.THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY." MORNING, JUNE 18, 1011. 5 ... EXCllAXGC REAL fcSTATJE 84 1 ROOMING IIOLSLS FOH BALK 53 over a thou-J IOC D..M A no r4viAnt UMia sand dollars, wholesale, new Jewelry MUUIII nuaillllClU I uuoo WANTED To exchange tack, gold, rlncs. brooohM nd pin. chains. stehe and movement, for un. encumbered real estate. W. T. Cook, 131 Alberta at. . KcUlNdnUaMo' ..ml.r In a new I room plastered house ana i iota ior acreea or equity -In same; inrtii Im provement preferred. Thl property 1 aoniy i im-M rrom car streets. r"nc iibuo. t FOK'ACREAdU near Portland, modern I room bunaalow. hard wood floor. Cfmn( ' biMmnt, hot water heating riant; prlca $1100; 1100 equity. . L-Tll. Journal1 - iA ACRES - I'nlon county. - J.oH.OOO feat tlmbar on part balanea aultabla for mixed farming; trada for equity In noma or vacant iota, bo agents. D-TIO. Journal. LOTH ta trada' for furnitura, dlamonda. ' equltlea or anything of value. Call 410 gwetland r.)dr. 6th and Waahlngton. . A FIRST claaa deeart land claim" for cur property, ronsiaer vaiua ivi, 120 ciumbtr or rommirca For RentUnfurnlshed, ' Flneat brick apartment houaa In Portland; ovmr of property going abroad, will leaaa for 6 year ta r ponalbla party: nothing ta buy: you don't Invent a cent, but you muit have 11000 caah for aecurlty of tha leaaa, line end paved I " ,oa fy' 'Thla house la now Vf 8 Journal i olearing liooamj eould ba mad to el ear V 'APARTMENT HOUSE NAP. , ONLY 1100 CASH REQUIRED. . Strictly modern brie talldtng. flneat weat aide facet ton. cheeoeet rent la tha city, houaa clearing 1166 a month: tola houaa ran -ha bought for leaa than 11 aoet ta furnish: It haa bean furnlahed new 1 year; wll bear thorough Investi cation.' . . -' DOWN TOWN TRANSIENT HOUSE. ' 33 -rooma, -steam heat,- prominent oor ner, weat aide, leaa than 14 a room. I year airtight laaaa guaranteed, clearing 300 a montn; prlca 14100, term. - . HOOJUNQ IIOLSLS FOR SALE 63 Ten Year Lease 32 Rooms Good Location ; Furnished complete, with flrat Class furnitura. bruaaela carpets, eta. On munt of in a.-rtdrnt which I me With four Weeks ago I am compelled to leava for medical treatment, so the flrat one her with the money take thle aplendld proposition. $1600 will handle this, with easy terma on balance. will conalder some real aetata on Pal' nee. Telephone Main 1300. XITI.I. aaiahliaha.4 .nrti.r arooarv. eloa In. all caah trade: want home or aora-tlROOMfl, VERT FIN LOCATXOK. age gXHOO. Owner ago cast Anaeny, . " - i SWAP COLUMW ' i" ' . ' J JaaiagapBaaaaaaajaajeaaaiaeggB''w - . - TO PXCHANOB, , Steel range, nearly new; two dreaaara; two beda complete; 4 pi I Iowa. qtillta, ' a nk.i.a f aanlfAr' ArHirh With ffnt treaai 1 aofa: alao 1 aat ttreen River Plackamlth atorka and dlea, cutting rrom H Inch to 1H inch, twa atocka and tapa Will trad for motor ayola or anything of value. XXT Grand ava. Fhona aat t. " - ' ' HAVK nald tStO on I acre tract. Will give my equity for team and wagon I Waahlng and harnea or clear lot In , Portland. I c m ea--a. aa . 1 . I ' VA ban you beat thiat - 'Furnitura very beet: clear liO a month, 1ft yeaf leaaa, rant t a room. including ateam neat; pni. iooo on rma. . ci ROOM ROOMTNO HOUBB. TBADB JTOR LOT. WelT furnlahed houaa near 'Oregon Hotel; Uka IR00 for It; $100 caah. lot a high aa 11000; aaeuma nortgaga lot. for moo. , ; 4 , , , ' 10 ROOMS. KXW FURMTURH. . Heat of furniture, rant only 141: year leaa: 'prlca M00; thla la a nice Olean houaa and located near Xlth and ton ate. A Country fiacQ 30 Minutes Ml aeraa. II aorta cultivated. I room new bungalow, full cement basement and floor, 4aat pt plumbing, barn out. fculldlnge fruit Vrchard and berrlea oil Barr road, fruit orchard and, ban-lea an mobile road. JOB. BCCMTEL aV CO., Ill Orand Ava. WILL aell my rooming houaa.: conal ' Ing af 14 outalde roo ma. In tha beat ranting part of Portland. Furnitura la In aplendld condition. Good leaaa. Rant 1110 par month. Cleare $100 per month profit Am going back to Minnesota aid wouldn't mind taking In part pay ment some Portland property. Owner, Mr. Koaera, H-7Z0. Journal. IrfMimle. Tahor 114. fOR KXCHANGBJ A aulta af houee- , keeping room for taking cera M l .reaponalbla people; no children. II $10 COLUMBIA gramophone, nickeled horn, apiendia rone: v cnoioe reoorae, to ascnanga ror nrai ciaag aouaa. w WTM-tUTMri HOTTglB OWNKRS. If your houaa la for aale and tha price la rign wa wani it on vur net. and wa will look It over. ' 7J1, Journal. R,"H,.Goodklnd Co., 101-4 Board of Trada bldg, Tel. Marshall 4IR, A-iQr. Associated Investment Co.'s : List of Hotels and Apart ' ments for Sale. . EXCHANGED 'Bound, gentle family or ; delivery horse for good motor boat C-TIO. Journal1. . I. L ROLLER top aeek. typewriter, ,chlra. and houaa furniture, for team. What v . . . r.i.M.1 flMitrPr pewriier. p.rcci " MOrffi condition ralua $10, for bicycle. A' nH Zrkinmmuf hotel, antra ""'' i - -1 well located ana clearing aooui iwo . t UK aaie or trad, t inon iana, moatn. win tea a jot as pair pay cycle, no voita. it w. womion. BICYCLE to trade for camera; have youT l Vancouver ava. WANTED- REAL ESTATE 31 BEAUTIFUL LITTLE COUNTRY HOMK. I acrea all In full bearing orchard In ment. II ROOM HOUBB. Thla la ona of the flneat furnished houses on tha wast aide. I rear and S month laaaa. Be thla If you want eomathinc fial food money maker. 