The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 18, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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1 1 '
Tho Host in Valuo The Best in Quality
rAmnl tam Hiluf 1in nf I? ' frv in tVl mtruiltd atari m.
The Host in' Value The Best in Quality
wear. '1 Made of finett batute and coutil and neatly finished with" embroi deries
and laces. Evert pair guaranteed to wear to your satisfaction. All sizes, $1 to $3.
ilow innice
Mill t
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We invite you to come and pat' judgment on our Hitplaya-to acquaint yourtelf with our qualitiea, our ttylea and our price, Here are ipecial inducement for you to do to value that you cannot well
V T r r i fLifr jr
A full ahowing of the teaaon'a choiceat
coloringt in neat, new, umall doignt.
Beat $1.00 quality priced for this aale
at only
Beautiful, New, Up-to-Date Patterns, Jutt Arrived I
JTbmorro we place on sale another great lot of Cheney
Bros.' Showerproof Kmlard bilks. The assortment in
eludes the newest and best patterns in the most popular
Summer shades. They come in navy, brown, green, tan,
gray, Copenhagen, etc., with dainty small patterns in rich
colorings. There is not an old pattern in the lot all are
fresh, riew.and beautiful. You should not fail to see this
splendid assortment before you purchase. These silks
are perfect in both weave and finish and are absolutely
spotproof. The, kind that sell everywhere at QCy
$1.00 a yard priced for this sale at OOL
An Extraordinary Purchase and Sale
of Pongee Silks at Only 69o the Yard
You should not lose a moment in getting to this sale tomorrow, for this is news of the most beau
tiful Natural-Colored Ponree Silk at a Dhenomenallv low price. The assortment includes yard-wide
Messaline-Fmished Pongees, yard-wide Rough Pongees, 27 -inch Plain and Diagonal Pongees with
neat Jacquard overdesigns; also Cheney Bros.' Gunmetal and Natural Pongees, Silver -Bleached
Pnnrees CIoth-of-Gold. Tokio. Chefu and Hand-Made Shantung Pongees fine, durable, fashion
able silks, especially desirable for Summer wear because they launder so well. Reg. $ 1 .00 iC Q -and
$1.25 grades are on sale tomorrow at V
New Woolen Dress Goods in black and
Yard-Wide Rouh Pongee Silk of extra QQr
weight and quality, best $1.25 grade Ov
New' Ocean Serges in creaml color .and QCi
black and white; pencil stripes, reg. $1.00. OtJv
white shepherd checks, 50c and 65c val..
All-Wool Black and White-Checked
Fabrics, full 45 in., best -$1.25 "grade. , .,
ep Hosiery and Knit Underwear
For Women and Children
We have made special arrangement with several of
the largest Hoaiery and Knit Underwear mills, which en
ables ua to give our patrons exceptional values. These
offerings as examples:
Black Silk Hoie, Best 85o Grade at 59o
An unmatchable offering of Women's Fine Thread Silk
Hose, made full seamless, with fast-black leg and foot,
finished with six-inch lavender top. Excellent-wearing
Summer-weight stockings in all sizes. The kind CQn
that sell regularly at 85c now on sale at OyC
Children Hoao at 25o
A special offering of Children's Fine Silk Lisle Stockings
of good, durable quality. Shown in the new shades of
tan, pink, blue, bronze, etc., as well as black and white.
They come in all sizes and arc exceptional values at
this price.
Boys Underwear at 2flo
A special underpriced sale of Boys' Poros Mesh
Underwear. Fine-wearing, cool underwear for
Summer wear. The shirts are made with high
neck and short or long sleeves, and the drawers
come in both ankle and knee length. All sizes.
Specially priced for this sale at, the gar
ment .
Women's Vests at
the Low Price of 25c
Women's Vests at 50c
Splendid new lines of Women's Summer-Weight
Fine Lisle Vests, shown in attractive styles, with
fancy applique yokes. They come in all sizes
and are great values at this low price. .
Women's Fine Lisle Thread Vests in form-fitting styles, perfectly finished throughout and neatiy
nuiMicu wiui liduuiunic ndiiu-iiuiucicu apyiiquc yours. AU Sizes. v
$6.50 Suit Cases at 34.98
If you are in need of a new Suitcase for your oiiting
of vacation, don't neglect this opportunity to purchase
a good, durable, solid leather case at a splendid price re
duction. It is a one-day sale of a limited number of
24-ounce Cowhide Cases, made on a fine steel frame,
with solid leather straps and heavy brass lock. They
are 6 inches deep and 24 inches long, and come with a
strong French handle. They are sold regularly at
$6.50 and are excellent values at that price. Because
we secured them at less than real worth, you may pur
chasethem the same way. Sale price $4.98
Men's Shirts, 01.25 Values at 05o
Men's One-Piece Bathing Suita in navy blue and navy,
trimmed in white and red. All at popular prices for
this aale .$1.00, $1.25 and $1.50
Men's Cotton Socks, shown with black top and white
Maco foot, made seamless. Sell regularly at 15c pair.
EilWCM fc . T ......
