The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 18, 1911, Page 23, Image 23

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    , ' ' '' " ' ' ' ' K ' " : '.,;- '
i 3
: ' v.-Bargain' In Lots
10 Per Cent Down. 3 Per Cent
a Month,'. '
621 for a lot between B. llth and
Vernon art, 1 block north of Alberta
car. . , , -
1T0O for a fine corner en B. ttth it,
111 feet on Humncr, with fin shade
"trees. These are bargains. - ,
Very easy term a. .
$764 for m fine lot, t feet nbova
grade, ltt block from oar on B. lltn
at terms; owner. - , . t
V, . " SIXTH, BT. . . '
$1200. $54 oash and 110 a month, buy
a beautiful acre on the t aide;
running wster; 18 minutes' oar ride;
I cent car fare. For a party who de
sires to vet a atart an acre will greatly
unlet you, aa you can raise your vege
; tables, berries, chickens, which means
lover one-half of your living. M. E, Lee,
311 Corbett Mdgv '
MT. TABOR lot. (6all7 feet, adjoining
new city nark, fine view, a Bargain at
r- iiee; 1371 caen, Balance i per mestn
at per cent; reasons ror selling, raonn
Tabor lUi or call 681 B. Alder. No
. 'agents. -
Lovely Ten Acre Tract, Half
v v Mile From Station,'
The 10 seres are all cleared and
fenced ami only a half mile f rdm Clack
amaa station. Which la a tan cent fare
from Portland: good room house,
barn, chicken house and other build'
Inge; 1 acrea planted In strawber
ries; 10 young treea aet - out. balance
aeeded for hay; with the . place goes
1 horse, 6 cows, 1 heifer, about dasen
chickens, plow, drag, cultivator, buggy
and wagon and I ants alngle harness.
Prloo $4600: terma $1400 cash, balance
can stand for almoot I years at per
HIH First street.
10 acrea, I acrea under flne-atate of
cultivation, i acrea oi nne oeanng
orchard, mostly apples, good variety,
plenty of mixed fruit for family nee,
good e room nouee. good oarn, onicaen
houae. beet of noil, creek on place, well
at houae, 1 mile from store, boat land
ing and 8. P. A fl. atatlon, good road, I
muee from Washougal, place overlooks
Columbia river end a beautiful place
to live; this plape would be an Ideal
chicken ranch; price $2000, $1000 cash,
balance In one year. Geo. Y. Moody Co.,
waanougai. wain.
There ts no product of the soil that
can neat trie potato, it is a stanaara
commodity; It la a dependable product;
It has a ready market.
Our 10 acre tracts In Clarke county
are Ideally adapted to this product.
Adjoining neighbor cleared $1000 last
veer on same amount of acres sc.
Will sell this beautiful acreage for
82000; $160 down and $30 a month;
will give immediate possession.
404 Commercial blk.
Three acres on east side, close In, Z0
minutes on car; Improved street, sewer,
gas. electric ugnts. modern ( room
house, chicken house and yard, nearly
2 acres in loganberries, raspberries,
fares srarden 10O heaiinsr fruit treea. a
very nice home and growing In value
rapidly, walking distance rrom neea
Institute. Prtoe very low or will trade.
Lumbcrmens bldg.
1. 2. B snd 10 acre tracts. 40
minutes ride on either steam or
electric road, both cleared and
uncleared land, no rock or gravel
but rich soil. $260 to 1500 per
acre and upon easy terms.
102 Fouria st. Main $5. A-3600.
The best and the cheapest acreage
on the market; river and rail transpor
tation; ail cleared and in cultivation;
no tract more than 10 minutes' walk
from atatlon; mostly all nearer: five
10 and 20 acre tracts; fine for orchards,
gardens, chickens, etc. County all built
up. Prices only 2160 and $200 per
acre; easy terms. flee us before buying.
Lumbermcns bldg.
1 to 6 Acre Tracts
AU clear and In cultivation, some
fruit, new house and outbuildings, right
on Foster road, no rocks or gravel, liv
ing water, rent car fare and right
at station. Prices and terms vary rea
sonable Go to Lents Junction, enquire
for Mr. 8mith or Smith & Montage at
rooms 214 and 210 Henry bldg. '
A beautiful little farm, partly cleared
and In crop; balance oak and fir grove;
about six acres in bottom land, balance
slightly rolling. For the best combina
tion farm see this. Right at boat land,
ing: one half mile to dhr line, soon to
be electrified. Price $160 per acre, one
fourth cash, baalnce payments. See Mr.
$125 per acre.
2S acrea, located near Beaverton and
frontlna on county road. Thla nroo-
ertv la offered for less than 60o on
dollar to close an estate. Can make
terms aa I have party to make loan
for reasonable time at 7 per cent Inter
est The McCarthy Co., 422-2 Teon
Tualatin Valicy Land
Would you consider 0 acres first
class land on Oregon Electric? Tun
nel will be built through hill; must
have money. Have to sacrifice. Will
take two thirds real value.
See Peper & Baker
444 Sherlock bldg.
$1200, $60 cash and $10 a month, buys
a beautiful acre on the west side;
running water; 15 minutes' car ride;
S cent car fare. - For a party who de
sires to get a start an acre will greatly
assist you, as you can raise your vege
tables, berries, chickens, which means
over one-half of your living. M. E. Lee
811 Corbett bldg.
$1600 CASH buys one of ths choicest
acre tracts to be had on the west
side. The owner Is sick and needs
money. Must be mostly cash. Faces
on two roads. This tract would be an
excellent value at $2600. M. E. Lee,
mi corpett mag.
