portland, will ' Id AIM Ur JAPAN lumber. Portland and Willamette valley v. .rH. t learn ht Me. Rmith i. to Placervllle. Cat. is 88 Der ton: tha . . " . ..- . . I (PnUlsbers Pre Leased Wlra.1 new rat will be 86. on w' w wew Ior lf J""-'"0" Toklo, June 1T.Japan Is making a ho careiuiiy nas , air. enrnn aepi tne) W(J and m Mgil on t0T the naval mas secret of his romanoe that little la I terr of the Paolfla She Is beginning known of the bride further than that her this year a program of f lv of the larg MnnCI CflD AIICTDKI I A name is Miss Andrews ana sne is tne lest armored ships, a tonnage actually mwisi.. i uii nuv I nnMn I daughter of a former unusn govern- superior to that which will bo laid down DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA HIGHWAYMEN ENGAGE ; : s IN BLOODY BATTLE . lOnlted ftrM LesMd Wire.) Voungstown. Ohio. June 17. Hlgh .waymen, while trying to rob Uborers who were paid tonight at the new reser voir, engaged in a bloody battle in which on man, as yet unidentified, was killed and two others wounded. The bandits escaped with the pay en velopes of several of the laborera ment official tn Tasmania. I j tbo same 12 months for the British Mr. Smith will reach New Tork to-navy. h morrow and will marry Miss Andrews I of these five ships, which will each They will spend about I displace about 28,000 tons, four will be (United Praw Leuad Wire.) Washington. June 17. With the Dls trict of Columbia aa a model, Australia thera Tueadav. is about to esUblish a federal district, two weeks In the East and will then armored cruisers. One is now building wa.cn enaii p unuer tne coniroi w ine make their home her. . at Messrs. Vlckers' yard at Barrow The natifaa 1 wa waivi m ant anH aholl iHAiHla a I - . . . a . a - I -H- V.-vi- Zllu Vk- , it . 7w ror lne DnMU 01 tDW Peopie wno other three will be built in Japan. Con- .M an th. ua-iinr ihiV hv Wtt their geography it might traota for them have been awarded, and All the legislation of the Com- be ,aii that Tasmania Is ah island south thay are to be completed in three years. ZtnH ifwm'h?. -Sieut 3" "AuBtr It fa British possession. EVchll mount ten 18-tach 'guns, dee t thl 'iil', iL6n.J.fCl111 re81" n Miss Andrews made her home there .imllar to those carried in the latest dence of the governor-general. during the lifetime of her father. She British designs. nrJZJJSZ. L-- to -ynd very attractive ,Th. fifth ship r will be a battleship rr w i.j. T 1 womtD. , - land will ba built in Japan, i United Bute. CoJlT J.wTil 'at , Sm,th h,f T ln WfcS ! thtJ veVsels arTcompleted In &XJL'7Z$ il"L.-"2&J&nUn4.-to -all big gun .hip." of the " vnippewa. iuu, ia., wju irawrwa a. I Jananase navr will be ae xOllOWS: world-wide competition. Engineers, atniv. hi hrotliee-ln-law. Ha haa JE?""" 11.12" zlTZ-. A. . architects or geniuses of any profession Ved with the Stanleys in their home at uiik- uA t or none at all, who feel that they can 771 Park avenue. H. la a prominent emlrrtas twelve 1 t-inoh tain" AW and r i miuviucu "r. 1. 1 in., dwuiv .n iuo vna The prles to be given are, for the Ural Oreo-on Irritation com nan v In tha design first In merit, 88750 second, ownership of tho Railway Exchange SitHeah in. and XaZieluna. !IiJ.'"1,1l"0- .E'"0..in: building and in many other enterprlsea Xl the uVTZf " auKiuaiiuii win on .iuniieaeu iu perBuni of DroDfr resnonBlbiHtv. This will - - - - III rill a B Sal a aa I 1 1 1 1 ga llli s I - - a. THREE BADLY HURT IN CLEVELAND RIOT rrroited Prew Letied Wke.l Cleveland,. June 17. 'Three men were vi prupw rupunBiuuny. xnia win ijnDCC niOADOCADO Include topography, rainfall and tern- HOnSE DldArrtAnS Old-Time . Comfort Has been brought back to tbotuands " hy chance from coffew to well-made POSTUM - "There's Reason.' ' perature of the federal capital and sur rounding dlstriot : r Thirty-five public buildings are to be erected and the specifications provided for an elaborate system of parks, In cluding a stadium. 55,000 I0WANS PLEAD FROM FLEET STREET (United Press Leastd Wtre. Washington, ! June .17. Fleet street. London, known the world over in tales I ..ir,::.'