The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 18, 1911, Page 22, Image 22

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    i -
; ' ' (Hi
.Take Advantage of Our Big
' By "the terms of tht offer, we furnish
jrou witn a oic uir nn Duntiwi!
built on a flna 60x100 foot lot In Greg-
orv Heights- It la cool and comfortable
and you will enjoy living la on thla
. lummer.
) ' a tnt nurehaead on tha av payment
flan la the mean of your getting thla
FREE BENT, wa rurnin averyming.
' ' Tn Gregory Height, cement Bid.
walk and euro ara now oema- laia.
Bull Run water I ta and all lota com
. mand a fine view. - Tha car rid la
ehort. along th Bandy Road, moat dl
rect lln ) th city. , t
Lois a low a tlOO on eay term a.
. "foma to Gregory- Halghta today. Take
' Roa City Park car to mm oi line.
I Gregory1 Investment Co.
; GOOD lot. maIT- house, Inrlngton
Park addition. 11260: $100 cash, bal-
anc $S per month, intereat per cent.
Fin J acr tract, all cleared, good
wire fence fair houae, barn and orchard:
12(0; 1200 caali, bslance $7.50 par
month; will take tome trade. t .
. V'.n I aor tract. mllo from car
line; flna lot of wood; running water:
11250; $109 caah; will trad for-good
lot. . '
Kin. 'few.' modem bungalow, nicely
located; 12900. eaay term.-
-XiVu- Charlesoo &-Co,
' ' t f 411 Commerclat 'bhig..""--;
. , Si and Washington at. -
IN case .you want to buy or
- sell you auto- see Otto &
Case, 62 6th st,
i, FIVE acre aacrtflce. Muat all my
' . t acre place, junt eaat of city limits,
on two f ineat roada, choice location, nil
nice and lave), good otl. with four
room houae.- good barn,- chicken houaea,
-tc. All fencad, . ' fine water, worth
15500. Tou can have tt all for 13450. I
am going away. Call at once. Owner,
. 171 Third at.
Don't Read This
tf .you don't care for bargain In
farm. We have a lot of fine bar
gain tn farms and acreage for aale
or trade.
PeperA Baker
444 Sherlock bldg.
Business Corner
. 100x100, Thurmen St.; finest site for
-store and. apartments; 2 carllnes. For
price, etc, call at office, fx- phone
- 10 Board of Trade Bldg.
HAVE you any money? Inveetlxatc
Go to a reliable firm. Make youraelf
inaepenaent. Hargains, timDer, rarnis,
' city property and business chances.
Western Investment Co., 417 Board of
..Trade. . - ?
U ACRE lots, overlooking river, also
bouse and H acre on easy terms; close
in Biaimn, aiao acreage, . uregon uy
car to Jennings Lodge. Inquire Real
i Estate office of G. D. Boardman.
CORNER en Corbet t st, suitable for
stores and apartments above. Beet
bargain in South Portland. Owner
needs cash. M. E. Lee. lit Corbett bldg
V $1800 HALF acre on Main st. at Lents;
email nouse. garden and rruit trees:
, ' bargain; part cash. Miller, 41 Chamber
. ' of Com.
HOUSES and Iota for sale, also acreage.
- Buslnea property as well. Phone
East 238.
INCOME property; pays 13 per cent.
Price $4000, terms. 307 Rothchild
bldg., 4th and Washington. M-2407.
HIGH class Income property on the
west side for sale on attractive prlcee.
M. E. Lee. Ill Corbett bldg.
NEW bungalow, modern, corner lot,
worth 336Q0; will take $2060; 1750
caehi W-720. Journal.
FOR SALE by owner, a nice room
house, lot 60x100. on west side near
W car line. Phone A-2666.
t . FIVE room modern cottage furnished",
. garden, fenced; 11800; terms. Owner.
' 4511 70th t. 8. E., Mt. Scott line.
i t-ROOM modern cottage, by owner, part
cash, easy payments. Call and see.
.' Mt. Scott car, 3543 70th S. E.
A BARGAIN $ room cottage, lot 83x
il v rew eaay terms, caij or address
' tilt 7th at, Arleta, Or.
FOUR room bungalow with improve
mentB for $1126; $130 down, $15
month. - Address 651 2d st Main 6730.
4 ROOM bouse, 876 Rodney ave., on
small monthly payments. A-4776. C
1483, Main HIV- ;
$100 down and 11 per month buys bouse,
btar lot and barn: Drice 7S
' 10 ROOM: modern house, close In, for
quick aale 13000. terms. 4 rooms, nice
yard. 11400. 821 Allsky bldg.
GOOD room house on two lots; plenty
fruit; -close In; terms; leaving city.
Owner. 2g Kast Morrison, near 30th
: FOR SALE New modern 6-room bunga
kw, on Detroit and Holman; eaah or
terms.- Jas. B. Bacon. Woodlawn 165.
FOR SALE By owner, 4 room cottage
furnltur and bouse,-.almost new,
hscgaln for qalrk sale; 1593 Multnomah.
