The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 18, 1911, Page 30, Image 30

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Arrangements Are Practically
Completed With Appoint
ment of Committees to
Have Charge of Tables.
tut in
Chapin &. Herlow TaKe 20 Au
to Loads of Members of;
" Realty Board on Trip
Mrs. B. F. Allen, wife of prominent
Crook county land owner and
banker, who died at the family
residence on Thirteenth street
late Thursday night.
rnnlt4 fvm iMmarS Wlrv.l
Washington. June 17. Fifty-three
million dollars In three per cent Pana
ma bonds, old on wnicn were openea
tonight, were sold by the government at
an average of over 101.10. the entire la-
sue being- more than three times over
subscribed. , There were more than 10,
000 separate bonds ranging from 100 to
10.77. Despite the fact that an effort
was made to plae the bonds with small
Investors, moat of them go to the
bond and banking houses.
Bids came from all sections of the
ronntry. among (ha successful bidders
were the Hlbemia Ravings Loan com
pany, San Francisco, 1300,000; teattle
National Bank. Hcattle. Wash., $100,000.
and tba Melton National Bank of Pitts-
burr. $100,000.
Indianapolis, June 17. A "county
fair" program waa arranged for Presi
dent Taft upon his visit bera July 4. At
the fair grounds he wilt witness' a head
on collision between two locomotives.
horsa and motor cycle races, balloon as
censions and parachute leapa. A IS a
plate banquet will be given In the even
ing. . . -
Spokane, Wash... June 17.-The Port
land delegation to the National Gro
cers' convention in Denver will stop
here on ' the way home Monday as
guests of tba local grocers' ; associa
tion. Ther will remain all day and
will be banqueted by the local grocers
Monday night. ', , ,
Arrangements for the thirty-ninth an
nual reunion of the Oregon Pioneer aa
soviatlon. to be held here next Wednea
; day afternoon are progressing favorably.
The piibllo exercises will be held in the
Slavonic Temple, beginning at 2 o'clock.
The banquet will be given by the Wo
, man'a autlllary In the Armory at 4; J.
These exercises and the banquet are for
Pioneers only.
The meeting In the evening at the Ma-
.. aonle temple will he open to an who
rfoaim to attend, whether pioneers or
' j not,' ' . -
Resident cloneers sre requested to
call earlr tomorrow and secure thel
badges, which will be issued by the seo
' retary In the lobby of the city hall at
the entrance from Fourth street
Officers of the Womaa'a auxiliary of
the Oregon Pioneer association having
eharae of the banquet are: President
Mrs. C. M. Cartwrlght; first vice preal
' dent. Ulaa Kate Holman: secretary, Mlas
Anna M Cremen: treasurer. Mlsa Nan
nle E. Taylor. The executive hoard la
remnoaed of Mrs. Benton Ktllln and
Mrs. D. P. Thompson.
Following la the reception committee
Mrs. C. , U. Cartwrlght. Mrs. Abigail
Bcott Dunlway, Mrs. Matthew P. Deady,
Mrs. Wllllan Grooms, Mrs. A. H. Mor
' gen. Mrs. Robert Porter, Mrs. T. T. Btru-
. bla. Mrs. M. A. Del ton, Mra. c A. co
, burn, Mra. M. a Moore, Mra. I M. Par
rish. .
- Arra aging far Baat
' ' In chace of tables will be:
'Table 1 Mrs. George W. VTeldler.
Mrs. John MoCraken: assistants. Miss
Charlotte Sherlock, Mlaa Weldler, Mra.
Hattle Pratt, Mrs. Ruth Scott Laid law.
Table 1 Mrs. W. E. Robertson. Mrs.
-Freak M. Warren; aaaletants. Miss Nan
Robertson, Miss Mary Robertson. Miss
' E. Frances Warren. Mrs. Thomaa Rob
ertson. - ' i
: Table t Mrs. William D. Fen ton. Mra.
' Alex. Mulr: assistants. Mrs. Horace B.
' Fentoa, Miss Hannah ConnalL Mra. Wtl
- lard Jones, Mrs. Albert L, Lucas.
Table 4 Mra. George H. Iamberson,
Mra. P. W. Gillette; assistants. Mlsa
' , Lamberaon, Mra. Blaine R. Smith, Miss
Meusadorffer. Preston Gillette.
