The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 18, 1911, Page 35, Image 35

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The crack TroutdU ' teem will ,ln
' vede .Qreshsn tthl Afternoon and at
tempt to lower the color of the Olant
of that pTaea. i. A -treat - rivalry ex (ay
between these two towna snd" they have
ot matron tha diamond alnca tha In-
Ururban league cloeed two yeara ago.
' K Ursa delegation of Troutdale fan
will follow tha team and give thera their
support In tha way of nuiaa. "
' Charity Clay, second Laaeman of thi
Cplumbua club, la having a great. year
and la slugging th brill to tha four
corners of tha lot. , Manager Oraj aon
baa collected a good bunch and the
Clubmen ara. playing bang-up ball, -i
. "Nig" Hersuhlsr, wall known In iml
rofesslonal clrclea, haa quit baseball
again. "N'lg" retires b an average of
U times a season. '
., ".." He Breaks Tesees. ' ' "
"Piggy" Hoguo, iur first baeeman of
tha "Zeniths" of Upokana, la. In Portland,
gad will no doubt be seen In a-local
.uniform before . long. Hogua haa a
reputation for fence breaking In tha
Inland city. ,
"Billy" Bauer, left fielder for tha
Oreaham OlanU. will carry a flra ex
tinguisher on all hla baseball tripe
henceforth. BUI loat a new ault of
clothea in tha flra that deatroyed tha
hotel at Eetacada laat Sunday. .''
Tha email towna around ara making
preparations for their big games on
(CelUd Prase Ueeed Wire.)
Paris, Jus IT. An aeroplane raea to
laat II day and . cover four countries
will start tomorrow from the Vlncennas
aerodrome. Prtierwill aggregate 1100.'
ooe... (.,
ixty flyers ara carded to atart The
legs will be to Liege, Belgium to
"Utrecht. Holland; to Bruaaela; to Calala
to London; to Calala. and tha final
tag from Calais to Vlncennas.
A special maae will ha celebrated for
tha bird man by tha archbishop of Parle.
It win begin at 4 o'clock.
(Continued from Page Four.)'
BtoveJL tha latter getting two. Speaa
eiectnriM toe crowd by eteallne? homo
swr uia taira run. .
Bpeaa double, a sacrifice and flto-
rsJl's alngla gava tha locale one In the
Tonneeon, who relieved Bloomflald
I. at tha beginning of the fifth, slnaled
in in eightn and ecored together with
Hundorff and Bpeaa on their slnsles.
two errors and Williams" sacrifice fly,
Tha third run of the Indiana occurred
In tha eixth when Nordyke walked, took
second on an out and acored on Cart
wrlght'a alngla.
First gams:
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
Netsel. Sb
Cooney, aa '
r nsK. rr
Nordyke, lb ..
Tauacher, If
KlDDert. pf
I 1 LA .
vnwniL (p .......
Oatdlek. a ..Mi.,
Kraft, p I
Totals ......
6 24 It 7
MunJorf f. rf-Jb
Caeey, 2b
Speaa, cf
Williams, lb ...
Mensor. 8b . . . .
Coultrln, aa ...
Pettiarew. If ..
Harris, o
Jenaen. D
to vail, rf
31 2
AB. R. H. PO, A. E.
4 11-1 1 1
Totala 34 5 27 14 4
Spokane ......... 0 0 0 2 0 0 0-0 Ot-2
Hits 0 1 0 3 0 1 0 1 ff B
Portland . . 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 S
Hlta .0 0 0 0 1 4 0 1
Struck out Br Kraft 2. by Jensen K.
Bases on ballsOff Kraft 2, off Jensen
2. Two-base hta-Coultrln. Stolen
baaea Mundorff, Stovall. Klppert. Time
July Poutth. On this data about 60
per cent of tha teams close their aeaaon
'and Uia laat games ara always filled
with much excitement. '.
"Dutch'' Brock la holding down the
receiving and for Rupert a Coeterlnog
and la clouting the ball hard.
' When tha Coaterlnoa and tha Oreaham
Giants meet on the letter's field nex
Sunday two of the hottest rivals for
championship honors will be Jn action.
hack team baa a red headed captain.