8 acres, near Portland, ) 10 minutes'
walk from electric car. On county road
leading to city. All cultivated except
2 acres; excellent timber; mountain wa
ter piped to property. Price $350 per
acre, worth $450, 5J8 Lumbermens bldg.
FOR SALE Nice little 6 acre tract; ad
joins eity limits; 7 room house; base
ment; barn; chickens; house fenced
woven wire; all In cult; 22 bearing
fruit trees; $1600 cash takes this, bat
easy terms.' Otto & Case, 03 6th st.
4 ACRES suitable for chicken .business,
locatea in xxortn roruana, on car
line; 6c fare; overlooking the river, east
side. Owner will sell at $600 an acre,
or exchange for automobile. Call 311
Corbett bldg.
34 acres, 20 in oat and hay, 3 springs.
U mile school, church, store, on erood
auto road, 10 miles, 6 miles Lents. $400
per acre, V caah. Otto & . Case, 62
etn st.
i WANTED To trade a new 6 passenger
automobile and 8 Iota for 6 room
bungalow In good location. Phone Mon
day. C-2502. ' -
10 ACRE8 for 81500 on the Willamette
river; handy to Portland; Ideal for a
country home. M. E. Lee, 111-Corbett
47 ACRES at Estacada. about 400 ap
ples and prunes -1 year old; good4
spring ana running water; a oar gain.
pee Hlciroic, 838 ynamper oi uommerpe.
cut my 12 acres In half, our-
chass price of six months ago. can
not handle the whole; t easy monthly
payments. E. '4210.
13200-1 . ACRES Improved. 60 bear-
ing trees, ;- thoroughbred chickens.-
Pred Grant, fourth house south Kendall
utatlon. Tabor 1104.
Ctt ACRES, near UU Tabor. . Phono
.:. owner, East I860.
' 111 McKay Bldg., Id and Stark,
10 Acres $500"
100 Cash, $10 cer Month?'
An hours ride rrom Portland -On
a good county road, . .
'. Deep, rich, dark soil. ' "
Level land In a level country;
I trains each day Into Portland;
And steamboat .transportation;
Dally mall, telephone, neighbors,
Bchools and Churches. .
4 1-2 Acres $1600 V' v
$300:Cash, $20 per Month
, Witn oungaiow, cmcaen vwpa, mrni
All complete; can move riant in. ...
Adjoining on One Side ,
5 Acres $750- , ' :
$150 Cash, $15 per Month
un me umer aiae
6 Acres$900 -. ;
$180 Cash,, $15, per Montih
And Across the Road -
14 1-2 "Acres $1200
$240 Cash, $20 f per Month
40 Minutes From Portland
One Mile From the Depot
On the main county road;
All the land lays welL
- And is genuine red shot son;
School of 10 grades, churches.
A Gentleman's Purchase
40 Acres $2500
Crossed by a Large and
Famous Trout Creek .
12 Acres Rich Bottom Land
Balance Red Shot Soil
40 Minutes From Portland
Half Mile From a Station
A place for a aummer camp;
Oon a good county road;
100 cords of wood.
A, Holaday's
Scappoose Orchard Tracts
40 Minutes From. Portland
Half a Mile From the Depot
Genuine Red Shot Soil
All Under Cultivation
And Set Out to Trees
In a few years you will have
Ae rood an orchard aa
Mr. Holaday's famous Northern Spies
And at a minimum cost ana
Paid for on your own terms.
It will be a beautiful suburb
With low fare and frequent trains
And a beautiful home to live In
With a most superb view of the
Columbia valley and Cascade range.
1200 Cords of Wood $1200
and 10 Acres of Land
$250 Cash, $25 per Month
Can make the pavmenta witn wood;
40 minutes from Portland;
R0c rate to Portland;
1 H miles from depot;
Every foot down bill;
On a good county road.
On Certain Acre Tracts
Can accent city lots In payments.
$12 McKay Bldg., Id and Btark.
A Fine 10 Acre Home
1-4 mile from rood town In Wash.
Inrton county, all cultivated and best of
sou, aji in crop, good Duuaings.ine wen
of wifter, 4 A-l cows, about 100 chick
ens and all farm tools go with place.
Price 283S0. If you want somethlnc
good, see this; good orchard and all
Kinds or smau rruit. nesi Brown, U9
Hwetland Diog.
itl aerea. ISO nar acre, lors-ed off land. I
mile to school, H mile to hotel, I acres all In high state of cultlva
telenhone. R. Y. D. Best of soil, no tion: lies nice and level. Just like s
stone. No. 1 apple land, also for garden
truck. Plentv wood and water. R R. I
station and boat landing I miles, easy
grade road. Good local market near
mills and logging cam pa Thla place
. 1 . kZ. . .i.l... tA -- I
III link un scii iu w im,ivuL -rg . 1 1. 1
Apply to owner, A. A. Elliott, Goblo, Or. I
no letters answered. i
AT Dundee. $7 miles from Portland.
nil KttiiHinM uttii 'r.Thi,. I
and sarden. Ihade trees and rood water,
on splendid road. to 1 mils from
town ;alao unimproved tracts of any
sise. This Is the most beautiful spot
In Oregon, and prices are low. Geo. .
waggoner, uunaee. ur.
j.tii ... j . . . i
i. . i ,, V ""oi
first Claaa Plumbing, filtered Cistern.