- Table a Mra. P. L. Willis. Mrs. M.
" A M. Ashley; ssslstants. Mrs. Edwin
Caswell. Mra. Thomaa B. Foster, Miss
, ' Frances Hughes, Mrs. O. W. Hughes.
, Table Mrs. J. W, Cook. Mrs. Rus
sell Bewail; assistants. Miss Jessie Far-
Mrs. William StreeUr.
Table 7 Mrs. U U McArthur, Mra.
fA..lA Tea ' a a as IfUa
kwj isiiur as i . . . am m m kam i lsbv ski issai
Pauline Neemlth. Miss Mary Cetlln,
Mlaa Mary A. Adair,: Mrs. Roger Sin'
. nott ' . . i , V S
Table Mra. I, Allen Lewis, Mrs.
3. Wesley Ladd; assistants. Miss C
Flanders, Miss 8. Lewis. Mrs. Wm, War-
. rena, Mrs. Charles Chenery.
Table I -Mra. W. R. Bewail, Mrs. Fan
nie T. Kamra; assistants. Mlsa Nlta
Bursa, Miss Frances Wilson, Miss Mad-
ellne Walker. Mias Eveline Calbreath.
Table 10 Mra. H. H. North up, Mrs.
Tylor Woodward; assistants, Mlaa Laura
Northup, Mra. A. McCully. Mra. J. Noon,
Mra. Allison. -V. -,
, Table 11 Jdlaa Falling, Mra. James F.
Falling; assistants. Mrs. H. C. Cabell,
Mrs. William L. Brewster, Mra. William
Jones, Mlsa H. C. Falling.
Table 12 Mrs. A. J. Meier, Mrs. P. J.
Mann; assistants. Mra, A. Meier, Mra.
Fred Seller, Mlaa Hasel Morrow, Mlas
Nlta Matlock. .
. Table 13 Mra. Milton W. Smith, Mrs.
v Grace Watt Boas; assistants, Miss Jos-
ephlne Smith, Mrs. Fred L. Warren, Mrs.
. Woodworth, Mrs. Cummlngs.
V. 1 . 1 I . T v nm T.k.
Gill; Mrs J L. H-artman, Miaa Elaa Gill,
Mica Frances GilL
Table IS Mrs. M. C. George, Miss
Gertrude Pratt; assistants, Mlas Roweca
Cochran, Mrs. Maud Upton Scott, Miss
. Jessie George, Mrs, Herbert G. Colton.
Table H Mrs. George H. Himes, Mrs,
E. E. McClure; assistants, Mrs. Harold
G. Rice, Miss Margaret L. Hlmes. Mrs.
William Felblg, Mlsa Florence Dayton.
Table 17 Mrs. June McMtllen Ord-
wav. Mra. R. W Rnencer: i1iint
Miss Fay C Hlmes, Mrs. Irving Spen
. cer, Mrs. Charles Spencer, Miss Klla
i Table 18 Mrs. H. B. Nicholas, Miss
La vita Humason; assistants, Mra. I. C.
Sanford, Mrs.' Waits, Miss H. Humason,
Miss Edith Waldo.
Table 19 Mrs. 1. G. Davidson, ..Mrs.
Arthur Gay; assistants. Miss Mabel
Lawrence, Mra. James Murphy. (Two
to be supplied.)
, Table 20 Mrs. H. S. Gile. Miss Kate
Hohnan; assistants, Mies Glle, Miss E.
Parker, Mrs. V. I). Chamberlain, Miss
Jessie Murch.
In. Charge of Booths.
Booth 1. Bread, Biscuit, Cake, etc.
MIbs Nannie E. Taylor, chairman; Mra.
M. L. Myrick, Mrs. F. J. Alex Mayer,
Mrs. M. Flelschner, Mrs. D. W. Taylor,
Mrs, A. H. McGowan, Mrs. Edward
Boyce, Mrs. Bruce L. Carr, Miss Lam
bert, Miss Hildegard Plummer, Miss
Linley Morton, Mies A. Kelly, Miss
jtsess tjoaman, miss Plummer, Miss L, L
Booth 2, Meats, Fish and Salads
Mrs. R. H. Bird sal I chairman Miu.
Gussle Marshall, Mrs. Thomas H. Crang, i
jure. m. i.araien, Mrs. John Hammond
; Hohnan, Mrs. Norman Pease, Mrs. Dan
J. Malarkey, Mrs. Ben Trenkman, Mrs.
O. 1 Campbell, Mrs. Charles W. Ful
ton, Mrs. Clara Koehler.