Parrott and Rupert, and thla alone la
enough to instil pepper In the rest of
the players. Both ara old heeds, Par
rott having played ball around Portland
for II yeara, while Rupert baa gained
laurels both on the 'diamond and grid-
iron for tha laat ten years. .-, .
Kara Old Heads la Teem. r
The Coaterlnoa have a squad aonfpoaed
mostly of -older and experienced ball
toaaara, among them being Brlgga, Hen
aie, Turn,, Lpasii, nouaton ana Brock
The Oreaham team 'haa a 'younger act
but all are fast and cool. headed play
era. Robinson, Haegreaves. Anson, Bau
er. Bleeg and Donaldson hava come into
prominence within tha laat two or three
eeasone. - The game will bo played for
a 1 1 00 aids bet and members ef both
teama are keyed up to a high pitch 4o
ao tneir oeat anas while tha bet Itself
la an Incentive to work bard, tha honor
or beating the other stands out flrat In
tna minas or tne ban players.
of game Two hours,
Umpire Baum-
Second game
, ' 8POKANB. .
Notiel. 3b.
v,uvijr mm ceete
Krlak. rf
Nordyke.' lb .........
Zimmerman, If .......
KlDDert. cr
Cart w right, 2b
Hasty, o .......
Willis. D ,
0 0
1 1
1 0
0 2
0 0
0 0
Q 1
0 .0
1 0
Totals .......31 4 10 24 13 3
AB. R H. PO. A. E.
Casey, 2b
Speaa, ef ,
WlllUma. lb ........
Stovall, rf
Coltrln. aa
Pettiarew. If
Harris, c
Bloomflald. d
Tonneeon, p
' 0
31 II 27 11 0
Batted for Willis In ninth.
Spokane ..........0 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 04
Hlta 1 2 3 2 0 1 0 0 210
Portland 30003013
Hlta 4 0 0 2 4 0 1 2 IS
Struck out By Willis 1. by Bloom-
flold 3. by Tonneeon 4. Baaea on balls'
Off Willie 2, off Bloomfleld 1. off
Tonneeon 1. Two base hits Klppert,
Speaa, Stovall. Throe baaa hits Zim
merman. Home run Kris k. Double
plays Casey, coltrln and Williams.
Bacriflo hits Williams 2. . Stolen baaea
Snoas 2 Stovall 2. Coltrln. Pettiarew.
Hit by pitcnea can f ettigrew. wild
pitches Tonneeon. innings pitched By
Bioomrieia 4. tr Tonneeon 5. Base bits
Off Bloomflald 7. off Tonneeon I.
Time or game 1:80. Umpire Baum
garten. t 1
Chicago,' June IT. A celebration la
going on at the UnHecalty of Chicago
today. It la known as "the first an
nual home coming of the University of
Chicago men." Athletics between the
alumni ara being participated In and the
final game or too varsity baaeball nine
Ith the Japanese from Waseda was
scheduled, f
The prices for tha 15-round boxing
match between Carl Morris and Jim
Flynn, to tako place at Tulsa, Okla
July 4. will be 33. IS, 17 and 110.
Ringside acats will be 17 and box
seats 10. The latest of the "Whits
San'a Hope" will have an advantage
over Flynn- of 46- poun'ds in weight, 6
Inches in height,. 11 Inches In reach and
( years In sge.
Salem. Or. June 17. Almost 100 fast
horees are now In training at the fair
arounda here preparatory to playing an
important part In the speed program of
the fiftieth annual Oregon atate iair in
September and tha other tracks on tna
north circuit, soma or tnooe wno jjave
horeee hero at the present time ara
Perry Mausa of Salem. Kara Tllden of
Vancouver. Waah.. John 8awyer of
Portland. Homer Rutherford of Balem,
C. Fletcher of Salem, Mr. Belknap
of Corvallla, and George Pendleton of
Salem. Several Portland horsemen are
expected In a few day a ,
Among the atara or tne ataoios at
the present time are: Almadan D.
z:ltu. owned br Esra Tllden. and
Dr. McLoughlln, Hal Gray, which has
worked uuartera in 0:12, and Baron
Lovelace, owned by George Pendleton.