11 ROOM HOUBB. ' ' ' ' Located near Portland hotel, I years fine shape, Ilea nice and level In beautiful I lease. Now it la vary eeldora you can thickly settled country; new l-room bun- I get a small house, right down town, (alow; place all fenced with woven wire: with a LEASE on It, aa get busy. fruit good, will net thla seeon between 00 and f 1000; thla Place la 11 miles irom roriianq on main ouunir maoa amlsed road: I blocks from electric ata. tlon; R. F. D. and telephone route; nlca homea adjoining on all aides; prioa 12160: 1700 rash, .balance to suit. Tha man who owns thla place had ta leave very suddenly, aa la anxious to maka a aala before the property gets In ran down condition. . COOPERATIVE REALTT CO., ' 810-20-il Railway Exchange. Lot Wanted as part " payment on a. now modern 1 1 room bungalow. 11th and Wadmora. . i . . . . WANTED For caah, beat bargain In house and lot on Mt Tabor; owners preferred. H. W. Ott. 80 4th at. ground floor Board of Trade W. " CASH for your property, any kind. any. where, to buy. aell or exchange, ad areas Northwestern Business Agency, i Minneapoil. , WANTED i acre with modern bun- galow; $100 equ'ty in choice lot aa rirat payment, rnone Marsnau Monday. A MODERN room cottage, near car lines; must be a anap for cash. Give I full particulars and location. B-7JS, Journal. IF VOU WANT to buy. sell or exchange cuy cr suDuroan propeny, connuu us. "H pays to see us." Eager A Wataon, Wain Z 10 Iewla bldg. , WANTED Small farm, partly, lm . proved, near transportation; prlca must must do rignt. uiva iuu pariicu- lara. Q-729. Journal. VANTEI Equity In 6 or room bun- gaiow, muat do a cargain. u-tit, i Journal. - v . WANTED To buy your equity In houaa and lot all particulars In first letter. "C-714, Journal. I WANT two $1200 bungalow built eacn ror a stoo lot and $500 caan. owner. B-7Z1. journal. WANTED Closein acreage; have cus tomer for same; John W. Cook, 401 Lewis bid. WANT TO- BU r for- eaatfr4 or t a crcs . - of Improved land on c carllne. H-722. 10 ROOM HOUSE. , Eleaantlv furnished, all brand naw: furnace heat: I years' laaaa; wast aid location. Ask about It, It's a andy. II ROOM HOUSE. A No. If weet alda location, rent only $15. We have an "Inald prioa" on this.- REMEMBER. W make a specialty of this elasa of bustnesa ana only handle houaes that are on a "fating babib.- Associated Investment Co. Suite i Yeon bldg.. Ith and Alder ata. Phone Main 481 and A-711J. A Rare Chance, $300 Only t roomi. well furnlahed, rooma all rented, rant only $10. CaJ Sunday after noon, in E. 83d St.. nesr Alder. nT5Q STOCKS OS TALK WITH FLETCHER: 11 !Jlfornla Oil atooka. 1.000 Alaeka Pet. A Coal, trees bargain 7.o Aimeda con.... n Did ii.dii Aimm. i on. irBBi ..... PhonaT 1.000 Aimeda Con. trana ...... market I l,vv, x i i n. nwmr vvu .......... vimv V 1.000 Mack Eagla bid . t coin Macnlna (iottar).... special 0,000 Columbia Rlv. Orchard bond. .20 $04 Comatock Golden Qata II LJ00 Caeur d'Alena Con. ...... .....04 40 Fa vary Tire bid 1,000 Fidelity Copper bid 600 Govt. Stand Powder ....market MeaderCnchrana Press ,.sea us .Modern Mln. Mach bid 400 Necarney Oil anap 100 Peck Auto Wheal bargain li0 Portland Concrrts Pit ...special $0 Slmonson-Flx-It ...market 1,000 Bkamanla G. A C.. . .big bargain 1.000 8t Helena Mln. A Tr if taken at once 03 St Johns Oil A O. try aome 100 Telopoat "A" A Conv T.0 10 V. P. Llf cheap SO United Wlraleaa trana 1.35 All other atock and bonds: sea ma before buying; may be abla to do batter, i want: Aimeda Con, cheap. Metallna Con. Automatic CalL Palmer Jr. Oil. Campbella A.8.0.B. Port. Conorete. Fidelity Copper. Plmonaon Fx-It Home Tel. Port. U. 8. Caahier. at K ar bond. e TOCKHOLDERS, In California con., Mascott Premier and Tallowstone Oil; call, at my office; It may make you money. 226 Ablnalon Bide. MINING and industrial stocks i tele phona and etBer bonds bouahtVand sold. C S. Fletcher, 116 Ahlnyton bldg. WILL pay $7.60 for block Slmonson-Flx-It atock. S-716. JournaL BUSINESS CHANCES 90 IMiMil A awell naw brick apartment house, all up . to date,, elegantly furnlahed. fin new Brussels ear Kts and-rugs, prlvata phonea and tha In every apartment; gas range and wash traya, flna loca tion, on 1 carllne; 61 rooms, all rented. Income 1 $$50 per month; 6 yeara lease, rent $300 par month. Price $(600 complete, half cash, balance .$100 per month. This Is a money maker. ' Owner is compelled to dispose of thla ' fin property' on account of 111 health. This Is an up-to-date rroposltlon. Don't fall to look hia up. , , Ball & Kuntz 411 Lumber Exchange bldg. IPUTTIG pRorasrnoN Wa hava a good acreag all platted and ready for tha market, -The land I all deep, rich soli, and la all under cul tivation. Joins electrte car atatlon. Thla la aomethlng that will sell easily and you are Insured big profits. Re quires only $1000 to handle. A. K. Hill 410 Henry bldg. RESTAURANT that coat $900 to fur nlah for $260: no auch bargain ever offered before; busy oenter; new bulld- can do $60 to $76 dat business. Owner nas omer nusiness tnat maaea it im possible for him to run restaurant hence you get tha greatest business opportun ity of your Ufa John B. Goddaxd. 