The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 18, 1911, Page 26, Image 26

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-7' INCIDENT. ', . ,
Offlc. retaryToVmnt depart'
Tkuh man. atranger. out of work (!
'.Pt total ah t -Xf i rr yu i
. .4 Anirtumant mmhrihl D.
.! will have only $16 left between m nd
'-M&ilw-!f Wf. for .apeoU!
' em.ioymant memberahlp. you will have
,h. T M. C. A. with Ita resource
f- tween you and starvation.
? r . Call for mm 363
Position filled fJJ
. ' New members ,,...171
' Employment membership Kuarenteeii
employment or refund of . membership
. . M' arlves two months run memoeranip
v privileges 1 months' social prlvllegee.
!'' 4b undertakes to keep party employed
s daring the full term of membership.
Without runner cnarg-i
" w nv oohatant demand for high
rrada experienced man. r you
"V "r h"' poaittonr
'.' lee secretary employment depart-
t .moot. T. M. C A.
r &A.NTER wanted Call 17 Thompaon
' ' at . Sunday morning.
JAPANESE for general work In fam-
.,' II V Of two. 1"b nwra vi i ru-
U0 to 810,00 yearly In '
business, without capital; w will
teach rou tha bualnaaa by mall, appoint
. arwiai nmnMBii ut, in -
... m. . iiin real eatat company
: n. aritk mi readily salable properties,
eoeperate with and aaalat you to perma
nent auocaaa: a thorough commercial
law eourae fraa to representatives. If
ye ara honest and ambitious, our FREE
1 peg pooK will "ui7 'meri "'i
; CORP.. Dept. 2I, mica go, m.
Belmont Auto School
Tfc onljr thoroughly qulpi
ped achool
Complete eoursa. Including thorough
driving Instruction, technical and prac
tical work In all Ita detail.
. . m tin A VI) MORR1PON.
Tako 8-8 or ML Tabor cart look u up
Tfora oeclglng to an rou nwwnni.
XJEARN raal aatala bualneaa by mail.
Oraat poaalbtlltlaa avail aa alda Una.
Tha araall coat of our oourae la covered
Vy abaoluto auaranU of aatlafactlon.
ra wUl balp you cat tar ted. Wtita
far fm nartlculara. National Co-Oo-
ratlva Raalty company. W 0f Maj-dan
Plldlnir. Waahlnyton. U. l'.
MEN wanted, aga over 11. to prepare
for nremen, aooui uo nwnini,
ABA -K r 1 1 rA. A m Kt-
rlenoa unneoaaaary. No atrtke. ro-1
ltlona (uarantaed competent men 4IM
ant to poaiuona in ni. omin-ac,
end lUunp for particular. M-17, Jour-
CIVIL exvice axamlnatlona open the
1 way to good awemmant poaltlona. I
can coaoh you by mall at amall coat
Full particular fraa to any American
cltlien of II or over. Write today for
booklet B. III. Earl Honklnc, Wah-
Ina-ton, P. C.
' TfANTKD TOtr 0 LADIBfl '
TiJR folowtnf llat of elaaalfled help
tealatered. durlna- the week at the
Municipal rrea , Employment Bureau,
I'honea A-MZ4, Main
I foreman
1 4 electrical work-
;. ; ' " em. . -
J T mlllwHchta.
I aaw fllera.,.
17 Madlaon at.
l&ISi .,
4 hakara. :
I rake bakera,
' B bookkeapera,
( timekeeper.
Zb. carpentera.
7 la then a. ahlnfl carpenter help
4 cement, flnlah' I orchardleU. '.
ara. ' . . 4 cabinet makera.
4 harnena 'makera. S (reenhouaa men,
Tha Meier A Krank fa. reed eape-
lnnril rltraaa in tha restaurant. AD
17 to auperlntendent belween ana
0 a, m.
WANTED Olrl for general houaework
Ooofl hrme. "al at 160 Marauereiie
ave. Take Hawthorne car i. ri't
WANT BD-Youni ilrl to aanlat fii
hoimework. ro home nlehta ir pre-
ferred. Phone Marahall I0l Monday
morn In it
Q1RL8 and women wanted at cannery
of Oreaon Packing Co., Kaat Itn ana
Belmont. Pteedy work. Apply at onca.
Tor rraduatea laat year; man and wo
men learn barber trade In I weeka; help
le aeoure poaltlona; rraduatea earn III
to III weekly; espert Inftruotorj toola
free; wiiU for catalog. MoJer iratem
of Collegea. II N. 4th at, PortUnd.
PRIVATE ahorthand leaaona. Gregg and
Pitman: day and n!ht claaaea; apeed
drill and poaltlona for wtenographera.
Maln 71!.. Modern Bualneaa College.
Cth and Waehlnaton ata.
WANTED Competent and experienced
law atenog rapher. State experlencu
and aalary expected. Referencea r.
:. Journal.
FREE leaaona In rhorthand; new plan
anil avatam ae lia at finri! onlv In
taken thla montn. Stenographic Inatl-
ii te, III Chtmber or commerce.
EJirixmreT aoe?tctks sa
I brick lay era.
10 teematera. '
I atone maaong."
7 hod carrier.
I clerk.
I hotel clerka."''
4 ehtpnlng olarks
10 gardener
, 7 noueeman.
7 elevator operat
" ora. ;
I Janitor. '
4 elderly men.
t planer mon.
2 tlnKmlth
, n .-. ..i. i.
jv vwnpj ramp, i.iai. naiiii,,!'
hotel and boat 1 palntera and pa
4 Iron worker. - perhanger.
I ateam engineer. B plaaterera.
4 gaaollne en- 4 plumber and
glneera. - ateam flttera.
4 aurveyora. 4 atnnographera.
I aaah and doo I chain men.
men. S donkey englneor
5 rotary aawyer. I rhaurfeura.
Theae men all have rood reference
and air avallnMe on abort notice. He.
eldra the reglMerid help, the Bureau
in in uiu'.ii witii an Kintia ot lanur ror
concrete, Hawmlll. Jogging, railway.
farm and aencral ronet ruction worn.
The Bureau la maintained by tlm
city, cliMigra no fee and want all
flrat clan mechantcn and tradesmen to
regtuter with the office.
270 MADISON, BET. Id AND 4th.
MAIN IIRI; A-8414.