Baron Lovelace, termed "The Pride of
the Stables," la ready for all of the
2:20 evente. He la expected to beat
2:10 befor fall. Hal Gray, a 1-year-old,
haa already shown himself to be a real
pacer. He goee without hobbles or
extra rigging and . will bear watching
this fall. -t
Two-Year-Old shows Spood,. .
- Dr. McLoughlln, a 2-year-old pacer,
aired by ' Vlnmont, has already been a
mile In 3:00 this season. He took
hla name from tha fact that he was
sired In Oregon City during the litiga
tion connected with the moving of Mo
Loug'nlin's old home. He Is ons of the
faateat colts that haa ahown up In the
northwest thla year and la one of the
beat bred pacera In the weat.
Mauxe haa In the barna Zoo Norte, the
2:ll14 pacer, who has been, converted
to a trotter and showed up well laat
yeac Sweet Adlna, a full Bister of Zon
Norte, who -worked laat year at 2:17 H
and is In better form this season;
Hal Grey.
Llatarlne, a good 1-year-old colt; Dr.
John R. and aeveral other promising
colt a Lord Lister of this stable haa
worked In 3:24 and Togo haa already
worked a mile la 2:12 Vs.
. In addition to Almadan D., Tllden
haa a good green pacer In Dr. Hal and
aeveral other horses which ara looking
good at thla time. John Sawyer haa a
good colt In Zon Dell, which haa already
been a mile fh 0:22 this season, a 2-year-old
fllley sired by R. Ambush snd Other
colts which are Improving rapidly.
', Rolla Roy, a 2-year-old trotter owned
by Homer Rutherford, haa so far made
a mile In 2:14 and la Improving. Two
other 2-year-olds owned by Mr. Ruther
ford are coming to the front. John
Wallace, recently from Iowa, haa a
good horse In On Voysge. This horse
looks like a winner and will be In the
raoea thla fall. Woodlock, a half
brother to Henry Gray, and Bonlock,
converted to a pacer, are other promis
ing speeders owned by Mr. Wallace.
Tilden's stables are filled to their
capacity with good looking horsea. W.
M. (Pike) Davis bay gelding. Dr. Hal
la the center of attraction. He looks
like a 2:10 pacer, and goes beautifully
witnout the aid of hopples. Bud Ander
eon, named after hla owner, "Bud" An
deraon, the boxer, Is a good looking trot
Wllaona atables are filled with faat
ateppera McAlso, by Zolock, a bay
stamen, who atapped a mile In 2:23 W
laat year, la expected to ahow op well
in tne rail meet
Copper tOng rroaaisiiig.
Copper King a chestnut gelding by
Red Seal, haa Seen working quarters In
0:32. A 2-year-old by Ambush looka
Very promising. A yearling by Ambush
and a green horse by Diablo complete
Wllaon a atrtng.
Chub, a pacer by Como, and a 2-year-old
by Como are the first arrivala at
Guy Young's stabla
Onvoyage by" Bonvoyage. a bay atal
lion, though young, has worked mllea
In 0:13. seems to be the center of at
traction In Wallace's string. A, green
pacer, by Zolock, haa been worked a few
times and looka good A Zolock trotter,
Henry Gray, Is working faat
Belknap of Corvallla has . a green
pacer and tortter that are showing up,
"Honest" John Sawyer haa a string of
fast steppers. Zomdell. a bay gelding,
by Zombro, baa worked a mile In 2:27 W.
a half In 0:11 Vs and a quarter In 0:13.
Ha la a coming trotter. He also haa a
2-year-old, Ambush, that looka promis
ing. A Hal B. colt and a 2-year-dld
bay filly are working nicely.
Old Sam Castro, who haa been eick
for aome time, waa seen - around tha
track In the past week. Old Sam la
remembered by many of tha race followers.
(United Press Leased Wtra.)
Kansas City, June 17. The Kanaas
City Athletic club waa an eaay winner
today in the Western Araatur Athletic
Union track meet Final score:
Kansas City A. A.. ; Mlesouri A.
C. 22; Y. M. C. A., St Louis, I; unat
tached entries, 2.