Booth 3, Cream and Butter Miss
-Mary McKay, chairman; assistants
Mrs., Albert Brown. Mrs. R Breyman.
Booth 4. Ice Cream MIbs Clara Teal,
Booth 5 Miss Louise nickel Miss
Booth Mrs. J. A. Newell, Miss Sal
Jle Newell
Booth 7 Miss Blckel, Miss Anna M
xequairw'oVen r'YT T' "truction and loss is accom
to report at the Armorv, June '1 at
- ""'. una aecorate their
tables. It is also requested that their
assistants report at tho Armory at 1
o'clock sharp. , In addition the women
having charge of the tables are asked
to provide the necessary salt, penoer
and napkins. "v
Responses-to requests for food have
been, quite generous excepting tongues
Fortunes of Eastern and West- Prospector at Hoquiam Claims
ern Families United by the; to Have Made $3400 a V.
; . . . -Over
10 numbers of the Realtr Board
filling lb automobiles went ap to Glem-
morrle . yesterday afternoon as the
guests of Chapin A Harlow. ,
The start was made at t o'clock from
in front of the Fourth street entrance
to the Chamber of Commerce and 90
minutes later the Jaat of the long line
of cara entered the beautiful park-Ilk mony,
property at Olenmorrle. Under the
guidance of Messrs. 'Chapin A Herlow
and members of the firm's office staff
the excursionists were escorted over the
tract and shown the varloua Improve
mente under way
Following the Inspection 'Of the prop
erty the party returned to the grove
where refreshments consisting of coffee,
sandwiches and' cigars were aerved by
Mrs. Morey and Mra. Chapin. Remarka
were made by George W. llasen. Judge
Munly, Geo rte B. Cellars, A. B. Manly,
V. Vincent Jonea and R W. Fries, all of
whom spoke highly of Olenmorrle and
predicted great future for the elevated
property overlooking the Willamette
south of the city.
The Olenmorrle excursion wsa Voted
(By rhe International Kews Service.) '
Denver, i Colo.. June . 17 Florence
Sheedy, youngest daaghter - of Dennis
sheedy, millionaire mine owner and
merchant of this place, today became
the bride of I. Townsend Burden of I
Ton Strike.
(SpeeUI MspeU H Tse JemaLt '
Hoaulam. Waah.. June 17 Report a of
the discovery of gold assaying fJtOO to
the ton and of 'copper ore running
ter cent copper and 111.11 to the ton,
which were made public laat night as
j.mi , ui.i... t....i. n...b. ,k..lthe discovery of Joe Campbell, nave ex.
diocese of MIssouH eerforthMl the mm. I cuea nisny people to ms ursys net
No wedding In Denver in years
Ne, W York Delegate' to Jewell
ers; Conventions Falls . in
'. Loye With Oregon Metropo
lis and. Roses. hS V - v
'- Knamored by, Portland's matchless
climate, beautiful roses, and hum of
industry, & recent delegate to the Jewel
f 1.000,000.
tflfts Talaed at XlUioa.
the most successful trip of. the kind ever I of Troy, N. Y,
given -under the auspices of the Port
land realty board.
Next Saturday afternoon the realty
men will go out on the United railways
Una as fsr as Banks, making atopa at
North Plains. Groveland and Plain View.
Dor cities..
hmm -. r. ,4 .. n..y,k i. .ki-l eampDeii naa spent me reaier pan
. . ,... .... . .w. ri i.. 1 . " .
ceremony. The bridal gifts, which came Wl '"w " w"'"""rir" convenuon.- wnq came to stay nere
from ail ever the world, aggregate In I r "Z.''? .T " 1 1 wo flays, remained a week. , ,
I., aa i returned iu cown wilii xniimi sdgi-i. . . ... . -
mans. These he claim, to have had ' wT, N,
uvt .t tv. ant th ruuit ii.i .. l latest converts to Portland's
Glittering baubles by hundreds lay on I . I wonderful progress, haa written hla con.
t U bins In the' drawing room Of the I , With hla iniuiimr.mnl mnu a atat. I CeDtlon of this itv tit a frlmn1 in .,-r..
