The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 18, 1911, Page 27, Image 27

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Beautifully Furnished - House
; ,-.. --,i.-:--por Sale- ' V
' J.' 11 rooms, all newly furnished ;
, . with blrdaeye maple, solid oak,,
, liri bri beds, beautiful ruia.
. 'tin fact,- this plura la furnlahed ' .
i , complete and 1a right In the heart
. of 'Nob HIH." an Ideal place for
,, . room ere. Tfia rent la but ((6 .
with rood leaaa.
; ." This furniture can b bought for , .
i . 11450. of which 70 can be paid .
at $40 per month. Rooma all full v;
i at present ,.
: Call Marshall 1456-
W ' " lt V-NOTON ( room f urnlahed
- home, sleeping porch, den, Dutch
kitchen, hard wood floor.. basement
attlo, . wall furnished, piano ate.,- on
carltoe. I minute from, heart of city,
will rent for 2 montha. Call at Sit E.
18th N. for partlculare. Irvlngto- car.
COMPLETELY furnished ( room bouas,
large grounds, oloae In;, piano, eta.
rent for rear or longer, fto montn;
(62.(0 month paid on board by two la-
dlea: Inveatlrate. Phona K. 4444.
I will
Laurel Cottage
NflUhortr Or. t
give a long
leaaa to
Wan I ad -X good home and kind treat
mni mora then a large price ior my
Det family mare, beauty: aha la ft year a
tnaioio. renaterea ana auunaara-urea: i mvi
right parties and will aell. them thelher papers; aha cost ma leaa than two
furniture, which la new. at a reaaonable rr at Madlaon Square Garden.
fla-ura: evarvthlnr modern and Bw y xora, avv ana xa worm inn lie
painted; good barn.- chicken yard and ha.haa beio a trial la 1:1
ln nt-iia in h. mt awn aa. J which la no limit of her eoeed: aha '
- -ZZi (.,..,. ... wu. tnr I aten a half atralrht away yery oloaa to
rentlnr la 1 have a atocked farm which 4 M road mare aha haa f ew
require, our attention. Will K. Purdy I equai. arut no superiors, aa ana win
Co. Newherr Or road naturally 10 to IS mllea per hour
UMV.NiIi n uAiW-W,. ..h. K.w. ?",,Va "rf:
- port, Or. Board and rooma ,
She la abaolutely foar-
leaa of all city eighta and noises, day
i,.m.,,i,Uvw - . v, wll , IM, mini; fwsignt aoout iui
. Or.- I nnnnrfa- lo. Aava ferial llnvail Ia re.
f New nicely furnlahed light I sponsible partlea; price (200; can be eeen
tlng rooma In beat realdenee by calling at ftOS Aider at. Mr a. HlU'a
EIGHT room furnished, houi
alrable location for leaaa
tenant for one or mora years at 140 per
month, Including piano. Rehfleld L
renee. til Rwetland Bldg.
BEAUTIFUL new 8 room urn I ahTl
hnuu at Rain fit Park! no children
en be leaaed for a number f moo the
if bond la furnlahed. or .for sale, AO
drees P. O. box 101 7. etatlon A.
lO RENT for 1 months. I room mod'
em bungalow; furnlahed, aleotrlo
Ilghta, phone, piano; ! blocka to -ear,
L. O. Hushes. 171 Waahlngton at.
40. NEW clean modern 7 room house.
new furniture, allyer and linen., fur
nace. On Ilawthome earllna. . Fbone
Tabor 1170.- "
kXCKPTlONALLY wail furnlahed Irr-
ington nouae, witn piano ana garage,
montnato aauita. Aoareaa giving rei
rencea. w-7I, journal,
PRIVATE home, f rooma, nloely fur.
mahed; rood location, raaaonaDie; rer
208 16th st, Near Taylor;
Theee elegant I room unfurnished
apartmenta which' are now completed,
are aituated in the heart or tne city,
within 10 mlnutae walk of the bualneaa
They Include large, light recaption
halla. built-in bookcaaea and buff el a,
automatic electric elevator and dumb
wattara, dfaappearlng be da, private Pa
cific telebhonea. large Ddrchea and
cloaeta. . .
Reaervatlnna may be made frora wn
er on premleee or by phono. Main
47IS, A-II4S.
Park Apartments
Park ' anal Bartiaon ata. '
Beautiful 1 and 4 room furnlahed
housekeeping apartmenta. every modern
convenience, waikina diatanee. arooa car
eervloe. Pa rent a will find thle an Ideal
place for a child to be out In the cool
park. Summer ratea 141 and 180. Tele.
phone Marahall 1070.
Well furnished 4 room anartment. ISO.
alao 4 room unfurnlahed anartment. 140.
modern in en til Dm en L tin to date In
aerviee. ifz tn. Main iksi.
The Chesterfield
Cor. !0th and Kearney.
New and beautifully furnlahed and
unrumianed aonrtmenta or three rooma
ana oatn. verr aeatranie location.
Rente exceptionally reaaonable. Call
personally or phone Ham i8l. or Meier
Frank'e rental department
ORDERLEIQH ante., cor. Grand av. and
ijaei HtarK at. New. n reproof bncK
building, beautifully furnlahed. two and
three room aoartmenta. nrlvate bath.
free phone, hot and cold water. Ice box.
no car rare. Bummer ratea. Eaat loo.
t room apartmenta with nrlvate hatha.
gaa rangea and phones, rents for Bum
mer montna in to iiT.eo. iniona Kaat
HARRISON COURT. 104 Ith Two and
three room unrurnianec apartmenta.
all modern eonvenlenoea: moat reason
able In the city. Main B148. AT18.
MAHR apartmenta. elegantly furnlahed.
eomforta of home, nrlvata nhonea and
bathe, elevator, private plaaround for
children. 128 N. 10th at. Marahall 101.
THB LILLIAN. 6th and Montgomery
ata. Nicely furnished Basement, rooma
and apartmenta: new bulldlag. an out
side, with view: low rental.
1 three room furnished apartment, pri
vate bath, steam heat. 126.00. SOS Stan-
On at. KA8t ions. . ;
NORDICA apartmenta. cor. Belmont and
Grand ave. 1 and I room furnlahed.
apt'a.; free light, heat, bath, phone.
THE DAYTON Swell location, fine large
: S-room apartment.porchea. every con
venience., reasonapio rent, ess nanaera.
NICELY furnlahed modern apartmenta.
concrete Md. UBZft union ava. N.
woodlawn 1179. -
THE Camar, 704 Lovejoy, furnished
( home I i 1 p v. .
t l"" i- . . ' ."".. I ae care or her in any place; ana i
housekeeping tenia. Mountain water, m Ki.tif,.i .h.rr A. .iih
section: electric llahta and city water: I mare.
also new furnished tents. , Oodfreyl tiff will purchase pleasure outfit.