. . WEST 8IDB .
1 We wilt b pleeaed to a how you
. through our hotel and ran' aaur
-you that we are giving the pub
-lo the moat modern servlca that
' ran be obtained. Our rate are
. very reaaonable Iet u . try t
make you comfortable.
cThfl Burns
Centrally located, new brick building.
nicely furnlahed.. hot and cold water
and free telephone In all room. Rate
by the dar. week or month: teclal In
ducements to permanent guente. 101 H
Twelfth near Waahlncton. Phone Mar
shall J7I0. - ' ,
CL1-AN-CUT young man wanta poal-
tion aa clothina aaieaman or travel
ing aaleaman. Good reference. B-
716, Journal.
cTlTUFFKUR would like poaltlon with
private family. 6 yeara experience
on high grade car. Can eiv beat of
rererencea. Fhone Main 7SJS.
ANTKD Poeltlon aa nlalit watchman
or apeclal officer, will rive bond or
reference, 7 yeara In Portland; ateedy
and aober. w-724. Journal.
EllDKBLY man, well .reaervxl, Ger. rrricient in RaMonwcrk. neHi
refrrer.cea, reliable, want work. Prl
vate place preferred. 8-3l. Journals
EXPERIFNCED eaatern Gertan gar-
dener wanta lawn and arnn work
of all kind. M. Dey. Phone Marahall
FOR a clean, eool, comfortable plac
try tha new
III outald room a. hot and oold water,
electric light and phone In every room,
free bath, free auto hue from and t all
tralna; loweat ratea In the city.
Special low ratea by the work or
month. Ftea telephone and bath, hot
anu coia water in every room.
Tamhiil and Id ate.
Main office II J. Id t Portiana. land. Or,
Ladle' department. Tth and waao. ata,
FOR thoae who want their town lota
cleared of atumpa and brush, write
to Bruce Hood, general delivery, Port-
urstalr. Portland.
414 Front Ave., Spokane.
17-11 4th at.. San Franc laco.
Ratabllahed 1171.
VotfNG man deatrea work aa aaleaman
or aollcltor for electric company. In
or out or town; can furnlah rererencea.
A-7I4, Journal. .
QUIET weman, preferably employed, to
er.are apartment, wcat aide, with re
fined aouthern woman and little girl
(t yeara). . Housekeeping prtvllajrca;
necessary convenience furnished. Ref
erence exchanired. K-710, Journal,
Bachelor apartment at the Bucking
ham Hotel for you and your 'chum. It
per week, with private bath $4 per week;
beat location In Portland, acreaa the
street rrotn Kortiena Hotel, zso yamniu.
Corner Seventh and Tykr
Opposite Helllg theatre, on block from
Portland hotel: atrlotly modern; a nice
home for bualneaa people. Main til
NICELY furnlahed ITghT airy an3
homelike rooms, bath, hot and cold
water. 10 minute 8th and Waahtngton.
Large front room, til: aid room. 110
anq m. Apply a l tsua at.
the t oixjn I A i -a number or nice
double outside room', first and sec
ond floor, and 14; also some very
nannaome rooms witn running water, and if. l lotn, oor. Mom son.
norxi-j Ton
Equipment Btrtctly Modern. , Uuropean Plan. Room glngl or Ea Suit.,
Hotel Burton
B. W. FJher,langor.
Moderit Pricct
Sanrlce UnexturUeH
Portland,-Or,,' June? 16, 191 li'
To the Manager, of Classified Xds Depti
Oregon Daily Journal, -Oty
We are pleaded toMnform you4hat the re-
V suits obtained from bur ads In these col-
umns have been more than gratifying, as we
have traced at least two thirds of our busk
- - ness, since we opened, as coming direct, from
Journal advertisements. :' :;
v Very -truly, . : ,
. " ; HOTEL BURTON,7 "
- By B. W. Fisher. .
Greater Meier & Frank Stem
Rental & liifomiatlon Bureau!
. . . w , . - . ,-, I
piaieiy equipna uuorp-Ulon datart
Ment, fourth floor, Baaio bnlldtng, ant
note tha vacant hnuu mnA rial- L ,
Iiiau - mi ll save time aeuing properly
and comfortably located. We keep 1
touch wlU all tha ruazt flat a aai
house In, all parte of tlu olty. We have
um wmumM iiara or ail ina raal aatata .
agenU In the city. We also have list
I Of all new bulldlm-a lnr aiun, a
gtrmoUoa, ,.
' . I v ' - I f '- . V
If tYou Want to to! Jioaso'
See Us.
Rental Department and ie4 t
KflalnmiiiL .
OonrWned Tlsta of houses, flat an
aparuneni nataa wiut all IM promi
nent real aatata firm fo the city; alatf
bulldlna' In course of eonatruetion.
mi it aaain yon ra getting ioeauL
Our Mrrioea abaolutaly free. Dept. id
floor. - .... . , ' .
"WHEN" you move . you'll heed" WfcW
FURNTTURSL Bur It Judiciously (oa
the Eaat Bide) and tha aavln-t will ax.
i esse your moving expense. .
I rtwr DDTPrii kit. a .
mad us on of Portland 1 arrest Fur
nltare House, were made possible be
causa we punt en u at ma tDar-'
by aavlnf 115,000 a year rent "
t-71 Grand Ave., Cor. East Stark St. ,
I FIVE room modern cottage, WoodvtaokJ
111 per nontbu - . .
4 room modern ho-ea. near Anahall
atatlon; 1 acre of ground, aoroe fruit;
wUl rent for 1 rear at 111 per month.'
F. A. Beard A Co, tit Oerl-Dge bldg;
Id and Alder. . .
t6fl- RENT Ta a mail family IdV l
montha. fraa. Ilr 1. a t room fur
nlahed boas en Broadway in Irvgtoc.
Mala lOOt. TO 4th f A-JOn.
FURNISHED ootUf. 4 , room. tSO
. month! another 117.10: four room
lower flat 111, room aulte. 10. fit
tn. w
COST, comfortable room opening onto
D i- I ., 1 , " i porcn ovenooicing river, uno imw,
n tfirf TranS.. NflVPr n nSPfl modern flat, eaat lde. even block
n-. , - ' ..I'.Vi'r ' 7 '.-..r-r V.r from tel bridge, e..ywaiingo.s
1TU u.rft.-- u.-.h.ii aa aii I i""t-..-- l . ...
