" THEL OREGON SUNDAY " JOURNAL FORTtANP;1 SUNDAY MORNING JUNE 18. 1011 8 S3 rKUfOiAUT . Mr Dr. It ,-. New. aVjJTof Tnod stock ramoed lanr Roe -canoer from my breaet Attn am tlm I had a cnerous ' " . dr my right arm. which gev m4 treat deal of Win and troubl. I went irk to her place the ath day "jr. Slaved and In th pr"".0, f 'rnyalf a Noiry public in and !fnr Ore ron. June t. 111. JOHN D. VOCE. No ew n tir tary Ptibllo for Oregoa . neesea: J. IX Voce. B. A. Newbery, Wlt ' , FROM tha Indian, lb grPte 0,2 .J . .Ai.lk.r. mimmlM I hav learned ''many aecrets n th our of dlceaee by; .k. .. MihMi-Mi freak from ' flld and forest., on especially la '; f.rln vlu to expectant moinr t renders childbirth painless; will teach ' anyon wht to us for tlwlr Miwll -.. ' vrv cheap. Con take few ma- temlty raae t nurM In mr hnma Toko Sell wood car on ll ond Morrison. t, off t 1604 E. ltth ond Nehalem. BU- ,v, WANTKH Men wn ar eporident, ho loft Ambition, tiro ao"' 'tired, sleep poorly, bach cne. feel that they . hm loot their form tnirtb ond 1 , tMlltjr and thooo suffering with stubborn ' 1 dlacouraflnr 4Imom and ollroonto to - eomo to mo ond rorHro o t r-o frli-naiy , talk ond amlnatlon aa to tbolr condl ' tlon. If you dMlra troatment tirmacan arraar-d to oult your mrn. pr. " WaHrKr, Txrt apfrlaliat. 11 Flrt ot. ' -- aw rH ... A arnnM ana enlldlafl Oa 4 ' arm a rw a 11DT B a . elualvaly. Woman air afta aatrad aa- vr aurglral oparatlona by ronaultlng ana NararnHal H lallia al. Cniinran PTirlaJly. Prlvat hoapltal accommoda tion a. Conftnfmt carod for. Cot roapondenoa aollcltad. No chart .or conauUatloaj. phonaa. Main 0li, A-Ho.. Offlcoa. rooma to 1. Waahlng ton at. FAT FOLKS Raduccd IS to 2t pound pr montb by the Doctor Snydar root and herb treat ment, which ta perfectly liarmlaa. Ko ductlon aafa. aura, rapid. No atarvlna no xerclKe. no wrlnfclea. Strictly confiden tial. Conaultatlon and booklet free. Call r writ" today. Dr. O.. W. J. Snyder, mora SIS Marquam bMg, th and Mor non ata.. Portland, Or. You Don't Know Anything . 'Ahotit fcaatreed or IurolcreatT " No. rind out and b aurpriaod.' Are you onT Main I7. , . . TETERSON t PLITU. i 411 w-t land Mdg. X LADY of refinement and eduoatlon, pleaalng apnea ranee, mlddl . aared, would Ilka to rorreapond with a gentle man of refinement, (0 to t( yeara of ago, having means to prortdo a. homo for a true, home loving wife. Addreea JnHrnil ' . ' MEN CURED QUICKLY Modern ' electrlo treatment for Bla- oeaea of the proartate. nervous dabfllty, - reo l, chrunlc, blood and akin dliaaaeee, W. L toward. M. D., 104- Rotbchlld , tldg.. 4th and WaaMngton. Vv iDOVVEn tJJ earning $1200 per year, desires acquaintance of reepeclabla working woman of auitable age; object , matrimony. Give full particulars first letter. No general delivery anawered. B-723, Journal GENTLEMAN of tneana, middle aged. atyllah and reflr.ed aeeka.a wife, pie dlum s'lsa, between 26 and 2t; muatbo of good character and have some means a lao. Obinct early marriage. P. O. Box fOtg, Portland, Or. OET married. Matrimonial paper cn . talnlnr advertlaemeata marriageable People from all section of the United Etatea. Canada, Rich, poor, young, old, proteatant", Cathollca Mailed, sealed, free. D K. Ounncl. ToUhIo, Ohio. ItKI'L'TABLE IntdliKent working worn an of middle air a arlshea to meet aome kind, good tiatured mechanic, 41 to tl years, wno can respect a ' true woman and wishes a home, Marriage If agreeabla. A-720, Journal. . - ' 1 RERPECfABI-a gentleman ol 'iS, stranger In city, wiihea to meet lady between 25 and 86.' a working girt pre ferred. -No objection to widow with one small child. Object matrimony. J -721, Journal. - ' - SWEDISH medical gymnast and maa aaur, C. Tlolmstrom, digestive, nerve, exual and chronlo disorders a specialty. Only scientific maaseur In this city. Office W-t Oreronlan bldg. FINED widow of good appearanoe . wlahea 4o meet establiahed business man. of about 45;, object matrimony; no trlflera. P-722, Journal.. ' ; DR. WALKER, apeclallat; quickly cure oiaeaaea or men, oiooo ana imn ma- eases, sores, ulcers, swollen, glands, kid- rey. Disaaer ang puea.- ii rirat ' mu, Portland. 1EN. If you are weak, nervous and run down, write for the wonderful tonlo vitaliier, V-V-V." Information free. The Vltallser Remedy Co.. 224 Mi Wah , Ington, Portland. . . WB CURE consumption, rheumatism, stomach troubles (reference as to cur ing consumption, inquire of Mr. M. A. Janklns, - L26 - Front- st). Consultatioo free. Langs Mineral Wonder, 281 Main. " RIICUfBJS .Wanted'at 6nce. B0.000 estates , plfcUuBw seeking . claimants. You may . oe. one. .f acta in - mujetin la. Bend stamp. International . Claim Agency, Pittsburg, Pa. MARRIAGE PAPER Highest charac ter; Incorporated. 16th year; 6000 members; paper sealed; -send 10c Nothing free L. I Love,. , box : 1600, ' penveri Cot- -" : ' - . 