The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 18, 1911, Page 24, Image 24

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    IUI( ElAIJvrAJUIIil At I (T V Prtir-w vw - I - - 1 I ,. n T T il I U"U l iyn-jxnn,-L-lt-- -. nn -L Xj un. I Tunj-in-iii-Ln-ij-Lri i -muiuunji -i - I "m
" ' 80 ABB
20 acres In ; cultivation
and crop if sold by July.
; 1st; finest of bench land;
V, no; better: crop; ; wheat, .
' oats and vetch; 1 acre
' kale,y Jand to put In pota-
toes and seed furnished;
' a good" six room house
: and '. wood liousepa No,
: 1 frame barn, a chicken
; and tool house,, team of
horses, wagon and har-
ness, agood" cart. 4
food cows, 2 heifers,
'brood sows, 1 fine
shoat, 2 dozen chickens,
: a good orchard," some
: . berries, good water, all
V kinds fanning tools, 1
I; hack, place .well fenced,
:-J more land easily cleared;
ood timber, fir and ce
ar; . a 4 fine school 1-4
..Price $6000; $2500
cash, balance, long time
6 per cent, or would di
. .: ; vide the place if wished;
'. 4 ml. from North Plains,
Washington. - Co., on a
good county 'rbacf. See
- W, W, ESPEY,
,.Room 312 Commercial
Blk.,' corner 2d and
i ; - ' ; Washington, v
.Nfihatam Rivfir Farm
1ST acrea, I acrea under
itri, oo.
10 arrea of
18 acrea aeeded ts a-raaa.
b-t river bottom land. The north fork
or Nenaiem river runo through the place I
ana near me nouae. uooa new T room
liouae, good new bam SIz4x20 with
har fork and other outbulldlnra. 1
rood cowl, 1 bull, t helfara, 1 yearling,
I horae and all other tools aed on a
farm and all tha houaebold furniture
-and aet of carpet toola. Thla place la
ready to step in and make money. 8lt
vated at Hamlet, Or 1 mllee 8. E. of
Seanlde In Clatsop county on - county
road. School houaa . on place. Near
atore and poatofflca. Price only 12800.
paah. bat 4 year at ( per cent
, WiU not trad. . Look thla tip.
, . Albert Harala
L ' 78H Mlaalawtppl are.
t ACRES northweat of Hlllaboro. prao-
tically all In cultivation, I mllea from
town and electrlo line. 7 room honae,
Jarden, fmlt tree, barn and land haa
uat bean cleared; aome crop and hay;
earn, wagon, cow, pig, 100 ehtckena.
toola, etc.: fine eoll; atream that will
lrrlate whole place: price $1000; $2009
caah. .
10 acrea all fmprored. irood building,
fine eoIL ex at of Rldgefleld: machinery
f.nd.TAD, Ih !,'u,naft. Widow own. amaU bruai. eaay to clear: part ha
It: 4$3600. half caah.; Can hav aom beea aiaahed and burned, lnn deep,
bottom land with H If desired. rich BO,u runlng atream aU year round.
-1 can locate yon In any direction. I ieveral well and apring. Crop con
garna V nuln br- 1tlng oata, vetch, clover, Umotliy, kale
, KEiAttttJmmXBqp Jk JEFTRET, bearlngay'orcharc i houe. large
IH Chamber of Commerce. - barn and outbuilding. Toung team 5
, . . . $25.00 PER ACRE. and I year-old, 1 family cow, brood
v Wa hare aonae of the flneat dairy and ow, ehlckana, wagona, buggy, cream
flock land In tha northweat, that la aeparator and all farm Iraplementa and
rour for a amall payment down and toola. Within driving dlatance of Port-
I me on the. balance to ault you. If land, 1 mile to Oregon Electrto ata-
you hava other property you would like tlon, R. y. B., telephone, on main coun-
- to trade In on thla. wo will take It. ty road, cloae to achool and church.
' Our price will be tha aame. Tou can Price 1BB00, aome caah, balance time,
buy any alse tract you want three mllea CHAPIN A HERLOW (C)
to R, R. atation. There I no excuse IS2-a Chamber of Commerce.
for you not owning one of the beat nTt a.TV ,u .
rarma with thla propoaltlon. Call at ro, 8P,Ct). ,'
our of flea to ae photographa of thla ''n '"Mv " ? ,,n 51??:
: land. Price 41i per acre and aa much without etump and fenced. 10 acre
land ii you want slashed and easy to clear, bal. in brush.
CHAPIN & HERLOW (C) ft Itorr. ho",e, ddltion lx
3S2-838 Chamber of Commerce. ; woodahad and blackamlth shop: new
- "atf luvai,1 haAy"K,r.-bAm
n.ena rocy, near Biaine-Beaveeatucca
' river and .Tillamook: . greater part In
varan,; orchards. $ housea, 3 barns, I
liomea. cows, heifer, goat, waaona.
mower, churn, aeparators, cider mill
ahearlng machine, 6 creeks of living
water wun pieniy or- nun; win reea over I
, zuo neaa or siock; acnoot ana cheese
factory near; good roads, , 2. an acre,
eaay terms.
unamwr or commerce Piag.
We offer one of tha best and most i
productive ,8? acre farm in Clackamas
Vhia 'land" i,' a" rich 'ToET.ou' with"
cleared and balanceIn oik' and i f lr. AH
a rj.a m hf fnnn na ? nnA a4 I
.fence!, on good eriunty road. I mite I
from Oregon City and 14 miles from
Portland. The price, $85 per acre on
very liberal terms. Do not delay in
Seeing this land NOW.
Main 1008. A-1008
70 Fourth 'St.
75 Acre Stock and Dairy
iT - Ranch
1 miles from Portland. 40 acres in
1 rrops , balance pasture with lots of
running water. I room house, good barn,
brick milk house, bop house, potato
house and other outbuild In its'. . Fine
spring water, well and good family or
chard. Price $125 per acre, including
siock ana impiementso
482 Chamber of Commerce' bldg.
100 Acres, Must Be Sold
Has new 9 room house, stables, fruit
fences etc.. on main eountv road, rail
road ana river, Close neigh Dors,
wd rivert close neighbors, spring
nd abundant fuel. Price $25 per
Lerma. Address I
water ana tt
acre, terms.
L H, Fish, Albany, Or.
.12 'Miles From Portland
14V4 acres of excellent land, rood I
nouse. rarn ana otner miuaings. 5 acres
In hops, balance in other crops; rood
well and family orchard. Price $3506.
i, Terms. , ;
. 428 Chamber of -Commerce hldg.