606 .Yeon Bldg. . - CCSI.VLfeS CHAXCES to V- Bernard A. Crandelle I - 701 Yeon Bidr. , Portland's Leading Business Broker , " :: 1 v ; Investigated , Propositions a .; ; : Specialty, ;, ,. ; .; Excellent Opportunities - ' Opaa In all llnea af buaiaeaa. ' This Office, '-V: ' haa tha beat list ta tha city la : Groceries " From $600 Up Coniectlonery and Cigars,-; v stores In different nartg .of tha , clty from $100 Up.' . Several First Class Saloons with Independent licenses.' A , fw very good specialty lliea. Some Manufacturing Interests In fact, almost, anything you may ta looking ror. It would ba well worth your while to come to THIS OFFICIO and gat OUR WAY of doing bustnaaa before purchasing elsewhere. t- If your buslneas la for safe, for tha QUICKEST RESULTS llet with . this office and gat IMMEDIATE , RETURNS. Wa have parties . waiting AT ALL TIMES for dlf-X ferent llnea. THBRB ARB 31 OTHER OFFICES In different ' statea Identified with us and wa are the people that gat the busi ness, j . Cleaning and Dye Works This la one of the moat onm- flete and up, to data planta In ha city. Equipped throughout . with tha lateet improved machin ery, doing a good business both wholesale and retail. If you are looking for a good paying busi ness. Investigate this. . Would conalder part trade. - , Restaurant 32 Rooms Journal. I ROOM modern cottage; muat bo , a I Must sell. aiM . tm toa w . . . i , ' - i wttL aw All housekeenlnc 2 vanrs' leaaa. clears $126 every month. Own-sr leaving city. CONTRACTORS. ATTENTION. Wanted to let contract for building modern hotel In country town near Portland, to party who would be willing to take desirable piece of property as Fart payment; exceptional opportunity or an anergetlo man in this commu nity, as new town Just started and many other buildings, including store, soon to be ouut. o-etto, journal. HAVE filed on 10,000 acres land under the Cary act Want atralgnt man' to go In with me to form company. One thousand dollar required for bond and expenses. Opportunity for right man. No real aetata agents wanted. C-T$. Journal. barraln. 13-729. Journal. WANTED A' lot. Improved street, wa- ter. sewer; cash deal. C-712. JournaL tlVB to 80 acres of timber for wood near roruanq. -laoor zmg. RooMijra houses won salk 03 ; THE PACIFIC-REALTT CO. Hotela, Rooming and Apartment Homes, . REAL ESTATE AND EXCHANGES. Phone Main 9660, A-1476. 23-14 Falling Bldg,. 3d and Wash. Sta MARY K. LENT, ' Portland's Leading Hotel Bnkr. ,"' ROOMING HOUSE SACRIFICE. Close in on Washington st, rant les than $6- room; good lease, can easy clear $100 month, if you have $600 and want ' a good money maker, aee thla and make SACRIFICE $2000 store for. $1600. cor ner. Caah Grocery, near East Burn da? low rent; llvlna room: no delivery or soliciting; unincumbered; terms; sea owner, szv west fane feunuay or ava- $1600. $850 cash, balance ."""'J 44 Kooms Good location; two years' lease, doing better than $30 a day; $660 . la as good aa aaved. Home Bakery $20 rent; have all equipment nereaaary for delicatessen; por table ovenetc. Bnap at $450. Hotel and Restaurant 73 rooma and a large room with reatanrant equipment; do ing over $1800 a month; rent for both $260. Price 16800, $3000 caah. Pool Room Thro pool tables; best of fix tures; a good slsed stock of cigars, tobacco and oandlea. Rent juii 5oln ovcr ',0 5my: General Merchandise Stock In one of the best suburbs of Tortland; doing ovVr $3000 a month; carry a genarsl stock; will take aome acreage or city property about $3000 caah. Confectionery Good neighborhood; have a nice Flare doing about $15 a day; rent 20. $660. Bernard A, Crandelle Business Investments 701 Yeon Bldg,, 5th and Alder Large Eastern Connections Phone Main 856 FOR SALE-Store. stock and fixtures; located on Mt. Scott line at Myrtle Park station; good buslnens loon tlon; stock and fixtures about $1400; building new; size &x3(; run basement 8 feet deep. Price $5000. cash $3500, balance on trine; mis property is izuuo less than adjoining ouslneas property ean be bought for; good reason for selling, or I will sell stock and rent store. Owner, 402 Lumber Exchange, or at 6721 Foster road. Evenings or Sundays. , business ciiAirctes ON ACCOUNT af the rapid , growth of tha automobile bual- ' now throughout the etata of Ore 4 goo wa are compelled to enlarge our business and take on a new " popular priced line of care, and would Ilk to gat In communica tion with aoma gentleman who can Inveat from $3600 to $10,000, . with or without eervtcea. This Is a proposition that will atand atrlct Investigation: referencee ax- - changed. Addree V-T2I. Journal. -: Small M Good ' . Vary nloa confectionery, ice cream. claara. ate., I pool tables, fna room, down , town location, everything right and nloa; an absolute pickup at $460, Must ba aoid at onoe. , tee Anderson, with CHITTENDEN A NEILL, ' 110 Oak St., between 6th and 0th. 4 - Meat'Market . - Market eomnleta In a rood town lust Outalde of Portland; good flxturea and machinery: doing a buelneee of $80 per day; no other market N town. Her Is a good opening for a market man. Look this up; It's all right Neal Brown, TOO Bwetland bldg. ' A Little Beauty Fine arocerv. in A-l location on tha east aide; atock. flxturea, horse and wag on, everything clean and in A-l conoi tlon; good husinesa. Just think of It all for only I860. See Anderson with CHITTENDEN 4k N&JL.U 110 Oak at., bet ween 6th end 0th. BUSINL3S CHANCES - 20 Bl'SIXESS CHAACLS J. B. NICHOLS CO., 616 YEON BLDG. DO you want ta know hew to secure position when all other nieana li.iv failed? There Is a rtaht way to ( ter a pea it! on . and there la a iuu; OKFtlia HOME UOOU BARGAIN aV TOU NEED SOME MONET IN nn VlllIK nilMINKSBf DO TOU WANT TtOET INTO. BUSI NKHHT DO TOU NEED A PARTNER IN TOUR DO TOU WANT TO GET OUT . ," BU8FNEH87 , way. Ona who has been a student i'' the great problem for many years on tell, you how to eecura a position wh'i all other means hav failed. If yni are almnlv lOttklntf tn an nnrutrfiinlltf 1 ,1 OF lacaept a poaltlon. than paaa on, but if you reauy deaire a poeillon then mil ma 16 aanta (coin) and you will rr- J. E. NICHOLS CO., 016 YEON BLDO. celve by return mall complete Inairu ' ' , . i lions, snowing you tna right wny to rONFTCCTTONART AND CIGARS. I secure a noaitlnn.. A44raaa uk iir.n l we nave aoroa nice Diacve rnu jn n. m. jonneon can buy and get living rooma in rear; rent IS cneap ana -nc is riant. 