ILL-aelt" my $800 equity In modern
t room home near
Mawwiorne for
ti. A-711. Journal.
BARGAIN, room house, large lot. Sx
lea. 475 Patton roed. Main 4706.' .
i'ROOMS. new. tvsrxain, 14460. Term te
' . ault no comraUalOD. i' Tabor 904. -
: . ' ' v.. . i . - v . ? :
" FOft 8.1 LB H O IB ES 61
of I room a. new, with full cement ds
mit.' bath and tollel; piped for furtiif
nl gas and wired for electricity; haa
ftreplaoe, paneled dining room ana
. !.,. . mrr. lot fcflllOO. DO K. St). I
close to car Una, with fin View or weal
alda; cemant aldewalka In and
sessmenta mciudta in priu. wmcn
f 17(0; terms. - .. ' a
III Lumber Kxchsng. -
rw-wr n ir A PKVTKH
For 1 1 to cash down and 117 monthly
tool which also cover th Interest wa
can aeu yeu a aanny, nw. mi ""
and bath bonaalow on nlc lot, location
la not far from Hawthorn ave. la ther
any reason why you should rontlnu
longer to aupport your iwmmru z. T
yog ran by on then term -Take
cars to K. 4lrd and Hawthorn avfc Of
fice" on cornf. Phona Tabor If 41.
Por, land-Pacific Inv. Co., 411-Railway
E ohan ire.
Five Room Bungalow
on a iOHOO-foot lot. (tnlv 160 feet from
rarllne. within walking distance to the
Kenton factory dlntrlet. Thie oeauurui
modern bumralow In In.SwInton. W
will flnlah and paint to your liking;
mall payment down, balance to suit. -Let
ua "how you thla place .
IfO-II Hoard of Trade Bldg.
- On small monthly paymenta.
OS Beck bldff. , - , Tth and Oak at. .
MUST sell my S room houae on Penln
ii la riiht on ft Johna earllne. tf
minute from city, lot 60x100, beautiful
ahade tree and lawn: th! place fur
nlahed for $1100. See it at once, agenta
need not apply. Call lilt Oreely at.
New I room dottaae. all modern up
to date; muat sail: a good buy for om
one; would take f too or og eaan, nai
anc tit per month. Take M V. rar.
et orr at tio, go i piock norm to jno.
ttOO down, balance tit a month.' Now
if you want to get In a horn tbat I
home, here you are: A I story modern
kAiiaa sail AAHWAnlainMg almnlt fin Ba
beautiful large lot. Don't mis tnl.
Buy from owner. K-Tl. Journal.
XT. TABOR Muat be sold, almoat a
gift, room houae, run baaement,
Dutch kitchen, gaa, nearly I lot, fin
view. Quantities of fruit and roses.
Owner, It K. (Sd t, from I till T p. m.;
11300; tI00 caah.
A 6PLKNDID horn for aale: t room.
all modern convenience aid than
eome: lot TOxSO. lawn, flower and bear
ing fruit treea; S earllne. close In eeat
side; if Interested phone owner, 8ellwood
lie. - .
FOUR room houaa nearly furnisbed. t
lota, young rruit trees, Dernee. roas i
chicken bouse, etc.. 10 minute N. S. of
Flrland. ML 8cott line. 11800; $160
down, 410 quarterly. Phon Tabor S04C,
aak for 8baw.
FOR BALE by owner, 1 room bungalowi
celling, fireplace. bookcaea, all double
eonatmcted; have good reason for sell
ing, price i4zo: witn terma. j-ti.
1310 "equity In room houae and . lot
son oo. with is root alley, win aen
or trade for anything of value. Will give
liberal discount for caen, tne balance
$10 month, Thla I a snap, lit E. John
t.. BU Johns, or.
Four rooms. wide porch wrth view
of cityi basement, --cistern, lawn, elec
tric lights, bearing fruit tree: 1600
cash. baL at 7 per cent. 712 Rothchild
180 DOWN, tit A MONTH.
Buy new cottage and . 60x100 lot tn
v neighborhood. 21 minute ride on
ear; price $1100.
WKBH. 414 K. Btaric nr.
FOR SALE t room houae and attic,
piaatered. water in, Z lots soxizs in
fruit; barn, woodshed, chicken housenv
fenced: part cash, balance terma. 41t
60th. Phone Pellwood 1780.
$250 Down
I" room new bungalow, modern,
76x100, close to car and school; 13600
14 commercial diock. ,-
SNAP room house, modern, j ntci,
iswn, nara lunari xt, aum ana Lmvie: i
east Bids, 14600; half caah. balance 5 '
yeara, 8 per cent Owner, K-718, Jour
nal. TWO choice corner lota, good house.
garden and-fruit: fine location; two
car services; $2000 with terms. See
owner on property. Sr.E. corner E. 2 2d
and Prescott.
$1200 Houj and lot, fine location, eaay
terma, close to two carllnes, 989 East
32d norVh. Alberta car to 30th. Broad
way car to 29th and Maaon. By owner.
Phone Main 7798.