5jR8. STEVEN'S. 16 years Portland's leading palmlet. snd clairvoyant, ha tier lata book. "Palmistry Mad Easy," n sale at -1424 YamhllL corner Sew ' "th street. : . A GENTLEMAN " would rent room : or room snd board from widow owning 24, Journal. ' NOTICES 20 ( i ICOTICE OF SALE OF 'STATE PILOT SCHOONER "BAN JOSE." " -Notice Is hereby riven: - That the .. State pilot schooner un Jose" will be ' I aold by the Oregon state board of pilot commissioners. Sealed bids for said , schooner, with her aalla, apparel, tackle. boats, etc., will be received by said board vp to 2 o'clock p. m. of Tuesday, July ;,I, 1911. All bids must be delivered to . the secretary of said board, at Astoria, ' Oregon, endorsed "Bid for San Jose," on or before said date, and must be ac- corapanled by a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the bid, pay- able to the order of the secretary of the hoard, conditioned that the bidder . will complete the purchase of said schooner if his bid shall be accepted, or, failing so to do, that he will forfeit the - amount of the check to the board for -i the use of the state of Oregon. Said , schooner may be seen and inspected by Interested parties at her berth at the dry dock of the Port of Portland, at Portland, Oregon, at any time between in nours vr eigm a. m. ana six p. m. after June 20. 1911. The riaht to relect any and all bids Is hereby reserved. ., By order of the state board of nllot ' commissioners, GEO. A. NELSON. , Secretary of the board, " Dated June I. 1911. XORSS o 990 Halt street has ' ad verttaed , ss worthless two check of 160 each drawn by him on the Port land Trust Co, of Oregon, dated June 33. 1911, which he gave to A. E. Mass4 and H, U; and A. M. Stevens. Tht I acts are he gave these, checks part tayment on the stocks of goods one of which Masse delivered to him and h took the proceed of one day's sales and the other stock held for balance of pavroent . Tha checks were presented to ; aaid bank for payment and payment re fused. Both ' Masse , and Stevens sued tiros and attached his bank account and th bank made return .no fund. II. 7i. Stevena. - -.- ' SEALED bid will be received at th office of C D. Fraaer, secretary atate purchasing board. Stat Capitol, Salem, cr, until Jun 25. -ISll, for supplies, ato... for th atate Inr'lttitlons for the nauing six months, , Bids will bs op nd June 26.." - , : n - ' v 8p.iifcatlona and lists may be ob tained by calling on or addressing C. D. : J'raee, secretary tat purchasing l'rd. State Opltpl, Salem. Or. : : WANTED Bids oh eheet metal work and painting. - Apply waWence, lfi5 Kant 3Jat at tvorth or on Job, E. Ith and Hancock.; phone 'Woodlawn 676. ; . : ' TEACHER EXAMINATIONS. Ncllc la hereby g Ivan that th county school superintendent of Multnomah county will hold tba regular sarolna tlon or applicant for lUti paper t th Lincoln High School, Portland, rommciii'lnf v.i1needy. Jun H. a. a ah m w m.. inn anannuinK an tovurnmMil. nalian Waonooaay p. m. oogrmpnj. tnar, phyalca. Thursday a. m. wtnojrapny, xnworj ond pratlo, Jooklrplna. Tburaday p. m.-.Wrltlnf. phyalolo-y. aeolory. ' Friday o. m. Un!td Sutta hlatory. phyaloai roorraphr. botany. Friday p. m,0chool law, poyeholoty. Haiuraay- a. jn.--ttaaama;, iiinn, rrnoral hlatory. Saturday p. m Ompoalilon. A marl -Can lltoratura. Matory of aduratlon. ror aiata Drlmarv rartlflcataO Wodnaaday a. m. Ualboda In roadlnff. WadnraJay p. m. Matnoda In Ian - niaoa MatthAia In ataVAaT tOft fFafl V . rtimtra mathoala In fftirannir Thuraday Bi. Orthoaraphy. thoory and practlc. , Thuraday p. m. Writlnt and pkfal olomr. Friday a. m. Thaala. Sublavla for thaala: Iraona by tstorlaa, Lananaaa Work In Primary Uradea. Nuniber Work In Primary Orada. Buay Work In Prt n.arv Qradea. poaalbllliiao of Natura Ptudy In ITUnafy Oradao, Phonlca In lYImary '(aradoa, Child Study. Appli cant rhotaa ona aunirwrr Friday p. m. Paycboloary. Not. ju jueatlnna on thaory and prar. ttia, writing, arlthmatlc. phyalnlogy and psychology avlll-ba tbo aaana for primary carunratra mm tor omer crmi?Biaaj, R. F. ROBINSON. County School Superintendent. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ARCHITECTS I). B. FLECK I NO K R, architect, deslgn ar of Ideal homes. 2S Mohawk bldg. Id and Morrlaon. Phono Main 16M. OEIJHBKEK ENO. CO.". "04" Blake-Mo-FalL Mala 2172. Plana, apeclflca tlona, drafting and designing In all 11 nee. V. A. SWINGLE CO.. archlteels and upeiintendenta, structural englneera, 101 MrKav bldg. Marahall ttkV ft B. OOLDhETvfl A CO. Hi Couch bldg. Fngineenng. oesigning ana qraning. '. A. CARPENTER, "arohltect and de I gn er. rem oved to llt C ef Com. AJSATSTtB WELLS A PROEBSTEU assayers, ana- fytlcal chemlsta 104 Sj Wash. M. T601 MONTANA assay offloa. laboratory aa irrios, laboratory ana ore teatlng work. - IB worn awn. AftOKXKTB A. B. COOPER, attorney at law. Oeasral practlc; abstract osamlned. Re moved to 1424-1121 Toon bldg. Mala Him a.A1 I , . V- 4V W I A CHAS. II. ABERCROMBIE, attorney at law. Practice in all eourts, abstract examined. 1226-20 Teon Bldg. Main 6417. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, abstracts ex amined. I, Healv. Grand B. Mor. CHRlifOPtfkRSbN1 aV MATTHEWS, general practice. 411-417 Teon bldg. AUTO SUPPLIES F.' R. KEEMAN 30.. 