The Kansas City A. A. won nine of
the 11 erenta. Lee Talbot Kansas City
A. C, brake four records, J 6-pound ham
mer throw; 16-pound shotput; 65 pound
weight throw, snd discus throw.
Porter Craig, Kansas City A. C,
broke the 880-yard run record.
. Blrdman's Largest Guarantee.
Chicago, June 17. In a forthcoming
aviation meet-to ba held in thla city,
more than 180,000 in puraea will be In
evidence. This- sum is said to be the
larreet amount ever guaranteed bird
men In America. Eight thousand dol-
lara will alao ba given aviators who fall
to win regular puraea
St. Louis, Juno 17. Manager McGraw
of the Giants has decided It would cost
"Bugs" Raymond the price of Just 4030
beers for falling off the water wagon
In St Louia, and the Giant pitcher waa
fined 1 20 J thla afternoon.
; ' ... w t
L'i1i"iV(WrwfiiwiiMiiBmifTTnT-iTttr'Ji i iiiru'Viiii nuritflrinr nwUmminwinmtVm ia,ia)riMiM,iiiiiiriiMi-aiiirirhrraiirff)MiarnnMM a-fnnn-M-iii riMfmi'm"i"T"'" nywwwe
Would Match Welters.
Benton Harbor, June 17. Floyd Fits
almmona haa made Jimmy Clabby
and Howard Morrow an offer of a fight
here on -July 2. Clabby and Morrow
are both mlddlewelghta. If Clabby doea
not fight Eddie McGrooty will oppose
Morrow on that date.
Jack Twin Would Fight.
Milwaukee. Wis., June 17. After
apendlng a month'a aojourn In this city
with his brother Dave, Jack (Twin)
Sullivan has gone to Joplln, Mo., to
prepare for his fight there on June 20
wltir Jeff Clark, a negro Heavyweight.
Would Post Big Sldebet.
Chicago, June 17. Offering to post
a big side bet on a prizefight and battle
in Gary, Ind., Leo Bordman, the Ipcal
Dantamweignt, is secxing to interest
Johnny Coulon or Harry Forbes In
match with himself.
(United Prsa LtaaaS Win
St. Martina, Chestnut Hill, Pa., Jane
ii. Miaa nasei Hotcnaiae, of Berkeley,
Cel., thla afternoon, sucessfully defend
ed her title aa woman'a national lawn
tennla champion, when aha defeated Mlaa
Florence Sutton, of Loa Angelea, two
aeta to ona
Jockey Is Hurt.
(United PrM Leued Win.)
Hamilton,- Ont. June 17. While ex
ercising a race horse today, Willis Sims,
a jockey for Charles Boyle of Wood
stock, Ont. was struck by a car and
seriously injured.
Pug Lewis Gets Fined.
New York. June 17. Rude language
waa the excuse Willie Lewis gave for
smashing a subway cop. Tha court
fined the prlsefighter 110.
(PvbUabsrs' Press Leased Wlr.t
Sacramento, Cal., June 17. Governor
Johnson today received a aliver medal
and a diploma forwarded from the atate
department at Washington. They came
from the King of Italy In recognition
of great help given Italy by the state
of California on the occaalon of x the
earthquake at Calabria, In 1208 which
rendered thousands homeleaa
The medal and diploma will be placed
In the California department of tha
atate library here. (
Passengers on Uner' Persia,
r Arrived ;. at San ' Francisco,
Enjoye'd Grand Ball in Mid-"
Ocean. ". 7
(FablUbars' Press Laaaed Wire, .
San Francisco, Cal., June JT When .
ma liner reraia came in rrom tne or
ient yeaterday tha paaaengers were still
talking about the grand ball given In
mid-ooean. In the grand aalon of the
ahip all the lights of beauty and fash
Ion were gathered. To a raaual o '
server it looked like a brilliant aoclal
affair but to ctoae atudenta It waa re--,-'
veaied that aomethlng unuaual waa tak
ing place
There were a pair of merry widows.'
dressed In costumes, a counterpart It '
la aaid, even In brevity, to thoae seea - ;
In the production of the popular raual
cal comedy. Mra Grace Fitch Conger
aatlon that was tha bit of the occaaloa.
aire, conger la me wire or hot U.