..::."" VZ S$2?t .n l!e" f broke MltrZk'ZXZk Umg travelers, figures In a report from Con sul General John Ia Griffiths, a cltisen garment workers and the gnArds em ployed by the manufacturers. The po- FOR LIFE OF MOTHER lLmtXr. and a c,,ebratM pollt,cal 1!?""" The thoroughfare , runs., from, the were dispersed. Effort. to end the -strike tf .tbe-.7QQ0. Wrtted frea. sei Wwe Btrainl to lsatarareuCMffithg aaini Ut.ZStrin Pc!M.Ln!?f I "3 1 "Meet to a yearly census. One Sl 12 7 eatn reel eacn way, a monster petition, bear- ..v-n rarantiv showed in atrtktno- eD.h lM" n. lng the signatures of .000 lowansJ tneettrwlth U ZZZ .,.?R!!3?lon how jrapid has been the withdrawal H..t ArMtratn Ri.hon. v The atnkar. aw"ftwaTbwl inveatlgation by ernor general of Canada at Ottawa, aak- "V. ":rT " 71 . . u" this board. juk nun w paraon Angeimo jsapoiltano, I - n. 1907, nusbaa MANAGER IS HHv. h.. mi. . ui. 7 A r. uT - ouse. ana-omy iui motor cans and drive her into a life of shame. The petition waa secured by the ef forts of the Des Moines News, which Is receiving petitions bearing an average 01 iv.uuv names a aay. and from now motor omnibuaes passed through Fleet street. 1 A surprising reversal was dlaoloaad this year when the motor cabs and omnl- OPTIMISTIC AFTER.T0UR " ' Catte PrM Leased Wire. I - Washington, June 17. Lieutenant ii.rui a . aa i IriAvaraae Huarh Nicholas at Ohio, sresl- n PtItlon wlU be forwarded yehtcie. of the same ciL. only Jntlal campilgn manager for Ooveroor each night. I ..a .. . Harmon of Ohio, following a gum-shoe it. ':1,:- "'' ' " ' ' ' round-up of Now Tork, '- tonight de- Wbnderfuf Welte Invention, for Harmon. He also claims the New Bllers musio House, now at Seventh I England state. A to the remainder Escapes Boll; Qectrocoted. (Pvbliaben' Press LaasM Wti., Madrid. June 17. Francisco Pradlllo. a lt-year-old shepherd, running from an and Alder, -1 showing all the latest of the country, Harmon managers here angry bull near Seville, climbed-an types of the wonderful Welte Mlgnon tonight claim Ohio, Indiana, Minnesota, electrio standard to escape. He touched Invention the self -playing piano which Missouri, Idaho, Montana, Utah and the a live wire and fell dead oa tha heraa faithfully) reproduce, every detail of tha Southern state, with the exception of of tha hull, - rr y 'I playing oiaU tha great art lata. 1th Caroltaaa a4 OeorglA ... , i " . I " ' "I ' ' - t i ' 4 1 '.' . 1''. ." - (PsbHsaenr Praai Leased Wlw.t Berlin, June 17. Many landlords of dwelling houses and flats here ' have placed the ban on children and refuee to accept aa tenanta people who have chll dren. They aeem to have entered Into an agreement here and In many other cities and towns. It has become a publlo scandal. household owners refuse to let to mar lied couples having children and the authorities fear that thla policy will have a bad effect upon the birth rate. Pet dogs, cata and birds are seldom refused, but babies are regarded a. out side the pale. The emperor I. said to have decided to take a hand in the cru sade and stop the blacklisting of little onea.- The kaiser generally wears a ring. which in more superstitious times was firmly believed to have supernatural power to protect Its wearer from harm of any kind. This Hohensollern Ul la man, a. it ha. been called, la of massive gold. In which Is set a square, dark col. ored stone. It. history goes back to the time when the Margraf. of Nuremberg followed their leaders to the capture of the holy sepulchre from the Moslems. The ring, which was taken from a Mos lem during a fight under the wall, of Jerusalem, eventually reached the hand, of the Margraf TJlrlch, and from blm It descended through generation after generation-of his successors- until - That two great mistake, were mad. by-the Greater South Portland . Bridge association In Its, recent campaign, for a high viaduct at Meade and Ellsworth streets, waa the unanimous opinion ex pressed by member, of the association at a meeting held la the city hall last night.