ClNH'acra wllh .story ami half" houae. at ! H"?? i.cJ! 'A "
Wlrh'B aTaiaWlpr nafeatP. C , HrMM TinSl I "wv i amu a ei asv . - inivsja aa-a -
flahlng; move right In. Price 11000. Ap- t?n?ul" 'ub-b,!-tJr,A0tf"
nl 14a Tth ati wbbx, mi vuuu waa vwneu y
LV . , ' -i.'L. ,i A, 'I Wlggln. who baa accepted a poeltlon
FOR SALW At Seaalda, Or.. 4-room wltt, a packing house in the east and
furnlshsd pottage. ; 70. Ph?na Main wl,ha. to diapoae of It; trial by calling;
" - . i ana m ifiaar as i raai . . n . - . -
&ALJff "6R" ECHANflE Modern . home I MARE8I MARKS! I AND ( YEARS.
In Seaalda, v furnlahed; bargain . . ir V Ranch or farm team, f US will pur-
taken at once. P. O. box o, roniana. icnasa this elegant pair ct
400 BABY chicks for sale. B. Rocks,
White Rock a and Brown Leghorns,
redely now. Alao S00 White Leghorna
ready neat Thursday. K. M. Oay, 42S4
42d ave., 8. E. W-W car.
I 1(HaT of 'dairy cowa and one bu
wholeaala , poultry and produce
bualneaa In Washington or Oregon.
"wV ll g All K a
TK Yeon Bldg.
teated. Price 14S per head If taken WJB BUY CLOTMMQ AND BVaiRY
at onca Bruce Commlaalon Co, Union I THINO. -
tockyarda. Phono woodlawn Jtoo
Realdenee phone Woodlawn 1700. '
FOR SALE 1-year-old bene, also chirk e
from to 10 weeke old. Take Mt
flrott car, get off at Raybura avenue;
nioraa norm.
Rlaheet arise naid fee man's an-f
ladles' eastorf clothing and aboea, Mai
1010. ItO let ' -
WK build concrete' walka. steps, foun
datlons. fountalna. rarer a. Our prices
are reaaonable and all work auarantaed.
ii V'tim -t I Portland Nldewalk Construction Co.J, 111
l 111 M.I" 1 I TCjIlFt naai Aff tlnthlna -nA atinaa ara
at lit I IQ ava. I anrth . liim.l).l.. , kaat
price) we alao buy hotiaebold good a.
DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 4 ri-tu roll iop d.ak and
Second Hand Cars
8TKARN8 !. 7 paae.. 4 eyt. -
h. . fully enulnned. fine con- '
' dition .....moo
CIIALMER! 1110, SO I paaa, St
GOOD freah milk cow
or phone Tebor 14
FOR SALE Freeh x
Honth Lenta,
Wall- bred
1MLL oottare or rent ai Seaalda. Ap- of Lfmbart etock at about 1J80
ply S4S N. Itth.
THB Drew ball for rest, any sight to
tne wees, if i ia ex
LA MOM plane,1 01T8. an Front
between Mala and Madison; Just
ftke place for machine, blacksmith,
boilst abop or Mad store.
pounds, full sisters, extra, fast . walk'
era, grand drivers and good sure work-
era .together with a new set or heavy
breachtna harness. . Thla team muat be
eold aa the owner haa accepted a po
eltlon with the Oreat Northern railroad
and haa left them to be eold at tOI Ald
er etreet.
8100 will parchaae complete outfit
conelatlng of oung family horse.
Prince, are 8 yeara. welrht about 1016
with nice long tail and mane, perfectly
fearleaa and gentle for a lady te rida
and drive under any and all clrcum
etanoea: alao new barneea and elerant
9en rubber-tired buggy, latest patent,
hla Is an opportunity in a lifetime to
get a valuable outfit for email consider
FOR f SALE Thoroughbred French I vid " ' " "
poodle puppies, six weeka old, little I a,AA'ra rrrr i- i ' 1 1 j
beauties; also aome fine Columbian I TOOLS Hlgheat prices paid for second
Rock and Houdan hens, priie wlnnera.1. hand .farmers', meohsnlce'. lofgere
One Nflne mala Alack lava and ninaMooie. -Lvin Hardware yo,, hi yront
large heavy hene reaaonable. Take IBB WISE; get u.ore for your aecond
uiaaaero or ureanam cars to uiioen
station. See my elgn. H. Miles, Lenta,
Or. Route S. Phone Lents B-f 111. No.
i'OR SALE Bostoa terrlere, reglatered
" malee. brood bltchee and nupplea. Bert
C and Belmar at stud. . Stuart'a Ken-
118,1017 B. 14th at. N., cor Alberta st,
hand farnftnra by selllnr It to Ford
Aucttcj Co.. Ill let Msln
hXH SALE CanarieeT
large dreeeer, IS. 10;
$1; cagea too;
SOS Koselawn
terrier pup.
Tabor ,
" "to atlon. Bold for no fault, only the owner
m lAci- 1" leaving the city to raalda elsewhere,
vie Trial allowed. SOS Alder atreet.
STORE for rent) central locatloi
you ara looking for a bualneaa
Corbatt Bldg. M harueaa, and 8 yeara. extra good pul-
UrUgglStS, ' L00KI
lera, warranted to have good wind and
good eyes and to be clever and reliable
Storeroom, cheap rent fine location la iiAwlnr la days' trial. 10ft Aider at
for drug atore. 801 K. Alberta st, cor. Ranch outfit 1125 will purchase pair
ittn. rnone w lawn looa or jnaia fie, noraea. welrht iz.o Pounds: kind ana
uit.v ,r . tkraa aim brick. lOvlae. I clovert very blockv built: fat and hand
plate glass front 14th and Marahall. 1 aome; new aet heavy breaching harneaa
suitable for Hrht lobbing, manufactar- and new farm wagon. 8 inch tire; out
ing or retail: divide epaoe to eult tea- fit belongs to the well
ant or tenante: long leaae. a. i. iong.
ontat. lorn
Madlaon at bridge. I. Simon
I44-2E0 Front1 at, long lease, n
at arm.
fit belonra to the welt known Colonel
Hamilton who purchased It for his son
Frank who haa alnce died and the outfit
Is for aala to cloae-the estate, at about
Ita actual value; left to be sold at
SOS Alder atreet. P. 8. This team would
suit for orchard wcrk.
FOrt. ' RENT 100x100 feet loot apace, P"3"?"'!
kuflL .,int am. anA.I appointed administrator and will aeii
m.tle aprlnklert loV lAsu"rancfc Oliver J W?"80. blow, loni
Clillked Plow Worka. E. let and Taylor. " head of driving and work horses. 8
JNT-aenera, .tor. IUe W ao-u.'ugrn'. . .f
.musical ixsTRuanarrs S4
ijai.aaijaaaii a. .. ...a. ..a
FOR SALE Planoe leaving city and
must sacrifice beautiful new, high
grade, I100J player piano,' with hand
aome cabinet and bench. Will aell at
nearly half or atore with responsible
party wnere can sell later, some term a.