"y pce
has all been cultivated, Is fenced and
has berries and fruit trees; price $4500;
about 1000 feet to Gray's Crossing sta-
tion on Mt. Scott carllne. Would acceDt
bout 1000 feet to Gray's Crossing sta
tion nn Mt. ficott carllne. .WnuM Sr-r
a roruana toi, ovu c-n ana oaiance
on mortgage at 7 per cent. Ask for
Mr. Van Nice, Chapin & Herlow, 132
Chamber of Commerce.
i acres, all In cultivation, with a
2-room new house, good well, on main
county road, 6 minutes' walk from Beav
erton. This Is a bargain and must be
sold at once. This la extra fine gar
den land, $280 cash will handle this.
Good terms on balance.
Biv-zu-ii nanway Kxcnange.
FOR 8 A LB By owner. 20 acrea
mllea northeast of Vancouver, 1 mile
to ranroaa station, so roas to graded
school, good soil, part beaverdam, run
ning water and new buildings, all crons
and Implements go with place; price
toou easn. J. u. Beirert, k. jr. u. no.
s, Vancouver, wash.
6 1-3 Acres
Onlv 600 feet from station on
Oregon electric, at $226 per acre,
on easy terms.
Knapp & Mackey
212-13, Board of Trade.
vFor Farms and Acreace
Eee my list before you buy. 1 have
farms or an sixes and all prices and In
all parts of the valley. Come In and get
prices.' I have some good bargalna In
acreage and small homes. Neal Brown,
u pwetianq piog.
Look Thi Up
Beautiful acreage tracts on Salem
iDiectric cheapest and best land In Ore.
son: small caah payment down. bl
ance easy; want good carpenter to build
ror me tnat win puy, K-7Z7, journal.
1, 2, I 6 and 10 acre tracts, close in,
good electrlo car service, $100 tc 1260
the acre; big values, easy terms. Call.
Jinone or wm urn njn . j. w. uezzer
in Realty Co.. 208 Corbett bldg.
FOR SALE 7 acrea fine beach property
.ocean front platting proposition,
quick money maker, with small Invest
ment at a Bargain ror quick sate, owner.
o prooaiyn
FOR SALE 4 acrea, all: In cultivation;
' 6 room house, barn -and other out
buildings, with , stock and furniture.
Three minutes' walk from 8. P. depot
A. Benalt Sherwood. Or.
2 1-8 acres for platting, on car line,
close In; Inside I mile circle, east
side; $5000. H cash. Greatest snap
on the line. Clarke 4 Co., 107 RothchUd
bldg. M. 1407.
- .Your? Own: Terms f ?
$800 for ens acre close to car. lOo
fare.- 814 Commercial block, .
PLATTING propoeitlon, 18 acrea on Dl--vi'Slen
st, close to Park and two car-
linea L B. Thompson ds Ca, 1(14 Dlvls
lon st Tabor 2143. "
t HALF acres, buildings, 6o fare, gar
den and berries, some terms. $650 to
11000. Phono Tabor StOft.
19 ACRES Fronting oa the east side of
me Willamette river, au in cam.
vatlon, m aarea In bearing orchard.
I miles from City limits, 4 blocks of
Oregon City carllne. This' Is aa
ideal country home. Price IU.000,
11 ACRES Highly ' Improved and f
room modern nonse; line orcnarq oi
bearing , fruit treea, - barn, chicken
house, fine well, tank and gasoline
engine, and some farming uienaiia.
Rlaht en Orecon Cltv carllne and
Portland and Oregon City . river
road, about I miles out. Prloo
,110,000; term.
TWO acre tracts,' 4 blocks from tho
Oregon City canine, at c-eveu sta
tion, au in cultivation. ' rnc nvi
per acre.
I ACRES la a high state of cultivation.
, witn a t room residence; e dioobs
of electric Una. Prioe 11100. in
cluding farm implements. I ooa,
chickens and Itousenoia lurnuure.
4 ACRES fronting on the Oregon City I
carllne, all In-cultivation, oast ox
OIL Prioe MOO per acre.
is ACltra t Dundee. IT acres In cul
tivation, f acrss bearing rruiu moa
liftoo; zvo .eaan. naianee eaay
la imn i milea from oltr limits, in
Bunnysme. uiacaamaa eouoiz. rra,
$J00; $400 cash, balance easy pay
mecta. ' .
ACRES. 10 In cultivation. 4 room
huiu anrtnv. trout atream. 1.000.-
000 feat Umber, miles from Kelso,'!
Wash. Fries $1000; nair caan.
10 ACRES and room boose. 100-appU
trees, Bpltsenoergs, i cnicnen nouse.
y barn, T acrea in cultivation. I in
heavy fir timber, fins soil, no
gravel, good well, running stream.
muee rrom .rnau aiuia vn
Oreaham Una. Price I. 00; half
ACRE all In cultivation and f room
house, one block from Oreshara ear
and i blocks from Mt Scott car.
Price $2600; $600 caah, balance to
tt ACRE all In cultivation, good house,
turn, cnicaen nouse, inuwa lu-n,
city water, irioe tievw.
nvm i arr tract. 4 blocks from Gresh-
am Una. near Gates station, rriee
1700 per acre.
ALSO, half acre and acre tracts front-
in run th wiuamatia river, con
venient to the Oregon City carllne.
from $900 to llooo per tract.
The Lawrence Co
(Successor, the Dunn-Lawrenco
10 acres all In prunes, 4 blocks from
car Una, $260 per acre, H cash. This
crop will bring liooo net to mo pur
10 acrea in cron. other 10 acres easy
to clear, on good county road, t mile
from school and church, 1-4 mile from
R. R. station, only it miles rrom Port
land; $800 cash, balance 6 years at I
per cent.
126 AI.KK.H. IBU fF.K ALKEi.
20 acrea in cron: family orchard of
assorted fruit, good house and barn; 4
blocks from R. R. station; plenty of
gooa water; on goo a gravei roia, ii
miii4 hfiitaa Pnrfland 1AR
in us ,viu " " - - '
acres slashed and seeded; good pasture;
1 blocks from school, store and church.