4. is. nitnuia w.,. is Money niailng hotel for man and wife. w. jonneon. 6uy. Sell or Trade y making hotel for man an . Tir- -.v nn ..i mmt iwrrnB, nit' noma. we nave aom alea peopla and If yon want to buy portaniuea tni waeK. . ZUtZ Eifl! y0B wfth 0ur mth01 ot ' " room apartment house, mutt b NICHOLS COi 111 TEON BLDO. " " "t, . ... BVTT TTTT9 1N1P A' nice little bualn.aa on a buiy ttreet V' I where Iota of clear you lasi. J. E. NICHOLS CO of peooie stay; tills place win $100 par month; thla won't 111 TEON BLDG. room ma mouse bargain. Thirteen rooms, good street, nice large room, now thesa are all outside rooms "TamJuLl county reaLt c6 ' 410 Rothchlld bldg., 4th and Washington at s. Portland. Wa hava farms from 1 ta 140 acrea, bop yard a, orchards and orchard land; ,aaa'av;aa uinpia teak iiviwia property. We locata tlraber clalma and homesteads; alwava reliable, I HAVE eOMB GOOD DIVIDEND PAT- T vr At VAriiJ vdAU a law. HAT ft A O 1W r0 r fJ wi 3 m a v iut?( ki IN AMOUNTS TO SUIT PURCHASER. THESE ARB GUILT EDOKD. AS I DEAL ONLY IN STOCKS THAT WILL BEAR THE STRICTEST INVESTIGA TION. W. H. BARD, 121 TEON BLDG. MAIN 7371. FINE G80GERY Mne ntvlnf hualnesa! will Stand tha strictest investigation: cheap rent: will sccept aome trade. C J. Culllson, 106 Morriaon street. Ttl8fATfRXSJf At k SAdRtFICE. Extra good trade, good location, cheap rent pavlnr streeta and a extra good country trade, call and aea for your self, end I will explain why it is to ba sacrificed. Walter Roawurm, Forest Grove, Or. ' $600 Buys Clean -Grocery Worth 1976; 3 living rooms In rear; reason, homesick: that's all. BROADbTREETd EXCFTANUE. 271 H Morrison ot ' rehtauraW"worth $200d. Price $750 Today A monev maker. Call at II 10th at We'll explain why they are forced to almost give away. PARTNER to establish a laundry. Flna opening. Experience not necessary, experienced man now anaaaed: capital only secondary matter. Apply or ad- reaa Koom I, wooaiawn noiei. woon- n car. BARBER SHOP. Rooming houses, large and small, an aaaw . u . . .. . ... , . , , SIMMON B A CO. ' , -. 147 W. Park at ' j pn unt" 0 P- wi " " ' HELP VVANTEP MALg .1 i' . - -- . rr. ft Hivirw a. fit l- with furnace heatl Juat a little down, Laraest and moat full enulnned em. J'e? NICHo'lS'cO.. 01 TEON BLDO. plyment 1" 0B n Ifla coa.t '.w- . . . HELP . SUPPLIED FREE TO EM- A FINE HOME FOR SALE OR EX- .... PLOTIRS. . CHANUB. t room modern houae, lot 100x100 and EMPLOYMENT SKCTrrtEO on Wrt rlntiM Ut carllne. Thla la a dandy 'homoi . ulDntr vovm irniofBiTtnu snd owner wanta smaller home ana tne difference or will taka a paying bual- WANTED ' " - i;,?t?,l??nt,ai ttom bttvi. . 15 Pwer transmiaalo'n. lin.men. M J. E. NICHOLS CO., Oil TEON BLDO. 6my , hour- for WOTk , th HOTEL. city. Alao 26 ground man, helper, gen eral laborera for pola ganga, $2,40, I Vlt iruv aa sj a aww - present owner, 'rhia la a moneymaker and tha furnitura la good, with piano Included. Bea us anout tnie. ; J. E. NICHOLS CO., Ill TEON BLOG. Hook tender. California redwoods. $100 snd board. Riaalna- allnarera. other woodsmen, gang edgerman. $3.76. trim- merman . euton man $3.50, off -bear er $3.60, Io deck man $1.60, wood chopper $3. $1.60, 11.16 a cord: splitters I...-. I n-i,r- r.n handle liquors: i wr"a 7 marw. yararoeo business U lively: owner doaa no daUv- erlng. ( 1 ; i. rtwrv-wnv KTDR1B SNAP Clean atock of arocerles: location flna; Man and wife, night cook and baker. p v mmtJi ro UK YEON BLDO. I conn,rT eating house, $t0; fry oook $20 E. NICHOLS CO., fii iwn ww,. kitchen help, janitors, porters. inii Tmrm rntt EXCHANGE. I rnatmria, tne foreman who need to " W.hav. mVgood f.v. and 10 acre 1" C- N,tron- fA, u nr firninifl ror cut i - - - bath tubs, plata glass work complete fittings, splendid 3 chairs. bench and town, eastern Waahlngton. must retire on aocount of 111 health; price $1000; act quick If Interested. 710 Yeon bldg. YOU are looking for a good business property or for a rooming nous; thes iracta are on tha Orecon City. Eatacada and Salem Electric carllnea. Sea us - Vv.ti , l)i. J. E. NICHOLS CO.. Ill TEON BLDO, A noon OPPORTUNITY. I want a live, tober. Industrious man Koraner teamsters ror wora eiosa in. $8.26. Auatrlana. Bulrarlana. Italians.