C-711, Journal.
AM anxloua to eacrlflne a good upright
olano. perfect condition. 8180. Call
day or evening. Alwaya home, 911 8th
I at., Between Mam ana Bsimon bib.
n. p , rimy etuippea ..........
trrrfrira Itna 1 nua. full
equipped, good tmy 2000
UAVWVt.fl eL. I iaa. foe
quick aaie , - 418
REO I cyl- 8 rasa., top 400
CADIT.T.AC 1 lot. 8 Bass.. 80 K.
p.. four equipped, repainted .. mot
VtCKi erl " I pasa fully
BCICK f tjl, I pasa fully
pncRclE-i fi'o! ' i VVil" '' 'i 'bI! 'i
pees., A-I oordltlon , 8000
UICK Modal 10. 4 cyL runabout
The owners or tneee ears nave
WOULD aacrlflce my mahosany piano.
exceptional bargain. Leaving city, -so
tmiT tvfl fnnv niDtf miwi . iMTi I Wwt rirK,
8 AST IRON, BRICK, 400,000 OUT OF k COULTER 8 W Labbe bldg., vlollna,
LDS, WORTMAN, KINO BUILDING, mualcal Instrumante made and reav
IVLFlZrV VKCK&R plaao. almost new. 4S. til
HA 8 BEEN US ED ONCE FOR CRIRj awl' ancV outfit for aale
RING. ALL.. FOR Ukl.VR AT LOWESf I ?2 . T"?P n4. ut?U Ior
LOT of household goods. Iron
springs, mattreeaes. gaa range, steel
range, extenalon table,' chairs, treasure, j
lady'a desk, bath tub. tent 10 feet
counter, amail ewek atova for launary,
8 arm chairs, lsrge 8 burnsr gaa range.
ill unic
P. 888 Dlvlalon street
REGULAR $28 Ulklng machine, 8. S8u
Aider st. -
Phone Eaat to the hlgheat bidder, tale to take place
I at 484 ' East Btark at, Monday, IB
ner E. 11th and Marion. For further IZri. . , J
Information call at thla addre.a. I V t.' k. " L . ' ' " '
TWO nloe etora rooma, new building j mentioned will be aeld. without reeerve
on Russell at Lease
100x100 basement Hrht
storage or manafactuiing. Phone A-
148. I Hawthorne Avenue Stables sell on
tE8l room In new office building; commission horses and moles or all
telephone office attendant
fnone atarsnau zar.
st. Monday.
and airy, rori"1-. 'nrp, nin or wnine.
THE MURPHY Horae ac Mule Co!, and
arvicea. I claaaea alngly or car load lots: also bug'
gles, wagona and harneaa. The only
c,FQI. 1 . p-n-- atricuy commission' earn in tne city:
Exchange bldg.: both telephone..
Railway Exchange bldg.
FOR RENT Store eultable for
line, 188 Morrison
Morrison st
8 d. m. Private sales every day. 410
Hawthorne avenue. Phonea Eaat 71; B-
at Call at " fewiNG1 to removal or
our bualriAM
lata tt TaKh Taaaeaa DlAaa AAtnnanv'fl
OFFICE 16x10, 2d floor, facing th. building' on East Morrison st, we will
SIS. Dr. Hedluna. N. w. corner etn offer a reduction in prioa for the next
and Oak.
atore truck. Ill Union ave.
LEAVING eity, impoaalble to ahip my
piano; muat aelL for what I can get;
clear receipt given and no reaaonable
offer refused; piano la a new fine
toned Instrument Address B-T28. Jour
NEW and aecond Dana Puol and billiard
tablea bought and sold on easy terme;
bowling alleye, refrigerator, for Imme
diate delivery. Addreea tne Brunswick-
BalkcCollondsr Co.. 41 8th st
SEWING machine, new drop head New
Home. The latest out; cheap; must
sell Mondsy; leaving the city. 142 E.
Salmon st, . Hawthorne ave. or Mt
Tabor car.
AS WB are about sold out 111 model a
and the 111 mod el a will arrive early
next month, we have for aala the fol
lowing aecond hand care: -Studebaker.
1810. T paaaenrer: 83000.
Marion. 40, roadater, price I27S0; our
price iitoo.
Pierce 'Racine. paaaenrer; 11800.
Reo, S passenger; 8400.
E. M. P.. 11L ( passenger: 8800.
Others too numerous to mention at
your own price for cash or will trade
for anything.
Twitchell Motor Car Co,
Union Ave. at Wasco St
Phone Eaet 822.
oltns la
FORCED SALE 11 h. p. gasol
28 feet long, cost 81200 2 years ago;
maka offer cash or real eatate. Lam
person, IS N. 8th st. A-7720. Main 8877.
SAKE8 Nsw and Id hand: low orioas:
eaay terme; eafee opened, repaired and
painted. Pur ell Safe Co. and Portland
Safe Co.. 88 8th st Main 880. A-4118.
FOR bargains In uaed care see our dis
play ad In auto section and then aee
8th and Madison St..
Portland, Oregon.
A 8 cylinder Franklyn automobile In
EXCEPTIONAL bargalne during Rose Sa C?An fv ' real tM.Wii
Festival. Remlnrlons 880. S. Pre- pPJtln1 or lc!nJ..r.eL .TP1-
mler. 127.80, Bllck'817.80. Northwest lZSJLZ'VJr'.SL
Typewriter Co.. 0 sth st I "
m , ' . i
Address J-720, Journal.
OFFICE furniture, solid oak flat too
...mwrX-?.M?k.,mo.",?,w MIL WHITE gas car. fully eauinoed. 4 nae
" "wew.uu u.u,., eva -,-,-- n.tach. Ma AAAin rriAa
10 dava on our stock at 170 Front at
NEW atore, Russell, cor. Kerby; food" Thanking the Pub"; for past reneroua
vaivuaav aa-Bu viivmii aa an saasj va. f vui
future business at the new atore, we
remain. Youra truly A. 8. JACOBS CO
By C. F, Clarlt, Manager.
for worklngmen'a trade; low rent.
WANTED 1000 rooma in hotels, room
t nw.t. knn... Aa MR.
vention deleratea- July 1 to 14: what wantki Toun. oounq team, oc-jx
hava you T J. H. Aitkin. 188 Wash, at I Kooerta eroa ia ana Morn
Marahall t A-SJ41 son Street.,
WANTED By July 1, a housekeeping
AABa HAt Aaa W 1 V jaBB WIAnT t Itl SB
a will, ill vtti e a at mm vis a i. Jri : 1 n I
n.ilet famllv: B blocka of -1st and Oak. auctiuxm juat raoeiveq car or aatarn
man ana wire. Mererence. lumianea.