Sheedy mansion. Outalde a . force of mant from Sidney MoorV Heath, preal-1 mentoi Cal. V f " ? , V ',
Plnkerton detectives kept watch., In the dent of the Hoaulam 11.000 club, to the Following I. ip..i e h
effect that he haa known men who spent! which was sent to 'Charles Noack: '
the summer In the Olympics and made I All week' It has" been Rose Festival,
big wages waahlng gold. In the waters I and Portland knows, how to it the
of the Qulnlault river. - - beat In thU oountrV. Beautiful weaL
Campbell says his ralnea are located I beautiful oraces.ionV' k.niir,ii rin.t
on the watershed of the weet branch of lend overy day brings its excitement and
the Humptulipa, 0 tulles from thla I pleasure. Thousands and tana of thoo
oity. He i has the assay report, which he sands of people here to see the slghtt
Mniunw iw aeyucBi vuwm, luid ua max a merrv mil lh, ymmr
uwi i ii v i w i luvunuuni wi Kill k.
Iron and limestone which some day will
be mined. He expect to leave In a few
daya for his mines and to spend snore
urn prospecting. , v, , .. '. '
rooms of the big house mingled with
the guests were more detectives, and
more irom a sarety aeposii vault com
pany In New Tork, who are to transport
the gifts to New Tork.
This wadding Is a true union of ml).
lions of the west and east The Sheedy
millions came . from Cripple Creek and
Leadrtlle. The Burden millions came
from the big blast furnaces and forges
ror- a line comer on lfti
Street, income ( per cent now on tll.OOOi
nan own, Balance terms. No battel
buy In the city. Itlght In the apartment
uiaimi. larr.iissie I ins. . , , . i -
Blanchard & Clemson
,,- . 'sjh ninth 'C
; inaruciionr rrom owners eay gersit
orr.r. One 8-room - west sid. newli
built, refused $7100. 4 One Irvlngtoii
corner h"me, eelect neighborhood, polK
Main iiai '
lit Couch bldg.. 4th. near Waahlngtonj
IN CASE you want to buy or!
sell your auto, see
?-C2 Sixth St -
After the breakfaet the couple left
for New Tork. They will sail for a
tour of Europe June 14, and on their re
turn will live In New York. Mr. Bur
den's father will present to the couple
a home to ba built later in toe year.
' '
Unless the Bill Can Be Side- Albany Man Last Heard From
Cor. SECOND aft YAMHIll!
iKoses" that beat the world. .Portland
I grows by day and night and
natural, true growth, for north,
east and west lays the empire.
awaiting the Industrious settler to take
Mature m ni-Mnn , . v,, mm .tl
that ha needa for comfort andweelth, Monday, Wedneday,. FridaV
only man ; must work to develop It.. t? V rT . VW 1 !Vl
There la room for millions and Oregon
ia a state tnat must and will support
mllllona pf , people, for man muat o
where nature helps hire or he starves.
"The hotels,-the rooming houses,' the
boarding houses are crowded," .
tracked by Adjournment,
Bad Split Threatens.
at Medford Wife Fears
Foul Play.
Expert Piano Workmen.1
While the family Is away for the sum.
mer. let ua fix ud those mars and
Wilson, nuthor. diplomat and a veteran firtche on the piano. ' Let us put the ne
of two wars, and hla 0o-ear-old daugh-l " " a wniten
New York, June IT, Even the aubtle
Influence of Cupid v will not serve to
break the alienee of II years that haa
existed between General James Grant
Each Day at 10 a.' in.
Largest stock of Second han4 fnnl
ture in the cltr. Goods moA nrlvatalJ
. - - - " r - - - 1
i an limes. i, f
We have for sale good unrls-ht nlariA.
organs, leather davenports, rockers ant
rnaira, iiDrary isrues, nooKraaea, al
kinda of good furniture for the llrin:
room, dining eulta In varloua finishes
brass beds, enameled bade. , snrinss
mattreesea. plllowsj dreesara. chiffon.
lera, in fact moat, anything you mail
ed for-furnishing a home. I
Roll and flat
nnMt Prm lammmd wim.i I iNainan Kogoway a nioe Duyer ror a.