ONE nice ( room house, full baaement;
4 bearing trees; easy terms or ex
change for email farm: 8. W. cor. 67th
and E. Pine; ask at 2040 E. Mill st,
Montavilla, R. 1, box 6C1.
9 ROOM modern house, best residential
portion. 48th snd Hawthorne, 2 car
lines; . very reasonable, $2500: good
terms. Phone owner, Main 4(7( or A-
786 Corbett street, lot 60x100, eight
room modern house, street Improve
ments all in, terms. Key 788 Corbett
street. Owner 269 Thirteenth, Msln 6086.
$30 monthly which Includes 7 per cent
Interest buys 6 room home, Just
like rent. Basement, bath, gas, electrlo
lights, telephone. Corner lot. Price
$-850. Phone owner, East 2741
Beautiful 6 room, all modern, housp;
lot 60x100; lawn ross. all kinds of
fruit and berries; must sell at once. 937
pin et. iorin. uwnr.
IFUL new 8 room hunralna.
targe room, moaorn stone porch, 40
feet, fireplace, great bargain $4500; I
Owner, M. 1940, 430 Worcester
FOR SALE New, modern seven room
bungalow, lot 50x120; price $4600.
$2000 down, balance 7 per cent. 1297
Hawthorne avenue, near 44th street.
FOUR room house, bath, toilet, 6 blocks
from Union avenue. 478 Sumner. 2
blocks north Alberta; $1100; terms easy,
11 V KI1L,
FOR SALE 6 n.otn new modern bun
galow, corner lot 60x100. cement side
walks; full basement, all up to data,
for $2300, terms. Phone Tabor 2669.
12 ROOMS, new house and store, west
side, center of business, verv reasona
ble price. Call A. Castelli, St Vincent's
FOR SALE On easy terms cozv S
room cottage-, lot 50x100, trees, rosea
and berries, with car nassina- door. In
quire 440 E. 60th.
FOR sale or trade. 6 room modern cot-
Use at 115 Weat Humboldt. Take St
Johns car to Denver ave.. ro K blocka
FOR SALE 10 room house, large lot
fine location. Must sell. Will glv a
bargain. Call today. Owner, 765 Brook
lyn t. i .
A NUMBER of fine modern houses
from 5 to 7 rooms will be sold for 26
per cent less than they are worth. Ky
terms. S. M. Venard. 601. McKay bide.
MODERN 6 room bungalow, new; been
cash, balance easy terms. , F. G. Shelden,
owner, i08 East JBurnsiae. .y
TAKE good house, city.- some cash, for
best 120 acre farm in Oregon. East
273, C-1866. No agents. W. VL: Herd
man. - --,- - . -( .-.
VERY attractive,-new, five Boom bun
galow. good view; street graded, aide
walk, bargain; sale or rent; term; own
er. Bellwood 810. -
PRIOR $3600. $1200 DOWN. TERMS.
WOODLAWN 2836. ? ' ' ' .
LARGE 4 room house for $12; complete
nam. screens: 1 4 block rrom w, k.
r. 651 E. 20th st -
FOR SALE House and lot 60x100, fur
niture, chickens and harn- rhiin nart
cash. 41.2 E. Mrrisop ...
itlOO room modern vhouaa. with all
conyeatencea, combination flxturea,
mama ill llnlMl: Inl il . I .Ax I Oil.
on Olenn V . I blocka from Haw
thorna ava.. II 00ft caah. t
' . k , . , . .
$3300 7, room modern bungalow, double
conairuction, nalit in noon-cane
and buffet, beamed rellln. fir
place, full basement, one of tbe
flneei view, of elty - i
13400 New T room modem houae, near
tne jeireraon nign acnooi, a owcm
from th car; street Improvement
aH In, $1000 cash. ,
$!0n Modern t room' bun a-alow, lot tO
by 100, 1 100 caah, balance ISO. per
month; only 1 blocka from car la
Thayer, .
f !(00-yodern f room bungalow, 'With f
concrete oaaenient, iirepiace, iwn
blocka from car in
1 ,iiii . larma
t&Oo cash, balance monthly pay
menu: lota lesieo, or , will. en
with 100x100 for IlliO.
fltOO Modern bungalow, t larr rooms.
. Jirtpiaca, DUlIt in noun rmmmm
. ' Dutch kitchen. 1 bloek south
Hawthorn on 41at. lot 40x100,
' ' 1400 caab, balance, fit per month.
11400 Vedern T room houaa. on Mai
lory ava.. near Beach at, . half
block from school, 1 blocks from
Union ave or William ave. rar:
thla ahould appeal to any on that
know valua,
flltO I room modern bungalow, half
niocg rrom hi. bcoh ear, iivvcaan.
, balance 110 per month.
$1100 7 room houae. Jot 10x100, on ISth
near Ainawortn, term part cavn.
The Lawrence Co..-
(Mioceeaora to th Dunn-Lawrenc Co.)
