4 i 1 THE OREGON SUNDAY, JOURNAL,. PORTLAND, r SUNDAY:. "MORNING, JUNE 48, 1911. 0 ir Run v to Indianapolis From a . fc tp. Pittsburg Made In ; 12 v Hours, 40 Minutes. , A ... REGAL BK : 3G0 MILE RECOR ; WARREN ,"30" CAR VVAS THERE AT FINISH i; v I I" III II, I I I) III III I Ill II I I I 1 I I I I 111 I I II I II J Advertising Cars Are r Proving I . II V j Scene at Sandy, Or. . The picture- shown ' here was taken recently t. Sandys Or- and efioWe a Warren "lOcer, owned and driven by P. iBueckfli "manager .of . the- ColumbU Wire and Iron Works' of Portland. Mr. CAN MAGNETOS CE USED FOR UGHTING , ., . - i - Some Day This Fond Hone 'Will Be Realized, De--55 dares Expert. Tea care aUrted-oa Mt. Hood trip, Buecke'nas, summer home out near the foot of 'Mount Hood and drivea his car out for week end trips frequently. Recently he learned that several cars In tended -making the trip from Portland ta Government Camp- on Mount Hood, Three) .completed couraev so Mr. Buecke decided that ha woo Id make the trip along with the hunch. Ten cars started on this trying trip, but at the finish there war only three cara In at the death, among them being the Warren 70." , . . .?,, SPEED KING OF . WEST TO GO EAST "The effort to apply the magneto for lighting as well aa for ignition work Is , not making very much progress, if reports from sclenUflo electrical cen ters ra to ba relied upon." says a A. Eastman, manager of the White com any at 8Uh and Madison streets. "I don't want to blast that lingering nope we all have had that most any lay would see the magneto doing double National Company Secures Services of Driver Who Won Denver flace. ? From out of the west cornea another speed king who In, the future may par ticipate In high speed contests In the east. The National, company la new negotiating with Eaton McMillan -the winner ot the 100 mile event, on the Sable Speedway near Denver, Colo., on May SO, for hla services In the future hng distance events that the National will enter. McMillan, while not an In- I luty, because I really think we will i experienced driver, has had little, ex lee it done some day, but Just-when I perlenee with one of the big blue speed am unable to even nsUmste. I am niwerlng your question on this sub lect from information that I have been isernbllng for some time In order to latlsfy the feeling of Impatience that baa been registering at this office reg ularly ever since the first of the year. A dosen reasons , altogether., are quoted by as many, dlfferent-authori-tiee, explaining why this plan Is glvi Ing ;so much trouble. - Hera's, a letter from one of America's leading electrical authorities, which, perhaps, is the most comprehensive, and, which -you may I quote if you wish," concluded Mr.' East nan, ' The letter In part, follows: . "It la apparent to the man who haa given the matter any attention at all, that a magneto la ao designed that the out put' Is contrary to that which Is em- I ployed In lighting work. The voltage I In Tnagneto work Is Very high,-bat the! Icurntnt is correspondingly low. In monsters before this season and his performance in whipping off the victory In such record time over the three and one-third mile course, - shows that ha has the makings of a successful long dlatanc driver, The dirt course was particularly hard on tires, many, of .the cars In the light division being obliged -to Change seven and. eight times, while McMillan, .drove his car In such a careful manner that very few atope ware made for this pur From the very start there was never a time that the National's chance for first place was jeopardised. Lap after lap be threw the big machlte around the dangerous turns . maintaining the dlssy pace that put hla nearest eompetl tors out of the running. There wai never a time that McMillan was obliged to. open .the throttle to the . last notch, so- that the 0 mil an .hour clip of which-Ma car was capable was not The speedway la t miled around and the 40 cara In the race maintained an average speed of more than TO mil an hour, so that one catapulted past the Judges' stand every three seconds for aeven hours. Yet in all those jeeven hours, only two collisions occurred. ' lUch ' Accessories. Accessories costing ISOQ were fitted to a two-passenger Columbia roadster recently shipped to Howard Baker, northwest manager of Butler