" i in-iiai at. . nnona j. avail.
Red Cross Employment
to N. Id. eor. Bumelde. M. 64. A-S
POSITION as mother helper or assist
ant housekeeper by refined woman;
very neat hand or machine aewlng; fair
nA.lq. 1 1 T , n m n j. ritfln. MM
AGENTS on salary or commission. Theli m la -krr waii11 f Ir k wtm i Inn ur I I. il f.
CARPENTERS wanted; will give work I !""" agents sener ever proaucea. (couple a housekeeper. D-728, Journal
in buy on or pur,;v. v. ir.. j .. ... nv,,iMr- ...hi.. i
iRin, ;uu io oun per ceni prum, una .-
agent a Bale amounted tO 15-0 In BIX I re iiiwiiuii, nuuaeaninr, -luvwrr,
days, another 32 In two hours. Mun- cooklag, houaework. together. 8t. Loula
roe Mf. r.o, X., 144. La Crosse. Wla. Agency. ujy waaningion. Main iusv,
as a man that will buy
beautiful tract of land on the fcislein
electric from I to 10 acre. man casn
Jaytnent down, balance to ault. F-7I6,
oo rn I. Ana war quick; I need help
BALKSMAN perlenced In any line to
all general trade in ractrio coaii.
una-celled specialty proposition with
brand new ; feature, commission with
III weekly for enrpenae. The Conti
nental Jewelrv Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
u in IT araAa -alaaman. nennanent dohI
tion. 1200 to fioo monthly; call only
on business men, III expense advanced
weekly; no sample to carry, internal
tmal Cn Mclntlre blde- Dayton. Ohio.
T Wfl.I. atari tou earn Ins 14 to t1
dally, trade aecret. anyone can do the
work at home or traveling, send for
booklet, a. F. Redmond, dpt ill, Boe-
' ton, mm ' ' "
CAPABLE aaleaman to cover Oregon
with atapl Una. -high commission.
1104 monthly advance and permanent
position to right man. jee n. rjmun
Company. Detroit. Mich. .
Earn 1 21 to 140 weekly; learn bual
neaa In 10 days: lea bod a reasonable.
t;t. Washington, near 17th.
WANTED Lady of good adureaa to
' travel to anootnt lady representatives,
one eepedaily Interested In church or
educational work preferred, ISO per
month and expenses to start; deposit
re-ii1red. Addres M-tt. Journal.
ANY Intelligent person may earn steady
Income correapondlng for newspapers,
f experlenoe unneceaaary. Addree Pres
Correspondence Bureau, 'Washington. D.
GOOD live man can earn II. SO a day In
own town to handle our automatlo
dampers; rood aeller. Write Safety A
Economy Damper Co 440 Sherlock
bldg.. Portland. Or.
WANTED two men to learn taxlcab.
autotruck ard automobile driving and
repairing. Call at once. Office 328 H
: Washington at., room 41B
S PER MONTH, telegranhy taught in
practical lorms. day ann evening ses
sions. Address Myers. B89 Flanders St..
Portland. Or. Main 1612.
WANTED Lady interested In church
or Sunday school work, 11.60 per day
to start, t months, special work, small
deposit required. Addreas M-7. Journal.
BIG money for you, writing words or
music for successful sonas: it's easy:
free booklet tells how. Dugdale Co.,
Pept. 4, Washington, p. c
t MADE 150.000 In five years with
:: amall mail order business, began with
15. Bend for free booklet. Telia bow.
Heacock. 607S Lock port, N. T.
I A-4776.
D-l 11 Dl . I . .
..... ... .wi.n vma utmmw bik .
n-oney selling our well known line of I A COMPETENT colored woman want
naray non-irrigatM trees, shrub, roees. l wora oy me ' oay, nouaa ciemninit,
etc. Outfit furnlahed: caah waeklr. AA.
are. .
. Ore;, co. Or.
Salesmen Ho!
Saleatnen wanted to aell the most I country.
washina- and Iron Inc. experienced and
la good worker. 101 H N. 14th at Phone
Main zoso.
A MIDDLE-AGED ladv would
housekeeping: for club of four men.
Can give nest reference. In city or
ry. . C-711. Journal.
complete lln f nursery stock In the ELDERLY woman, good cook, do the
northwest. Ch Weekly. anrlr anA cn fn, man Small
aaiem. or.
hotel, ranch, cttip. Mra. Hasel Glnder,
ISIH N. th at
CASH every week for salesmen selling a NEAT, refined middle aced woman
c ?IV. w'td nursery ..wants a position aa housekeeper In
Y""', v-ww urnwri, i a wiaowera noma, wnere mere are cmi
"HiiuiiiDn nuinnT ( 11 . lannH in i nran w.7'ii jauv n-i
tt aan.
VTJ?HlPELPHlAptrBI,.T1.11 THE .E1-R HOtEU corner taat i&
.ny"JX?rJJZFM PVrn.lde.ur .trlctly mrn.
and reasonable place to atop.
.10, corner Haimon ar. a-2vi
COMMERCIAL hotel, under new man-
fcVJI .
axemen L hot and cold runnlnr water.
cnoice rooms ai . up per ween.
finest Hotel on the eaat aide, flrat class
restaurant In coneotlon; modern rate
by the day, week or montn. Mcuaray
A Matthew. Mgr. Fhone Kast 171
Washington at
TWO larga well furnlahed' houaekeen
Ing rooma Gas bath, phone, also NTCELT furnlahed, also unfurnished
!LT'.n.? room, with or without board. r0oms, elngle and nu!te. quiet, very
814 llth t. IsulUble for single gentlemen. KAmm
NEWLY furnished housekeeping room I bid g.. 1st and Pine. Reasonable.
in suites or single, aiso sleeping i thrrri unfurnished room, to ren
rooms, at a cheap rata Gem Hotel, I i?a TTninn x, enrar a tore. Sun
flay. Monday.