We offer for sale some of the best
bargains obtainable In farms and acre
age in and around Canby Or. from $20
rer aver and up. Read them over; wa
may have Just what you want. jj
MMn 1008. 70.4th st. v A-1008.
Farm, Snap:
ITH acres. 13 cultivated In hay,
ttearinr orchard In dnk Mnilltlmi-
land lies 36 rods on Bsselln road;
hest of soil, no gravel.. 12(26. .Terms.
214 Commercial block. , -
40 per take It? 440 acre alfalfa
land with rxeljiBlv water right for Irrt-
ration, good farm buildings, good out-
Mile rang for stock. Address box 87S,
Klamath Falls, Or. .
AKFAL barrain' in 20 acre farm, S
rati te Oswego, 'partly Improved.
fine soil, good bulldinrs, bearing or-
cliard. must be eoldL WiU sell cheap,
r or terms see owner 261 2nd. , , 1
- - - - - - - m m - an am m m m i inirii-hi-M i I - - " - . - .
I A aa vin whiiit FARM.
Thm It ran M tit axnallent COndl
Uon, produced 1071 box of appl last
rear., which brought from 76 cents to
l.TI ear box. beeldea a large car of
vinegar apple selling for If Vr ton.
I sores timber andi mtm (a yard.
garden and stock lot. . ,
Pack In. hnna. KOitfl" feet. TOO PPl
boxes. Nw power sprayer and mixing
rm.A m ... . m wmA . ibu.
chicken house, te. All buildings painted
auu in gooa oonaiuon.
Team of horses, harness and Win
Nw plow and barrow and all email
1001 necessary. . . .
Cherry tre: rardea piantad. Aiout a
yeai-i wood mit. -" .
Thar la na hattrr fruit land In thla
tata and la looatad In tha WUlamatta
rauer. I mil from naw mgn acnoo, in
thrtvlnr towa In Lane oounty, and 1H
mllra from Southern Pacific atdlnf
whrra applea are loaded on the care.
Hera U a bearlna- orchard produclag
applea equal to any In Oregon at - a
lower prloe than the raw land can be
boaaht for In other fruit dlatrlota, and
the burer haa a nifu from the atart
witnout naving. to wait to rear ir
returna. Tha terma aire mora than
ample time to meet deferred payment
from the proceed a of the orchard. No
euch bargain waa erer offered before
or ever will be aa-aln.
Price 111,600; 16000 eaah. Iltog jan-
luarr 1, Jill; 1(000 January .
intereai par oenu
Mala 11(4. . 111-14 Belllaf bid.
Aeainst the Wor d
K6H acrea, 140 arrea black rich loam,
fenced Into four flelda with wire. In
paature and under plow, balance oak
and fir timber. Located In Yamhill
county, m ml lea from tbrlrtnr town of
Amity and railroad, on main wagon road.
R. T. V. eeryice and telephone In the
houee, cioae to two yooa ecnooia ana
tbro churchea. Good nelrhbore.
Oood f room bouae. large barn, new
oulbulldlnge, good well, living water in
paature, acrea In applea, I reara old
and plenty of email fruit and ben-lee.
Thla farm la ao ltuated that it can be
eaaily dlrlded Into 1 or 4 farma. au It
able for dlrerelfled farming, or It will
the eondeneer paaaee each morning. I
! to 1 conalder It the
'"l 'B.J5f 1 -" n ! n. A k
I .
, tm
1 Boomg 1 and I, Maaonlo Bldf.
' Qreron cuy. or,
A Small Farm
With water when the crop needa
ft. producea more than a lare
ranch without Our aoll la black
and rich. Purchaaera have their
rick of any location. Eaay terma.
Price Inrludea a perpetual water
right Thla land la right at the
Want Btayton depot aoutheaat of
Hal em. Abeolutely no alkali on
thla project Beautiful aurround
mga. Ideal climate. Special In
ducementa to experienced Irrlga
tora and gardener. Don't fall to
conault the Willamette Valley Ir
rigated Land Co.. In Hartman
Thompaon'a bank, cor. 4th and
Btark. (Aak for Mr. Camp.)
IS acre all in cultivation, balance
Darn ooxbb: oia earn gxB s cnicxen
coop; now windmill with 1000 gallon
tank; water piped to house and garden;
w.,. wwewi Portland and stti-
.,,'"!,,,' . rr((. i t 'JV.':
5 mllea to Wlnlock; 4 mllea to Napa-
1 "17""? itL-S,
i.1?''.' o 7dl V vn
?'h,.i3025'n b5l AlT! ' tr "
00 E. Grant.
(4 acrea sandy ahot soli, deep and
rich, doe grow alfalfa. 24 acres in crop,
25 acrea slashed and ready to burn, bal
ance la fir timber, will make about 5000
cords wood. Living water, every foot
of thla land is level and tillable, no
rock: M mile to electric station on O.
W. P. line; on two main county roads.
-J "?Jd P"1"0"'
Ul vrBiiROic. s ivo vaai.wv "i
25Lcaah' t,ra6 on balance to suit pur
882-838 Chamber of Commerce.
- The Live Oak and Sunset Colony
lands in Sutter county. (Sacramento vsi
lev. can now be purchased by our EASY
PAYMENT PLAN, th most liberal op
portunity ever ofierea to secure a rarm
in California. The buyer la absolutely
protected and the soli, irrigation sys
tem, transportation, markets, etc., are
unsurpassed; government reports, maps
and descriptive matter FREE. For the
whole story, address
Live Oak, suiter county, lanrornia.
Excellent Farm Bargains
Short distance . from Portland.
40 acres, 6 room house, rood spring.
creek, barn. 4 head cattle, 1 horse, lm
plementav 1 mil school, bargain at
144 acres, 8 room houaa, large barn.
sheds, bargain at $sooo, hall caslu
LaCenter. Washington.
66 ACRES, 80 acres In cultivation, 18
S ,7
.I"",." .I1,0";' f"! b"r
etc, " acres in oats, all crops go wltr
acres toearing orchard loaded wun
ja rn.
place; three crops from orchard will pay
for place: located near Portland; price
!ouu; nan casn, naiance l-z years at 7
per cent L. S. Barnard. 322 Falling
Dldg., or pnone Sell wood 73Z.
FIVE ACRES all In cultivation; best
shot soli; smooth, well drained; ex
cellent view; close to . station and boat
landing; one hour from Portland. Price
31000, one-fourth cash. See Mr. Carr,
m tin sv
Coos County Farms
Near Band on, from 312.50 per acre up.