Brothers' greaj wholesale business In Minneapolis. Of shipments involving added equip ments, this -Is the record of the big works in Hartford, Conn. Ths car was painted black with -all exposed metal parts black nickeled. - Cigar lighters, touring map Illumination and features without end were Included to make Mr. BakerVcar "complete. On eat of the Itamblcr Agency. ,A. 3. JCleimeyer,' assistant manager of the, Thomas B. effrey company, Ban Francisco, is in Portland as ths guest of the Rambler automobile agency. Mr. Klelmeyer la speaking' of conditions In general, . is extremely pleased at the present outlook for the automobile business. If definite results that can be inter preted Into terms of dollars and .cents as they come from, the owner's pocket book are the aim of automobile eon teats of all natures, then quite surely the endurance contest is of far greater value aa a demonstration- of the car's worth to the owner than speclaj speed trials in cars which are stock cars only aa the details meet the standards 'of the blue prints. Here Is a story of an endurance- contest - participated in by three cara taken from the floor of the garages Just aa-they were ready to go to any owner who. wished to order them aent over to hla garage. On the morning of May IS, three Regal "20" roadsters left the sales room of the .Buhl-Regal Car company of Pittsburg, on a non-stop run from Pitts burg to Indianapolis. 110 miles. , The cara left Pittsburg on Sunday morning at S:IO'a. m. and struck out Over the rough roads of West Virginia, reaching Zanesvllle, Ohio, at compara tively slow rate of speed because of the conditions, of travel. Immediately upon leaving Zanesvllle, the roads be came fit for fast going, and the three little cara hit it out on the National highway aa fast as the wheela would turn over. Just as ths hands on the clock 1n Thomas Bros.' garage on North pela ware street, Indianapolis, pointed to 1:10 p. m the sturdy little Regals pulled up with the occupants hot, tired and dirty. But there was this eatmrao tlon In the- run. All records for time between Pittsburg and Indianapolis in a motor car had been shattered by al most six hours. The best previous time was It hours. The actual running time for theae cars was 12 hours and 40 minutes, making an average speed of 10 miles an hour. The object of the trip was two fold. It was made not only for the purpose of showing what actually could be done In a non-stop run by underslung road sters, but also to demonstrate how economical the car Is. In the whole stretch of 140 miles, but one of the csrs allowed a-puncture; there were no blow outs. The gasoline consumption for each car amounted to to gallons, which at an average price of IS cents per gallon, makes f 3 per car. The two gal- Vt U -e!; y, . ssssft -'i.1ne.Xv,..--:v "Wsaaasaa; , - VxeBBsasHMLi l i -it' i j '' "n - The above picture shows one of the fsst growing popular ' advertising schemes of the esstern manufacturers. The Kellogg Toasted Corn Flake com pany haa purchased from the Cartercar people St model Cartercar s, and distributed them to their branch man. gers for the purpose of covering the territories in which they sre located and putting up all kinds of advertising mat ter. They are using this method of pub' llclty in conjunction with their news Ions of lubricstln ott used in each car added n B to that expense. The total expense of running each car 180 miles was only It considerably less than two cents per mile. Flooring Bull Bnjra Track. A three-ton Kelly truck wss purchased during the past week by the Corvallla Flouring Mills -company, of Corvallla, Or. The truck la to be used for haul ing flour from their mill at Corvallla to their warehouse, which is two miles from thers. August Fischer, the secre tary of the flouring mills company, cam to Portland Wednesday afternoon to se lect a truck. After' looking the field over carefully, he decided on the Kelly, Mr. Fischer left Portland Thursday morning st t o'clock and drove the truck to Corvallla, reaching Corvallla early in the -evening, covering a dis tance of over 100 miles. ' - lllghting work, the voltage. Is very low, forced to the limit The time for the I and, (he current is correspondingly law, i in magneto worn or the present high- tension sort, the voltage from the fine winding of the motor, is