724, Journal.
and Washington sts.
40-FOOT launch, fully equipped for
camping, a large, safe, comfortable
boat. Would consider part real estate
In exchnge. Phone Tabor 181.
COMPLETE elec. engineering course,
Scranton achool, bound volumes,
good aa new; will aell cheap for cash If
iaxen at once. M-7 11. journal.
8th and Madlaon St..
Main (81. Phone.. A-2214.
- ,m,m ail -a a i a 1 i iin aam a a H I 11 11 1 1 Waa a aaai -
(100 Spaed boat. 1 feat long torpedo Springs guaranteed,
ahape, first claaa condition; alao email nj n ,,,lJ tiraa 7 n
marina anrlna- will aall tnnlti.. I U11J SUIO tireo 70 Pj
marine engine; will aell together or
separate, fnonoTaoor ibbt arter p. m.
Oregon horses, weighing from 800 to
1200; soma extra good saddlers: some
'teadx W wy t tfffito fto
on:wl?hrnrdon..;Prut: Srlr 'Mn- 1,1 Uh "U
price. t-7a. joumai. lhAfin e.n U.. ' i. f..r
WANTED Soma vacant bouaea to rent tinm kLS... .! rubber tired bua-
List your vacant houses and nats i .m k.n,i .ii. Ana anrv
G,'r,: JSla - renl xor 7WU rnon" horse cheap at the Pennlnsula Lumbar
' i'' barn, Willamette uiva.,- west Anna
WANT To rent a houae on west side, street Take St. John car; will sell
In walklnr distance, either furnlahed 1 separately.
or unfurnished.. Want to leaaa tor St WR oaLE the famous stallion Sliver
Bell, 4 year, old. No. 6B5, by Jubllie
de Jamette, No. 1864, tired on Brook
Nook ranch, color dark bay, very gentle,
to be sold at a aacrlflce. Inquire w. C.
Green, 88 N. 8th.
FOR SALE Good team of horses with
nearly new express wagon. . Fine out
fit Everything In A-l order. Good op
portunity for the right party. Also a
short cot fuel dump, wagon. Must selL
768 Brooklyn.
I860 SMALL house, 2 corner lots, Mt
Scott car 'o 8th avenue, Lents, south
1 block, east 1 block; will take good
farm team or was on and harness first
payment. H. Y. Clarke.
FOR SALE One pair of extension lad
der, 86 feet; 1 pairs of S foot step
ladders, all nearly new. L. E. Ruland,
116 W. Mohair st, St. Johns.
ONE HUNDRED cords first class wood
for sale; san load on Oregon Electric
or southern pacific T. L Close, Tual
atin, ur.
11 N. 18th at
par lb. delivered. In
nar tubea 11c. We alto buy copper.
brass, aluminum and solid tlrea. J.
Leva. 186 Columbia. Main 818.
S PASSENGER auto 1800; thla la a sao
rlflce price; muat have money, ill
West Killlngsworth ave. Phone Wood
lawn 1714.
them wltk na for aale, they having pur
chased 11V Plerca-Arrow or 'Cadillac
eara our Hat or nred eare le can'
tinually changing. It will pay you
(O mvearirate. -
Main (470. A-4II7. flat and Waah. ata
1(11 WIIITB gaa car. fully equipped.
passenger, used very little. Cost
S21&0. Price SI475.
110 Ford touring car, fully equipped.
lias new, in.
10 Franklin tonrln car, 10 h. p.
first class- condition. 8480.
1008 Cadillac touring ear, fully
equipped, rine condition. &.
110 Flanders Suburban 4 paasenger,
if in.
110 Columbns electric. Ilka new. I47S.
loi 8tudehaker touring car, fine con
dltlon. coat 81700. Price 8878.
10( Garford 7 paaaenger, fully
squippeo, man.
Maxwell Jr.. fnllv eaulnned. 81S0.
jtlO Hudson roadster, fully equipped
10 Mitchell roadstef. 80 h, p.. ISS0
10 Reo tourlnr car. 8180.
10 Wlnton 8tx. fully equipped, (1478.
DOS Pope Hartford. 81800.
Wa have a Rambler touring ear and a
Reo touring ear to trade for Portland
real estate,
211 Everett
FLANDERS 20, aurray type, fully
equipped and brand new: coat (840.
our price, 1700 eaah.
(th and Madlaon Sta.
Portland, Oregon.
At the Auto Painting & Ex-
chance Co,, Union Ave and
Wa have three fine car. for aale:
good as new for less than half their
One S paaaenger Tourist.
One S passenger Rambler.
One 4 paaaenrer Pone Hartford runa-
nout. pnona. for particulars. Kaat 78.
STEVENS-DURTEA ( cyl.. Bosch -dual
system, demountable rims. ton. banker
wind shield; Just overhauled; 11750,
terms. 1
HOU8H. ,
Sth and Madison Sts.
Main (2. Phones. A-2114
OUR used car department we have
tna rouowing:
1 110 40 if. P. Bulck aurrey.
1 190 40 H. P. Rulck aurrey.
1 110 2R H. P. Bulck toy tonnaau.
1 110 2S H. P. Rulck runabout.
1 111 16 H. P. Bulck runabout.
1 111 80 H. P. Bulck runabout
1 Bulck delivery wae-on.
All of the above have extra equipment
ana are in rirst cias. mechanical conai
tion, guaranteed by ue.
1 Pope Hartford touring car.
1 Monitor truck.
Pacific Coast Distributors Bulck Auto
mobiles. 7th snd Couch sts.
IF you want to buy. aell or trade an
auto, ace Vance at Rulbnrt. 112 Front
Central Garage.
1(10 REO runabout rood aa new. In
outre 40 H. Main. city.
1500 6 paaaenger 4 cylinder car, like
new at 821 Eugene street
WANT 4 cylinder runabout.
estate, aome cash.
Some real
B-7J4. Journal.
TOURIST 1 cycle roadater, a. rood aa
Price 850.
MOVING picture theatre that you can PORTLAND AUTOMOBILE CLEARING
buy with HUle money down, or rent. HOUSE
Loing gooa ouBineaa. 404 ttotncnua 1 k ..a u.iiu. sua
bldg: Main 8(2. PhoneB. A-2214.
FOR SALE or rent movlnr picture
ahow building; good lively little town. STANDARD maae roadster, new,, fine
least a year. J-722. Journal.
WANTED To rent I or I room houae,
with or near garage; E. Aniteny or
Morrison bridge car line preferred. Eaat
WANTED 8 or 8 unfurnished rooms,
working man, (10 or 812; west aide
preferred. B-.724. journal.
WANTED Small auble with yard on
lease, house In connection preierrea
T-726. Journal.
or unfurnlahed apartmenta;
rates. Marshall zdzs.
FURNISHED apartmenta. 614 Jefferson
st. Main 84(2.