4t at A-4126. M-tm. Enplr Aoto Tlreo, Pop Bi cycles. - Auto. Bloycle and Motor sup plies. Vehir!ai Rubber Tlreo. . BATHS IMPROVED Turkish baths, ladles; Swedish attendant, fin rub. 217 Bal- mon. M. 7927. IMPROVED Turkish for ladlea; Swedish attendant, fine rub. 17 Salmon, M-7027 BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES Wagner motoreyclea! bicycle. Motorcy cle, eiect. rep, zi w. nun, jiar. ibiv. cycle. Repairing. Til 10th. M. 7061. BLANK BOOK MAKERS. HOWE DAVI9 COMPANY. 101 Id - st Blank book m'f'g; agta. for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgera; see the new Eureka leaf. A-llll. Main 111. Busirass: cards WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and crosa Ings. llf Beck bldg. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO, Portland office. 006 Electrlo bldg. JAR McL WOOD A CO.. all klnda of insurance, surely bonds. McKay bldg. CARPKT CLKAXINQ JOYCE BROS, Electric Cleaning Works. Cameta cleaned and laid, ref lttlnx our specialty. K. o. tt-i3. 04tc, itnw. HILL Bros., Auto Vacuum carpet clean Ing. 210H Grand. Eaat 896. B-2177. Steam carpet, mattress, feather clean ing, 6tQ jerreraon. m. zi, A-44IS. I0NE Steam Cleaning, carpets, feathera renonted: guaranteea. m. o, a-ttxm. CARPET WEAVING NORTHWEST RUQ WORKS, ruga from old carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. Ill Union ave.. near B. Morrison. RAO caipet and rugs. 1611 Pat ton ave. Phon Woodlawn 2686. VOIXISBS POCTORS DR. Blng Choona. physician for men and womon. Ouarantd cur. 2Ht Alder. OR- L. T."YEffi SONS, 141 ) let st Main 8414; A-sa. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN DR. E. E- KOCH, 216 Columbia bldg. DR. DOUOLA8. CHIROPRACTOR, W Union ave, N. East 6241. - ' CHIROPODISTS DR. HODGES, 26-2T Selllng-Hlrsch. Foot speciallat Corns removed 26q DR. J. LINDSEY. 176 MadUon. Special. 1st on corns, bunions, foot diseases. CIVIL ENGINEERS ORRIN E. STANLEY Railroad, rounic Ipal engineer. 1005 C. of O. Mar. 1654. CLEANERS AND DYERS WE CLEAN clothe while you sleep. Called for and delivered. 261 Jeffer son. Phone Main 6828. CLOTHES flTTARATJTKTE Tailor Oo.. coat tl. pants II, suits, shoes cheap. 206 Main. HIGHEST" prices for 2d hand clothe. shoes lurniture, en r-ront. wr. sub. WE pay highest price for 3d hand cloths and shoe. 278 Front Main 4101. CIRCULAR LETTERS MULTIGRAPHINGV tlroular latter work in any quantity. Evenings. Main 1621. STENOGRAPHY.' typewriting, circular letter worn. 1 waan. piag. Main ZTit. "PROMPTNESS euid diapatcb." , Grain . w a. a. f a A a r . ? LUHJ. yfltfr VQ, AMDOD. WRITERPRESSED, best process, - bel ter results, quick service. Main 1077 COAL AND WOOD The Multnomah Fuel Co.v ' Msln 6640. foot of Market st A-llll. Good service as wen a good wood. DELIVERED PROMPTLY Main 8767 f, J. EVERTJ?, Ft Curry t iiii foot dry wood. Nat Fuel Co., 287 Water at Marshall 960. COAT neer "" pArSK"". if. ..Ua.' wood i Lcn oi rnnn a-4647. no. I dry wood. ft. -sawea to order. Special Price A-t Cordwood UNION FUEL CO:, BOTH PHONES. . COAL AND WOOD. Prompt Delivery V Any Length V Green and Dry Slabs ' Short or 4 Foot ' Phonw: t J 82, C-1117 NOTICE HHPTlAl. CI ktoVJifT ORFFN BHORT "WOOn. " ' (1REKN 4 rCVT WOOU IN!rrB ORKKN SHORT. , SAWDUST, for faal and Mdln. 1 ' oaaaaa aa, .a m a at . . M 4 me ronuna Marwwa La Main Hit. A-TOOI. ' f Drv Wood Cut In stove length out' of wrecked bulldkiaa. Bo.sur and call as ap be fore ordering. ' ' WB BEAT AIJC PRICEa International Bid and W racking Co. A. r. ELERATH. Mar. lOT-Itt 4th st south. Marshal! 1114. "DryBlock Wood ' with small wood, 14.11 Mixed ner load, dllvred anywhere In city, jaml Wrecklna Co, 106-lf N. 1: Port. 11th OL Main 17. A-I7M. K;iIEHS Wood Co.. ath and Ollaan, 11th and Vaughn, Fine dry country lab wood sawed In stove lengths, cord wood all kinds and dry blook wood. mrim -block rrionesMsin flit, istl A-14II. WOOD Wnr.'E.Vil.&iVWOOD Yamato Wood and Coal Company BAST 111. B-1IIT SOl'TH PORTLAND SLAUWOOD CO. Mala Tin A-1142. Dry Inside wood, green ilabwood. eleaa sawdust for bed ding. Dry cedar. It per load. WEE HURnHIDK r UF.L CO. 126 E. 7th; wholesale, retail wood; also aawad to order. IC71a B-177T. - ' vm VCM)1 4 per load, yard at John . w ; W a i, s 1 ., . , . .. - , ... T Deer Plow company; new building. Id and Fast Alder; phone H-1075. 100 CORDS of dry fir wood 12 per cord, fine rail transportation; room 6 1H Front atreel. FOR COAL AND ' ALL KINDS OF WOOD PHONE HOLOATE FUEL CO. BKULWOOl) 411. Pan4n Fighting the Truat yorJ LCllll dl 4-f t. wood aawed to order T alQ 24 Id at. Main 1100; Horn A-110 IRVINGTON "UEL C6.. wholesale anj retail ii r corawooo, mast ss. C- 2222. RAlNlEB. Slabwood Co, root Tamhlli; country slabwood, or abort and blocs wood, Inside wood. M'll 1104. A-llll. STANDARD WOOD CO., box planer and cordwood. (47 E. Stark. East 1316, B-1006, . 6REOOW"LVMBER A FUfeL CO Blab and block iood. Tabor isll. OREGON Wooa ymra Coal and wood. A-6446. MalK aC44. 124 Id. cor. Clay. CITY MARKET Wood Yard. Cook A Son. 3d and Clay. Main 8243. iA-4122. COLLECT! OTTO OREGON Collection Agency, 42? Ham ilton. Expert collectors. Main 4778. COLLECTIONS everywhere Col ton Adj. v-, in wmnajiun piuttr- aiain aie. PORTLAND Collection Agency. All debta collected. 117 Al'aky. A-7117. M. 4122. OONTRACTOItS AND BUILDERS tk WINO, Carpenter. All kinds Job work, furniture repaired, upholstered. Kalsomlnlng, painting. 