- v ' . - - ' I r? : "The first mistake w made." declared E. L. Mills, "was In permitting City Engineer J W. Morris to 'prepare the estimates ' for , the span. ' Tha second was In - having the bridge amendment ordered on the ballot by a c(ty council that was; undor fire for ita misrepre sentation of the people. "The bridge amendment would havo carried to a certainty had not Its cost been . estimated . too extravagantly by the elty engineer. I never did have any faith In Morris ' promise, to eld the association in the -bridge' movement. and my distrust of his sincerity proves to have been well grounded. He Will not be the next city engineer, but he has cost the people ot Portland a badly needed bridge. His estimate Of 81.400, 00 was fully 8800.000 too high." , The association voted last nignt to continue ' -. tha ' publicity 'campaign started In the 1 Interests of the high bridge for South Portland three months ago. Another attempt will be made to achieve the passage of an amendment providing for a bond Issus to be placed on the baiwt at the special election in January, called for the purpose of aub mlttlng to voters a oommisslon plan of city government. The amendment to be submitted at that time will call for bonds not to exceed 8850,000. - The exsct figure. wUl be fixed -ister hy the resident engineer of the firm, of Waddell fc Harrington. Instead of ask ing the council to put the issue up to the people, the association will circu late aa. initiative petition among the voters.! -.' The report of Secretary B. C Jones of tha association .how. that a puono ity fund of 81888 wa. collected by the association. All or tnis tmt izzo.sv was spent In the late campaign. The association unanimously voted to use the remaining money as a nucleus of a new publicity fund. . ' : Twin nrnnrninnrrt iwu utoraiiuuu; POSSE SURROUNDS WILL BE CHANGED v Maior General " Wood ' Issues Order Radically Changing . Garrison: Discipline. It eame to the kaiser. When it was. nrst won It bad engraved on the atone! - (tJalted Press Lease Wlre.t a sentence from the Koran. This waa Washington. - June .17. The most cut out later and replaced by a cross, -modern and advanced ldeaa upon dls In spite of the disastrous- outcome of cipllne will be Introduced Into the army the recent attempt to cross the Atlantlo method of handling garrison prisoners, by .airs-hip, another effort to accom- according to order. Just Issued by Ma pllsh this feat 1. to be made. ' This Jor General Leonard Wood, chief of time uerman. ln.teaa or Americans ataff. The new reguiayone wu n. y wlll make the attempt Messrs. Slraens piy 0 jnUltajvionvlcts, but only to and Schuckert. tha greatest electrical ' thnaa sentenced to confinement and Men Who, Shot Down Deputy . Sheriff and Conductor" on .Short Line Train Bottled Up ' by Cowboys. ?, - .... I ...I r .,',: , . j".' ,ry ' .rtTr',,l Wire.! '.-' -Salt Lake, irtah. iun 1 T 1 eeived ' her tonight from Pocateiio. Idaho, aav noaaaa of rnxtui.. ,,. rOllnda tha tarn kanll.a k. r J ductor William Kldd and Deputy Slier iff Sam Milton on an Oregon Short Line train near Hlghbrldge, Idaho and that a battle is Imminent. The bandiu have been focated In the lava beds near Spencer, Idaho, and are preparing for a fight. The men are anown to pe aeaperate and It, Is gen erally believed tuey will not be Ukn alive, fearing the cowboys would car. tainiy lynch them. They were located In the lava bda htt tllooAhminila fpnm Ih. MonUna atate prison, which reached Hlghbrldgf and took up th. trail at X P m. - -' ,. (. ,-, .,,- ' : The two bandiu were on a Short Line train early today When Milton arrested , them on a charge of robbing two' so loons In Montlda, Idaho, last night. They apparently submitted to arreat and permitted Milton to disarm them. But' when Milton attempted to lock hand-. cuff, on their wilsts, one of the men seised tba deputy, revolver And .hot nim oown. - conductor Kldd interferred and ' was also .hot down. Conductor Kldd died tonight of his Injuries; Dep uty Sheriff Milton may live. ENTHUSIASM FOR ACTOR CHEVALIER ,v -'' - 1 ' " Character Work of English man Delights Heilig Audi vence; Support Is Good.: ... 