W. L, Green -
Main 8787. 406 Lumbermen bldr. "
(00 ACRES of wheat land near pendle-
ton all rencea, in cultivation $22.60
per acre, terma. " . .
10 acrea, 100 cords wood mile to
siding near Vancouver, Wash., will take
norses ror part pay. H-7Z8, Journal.
ONE of the best 100 aore farms in
T Polk county, with crop and stock and
Implements, at a bargain, right at
Smithfleld station. K. N. Keeney, R, 1,
Dallaa,: Oregon. - -
400 ACRES Sauvles Island. 22 H miles
from Portland, including 36 milk cowa.
lncoms from hunting and government
$714 per annum addltlonaL Price $(6
per acre. Terms. V-720, Journal
$30 per acre, (40 acres, 600 in crop. 30
horses, all farm tools, take city prop-
erty on thl; your own time on baianc.
32) Allsky bldg. ..
the best
- 22. Acres
Fin level land, half mile weat from
Proa-d Acre atatloa. on the Palem eleo
trlo line: t room bouae In fine condi
tion: hew bar 40x40, and other out
bulldlnga. (rood well of water, ail wall
fenced 1 horae. I good eowa, 1 wacon,
1 buggy and S et of harneaa, 40 chlok
ana, plowa. eultlvator, and all email
tool, and. stove and furniture, land
all In crop, on main county road. - w -
. : i, 80 Acres, ; v
Tl acrea In cultlvaXlon, good I room
kmiu I. ... luM m A nlh. All 'Kill Am
inaa. sv lorti m crop, apisnaiu anrsas,
4 5ar.ey cowa. I ylln J.rnr helf-
Inga. 10 acrea la crop, 4 splendid horaes,
era (could be recia tared). 4 brood eowa,
10 pica, loo ehiekena, o Belgian narea.
wagon, harneaa, all farm Implements,
new bar and feed enough to carry
through; It T. I)., tnllh route, telephone
In houaa. 1 mllea to Cornellua achooL
church, eta, price 111,000, half, cash.
iuu Acres
TO acre In crop, 14 acre pastor and
timber, good I room house, new barn,
water piped to houaa, ilvlns wates, fine
vouna orchard, aom old orchard.
all kind of amall fruit IH mllea from
Gaaton, Or., H mil to achool, 1 mil
to Advent college and church, 4 good
horaea. 1 yearling colt 7 milch cowa, 4
heifera. 1 calf. 1 brood aow, 7 plg. SO
chlokena, binder, new disc drill, new
mower, hay rake, 2 plowa. new drag har
row, dlao harrow, new rubber tired bug
gy, new wagon, and all email tool. Ill
bushel of wheat ISO buehela of oat. 40
sack potatoes; everything goes at $12,
000; terma.
110 Acres
It mile west of Portland on United
Railway, subdivided into 5. 10 and It
acre tracts part of thla tract la cleared
and in crop, and part la uncleared, sta
tion on land; price tlt up to 1200 per
acre; very eaay terma; land lays fin,
no atone or gravel. -Wa
hav a lane Hat of ether good
properties, larr ana a mail tracts.
Ball & Kuntz
411-2 Lumber Exchange bldg., Portland
20 acrea. 2 mllea from II. R.. on good
county road. In Washington county. Ex
cellent soli. 7 acres under cultivation
and more eaaily cleared. About B0 fruit
trees, jiair in bearing. New I room
house, with telephone, 24x30 ft barn
and other outbuildings, 760,000 ft of
rood timber, fir and cedar. Price f 1(00,
lOvO cash.
14 acres In Waahlnrton county. 34
mllea from railway. 6 acrea under culti
vation; nouae. Darn ana outDuiiainga;
11600; 2600 rash.
63 acres. iU miles from Gaston. 28
acres under cultivation; house, barn and
outouudings: some stock and imple
ments; 4 000; 32000 cash.
74 acrea. right on railroad. 2tt mllea
from Buxton in Washington county; If
acres under cultivation; houaa, barn and
outbulldlnga; 1,000,004 feet good timber.
wnicn atone wouia pay ior piace; izeoo;
11000 caah.
100 acres, 3 miles from railway, In
Washington county; 20 acrea under .cul
tivation; house, barn and outbulldlnga.
Price 12600, half caah.
186 aerate in Co wilts eountv. Waah-
Ington, 16 acrea under cultivation:
house, barn and outbuilding; stock and
implements; 4 acrea good orchard; 336
per acre; easy terms.
826 Lumber Exchan
800 Acres
Logged Off Land
600 acrea can be plowed: 800 aores
good paature; 2 creeks; near Lewis
river. 314 an acre. 33000 cash; balance
long time at 6 per cent
Everett & Crew
61 ( Rothchiid bldg.
The Oresronlan of Mar 11 haa tha
folio wins: from Mrs. C. L. Dick of
Salem:' I know that rlarht now tha
prices for green and dried prune are
oener man iney naa ever Dcen nerore
and they will go conaiderably higher.
Wa .till hn n of tluiu fin.
farms in Yamhill county one contains i
47 acrea. 3 mllea north of Yamhill, one
mile from Flag station, 2& acres bearing i
iruu trees, wen loaaea at tnis time, I
7 acrea In other crops, 15 acres In i
lAfa It iirsi ssTirfVJ fi m hae t at sm i 1 a m n m y
'";" r, j ". V.I.I.I.1.J,
and all kinds of small fruits, good ,
prune drier, comfortable 6 room house,
good barn, one cow, 2 brood sows and
chickens. Price $7500, terms.
When you see it you will say It
Is worth $10,000.
McGowan & Pennington
Room 8 bldr Grand avenue and
East Morrison St., phone East 283.
43 Acre Apple Tract
m miles from Oervata: 40 mllaa
south of Portland on S. P. railroad: all
In niilMvatlnn- l.m i. ;
wall tnr riralna.a- 91 I- T 1- .
" " ' " ' ' ' - I mmmMxsa tt Ull.kJ I.II .
and Rome Beauties r family orchard; S
room brick house, barn 4.T .
erythlng In first class condition.
a contract ror care of 42 acres young
orchard adiolnlnr at lis nor ft ra vrtoai
with place. Iniiurtnjr buyer rood livinff
"JU1 hlar orchard begins to bear. PHco
Main 2204. 818-814 Selling Bldg.
ronitnq, uregon
This Is a Bargain,
Ten acres of orchard, mostly Blng
aim ijiuuuvii uuemes, an Trees s years
old, berries of all kinds between rows.