- for extra gang and section work, free tare. HEADQUARTERS FOR R. R. WORK. Employing agents for many af tha in'my .contracting business to help look I Pr'ncJP" .!ie"7Jf -"iL' C.T, after keeping time and aea after tbo material. Muat ba willing to work; a Juarantee neceesary. E. NICHOLS CO., Oil TEON BLDO Mitmivn VfTI.T. WANTED. Wa have a caah buyer for a water power flouring mill In Willamette yal 1 .Knnt un nr TS barrels capacity: write us tha part'culara in first letter I construction men. or call ana we win imrauuv, j " j"rE.UNICHOLS CO.. Ill TEON BLDO. osnles. sawmllla, logalng .cam pa and local and country amployara In various branchaa of industry. SOUTH. For tha Utah Con. Co., frea fare. ' Laborers, drillers, muckers, teamsters. $2 up. . -V - . Klamath raiia. rrea rare. ' ' Dally shipments of general railroad NEW ORDERS' DAILY. Hm us for acreaae or city property, any kind of bualneea. If you need money or a friend come up; wa will treat you f E. NICHOLS CO.. OH Teon Bldg. The Portland . Business Exchange KM LUMBERMEN'S BUILDING. Hotela, rooming houses snd stores Rmirlil anM anil axchanced. Hotel Half internet one of tha beat paylnv )n Oregon. Chnnce of a life time. $16,000. Out of town. Confectionery and restaurant Ona of the best locations In Portland: good tease, rent reasonable. Owner going Into iji.v. l . i v i 'j " i l " i' manuiacturina punnwi, nv, COUNTRY hotel to leasa furnlahed or 1 1 w will ll furalliiM' nw mnrlMra nlnr.' I"?!1.-... ..... v., 1-... ..... I -TTTrV PFT TiBf.V R 1TISV lfTflPT " ' ' ' - . . . r ' ' nOIVI Jul! 11 r 1 M K QVHiuiciru. mtmm v. a - . .. . ..... . t . -I ...... . . B- . U- V Proposition and a rood money maker nd steady employment call st room 207 Marauam bid.: owner leavlna city; will sacrifice on account of alcknesa In the family, FARM AND DAIRY HEADQUARTER. -SPECIAL HOTEL AND RESTAURANT . DEPARTMENT. ; , C R, HANSEN A CO.. ''i: General Employment Agents ; EatabAshM 1370. - . . OFFICES AT , 21 and SI North Second at., Portland. Women'a dent. 34iV Washington at. Portland. J 233 4 waahlngton at-. spekana. Wash. 306 Howard at. San Francisco. ; ' 18Ve South Los Anaelea it. Los An galea. . Open 0:30 a. m, to I p. m. TRY US. Good furniture, I yunrd' lenac. clears : $150 per month. Prlca OlUOO, 3600 rar.h, I w arn .- uk i a nee v rnvniniy. -r . ' 8 Rooms Newly painted anl papered close-in, good furniture, tease, rem $.45, $60 cah required. - CONSOLIDATED REALTY CO.. 110 Henry Bldg, Oor. 4th and Owk vt. . IMES nings dally. Experienced Teachers Prominent Oregon high acheol prln clpal has free Information of value. Interview given. Q-720, Journal, Good house, wast side, snap, on terras, will trada , 30 room brick building, good money an offer, as thla muat be sold the ''mitmUwSrS let. , Calf 8 10th, near Stark. , y;; rf S- &gP$y'T 14 Rooms, Very Swell Jg&gg--& Extra Flna Hotel ear gon. Modern In every respect: flna west Ida corner location. If you want a flna home with a large Income and extra flna furnished here, you are, do not miss ..thla ona. , ".- ' "" -. ,v SEE ANDERSON.' ; ; '. With Chittenden A Neil!, " V ' ' 810 Oak St., Bet. 6th and 6th. , FIVE to 100 room rooming houses rang. Ing in price from $200 to $20,000; terms arranged to 'Wult purchaser even If I hava to loan-the money necessary. Baa m before you buy.. John B. God da rd, 605 Yeon Bldg. v. - CLIENT has 25 room housekeeping house, valued at $1400: will take I aomethlng of good value to $85A as first I bast west side location, 4 blocks south payment. House clears good money. I west of Portland hotel; furniture, car- Mooaara, nuo nun pius;. I pets excellent: win clear over all 10 ROOMS, strictly transient house, I Penses $80 per month. A bargain at down town, on wasnington street I " n i oinc un, - There Is 10 rooms, hat and eold water In all the rooms, prlvata baths, steam heat braaa .beds, Axminster carpets, quarter aawad oak furnitura, entertains oniy tna nest oiaaa or, people in tna city. If , you are looking for a . first claaa propoaltlon, here it la. Good lease, low rant. izduo casn, oaiance mommy. ;r, ; ; See Anderson, with ; CHITTENDEN & NEILL, ":-'. 310 Oak fit. ' - PARTNER In established paying busi ness; . jouv required; ruuy secured. Tou can net at least $160 per month full Investigation solicited and refer enoea exchanged. 8-721. JournaL DELICATESSEN, home bakery, lunches, confectionery: on account 111 health win aell thla week ror 0200: fine bust ness; no competition; low rent, '998 union ave. in., aiternoona FOR SALE -First claaa csonfectlonerv. cigar and Ice cream parlor; one of tne best in tne city; goa location and win pay to investigate, cash talks C-7I1, journal. COUN nr wife 111: 26 rooms; ;Nice Rooming House There are 11 rooma, strictly modern, clearing $115 monthly above every x penta Prlca 11000. Goddard, 606 Teon bldg. ' ' . - ' J -- ' PORTLAND ROOMING HOUSE CO. i 411 Henry bldg. Marshall l4. I'i apartment houses, rooming t-2.!iiMer4iourht sold and ezchanred. ' -V1ro'6m! house, ail good furniture? cheap With Chittenden A Nalll. 110 Oak St.. Bet. 6th and 6th. Swell Transient House - and If 'you understand your business, here la a chance to get a flna house with a large income, oest atn at location. nt lease; "pr oa'tMO Sain ?26 12tfi 'wel 'UPnltuM na """Pete, nothing llrlr MmT , : ' iood l.aa7iiw r.nt Prla $7000 $3600 SEVERAL special bargaine In rooming cailv blnca time. , houses; don't buy one until you in- , . Bea Anderson, with . - VesUgat these. Jestern - Invaatment . CHITTENDEN A NEILL, T Co.. 417 Board 'bf Trade. - ; . 310 Oak st. between 6th and Ith 14 ROOMS on Washington atreat;. fine JF you are in the market for a rooming M plac: maka ma an offer; will trade house I can aell you a placa so -ou for houaa and lot , Phono MarshaU w mke ,0ma money both by running 2828. --v. - , --- -- 4t an4 aigo by aelllng again. Location 40 ROOMS, steam heat hot and cold and reaaonabla rent coupled with a-leaaa water in every room;-best furnished are the essential points to consider. flace in city ,17000, terms easy or will Sevan yaara in this business in Portland rade partly., Qoddard, 605 Yeon Bldg, enables me to protect you - in buying. ELEVEN rooma well furnished, -clear John B. Goddard. 