Z4I Alder et
Homes on Easy Payments.
room bunralo-w. near ear. fireplace.
bookcases.' buffet. Dutch kitchen, bard-
wood floors, large attic, east front t&Ot
down, balance monthly. '
room, two story house, on earllne,
modern. Include shades, fixture, tint
ing and lawn. 1400 down, - balance
monthly. , ,
T room houae. corner E. 10th and Sal
mon. Modern, Hawthorn or Sunnaid
car, select neighborhood, - 11000 down,
balance monthly. - . t
SPECIAL Six rnnrft two-story houae.
oak floors, furnace, fireplace, tinting,
shadeer fixture, new, fine ahade, lawn,
block from ear. restricted neighborhood.
$4000, 1600 down, balance monthly.
i ,
room two-atory. neir car. thorough
ly modern, 'good neighborhood. ra elec
tricity, tall Improvement paid. 1600
down, balance monthly. -
1 room, concrete basement, fireplace,
bookcases, Dutch kitchen, full lot, Bull
Run water, electricity, streets all im
proved, building restrictions, new, 12160.
1160 down, balance monthly.
J01-203 Board of Trde.
Thoroughly, Modern
Room Bungalow 'g, dandy, doubl
construction, bent plum nine-.
' ' handaome buffet Dutch
kitchen, linen cloaet, cement
j ... .basement, laundry trays,
rireptace; uuv; ui own.
-Very conveniently arranged.
fireplace, white enamel
Dutch kitchen, bedroom
white enamel: rooms all
large; $3100; easy term.
-2 story, -large porch, piped
for . furnace. ,lara-e closota.
halt aeat, -high and sightly.
B0X100 corner lot; 13400; 1600
Phone builder and owner.
Tabor til or Main 7111.
N'rae't room houaa snd one choice
I. '. east front on street, near graded
school; only H block to car; price $800;
easy term.
' """ " , ALSO '
- Fin view lot $180 and up; $5 and $8
perrmontit. See Evelyn Realty Co. Tak
Mount Scott car; get off at Gray Cross-
Ing station. -
80x100 foot corner, well"1 Improved,
home all furnished with good furniture,
carpets, band-made mattreaaes (new),
close to car andvchool, concrete base
ment, bath, toilet and lavatory, Bull Run
water, electric lights, phone, nicely- lo
cated. Price $3000, part cash. Better
look 'this over today.
222-338 Chamber of Commerce.
. A Modern Home
5 rooms, bath, large attic, fireplace,
furnace, dement - baseraent electric
lights and gaa, a pretty lawn, located
on paved street In exclusive residence
district, now occupied by owner; a bar
gain at 13600; $1000 cash, balance Ilk
rent. Will take a lot or acreage in lieu
of cash payment. - ,.
Stewart Realty Co.
Main 8204.
314 Selling bldg.
FOR SALE 6 room modern cottage on
Peninsula, overlooking river,, sleep
ing porch, Dutch kitchen, plate, railing,
white- tiled bath ' and kitchen, cement
basement and walks, laundry ' trays,
lot 60x100, beautiful shade and. lawn,
nice garden of all kinds. See this at
once. I am leaving th city. Every
thing goes for $200. Take St John
car, get off at Jessup st 1231 Greeley,
right on earllne. Phone Woodlawn 1968.
Small house, pood lot facing hard
surface street 4H block from good car
line, good bricked - up cesspool, shad
trees and garden growing. Price $760,
part cash. Like the other we had ."it
will go quick." it- .
332-338 Chamber of Commerce.
$10 monthly buy new cottages cor
ner of Peninsular avenue and Hartford
streets. Builder : there daily.' Phone
Main 1544. Owner 64 North 21st st
$200 CASH. .
Attractive bungalow, exclusive dis
trict on earllne,' fine view, five large
rooms, reception hall and bath; large at
tic and basement; strictly modern with
bulltln conveniences; nice fireplace, gas
and electric fixtures; window shades;
owner on premises. - 361 East 64th st
Hawthorne car.
IMPROVE your lot with your rent' If
you own . your lot. we-will build you
a home to suit you, -and let you pay
for 4,t at $20 per month. ,tWhy pay rent
when - this opportunity Is waiting fon
you? Correspondence solicited. -Beaux
Art Building So., 201-2-3 Lumbermen
bldg. '.. Phones Marshall 1479. A-8883.
$20 MONTHLY. - .
7 rooms and dep. sleeping porch,' f lre
place, furnace, gas and electric fixtures,
built-in buffet and bookcases, mirror,
etc- Cash $400. 1 ,
826t, Wesh at. room 616. Main 6120.
. well , located., business propertv- oh
earllne. always rented, brings fine in
come; $2J0O, handles t; J12 Rothchild
bldg. - -
Two lots, modern cottage. Mm, chick
en houae, nestly fenced; $S90 cash, bal.
at per cent Interest, 712 Rothchild
bldg. . , , .-,. 1 w, .- .. ,
laeoo Modern T room hfliim corner mi. 1
17th and Taylor ate., full cement ''."vL" ""n with o2et walla an.all barn, wood "liouaa. hen kmi
Umelnt and floor, om- 'T" w J "onTn. bearing-fruit treea. apple, niuma
, blnation future, cement - walk-. cb,r,n'rJ , ..'"YrL I,,d . fitari). ehrrla. rrunee nd pera, a variety of
hard aurface atreeta; cannot be i1,?;,!"' 7r art?ln fVll t "n" f hedge of 70 choice roaea.