MODERN 5 room flat rent 827.60; one
room rented brings 15: west aide,
walking distance; part furniture for
aale. Phone week days Marshall 876.
MODERN upper flat, 6 large bright
rooms. East 2d ; and Clackamas; fine
location. ; C-1001. ........
FOR RENT Modern 6 room upper flat
Nice location. 16th and Everett. Num
ber- 629.
MODERN 4 room flat; well furnished;
fine yard; adults preferred.
C-imo. SB! Sacramento st.
MODERN 4 room flat, near 23d and
Washington ata. ,. Phone Mam 8988
or A-7 o z . . -
MODERN five room flat all eonvenl-
ence. 385 H Cook avenue, 818 month.
K 168.'
MODERN C room flat (IS per month.
88 WEEK Lovely cool room, first
floor, oloae In; email airy room, (1.S0.
292 10th.
w A NTun To leass 10 or more unfur
nlshed rooma, aultable . for rooming
house. D-724, journsr ;
WANTED Good location for buffet.
down town district W-7Z8, journal.
DOUBLE floored tant for rent cheap;
A NUMBER of first class horses and
mares, weight from 1200 to 1600 lbs.,
ages from 4 to 8 yeara; all horses guar
anteed. Williamson's Sale Stables, at
186 H Madison st, at Driareon west sine,
GOOD work mare, 1260 pounds, very
gentle stngle or double, 9 years old,
sound, (100 quick sale; Portland Heights
oar, ratton roaa, oiocka weat a. j
XJAm VI gvva frvia iiui anu u a. u.oa.
horaea weighing 2200, cheap pony and
saddle; alao buggy and harness.- 4(9 E.
gaimon at. ' ; y
Good road horse, harness and buggy
for sale chear. . Phone Woodlawn 676.
Mrs. cramp, tvi Aiuum ave.,
Btanton St. - .'. -
8 ROOM flat west side.' walking dls-
tance, all outslda jrooms, reasonable.
849 12th st. - ' . -. .
BKAUTIFULfIvo room flats. Just com-
pleted and ready for occupancy, , cor.
2th and E. Everett. . ,
FOR RENT Four room flat, (10. I.6
. mt w..r : WnrtiHaWH 1111
K jn muss i a uui juuiu imi, myvtr ma
' College st. . - , .' ' " '
NICELY furnished 4 room flat 4 rooma
. and bath; modern; porch and yard.
MV4 Kerby at, bet Russell and Knott
Itl. - ' - J , ':.; --.v
MODERN flat 6 rooma and. bath, com
pletely j furnished, very , reaaonable,
406 Ross.- Take I car. ' s
MODERN 4 .room flat, well burnished;
fine yard;- adults preferred. Phono,
C-1160.' 863 Sacramento st. ' '
FIVE room completely furnished,, gas,
1 bath, piano, sewing machine, phone,
.MODERN sised furnlshed flat for rent
746H Union . avenue north, corner
HORSffi welrhlnr 1000. rood 'worker, lit.
tie sore from atreet; price 820. Call
at Old Haxelwood Cream Co. barn, 11th
and Flanders.'1 - , ' ' ' ,
TEAM of horses weighing 1400 each;
-one is mtie sore rrom work on street;
will sell cheap. Call 11th and Flanders,
Old Haxlewood Cream Co. barn.
GOING away for the summer; must sell
family mare, age 11, about 1100 lbs.,
sound, very kind and gentle for lady
to ride or drive. 96 E. (Oth at, cor.
A FINE diamond ring nearly S karat
: stone, to . exchange for driving rig;
809 K. i sth at
WANTED Small . bunch . of teams . for
R. R. grading. ' Phone Main 9133, or
call room 10, 141 let st
refined . bay team, well matched. - S
yeara old, for aale at 27 North Second
street ASk ior ucvsnB
ARE weighing 1100. 8 years old, good
worker single or double: burcy and
harness, all in good condition; (76 for
entire outfit Call 101 11th st; trial
FOR SALE Family horse, rubber tired
bugry and harness, (100 takes the rig,
2876 68th at 8. E. end of Hawthorne
ave car, one block west and two south..
FINE gentle pony and new boy'a sad
die and bridle; aultable for children to
ride or drive. Phone Tabor 628 or call
129 E. 49th. near Hawthorne.
2 WAGONS; double harness ; brood mare,
1S50 lbs.: Plow, tent house, 14x20.
with board kitchen; cheap. J. Newton,
Linnton. . ' "
FOR SALE One pair of horses; weigh
v. a iltAA IV.- r.w.A mi MA . -,
SOVtl I 'd vw 1UD.I omiiu viic twiuiu Bvir
Call today. 8721 89th st Mt. Scott car,
Ksrn Park, 8 blocks north, 2 blocks east
NICE barn for rent (6 month. J. Wolf.
6421 Foster road.
good location, write or call H. W. Cade,
Houiton, or.
1 .. ... m m. V. (
high grade five i-asaenger car, new, ml
bargain; two other atandard make cars
In splendid condition, five passenger;
will take part cash paymenta or trade In
smaller cara. Phone Main 8. 471 Yam-
A FINE! diamond ring, nearly 2 kt
atone, will exchange for driving rig,
809 East 28th at W W car to Gladstone
tinn kl.h... -ia- .w... t..i I hill atreet.
frlce today; leaving Portland, muat FOR SALE One 1 passenger, fully
I. Apartment 408. 414 11th st. . equipped' Thomas 60 H. P.; (1600. 1
FOR SALE Several plecea household fu"" runabout solid tires; 60.
furniture. Good condition.
19th N. Take Alberta car.
971 E.
TEN drbp head sewing machines, com
plete attachments, at (10 each. Hurry.
White Agency, cor. 11th and Wash. sts.
Macantira, high wheel, solid tire; (600.
1 Premier. 6 paaaenger: (400. IS paa
senger. 2 cylinder Bulck; (600. Inquire
3? Everett st.
18 foot launch for sals cheap, 6 h. p.
F. w. Harris, 1271
gas engine, cheap.
wacaaam st.
UNDERWOOD. (80: Oliver. (60: Rem-
IF YOU are looking for bargains In an
automobile we have It; some slightly
used cars and aome new; all will be
sold at a bargain. For further Informa
tion and demonstration, call W. C
Green, 88 N. Oth at. Main 7022.
Co., 90 6th st
your chance: (500 buys a
1909 6 passenger car In good
HAVE 200 new double disc phono- running order; reason for selling, have
" .c "iJ . ii55a ri .Li I bought a' 7 passenger car. can morn-
less than wholeaala F-723. Journal.
WANTED From private party. (10,000
on property worth (80,000. Provident
Investment at Trustee Co.. 201-208 Board
of Trade.