If you want something good and cheap.
aa thla at once. Will not last Ions,
12000 cash, balance to suit purchaser
at 7 per cent
If you will call on mo the first of
the week I will anow vou 1U acre tracts.
I partly in crop, only if miles from court
house, Portland, for $100 per aore; very
easy terms.
j. a. ATKinsun,
Vancouver. Washington.
401 Washington street, opposite Post-
Some Bargains
f C I!
III Olllall I aiilld
garden, on main county road, I blocks
from electric Station. 12 miles from
Portland, 10 cents car fare, 16 minute
car service. In fine, thickly settled dis-
tnot; close to nign ana graaea scnoois.
Trl tllKA tlKA Mill hlllnM til an it
" - - - "
Mn -ooa
miles from Portland and in a.yery
Prira Mioo-
fries II1UU, I
iickly settled district 1
c"n- oaiance to .
14 acres all In high state of cultiva
tion, with Just slope enough for fine
drainage: all fenced and cross fenced
with board fence; fine houae and out
wmi Dwro unci, uno iwu-c auu mi-
Duuainfi; annuy uwi hju vramu ui
acres all in full bearing orchard ''VVZtinJ
ahape; lie. fine on , two main XT' "SS XLb
Voflta'thir?.a7: block1, from : ""e.r- .?J 5"?L S!
station, town and schools; 12 "f""""""
7A tr.- 1U nn main count v road, lllrra
nines rrom roniana. i y mues trom
Columbia river. Price $8000; $1000
cash, balance to suit
x urn of rood anil. IS miles from
Portland, 1H miles xrom electric sta-1
tion; 4 room rottace rls-ht on main I
county road. Price $800; $160 cash,
oaiance to sun.
COOFt.KATl vis KtAi,! I wmrAni,
519-liO-Jl Kauway gxenange.
Producing Ranch Close
to City.
SM acres of very fino land, all
in fine state of cultivation.
There are 2000 grape vines, 250
fruit trees, cistern, old house.
With the place is included horse,
buggy, 2 wagons, plows, sprayer,
farm tools, etc.. 26 chickens.
This is a very sightly place and
is for sale at very reasonable
firice as the owner expects to
eavo shortly for Germany. Pries
W. A. Barnes,
267 Oak St., Lewis building.
Telephones Main 1744 and A-l 7 4 3.
Sixty acres that can bo platted Into
splendid view tracts. This property Is
second to none, close Into Portland, near
a good carllno Spjondfd M no
water. This can Tbe had at the right
orlee and terms and won't be on the
maricet long.
Call for Mr. Reagan.
882-338 Chamber of Commerce.
Easy Terms.
6, 10 or 20 acre tracts of rich,
black soil on very easy terms;
$260- an acre; fine location for
Soultry farms or gardening. See
Ir. Camp at Hartman & Thomp
son bank. 4th and Stark.
.322 Acres
A fine platting proposition near Oa-
rTuft Und, .".pringr of" inning
wego and Bucker lake the best or
water; fine to cut Into 30 aero tracts.
115 -Grand avenue.
TERMS TO SUIT. 'w. H. BARD, 423 1
TEON BLDG, MAIN 7376. : . - -1
Oft RtNt H a month. H acre with
a aha.b mw.ll V., M- rl Bnt M.H
line, v Inoufro st 463 'E. Salmon. - Phono I
East 4121. . ;
acres In fruit of beat va-
, lietlea, balance timber; one aero
f 'runes. 1 acre la apples, I aores
n berries, ail In . full bearing! .
fenoed and oroes feneed: a good 1
room plastered bouse and pantry,
a good barn and other bubdtngs,
. I horses and harnaaa; one I lnoh
wagon, 1 email wagon, I good Jer
sey cows, beat teeta, i plows, 1
harrow, I eultlvators, 110 cedar
. posts, water piped Into houee.
ALSO 10 acres of fins wheat and
1 acres of fins oats on rented
land of which l-l gees with the
place; also all of another 10 acres,
H In oats and vatoh, balance to
be put In anything you wlah; 1
mile from P. O. In the fins town
of Newburg. a town of churches
and good schools. All for $6400.
Terms If wished.
W. W, Espey
Room 111 Commercial but
Cor. Id and Washington.
Be Sure and Look This Up
Five and Ten aero 'tracts for
sals by owner. I miles from oenter
of city, 4 miles from ftlty limits.
Good read all the way; mile
from car. Black loam oolu good
water; some In fruit. Tou can
not make money any faster than
to buy one of these tracts. Tou
can make a good living on thorn;
you can sell your fruit and vege
tables right there. Do not have
to haul them to town.
This land la located near the
Catholto school and other large
buildings and beautiful ground.
It will pay yon to look this up.
win be in the office au day Win-
day. 1104 Teon bldg.
Call for
Mr. Tayior.
1-2 Acre
$10 DOWN, $10 MONTH.
1-4 Acre
On B cent carllne. close to stores.
churches and large trade school. Bull
Run water -pined In front of each tract:
JTilS coTntr. "iSS
tut, villiumi vut. wnei in mxji II, r.
plenty of freah air and where you can
keen a cow and chickens. Tou can en-
Joy country life with all advantages of
the city and be raying for a homo with
your rent monev.
Geo. I , Moore Co.