, duplicate., th.prlc , , , S'S'V. SfTlf'tln'diiWpon'd'
14100-.w modem reom hou. with ffiaS.'iiwri S'-a1 piM?df o'.W.n fhTL o
, alerplDg porcli, full baaement, with , ' fr, W,.,J .A -U.! 'and la. I acre, eltuated on a little rlae
El floor wired ror ia-tlcity ''i Z'Tl ,r.Z a aI i.?.. .VonV'h for above one of the niceat little cltlM In
! P'P'd '' r"- ni,cadmld overlooking the ame, ad-
cement aldawalka: all Imnrore- truck auto. -could b uaed for barn, I tf' , nm,,; w.ii ...iidL-rw
menlgjn and paid for:,! Llocka 0JP or e-mail "ctory. lot 6OJ0. I J.,,-j., ,6'60J 2o0 -aah, txUano
., from rt," rar and half block -from "" n, :',?,."ll'! Uw Nfiii of time to ault nuixheaer.
! K.H ear; lot lonoo. . bUahea, telephone Inatalled. only M feet I ,f ra i uiDkuAN Ric.Af.'rv iu .
.. V".
V P.
A modern 0 room houae, Iutch kitch
en, panel dining room, et-ln chin
oioeei, tinted walla In parior. large rx
from block with dru a tore, grocery.
butcher ahop. hardware, , barber ahop.
I aho repair ahop, bakery
I Parlor. dOCtOr'8' Office n
- flee, fine nelghborhoood, nearly all new
1 nunraicw district, high and dry. gooe
I school, no nolar railroad In hearing, onel
I block to W-R rarllne, payed atreot ron-
neria witn an pans i city; locaiion
1071 Division St.; -no agents; no com.
niUslon; worth 1410. - If sold this
month only 111 S0 'part .term.. . Mr.
Myers. Phone Tabor Silt.
-$400 Cash
V,. i -a..., k.... i
, r7ii'iM uJ mZt 2h? i hii."k;
I fUll 601100 lot. and only S blocks
I irom car,
You canoot buy tha lot today
and build the house for the price we
are asking ror it. . it has a fine- fire
place, bulltla bookcase and buffet, pan
eled dlnlnr room, beamed celllnr. Dutch
kitchen, full basement, fin bath. The
bedroom are extra large, with fine
closets. If you are looking for a new
and modern and cptodat bome-at. rock
bottom figure tnl win appeal to you.
. ' J. A, inubbell
TAKUK 48V. - -
New" Bungalow at; Right;
rnce. .: ,
Just finished, one of th moat
artistic and convenient bungalows
to be found anywhere.- Contains -
room a. modern- In every way, .
stationary wash tuba, brick flre-
filaoe, cjilna cloaeta, electric wir.
ng, wrood lift, full else baae
ment, etc. Only a few atepg from
rar and la nice district, facee
street lit wide. Very reason-,
able terma.
Price 12100. N
W. A, Barnes,
t7H Oak at. Lewi bldg.
Tel. Main 1741 and A-174I.
My fine 6 room house.
laatered and
.tnted. bath and two. toilets, aaa In. ce-1
ment wall baaement with laundry trayalroom. dining room, reception hall, Dutch
in, everything In flna shape, Inside lot I kitchen, 2 bedroom, sleeping porch; ce
(0x100 feet live lust enough above atreet I ment baaement furnace, - hardwood
arade to be O. K.. sewer la and connect- I floors. This Is a bar rain at th price.
ed up. south of Alberta street and east I
of Union ave.. bouse I practically all I
furnished, will sell for $1760. end glv
Wl lll,ll,ll W,' . U I , M I U V , H 1 1 V.
very good terma. . See my agents imme
diately, as muat sen at once
... Chittenden & Neill
210 Oak st
A Nice Country Home, for
' On the Mt. Scott tin at Myr-.
tie Park, lot RtVsxlOO; Just five
blocks from the station. Never
aiich an opportunity offered to
own your own home. Only $160
cash and $10 per month.
CaH at 903 Yeon bldg,
On east aide in good condition. lre
alrv room a. nientv of cloth.. .iont V
large pantry In connection with kitchen.
lot Kn-rlAA fin. laarn ahnnHanVa nf
roses; located on hard surfaced tret
. . ; j .i... a. t.u.1. I
Hftcaiiiriu, uiidi imn lit. una I
from good carlSe. Only $5000. term I
can be bad. Call for Mr. Reagan.
$32-228 Chamber of Commerce.
4 room bungalow on high lot 40x120,
era Amr i)tililMn hniM, rA M,na 1A hMh
r . , jt : ,
sidewalk, house well built bath and
iiik iruiL limn. liiiuruTou diixiw uvuiani
toilet - full basementi cement founda-
tlon. Close to school and church, 2
blocks. from car. $400 cash and $20
per month, including Interest, put you
in' possession of thi house. Call for
Mr. xtagau. L
132-388 Chamber of commerce.