Fourteen miles west of Portland, one
ran. east oi njiisDoro; euu per acre,
uusn neoaeo fsuuu, DBiance 3500 per
year and the owner will agree that If
me income is not surriclent to meet
these payments in any year he will ex.
tend time on "Juch payments until fruit
noes mane ii.
905 Spalding bldg.
TWO-YEAR-OLD apple orchard. Splt
senberr and Newtown PlDDlns. In wn.
lamette valley: 1U miles from a rood
town on tho S. P. Ry.; will sell 10 acres or
more. it per acre, 5U per acre cash,
balance monthly, quarterly or semi
annual payments extending over five
905 Spalding Bldg.
$50 per Acre
Your choice four 40 acre tracts: best
of air and water drainage. Fast de
veloping orchard district; red shot soil,
good roads, 4 miles Ooldendale R. R.
station, 15 miles from Lyle: for terms,
write owner, M. E. Hogg. Timber Val
ley, Wash.-
IN THE LYLE district, best apple iand"
, 876 oer acre: 3 mllea from (.
. w i, , .u . vb.'.. fvm ujoual
at Spokane National Apple Show last
Nov, for - non-irrigated apples. Cash
payment $26 per acre, balance 5 equal
annual payments.
i , Hi. MU88MAJV, ,-i .
V Q5 Spalding Bldg.
20 acres, all good apple land. 10 acrea
cleared, part In orchard, larg creek and
enrlnr. fair buildings, on main eountv
road, only 3H, miles from town; biggest
anao ever offered: price only 8250 ner
acre; siuov casn win nancu it. o-(2.
RICH "RED SHOT orchard solL pleaa.
ant climate and beautiful scenery,
can all be found -in Chehalem Valley,
within 22 miles of Portland: easy terma.
Call or write Eager A Watson,-110 Lswls
BUY 10 acres fruit land for $300 on
small monthly payments and no In.
tereat: pay $10 down and take posses
sion at one. Rebfleld St Lawrence, (11
S wetland, bldg. 1
nuriiiH l
tlH aer orchard In tha famou Hood
River valley, biautlfully situated with
a picturesque view of the mountain
and vaiiav. Aevaa acrea in bearing or
chard, afordlng a family home of lux
ury and eaee amldat surrounding of
iinan t nania vninnmiri iv i mm
of younir orchard, and four and one
half acres that ean be readily put under
cultivation; good farm nousa, earn n
suitable outbuUdlngs; springy water
piped Into houaa.' Team or noraes ana
J1 lmoleraents so with plan. Thl
I "r " rs.l . nt m1Mmm
will accept moj.r. 1 '
- - ' 7' ,
f0-T-l- Yeon Bldg
riM 4.m aantlnna Of Wheat land
In one body with complete eat of
building equipment, ror a to i years on
a baal of quarter or one-third of crop
to owner. - Ambltloua man or body of
men can make a fortuno her. Rain
road runs throuah oronerty. Leas see
must croduce referencea. Tha iiO'
Carthy Co., 412-2 Toon bldg.
117 acrea, wall improved, to leas for
I or t year, crop is in. ...
. 440 acre dairy and atock ranch. 100
head of atock, all Implement for I or
H4-17 Rothchiid MOg,
WANT to rent a farm In Tualatin vaU
ley; Stat terma ana particulars. .
g. Post car arable ranch, UlUaboro,
I WANT to rent a farm near Portland,
furnlahed or unfurnlahod.
476 EL Everett
' If you ar looking for a aultabl place
to locate you will ahow very good judg-
msnt by coming to urays narpor, wnare
land can be bought within a radius of
8 to 12 mllee from Aberdeen and
Hoqulam, two of the moat progreaalv
and faat growing cities In the north
west. Price 314 to 32t per acre; very
eaay terma. The soil ' I rich and es
pecially adapted for ralalng vegetablea,
oata, fruit ate. The demand for farm
product la unlimited. Thirty eatlafled
famllle ar living on the land now.
School and tor r conveniently lo
cated; good roads: still over 8000 acre
to select from. . Why spend money and
waste time looking for land all over
creation when you can buy good land
almost at your door? Now Is ths time
to see how the crops grow. A word
to the wise Is sufficient Washington
Btste Colonisation Co., Aberdeen, Wash.
book gives amount of government
land open to homestead. In each county
In the states of Oregon snd Washington,
and description of aame; glvea home
atead, desert, timber, stone, coal and
mineral laws; two maps of Oregon In
colors, 21x28, showing R. R. in opera
tion, one showing all proposed R. R.
and electrlo lines, Including eastern and
central Oregon. 20c each or ths three
for 60c. Map of Washington in colors,
21x28 20c Nlmmo, Runey 4c Co, Ham
ilton Bldg.
Homestead Relinquishment
. $500
1(0 acres of fine land In Tillamook
county near amall town, running water,
aome cleared land; with a little work
thia place can no made to be worth five
times aa mucn as me price assea;
fair house and good barn on the place.
For more information call at 4iz.cnam
her of Commerce bulldinr.
FOR BAL A homeatead of 40 acres.
4. mllea from Eatacada, smalt house
ana Darn; two acrea unaer cultivation,
best of soil, plenty good water and fine
timber. Mrs. Minnie Pulley, Estacada,
WANTED 6 more rood men to loin in
with us for homesteads; location free
or charge except expenses to investigate.
Call today or evenings after p. m., 766
HOMESTEADS, located near Portland.
good soil, near R. R., rlvar, school,
P. O. ; wheat alfalfa, fruit, potatoes
growing nearDy; one aay to see claims.
Room 21. 2(7 Oak st.
RELINQUISHMENT for sale, $200: 16S
seres. Kignt near public school, on
man route. ror particulars write, 1.
Forcler, Baker, Oregon.
HOMESTEADS located near new rail-
road under construction. Good grain,
fruit and vegetable land. Write or
call on 8. E. Sears, Ashwood. Or.
near Med ford: fruit
land, partly cleared, near railroad;
?er.ty of water, no irrigation.
unamDer or commerce.
20 rood homesteads In central Oregon
near R. R. survey. Inquire Wm. Mast
a t
room zzj, ADingxon d ar.
v..rrx..., -V... .
Z?1'" i."""' orii,S5f"JunJD1
MAIN 7875.