618 Ahlngton Bldg.
10 Acres
$50 Per Acre
Ten dollars down, five dollars
per month, 0 per cent Land lays
level and plenty of good spring
water, 80 miles from Portland,
1H miles from railroad. This Is
the very best garden or fruit
land, See thla at onee If yon
want a snap; must selL
Call 640 Chamber of Commeros
Phone Main 7017.
of 10 acres, mile to good
town, convenient to Port
land, beautiful view; price
only $1800, $160 cash, bal
ance easy payments. 8oe
owner, 610 Corbett bldg.
A Swell Suburban Home
6 acrea. 26 minutes' ride from Port
land, on Oregon City car line, 100 feet
from atatlon; all planted to peach and
Part c""h' or w1" "e tt acres, with
or without Kuu
Stewart Realty Co.
Main 2204.
614 Selling Bldg,
iv mcrca nne ueep ncn soil, ail level.
noi a loot or waste lana. s acres in
raspoerries, gooseDerrtes and currants,
80 assorted fruit trees. Fine, large i
room house with porch around on two
sides, large barn and outbuildings. Thla
lnnv. imf n ml, 1 n.
to electric line, stores, school and
church. On main rni n it ii
telephone. Owner Is too old to take care
or iv. any longer, trice 13860.
182-838 Chamber of Commerce.
Oolendld hi eh view tracts out of the
I smoke and fog; pure air and sunshine,
good water: leave center of Portland
and In 80 minutes you are on these
tracts. High class residence roe trie.
tlons; prices are right and on terms If
desired, seeing is believing. Go and
see these tracts and be convinced. Call
tor air. tieagan.
182-888 Chamber of Commerce.
13 acres, all In crop, olose to
Beaverton; 6 room house, fine
bearing orchard, on terms at a
sacrifice. Owner leaving. See
Mr. Camp, Hartman & Thmopson
bank, 4th and Stark.
20 acres right at Oak Park on Ore-
f actric. 1 acre, in orchard, good
!.0h0Uu' .'?' POry houses, ate.;
""" ". i hi. n. us'
gy, wagon, plow and all orchard Im
plements; over 500 chickens, splendid
soli. This place will be sold at a
sacrifice and on terms to suit pur
chaser. Inquire of L. M. HIckok, room
838 Chamber of Commerce.
6 acres. 4 acrea in hlah state of cul
tivation. 2 acres In small brush; $25
per acre will clear It; this property is
all level and on main road In a thickly
settled country, mile from electrlo
station, xnis is a Dig Dargain ana tne
first man to see this will buy It Can
muee e-ood terms.
xv-zu-zx nanway iuxenange.
10 acrea at Helvetia. 200 feet from
electric station, fine for poultry farm.
owner must have a little money. If
you want a nloe home come in and
talk It over Inquire , for L M. HIckoa,
882-338 Chamber of Commerce.
r Fractional Acres
The - treat southeast side, srraded
streets, sidewalks and water; the cheap
est and best garden tracts In Portland.
Shaw & Locke
.z umoermens mog.
TitlRTY acrea bottom and beaverdam
' on Willamette river near Wilsonville,
Electrlo railway station,
- T13, JOUmaL - ?
TEN acres near Vancouver Dart cleared.
11260; terms. 307 RothchUd bldg. 1
On account of lsaving Port
land I cannot work this myself,
and will sell on small payment
down, , then easy monthly pay-
'ments, property oa electrlo
carllne, 70 minutes' rldo south
. of Portland; lies with a slight
roll and good drainage, only 10
minute walk from station. This
soil Is new, only been cleared 0
years, not low, wet and all
worked out, nearly all cleared
except a small amount of timber
on back, has a - stream of run
ning water. no gravel, rock or
stumps, never needs Irrigating,
all dark, mellow soil, 16 feet
deep, and can be plowed at any
time of year. There Is no better
land for vegetables fruit, ber
ries and onions. It will raise .
ZOO sacks of potatoes per acre.
Land Just across ths road can
not be bought for less than $200
fer sore. If you want soma
blng to make a good living on
don't overlook this. School,
store snd postoffloe all la sight
vx inie s acres.
Call at Oumbert Llaht Tai
loring Stor 421 Washington st
.Between lltn and 12ta sts.
Located Inst Outalda eltv It ml fa of
TtiaJid outside city limits or
Prices from $160 to $660 per acre;
terms 10 cash, balance very easy
monthly payments.
Wvni, m t -.j... . t, -
you are In the market for a nice
Uttl. tract that will producs revenue
fatten vnur nrk.lhnnV anil mak. vni.
... ... ,
Independent do not fall to see theae lit-
tls acreage tract a.
611-611 Corbett Bulldjng.
Splendid Buy in Small
Can offer six acres of
fine land cloao to Mt Scott
car Una and near Grays
Crossln at a real bargain.
Thla land Is practically
cleared and can be easily
put In cultivation. It will
make a fine proposition to
cut Into half acre pieces
and ought to sell readily.
This district ts rapidly Im
proving and there are many
nice places surrounding
this land. For a very short
time It can be had for
$850 an Acre.
Can arranre very advan
tageous terms. Lot me
show you this. It's good.
W. A. Barnes,
27H Oak st. Lewis build
ing. ' Telephones Msln 1741 and
10 Acres
$500 Cash Down
This Is all In fruit nrlnclnallv
pies and cherries; also some strawber
ries and blackberries; locsted one mile
rrom Hllisboro on the Oregon Electric,
40 minutes ride from Portland by auto
(macadamized road., see us for par
Associated Investment Co.
Suite 618. Yeon bldg.. 6th and Alder.