not far from 1000 'as aa minimum, and it may exceed 10.6je volts.. But even assuming that I ail of these matters will bow to treat ment, there still remains a crop of dif ficulties that will have to be set to I one side before it can be claimed that magnetos would do good ignition work, and 'serve as lighting equipment at the same time." Mr. Eastman said upon being aues- Itioned further, that there has been some I progress, of course, that in his opinion there would continue to be progress of I a marked degree along this line, that aome of his Information was of a very optimistic nature, that - there is goo j reason to continue to keep alive the I "spark" of hope, but that he can't dls cover any reason to expect Immediate success in solving the problem. two century glide was 1:10:30, while many lapa were done at a 71 mile an hour rate. McMillan pulled down 11200 in prise money. Motor racing will prove very popular in the west If the Denverltes can con tinue to stage contests aa classy as the one they pulled Off on Decoration day. Represent the Locomobile. J. Murray Page, Pacific coast repre sentative for the Locomobile Company f America, with headquarters at Ban Francisco, is spending a few days in Portland. While here he will renew contract with Neate & McCarthy. ' Ina, for the sale of the Locomobile line in 1912.' After leaving Portland Mr. Page will make a trip through the northwest In the interest of the company. He states that he Is making oontracta about 00 days earlier than ever be fore because of the fact that the Loco mobile company is in position to make much earlier deliveries than usual. De liveries of the 1912 models will figure In the very near future. Neate ft Mc Carthy, Inc., expect -to have them on display at their salesrooms within the next. .week. Twenty-nine Out of 40 Cars in Indianapolis Race Stood H Terrific Strain. - , IS Eastern Rates The next sale date for special round trip , tickets to eastern points via the Canadian Paclflo liner ta June 21. Make your reservations now. Office. 142 Third street) ' tf: ? -.-. - : f i "" i. . ";'. ! :" "Seventy odd miles an hour for near ly seven hours,, including all stops that is the feat accomplished by 29 out of 40 cara of 24 different makes at the 800-mile race at Indianapolis;", eo says Crittenden Marriott, the well known writer, who, visited Indianapolis to wit ness the race In the interests of the Hudson Motor Car company. "The name of the winner, how much he won, and how near he came to losing are of little consequence except to tthose who took part In the struggle. But it is of enor moua consequence to every owner of a motor car, present or prospective, to know that practically three-fourths of all the cara subjected to that terrific and long-continued strain sustained the teat Really more than three-fourths sustained it 'or at least three cara were wrecked, not by any defect In them selves, but by the errors and mishaps of others.. . ,J . 'V '-.or' "Scarcely less Important la the dem onstration of the wonderful controlll bllity of the: present day automobile. t 9 Hardware, Tools, Auto Supplies, Sporting Goods and Fishing Tackle AUTO TIRE REPAIRING 1 Business In our new home the first two weeks was. far beyond our expecta tions, for wjiich we are very thankful, and hope we may continue to grow in the same proportion. We are each day receiving new goods and are better prepared to take care of your wants than in the past. Our aim is to have what you want, when you want it, at the right prices. COME I IV AIVO GET ACQUAINTED If you-want omethtn,r in a hurryv call us up. WE DELIVER THE GOODS. Westa Hardware & Auto Supply Co. Phones Main 8828, A-2016 S. E CORNER SEVENTH AND PINE STS. paper advertising. At the wheel is William W. McBrlde, sales agent of the Seattle branch of Kellogg'e Toasted Corn Flake company. Mr, McBrlde came down from Seattle several, days ago, covering the territory between here and there, and reports that be finds the road conditions between .'Seattle and Portland much better then he expected. After working the territory adjacent to. Portland. Mr. McBrlde will make a trip throuah the southern part of Oregon distributing advertising matter , and boosting the Corn Make game. THE MOST SEVERE TEST an automobile can be put to is to turn it loose in the hands of an inexperienced driver.