Waahlngton. June IT. Unable to ewarnnerg Tanning company or Albany
, ..,. ,v. .. I peered completely and nothing has been
crsts to adjourn the houee over Monday, Klm v. .,.
me wmocrinc Jnign were . 1....- fr0 w. d.tM w.v Mt
forced to face the issue of the "dollar Bedford, aaylng he waa on hla way to
aay pension dim wnicn tney navel Cottage Grove. Rogoway left Albany
consistently dodged alnce the beginning I May IS and no reaaon ia known why
of the session.
Only an adjournment immediately
after the house meete on Monday can
alnce a difference of opinion If years
ago, and a broadening of the breach four
veara aro. when he married the widow
and a realdeat of that city, has ifflsap. 0f Admiral Nicholson, he has not
spoken to Ms daughter.'
I do not know the man my daughter
will marry,", said Mr. Wilson. "I ahall
not attend 4 ' ceremony. I ' have not
been Invited. Z will neither deny nor
affirm that the original- estrangement
was the result of my refusal of permis
sion for her to marry the man of her
choice." . , -. ,,. .
ter. Mary Margaret Ki rape trick Wilson, " anymmg mat may . " 1 . 'J
who. within a few days, will become the b necessary to put your piano In? thor- '"v t?WT,,r nd tda. fireproof
bride of Franklin Bylveater Henry, to. oun,Jr atlsfactory condition. Tele. S ,
.1 m , ' . . '." V I Dhone or call m t itiiam Uu.i. tt...a . . 1 I
Mr. Wilson la L He said tonight that I "QW " B1,th and Alder. .
r ' ' ssas sas sasasasisasasssa i i
he should disappear.
Rogoway left a wife and two chll
dren, one a baby of 1! months, and waa
having a house erected in Albsny. His
save the Demoorsts from a vot , w, Ump.ny h, ad no word from him nor
the pension bill, which would sdd 115,-
000,000 to ths government's annual
expendlturea. Under orders from the
has he drawn any draft on them. Fear
of foul play haa unnerved Mrs. Rogo
way and she- la now 111 at. the home of
floor leaden Underwood, the Democratic I her father, 8. Rogoway, at III Cam-
whipa kept the wiree hot tonight to tnrs atreet. one naa orrerea a reward
get enough Democrats into the house ror information concerning mm, aeaa
by noon Monday to vote an Immediate I or alive.
adjournment, and thus sidetrack the
If the Democrats are forced to a vote
they will be confronted by -their first
serious split of the session. . All but
their southern Democrats will be prac
tically forced to vote for It to save
their political lives.
Journal Want Ada bring results. ,
Would Abolish Wooden Can.
D.ltMf Ptm Lmsed Wire.
Waahlngton, June IT. The total abo
lition of wooden passenger cara from
the Interstate railroads of ths United
Btates by January 1, 1111. Is proposed
In a bill Introduced In the house today
by Representative Talcott, (Dem. N.
i Y.) . .
Pacific TJnlTeraJty Recital It Artistic
Pacific Unlveralty, Forest Grove, or
June 17. -Commencement week waa'of
ficially ushered in laat night by a musi
cal recital given by the advanced pu
pils and Instructors of .the conservatory.
Renditions from Bhubert. Chopin, Mc
Dowell and Grieg were presented with
excellent technic. D. B. Arant and Miss
Miffs .'
Extra Special Private Sale!
Scott Krogh Co.
Ladies' Haberaashery
4i5 Alfjcr St, Coir. ElevcntiV
Sale Begins Monday Next I
We have had PLACED In our MAKDff
for IMMEDIATE sale the entire stoct
ana uinucnu., r un, - civ.. riA
Luctloneer. -
Residence Sale
TTiumlay, June 22191 1 .
At 1701- East Ninth, Corner
Clement, assistant instructors, delight-1 I ' Ct C II - J . 1 1
ad the large audience In thdr in Am- The mOtt. lUshly i imDrOVefj - vOUgla Ot., OellWOOd I
msniai numoerv irom coropovitions oil . - . t " 1 Harlnr rtoelvM .instruotlofigi rromf
MndtMObn ami mu Bawis. MIbs Gol-iouu UlcapCK ICUQenCO prOp-fW. A- Wyli. Z will tell the content
die Peterson and Miss McLeod sang' ar-1 - t .-L-
tistlcally In their vocal selections. Miss e,T7 on 100 maraeu
Leah SI usser, vocalist, and Mlsa Agnes
Johnson, pianist, both of Portland, ap
peared on the program.