1 ., 1 worker, and engineer, in Germany, are now engaged ' In - constructing the air ship, which is to be 800 yards long, 20 yards in diameter and capable of car hard labor without being discharged from the service. " , The Durpoae behind the new regula tions Is to give the prisoner every op- rytng 80 passengers and crew. It will portunlty to make good. Instead of dls have eight motora, the aggregate en- couragjng allf' effort toward good be- ergy of which horsepower. will represent 1000 ICELAND GIVES VOMAN OF RIGHTS SUFFRAG E Publishers' Press Leased Wire.) Cosenhaaen. . June 17. The Woman's Suffrage movement ha. .cored another vlotory in Skandlnavla ? . Word haa reached here from Iceland to the effect that the Icelandic parlia ment has passed a suffrage bill which gives to women who have reached the age of 88 equal political rights. with men. There are no other restrictions on women voting or holding office than is imposed upon men - . The suffrage Jor women haa worked .0 well In Norway that it probably will be extended not only in that country but In all the Skandlnavlan countries. The great gathering of .uffraelsta in Stockholm and the presence) of leading women 'in the movement from all sec tlon. of the world haa had a marked effect on publlo aentiment. The court of Denmark 1. extraordi narily simple and free from , etiquette. Dinner takes place at 7, as a rule, and there la a long evening, which would be wearisome were hot. the Danish Royal family an essentially happy one. The queen Is eerloue and belongs to a sect which has somewhat "Quakerish idea. With regard to amusement- Neverthe less, there ia no lack of gaiety at the court 'in the way of balls, concerts, and musical plays. ; King Frederick walk, about the streets Just as hi. subject. do, and it aeem. . strange i to saee the sovereign striding along with working men, saluting nim with a Tnendiinesa greater even than their respect. RECEIVES $5 FOR RETURN OF FORTUNE ' rfnlted Pres. Ls.se' Wlra , Pfftsbura. ' June ,17. H. Cobed." H in structor in the East Pittsburg Technical school, says he got only a 88 reward for returning a leather wallet contain lng 86. 000, lost In the union station here, to - F. Conslvonne, sportsman and horseman of New xoric.. " s : , Cobes eays ha almost fainted when he" saw 48 one thousand dollar bills and securities and Jewelry valued at 818,000 In the purse. ' -; MONARCHISTS' MUNITIONS SEIZED BY GOVERNMENT Lisbonl June -17. Several -;, wagon- load, of rifles and quick firing guna were captured today by government force, near the frontier. The munition were Intended for the Monarchist plot ter.. El Munao says tn Monarchists havlor. - Under the new orders, garrison prisoners will be allowed an abatement of five davs of their term, of confine ment for each period of fS day. of-good conduct, when serving sentences of one month and not more than three months. On .entencee exceeding three month, they, will be allowed the . five day. abatement for the ; first month ; and thereafter 10 day.' abatement. for each period of 20 day a' good conduct Abate ments thus authorised may be forfeited wholly or in p.rt by subsequent rohi- ' A garrison prisoner who ha. served one half of a sentence of ten days or more, according to the new orders may submit a request to do put on proosuon for the remainder , of ths1ientencefc and If this request beTanted, may be re stored to duty on condition that If his conduct Is pot good, while on probation ha will be reauired to serve the re- ntafnAni. nt Vila wnUnnt. pUUHWVi , . . , . The new orders also make important changes ia the methods of working gar rison prisoner, at military posts. These' changes have been outlined in the fol lowing letter,, sent to 'the commanders of -the several departments: . , , - "The present system of working nrlsoners under sentinels oonveys a false Impression- as to the character ofl iv,. .riMilwa - a-lvaa tha mihlin the r-' roneoua 'Idea "that the army Is full of bad characters requiring forcible hand