605 Teon bldg. Ing $60 mbnth located right, for $800. ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE, terma to ault Goddard.,606 Yeon Bldg. 1$ rooma H. K.i taka lot In trade. , I" KOOVL bouaa by .awfer, J3000.aJ.alI V.h eash! money-maaing piace. & i in S IS IZZX fV fiat w th tma cash. ' - -"' .-'. . '' v i-- , JSt rooms H. K. lease M down.- - ' All kinds, all prlues. Berrey'a Realty I Co,. 149 4th st. Marshall l2: A-4T18. 14 ROOMS Morrison, AN accident slckneas compels -ma to sacrifice well paying 15 room houaa Near P. O. V-732. Journal." TKANSIF.NT houae, 9 -room. Income ever $160, price $1000, 428 H Wash. SMALL rooming house for sala by own er, cheap. 64J Morrison , at ., TRY holer must ael monthly profit 3260 net only. commercial hotel in town; electric line, .price isooo; terma fipoo cash. journal. A GOOD business $400 will handle; make good wages for steady man and be independent: fine chance for busi ness to increase. Give phone number, 0-725, Journal. 40 ACRES, trade for house and lot up to ouu; u acrea rruit iana, trans ror grocery, store; we nava others. Berry's Realty company, 249 4th st. Marshall 2828; A-4718. , COUNTRY, hotel, must aell, wlfelU; monthly profit, $250 net; 25 rooma; only commercial hotel In town; electric line, price isooo. Terma 51000 caah P-721. Journal. ' ENERGETIC man with few hundred dollars can get an Interest In steam laundry. Phone E. 4211, or residence, E. 6841. , FOR SALE Dye worka complete, es- taonanea traoe. yeara lease on prop erty; will taach business. A-714, Jour nal. - lMfkiV5ISTG to retire from business. will sell my easy to learn. forenoon. WANTED Partner dye worka reasonable: Call 288 Russell, Sunday with $6000i that want to make $6000 per year on in vestment: legitimate ; business. O-720. Journal. THREE living rooma furnlahed, reatau rant doing cood business: rent 820: it's right; price $400 forU. Goddard, 60S Yeon. mag. HaVB you $1000 for a business anap at areat discount? This is genuine: must be aotd at onca. Call In person. 161 liranaave. neat. airy, wall furnlahe ....ki., 1 . . . . .1 .. p. Ii r month. Price $1260. easy terma God-1 dard, 601 Yeon bldg. - , BRIGHT, honest young man as partner. Kodaa nnisning. v ui teacn ouainesa. 3100 reaulred. secured. . Guarantee - 111 weekly. H-720. JournaL' HAVE to Inveat $6300 t per cent d- mand securities in rjrst ciass retail store or unincumbered unproved real estate, fl-710. JournaL ' ' ' ' FOR SALE Cigar, fruit and ice cream rrior na soda fountain. Apply, to Burnside st ' 1 cleara $100 I A FINE paying reetaurant and lodging houaa for sale: cheap rant catlvn. : A-722, Journal. - , r A-l lo- I Want an Opportunity Printing prettsmati of 14 yeara' ex perience, at present drawing a salary of $25 per week, wanta a position In or out of . the printing business where there is. a chance for advancement I do'noT want aomethina for nothing. I want a chance to deliver the goods. Best of references. T-733, Journal. SAW MILL. For sale, capacity 10,000 feet dally, mill in aood condition, with all neces sary buildings and blacksmith shop and logging outfit, complete, mill run by water power, also 800 acres of good yel low pine timber goes with deal; prioa $12,600, will take good Portland prop erty In part payment. Addresa 330 Clay St., Dalles, Or. I WANT A MAN WHO HAS $6000,TO INVEST IN A MANUFACTURING BUSINESS WITH SERVICES, IN A CONCERN THAT WILL BEAR THE STRICTEST INVESTIGATION; PLANT ESTABLISHED AND RUNNING IN GOOD SHAPE. 822 YEON BLDG. I CALL FOR MR BARD. MAIN 7375. If Interested In MOVING PICTURE BUSINESS Sea Laellme. He sure will attend. your needs. All grades of Independent film ror rent. Locations secured. Machines for sale and rent Operating taught 333 OAK ST. IN NEW VALLEY TOWN. Three lots to merchants wishlna to Duua; fine opening ror groceries, a rugs, dry goods, ehoes, clothing, hardware, eto. For particulars aee J. R. Wolff, szi Henry Q'og. Main ooi. dears $300 to $400 month. Thla la a fine opportunity; only $2000 caah re- uired. eea owner or write ft. jv. jamea. 10th. near Stark. WANTED-Partner for poultry ranch, , by an experienced poultry man; good profitable business assured; $900 capital required. Phone Main 1409 and arrange appointment. MANUFACTURING Eusineas. show cases and ator fixture; yearly profit 16000 to $8000: stock, machinery and rood will. $800; cash or trada 311 Everett st. FOR SALE or nartner wanted. Paint- Ing and decorating business, includ ing typewriter, automobile, office fur niture, ladders, scaffolding, ropes, ate. Phone owner. East 1782. Waiftilna-ton: live town: aood lease. Will cost leasee $26,000 to furnish. Hotel Heart business section of Portland: money maker; reaaonabla runt nvnr rtlrlna- 38600. Hotel alte free New town, central Oregon. Must Invest $6000 to $10,000 nnl future aaaured. Also several A-l cafes and grills and saloons in Oreaon and; wasnington, free: SIFT DRINKS WANTED Man and wife to take man- 'Inoateri on tha hMt BtreB' leased ground: Interest: building a, - ii bqu , o u '.v , . . ... . .m w... RKSTAUHANT lor sale, an eiegant m- ; Dear the closest investigation. For rurtn tle place In heart of city; busy near- j er particulars call on A. Underdahl, ly all time, win eaoririce on account room A Lumber Exchange Bldg. or aeatn in larauj. nurr. in-iva. Journal pari;" must have, auf fie lei t property , " "t. i din.7 and money to ; PurcnMa o""'1 'n"1 will sell half or whole In n me 1012 Chamber of Commerce. ..aa. . FINE