LARGE bonus for loan of (600 for 2
years on 4-room hours and lot on
Mt. Scott Una; value (1200. 608 Yeon
WANTED S year., (to on 6 room
house with modern Improvements; lot
(0x100; located on 25th st. south; In
terest 7 per cent A-721. Journal.
(6600 on west side residence. Nob Hill
district value 814,000; principals only,
Address B-721. Journal.
((50 for one year, 8 per cent Interest
t i -
'-Vacation Loans
And the place to '
. get them. '
" (10 to (100.
At the lowest ratea.
Wa r mil Ira la that -vnn ttm em
ployed on anlary, and you gat the monry
quickly without mortgage, Indorser or
ether security.
; Call and see ua, .
po it now.
State Security Co.
808 Falling bfdr. -
We Loan Money . .'
- Any Amount Krm 310 Up
On furniture, planoa. storage receipt,
llveetock. i smonds and all other klnda
of personal - property; paymenta ar
ranged weekly er monthly to suit ymir
convenience. Courteous treatment to all;
private offices and all bualneaa strictly
confidential. .. -.
201-1 Rothchlld bldg.. 287 U Washlng-
ann atr
ton St., between 4th
th sta
If You Need Money ''.
It can easily be obtained on- furnltnra.
planoa, livestock or anr other personal
property. Htrlctly confidential. (
414 Ablngton bldav, on 3rd letwca Stark
and Waahlngton.
Women keenlnsr house) and other.
furnished without security, cheapest
ratea, easiest paymenta. Come and get
money when you want It, and pay aa
you can. Offlcee in ell principal cities,
D. H. Tolman: 117 Lumber Exchange,
Loan' You Money " T.
On your furniture, piano or real estate
Loweat rata of Interest Sea ma first
J. t. Nichols
618 Yeon Bid..
Lowest rates; loan, on any aeoura
ltr. chattel or real eatate. Union
Brokerage Co., 612 Ablngton bldg., 1061.
3d at -
(800 TO loan on real eatate. Call Main!
(60 TO (600 on real eatate or chattels.
r cnemoer or commerce. -
(20,000 to loan on Inside property, vrm
fer ona loan. Phone at oncat Eaat 2081;
((00 to loan at 7 per cent- Eastl05(T
Phone Sunday.
LOST Four bundles and two .cut glass
dishes taken by expreasman front'
Hanover apartmenta Wednesday. June 7,
Possibly delivered wronar party. - Re
ward offered for delivery to E. C. Hatch,
416 K. 16th at. N. -
LOST On Hawthorne ave. between 34th;
and 37th gold monogram watch fob:
Initials. "I B P." Reward If retume.1
to 1008 Hawthorne ave. Phone Taboc.
1093. - . . -
ANYONE having left a watch to be
repaired at the Laska Jewelry Co..
207 Washington st. must call for same
within 30 days. '. ;
LOST Girl's, locket and chain. Initials
F. L.. on Russell street between
Rodney and Union, or that vicinity; Re
tnrn to 866 Russell street; reward.
ONE brown paving horse, weight S&i
lbs.. "AV -on left shoulder. Phona
Tabor 644. R. Crowe, 633 Foater Road,,
Portland, Or. ' ... ....
LOST Sable and white collie dog. heavy
build, somewhat wooly coat. Reward;
Phone Main 2367. 701 Talbot road. -
L08T Rankbook belonging to Dr. Ash
Finder please return to 23214 N-
Reward. ' -
LOST Brlndle Boston Terrier. -. 1 white-
eye. Liberal rewara. mis. jusker.
Hotel Mlnook 4th and Salmon.
LOST Silk ribbon fob with Elks' locki
et engraved J. W. B.. return to HII-
verflelds. Reward.
diamond '
LOST Friday
. pin. Return
son, -care- A leaandra Qurt,-58 BHa st.
Return to Mrs. Anna p. Tbompa,
LOST Abstract Mt Scott property. I
oanigus. attorney,, tot commercial
block. Reward. . -.
LADIES: When delayed or Irregular use
Triumph Pills: - alwaya aepenaaoia,
"Relief free. Write National Mad. In
stitute, Mllwaokee, Wis.
MATRIMONIAL paper;, descriptions re
fined people with meana. s Paper
sealed, - 10c. Mrs. Bell. 1816 Magnolia
ave., Los Angeles, cai. . . ; - - -
OCCULT,' hew thought aclentlflo an
achool book, bought and sold. Bend
for free catalogue, Jones Book atore.
184 Oak st. Henry n ii r.
on two lot. and small house.
RESPONSIBLE party wants to borrow
(260 for 2 Years, good vacant proo-
erty security. W-727j Journal.
MORTGAGE (5000 on excellent Income
improved Portland property on street
car line. m-us. journal.
WANT to borrow 32000 to (8000 first
mortgage; business property; out of
city. 206 Rothchlld Bldg.
WANTED (1600 at 8 per cent good
realty security. iwz, journal.
(10 DROP-HEAD sewing machine with
all attachments. Call 883 E. Morrison
near Grand ave.
Inge. 848 Petty-grove.
STRICTLY first class Smith Premier
typewriter. No. 2. for 884: SS down.
(3 month. 360 Alder st.
(40 FOLDING bed. good aa new, 320.
Going east; will sell my Excelsior
two-speed and frae engine cheap for
cash. Call any time. 806 14th St., N,
1910 REO touring car, fully equipped,
motor 4 cylinder 80 U. p.; usea very
WHITE LEGHORNS, Calkins and Tan-
cred atrains, 810 aoxen. Miss h. a.
Curtis. Metsger, Or. O. E. R. P.' O.
FRESH cowa; one good family Jersey,
.. 1 tTn1...l . . ....
rich milkers. 96 East 80th, corner Wash
in ton. .
THOROUGHBRED Belgian hares
sale reasonable.
Woodlawn 801.
448 Farragui
Call Sunday afternoon, 608 Tourny little and cannot be told from new;
bldg. 2d and Taylor.
ONE restaurant range, one refrigerator,
one gas range, us union ave.
cost (1600.
Main 1649.
Price (925 cash. Phone
SPLENDID disc, tapering arm machine
with 15 selections, 11. 50. 350 Alder.
BARGAIN (100 launch, almost new,
built for speed. Phone Woodlawn 285.
Xl hand made etock aaddle, cost (65,
half price, woodlawn 2757.
(30 Victor Phonograph, new for (17.(0.
lf-izt, journal.
1910 AUTOMOBILE, perfect condition,
7 passenger. 40 ii. p.. easy terms.
86 Tenth St.
n. p., a bargain.
86 10th st
AUTOS bought and eold. Write for our
hare-sin list: we are sure to hava the
FOR SALE New, second stoves, f up. I car yp-j want custom House Auto CO.,
niture. 267 Flanders. Mar. 1870.
CONTRACTOR'S equipment by United
Eng. Const Co., 711 Lewis bldg.