216 6th st Phon Main 7641. . WILLIAM FISHBECk." carpenter ' and builder. Jobbing and contracting. 104 4th Main 6241 VELGUTH A PIERCE. 226 Union. 1Z 2890. Plana free. General Jobbing. J. BURTON, 186 lat. archftect-bullder. Eatlmatea furnished. M 1117. A-1817. BUBBKT WAKJfitriKLU. gene tractor. 414 Wells-Fargo bldg. eneral con- M. 680. BUILDER of bake oven. XTScheerT 114 Yamhill st. Marshall 194. DANCING VALTZ, two atep. three step and stage 'dancink lesaons, 25c; every morning, afternoon and evening. Prof. Wal Will son's School, 386,i Washington St., bet W. Park and 0th sts. deis ri sis ALVEOIMR teeth where brldg work 14 ImDosslble: does away entirely with plate, brldgewoik: we cure pyrrohea tiooae teem; aosoiuieiy. terms to re liabl peopla Alveolar Dental Co, Ah- Ington bldg.. 108V. fd t. CHICAGO Patnlaaa L'entiat. eaUbllahed 14 yeara. 811 H Washington, cor. Ith. DETECTIVE AGENCY PACIFIC State Secret Service Agency, 411-421 Board of Trad bid. De tectives, shadow work a specialty. Mar shall 171. DOG AND HOBSK HOSPITAL DR. BROWN, V. V. 8, of 284 H 1st st M. 408S. Hosp. 19 E. Uth. W. 644. ELECTRIC MOTORS BOUGHT, sold, rented, repaired. E-U7. walker m aensie ci. wks iuh union. JXKJT SPECaAjliIST DR. C. W. H3VLAND, 17 Healy bldg. Grad. Chiropodist Grand and E. Morrises FURNITURE AND STOVES. WE buy, sell, oxchang snd pay best prioe tor secona nana xurnituie, stoves, ranges. tc. Hartzell Fum, Co, aa o. au jrftwuay giaraumt are fa. GARDENING LAWNS mowed In first class shape and i tawen caro of. 208 Stanton st. Wood lawn 1864. . ti ABO LINK KMUIKtrs STATIONARY ; and marine, electrlo equipment: launches, accessories, wholasal and retalr, engine repairing. Relereon Machinery Co., 18fr Morrieon. . HAIR XiUQDii FEB VET A HANEBUT. - . Loading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of human hair goods; hair dressing, manicuring, face and seals treatments. 147 7th, near Mor; M-644. HAT FACTOR v MEN'S hats cleaned and blocked at the Eastern Hat factory; largest hat ran ovators In the city, 64-66 lu st, ground floor Worcester bldg. Hats direct from th factory at half price. HOSPITAL ASSOCIATIONS: PORTLAND HoapUar association. SOI Rothchild bldg. Phone Main 703. , HOUSE MOVING C PENDERS. house moving; and ral. Ing. 174 Front st. Main 4991 INSURANCE. McCAROAR, BaU ii. Lively. Ill Fall ing bldg. Every form Insurance, bonds. xj-p KODAK DEVELOPING ? FREE Kodak developing and prints, cut rates; mall order solicited. 214 Mer chant Trust bldg, -. s v o - ; fill REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY Pair. P. H., Ol'y. ri rroparty ...aa t-orbi Birta A-wa. Mala il Rronf Htr)a raaipaar, .M"xiri4 fkwt Law la bid ......Mala and A-171 Prabkr anilH. .......a.. ...............1 McKa Blil(,. .............Mala 00 rnrtaoibaw Baaalar I'awihorna and t. Cc TiIkk I7l Caipln t Darkrar , ,v Cbambar of OoajaMrc .....Mali Ivi Owk Ada., . Corb.ll ld .Mala SfU. iMH Kaapa A Martiay .......... ..a T rkambar f Com mfa, Ma la aad A S"l Vrl Baal Eaiata Oo TV..... Oraad At. as1 Multonak....Kaat T. C-ITH Phtaldat J, ft.. . " urllnaa Pldr. Main l-'Wt ItoapaxK. M. . ........ Ilanry kla-. 4l-Oa.... M. 4004. iUf LACXDRT BEB Loo. Chlnoa. ' 100 MIIL Waahlnf and Ironlna earofully dona. A-401. LADIE8V TAILORXK0 Tins NEAL dressmaking parlors; ladles' suits and ovenlng gown a specialty. 110 west Park. Marshall 1111 LAADSCAPI? GAUDKJTKR l L. . nRgT-CLAS.w gardener will take eon tracts, for looking after gardens' and lawn or work don by tr hour or day. A. D. lllnman,- 111 N. 13d st lnone A-744W. " LKATHKR AI5D TOfDIAGS CHA L. MASTICK aft CO T4 Front leather of vry daoerlptioaf - Up msnafscturers. finding. - libra ruias CIRCULATINO library. Ill Ith, bot Tavlor and Tamhlll Book lo Vt day. 11 1 JdACIlLtEKT B. TRENKMAw si CO. Hydraull and special pipes, acreens, Bagging, mining achlnery. All klnda repairs. 104 N. 4th. mac ftUMXU AU Da4VEXOrMKWT SWASTIKA Mining Co, ty 8oo4 for our booklet. 120 Drexel bldg. , MIRRORS W. B. CLARK, v mirrors and beveled plates to order; eld mirrors rsllvrd. 18 H 1st st. Tabor 24 tS JLTiaRAPBTXa MULTIORAPHINO, , shorthand, typo writlng. M. 761. 414 Buchanan bldg. MUSICAL PEALE RS SEIBERLINO-LUCAS MUSIC CO,lll Id; com pi at lino mualcal Tndse. Free catalogu Rueacher band Instrument. ' MUSIC TRACHXRS aiJtJr. Wan AD. viuitn, luaviiuuiin, s u ' tar; Instrument given with special courses. I8 11th st. Main 6910. i . . . ii MRS. HARRY McOUADE. vocal lesaons j 11. Residence 1621 E. Taylor, near th. Phone Tabor I8. E. TH1ELHORN,. vlohn teaoher; pupil Sevclk. 100 Marquam. A-4140 Mar.lall PROF. T. 1 E. LAWSON, 111' 14th at Phone Main 6197. Piano leasons 60c OPTICA! SPECIALISTS GLOBE OPTICAL CO, I16V- Washing ton st Ey examined. Free advice. NATUROPATH PHYSICIAJI DR. S. F. G ROVER, Naturopath, Cairo. practlc Speciallat Paralyals. Spinal, Nervous dlaeasea 701 Oreg'n. M. 1141. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS THE OSTEOPATHIC SPECIALIST. Dr. W. Arnold Llndsey, Selling bldg.. not only cures rheumatism, atomach and all nervous diseases, but Instructs his patients how to keep cured. Mar. 746. Dr. W. W. Christie Osteopath, chronic nervous dlsoaaes, 114-1 Macleay bWdg. Main 1171. A-4680. DR L1LLEBELLK PATTERSON, spa ciallat on nerves, acute and ohronle dieeasas. 