BY OWNER 4 000,000 feet red fir saw
timber In Washington county, Oregon;
railroad through timber, good proposi
tion for. small sawmill as there are
5.000,000 feet joining which are also- for
sale. Write C. Orlbner. Banks, Or.,R,2.
60,000.000 yellow pine at $2.75 per
1000: first class timber, in one body,
excellent location for manufacturing,
close to railroad. Address box 278,
Klamath Fails, Or.
71 acres, 80 miles below Roeeburg, on
the Umpqua, cruise 2,600,000, $2000. 8.
B. Powers. 8hedds, Or.
WANTED-a-Tlmber land, suitable for
cord wood, near shlDolnr toolnt and
not too far from Portland.' Prlc must
be right Olve full particulars. Price
ana terms. JJ-7Z9, journal.
EXCHANGES Reautlfuhl new house,
just finished, 7 rooms, hardwood
floors, two fireplaces. In Alameda, for
vacant lois, acreage or equity in tots.
-'' - i
RIY airAa noar Via an T.ln. mnA Xtt XlnrA
inmiira f I 11 .mnrnai
railroad, seven miles from center of
z ui timid. l in unniutiTnuisrt'a rm nRnm
property; east side preferred. R-720,
journal. .
WILL EXCHANGE one lot street lm
prov meats in. for automobile: must
oe in gooa running order, fhone sell
wood 692. 765 Brooklyn.
MODERN 6 room cottage on Montavllla
ana AnKeny car; take lot and some
as first payment 130 EX 29th
st N.
Lays fine, on west side. To exchange
Chamber of Com. Phone Main 6826.
mV VIIJ AVIV. m ... lllllll OL ... v.u
r.m .14- lnm A VXT 4. a
18 rooms, fine Dlace. Trade for res
idence or vacant lots. Main 6839. -
NEW 6 room bungalow valued at $1400,
on Mt Scott line, to trad up to $800
for rooming house or small store. - God-
aara, bos reon mag
$1000 EQUITY in 7 room bungalow on
Portland Height, to- trad for room
ing nous or business oi some una. 505
Yeon bldg. . '
6 ACRES Hood river apple - land, for
rooming house or business oppor
tunity, small grocery, confectionery,
restaurant etc. 605 Yeon bldg.
CLIENT has 2 lots and store building
In Cliffs, Wash., to trade. - What have
yonT ' rGoddard.' BOB Teon oldg.
40 OR 80 acres, close in.
acre, to exchange for city proDertr.
AMADON BROS., 218 Lewis Bldg
$500 equity in 10 acres on Salem Ele'c
tric. 17 miles out, for good pleasure
isuncn. jej. 2iv.
WANTED Good sotomobiln In ex-
change for land. Box C-726, Journal I
" . This Is a Fact
That a good rooming house will alva
you a home and a living, while your
nouae ana lot will not Trad your
real aetata for an tnooma: ba Indmanil.
ent Hare ar several rooinlnf houses i We have cliaat with (0 acre fin
to trad for real estate! . .1 land, 10 mllea from Portland, 4 mllea
. 24 rooms, swell house, for farm. I from srvod Willamette .valley R. It
27 rooms, rood location, for real aa. I Inwn II. ajiraa la araaa. i acre fin
tat. .
10 rooms, extra fine, for houaa. . .
II rooms, lot aa part pay.
10 room apartment houaa for. real
All very good. Call and tnveatlgata.'..
Real Estate for Rooming Houaa. -40
acre, 17 aare In cultivation. .
iaorea. Hood River, very good, i
6(0 mortgage and small house. ' J
lot In U I v raids addition. ' . '
room house and one acre. . '. ,
room house and nice lot. - '
' Chittenden &-Neiir
tit Oak St. Bet Ith and th St a.
io, .-, - SfiT
rvinrton or
lfoiTadav addition r.
"K"f L 'SLV0? pl7l
fsrred. Will pay balano In caah.' Mf
orvmar I. f. -. m.
la fraa from eneumbranoea and
v uumuuw in uskaaa a
listed st Its cash value. 1 five room
furnished eottaaa with lmret- oorehea.
located la nice fir grove, plain view of
1(0 acres, 40 acres under cultivation
40 acres tfllabla, balance good pasture,
everal rood spiinga. room house,
'ood barn, 30 head of cattle, 8 horses,
aood bi
all Implementa. mllea from town:
Frio 3(000. 33000 caah. balance to eulti
wiu tag 13000 or 14000 In laoom bear.
Ina- Portland orotertv; thla nlaoa haa
an Income of pver 1100 per tnonthy Oea
T. woody Co., Washougal, Waah.
located and dolnr a rood navlnr huaU
neaa. with very Tow rent whl
low rent which I can
ell very reasonable, or would take rood
farm or Income city property; could pay
om difference. It does not mean that
this Is not paying because It Is offered
ror saia. investigate and you wlir find
tt all right Neal Brown, fot 8wetUnd
For Exchange
7 PER (ST.
HamLannnai i v.. r. ..m4. tin
acres Minnesota land. Want cheao Ore -
gon land, acreage or Portland realty;
e a - .
wui pay aiirerenc.
Box 445, Albany, Or,
411 acre atock ranch, tak a houaa snd
lot aa part payment
1600 first mortgage, navable 820 and
intereat a month, for rooming house.
v acres ij mues irom town, taxs
jwaarnrer car as part pay. f
ijoi ior amaii roominr
house and pay
aome aiiirrence.
811 Allsky bldg.
MOO EQTJITT In eOxlti lot On
macadam atreet; Idea! for amall
manufacturing business; donbl
fronUge trackage. Will exchan re
for most anything of value. E
375, Journal.
secured by real estate mortgage; would
laae nome to 34000 ana balance caah.
The farm Is good value, and the not Is
as good as the gold. Neal Brown. 70
TO TRADE to acrea -beat apple land
in th Lyl district Klickitat county,
Wash. Only 8 miles from a railway
station. Has -a cash valus of (3000.
Can use an auto, If in good oondltion.
unincumbered Portland lots or a email
house. No land superior to thla for
apple culture. E. P. Mossman. 80S final.
""b '"
rtanarol KrnnA C
vj&nciai iyici OliailUIOC OIUIO
Invoice about $2600, located on the
east side: will take mri o.t.t. n -
will trade for good automobile. F. A.
Beard & Co., 512 Qerllnger bldg 2d and
wouia iraae in on 4 or 6 passenger
second hand automobile of late model.
Would ray cash difference. Call Wood.
lawn 815. evenings. -
FOR SALE or trade, 1 acre and a new
m IMAM V.A.... aKn.., f AA ..... . L.