Motor Folks:
Visit the New Goodyear
Just Opened at 62 Seventh Street
Branch Store
v. ...
of hla alx room ' house, consisting - o
Brussels carpets, rockers, lounge, lace
curtains. center tables. I dreesara. t
Iron beds,' springs and mattresses, drop
head aewing .machine, extension tableJ
dining chairs. JjAURKI, range, gitcnen
utensils, heaters, - lawn mower, nose
lawn seats, lot -, tools. ' , .
Shoes! Shoes! Shoes!
We have' Just received a stock off
ntnfin1f nivmn(. asiw SHOES. 'which we will sell at PRIVATE!
mnA wafsiw . urkk M 2 ..J rtROCERIES. CaVJTHING. HARD
7v. nii.Mi B "" 1 wiRK InR(:RrIN BATH TUBS.
ETC, at - "Wholesale cost. -
" J. i. wiLiBun. Auctioneer
Cash paid for furniture, stocks of
merchandise, etc. Call Main 126, A-
Choice Lots
$2000 to
Inclurjihg all improvements-
In the opening of this Goodyear Branch Store, a genuine opportunity
presented to the Automobile Owner in this and surrounding territories. -
This branch places at his command a complete line of accessories that are
everywhere recognized as standard; it brings him into a closer and more inti
mate touch with the factory and it
insures him quick and accurate service.
The line includes Gopdyear Clincher Tires, Long-Distance
Electric. Tires, Bicycle-Tires, Solid Rubber Carriage '' Tires,
Hard Rubber Base Motor Truck Tires, Sundries and ' Goodyear
Air Bottles. In addition, this branch carries the famous
Goodyear No-Rim-Cut Automobile Tire.
paid for at these prices. -
Sold on Easy Terms
cj For particulars .see
106 Sherlock BuUding,
605 ConcorrJ Building
Goodyear No-Cut-Rim lure
Worth Considering
You men who buy tires without full information should con
sider a few of the facts entering into the amazing success of
this tire.
You should consider that 64 leading Motor Car Makers have
made contracts with us for No-Rim-Cut tires
That more, pneumatic tired cars at the shows this-year
were fitted with Goodyears than any other make
That last year our sales trebled leaped to Eight arid One-,
Half Million Dollars because of the popularity of No-Rim-Cut
The Reason Why
The rim-cut, following close on the heels of a puncture,
iends other tires to the scrap heap. Goodyear No-Rim-Cut tires
prevent this waste.
This splendid guarantee against
TxnatTM3'xrrw wm xi IvTr. XfTsVn THifl
Also Salesman on Grounds, furniture. Etc. to our spaciojis
prising parlor Davenport, in mahosany
frame, genuine mahogany parlor desk,
vnrv mnKHiv. narlor tables -rockars With
leather seats, auarttrod oak llbrarr ta
ble, velvet ana Axminster rugs ana car
pets, Morris chairs, leatner coucn, orass
and iron beds, bed springs and mat-
. m v. a n n am & m .1 .kl
fonlers are tha latest In dining room
furniture we ha va a auita of genuine
s: Hastings P
too. set of cni
leather seats, and buffet, dinner ware.
vases, etc. Very neat rattan porck set
tee, carpet sweepers, large mirrors, drop
.., ; Itif-j. i-... j ''. ' llieaa sewing macnine. gas range, eio.
Th Mrt-Rim-riit t re fit the sam rim a th c inrhr. TfJ VVatCr, Sewer ana narQ-SUrraCe Also wa have received from other con
' aii ...... m- :. u:r n-.. tv. l.u lctrf -ill ttiA'( n' U1a1. I
Riillew tots
, Si for $4250
Ordinary Clincher Tire
Hookless Tires
4l7 for $2900
.. . . , . , , rU- Air ! J ' f ... , . I Blgnors automaiio.wavenpori. oimnK ia-
troes on easiiv. .. au vou tio is biuh tne iianees. ,ine lire is neia loutti dii udiU' iur. one . niacic ties. cnairs. Durrets, rocxers, Dnc-a-orao
I- u.. - UA ...Jv...,. vr- ;il..e;.e t--j f U Crt - steel range, kitchen treasures, utensils.
uii uy m iiiciuwu Hra ,u? wm. t j.w. iiiujuoiivuj. iiioimu vi iu fJKJlUUl pUUllWldllUlIIX i YCrV I ea
the hook found jn the clincher, tirethere are 126 braided piano pretty ? vkV : Over 'river. At 1 In
wires vulcanized into the base of the Goodyear No-Rim-Cuts, ci:; n d '; i a iu-
really good suburban district.