117 Fer-tow bldg. Main sril FTr! 8M1TH. graduate Klrkvllla Mo, lllli poat graduate 1107. 1111 Sell ing bldg. Y)HS. L. B. AND E. H. SMITH, aeneral practitioner. " jrea-onisn oiog. OSTRICH FLUMES TAKE ELEVATOR AND SAVE MONEY. ' California Ostriah Feathers, finest In the world: old plumes cleaned, curled, dyad, wlllowed. Golden State Ostrich r eat per y:o,, zit pwenanq, otii ainu tv a.nii Ostrich Plume Co, largest stock In willows snd French plumes; willows made, dyed, cleaned. curled to aatisraction. o waanington. PAINT, Oil AND GLASS F. E. BEACH A CO, Pioneer Paint Co. 103 Front st Main 1114. A -7 041. RASMUSSEN A -CO., "High SUndard" paint, ne. cor. Zd & Taylor, m., a-uti PATENT ATTORNEYS PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock. At- torney-at-Law. .st U, B. Patent of floe book free. 719 Board of Trade bldg. U. 8. and foreign patenta procured by 401 Chamber of Commerce Building. R. C. WRIGHT. U. 8. and foreign pat. nta; infringement cases. 104 Dokom, PIANO TUN1M3 J. T. CROURKE, expert Piano tuning. guaranteed. 823 I4tn st Main o, PAINTING AND PAPERING PAINTING of all kinds;; workmanship and material guaranteed, 449 E. Burnalde. B-2862. -FOR best work, ?ricea right oall P. A, noane. 104 TTnlon Both ohonea FOR neat clean papering and tinting, at right prices, call C-2241. FOR satisfactory painting, paperhang- mg. etc., pnone Kasr ibbb. prps PORTLAND Wood Pip Ca , Factory and office. 24th and York. Main 1411. PLUMBING AND HEATING PORTLAND Pipe Shop tyiya and sells all Irlnitai nt w and second hand j pipe, and sells fittings, cables, pumps, valv., faiLAtl rilnj, ralllniTl tftT feneAS and rose bushes. 896 Front st Mala 6.125. Everything reasonable. 63 lat p jobbery fitting and gen. neatly done. PLUMBING, heating, etc. Robert Oil- lan. 186 10th Both phonea RHEUMATISM POSITIVE cure for rheumatism, t Sanitarinm 696 Front st. .- Hill's PRINTINO WELCH PRINTING CO. "Doers of clever thinga with typo. nd inK on paper ni'ist. -SPECIAL prices on business stationery. Acorn Press 611 Buchanan bid. M-6664. ROOFING. PAINTING. REPAIRING TIN roofing, repairing, painting and Job. blng. Losll A H3l.er. Bi2 Jeff. M. 1424. RUBBER STauS AND SEALS " STENCILS and o.'fice stationery. Cun ningham Co, 121 Stark, Main 1407. T- SAFEB THE Moslsr Safe Co, 10i Id ot Safes at factory prices; : repair; lockouts opened: bargains in aecond hand aafaa SCREEN MANUFACTURING RUST proof sens mad to ordr. Prices riant t zsgg. SHINGLES BEST to Portland. them. . Washington st . S, E. Gilbert - 161 1 ' f IIOWCABE9 AKD FIXTURES i SHOWCASES and store fixtures la toes, mad to otder; loweet prlcea 9. Linden. 421 Hawthorn. Fast 1117 6jTOWCA6KS of -ry dsacrlptlun, bank, bar and store flxturas mad to rdr, Th mtke wrg. cc, .... THE JAMES L WARHALL MtT(i :Y new and old showcase, cabinets, atora ana orrice fixture. 2i t ouch, m-170. llhow caaee la stock.-Prompt dlivrf. lies spent M Winter Lumber t'o. " Sa ION AND BllOW CAKDtt FOSTER A KLEISER Signs: th lra aaa t Milcira lu the nnrlhwaat. - K Tth and E. Everett sta. Tponss East mi. Horn n-iiie. RANN 4 ION CO,, quaht quality and ear viae. III E. Alder at. Eaat till. W. P. b&RUER ak Son aligns and Show Cards. 184 Tamhlll st Main 1191. 1T5N8 tHAt At TRACf - fortlan. hi an co iit Btara. Main III. STaNS of all klnda, attractive. Quality, service Murrato A Potter Hat Mill. OREGON Sign Co. A. Llchtgarn. manT agar, ni n at. Phone Main 189, STKKOGItAPHEKS. -TOCItT REPORTERS ' OREGON Law Roportlng-Ass'n. 404-401 Aoington. m. "', A-5338. Pepoaltlons STATIONERY. OFFICK SUPPLIES TYPEWRITE- paper. 7 So ream. M. 761 rioneer stetionery Co., Buchanan bldg. TAILORXNO SCHOOL KIESTER'B Ladle' Tailoring college. iam oressmi-aing, tailoring. 141 H Ilia TA'.XJKIXO ALFREO OGILBEU. II Lab be bldg. Id and Waahlngton. Suite to order. OUh 8EAUU1ST, Ullor and draper; ax- citiaiv pattern a. ia vvmnington at N6RTHWE8T TAILORS, FOR LADttJ AND GENTLEMEN. I N. ITH ST. TAXTOERMIg? F. B. FIN LEY. Uxidsrmlst and farrier; glass eyea 149 Columbia. .TOVVJCL SUrPLT CLEAN towels dally, comb, truh, soap, . Towel Supply Co, Ith and Couok sta II per month. Portland Laundry Co. Phones Main 410. A-4411. TRANSFER AND STORAGE C n. PICK Transfer A Storage Co,, of flcaa and commodious 4 story brick warehouse, with separata iron -rooms ana iireproor vault xor valuable. N. W. eor. Id and Pino ata Planoa anil turn turo moved and packed for ghlpplng. Special rates mad on goods In our tnrougq cars to an domestic and foreign yvium. aumin sag. . x 711 Oregon Transfer Co.v . Eatabllahad 1I7S Transfer and forwarding agents. Storaaa. fraa trac kaara. Office 810 Hoyt ot. bt Ith and Ith, Phone. Main 19. A-MIt. PORTLAND Van Storag Co, oor. 12th and Everett t Juat opened, nwet moat modern ctoreage warehoaa In city: fr,r7. eonvenlenoe for aafa and proper handling of goods; .loweat ' Insurance raw in nonnwest; rree tracKago, vans lr muTinar. Main or A-1DIV. MT. TABQR EXPRESS A STR'GE CO. Trips to Mt Tabor dally. Also city moving, and express. 