EILEEN COURT 1 tth and Morrison, fHREE rooms for rent it N. ioth.
nk Ctrl -r Til rnlaka1 Miii 11 I a. I .. . . . a , .
iiiu, an cunvrnifucn. 94 pmr wees
t ilX- -- i..t-i- j- 1 ROOMS AND BOARD 15
MiAkViv ii vii g wiu wuimviv aui ww
una men; also one nice Bleeping -,-...-.. .. ."., L .L",
i. It per month, fre phone and I RJlE?TlZl ,!T3r v-,.,
win. ma i.' i iiiuij vita iin uiivuw miu i . . . - . . . j a
bath. 414 Stark. Fnl Jw? f?J?. ..7n n
WOULD like two young lad lea to Join 5lub ot two pr 1 0UP y0ung men or room
mb In . Vr Irt ef at i a tw. tv.ri f ihAtit I " a a- v . a
113 rarh. A-4567.
About rn be rented Brparat 37 3d t.
Vr.rTXT- li.e a.--M..M Kka. t.l.a. -..l
SALESMEN make money selling our tion. t years' experience in law and
home crown. auaranteeA atork. ClrmA i ...I r x ttn
territory; money advanced weekly; poal- Journal
tion permanent; complete line. Yakima imi,nri;u-nnAa
Valley Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh, Waan. HOUSEKEEPERS, eoond girl, cham-
AftK-VTB iVANiTirn --ii k a - - "ermaias ror coast. t. l.oms Agency,
hTi? ;ilTE?T ff'i ,1'd., 80m Washington. Main 2039. A-477B.
7 , , "i iw viibiiuq vanvrjr
on Installments, dam to cost govern- EXPkRILNCED nurse, maternity, In
ment 19.000.000. Elephant Butte Land valid, elderly. Infant, any kind. Main
Trust Co.. Las Crucea. N. M zui. a-it.
TWO lady and two gentlemen for cltv WAN.7ED:?. ,TOun udy P"
canvass, guarantee of t4 a day. Call "uinC, -Vf",'" ,n . movi"K Plc
Monday morning. Marcel I Studio. show. W-722, Journal. -
floor, Sellina-Hlrsch hldK.. Waahlnatnn I MEAT1." raff nA Maw waiiM -a
-ucn. i wlllower a noma ann ramllvr anhiirha
wan l ELI AGENTS Legitimate sub- neacn or country. A-7ZT. Journal.
Stttute for Slot machines natantaA I t it ct wirr i.ii. -i.h.. n-l,i- a
, , ... " : ,.. a.u. .".-. " ..... . i.uni i lull .9
pi i. n i -r, r ... -1 n (..! ., i . . , . a - .
: t j "t f.n.-u.aia, uiaua i unsiraiur, oesi 01 references. Main
'"'""",'i Aiiutrron, mo. i
FREE sample, no snlash waterstralners I WANTED Children to care for from
rk tvlnnar-a Aallw f a
Jft wanrove U; send 3c, mallinf eomt)
'v -u r incr u., itjw I orK,
AGENTS wanted, IS to tIS.per day sell-
ma auiomoDiie specialty; rree par
t'cuwrs; write today.. P. O. box 710.
two to seven years, by elderly lady.
I A good home. Tabor J63S.
WANTED Plain sewing to do; prices
very reasonanie. can at 738 Mon
tana ave. Take L car to Freemont.
WILL laundry ladles' shirtwaist and
T.A UmroOAV lu r'oii-h mi mit.Ma
4 BEAUTIFULLY furnUed rooms, I rooms, alnala and double: rood home
pnuue, min ana iigrn. coniraiiy 10-1 cooKlnx. convenient location: permanent
cated, in rerlne. neighborhood. 254 lZth. an( transient.
COMFORTABLY furnished rooms, 171 LAR.I- wall furnished front room, and
per month and up. with or without ,,1 i private family for on or
.n.u.iin, ' .-.. i i two: reaaonaDi. xayior, or -cau
FURNISHED ROOM 110 Main t, coxy Marshall 1019.
cottage: close In: suitable for one nn- tub v. iiv Ht.L American
u""". plan; every modern convenience.
THBJ DORMER Front room: free aquares rrom v. tj. iti stn.
phone an dbath: suitable for two. S8I ntrltlTftrfTf. rnnm hraak'aat and An
18th at., cor. Jefferson. I ner, IS pr woek. 471 Clay L Phon
SWELL room for man and wife or two! Main Mil.
renuemen: rine location: very ae-1 nnnvc aA
siraoie. inquire ainin, u iunoiii. I montn 1
board. 120 and 125 per
larra front room, aultabl
FOR RENT Furnished room, west side, I for I. Main 1104. 106 0th St.
close In; private family. Phon WANTED A gentleman or lady to
A-44IS. I board and room In aulet family: rea-
Inquire 674H Mississippi.
or without board.
T.-n1 ll-h, ernn -Ann, .11 -nulan lAnthl.
conveniences. 20S llth st, near Tay-1 rooms with
lor. I vate home. 710 Borthwlck.
ROOMS from 11.60 to II; front room gst off at Beach
L car.
suitable for two. 14.60. 427 Mont-1 FURNISHED room and board, close in.
gomery. wain zzag. - - i f0r I gentlemen or ladles; borne cook-
CLEAN, airy, modern front parlor. ult- I ing. home comfort. Phone Eat 1871.
aoie sieepins; room tor one or iwo.
407 Columbia st.
BOARD and room, home cooking, terms
reasonable, waiklnr distance, 411 Tay.
FRONT alcove room with slano. suit-1 lor st. Phone Main 7843.
aDie for one two or more; natn, pnone BOARD and room, bath, phone, good
id heat. 228 llth, pear Salmon. I hum, ti nc- month 7T flllaan .
AGENTS, 136 weekly salary; iiodo life! 1 262.
Denver, Colo,
fine underwear. Phone Woodlawn
cldent 'SSlS-,Sr .ISC OI wl- wuhln. every day. Call
Denver. Colo. . I Main tsss, room oi.
MADE IBO.000 in five veara with . WOMAN wants day work, 260 an hour.
small mall nrriar h.n.... K--. i,v, I fhone Main ZolV.
16. Send for free booklet Tells how. COMPETENT lady wishes work by day
Heacock. 1226 Lockport, N. Y.
or by hour. Call . Marshall 840.
GOVERNMENT employes wanted Send
. postal for Portland examination sched
ule. Franklin institute, uep't. 807 a.,
Rochester, N. Y.
International Correspondence schools.
Local office. 238 Alder st. M. 1020.