1 miles west of Durham station. Ore-
gon Electrlo Ry.. about 2 acres
.i... 1 1 1 ,,
7' ru:""'V"u 'uJ:,u,j;
MSTtAi ms sis
" . , r" . . "
mnnii iiuu aeeuea 10 iimutny nay; new
6 room bungalow, cost $1000; small barn.
land lava flna beautiful i.wn fin. tri
land lays fine, beautiful lawn, fine for
fruit or garden, strawberries, gooseber
ries, etc. Price 31800: 31200 cash, bal
ance tuu, i years, at 7 per cent interest
Ball and Kuntz,
481 Lumber Exchange
A Gentleman's Country Home
Onlv x& minutes rrom in, rirv nn
" " - v 1 1 , .u I
P , u "''"" 1 ucr
trie line niauun, - mue only. I
uii duiiujt ivau, wiuwu win auuu
ne nara sunaceo to Bin st. nouse,
barn, natural sprinir. flowing water. I
large tank, all fenced, good orchard,
berries, one of the handsomest places
out or tne city, oniy 3t minutes
115 Grand Ave.
Must Have Money
6 acres on Oregon Electric, lies fine.
good soil, running water; come and give
us an orrer. reper Halter, 444 tner-
locK bldg.
850 acres of level land frontlnsr on I
the Oreeon Electric Railway. 1 hour's
ride from Portland, 160 acres under cul
tivation, 60 acres in brush and 15,000
cords of wood on the balance of the
land. Land similar' to this has been
sold in the vicinity for 1200 per aoro.
If purchased before option expires this
land can be had for $100 per acre. Terms
one-third easn, bat 3 years. The Mc-
Carthy CO.. 422-8 Yeon Bldg.
Fine (1 acres, 10 aores In cultivation.
6 aores slashed, enough good cordwood
on balance to pay for place.
New 8 room house, barn and other
bldgs. JN ice springs, can irrigate, or
chard, 6 miles out. well located; $3000
cash, balance or 32000 4 years' time.
REAL LAND- CO., Canby, Or.
140 ACRES in Klickitat cotntv. Wash..
40 acres cleared. 12 acres in choice
winter apples, balance in grain, on good
county roaa. ciose to cnurcn snd sen 001.
This can all be Irrigated; good build
in ks. Can be, bousrht on easy terms.
Call 22C Falling bldg.
130 ACRES In Clackamas county, fine:
fruit land, timber enough on place to
:. FC3 ":!3!t SALE
pay ror jt uut izt trailing bldg.
n SI0 sores In Cowllta Co., Wash, S
S II sores In cultivation; good fam- S
S lly orchard; 600 ' eorda of shingle 8
S bolts; 40 acrss timber, fir and ce- u
dar; ereek and spring, good well; 8
acres -seeded to timothy snd S
S clover: house 16x11. larce barn J m 0
S miles from high school; very best of 8
8 soil. Prloo $11.60 per acre. easn. S
8 8
8 v 140 acrss la Cowllta Co.. Wash., 0
B acres in cultivation; ramuy or-
S chard; 400 eorda of cedar bolts; 1 8
8 mils haul; ereek and spring: acres 8
8 la crop; - house Halt and 10x1$. 8
S bam 21x12; some farm machinery; 8
S 1 mils to school; good soli. Prloo 8
8 tllbO- $1100 oaah, balance 6 years; 8
8 would consider Portland property In 8
b sxenange. a
8 14600110 acres on Cowllts rtv- 8
8 sr. IU miles from good town on 8
8 main line of N. P. R. R. and boat 8
8 landlns: 10 acrea In cultivation. I
8 aores bearing orchard; small fruits; 8
8 70 acrea fenoed. 26 acrea nloe pll- 8
B In- 4AA imAm - - - Vnla tv.ll fl
8 spring and creek j Xhk story 7 room 8
8 house, good barn; mile from 8
8 school and church; fine soli. Terms, 8
8 $1000 cash, balance long time; will 8
8 take Portland property in exchange. 8
8 $2200 80 aores, 16 miles from H
b fortiana; y mue rrom it. n. sia- a
8 tion: 'A mile at aehool: in Clarke 8
a -...... . A ...i . i... , tnn a
8 some timber, balance ash and fins a
8 mania: verv eaailv cleared: all lev- 0
a ei; very oest or sou; .living spring,
8 easn, balance long Urns.
S $700040 acres oa Cowllts river. 0
8 I miles from R R. station, boat 8
a landing on place, ail bottom lana, b
a no oveniow; is acres in cuitiva- a
0 tion, all seeded to hay. I good 0
8 orchards, new ltt story 7 room 8
8 house, I barna, other outbuildings, 8
8 good well, very beat of bottom land. 8
8 all crops and farm machinery go 8
a witn place; give good terms.