811ver Spiinr station on the west side
r.t'alnap anS
o. 1, box 24.
or tna Oregon city car,
easy terms. Address j.
waukie. Or. R. F. D. No.
Sell or Trade
room house, 1 block car line. Will
take lot as firat payment or $50 cash,
balance $15 month. Price $1500.
H. E. JAMES CO., 88 10th, near Stark.
WILL TRADE two. beautiful lots in
Denver, very slrhtlv. 15 minutes from
center of city. Two carllne. $2500 r-
strictions. clear from all Incumbrance. I
for rood equity in house and lot in I
Portland. F-727, Journal. I
WHAT have you to exchange for 82000
equity, casn vaiue, in store building I
tnf AA.r. .. "V. "5 1
stock, living rooms; sales $26 day Well
located corner, on car Una. rail 7? I
Chamber of Commerce bldg. I
100x100 Montavllla, price $000; has $200
incumoranco. ana uuu second mort.
VST blVffran'eachYtltlon oV Commercial block.-
t block from P. O. 1W blocks from I on ouy pi e , EXCHANGE,
stor and meat market IIOOO- alio I r8"04 Jaa ,iT,.n' w?.tar n,Jt! J?0.' eorsa, u miles of Forest O
10' Kelso, Warh."aTlV tSU cullvation all f .need,
ina- lioiia nn irir., titA I l"ga, horaa. 4 fine Jersey eows. lkunon .oii rolllrc land, well and apring
vrTM him ifii L..i 1 ehlckana, hugrv, plow, narrow, ana. an ter. (-room house, fair bam: I
. - t--- " "" - and crona avarrthlnr IncIuUed 1Q I itrawk-rH,, .ni .ii... hutiiii
T TT A VP! a "11-, wKa . a I
modern hnnaa un tn linftn- arilf tiki I A" you nsea is s lew grace
It as part pay on a 25 acre 'fruit farri "J c " JitVn this of
near Roaeburc and will rive a rood har. ?? ' H 0"" ia J'
gain. He also has a note for 8800O well I
age on farm as 1st payment on 4 ormI,e",r cUyI Jr"00 wooa Wloorch floors and walks; can t een
f v.. ....... ... o . y.juiou, vil vr I
room housa. ahnnf tisnn- will rlu. 1
mortgage for balance. F. A. Reard av
Co.. 612 Qerllnger bldg. 2d and Alder. I
120 acre of best fruit land, 4 miles
tnrn wit. in.n i a. i V"
ino nrnhani fnv aai. mm Am. ... i. I
DroDertv: will cut In small tranfa. n I
A. Rath, White Salmon, Wash. - I
a wuiivii( vvcaavix. I
WANT T!q TRADE for 4 or 6 acre In,:
nmv.a 'arm nn nnl m f I farm nn nrb mv ... T.. 1
up-to-date house: lot 60x100. Prina
ijuuu. line oeuwooa car, st insldy l
o!TP. ,
Small farm near
good town In Washington,, lies fi,ie
for platting, will accep
l u" o' Ipt-
,Tnn,,.inear Portland for P-716,
42 acres, improved, 80 aores unlm-
proved, both near R. R. and Portland.
Bell easy term; or trade for Portland
property. S. M. Venard, 601 McKay
1- ' :
50x100 choice warehouse corcer.. west I
side. Will trade for Income city prop- I
erty; cquuy uuu. .tvasuuna at Dan l, I
803 Worcester bior
or 7
ronm nmi. w.ii 1
located, in
exchange for rood farm I
inna in a line locality. Mt. Hood Land I
Co., 1012 Chamber of Commerce.
GROCERY, strictly cash, to trade for
Montavllla or Sellwood residence or
will sell for cash. Best location, rent
reasonable, f. u. box g. Montavllla sta.
TO EXCHANGE Residence property
for Improved acreage In Colorado,
close -to Denver. Inquire 37 Church
street West. V "
FOR farm exchanges, business ohanoes
or room ng housea can on us. North-
west Realty Co 617 Board of . Trad
: :
uryou wani to sen,. our or iraae. sm I
Bnoemaker. 628 and 62T H.nry "bldg.
Main 4465, A-T484. - I
FOR SALE or exchange. 840 acres in
v:annna. rum rmcn wiuk nving .water, i
Call (2 Worcester block. '
WANTED To trade equity In lot In I
Ross City i7. Park . for plana- V-724, 1
journal. r - , . - l
MODERN bungalow on corner, will take
team and lomecatb as first narment I
TaTT O ; , ,t
10 - ACRES-with - good" Wildings and
TT -g A. 47, r . I
planted orchard, want to exchange for
: piaiHea, wm iw caiDi i or I
residence. Address V-721, Journal I
WHAT have you in a lot or equity to I
trade for my 81300 equity. 84000 Sno-I -
xane nome. nun. jo eiarr st. Main s. I
. t- i . I . i . , . . . .. 1
Mrl 1
for-sale or trade, H-710. Journal. I
BEE ua for real estate trades anywhere.
. O A Wt A A mmAm mm 49 RIm mM mm JW Jt mm,
av pwiu w. iwiw wiuf. . j .
21 1
ran rairera?
Might match up with aoma of thsae
I ( . what von wajtt
.1 timber, land now in grass, haa been
I cultivated prevloualy, new bungalow, 4
room a, good barn, chWken nouae, nog
houaa. eta..
au wen iiuui. t "
woven wire: both soring snd wsll water
on ptace; nice eariy garoen: awa
I new wavnn and heavy double harness;
Jaraey cow and calf; all Included, with
plaoe. Will Uka good Portland house
and lot a part pay, balano caah, or
part oaah and terms on uaianoe. .
1(0 una of land near Madras, - tl
In cultivation, II In crop, balance pas
ture, fenced snd cross fenced, fine spring
ana goo a weu, s room nous, ira wn.
granary, to, 1 1 head horse. 2 cow, all
farm tools and about liood worth of
hay and grain la barn and. crope J
I w,tn th P'p- To oxebang ror a rancn
I In lower altitude. A-snap for torn,
w . . . . .in.iv
on tni DIUII n wiuus
th next
few daya. i
a. fin ranch for dairying. -10 miles
from Astoria, close to tt. K. eumon,
exchange for good property In Port
land. " '
200 acres, Tillamook county, eios
school and chees factory, about 10
I acres Cleared and In grass, good
I of baianc la open landa and fin
I tura, some oreek bottom land, and
a, gooa aeai
I atock
.7. . -a m. i n AT, , V. 4f
I room, wurn, etc, some incmg. a i
I well watered by creek and springs,. all
I kinds of outrange, a stockman's para
I else. 1 WIU tak city, property, or aoa
ranch ana acreage, ii you nav
I LB,!ra wu WM " ' I
Koomtn- house for real asUt. and
real ..tat? .for roomln, house. .