SHOWCASES fixtures, store
new. 2d hand. 812 Everett' M.
FOR SALE! Pleasure launch, worth
3250; will sell 3180. Q-711. Journal.
881 Everett. Main 1649.
I NEED money worse than, ever; will
aell my 7 passenger trtudebaker. in
A-l condition, cost (3300, for (1250. 1036
E. 12th st N. woodlawn 601,
FOR SALE 100 Rhode Island red lay-
1nr hena; 200 chicks rrom 2 to 8 weeks
old. 1321 R Hood st. F car to Fulton.
FOR SALE Extra fine Jersey cow,
V. w. Mntl. . 11R nrnanl ar .
Illl, V J ,v..v.a . . w -- . .
near Kjlllngsworth.
FOR SALE Thoroughbred blue Anda
luslan hena. (1 each, Mrs. Knowlea,
Oak Grove. ;
TWO good cows, . on fresh, another
soori. Will be 4 to
Eaat 10th at North . .
S gallons. 1041
Barred Rock ears.
choice stock, special rata, per 100,
GOOD young' team, wagon and harness
for. sale, reftaonable.. Phona Wood
lawn 2878. ' -
1200 LB. MAKE, fat city broke, will do
any kind of work; wagon, harneaa; all
Cheap. 8847 f oster roaa, ric ocott car,
T.'t ft n T". XTT- ' Vi nA m.m fl rAAm ftiw ri uh mA
-TI- .,--- i . . it,-l 14, . rw.
flat, close- In,
FURNISHED 6 room . flat for rent;
walking distance. Phone East (0QV,
European pUa
only; 33. H v '
BELVEDERE European, tth and Aider.
ONE span of horses, : ages S - and -6,
. weight 1450 apiece; guaranteed. Spar
Stables. 808 Front at
WAGON wanted, second hand goose
neck or camel back, ton or half ton.
T-72R.' Journal. , . - .;. -- :: . i
(75 BUYS a- good 2 ton full platform
w.Mn. .! mmrt Laraaaa .hain .
548 - Pettygrove.
WE want a good single buggy; must be
cheap.- Phone A-4660. ;- -. -
PNE rubber tired buggy, good aa new.
twi .Yvwuinvn -pi. - -
TWO expresa wagon, cheap. 1100 E.
15th .t - N. - f "y -V -' - -; ;
tWO good heavy teams, prices right
8. B. Powers. Snedds, Or. - ;
A S Ion -gooae. neckfurniture-wagon
. for sale cheap. 107 Reed at. Main Hit
choice eioc
Bell wood 1S8S.
12 HEAD Jersey and Guernsey milk
cows, average test a per cent natter
fat R. P. Rasmussen, Corbett, Or. 1
FOR SALE Buff Orpington rooster,
also egga. 4086 (4th st, 8. E Tabor
1119. - -
EGGS Cheap now buff and white Or
'plngtona. No Jobs here. Sellwood
A YOUNG fresh half Jsrsey and half
Holateln, good milker. Woodlawn
8185. - - ' r
THREE good fresh cows, good milkers,
. 709 Harold atreet. Sellwood car. Phone
Sellwood 7111.
YOUNG -fresh Holatein-Jeraey oow, very
gentle, 847.' 126 8. Main st. Lents.
WANTED 200 White Pekln Muck eggs
4 H. Indian Motorcycle, bargain; Clark,
Box 74 and 46th ave,, city.
ICE box, cost (30, sell for (12.60; good
as new. Sellwood 698.
BEST rent car in Portland for sale:
guaranteed; is hired at 325 a day for
ail aummer; aoni answer unless you
have 8000 or iuo. ai-a, journal.
FOR my price, I would sell a small dla-
mond. Phone East 2938.
OFFICE furniture, bargain; offices to
let low rent. 204-106 McKay Bldg,
LaWN swing for aale cheap; In good 5. M.r"t;
1911 STODDARD demonstrator, 6-7 pas
senger, 40 H. P. A snap.
86 10th St
WILL pay spot cash for 4 or 5 passen
ger automobile. Please give full par.
ttculsrs. . Must be a real bargain. G-
condltlon. 467 East Taylor.
9x12 RUG: fine 'condition,'' OrienUl pat-
tern, hair cost pnone Marsnaii ts.
GOOD bicycle, coaster brake aiid .good
tires, ill. 350 Aider st
S PASSENGER suto, good aa new, run
very little, owner on rarm; win sen
at a bargain for cash. Jas. J.-Raid, 226
Stark st ' '
FOR- SALE cheap, good counter and
stools, at 408 Hoyt af
(1600, FIVE passenger auto complete,
good condition. 1910 model; will ex
change foreqtilty In houaa and lot.- 006
McKay bldg. Main 1201.
LIGHT delivery auto truck, good work-
about at half its value. 238 Worcester
WANTED People of Portland to know I bldg. .
that l pay ue mgnesi casn pnoa roriQOOD 4-passenger automobile, good hill
for hatching. D-7H, Journal.
FOR SALE 4 fresh cows. , (83
ava.-- Beiiwood car.- -. :? i.:.: : .r; .; -FOR
SALE Milk ?oute. Address. W-
7K. Journal. - v- . - - -'
k KOD family cow for aala cheap,
' Larrabee, , ' - : . . . ;
N. M.
aacnnd band household roods.
geater. 148 Russeu gaat ni.
SECOND hand punoh and die. Musi
- be In good shape add cheap. Gibson
Mfg. Co.. 381 E. Clay at
(70 E. Morrison, phone E. 1022, pays
hlgnest casn price ior iurnimra
climber, to . trade for land. 8-723.
WANT-to buv runabout or email car;
must be in gooa condition; owners
only. C-729. Journal. .
1908. 6-PASSENGER, 35 h. p. Stoddard
Day ton; new tires-. : Hard up, must
sell, for (650. Phone Main 832
EAST, SIDE lauotion. jobbera watid 3d i or BALE Indian motorcycle, In good
. nawi. ,n orcer, wnn gooa iires. - o raaea iu
Grand ave., B, 1061. ICnii Sunday. 1111 East Morrison st
MUXum;ii.i,B. wmnwM E"j I AUTO, - nearly new a paaaenger, very
Must be bargain. ,M. C. .White. 884 cheap If aold at onceT 627 Nahalem
For building or house purchasing i
alstance. payable the aama aa rent The
Standard Real Estate Loan Co. - (Inc.),
4Zi cnamoer or commerce oicg.
FOR SALE Mortgage. 81600, 7 per cent
Interest gilt edge security, on new
modern home cost (4600. Owner. Phone
Woodlawn 1671.
MONEY to loan on Improved oropartv.
, Union Security Co.. Beck bMg.. 7th
ana oak.
45 SHARES Campbell's Automatic Gaa
Burner sioca; cneap; want money; a
728. '
I Quick loan, on furniture and
planoa, storage receipts, life Insur
ance policies, livestock, real estate,
etc, U. S. Real Estate ft Brokerage
Co.. 212 Hamilton bldg. Main 3084.