RESTAURANT cook, $10 week; pastry
cook, 140; cook country hotel, 46;
boarding house cook and helper, 160;
i launaress, resort, izu; chambermaid,
springe. 126; waitress (out of city). 26
and 120; restaurant waitress, 8 week;
family cook, 140: kitchen helper, 125;
rlrls for general housework. $20 to $85.
Hansen's Ladies' Agency, 845 Vi Wash.
at. Hoom i.
Wa-.TED Office and errand girl st
nography not required. Recent east
erner preferred. In answer mention
former work, state age and give phone
number. Short hour. Wages S per
week. H-723, Journal.
.WOMEN and girls to work In our sanl-
. tary canninr plant. Inquire Lang &
Co. Factory entrance canning depart
ment, Burnalde atreet, between Front
and First.
"WOMAN that Is good hustler and wants
permanent work in connection with
real estate and rooming house business,
see me. . John B. Ooddard, 60S Teon
, ma.
GIRL for cooking and aeneral houee-
work. Small family. 747 East Madl-
aon.j Hawthorne or Sunnyslde car.
YOUNG girl for housework and assist
; with cooking; no children; call morn-tnxs.-
821 6th. . .
HOTEL cook. 10; helper, $6; camp
helper, 830; chambermaids. Howe'
ladles Agency. 81 4-826 H Washington.
WANTED A girl to do general housaT
- work. German or Swede preferred. 830
per month. 630 Hall t.
AVANTED Girl for general housework
good wage. S. J. Levitt, 121 Grand
CaDY 'typesetter and feeder, state
. amount of work you can do and
wage expected. T-Tll. Journal.
oTkL WANTED for a aoda fountain
and pastry,. The Leader Orocery, no
m rrf i
' I Fit. to help In house three " or .ou"
hour a day.'t 614 Market at.
GkRII AN "woman wants washing and
Ironing In private family. 173 Mead.
, - FIRST class chocolate dipper. Call af
ter II
ANTi-JJ- Dishwasher.
i.ii" rwfli.
land's. t69 M orrison.
O . , -
UlilrE seed woman for housework.
p. aa ana Vaughn.
SALESMAN for article never sold In I A COLORED woman wishes day work.
mo wfcBi; gooo wages can be made. I Mam us.
call today. 10t E. 83d N. Alberta car.
AGENTS wanted for article every man
ii us. sens like wild nre, 100 per
inn iimiii, van io i a. m., lium
ber Exchange. 2d and Stark, room 226.
WANTED A man familiar with auto
mooiies to take the agency for Port
CHFF with wife helper wants position,
good all around bread and pastry;
moderate salary: abstainer, n n-drlnk-
er. U-7ZZ, journal. i
BTATE arency on aulck
sition. No charge for territory. Call
v- "" new USDOrn, COF H-ve. ana Ann st,
LARGE nicely furnished front rooms. J.ROOM lower flat, gas, bath, close-fn
w.iii r iuil I Kent fit.- icey-at iv Mooxer;
nnflM anA hnar.l In
FOR RENT Furnished room, Williams home convenience.
private family
652 Morrison.
m ' Phone Ett 2988 ? Phn6 ln WANt a couple to room and -card In
Phone East 7988. private family. Tabor 1356.
, - - i ' ' " .li " " I inivairj a mini T,
.a Zili' JUi:r FURNISHfcD rooms with board. Casa
vate Dams ana suite.
Rosa, 300 Jeffet on.
Free phone and bath. Main 7764
r week.
TT T T J n m ".... ..!, I
. . i . -a 1 a an iL rritrm ..,! . a ki..!,. T5
son. I aultabl for 2 gentlemen, 1.60 week
the Hvr.Avn. 490 Mnrriaon. honaa. each; will ba ready Tuesday. ( Call to-
keenlna suites. 120. t26: also annrla I day. Marshall 1098.
rooms, cheap for summer. TWO single front housekeeping rooms
FIIRNISHEn sleep nr rooms for rent and one oouote suite, renireaa.iinie.
cheap. 818U 1st at., eor. Clay. Phon Take "S" car outh, get orr at tjner
a Attn I man St.. l diock essi.
AMSDON Hotel Furnished room-, ho FOUR beautiful Urge rooms i for house-
keeping, beautiful surroundings,
-ALESMEN wanted to sell' our line of i.KilM.S"
racinc coast arrown nnnnr. atir- . 'w" ,ww'
225hpa-d weekly. Paclfle Nuriery Co.! llZl.
808 Corbett bldg. ' . ' LADIES' suit to order.
terlaL alteration. I. Reubin Elite La
n die' Tailor. Selling bldg.. tth and Alder.
LADIES' tailoring
CARPENTER foreman, will take charge reasonable; can give n
of building for owner; good refer- Montgomery. Main 2289.
SMfU?rl.Jfi!' ahteU DRESSMAKING, skirts.
references. 4
Phone even-
sketches and estimate.
ing s, . Main 1837.
ELECTRIAN 6 years' exnarlan- aT.
sires Inside wiring or station work:
oniy rair snop need answer. A-728 I
irts. shirtwaists.
dresses, etc.. reasonable to worklnv
jtlrls. Address S-729 Journal.
PAINTER, willing to do first class woric' N- T- wlth suburban home, will car
reasonable, estimate aiven free iiawlfor invalid or convalescent:
v-nv.a v wuir. Jiuarens tj- ii7, jptirwiauutu v - i-i, juurnni
German hospital,
child or
PRACTICAL maternity nurse, refer.
WANTED Steady position by sober. encea, will take patient home. Phone
water, rooms with 2 beds, reasonable.
-8 9A mt
FURNISHED front room, with or with- MIP.Q RROS. tV1S.,i7Jr,lU?
out liouaekannlna- nr!vlle. Call at nltfVO DnUOl moving specialty. 73
out housekeeping privilege.
452, Salmon st Main 7840.
2d t. Main 1909. A-1012.
PLEASANT, nicely furnlahed room, THKEB 'do"b'F. "tS,"'
bath. ras. shone. 32.60 week. 476 .-? P'. ...
TWO ladles or couple to take my apart- I FURNISHED housekeeping suite, J3
ment for summer; very reasonable. and up, close in. 264 Jefferson t.,
A-4657. , ;
NICE cosy furnished rooms; reasonable;
all conveniences. 226 Fifth st, two
blocks from poetoffice. ' "
NICELY furnished, large front room,
also new floored tent, both suitable
for gentleman. 629 'Hoyt. ' ,
corner 3d st.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, west side, 82
per week: light, water, phone Included.