Chittenden a Neill
wo- i
14 ACRES Fine solL perfectly drained;
20 acrea In cultivation, 4 acre timber
and pasture; orchard of 300 tree In good
condition: will yield 100 to 1(00 boxes of
applea this year; tot young; irm
aet ant this rear: rood, oomfort-
able houaa, nam and outouuaing.
1 This property 1 Is 21 .mile from
I DABfianJi ak a StAm ajwaaa Jrl a an . a"kBjVIlT
f ul view of the whole country t miles
V S m.- vaa-Hwr -v""
rrom eieoino nauan, cioav to nwun-
ett liver and town. Price $4800; 18400
equity to trod for houae and lot up
to ibuou. naiance can run long um.
610-10-11 Railway Exchange-
1 MfE.
' )
I At Foraat Orov. th colleg town: a
modern t room bona ana earn, wun
sere of fin rich aoll. all In cultivation,
cloae to carina. Thla 1 something for
vnnnini igr
anyone mat naa cnuaran to sena to coi -
. . .... . .
Irff IxcrorPortfJnnroo
will exchange for Portland property.
Ball & Kuntz
" "
room house and lot bath and toilet.
electrlo light v.rythlng modern: house
mmn null f uralahad from kitchan to I
bath room. Ready to move .right In.
ne.. tmiy
I1ZSU. liaiance Z moutn. Will
change for unencumbered lot eontmct
j WILL SELL your choice of new 4-
room or (-Toora ootta,. at your own
price ana uute 101, or auto, or Doai,
or diamond aa first naymant; balance
Hk rent $1350 and $3000. Both mod-
era. Phone Tabor 2312. Take Mount
Scott car to Millard. Be Jo Nash in
offlo- '
...a ... ri..r i,tinn na.rlv
I .u hnua. Aiiv.n hmiu chick.
i en varda ana weu: running water on
place: beat of MIL Prlc f250O1..f "00
I cash, balance to i year, win ex -
I change for suitable house and lot
I 518-20-21 Railway Exchange,
t a-V.iVfft:. . a
and unimproved, to exchange; city prop-
erty for farms and farms for city prop-
I erty. it you want to axenang on a I
I caah basis, see us.
I 421422 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
I Stt ACRES All In cultivation; new 6-
V. A.. V m A , W f 1 Jt I m .
I young family orchard, all fenced and
enced '( blf rom .lrlc ."
.5 country" Prtce $011? trad.
open country. Prlc $2500. Will trad
for house of aame value.
618-20-21 'Railway Exchange.
Wanted Auto
For acraaae.. Choice Hood River an-
Pw n on,
Ponor Xt Ravar km.
444 Sherlock bldg,
ONE of the best fruit ranches in Yak-
ima valley, 23 acres, all Improved. 8
f Iff. -1.i-rd.iAiniH.flCh0iS!
"-" i y . v. v . I
acre: would consider improved Port-1
S2V&'3tt tand lnvt,r-
tlon. IW13, journal,
LARGE 7-room house 100x100, corner, I
twaDi-c,tB Jonn ctLli.iT ,m:
i y w" rM"L'j i
. .
127d Wilbur St
10 lots and - fin 8-room, modern
?ou- . rl ,w'" MM '"""S
in rood, lots or close-In acreage. 422
Chamber of Commerce.
WTT.I. TtUMU 170ft eoultv In modern
6 room cottage near Union av for
V Will vvvvsas ssccsia wmvm avrvn- s-v I
,1b"J5c5l :.on t.," pmymbU 118
month. F-720. JOUmal. ' I
month. F-720. Journal.
TWTI.I. take a lot aa flrat cavment on
new 7-room monem nouse; aiso e-
room bungalow. Phon. own.r. Tabor
$1600 EQUITY In S2o oot frontage by.
.100 deep in wjWcted aistriot
changs for clear, close-lr . lot, or will
discount $250 for cash. Phon B-1017.
20 ACRES of fruit land at Roseburg,
Oregon, to trade for equity In a house
In Portland. See owner at ,1016 East
21st st N. Call C-8047.
is aprf.S rood bulldinrs. 4U mll's
from Vancouver.
: trice ouu. wm
take good city property.
42$ Chamber
or commerce.
TTAVUi aoma fina cltv residence nron- I
art, ri .venanra rnr ranrn aiti anra- i
era. . Wolf f Land Co-. 222 Henry bldr. 1
Main 6801.
FOR SALE or trade, 40 acres 80 miles
north or portiana;. improved; gooa
electric station, cash value $1000.
Trade for anything of value. 211-813
Lewis bldg. -T - -'
VB transfer Wslne-c1earlr?r $6o6
month; pried $8000. Will trade for
property.ot same amount G-728, Jour-
nat , - . .
IfnR filLE or trada tr-owner. . ouartar 1
iocK in rwsmouin via jcxtenaed.
Will accept "in payment, good flfst Tor
second mortgages. G-728. Journal
20 ACRES, close to Vancouver, $6000. 1
- want gooa nom in city. tz Cham-1
Iber of Commerce.
TO TRADE Large lot nicelv looat,
in Lents, for acreage, Phon Seilwo
$6000 EQUITY In good hotel' io x-
chanre for cltv nrooertv or- farm
ll..J a Vat A nnAQ s4 a .J. - 1
$8000 'eoulty In $10,000 stor and apart-
lca.HU. A'AiVUil D IWja.f ill UCWIB 01UR. J
ment house, for farm acreage or lots I
ment nouee, ior i
Seward. 48 E-tth
H St. Tabor 27(6. I
WHAT HAVE YOU to trad for $750 .
eoultv- In-S-room eottare.' two hlnolra 1 r
west or union ave r K-7ZI - Jnnrnai i .
- X If "
Lr b'i.Xll 0t -wV2ytW5i:
H. F. Lee. 16l( Roard of Trad bldr
1 1 HAVE an unincumbered city lot will I
I.. . mm a rn.rn.rn. mf I
xra xor a lAUDcn. u-x, .journal.