Conger, eon of the lata E. H. Conger. ;
minister 10 china She is also a cousla '
Miss Vera Fitch who attempted suicide ,
In New York recently. . ,
Miss Lepomma la a popular actress. ,
She married Count Fortune Lepomma y1
wuui iv jrcui airorcing aim -
ahortly afterward. . v
Affair Was Saoosas. V .,,
Mora than a acore of the gentler sag j
participated, it la aaid. and the event .
waa voted a auccesa far aurpaaaing tha T
recent baaeball game on the Tonya
Maru, when the women wore hobble t
skirts and the mm played In harem V t
aklrts. .
t . o-. In Kew Vrtrlr .km,, M .. . . m '
city last September following the, at- .
tempted aulclde or her slater. j -.
oulated about me denying relationship .
with my aiater after she attempted to .
end her life caused me to leave for tha , ',
Orient especially aa they charged me t
with trying to thwart the police In
their attempt to clear up the so-called
mystery or my sisters act, said Mr a.
Conger. . ,
Mayor Backs Wood Block Element.
(Special DUDStch to Tha Jsuraatl . i
Centralla, Waah, June 17. Aa a ao-
niiel tn the aarlinv Af m Mnlrnit
bltullthlo paving to the Warren Con- k,
structlon .company by tha city council .-
of Centralla laat Tuesday night Mayor' -
The corporation saya It meana to hold
the council to Ita deciaion and declares ' t
the matter will be taken to (the courts',
unless the mayor changea hla mind. Tha
oontract waa let la direct oppoaltlon to j,
a petition for wood block, signed by the .
majority of the property owners in tha ,
dlatrlot concerned. , . ,
Adding Big Plant.
(pedal Diipatck ta Tha Jooraal.)
Wendllng, Or., June 17. The Booth-
Kelley company la preparing to build a
refrigeration plant to bo used In connec
tion with the company's store hera The
building will be 14x91 feet and will be
fitted with the latest machinery.
umij rTur maun id raving. - '.i'l'.
(SlMrtal niSDStcb t TSa JnvuLV - , - .
Chahalla. Wash., June 17. Becauaa t
the pavement, bet ween tha car tracks la -
nigner uu mo ircei uung ennor iu
the city council haa ordered a change
made that will cost considerable money, j
to the traction company or to the con-.j
atructlon company that laid, the 9) Y
ment. The council has refused to ac-'j
cept the pavement on Pacific avenue in
Ita preaent shape. Tha work, that will . .
have to be done over extends out four
blocks.' .. . . . .
Boxing, wrestling, amateur , tourna
ment Columbia club, Merrill's halL Sev
enth and Oak. Monday evening, Junet
iie. Aamission i ana i.oo. -
For Additional Sporting
New. See Page 11, Sec
tion 1.
More strenuous than tea-slppers and
cherry blossom throwers, the nine Japa
nese of the Kelo university,' Japan,.wtll
At en me hurricane nlv1l nf fhe "eef
American came." wnen tnev. meet tne
vnltnomah club team ' on the Multno.
mah field Wednesday, '. June 21. The
game will ' bo the thirty-second played
by the little fellowa since they landed
In San Franclaoo last -May and defeated
ma university oil taiuurnia. i nty ex
pect to have played on 60 diamonds be
fore reaching , home , by ' way of tha
Islanda " - ' ;" - .'
-' Sugaae, tha ' star pitcher; who . will
twirl In Portland, la a big fellow for a
T .iv e.. u.
pitched the 12. inning game with ; the
University of Wisconsin, ' the . longest
game ever played in Japan, which has
taken Ita place alongatde of internation
al .affairs In tho' minds of the little
brown fan a. Sugae pitched tha 11 in
ning game with tha University of Cin
cinnati "two weeks ago, ; when the tie
remained unbroken until the tenth In
ning. He walked only one man. Hla
eurvea break abruptly and hla fast ball
haa a very effective "Jump" -, V
Twofleldera who ahow big league tac
tics ar Sasaki, shortstop, and Kamoya
na, center. y;The latter Is he; spectac
ular , plajrar . in the outfield, showing j
great, speed and 'covering ' an unusual
amount of territoryj The Kelo team
has held-tha championship in their own
kingdom since 10. They hsve played
the crack teams of the American navy
as well as the Reach All Americana and
the Universities of Washington- Wis
oonsin . and Chicago on i their own
grounds.' The- team is weak at the bat.