S 11400 IS acrea 11 mllea west Of
8 Portland, acres In fine state of 8
8 cultivation, all aeeded to hav. aome 8
5 t,n,bp. some f rult all level, on 8
s county rotd mne t0 school. 8
d cnurcn ano store; small nouse, targe o
a irame oarn worth f&oo; x gooa
8 cows, some chickens, very best of 8
8 soil, fins location, terma V caah. 0
8 balance I years, interest 0 psr cant 8
8 114 acres li miles from Esta- 0
lD q eieoino oar, 11 muea irom a
8 portUnd. so acres In fine state of 0
g .m'inrVw
S ?"a u,n sprins. new "
i d oungatow, large rrame Darn suxsu, a
8 aome timber, balance very easily 0
8 Carei p,r,inaj property to go 0
S with place, fine team, wagon, bar- 8
8 neaa. several head of cattle, chick- 8
S ens, hogs, sheep, all farm Imple- 8
8 ments and crons. Vary best of soil. 8
8 This 6s one of the best buys on 8
a the market guaranteed as sdvsr- s
8 tlaed. Price only 170 per acre, 8
8 terma U cash, balance mortgage 8
8 on nlace. interest 4 ner cent 8
8 Would consider part In exchange S
8 for Portland property. S
8 8
8 $1000 171 acres In Benton conn- 8
8 ty, U mile from R. R. town, hi. 8
8 mile from school snd church. 76 8
8 acres In fine state of cultivation. S
8 free from stumps, 40 acres fine 8
8 timber. 76 acrea creek bottom, well, 8
S creek and springs, family orchard, B
8 66 acres sseded to fall grain, all 8
S fenced, 1H story 7 room frame 8
8 house, barn 16x50, personal prop- 8
a erty to go witn piece norses, s a
H milch cows, t - heifers, I dosen 8
8 chickens. 6 atands bees, farm wa- 8
8 gon. spring wagon. 20 tons hay. S
a cream separator, all farm macnin-
a ery. Household goods, very oest or a
S soil Terms $3600. exchange for 8
8 Portland property. $1000 cash, bal- 8
8 aaoo mortgage on farm. S
S 8
S $6000 76 U acres on Cowllts rlv- 0
8 er. 8 miles from aood town. Don- 8
8 ulstlon 1600, on main line of N. 8
8 P.. also boat landing, 26 acres In 8
8 cultivation. acres slashed and 8
8 seeded, some timber, I acres bear- 8
8 Ing orchard, small fruits, well and S
8 creek, 10 acres to timothy and do- 8
8 ver. fenced, rails and wire. ltt 8
8 story I room house, barn 10x50, 8
8 other outbuildings, all farm imple- S
8 plements, mower and rake, plows. S
8 harrow, all small tools, oa good 8
8 road, one mile to high school and 8
8 church, no better soli, terms $2000 S
8 cash, balance I years per cent 8
8 8
S $3000 160 acres on Cowllts river, 8
8 4 miles from good town, on mam a
S line of N. P. R. R. and boat land-
S Ing, mile from high school and
S church. 4 acrea in cultivation, good
8 famllv orchard, small fruita. creek.
8 well and springs, 100. acres fenced 8
a witn 3 wires and seeded to timotn, o
8 orchard and blue grass, and is half 8
S knee high now. An Ideal dairy or S
8 stock farm, all tillable, 6 room S
8 house, barn 40x60. fruit-house, other 8
a outbuHdinss. aood location, sooa u
8 roads, very best of soli, glvs terms. 8
8 205 Gerllnger bldg., corner 2d and 8
b Alder. Office, Main S4I0, Res., s
8 East 1798. 8
3i0 acres, highly improved; fine soil
gentle slope; good bulldinaa, fenced and
c yeail-r0u"di P.. hu50 ""j1
nam, can ue pipca to any part oi I arm.
This can be cut Into 1 26 acre tracts
S. P. Ry. statlon,on. the land; 7 miles
to county neat and agricultural colletre
j ,j - ,
E,," hna,dpasi 5 7R
telephone In house. A bargain at $75
per acre; iduou easn win handle.
70 acres, platted to 10 acre tracts: A-l
soil, no gravel; about 6 acres cleared.
balance has been slashed, burned and
seeded to clover; rair house and barn;
Improved land In this neighborhood sell
ing ror tzuo to 30U per acre; station
40 rods, stores and churches 240 rods
on N. P. Ry., less than 6 miles from
Vannnnvr Wflah Th, soil la a4aritaH
u.. .. nni..
1 iiuwi t una, dkuuo, uiiivcio, ai laun
or anytnmg raised on tne coast; s to 24
r,sr tn innvhaiiaMhlo annnlv nf miro
mountain water, -rnis is a snap at
tin.000: one third cash will handle this.
win tair nar in Portland nmn.ww
me for bargains in timber, farms, tracts
and city property.
318 Railway Exchange bldg.
87 acres, 18 In cultivation, with
-fine crop, new 7 room house.
large Durn witn driveway: nay
carrier and other conveniences,
silo for storage of green feeds,
hog house, chicken house, splen
did water piped and pumped by
gasoline engine, a healthy young
orchard, assorted, gooseberries,
raspberries, strawberries, cur
rants, flowers, all good farming
tools too numerous to mention;
new wagon, buggy.' harness, a
splendid team, 3 jersey cows,
1H -year-old heifer, brood sow and
10 fine pigs, a lot of full blood
White Leghorn chickens, Why, .
such .a "snap at $00, with termi .
that will make money from the
start- Come and we will tell you .
but don t bother unless you are
a buyer. " ;v,. -' .-... s'-' -:7;
Waggener Real .Estate Co
$50 Per Acre ' '
160 acrea rich soil, near " Estacada.
70 acres In- cultivation, 3 acre orchard,
6 room bouse, barn, road through place.
You cant find a better bargain. 33000
cash, balance terms. v, i
. 328 Henry Bldg. - '
rOn 0ALK
) 60 Acres '
20 acres la cultivation and In crop, hat
anoe la timber, about half cleared; rath
er rourh and no rocks or gravel; fins
spring water, all well fenced with oe.ur
posts and woven wire and croaa fn J
chloken tight; bearing orchard. 60 trees
of ths Choice fruits, another orchard of
100 trees Just nut out small and wall
built house l$x24 3 rooms down stalra.
one up; good email barn, chicken houae
and other eutbuildlnae: 0 brood sows, 13
aores of clovsr and vetch and some oets;
a few, farm tools and some chickens. lo
cated mile from Base Line. 17 miles
east of court house. Pries of everything
8160 per acre. To sell or trade for city
Improved property that will rent and
that Is prloed right Mortgage of fltvu
due in i years from February 11. at I
per cent ' ;
220 Acres 'i'-
60 acrea cleared, SO acres in crop, 40
acrea old saw timber. 80 acres brush )
easily cleared, all can be plowed when
oleared: no rock and ths beet of soil; -creek,
springs, 4 miles of philomath..