Ohly $150 "Cash'. to Handle
. This beautiful country home at '
Flrland atatlon. Mt. Scott line,
Just the buy or1 person who
wants to own; their 1 home. The
price Is $1100 and $10 per month.
Where can you beat It?
. Call at 903 Yeon Bfdg
S room new bungalow, built of best I
maivi mi, nv i mvi ,,...., u..v...
closet, Dutch, kitchen,- enamel bath and
toilet, not and coia water. luu concrew
basement and laundry, furnace,- eloctrlo I
. j .11 , .. 1.1-:. 1
uiiaiiuciieia. una ia. iwv "-"v"" ;-""'
out- This I a beautv and the price. Is
Bwiju ii p u,r M.Ti .fy. "",""TZ
SfnTerm' . . ;
Res can.
332-338 Chamber of Commerce,
The Best Buys'
New four room i bungalow;' welt fln-
tlshed; east front; acre; price below
market 'valuf; easy termA Address own
er. B-717, Journal.
Nicest modern 6-room bungalow - in
Woodmere, rooms large,; dining room
paneled and plate- rail. Dutch kitchen,
fireplace, nice lawn, roues and! shade
trees; cheap; - easy -; terms.-. - Call 760$
66th ave., Convenient to Woodmere sta
- Beautiful Home : r:
Best location-lrvington;' finished in
oak and very' select fir; modern as pos
sible, lot 76x1 00: .also lots all prices.
East 278; iC186: ; no vagents.- W. H.,
Herdman. f" ? ' -' " ' ?-
S ROOM cottage, barn, chicken yards
and assorted fruit and berries, near
school and business part of town and
college. Will selr- on jpasy terms or ex
change for farm property.- Walter Rob-
TV , II', , VI P, VJiyT., v..
FOR SALE 5 room modern bungalow;
lot 60xll5;., cement , walks; 1 block
from car Mine, $2600,- $400 down, bal
ance $25 per month, which Include, in
terest at 6 per cent. 2021 East Burn
side street; Montavilla earllne.
LOT at 9th st, close in, high, sighl-.-
ly - and 'enough " below - surrounding
prices to be worth -while.' Lot 54x103.
Must be seen to be appreciated, 1850. In
quire, owner., 712,:E, 10th. or, 51 .Al
berta. ' ;, ', .' S' ' ,' ' "' v- . '- '
.; - 7"Room Modern . House .
ii block fromcar. i price $2160. Take
Mt. Scott car -to Clark bUIIctj. H.
Taylor. . ' ' " - r- .- u
I MUSTvhave money and will sacrifice
0 neW strictly modern 1 homes; pay
cash and make your own price. Phone
Tabor 23ia . t r .. . 1 '
Conalatlng of rooma, pantry, bath
room., .nice fireplace, full alaed atll
1 11 4 Klrst Street.
i f'
t - 4
In th city, with room
;" bungalow, furtiac. bath,. 4
modern, chicken pen, K,
- anane tree, ev -cniraena. i.y,.;,
incubator, lot loxzu. r'ric .
"-.tS4t0f term.' e owner, ; .
:- 140 Powell st, near flat, v
-;v; w-r t; -r
i 'I 'i i,i i i I. -Kit I
. . In fx: KB 8 ART.
I ivaat were i aaveruaeu iwur i hit
J'W-" bungalow, for sal: three of
,h, M h Wndnnaftav.-
I have on mora' left. - it la juai as
stylish th other three; not a thing
missing to make It a comfortable borne.
Full slsed lot, and In ar first claas
neighborhood. - - --
prlc 12760. Glr' reference and pay
lln Ann ant 180 a morith.
A. W. uearie. -taae n-v car, pi in
R. 7th st Office on th corner. (Open
Bundays). ' - '
: , See It Today
' Onlv-$2900 v
New I room bunralow. FULL BASE
MENT,' FULL ATTIC, large living room.
seat, FIREPLACE, mantel, sideboard
with mirror. MODEL KITCHEN, fine
plumblngr large porches, fin mountain
view, eement walk and atreet improve-
I l I. hi n a .n knJ ..KIIrAM
nark, block to iWae City Park car.- nice
restricted home district; duiii tor owner,
in leaving Portland In few days; eaay
terma. Owner, lit Spalding bldgv Mar
shall 2740. A-t48t. '
., . MKNT8 : - . . . .
Wilt buy beautiful bungalow In Roe
City Park, t rooms, new. modern In ev
ery detail and on full alae corner lot:
living room, dining room, mualo room,
I sleeping rooms, Dutch kitchen: very
handsomely finished l hardwood floors,
fiMnl,M 1 hlwlr from car.