abowing only very light bitting and af
parently unable to do any of the terrific
slamming -of -the balls seen In the Amer
lean teams, but this, fault is more thr.n
balanced by lightning speed and a mar
velofis throwing power. ,
The whoops of ? the American fans
wen rcry gucvonruni iu me ' Japa
nese players at the first ramea : In
Japan whan 10,000 attend a game, hot a
noise IS heard other man the remarks
of the players and tho hand-clapping.
No shouting Is permitted. In this coun-
. U-ll 1 . 1 - 1 . . .
crowds. During last week their schedule
took in New- York, Pittsburg. Washing
ton, D. C. .Meadvllle, Pa,; and Ann Ar
bor, as-well as several lesser places. ;
The Mttlo brown men were the much
honored guests of the Japanese em
bassy at Washington, the rich Nippon
club of New York and attended their
first American college dance at tha Uni
versity of Michigan. : .V ;r
, Tho interest in the. game la Portland.
is great aa : the Multnomah dub nine
was defeated In a close game with the
University of California recently, which
was defeated in May by the Japanese
boya. Tho latter may have had .their
speed and endurance undermined by the
fatigue of constant travel. '
Tha line-up of the Japs la as follows:
Sasaki, shortstop; Kankl, second base;
Fukuda, catcher Mi Jake, first base; Ko
yama, right field: Hlgo, left field; Taka
la, center field; Kuaaka, third base; Eu
gase, pitcher..- : , ;. 4 ,
1 O'Connell to Fight Carsey.
Clifcago, June 17. Articles for a
match have boen signed by Jeff O'Con
nell and Frank Carsey, to be held either
In Gary. Ind., or Milwaukee. Jhe fight
era will post side bets of $500, and ac
cept the best bids.
Wells to Meet Gannon.
; Philadelphia. June 17. Manager Mc
Gulgan of the National A. C, has
matched Matt Wella and Mickey Gan
non for a six. round bout on June 24.
Gannon, being over weight, Wells de
manded a large guarantee before agree
ing to fight.
' In professional rowing Richard' Arast,
the world's champion sculler of Aus
tralia July IS, and Ernest Barry, Eng
lish champion sculler will row against
William Fogwell, champion of New Zea
land, on the Thames on September 11.
Arnst, who beat Barry laat August in
South. Africa, wants $5000 to row Barry
again on the Thames, England.
Makes Serum for Hog Cholera.
' (Special DIspatcb to The Journal.)
Weston, Or.. Juno 17. Dr. W. E.
Ly tie, state veterinary surgeon, is at
the A- L. Swaggart farm, near town,
making a aerum for the vaccination of
hogs to prevent cholera. This epidemic
caused the loss of 176 out Of Mr. Swag-
gart's herd Of 200 bead of finely bred
hogs, and J. M. Swaggart was alao a
heavy, loser. The aerum will be ready
for distribution within 20 days. Its use
elsewhere haa proven effective In 85
per cent, of the cases. - ,
Peerless Pope-Hartford
Chalmers Hudson
KEATS AUTO CO., 71b and Burnside
Phone Main 5368 ' ' OPEN EVENINGS
- CfrtgM Hart SchiJfMr Mas . ....
We mak6 a special fea
ture of Hart Schaffher
Marx Suits at $20.00,
$22.50 and $25.00.
Any man who buys one n
of these suits will be sat
isfied with the intrinsic ,
value in them. They're
the most unusual suits -ever
" such
prices. The fabrics are
exceptionally choice-, '
grays, browns tans, v.
blues-stripes, plaids, ,
checks, fine silk mix'; -tures
and plain colors; "
We offer a very; com
plete representation of
these goods up to $40
Most complete line of Straw
Hats in the latest shapes
and braids $3, $4 and '$5. :
Rosenblatt & Co.
, Corner Third and Monison
.' 4