4 room Douse, good small barn, - wen ,
fenced; 4 horses! cow, 1 heifer, 1 calf
2 brood sowschlskens, harnaaa for all
horses, plows', harrows, etc Price $!
per acre, wuu take equity 1816091. 14
. . . . T 1 - ... . ,
40 Acres of Timber'
10 mllea from Portland and less then
one mile to electric line; best of soil and
nne timber. For salo or trade. What
have you? , ,
If you are looklns for anything la
the shane of land or city nroperty and
have not as yet seen our list It will
Day you to call before vou buy. Ws
can refer you to a long list of (leased
customers ss to our methods of bust
ness. We handle no questionable prop
ertlea of any kind. If you have any
thing to sell or trads that will bear
investigation bring it In, wo can help
Everett Crew
616-10-17 RothchUd Bldg.
26 acres, 0 miles from Oregon City,'
on good county road, 16 acres in culti
vation and In crop, half of crop goes
with place, balance pasture, wlto lira
ber for farm use on It; nlco Creel; '
through pssture; good 6 room house, -barn
and other outbuildings, 1 horse,
3 fine cows, bunch of chickens, wagon, .
harness and sll farm tools and fine sar-
den, all for $2760, and $1600 caah will
handle, owner cannot live in mis sec-
tion so compelled to sacrifice. -.. .
30 Acres for $1700
Thla nlace Is 8 miles from Oregon
City, has good 7 room house, celled be
low snd upstairs, unfinished, about 3 '
acrea cleared, balance brush and pas-
tore land, land lies well. 30 acres Of It
being practically level, good well on the .
place, new electrlo building Into Molall
country will run about IU mllea of
place, good family cow and bunch of
enicaens go witn tne piace at ajiuv,
$800 cssh and easy terms on the bal
ance. Sickness in ramuy compels mis
place to be thrown on the market
f I . . I . O ftl .'II 1
onuienaen, oi new
310 Osk st.
120 seres with the finest set of
buildings In Washington county,
only 10 miles from Portland court
house and at special pries for
short time. .
160 aores north of Portland
on west side of river, ths very
best of soil, part heavy timber
and balance easy cleared. miles
from Portland courthouse, special
117 acres on Tualatin river.
It miles south of Portland court
house, electrlo lino through place,
one half cleared, fine buildings,'
elegant Aoll and this too at spe
cial price for quick sale.
Main 16. 101 4th gt A-1600.
-, . an -.... in -,wm ' kvim.
beaverdam, 100 acres of fins piling tim
ber, balance pasture, new 7 room bouse,,
3 fair barna, family orchard, plenty of
living water on place, country road
through place, 8 miles from North Ysm-
hill; 4 horses, 8 milch cows, 1 regis
tered bull, aome hogs, I dosen chlokens.
1 farm wagon. 1 hack. 1 set of harness,
cream separator, milk cans, some furni
ture and all small tools. Price $60per -acre,
H cash or will exchange for some
desirable Portland property.
Ball & Kuntz
431 Lumber Exchange bldg. -
..M ,1.1 oa. vw .,.
Ideal Wheat, Stock '
And 1
. Fruit Farm ! '
620 acres tn Wasco county- .
a great income producer. 1-3 of .
crop goes with place; splendid
buildings: located at ths edge of ,,
food Mtie town on railroad. .
22.600; H cash? balance to suit,
6 per cent '
Bothfur & Johnson .
Fruit and farm land
08 Chamber of Commerce bldg. '
Portland, Oregon. ,,
80 acres 1H miles from electrlo
line and 2H miles from Gresham;
15 acres in cultivation; over 8000
cords of first' class cordwood on
place; half of the place is choice
fruit land. Land around Is selling ,
for more than twice the money, '
Price $50, per acre.
1013 Chamber of Commerce. '
' FARMS. . , "
40. 60 or 100 acres, bearing orchards
and buildings. $32 an acre. "
68 acres, near Greshan, orchard sn.T
building. "Stocked with relstred sn.t
grade Jersey cattle. , An ideal small
l.5 and 10 acres at points between
Wichita and Estacada ii .
120 acres fruit land east or ustacsaa.
only $2600. O. W. P, Land CO., 1st and s
Alder. - - ;.- . -- ' ' '
$25 per Acre
BO aerea fine aoiL 2 miles from W11-
hott Rnrlnaa SS acres under cultivation.
small hbuse'and orchard, on good road.
U cash, balance terma
114 aer stock, ranch near Newport,
mnnA HniMinra. atock. tools, 'team sn.t
crops; Immediate possession; ,'s bargain
383 Henry Bldg. ' ' u
UK mrrrn: rich soil: eSDeclalty adapt.
ed to the growing of alfalfa. This is an
Improved ranch In a choice part of tlie
Willamette valley, hwrtly In crop and
with fine buildings. Price only $61 aa
acre; easjr terms, . , f ,
. lumbermens Bids.
FdR"s'ATjES 'or trade, iU seres In ttt
wnrs fi.ii. rrsa Bf Vkfl I fi rrt trill
balance fine timber, enoush to pay (
the place. Thla wm mux n to !
tock rsnrii. fan jus fnf.g
H ACRKS in Wiilnl 'ii '"'
North Plains: om 11 ne t-
laca. This vl!l nk a e
dairy or fruit rn:u. .