114 V4 Grand E. PORtLAND TRAN. A DEL Cd' .01 310. A-1804. Res. E. 818. Berrstran TYPEWRITERS rebuilt typwrttr all makea ; va aaw. tuny guarantcea; aol.4 oa in. ;!"'' i-riiia; rent s por mentiv: rs-- Statlnnerr A Pta V . ni mi mt TYPEWRITER tt Supplies Co. Rebuilt 9 A hmr. A -a, a, - a . ii """ ni-n u. war, tin. ALL makea rented, repaired, sold Cub- ninansm to, in Htark. Main 1407. VETERINARIAN MODERN veterinary hospital. 416 East 7th, corner Grant Dogs, cats treated ana boarded Dr. O. H. Huthman, veter- .iiaiia.ll. JJ-Aapa, JliilBl IBti MODERN veterinary hospital, 416 E; ftd, - Dogsr ats -treated and boardedV Dr. vt. n. nmnmsn. ti-lVli. Kast 1847. UPHOlXTERERS OLSON A KING Mattresses made over. furn. nnh. 447 TTnlnn tt V. till f.titi Furnltur repalrd. mattre renovated tv orqafr. agl Kuaseil. V-lSit, WELL "DKILLING SUPPLY your home or ranch with pur "w rwm tuouiar wens aruid with modern machinery! vtrlnmm ,aD.An.Ma Phone Sellwood 286. or address Star a. " -wacnina co. Portland, or. ' DRILLj.NO wells a specialty; price reia- -i, . .r n main im or writ It ww -ran, Mornaon at. SUPPLY your homa with water.. Orn, !; aaaaAll 9 aaal T I - 1 B) ft At A t- asp V aa ar ii in 1 miner, 19$ otn. M. aaln. WALL PAPER AND TINTING M'CLINTOCK A GROOCOCK, Inc., 111 n. Aiain - i. iinting, painting. o.i ,jij-ir. irninm. mis anri varnienea. WHOLESALE JOBBERS XVERDING A KARRKLL, produce and , mercnanta its tTOnt SU rwuano, jw rnone aiain 17S. . A. GUNst A co: DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS '7 v-v., wiiuiiHii arocara, I i ! r ' "na cons roasters, 4ttt aanti K'WLK mxm. MORGAN WAtL PAPKrt CO, 4l M a.i... w-fr, rasimon an-? Main. : ALLFN ',KVlS if W ri.rl. '' 3 WOOD FINISHING FOR first class work ckll Anderson; Us ja7 m .1" U..il:ar8 experience 494 E. Burnalde, B-2862. 1 WRECKING WE buy. sell . and wrawir nM k..iijii.. International , Building A Wrecking uun.pn.ny, sui-ii tn Bt. Marshall 1814 TRANSPORTATION COOS BAY L.IINE STEAMER BREAKWATER Sail from Alnaworth dnek. Pnrtlanil ?r-.l?-'.?un!f l0J 28. J5. 0. July 6, 10. 15, 20. 25. 20. and every 6 dava. Fralirht received at Alnaworth dock dally up to b t, in, rua.mi.r tare iirai class, siu; second class, $7, Including meals and berth. Ticket office Alnaworth dock. Phones Main 268. Main 170, A-1284. S. S. GOLDEN FOB TJXIUMOOX. BAT CITT AJTO ,. - v- OAXBAlOOX. . . i Loaves Washington st dock every 6 days, rxziOKT in wABSxaraxmn . Phon Main 619. A-2466 for Information, - MEETING NOTICES ' 4t . F. B, Portland lodsa No. 109 . meets Wed. nights. K. P, hall, 11th Aider. GATE UCETINO KOTICE3 ; , i HAWTHORNE LQTGE. i in. a. r. . dm m x oommuninaiiuii aiunuir (Uy7rirk and Yamhill sis, for thy purpoae of attending fh .. . ffrvlcos Of our lat tner. rnoa, m Murnny. oervicea to iiariu r.Kmi c,.,a r uuw'm, v.w n. in. mmiinvra aiiu Tianun m uiim to attend. C. E. MILLER, nee CJKOftOE, A6tllNOTOh! township 1 South, rang 1 aat 21,184 1m CAMP. NO. Ill, w. nr .mu,. o a , Tnaua , nlgt w. b, W. tomplo, 1 AT " VI fM I I in L- v i.iiui , waiuviwa, Mambers requested to at lend. O. L VOKTH. C. a , A. L. BAKER. Clerk. ;' aiisja air PORTLAND STAR HOMESTEAD NO, a a, -e w ar . a, - - -- - - - a A3 1 UCgi 41. . B. A. Y, meet vry Thuraday j.,, a, in,; , em U Nelt enlng In Rlngler o Danolna ,Ai,-fl3f ! !. loJ. block 7. Vernon . . . mer Id and Morrison. - Visitors wol- - Tr. Co.. to Clarnc M. van comer AAtna TETTA HAINES, k, siara. . 1,1 " a. All VaAIMM and Pine, this evening. . All J"1' Phone K-49ZI. ' rnrraipinoani, Hllda TOB- to L, B, Thompson, PORTLAND Star Homoatead No. 41. ?. Dnooln Part ad- Hrotherhood of Amsrlcanf Tomett. will vdd IsYaVa 'co' ' to' 'Bertha' If hold their memorial aervloea at Cent.n- f J,,,'.(llJ n ;a t. bTock 11 irif Methodist church, corner East Ith yr?: J0.'," ,na 100 IVAN HOE lodge. . No. 1. Knights of Pythlaa, meets v Tues day night Caatl hall, 11th and Aldr ala ' I . , , U. M. LANCE, X R. S. -.- ANCHOR COUNCIL. No. 141. K. L. of 8 will ntrtain Tuesday evening. Juno Z0. 1111. at Eaglea' hall. Ith floor Mar- quam bldg. Carda. dancing and refresh menta. Carda at 1:10. Admlaston 16c. KTReTTTcoIINCIL No. 104. R and of H. whist and 600 tomorrow even- Ing, East Side W. O. W. hall. E. Ith and Alder.. Rafraahmanta and danelna. Admission 16o. - '.uoiwi, AibTW -.n L ' a. u t uq vi iu in. -in st m and dance next Friday evening at their hall In W. O W. Tempi. 128 Uth t Weinberger' orchestrs Admission I6o. M. W. A., ROSE cm CAMP Monday,' Ptt. A.. HWU Ul v 4 . a ITl WWMlM, flalllng-irirsch bldg Washington near 10th. Phon Clerk, Main 1114. A-III6. Bl'SINESS CARDS Wadding and vlairfn card anaraversl uua man uuuui a ua aui luuara and monogram sUtlonera. Waahlngton I vn.r.. r r V-V V-Ji,'...'mA'lJ bldg, -Washington at, bet Ird and 4th. V1luriaP K,Vnrl!,u.b?"3 ? , r.t,L-nA - f.- --1' -t 'it-. i.1 M- 'A. Henry, lota I .and 4. .- ii g-ir'a3 vi 1 1 m w t g n s gai g sal r rent all slaaa Unlaua ranorinr to. sd etarw st. ' CLARKE BROS.', florista, fins flowers ar.J floral design III Morrlsoa st : " 1 t BIRTHS MILLS To Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mills, .as iLisvtntn ' Piortn, . aiuns ; girt rMitiun-io nr. no airs, iteorg Proctor. Rosa Cltv San. Jun II: a ooy. , MORRIN TO Mr. and Mrs. Jamea H. Morrln, 174 Eat Df,vls street Junol lots ft and 24, block 4, Moun- 13; a boy. . s I tain Meadow addition 19 J SPEIER To Mr: and Mra Oertrud aTrusha OrnwlL t Arthur.. SDler. 