301 v. Water and uoiumoia.
trustworthy German aa nl.h, i.-i.. I East S f 3
'office building preferred); good city I MATERNITY nurse wants case; will do
references. W-723, Journal. I gome work. Marshall 1927.
THE Electric Hotel New building,
and up per week. E. llth and Marlon.
modern, nicely furnished rooms 12.60 clean. 824 2d st.
Sell wood 1808.
TWO ' large pleasant housekeeping
suite. 82.76 and J3.-& per ween, also
basement room. iz. i tin s
310 MAIN ST. Two nicely furnished
suites of housekeeping rooms, cosy
cottaee. close in; aauits.
SUITE of furnished housekeeping
rooms: ground rioor; - modern ana
A COMPETENT woman wishes situation WHITE SHIELD HOME Confinement
. p ..' J1T7. pnone numDer: eases oniy. Z37 Fargo, wdin I.4.
no children, small family. B-722. Jour- 11 1 - ' , . s
nal. I mrmVTSHirn nnnus . a
SINGLE elderly man, American, handy.
intelligent and trustworthy, wishes
7f6 JournaL ' T country. T-1 TWO nice rooms in private house, very
' " f- i reasonaoie rates. ai , -f ront , st.
njutvtr wiii..v-wru work on I Marshall 1Z97.
Iru" " .or nxer larm work. Ad- LADY wishes refined ladv to share
, I apartment; will make reasonable
oi ion ex-1 rates. Main ZTit or Marshall 1393
FURNISHED and unfurnished house-
KAeninz rooms, sz a. wkpk ann un. I .r-- ,
j i " - -. . i i v. i i uie. n. ii
sleeping rooms, i.Z6 a, ween and 'up. Wftikina distance and desirable loca-
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms
with gas, bath A and phone; private
family; 312: nice location. 6 water,
housekeeping rooms,
87J(4 R"B"11 st. near Mississippi ve. I t)o
fok bewt one pleasant nicely rur
u 1 - MAM (in m. ,
f'l llu ,1,IH ivviiii .XV y,i,
bath Included. 74 E. 86th st. and
Yamhill. -
dress C-728. Journal,
0nieenCV?I.,' JrnaIWaf Vry f7for'ru,-h " .
'I IIT- a Au bh n . .i .i I 1 ir" f I ...i. .1 1 a 1 --Jiiiaua aa h-.
oncla' oracke? " I40 J..t1 NEWLY furnished rooms, fa and up.
.-,i-- -' . . 1 rnn ana ii- a-b,
l . 1 ' 1 .M 1 . ' - ' I VAltUfl laitf
A CULUKEI) man wants work aa 1anl.
a good worker and rood hablta.
133 H N.
1 4th st. phone Main 2060.
h st. PI
YOUNG lady wishes roommate,
I quire Casa Rosa. 800 Jefferson.
NICELY furnished rooms, close ln, 810.
471 Morrison.
EXPERIENCED carpenter finisher . . - -:
wants Job, Can give, results. Phone 1 ironi lumisneo room ror
East 282. " I suitable for two. 170H 10th si
FIRST-CLASS China' cook wants ' posf-1 NICE rooms furnished or housekeeping,
a, 1 I 1 - m . . ' sm . I - W 1 am Ivln II avla a - -. et B n . T
house. C-717. Journal. T , .vf jttN"lflH- bedroom for 1 or i work.
(uk cutting grass on vacant Iota, coll
Ing men; cheap. The Idaho. 889 6th.
P. Mlekelson, Ml. Market at. Main ROOM 11.25 a week, nice and dean. US
?. ,' . .' ' ' . '''' Davis. Main 4214.
WANTED Land to clear, "brush to eutji. MICE clean sleeping room, 87 month.
contract. . Q-726, Journal. 88 10th atreet, (Near Stark.) .
COLORED man wants
good lefa-4Mce
janitor win, NitK-. lumisnea large front room,
nam, pnone, i weex Tor two. 2Q1 lattu
K-T0T. Journal
"nK aanted. aas fitter.' clumbers' I NICE front room-with alrova. aiill.hl.
helper, xperienoed. B-Ui, Jeun,,I tot tw er three. 471 Main, oor. 18th.
NEWLY furnlahed rooms, breakfast if
desired, gas, bath, laundry, 8 ln
room, $1.25 week each. 1024 E. tth
st. . . . '.-. .
371 12th St,
SUITE of clean housekeeping rooms,
also one sleeping room, modern con
venience. 427. Main st. Main 8903.,
for housekeeping.
TWO furnlahed connecting front rooms,
ground floor, $10 per month. 641 E.
16th. W. R. car. '
TWO nicely furnished front, roomsi $2
per week, at 816 Union ave. and E.'
Mill st
PLEASANT front room with alcove
for gentleman or lady; breakfast if
wantea.- wwamwii i,u.
front rooms
modern. 14 per.- week.
on 1 6th. :!
2S6 N. 2lst st. near Overton, furnished
housekeeping , rooms, also, single
room. , ' '
THRB.E housekeeping rooms,, 16th. an l
vtnrKhall. to resDonsfble 1-people, ad
ults Main 1H7H, mornings or evenings.
AbdIv 314 North lit
from depot, 4th, west, aa Morrtaon to
16th, block norths ,
WJfl eaa furnish your noma at a great
aavlna. Be u before pnrchaalng
tlcewher. M. Ostrww A Co, 14-41 N.
Id at. Compute houaefurnlsher. Hea
tenable price. Easy term. '
WILL rent my I room modern home,
fully furnished, (or two month; gar
den and berries. Call and the ,
plac at 1161 Rodney ave., cor. ef
, . TT . , - . , . . . ... I
.,- nm mium, lain i-nir at, suue Kuungaworin ay, tteierence required.
and 'd Jfrtl? fo'r"twaa?i-y SiS KeW. modern, t "room' bngalowToii-,
lK ted? wit-da NvalkTna- 5?i Si,? I sri ot ground;, ideal place .or cnlck-.
. . . . . - 1 h, aniwi
wyou ana btbb ,rnvi ii.nta mtta natrt i - , ...