June Sale Muslinwe'r
Corset Covers Priced at 50o Each
Just received a large shipment of pretty Corset, Cov
ers, shown in all the latest patterns. They are made
of fine quality, nainsook, neatly trimmed with very
pretty laces, embroideries and ribbons. Extra Cfirt
good values. Priced for this sale OUv
Muslin Drawers, $1.50 Vals. $1.00
A sale of an extra strong line at this price. Shown in
the circular or umbrella style. Made of fine quality
nainsook, cambric or crossbar dimity, daintily trimmed
with fine embroideries and laces. Regular dj f A A
1.50 values specially priced for this sale. i UU
Mnslin Gowns Priced at 88c Each
Another line of Gowns, made of good quality cambric,
nainsook or Masonville muslin, trimmed with lace and
embroidery. Fine, well-finished garments that Q.O
sell regularly at $1.25' priced for this sale OOL
Great Reductions on
Special sale of Women's White Canvas Oxfords, shown
in Goodyear welt, with turn sole, all sizes, , Ifin
$2.50-$3.00 values, at Oy
A showing of Men's Shoes and Oxfords in all styles
and sizes, good quality gunmetal and Rus- AQ
sia calf, values to $4.00 at 4'tO
Children's Four and Five-Strap Pumps and Roman
Sandals in all styles, pretty colored top, sizes 07r
3 to 8, values to $1.75, priced at ...... . . . , . . 7 i y
Boys' and Misses' Barefoot Sandals in all styles, tewed
extra well, cannot rip, sizes 6 to 2, values up A Or?
to $1.75, priced at V
Women's Oxfords and One and Two-Strap Pumps,
shown in all styles and sizes, patent colt, f H(
vici kid, etc, regular values to $3.00, at. . . v 1 I 7
Women's Skits, Wash Dresses and Waistsi
Women'i Saita 012.50,015,910.50
Your choice from a great , assortment of
High-Grade Suits in the very newest styles
mat are not to be nad elsewhere. They are
shown in fine serges, Scotch and English
mixtures, worsteds, etc., inmost any. want
ed ? shade, silk or satin lined. You cannot
afford to overlook these sutt values.
02.95-03.50 Wash Dresses 81.98
A; sale of about 200 fine Wash Dresses,
shown in over 24 different styles. Every
garment is perfectly cut and all are ex
tremely well tailored. They are shown in
either the high or low neck effect, with
long or short kimono or regulation sleeve.
They are made ofgoodJiualityjnateriali
that will launder fine. Regular selling price
$2.95-$3.50. Priced for this 1 AO
sale at . . ... . . . ..... . . . . J) I .y O
Women's Waists at 65c, 95c, 01.35 Up to $7.60
All the new styles are represented here. Pretty Lawn Waists
with low neck and kimono sleeve or high neck, and regulation
sleeve. vf Also a line of Shirtwaists in the cooular mannish ef-
fectj made ; of ;silk, soisette and Himalaya cloth; and; shown; in
plainl:dbrs:ahd"stri '
Women's Bathing Suits at K i $1.75; $U5, $2.50 to $4.50
Bathing Caps at -s v i . v.Vtv ; . vVl0c;i5c; 25c, 35c; 65c
MIddy WaisU at ri--; j 1 jV f ;VXS-t S:lfg :r?g-1tSS,
Newest Wash Goods at Lowest Prices in
This the Greatest June Sale Ever Given
75o French Linens 50c
A most important sale of over
2000 yards of Fine Imported
French Dress Linens at one"
third less than regular. The
assortment includes all popu
lar new shades-old rose, helio,
pink, apricot, light blue, cadet
blue, etc. Come full 46 inches
wide and always sold at 75c a
yard. Priced for this CA
sale at .OUL
Cheviot Waiating 25o
Another underpriced special for
tomorrow's sale. "Hundreds of
yards of Imported Cheviot
Shirtings and Waistings, shown
in a full variety of neat striped
styles in medium and dark col
orings. An unusually desir
able and durable fabric, full 32
inches wide. Best 40c qual
ity specially reduced OCn
for this sale to LDL
300 pieces of Batistes in light, medium and dark colors, in fig
ures, stripes, flowers, Persian designs and bordered
effects. On sale at . . . . . . . . . ...... , . , .1 OL
New Percales, shown in hundreds of patterns, checks, stripes,
dots, figures; etc., in Tight and dark colorings, best f A
1 2y2c . quality. On sale at 1 U V
Pillow. Tnhlng, "The Pequot;" at 22c-23c Yard
Through special arrangements with the makers of the celebrated
Pequot : Sheetings we have secured a pillow tubing of the" same
standard quality It - is i splendid-wearing perfectly finished
tubing that comes iritwo widths - and is unmatchable in' quality
at the following prices: .J ' J v ;
43; inches wide at. . . . . . .23c
ewest Embroideries Less Than Half Price
Thousands of Yards of the Most Beautiful Novelty Embroideries
Are Now on Sale at Fractional Prices.
The rarest and most exquisite
Embroideries that were imported
this year comprise this extraordi
nary sale. It is the most impor
tant Embroidery event we have
announced m many seasons. In
cluded are fresh, new and exclu-,
sive styles in bands, medallions
edgings, insertions and 27 and 45
inch flouncings all at half price
and less.
52-irt. Embroideries, reg. (Qn
$1.25 grade for only. ... OOC
27-in. !TE--
8Sc grade, for only. . ... .Out
52-in. Embroideries, reg. AO
$2.00 grade, for. only. . . . VO v
27-in. Embroideries, reg. OA
$2.00 grade, for only. . . . OyC
Allover Embroideries 30o
One entire table of 22 to 24-inch .
Allover Embroideries in neat.
dainty patterns and beautiful; large: and medium designs, suitable
for yokes, . sleeves or waists. One : of the best lots ever shown.
Values regularly worth "65cto 85c. - Your," choice at one .3 A,,
price . . . i ;;.;f?ivaViv4V.4 ...V...V.... i)VC