Price 14600. It will pay yo to tnvea-tte-at
thla. McAllister A Luaddemann.
t!l Electric "bldg. ' -SUNNYS1DE
A beautiful I room fiouaa
on E. 17th at.. 1 block from neat car
service In eltv. for 14000 on very eaay
I terms; new, modern in every particular,
attractive tnalrie and out: larce living
McAllister aV Lueddemann, 921 Electric
8 tutiS i)mia1 nw'fi " '""
. $2600 Caah. .
and assume 1260O in mortgage: big
snap, owner of two' new modern 6 room
bungalows, located tn Hawthorne dis
trict, offers these at 11000 under value;
they will sell at $000 or mora; they
will coat you ' total aovuv; owner leav
ing city. Portland-Pacific Iny Co., IS.
4ld and Uawthorne, or '411 Railway
Exchange. - - ' - .
NEW and modern residenoe In finest
Irvlnaton district on E. 20th at; f
room handsomely finished and very at
tractively arranged; Urg living room
and dining room with beamed ceilings,
hardwood floora. fireplace, Dutch kitch
en, t aleeplng rooms, cement basement
furnace. Price fSOOO; flOOO cash, bal
ance easy, s McAllister Lueddemann,
121 Electric bldg.
INVESTIGATE Quick, for aale. new
Jifornia oungaiow oioca irom
Hawthorne ave., bea.ufuy furnlBhed,
J"" PLn,"; ',m"l ,;,,Iepi";
cases, buffet and In fact modern . in
CVtry particular. Will Sell fumllhed
l ""ZZF&'fi.J'7 term. Be own-
er at 269 iu. 49th u "
MT home for aale, University park,, at
loaa ' than real value: ouartar block
ground blocka from car' lino and main,,, mnt i nn - a room hniiaa. . aaa.
electric light, full basement , largej
attlo. bath. -eta: fine lawn, aartlen. fruit
rose galore; a fin suburban horn at
$$800. Phon owner. Woodlawn 316;
(evenlne - a
M -
SNAP 80x120. 20 ft. alley, fine new
llttlo cottage, garden, berries, flow
era, targe shade trees, a lovely place,
$1260, cash $1360. term, also some fin
lot below market jralue. Take Wpod-
stock car, to end of line. Call at drug
NEW house, y'all painted,- with three
iarg rooms, also domes closet ana
pantry. Al flnisbed nice, back porch
screened, water in house, sightly, lot,
block from w w car. reaaonaDis
cash offer refused. Geo. Berg, 1190
47th ave. - - . .
$850. -
4 room house, z blocks from' Monta
villa earllne. lot 60x117; If you will taks
the time' to investigate this you will
find that it is a really cheap buy.
-j laatt First Btreet. -
DO YOU want a home on fhe east side?
We have some beautiful places, cneap
and on easy terms, in lrvington, Lau
relhurst, 'Rose City Park and other at-
tractive district.
MCAHieier et auuea-
uriuanii, aiicvii iv iiu
$2o6 FOR SALE by owner, ri'e'w mod
crn 6 room bungalow, full basement,
t-...i, tu.k.., i. ni,.mi.u, f
UUIui ainuoi, li w v, -
block from good car service. 1300 down,
balance 120 per montn. t rnone iast
02, zzi vtraiiu ave.
WANTED -To ell, new modern 5 room
house; graded streets, cement walks,
nice lawn, shade trees; near Jefferson
high school and graded school; linoleum,
shade, screens; $3200, 1500 down,
Owner. Woodlawn 1592.
6 room, modern buirgalow, completely
furnished, fuJllot; price $2500, on the
most reasonable terms.
V 13$ First Btreet
FOR SALE-Modern 6 room cottage,
Piedmont park, 2 Tilocks west ' Union
ave.; 50x100; fruit, garden and flowers;
12200,i $450 cash, balance 15 months.
Phone woodlawn 1666. '
$3760 Six room, house, new and perfect
in all appointments; furnace, fireplace
and set laundry trays; $700 cash, bal
ance Veasy payments. VEv P. Mossman,
9n6Spaldlng bldg. ; ' '
: Five rooms, full t basement Dutch
kitchen, fireplace; two blm-ks from car
line, near 4jaurelhurst, JtiOO cash,. bal.
easy terms; 713 Rothchild bldg.
F'OR SALE cheap) by owner, "a good,
" 5 -room house and basement, lot 6Jx
104. : Take - Brooklyn car. Get off , E.
12th st Inquire 681 Mary, st, owner
leaving city. t - ,:
EXTREMENLY neat ' and ' convenient
new - modern 6 - room house,- walking
distance, two blocks Sunnysid car, hot
water heat. Bee owner, -ms ta. xamniu.
$"2800 TAKES 8 room modern house.
lot ouxiiw,"Tiear canine,' terms.; own
er, 834 East 8tiv St. North, Phone Wood
lawn 8937v -: -
LEAVING town; must sell my large
modern t 1 room bungalow cheap;
termL 910 Brooklyn st - Phone- Sell
wood 1793.
8-ROOM. new modern home, native
. : trees, lawni roses: ears pass door; half
mile north Bellwood. 610 Bybee. Beau
tlful home. ' Rhone owner, Sellwood 69.