Phone Bell wood 1101. FOR RENT I room house, near Wll-
,,. 11 11 1 Ham ave- on Ivy st Price $21.1 i
FURNISHED cottage, flat, room 4 br month. Apply Jr. F. Hill. ll Wll-
room cottage. $20 month; another nam ave. -
riViT'm ti,?Um0k'SP-,lfoV ? ONH BLOCK TO CAR, $1".
iSSol Ith t s varrila "aTe and heater, fin yard, choice rosea,
block 1 nortK Morrison t llth. H7TMiissipp ava. key next door.
810 new, elean 7 room nous en iiaw-.
thorn ave. canine, cioae in; atricny
-WO furnlahed houaakaanlna- r-irn. la
private ramily: private bath, atatlon- m,":"w Vi-. r.h hrhorwi' pkaVa
f,waah und, kitchen wlthnica lnk. yInit:(lp,n hborhood. Phon
Buck rinr. aiul a., nlaia- -I-- v.-A. I TaOor XI70. "
private entrance. 24.60 per week. No I ROOM modern house, corner lot, H
children. 112 Clay at ' I block of car, on Vancouver ave and
x.iti Btaiey,
"fpttm ifr ! . ' 1 I Bain at., lit per month.
, Newly furnlahed houaekeeplng room. 52 Henry bid.
electrio light, gas range, hot and cold I FOUR room for rent. 17.60 per month.'
ar.u . h.k. - n . n - - ! n--K- icq 1 1 f.m.v a-l4. f1tv
car Cor. 27 th and Thurmaa ata. Mala I Co., Laurel wood tatkn. ML Scott car-
ojsii-li7. i line.
cottage, west
33d and rS."
Hunt's Express Baggage Co. 6 aSJrtW XTtiElZt
1 trurk. too, AddltlonaTTrnnka lie 1 164 Vauahn at., only 117,
l4ilri, Wlth trUnk- 'it...ii .in I FOR REN-1 A large residence, west
-i. Marshall 1411. 1 - vt m ?, til
Bldg. , .
ise, modern. In good eon
blocks from cariine. I1.00.
and UD. newlv furntahad knnaa. I f nrnmtt
keeping room a, nice large rooms, fin I i.prw-ivi hnusa
nelghborBood, 1 block north of Waah- 8 diUon tX hll
Rose City Park Transfer
I room house. 1469 Union ave- 110
r .:' "". mr month
tWtfrViS m-rtw'oVk . FOR faENi-t room house,' fine .gar
2 4th. Main 8126. A-728T - . den and wood, l per montn. nit
NEWLY furnished . houaekeeplng room. 5l522: . i .'
In 1, 2, I and 4 room suite. vry TWO 7 room house, modern in every; -- - 4 It ia a a W wa ar 4j1n rmn ' rlin9A.
vvmi-iiiciii Wlll UfllfJO f,OV IU w v , 1 T - --- .. ,
ween per suite. 795 lat at TL Mar-1 131 or Kast mo.
snail S40.
Call Main,
NICELY furnished 8-room flat mod-1 yard,
FOR RENT 7 room house, with
ion wnitaaer au tiv. i
7 room house, with large
era convenience, lle-ht. nhona ar.t.i-1 885 1st St
free, nice lawn. 26.- Also one single MODERN 7-room house on Hawthorn
housekeeping room, $12. 888 N 84th. carlire. 898, 57th and East Lincoln.
448 Columbia near 12th, well furnished I Main 1261
single nouseaeeping room, 12: also 4-ROOM house
two room suites 110 and ll'j. arn
Wte Fhn nWi. Tfetftftr
And 25o . for each additional trunk;
moved Cromntlr. Phona ITnltaA TC-.
press Co. Marshall 2408. A-7422.1
HOUSEKEEPING, furnished, first floor
rith bath and 2 lots.
816. No. lit crookham ave, inquire
within. '
FOR RENT 7-room house with bath.
aarden and berries.
.386. l to p. m.
$20. Phone A-
pleasant. 147 Hall st
I 1 1 1 . 1 T
6 ROOM house, big garden ana aooui ,
t emit trees. 1 block from MU
ulte, basement room, one r two, all I Scott car. Kat 66th and 40th ave. -
THREE room house, garden, wood and
poultry bouse, premises, 1821 Danna
1st. University Park.
48 1 NEW, 7 room, modern, l. rnona
Woodlawn 26. ,
4 ROOM house, '876 Rodney ave.j 16i-A-4776,
C-1483. Main 1637.
FOR light housekeeping. 2 room apart- i
monm. xurnisnea; outside rooms, light,
airy: 16 minutes' walk from P. n nn
east side. In fine Jielghborhood, fit per
..iwiiLn. v-au .. exir. i
PIEDMONT room house, 164 W
ave., cor uejmont, furnished
will gell new furnltura
keeping room. t2.50ur cIIaT pleaant PRIVATE party will .ell "f
outside rooms? y 12 room residence. Will pay hand-.
887 3d st.
hA11tArbAr...W aAWM . . A
t.h -" "!-".:" AV..1'' f taken At onre.
cou vVry.yr.nyd" 203 gBSL TJ car?" j FURNITURE of room odernhou..
ror saie, una uiwi.u.., -. .. "
st; best reason for selling, P-724. Jur-.
nal. .... . .' '
SI room . at aultabl for 2 families,
close in on west side, $20; furniture o
1 'i
-X1KJ.IS large room In private reel
dence, to rent electrio light, free
water. Dhone. . Phone
602 Wygant.
TS55. a .'", aJ5 405 1'
nH r.in7 m"vT..T .,"'s, v"""' St.. -corner Harrison.
729 Mlsslssinnl.
FIVE large housekeeping rooms, phone,
uiu aiiiA lag. izu npF mnnrn -i rail
1 . t ' r
SNAP for today, 8160, some term, rur
- nlture of neat 8 room modern nouee,
548 E. 17th. Take Woodstock, car to
..... ''9
WO housekeeDlna- rooms varv mii.n. I .-.j'..1 ..-..j, . -- i
lent walkln dl?nc tlk e o.h K 1 .t "." .""-ti s
893 East Burnslde. T" ' ' f"0.." "iToo. rntSU,
ouno wa smgie Housekeeping rooms umbia
r,":rnti.cheP' pH.-! Union ave. feiTi
x-iiuiie xu.