- There are E-M-F cars running on the streets of Portland today owned and operated by people whose knowledge of an , automobile stops at their ability to handle the controlling levers, steer it and put in gas and oil. v Mi Columbus Electric Coupe Is Shaft-Driven , ; if v " t j f-' - X , ' - ' - IteT ' H;B-Wakeman, secretary ot the'Aus- In IJme A plaster Company, ' recently urchased the Columbus electric coupe ere- sho wn from heA Oregon Electrio ipiiisaweiiiiii"i' wiafjSjg Vehicle company, Thla electric la shaft driven and la ne of . the high cusa electrics in the western field. Mr. Wakeman statea he gets from JS to tiu miles from each charge of tba batteries. feel Car Bpaiflinis Stearns 15-30... Pope - Hartford 7-Passenocr Stevens -Duryea 6-CylIncier 30"..:.. Regal tourist Roadster kit. 1910 Model, 4-passenger, equipped top, wind shield, demountable runs, Gabriel horn, cost $3500; run about 2000 miles 1910 Model, equipped top, wind shield, Warnerjs speedometer, demountable rims, Gabriel horn, run about 2500 miles, repainted and fully guaranteed. Just overhauled, Bosch 'dual system, demountable rims, top and wind shield, cost about $4000. 1910 Model, just overhauled, top and c wind shield. ; 1 1909 Model, 2-cylinder, in . fine shaped just overhauled, double bucket' seat on . back. - ; :,i-:A i -- Vi'-v- Cameron rAIr 1910 S-passenger touring car, in fine sTgifrkloai I condition, equipped with top and Wind V. T . shield. $2,800 $2,050 $1,750 $ 850 $650 'f '-'. ' t- v $500 A MAN NEARLY 70 YEARS OF AGE stopped at, our building on Friday on his way in an E-M-F 30 from Vancouver, B. C. -to San Francisco. He left San Francisco on May 26th with , his daughter 'and granddaughter. . ' ' HE ARRIVED IN PORTLAND five days later, went on to Se attle and Vancouver,. C, and on arriving here on his return ' trip and telling of his experiences; on all .sorts of roads' and. grades, stated that during the entire journey he had not stopped once on account of trouble of any sort beyond the repairs of five punctures. . ' r . THREE HOURS AFTER ARRIVING in Portland he was on his way south, and could you have listened to his quietly run ning motor and seen his car move off down the street you would have marveled to think that a vehicle could be built to stand such vigorous. wori? and come through it in the hands of , a man whose knowledge hardly goes beyond the points above mentioned and ability to repair a damaged tire, i :- ' AND REMEMBER this man is twice the age of 80 per cent of you who read this note and nothing butesupreme confidence in the car he is driving makes it possible for him to undertake such a trip. '"'.) EVERY E-M-F that is turned out will do just such work as this, and continue to do it day in and day out, for nobody knows how long, as no E-M-F has yet worn out, and we are keeping, tab of several of the early ones which have over 70,000 miles each to its credit (9 years of average running). ' ;? , DO YOU SUPPOSE for a moment that, if the Studebaker Cor- , poration did not kno'w to a certainty that the E-M-F SO would , d0 all and more than they claim for it, they would cover it with the character of guarantee under which it is sold? - , DO YOU-KNOW that E-M-F owners are the biggest boosters and the greatest advertisement we have ? WOULD THEY BE SUCH if the car did not deserve it? DO YOU KNOW that out of 51 makes of automobiles represented ; in Oregon, over 18 per cent of all the cars sold in this state since January 1, 1911, have been E-M-F and Flanders? WITH APOLOGIES 'TO THE PACKARD COMPANY, we say, "Ask the man who owns one.". Then come to our, building and ' learn for yourself what is meant by "E-M-F Service." YOU WILL FIND it time well spent, and even should your choice settle on some other car you will have gained some valuable : information as to real business methods used to sell a man an ? automobile of highest type at a moderate price and keep him always satisfied in its possession. The E. ffl. F. Northwest Co. MAIN 1853 A-2436 Direct Branch The Studebaker Corporation E-M-F Factories , U H. ROSE Manager - E-M-F BUILDING, Chapman and Alder Streets, Portland. ARTHUR H. HERTZ, Manager,? SIXTH AND MADISON STREETS, PORTLANP. OREGON.' Hi THE TRUCKTiLff DEUVcRS THE GOODS DOTN I N EAT C AND M CHAR THY INC. I PHONES! 094,WA5tt. ST. COR. KlNG.ST.IA-737 - ---- -