, Very Easy Terrntr-6
Chapin & Herlow
332 Chamber of Commerce
The instant the tire is inflated these braided wires contract with
a pressure enormous, and forever doing away with creeping or
- . 4 t il . ill if. a P . CT . .
tretcmng, ana au me irouoies mac arise irom tnem. -Furthermore,
Goodyear Njo-Rim-Cut tires are
10 Oversize
This 10 oversize means more cushioning effect with 10
greater carrying power and 25 more mileage than afforded by
any otner tire ot same ratea measurement
These goods are well worthy of
your Inspection tomorrow. Auction sale
Tuesday next ai io- o ciock,
Furniture Dealers nd Auctioneers.
152 Park St.
Auction Sale
economy offered .by these 'ltrtSmio the 2r'&lo Reserve A Fine Goocjs
A Business Investment
There are many other features entering into the saving and iio.soo for a fine 'new stora buiiding
. Castro Not to fie Found.
(Cut tod prass Xcsatd Wirt.)
Port Aa Prince. HayU. June 17
Search r the steamer Consul Orostuci.
i ordered by the rovtmment. failed to r
veal Clprlano Castro, who was reported
to b la aidiaa; aboard. . . . -
a cudio root or east. iron wla-ha m
pounds wtlle thr same alsel block of I
aJwrniaem waif ha but 1 pounds. j
plished by the flange curving out
ward instead of inward. Instead
of crushingvdown on a tooth that
bites into its side, the tire when
deflated presses down on a
smooth curved surface. In this
way it may be run without in
jury for miles. ' v v:.
Wn Pin rt nA rs : i jonns una car. - wnen nnisned will
WOJCim-CUt and the Oversize rent for 1 per cent on tia tavestment
ieaiures snouia supply a strong
motive for, investigation. .
' These two features alone, un
der average conditions, will cut
Sour tire bills in two. Yet
tires cost no more, than
standard clincher tires. The sav
ing is clear.
Come in and " see .us. Let -us'
tell " you more about No-Rim
Cuts.T Ask for.our Tjre Book.
If you want to place your money that
bring you ..largs returns Invest!
eTate. . ' s -, ' . 1
Blanchard & Clemson
62 Seventh Street Portland, Oregon
Quarter Block
On Hawthorne Ave., with 12-
room 2-ttory flat and 7-room
2-story residence on east half.
Room for another large flat or
residence on west half. ' Close
ia, modern, up to date. J
PRICE, 518,500
-r OaJI for Kri Saaraa. ' r ; 0
Chapin & Herlow
. 333-S38 Chamber of Commsrea. v .
Under mortRage foreclosure furnlturjCl
positively must ne-soia, lorcing a cut
and slash auction sale of -all this lot at
AW I (Jf rtK: l uhuu( nui ita dm.
ner set, 2 dinlns; tables, S sets dining
chairs, odd chairs. 1 sideboard, music
cabinet. -2 bookcases, hall seat and hat
mirror, 4 elegant iron beds, S new hair
Z nous. 2 union maiiressen, gpoa springs
2 nrettv foMlnsr beds. .1 dressing tablr
1 chiffonier. 1 30 oak dresser, 1 birds
eye maple dresser and chiffonier, 3 steel
couches with pads, English breakfast ta-
Die, oax aressers, reingeraiors,
steel range; 1 cook stove, - 1 v. Morrl
chair.. 1 drop head sewing . machine
(Singer), 3 pieces- mahogany upholstered
parlor set, 2 library tables, pretty center
l.l'l'-., ... A. VV ..... J J U 1 A VV li UO. AA
uthisk LABrars, an aa gooa as new,
some couch covers, portieres, lace cur
tains. ROr.r. TOP and FLAT TOP OF.
FIO DESKS, fine nil taln tins- and nth.
.. lA . .. "ivB . im -ram-. J . m 1
piocures. vtii uuttLt a ecus, nign oven
gas. range. This is no-junk, but food
goods. In 'good condition. ' . .
ale at 811 rirst St., Honday, Jnae it,
sSJ as (1st . " .f. ' '. v
Main 8951 . A-2445