I . . . . i . a . . til . 1 m-.A I . DnDTT.lUrV T A Km O f
rrnnt countrv .atora witn Dlace: oart I mw a vr .
raah. nart mlllinerr." H-721: Journal. I Pr month- the lot IS On
T7AVI0 8400 eoultr ln 4.82 acres, n ir i'11 W
Mil WMM:',
Twenty acre farm an railroad ; maA
house; excellent spring; 10 aores under
...UI...I... . . II . I
I cultivation: 1 aoras excellent meadow i
Baianc xir. rnrt if uuo.
acre I
amall .
- 1 vouna; orchard. Frio- 1000 mortgag
111400: Will exchan re for arood houaa
to i and lot, or sell for oaah. - - .
i T antlM from good town, a olaar and
wa4n. .-ood county road. H mlie
S?' J SllSJ 'i.Srlr 7.7. k.tT tZ
- I -Tn. to aohool lalethone7lK mllaa ifrotn
I porUard. 116004600 oasa.
a i UW Uatolha W . U ttVWUUUaVaV
J,n,JS.buvJ? J$ rf
moo-not c.h.
. 10 Acres
I It acres clear. 2 mile to R, St sta-
I tlon, 36 mile to Portland,
una, an
I convenience. A snap at 12300; make
I Inquiry about, thla.
4 aa.
Baker, 801
Shoemaker Investment Co,
I w, haT frw 4t aero tracts) under
I SII.W 1 . a in.MalB m.lla aku
I will trade for vacant or Improved Port-
jjii property or acraag.
Wa have a
party wanting 10 acre
In tha" .Rome
River valley: lmprored.
Will trade a Portland- home.
4 room bona and lot 100x111, fruit
and ahad trees, doe to achool bouae
la Lanta, $1(00. 3(00 caah, balance
W hav aom fin irrigated land
oloaa to HermUton. under th govern
ment ditch, at 1216 per acre and less.
Part trade, baianc term. '
i ., . a
f inv w rwia uiuubih uvu.O im bv.
i nn .tin ihiiii iHiiiiniani. ail
1 rr.T ..r . ,i
" thXTi to $3000
I fo .lth.r lmnroved or unim
proved; not too far rrom Portland.
1 larg and small, com in ana w can
I get you what you want If your property
I haa value. .
I ChnPmflLer InvfiRtmfint Hfl.
I 528-27 Henry bldg.
Main 44(5.
a - i r
f ureal upportunuy
PVie a man that will sDeculate and can
Vm. . nnulh lltr at a ohanoa'to
Rir monev Is naver made Of What It-is
now worth, but what It may be worth
In th futur. Its h mn that
ion cuauc. wt y r , , i.l
20,000 ahare of mining stock all -paid
up and non-assessabl In a good omp-
ny with Al futur for real sstat or
good rooming bouse. , ' .
Sea nldTe"?-IVTTWJlr a. wtttt t
sig um si.
I ' 11 wm id uw mumr, u
from R. R. sUtin;0 f acres to alUva-
1 tlon, 41 aore in wneai, oaaanov u pf
Itatoea ana garaen iruoa: o rwm uuum
good slsed bam, outbuildings; span of
horaaa. cow. hack, wagon and all farm
llmnlementa. Only au per aore. nin
archanra for hou and lot Ul POrtUnd
or rag tmrrthirmterts vSS
car Un near ity. If this Interests you mm. TVI10. Journal.
FINE modern 7-room realdeno, with
larg garage or barn, plenty of rosea
and ahruba, lot 70x160, Mt Tabor -dl.
Hct- huilt on rear, fumao. fireplace.
fine combination fixtures, gas, electric
hardwood noora. rrice uuo
Kll.- . . -.m ion- time str
Will consiaer lot, acre-
8000; huver ta . assume lonr time straight
mortgage for $3000 at I per cent J
728, Journal.
I ' k" V.J
thaht ctihic in. HANDY CAR
BLDG. MAIN 7676.
Brick Bungalow
For sale, exchange for acraag or: farm
li.a , 7k. m.a K..Ti,riiY 1
room bungalows1 vr offered for sals
M" h ctty ' Portland; stone fireplace.
piaio iimb, , uw wui
on the corner of Eaat Flanders and 60 tn
st., on piock rrom wontavma car.
IN case you want to buy or
sell you auto see - Otto &
a k ff S i .
CaSe. 62 6th St.
' -
ii' tnxpa t,.. nv... u ln.
MsASu.n?,fmM w'l'ffinSttS
tVJlway: no 'wck or rra"vel: all r'ood
rich soil, on public road, and school on
SSoTVer ac?e food city
resldenc up 'to $6000 will W accepted
on this, balance good terms. . B-639,
Journal. ' ,.
lea acres, 2 acres in garden, balance
".yr!ir' 7 room hofis 2 - cowif 4
horses, waron. burry. mowing machine.
raxe, cultivator, piows, au ricn son,
I near Medford on county road, $3000
leash, or .will exchange for improved
Irm. . ..; M.-
1224. Otto A Casa, 62 -6th
1 HAVE a slrhtly 50x100 lot In Irv-
lnrton Heights, fenced, water in. and
?a?mni .'I'l'fi", S2io. J1
"uv jvv" 'Jil
an 80 foot
m. ;
A iflA ".yv,'- i S va'
l?rJ?isl?f1 Jl,mi?f.K.1 -,Leflt
Prt of the west sld .with a .jswd lease
payment city proairty or suburVan
Scfeaga. -Can make$20 a month clear
profit" Owner. C-7 20, Journal. -
1 iTit-a . A 1 a
on rood- nublio road. onl 15 mil..
trZm Ytl'no iltm
sides; all good, ricn sou; price $800 per
acre; will take good city resldenoe up to
$6000 von tnis, Datance on or peiore g
year. C-638. Journal,
25 acres, 13 acres In cultivation, bal
anoe in timber and pasture, no. build
Inra. fenced, near Dallas. i mile tn
;ohool, on county road. J Will exchange
Iforrhouse and lot In cUy. 68. th-st ,
'Mfl 1 025. ' - t-' - t f '
. --- ., , )m-,
withlr - 4 minute ride of Portland,' at ;
sar " "" - r , L "u"
and lot . A. W. Smith & Cd 4J6. Cham
J ,f-
ber of com. pnone Main smb.
n,r or I -
. ... . . .... . v
In thVm't p'roerou". 0
iiVL 1,1 . ..,.l 1..
thing she can roak a Uvlng at 601
mm - m a .a ' W
xeon &iag. ..... x v