You can have it for the asking. I
loan on furniture, plana, autos or
equity In lots; lowest ratea; conflden
tial. prompt service. M. Maiden. 608-4
swetiana oiqg. , .
3100,000 on mortgages, city or farm
rjropertv. fire Insurance. McKensla
Co., Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder.
MONEY to loan, large loana a specialty.
butiaing loans; lowest rates; lire in
surance. W. a. Beck, lis Falling.
MONEY loaned on diamond and jewelry;
atrictly confidential.
near Alder.
141 Sd at.
MONEY loaned on equities.
mortgages, lana. notes,
Main zt8.
216 Oreronlan bldg.
SEVERAL sums to loan, (100 to (500; 1
or leas. Call at 906 Spalding?
WANTED To loan (200 8 per cent for
two yeara on Improved property. pw
728, Journal. . 'r
real estate security;
Co.. 811-(12 Lewi.
MONEY to loan;
Bldg. : - ,
I HAVE (1000 to loan on. realty securi
ty, utoin, aaw wnrcwier ping.
WE LOAN money i on good securities
quick ana quieuy. mu awetianq Pldg,
MONEY to loan. 6 to a per cent Good-
nough weua. i epauiaing bldg,
WdJi'rD:!d hana txxmltuTm. East (134. FOR BALE One seven passenger Loco-
848 Hawthorne ave. rVsater & Martin.
WB DON'T aek what you wart for your
r furniture. We make cash offcrM-2344.
MIDDLE aged woman wants ticket to
- middle east E-725, Journal.
WANTED Land to clearTbrusTTt
: v contract O-iS. -Journal. . .
mobile for Pierce Arrow.'
amhlll atreet.
A-8116. 471
new . car. detachable
back seat 1 Leavlnr cltv: sell Cheat).
rner.' Tabfer 1378. - ' ;
AUTO, i paaa., thorourhly ' repaired,- for
i (lot or- acreage, 639 Vancouver, ave. ;
WILL loan (20,000. or leas real estate.
rarrington, us commercial hup tutig.
MONEY to loan- on Improved real aatataT
,1. i. -wtua vi neiung oiog.
((000, or part to loan on improved city
property. - East 1063. ' f -
F. A. Newton. SIS Henry Bldg.
LOAN1 for the asking, eaJary or chat-i
tel. Tne tjomn w, in ixirom Piog.
QUICK loans on all aecuritlea. g. W.
Kl T. 44
Washington bldg. Untn 4100,
MILLINERY School Ladles, we make a
specialty or artisnc tnmmmg ana re
modeling hate. 875 Alder. Marshall
WE do everything In ladiea' tailoring.
Suit, to your 'measure from 336 up..
T. M. Ehrllch Co-, Phoenix bldg, St tt
and Oak. - , .
LADIES, why worry when A. A. A. sun--
posltorles, (1, .easily, regulate female),
troubles. For sale only Ausplund Prug
Co., 110 N. Oth. : ' ---
MISS ALPTH BAKER, please call at '
509 Everett and call for her personal
thlnga and her trunk, aa I am leaving .
city soon. P. P. H. v i . . ,
GILL'S Spiritual Message meetings
Wednesday, Friday, P p. m. Read- "
ings, healing daily. 800 Holladay.
Take U or I car. . , -
HELEN SORNS and J. B. Perry, magi
netlo, healers, treat all chronic dla-
eases. 267 Ruasell .t, Portland. OrK'
Phone C-212; hours T a. m. to- 6 p. m: .
MIDDLE aared workingman desires ac-
oualntance of lady, working or poor
girl Interested In having a home of her ;
no- . aki.a. mntrlmnnv T1-7t7 .Tniirnal "
A MIDLE aged widower would like toT
meet wiaow net ween u ana ; oo.
iect matrimony. B-7Z6, Journal.
NEtttE WRIGHT-BEAN, address " VTl, '
J. EaBtabroott, HHWdaie, or., . giving -
address. ' ''" r,T
WIDOWER, age 26. wishes the ac- :
nualntanca-of honest younr lady, ob-
Ject matrimony. A-7 2 9,-Journal. - , . '
MISS WATiT-(1'1 electrlo. nntfrnetla
treatments. mow tal ' scientist For ,
men and women, 171 W. Park. A-2376.
Disease, of women and surgery. Ex- '
amlnatlon free. - 802 Merchant Trust
bldg.. 6th and Washington. Main 4047. "
BOOK of Nature, J-am. v fain, Ma bet '
Gray. Fatal Passion. Decameron. Be-.
hind Footlights. 60o each. Catalogue,
free. Sehmale Book Co.. 81 1st '
RELIABLE spiritual adviser, answers '
all queations successfully. Cards and' .
palmistry taught .Room 2, .S43 Mot' '
rlson st. . jv ;"-.':---,.v,. ;-;;',;:
SANDERSON r CO Savin and Cotton
Root Pills, sure remedy for-, delayed
periods: 33 box or 3 boxes for 15, by.,'
mail. T. J. Pierce. 245 H Morrison.
MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP mental sclent-'
1st and psychometriat. suite 22, 3SV
Washington st, daily. Main 6824. Mcct-
ing Wednesday. 8 p. m.
macrnetio healer.
reliable spiritual ' adviser. 348 . lam-
hill, room z., waia upstairs.. Main
BEXOID Marvelous euro for weakness
in men: money returned if - It fails:.
Dr. Pierce Remedy Co., 245 .Morrison.
LORENZ Nerve. Tonle Tablaia . reators ,
. lost vita my ioc dox. e doxsb u.
StlpetTaylor Irug Co., 289 Morrison.
WOMEN Use - lemoids when others
fall; sold and guaranteed by the Aua-
piunq urug JO., ill! c. otn iw main iim,
LADIES'- Lorena Antiseptic Cones turn
soothing, safs and aura. (1 per box.,
Stlne Taylor Drug Co., 2R9 Morrison st.
FOUND -Lady'a Hunting caa. wjiicH
and-- chain. 729 Northrup..,. phona
Marshall 80. - v- . ' .
meet reflnetl umft; object, pmtrlinony.
H-725 Journal. J '
BUTCHER. a 40, wishes t, nu- Ktn-
srlo woman or -wuiow, ocjo. t maui-
monlal. Addreea V-7!. Jorn;il.
GENTLEMAN. 42 yenra i-l . I
like to corrspi'it.l with a r-fined Intij,
nhtM-t matrimony S-
PKI VATE instr'H-T:, n h
preparHiory-. r rvm-ii
IT. Jiniinal -
.I'l.iM- .1
I !
F O I ''SIX mil i t ' 1 1 r M l
City I'noto -in-
IjaTVi of im." '
women, o-- i j - -