FOR SALE Furniture of 4 room flats
r " ..T7.--ii- tiTKi terms: flat for
TWO nice, clean, well furnished house- rent cheap. -688 ft El Morrison. Phona
keenln.' rooms, nn W D -..ii. -. I . .on,
, . . ' - VM ...,a. T I.O IBi H.V., . , - .
FOR SALE Furnltura of room rood-
Clinton st.
FOR RENT Cheap housekeeping ern flat, close in; flat for rent; finest
room for working girls in , prlvata location In city. P-725, Journal.
family. 646 Union ave., N. . c,ixTt-iT-wAir Viv. rnnm cottaaa for
CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms; "-sale cheap;- rent ' of cottag II per
nas. mnxe. nam. electrio, n-ht. ok m,i,i. ,m v, 79th at. ' in.
ai. iir V.. I ." ... - vvi , " anil.
East 6506.
07k: ci-n Wiira nf 6 room flat owner
ROOM suite: sink. hath. nhn... lt r i-. .n,iih. win sell at a. sacrifice.
Sunday. 861 Williams, cor. Broatlway. 1 4 0 1U Id. ' ' . .
rooms. I FURNITURE of a ,i2-room house ror
sale. rTice jomu. mm -..,.
THE GAYOSA housekeeping
vtiHiiu avp, ana b.. eiarx.
LIGHT housekeeping rooms, 488 Ta- Al
coma avenue, Sell wood. . '-y j WA
TWO rooms furnished comblete . for
nouseageping. 4Y8 masi Burnslde.
c. 1h at.
furniture ,or S ir
K-727, Journal.
AVTErv-Tll hllV
4 rooms; must be Bargain,
HOUSEKEEPING rooms,; walking dls-
6 ROOM cottage on cariine, . I ll a
month, furniture for gal.';, .Call Ta
bor 676
'OR RENT 2 tor 8 furnished house: iT-j' . v ..... , 111 tf.V.;;:-1"
-Tr-r --''"- "iair hi?f: p7te.J .V "662" -t Mi
TWO unfurnished housekeeping rooms Call aher 1 bVclock.
ivi iciiv. x aiy r iuvi,
12 ROOM anartment- house for rent,
u itni-a fur aala! walkino distance.
a 695H E. Morrison. - fnone kmbj. itaa.
FOR RENT 7 room house, furnished
or unfurnished, 46th and East Main
sts. . Phone Tabor 1406 about 7 p. m.
NICE front . housekeeping room, fur
nished, zna Montgomery , si. x
FOUR clean unfurnished housekeeping
rrom. Main 2302. 497 Columbia st.
TWO furnished housekeeping roomsT
626 5th St. Marshall 1856,
$10 a
FOR RENT 0e nicely furnished
front sleeping room, iiu per month;
bath included. 172 E. 36th st.
A SUITE of lovely rooms, in a modern
flat; 10 minutes walk; 'only. 1 block 1 TWO or 3 furnished housekeeping rooms
rr.yrn arnwa, , f.i v ' p. y.i'i" n-n,n. i ror rem. qv? junnnun i;
TWO suite housekeeping rooms,
month and up.-7.-7il 1st st
THE GAYOSA, modern- rooms $3 per MITCHELL housekeeping rooms; light
week up. Grand ave, and E. Stark. gaa; moderate, 7th A Flanders. A-4076.
TWO modern furnlahed rooma, walking fwo large rooma. with kitchenette, 2
distance. ' 469 E. Ash. Pbon B-1163. bsy window, free phone. "348 Clay.
FRONT room for rent Phon and bath, SINGLE room and two room suites,
-498 Commercial st. i 310 to $30 per suite. 656 Oil wan.
FURNISHED ' rooms. .. with or ;. without FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, close
board. 66 E. Oak. B-2619.
furnished - room to rent
usne -!--
K-2301 :
.In. 117 N. 18th
furnished - attle
room, 628 Morrison. -
ROOM house with aaraae. eaat alda.
a-ood residence district, modern- Kns i
ijumoermen mag.'
7 ROOM house . furnished or unfur-
msned, ' line mwn, iruit trees. Z9
Knott. Take Broadway car. - ' - . .i'w
SEVEN - room houae. atriutlv modern.
- -window shades curtain rods and lino-1
leum. Key-at iui K. .1st st. N.
FOR RENT 6 room modern bungalowT
$29 month. Possession July lt. 971
.3. itn iM. laxa Aioerta car. . . .
FOR RENT 6 room modern house. Call
evenings. 460 E. 12th st. N- ? '
MODERN 7 room house, 871 Kelly St.,
west side, 876. ynone Beuwooq 1640.
FOUR room cottage on Eugene st .
quire 640 E. Htarg St., cor, iztn.
FOR RENT Modern 6 room house near
' 2 car lines. L.-A R. B.. 182 Msson at.
WK.ST SIDE. mtdern - 7 room house,
$26, 171 Kelly iyt. Phone Soli wood 164J.
1 ROOM bouse for rent; lot 60x100.
, Call 92$ JB. Morrison.
FOR SALE Furniture, 4 room modern
flat;-rent i-t monin; locanou ... iirai
rlasK ,444' lZtn St. ' v .
FIVE foom house, fence, $16. furniture,
everything 1176. . 1275, K. Yamhill st,,
corner 44th st ' ...
FOR - SALE Furniture., , of . 10 room
house cheap. By owner, 348 Main st.
Ft-viITURFi of 7 room house for sal
cheap. 367 ' Jefferson. x Maln483.
THREE room cottage oartly- furnished.
, $10 per month.. .6103 87th ave,, Stew-;
art's. Mt. Scott car. .
FOUR v room,, nicely- furnished, clean,-,
.-- lno. In rmrA hn...
men t, flowers. 646 Mllwaokle ave.
FURNlSHEt) cottage; phone, bath,, gas.
and piano; close iib;Tk-V .r,rjt
Page H. ; - .- - . . . ' . -- -.
HOUSE for rent furnished- $12... 446
'Salmon at- .- ' ' . . .
Ut V IN GTf)l, well fu r n I shed new hounej.
mIx rooms, sleeping' porch. !Ksst 040.:'
j-i'-w rt'ti- fumtrhed cottage, rent $39,
- Main 461T. 1 - "...'