ling 1s injurious to the self respect of the prisoers, , discourages enlistments, and lower, the military service In pub ic opinion. In addition to these ob lections, the system constitutes a heavy drain npon the command furnishing the : necessary guard. - i '-"It, is deemed advisable and in the , interests of the service to adopt a dlf-.l ferent method of handling those gar- rison prisoners jwho . are confined for comparatively , short - period, or time, , to the end that the fewest practicable number of prisoner, may be required to work under guard. . n. - "It is therefore, directed that, as far ' as is practicable, aa may be determined by post commanders in-accordance with the above policy, garrison prisoner, will be paroled for work under the gen eral supervision of the officer or non aommisstoned officer in icharge Of pris-, bherg; "and that-TrnwiMir-whoe char acter of offenses are of such a nature as to require that they be" kept, under armed guard '.shall be assigned ' tasks, as far as practicable,, which will make, the presence in the service of thla class of men as little conspicuous aapossi bie " ,v st, Q-.r je;-:. r : r c J By R. W. H. Only a fair alaed audience greeted Al- bert Chevalier, the little English char acter actor, last night at the Heilig, but those fortunate enough to hold ticket, were treated to one of the very best performance, ever seen in Port land. : ' . - . .Chevalier, a. a character actor, is a marvel. The audience seemed never to tire of his songs and his aotinav When he sang "My Old Dutch" he waa re- called so many times that he wa. finally forced to plead with the audience to spare hi. throat '' Miss Showalter has a lrrlo soorano of exquisite tone." Mr. "Whitney has one of. tne reei bans voices heard in Portland In many a day. - Mr. Hoi I Ida y waa help ful aa the accompanist.' " -'-i , : .. TURN-DOWN IfjOPEKA'-r : SOCIEmSTIIJS CITY UaHH Pfen Usetd Wlre-t Topeka, Kan., June 17. Joab Mul- vane, 77. Topeka's only millionaire, baa broken off his engagement to marry'' Mrs. George -C. Lytlo, 45, society leader. and all Topeka and central Kansas Is gasping with astonishment . . No reason, ar given except the op position of Mul vane', children who have constantly- opposed the marriage since the engagement waa announced - three months ago. They are 8. W. Mulvane, national Republican committeeman for Kansas, and Mesdames Harrison Mor gan and Speed Hughes, society leaders. Mrs. Lytle ia a society leader and Is the widow of Oeorge C. Lytle, the founder of ' Topeka's fashionable , sub urb. West Lawn addition. . i - The wedding -waa scheduled for thla month and society has been looking for. ward to It for some time. The announce ment of the broken engagement came today when Mulvane went to a hospital for treatment -. -. - - - KINGS HEIGHTS CAR V LINE OPEN ED' TODAY t The Kings Heights carUne is to be opened . today and for the first time residents of Portland will have the op portunity to view' Portland and , sur roundlna, country from the high hills directly west of Washington street The line ia three miles, long and it is pro posed to extend one nd one-half ml lea further to "Mount Calvary - cemetery. There is also some, talk of running a t aMW.wnmii 11 ii mi trnMrnmrnu m ' ( ' fc -- --- i - Twenty , Years " Experience !t . Your Service., , ' ,', iOlYPTQI - WtM IliriAXl : I lOP. I trMaa? i SSTithoutUni in the Lens Thompson's Kryptok lenses have no seams, no lines nof 'edges in the. iens, They have n absolutely smooth, oneepiece surface, just the same in appearance, ui a one vision lens. 'We take care of your eye -in-he way of -lens- changes for ne year , from date - of ; pur-'' fhase. . No extra charge for, this. servicer v Dlan to sieze the hllUr at Alto Mlnto and to maae inia 1110 ccuier vi . tnetr I spar ime nonn rrom ine ivins xisiguis military oparatlona. I line to Westover , Terrace.. - - Eyesight Specialist Thompson Second Floor Corbett Bldg.' s FIFXK AND MORRISON STS. Metnbet American Natl. "Assn.' . of Optometrists. - Registered " under Oregon State Law of Optometry. J-