756 U Alberta. Junaj 11: a airL LLYOD To Mr. and Mrs. Hnry Lloyd, 741 Overton' street Juno 1: boy. WAGNER To Mr. arid Mrs. Charles XUmmimr A -.-..-, mwrmw Tun. a boy. . WALLACE To Mr. and Mrs. William Wallace. 741 Overton street jun a bor. SMITH To Mr.' and Mrs. Joseph H. Smith, 742 Overton street, Juno 7: girl. PONDON To Mr. snd Mra Jamea W1- Ham Pondon, 743 Overton strt May 12; a girl. HEIMRICH To Mr. and Mrs. John Heimlich, 742 Overton street. May II; WILLTAMS To Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Williams, 742 Overton street May 21; GREEN To Mr. and Mra Ray a gin. Green, 742 Overton street, May 13 Ki!l.TXCi To Mr. and Mr, WlnnlflelJ Scott KellOsT. 741 Ovrion ttrML May iw; a ooy. . - - i DEATHS AND FUNERALS FIRTH I h this city, Juna IT. III. Al. loved grandchild of Mr. and Mr. Goorg 8. Thoma. aged I years. Funeral serv ices at above residence, Monday. Junol Dtna avenue, Anna Florence nryi. De is. z p. m. aoutn cnicago ana cmcagoi paper please copy. KEULY Th funeraTservlces omary Kelly will be held at the Cathedral. .T'Mo .iV" rrlenda' In! Jltd inM.rm??l RWar View omet.r :v.r-:M?"t-.R'r'r.i.iwAortT hchaue William bchaae, o. is. Ry. anoia nwa- sireei, wuiis as. e , fractured skull nv.uiww ..mi. NOlifi Brutle Knoua, Guild's Lak. Junetll. aaa 16: drowning. - KNO I T T l-W U.lllil. ill.n til 1 t.V. mwWMw Auunii. 4mww.jbw . V-1 , , . v . . i. mwwwf Jun 16, age 71, senility, BOZARTH Mrs. Louisa Boaarth, III Monroe street Jun 16, ago 84; homor rha re. CARTER Samuel H. Carter,' 117 Rus- sell street Jun 14 , age 47; indlge- tion. - MATSUA Kenlchl Mat sua, Vancouver, Wash, Jun 15, age 21; meningitis. WHITE Leaner S. White, Good Samar itan hospital, Jun 16. ag 21: appen dicitis. . BERGMAN isaao Bergman.' Astoria, Jl.t , una aas l Mmwm.mw ALMY 'Martha Almy, 825 East Morrl- un, juna ii ii, vuv.uva wi na,. i DIOCK IS. KSSC-CrOStOn ...... PEARSON Albert Vllllam Pearon, Moor Invst"nt company to 1680 East Clackamas, Jun 16. ago lllRoVa HoltxaTlot II, 17. block HARTEN8TEIN Louis Hartensteln. Align anu mawii, n"r h S" VREDENBURO Gertrudo Ma Vreden : bur a. St Johns. Jun 17. ago II: puer peral eclunifsla. ' ",..' SHEARD William Sheard. I. O. O. F. Home, Juno 16, ag sv; mnupugia. HANNA Clara v Franols Hanna. 1441 Grand avenue. Jun 16,- ag 21; pul monary tuberculosis. MAX, M. SMITH,-Iionst. io Btn st, opp. Meier rranx-s. stain tub. - I I III I I a FUNERAL DIRECTORS "I ii-CA Undrtakr Laua Kstato company to Louis E. D inn nff & Mchntee ,bmS. JJI, Raucn at at. lot n. block 7. every detail 7th and. Pin. Main 410, A-4588. Lady assistant - ' '- i tS . h' i '.. o ' o , j. n rmiey a oon Third and Madison. ' Lady attendant Main 8. A-1691 riTDPU Undertaker; lady assistant LLIIUI I B-1881. E-711. E. 6th-Alder, t" D IPQflM ? Undertaking Co, Main UllUOUii 6188. A-2Z8F. Lady gss't EAST SIDE funerei directors, suco- sor tF, S. Dunning. Inc. B.ll. B-1626 EDWARD. HOLMAN, undertaker, 120 Bit St. uaoy aswiwtnnt. wain KELLER-BYRNES CO, 694 Williams . av. ? nnrn nnnnea; innv aaaisiTant. H?M8tOC.1687 E. h. Sellwooa , w " . . - CL.ASS1TIED AD KATEw IN Effect April 16, 1111. ALL PREVIOUS RATES CANCELED. v Dally or. Sunday. ? ' - i a time, eu vs. - -"' 2 conaecutfv Umas, 7o pr lino pgr In- 1 . I . M.w . 1 . II r-rt - 1 op mom conificutlve tlmi. e tr lint . pr.lnsrUon.or 7 1nrtibna for prlo cf . , ... - ; , v- mZa -V-.,. Vi Th above rates aonly to "New To-1 AmimA a11tW olaaalf lea tlona llnant. ir.m it.. fillvwln- H'aitii.HAn. W.ntaii I To rnt oa Runted to Rent" ads. ' i' t in men ciayaauj.wa.Mvus 80 nerisns per insertion. s i Thfe insertions for th prlo of two, Seven insertion tor the price 01. lire. 1 No ad taken for is than 16o. WFSlfe consjcuUvr tlm, I. f er lln, por Jn. Th above rat anoly to Taw To- day," and all othar cVtssiflcations - i ? et al. lot, 12. block 16 cooks Ad- i, -ceDt the followinc: "Situation Wanted.) dltlon to Alblna ; 111 - To Rent and Wn!d to Rent" ads, IHIbernla Saving Bank to Michael The rata in these cUsalflcatlona Is Joj Blumer et ai, lots II. .If. .-block por Hue pr InaerMon. l 2. Brockton , -j 0O fio aa cnargea 10? leas tnan two tin, 1 15a- REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS No. CFTtTIFICATFS A till msde by th 41 I Aiti m -iruat company, uwu Bldg. v. i am inq t'a. th Uwjrr LAb;tr, .f J.I" ACotfViul fq. L. HOP 000. I Board of Trade bldg. Pro - Tf 0 ,na Ti Co ,0 Herbert Gor- i ion, lot 4. block 41, Roasmere lit Margaret r. iteliy to l nomas u. f'arrell, land In Alfred Llewe-1 yn I). L. C. In aectlon It, tAitioicomo rteaity i d, to fi. Al. a a 1 I v King, lot It, block 47. Irvinston ill rars . , . 