opening for general merchandise store st Buttevllle, Or. Rent $100 per year, Address E. A. M. Con, R. F. D. No. 1, Aurora. Oregon. FOR SALE Whole or half Interest In good paying grocery store In heart of city. Best reason for selling. Will stand Investigation. C-718, Journal. BUTCHER SHOP No opposition, lease, tools and shoo rent for $16. beara in vestigation, income $86 week clear; prlca 3160. Z"7 KOtncnnq Dior, wain znu. CIGAR and fruit stand, $250. Rent $10 per month. Must be sold st once. 367 Burnside. cor. 8th. Good from $2.60 to $5 per day. COINCIDENCE. ; , ' ' Office ' ' BENNETT'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCT. Agency, 14 N. 3d at, Portland, Or. Younr man. stranaer. out of work. $1.60 between him and starvation. If I nay you II for a lob what assurance have I rot of getting work? . -BENNETT If you do not ret your Job vou get your money back also your expense, and hava tha benefit of ray 12 years' experience in tha city of Portland In th labor business. . , What happened 7 Tha younr man paid his fee. took tha position and la working thera now. rtuHna- tha month of Anrll wa fur- Clearing from $400 to $600 per month, nlshed 1600 men with satisfactory em- m on n. t a-I nloy ment It any young man, willing to work, la broke wa furnish him em ployment free of charge. - v, WE PAT A LICENSE TO THE CITT , OF PORTLAND, , and are also, under sauo Donas. ' . ' A NTT MI NO PRRTATNING TO LA BOR SEE BENNETT. HE WILL 8AVB YOU TIME, TROUBLE AND MONEY. OUR MOTTO: SOMEHINO DOING EVERT MINUTE. ' ' Marshall 364.- Horn rnona a-ivas. Wa want tomorrow- in Hnamen 64 day. S houra: 11 help ers 80o hour; 10 laborera, power houBe, 25c hour; 25 Austrlana. a P. Co. work. $2; 26 Italians, Co. work, $8f I rigging rustlers, 82.75; 3 chasers, 13.76: 1 wood , bucks, $2.28; 1 cut off man. $160. , A Stock of Goods And a buainess for an Investment of $6600, paying $200 per month profit; $1000 will handle. Look thia up. It's worth your time If you want a good business. Fhona Main ,b. Jones St Shaw, 308 Board of Trade. "For Sale WANTED For tha Onltad Statea army able bodieo unmaroea mm wiwwn FOR SALE. U Interest in real estate business and If you're just looking around don't an swer. References exchanged, Marshall i 1 o. A-3Da. HAVE io acres at Hood River, 8 acrea In 4-year-old apple trees. Will ex. change for Portland residence property; Owner, 307 Couch bldg, Phone Main n.na . . INVESTMENT. If you have $2600 to Invest and want to realize so par cent per year, aee ma This Is a bona fide business proposition. fnone Mam sase. PATENT your ideas, it pays, eend sketch Invention for free opinion and Illustrated guide book; no patent no charge. Bunyea Patents Co., room 15, Washington, u. t - TO EXCHANGE For " grocery store, ; Income property ' In . ....... ...I,,. IAAA - . ,t WU WVIIIJ7 ' 1 T1 11. .muv f.UUW, V, .uv acre ranch at $3000. Phone owner. Mar- shall 716, A-4356. -'- - ' - BLACKSMITH and shoeing, shop for aale, working 3 men and doing fine business: will sell nail interest chean or might tease; a very llttla down will handle tnia. at-g. journal PARTNER wanted, or will aell half In terest in a aisappearing oea; auto matic -balance:' in a aultabla case for private residence, hoteT or apartment house; no agents, b-izd. journal. - - GROCERY, good trade, cheap rent liv ing rooma; pwner has other business; Invoice about $900. Rehfield A. Law rence. 612 Swetland bid?. .-- FINE uiKar and confectionary atore for ul cldtD If sold, at onca.a'-Stock and' fixti're ail -new. J-713. Journal. MOVING picture theatre. for aale; good stand. . -rtc reasonable; a . good , In vestment. T-724, Journal. - IX)R SALE Orocery store, prooTl loca tion,- good clean stocar parties going east.' - i. u. Hnn nman, jennin g uc-ore. FOR - SALE-riotTon atore; good loca tion: snap. A-78Z9.- .- " ' - ' FOR SALE A small srocery. excellent trada, a bargain, JZ73 Union ava - GROCERY, at a snap, if taken In few davs. The business Is paying: rent only $40, $2600 takes it I am 111, muat sell. F-T17. Journal. N0. 1 CLEAN grocery atock by owner; living rooms, low rent: will discount fixtures; about $1600. Call mornings, e -,"1CT" aya. FOR SALE A new, up-to-date confec tlonery and ice cream store. Every thing complete, satisfactory reasons for selling given. ' Phone East 6289. MOVING picture theatre. 4 price for cash, or will trade for lota, diamonds, contract or equity. 207 Rothchlld bldg,, 4th and Washington. Main 2407. WANTED Man with some cash to take y, interest in a cider and vinegar plant: already In working order. Farm ers uioer worKB, paicm, jt. 1910 AUTOMOBILE, perfect condition. 7 passenger, 40 h. j., easy terms. 8TODPARD-DAYTON AUTO CO., 8 Tentn at. SHOE repair shop and small atock of shoes; fine location; cheap rent and lease; must sell. J. R. Wolff, 322 Henry bldg. Main 6801. A BUSINESS paying good money; ex cellent location: show good reason for selling. H-728, Journal. - MOVING picture theatre for sale,, long lease, also pool hall. 4 tables, long lease. Phone East 2938. FOR SALE PublSo dining room, good location, doing rood business. V-ZB, journal. Price reasonable. syyitrtH of ' July celebration at Sher. wood. Or.; concessions $6 up; big crowds. Address nex to, cmerwooq. FOR SALE, cheap, good restaurant ill exchange ior real esiaio. 