1 1 . I Rose Cltv Park Aaaoclatlon to W. J. Dunlsp. Jr.. lot II, block 1 110 Bos City Ptrk Chris poatvdt and'wlf to F. I. , MlUiheltrea, Jot I, block 1. u roc a ion Magulro, lot 1, block II, Roas- mer 1,61 I 'IIIIU .. J Lester Kelly and wife to Security Saving A Tntst company, 14 ' aerea In Llewellvn D. L. C... 14.111 toeneser cook to ueorge iiornoy lota I and 4. block 1. Bralnard Traet and lota II and II. block I, pittengers addition A. Llppman and wlf to B. Cohen . Eaat 41 feet of lot 6. block 19. Carutherr addition to Caruth- r' addition Otorg A. Haskell and wif to 3. - I . A. Fa snrenDacner, iocs, oioca I I. Laurel wood Park . ... Taylor Inveetment Co.. to Emma Newman, lot 14, block I, Laurel. T0?4 AnB.M. it,"lt",i' Frank Jan lech and wlrt to. I Ooorga Molohsr. east H or lot I na i, pioca , ni Jorth Irv- I lDston 1.106 I v I wi'aV 'Li ' IX vriii' tV "Lickitt. lot 4. block l. Irv. I - fngton , ..V;... .. vi.- T.I6I I liana O. - S. Yon Homyr dnd . - wlf. to Herman Enke. lota 1 and J, block 17, KIberta i Portland Cremation aaaoclatlon to' Dr. 0. M. Smith. Nlchas and . tier 6, section "D" Ros i Chamber Oliver R. Downs and wlf to John K, Comett t al, lot 14. block I, Point Vlw addition to 4.210 16 Bt. jonns l....... ............ I L I l . tt . .JJIU Augusta Russell snd husband to . irraiixla Jt , Wilson, block 71. Woodstock 11,101 J. k, windi and wire to eroitn Wagoner Go, 10x10 feet . In block 111.- Eaat Portland l.lll Hurelhurat Co. to . V. Kaepar, nt KlivnV C tanMlhnnt 1.600 ai ah. laoor viua annex... . 4,0)0 Thomas L. Young to Alien M. McDonald, lota 11 and la, - block , Brases street addition Northwtrn Real Estate com 1.00 pany to John Henry Jamea, I Hanaen et ml Jot 1. block 4,' C M Biggs' addition ;-'" a R. O. Brand and wlf to O, Evl I ert Baker, trustee, iota II snd F. I ' 6 block 1. WfIk,T.! Mii0.n A I fASBianad tA MTL M. C Ful- . I"" l,X0i Eiisatmn c. uogu ana Bop." 4; I ? .nni n. sirauwim, io block !,.8prsguo's addition... I J. DarrarhN to C. N. Plerc. lot II, block if. vornon ......... i.ooj 1" ; . - -T-' - - Henry L. Stratton to W, A. car- , . 1 . . LI..I, A tl.to T ' Saniar. iua, a. uiwa V, aaaj.vu ai. tratton's addition v B. W. Holllstsr and wlf to'J. D. Darragh. lot 1 to 10, block 1. Stanley 400 R, O. Brand and wlf to W. J. Peddlcord, lot 11. 11. 14. 16. in, ii, gz' sna II, mock L waixer s aaaition ill W.jH - A. Smith and wlf to Honry Weeka lot 17. block 4. Se- al1.u AJ1II? wivAir suaiuvn 1.10 I Alnr Campbell ncJ-wtf to J. P. ZtrnaiebeL lota 1 and 1. block 16. Sellwood Alice Walker and husband to William Walker, lots II to 20, r t- ! - . Jl.l til Ross City Park association to ' Rang Sylvester, lot i. diock. 121. and lot 14. block 117. ' Bj?o City Park .; .... T. E- Kdth and wlf tp John B. - Ness, north half f lota II 1.401 "."' ,7 .V V 8aS'cW"..?na x7U,t.JfL Ji j v!!:L a Mount Tabor Cn- I . h loc - .N mohm . yaoor ton- v H- Henry tV V il'Km f. north " ock 4. Rocheno ......... . . . III I pyed Countryman to Lola L. Countryman, lota I and t, block i - a. wentrai Aioina ..a..,,,,.... Bam to Jennie McKlnler, west 16 I e. . in 1 kww 1S rm,t' 4.101 I . . V . ' Aioina ........ I.60I X. C Reltsma and wlf to Roana T, smauwood. lots T ana . IDIwa avauaea araaiia. ,...,,.. John Zahler to Fred Buhlr, lota 1,101 4Z and 41. D10CK .7, LOO BOW t- Hill.- Ir.ra aooiuun im.. m W. GJ Kerns to Addlo E. Kerns. no una h or goutnwost or northwest U and west H of outhweat H and southeast M or southwest of section 25, township 8, north rang I west r..... M. H. Towor and wlf to Phil- . omen E. Maiden, lot It, 11 1.0IJ 1,109 1,306 Alfred Blcknell' and wlf toPter I RSSmUSSfn t at WOSt V4 Of lot 8, 4 and north 21 H of west -4 of lot. I, block 42, Sunnysfdo - C E. Johnson and wlf to Her man 43. Nicholson. lot 16, 17, 4,006 1.60J a.E. Ming ot al to W. R. Torn!- oioca av, erainaro ' ayaaasaga wv ,v vt 4 villi- son. Jot 17. II, blockl, Kfl mor 1.000 8.S0O 1 . Bfc opncer ana whs to Aimn 1 oniyn, iv as. diock-a, ririana I Ttaa. TIF AT11 a aaa. - al A WVa.Aa Vt....lM nn ww . boani; IV nwr irurvis undivided 1 half of northweat 1 quarter of section 20, township l norin, rang ai aasi .......... f 9ft 980 Eastmorland . ......... MWa?- H,C4rk na.uf ?.4 I Michael Martin ot al, lot 1, block 7. Pleasant Home addition . . ; l.nnn Vieorge xasweii. aaministrator, to . 8. A. Hlmovsky et al, lot 4. and, south 12 H feet of lot 3, block 68, Caruthers addition to Ca- ruinsra .......... . ....... , Western Oregon Trust company to u Ro-ura m. warvey, lot it, oioca j - lh (ihSI! rS W rh iVa' ti ': aW.'i ' C'-gg". SVwork It Park" 119 addition to-Alblna 600 H. W. i Miller and wlf to Hans 1 , Therkelsen., lota '18, 19, block 1, t i erraca rani .-...'-....,.,....- 800 J. t ' i mAn1 , rnntk W. B. Donahue snd wife to J. A. I'VMM assa . . vuv view, itifc ,- iiwi rvinuii., aiBvva H. A. Smith to C. L. Dltsch, lot 22. i - m ..... l . . . t hiiu,). ii ar.HM, . a a.. block 1, Sewlckly . 8,100 Western Oregon Trust company to , D. T. Lloyd, wst half of lot 1 . and west 42 feet of south 16 2-2 - fest of lot I. block t. Hawthorn ' I irrrace Portland Trust company to Cath. xerrsc 112 nrT B ilMmll4'i I Nlls W. Jacobsn, northweat m quarter or soutnwest quarter ot n,n.kin . f ...k I S'""r . ...,!'",l' t v;F"u . f"' l tailwlwanil addition '.' tiaa 7-7." .ii-a v.v " i?5'iV; n?-"2 is . y " - . r Patrlt lAia.j . a a'. '. a. a- a t a a a A flat In ffi MTSowitt'1 ...mi. Paul RoethHaberger to Mike Ruck. roniana i rust company w y. w. Priest lot 11, block 7. Merlow.. too 471 01 100 701 ot tooo 1.IM 111 til III TOO 460 M