100 j.uvn St.. Portland. ' PLUMBING; heating and tin ahon,, 60 milea irom rorunia, uums uuu ous neas. M-i. journal. -; KS1STAURANT. by owner, closed In, -. wa aide, corner: izeo reauirea. uau Main 7082. A-8250. Ask for Bacon. nna nf th heat aril la In Portland. Thla ia in connection with ona of tha leading a.ee of II and 16, citlsena of United hotels: rent 886. dailv business 8100 I n?.,.a f maoA character and temperate and up. Prlca $3500. Good, terma.. 310 habits, who can speak, read and write nenry man. - i the Kngusn langTiaj. rw nuuimii A." COMPLETE stock of fine millinery, apply to Recruiting Officer, , Alnswortu laHIa' walata and fura: a choice io-1 block, ia ana uaa bib.. ri namu. v.. cation and a valuable lease; one of the " ' . OolacryiArt haat in Portland: Will ba Bold at a aac-I i)d 6SmCll rlflce. Party leaving for tha east if you can aell automobile X will phone Main 1689 Monday. . (how you t pracUcal working plan that FOR SALE Grocery, cigar and confec- la. prdducing greater, results fpr our tlonery store: heart of the city, weat 1 " ' " . STi7 v t-VS m livfn i rn Ide; fine fixtures; Inventory atock; ex- S7000?!?1! eel lent location, gooa lease; reason ior l . , " J 7 r i Hallins-. husinesa in another atata Own. I irLur-TRIClANS. hardwood parquet er. phone Main 7376. floor layers, " painters, . -plumbers. LOT 60x100 and stora building and tearo 1? w V5 "V stock of groceries, invoice about non-union, for out .of 'ttwfc Apply ZiJ $1000; a nice growing business In one commercial mud ih. ne ih. K-.t altlnn. to tha nltv Jk I i i UTtrTVMan aa watchman on Irrl- anap If taken this week., Phonea, Wood atlon dam Small wagea and house bov a. ia9 I i.nii nmvlded. Five hundred doi- nnv'oin . w .i,v. i,i..iii.A .n.i.it nn I lar secured cash bond requirod. C'lit. '', advertising scheme or patent medi-Journal. . . . cine wanta to borrow $500s money ta WANTED Man to travel jroni town to nauied fnr eniarcinar oT omoe: wuiina r town in ku our niwu u. t uviw to nay high interest aa return . are position for reliable man. - State p"rvl T ..K . . . . I - . . ma.. u. gooa J.ournai. GENERAL merchandise store in noun try on United Ry., 18 miles from city; obliged to sell on account of other busi ness. Stock, building and lot. all for about $2200: terma. Sea: Hlokok, 138 Chamber of Commerce. . " uploy Plna at, NT. Icjs emf The Baaalda Co., 60, ment Y. . WAITED Salesman for high claaa in iuatrtai atock: references required. Apply 10 a. m., or 6 p. m, .100 Railway. Exchange bldg. ' ' ' - ARCHITECTURAL draughtsman want-. CLOTHING, genta furnishings and f . ed; experienced all round orrica man hn. hualnaaa fnr aala nr trada fnr I with amnri deaianinr ability. Apply Mae- city or country property; atook involca I Nauahton A Raymond. 606 Concord bldr about $5000; established 10 vears; good I WANTED A barber who can furnla low rant and lease, E-738, 500 Business Cards $1 vRoae City Prtntery. 192 H 3d. SALOON for aale doing good ouelneav ct. et Or. price. $1000. 40 tb at, Portland. PAYING country newspaper, 30 yeara old, without plant for aale cheap. F 711. Journal. - r ; BOOTBLACK atand for sale, fine loqa tion, cheap for. cash. Apply 100H N, 6th St.- ;- " ' , ... : - FOR SALK Restaurant, cheap, 3 years' ' lease. Rent $20. Phone B-2361.-; ' HOME restaurant confectionery - and lunch.- Owner; living rooma " 316 Rusaell at ' - - i ' ' BARBER shop and bath for sale. . Morrison av 413 location. Journal. WANTED Relltble man aa partner it old established business; will pay $33 weekly; experience nt neeowt; very little capital required. Particulars, 84 6th st. Office 417. interest In well established business. a special opportunity for a hustler to make not less than $176 per month eaay. Western Investment Co. 417 Board of Trade. HALF Interest in finely" located grocery atore doing big buainesa; good lease; a first class proposition.- Western In vestment Co.. 417 Board of Trade. ' ' OlAVE $2000 cash to invest in a saloon and assume further obligationa for a higher priced place, or would consider partner. Address D-7 4, Journal. - I HAVE aoma rood town property and acreage that I will exchange for a good clean- atock of general merchandise or narawara. journal, WILL" invest rmaH amount of monoy ana my .time n. any gooa propoaltlon that la, permanent and will pay good wages. F-72S. Journal. " - ' STOCK- ano,. fixtures of Confsctlonery, ice cream, .cisara and 'light irrocerlei, for sale. Phone Woodlawn 16r5. $500 TO $1000 to mveot In notna ooJ ' biHilueer; muat atamt Investigation. Noagont9. E-723, Journal. FOR SALE Boiler, engine, and build Ting; good factory site. . F-72, Journal. rood reference: ona who ia willing to- devote hia time in making about $3 la week. Call 311 Corbett bldg. . WANTEF Yot know that wa half aole ana repair snoea. nnniii onu Renal r Factory. 10T Grand ave. WEAVERS i good weavers, on ban.J keta; good prlca list Union Woolen Mills, Waahougal, Wash. ... WANTED At onca, 3 men to learn f - drive and repair automobiles. Call at , '50-62 N. 7th at. ' : , : . . CARPENTEft. first class finlaher stTI repairer seeks work, $3 day or Joh. B-I23. Journal. ' CHEF headquarters and helpera. t'ail- fornla Wlna Depot, 286 Yamhill, next to Journal. . , ' WANTED At one,-7 man to learn i drive and repair automobllea, I I at Hawthorn Oarage, 44 Hivthof WANTED Experienced driver ai4 licltor at East' Portland Cleaning ly Works. 14S Grand ave, city .-. , BOY wanted on ram-h to mKit an.i tm 1 rarden. Inquire of S. L, fpann, N- berr. Or. ' .; ' ..- . ; 17NCAI.LKD for wHr-i" - f ( up. Te yJoih.T ' ' ; FIKST CLASti i-" l " ; ' , can Hi """""" WE aell u. 319 UP. rv WEAR a I 1 Voir'