$1400 -1350 down, $10 per month, new
' unfrnisbed four room -house, sleeping
attic, -near car. Call Woodlawn f74: ,
room bungalow, new, a dream, 140001
Great bargain. -Terms. Owner, M.
140 i .-..--.--' -;..
NEW 4 room t bungalow, - $1200. $50
is a montn. ,,rOwner.-u-721.
BY OWNER, modern eveu room, good
-wneignDornooa, -term - reasonable. 460
doing street... i , ...'.!.-.. .
1 ROOM bouse. Inquire 28$ Lincoln .at
$5000-$1 000 Cash "
Attractive I room house, solid
oak flotrs fireplace, eement
baa ment, - laundrv trays, fur
nace, . large -slrriilng porch, oe-
ment aldewalka: one Of the' pret
tiest built-in buffet In th city.
iarg porch, finer plumbing and
ail tnrougn ib an lueai noma.
One block from car and a good
, . district
Read ; This; Hawthorne
; . District ; ' -
r6om bungalow, hardwood
, floor, fireplace, ' china cloaet.
. bookcase, laundry traye, pped.
for furnace, full cement baaement
cement aidewalk.- facing
east on Unproved arrbet near car,
., Thla hobs. I extra well built
.-and a beautiful 'home. Prlc
"13600; 160 cash, balance 12S per
. month. . , - i . . .
V '-i $425O$500 Cash-".
Nee . I tory houaa, 100 feet'
'' from good earllne: lot 60x100;
street Improved, electric lights...
fine furnaoe, hardwood floor and
plumbing of The best: full or-
. ment basement. ' sleeping porch1'
mA - - I .,11 l,..llt .
' We Also - Have' OVior-'
' UUUU-VIIU6 . "-
' ; I room. 11600 1100 down, tit ;
. per' month. - . r .
tob 11100 11990 down, bal-;-'anc
monthly. -' :
rooms. 14509 $509 down,
.balance monthly.
t room. 1171(1 $1000 down, bal
! anc monthly. 3 '
These are all new and modern.
Hunter Realty Company,
221-1 BoarCT of Trade. - ;
Marshall 1777.
- A-t$9T.
$5500, : Special Bargain
Thla ! a etrlotly modern
room houae with hardwood floor
downataJra, - furnace, . fireplace, "
combination fixtures wash traye.
full baaement; near' Sth and
Clackamaa. Holladay Park Addl- j
, tlon. ' Now completely furnished,
and will throw In furniture If
'taken atonc. Eaay -terma t :
right nartlea. McCargar, - Bate '
A Lively. 1 Teon bldg. ,
Bungalow, Rose City. Park-.
Easy tsrms: will accmt aood lot on
account; montniy paymenta; prettiest
win HuilKMUW in Vllf raf WV1I UUIlli
Inside finish selected grain; color light
;oiden oak; large ourret; oak noore:
ot 10x100 ft: Improvement la and paid
for; restricted district: 10 ft parking!
snaa trees; 1 large mirrors; investi
gate and you will not be disappointed:
phon 10 to It forenoons, Main 4144.
Take Rose City Park car, get off bttsth
st, go 1 H block north. Owner, on
rounds afternoons.
FOR 8 ALE on easy payment, good six
room muuirn huum, iuii pasvuieni,
Iarg porches front and rear: lot lOOx
100, nice lawn, good garden with Logan,
raspberries and blackberries. Located
on the earllne In tbe best residence dis
trict of St John. $1760 for quick aale;
cash payment and monthly payment to
suit: responsible purchaser. Address
owner, go Mono istn. -none Main
1700. 1 J ' x
: $800 Below ; Value o : '
Just complete, most artistic, strictly
modern, room. Bleeping porch. Just
what yoil have been bunting; go today,
8unday. and aee th product of year
of evolution In horn building) $6000,
term. Rose city car to isth, walk ltt
blocks' north to Hancock. 8. Peterson,
architect, owner. 921 Board of Trade.
BEAUTIFUL 6 room bungalow tn Roa
City. Park; shown today for the flrat
time.. Can between ' I and f today at
8. Ecor. of E 56th and Hlllcrest. Rose
City Park car to E. Bid st Easiest
term. ,
" . '- ' BARGAIN. , ...
r?: $3650. . . "
RE. Cor. E. 65th and H 11 lores t J '
.'New 2 story residence, t room and
sleeping porch; strictly modern and up
to date; terms easier than rent . Rose
City Park car to e. tza.
$50 Down. $10 Month '
room Dlastered new bungalow. Fre
' B room plaste
mont station. Mount Scott line for $1100.
Other would ask $1400 for this. It' a
bargain.: , John B. jQoddard, 60S Teon
HOUSE and lot for sale by owner;' a
new 1 room house. In Piedmont with
all modern conveniences; lot 60x100 with
fine rose and beat garden In oity; good
reason for selling. Price $2900 If taken
at once. Inquire 1386 Rodney ave. Phone
Woodlawn 1269. .
I WILL take diamond, furniture, piano,
horse and buggy, vacant lot or any
thing of value a first payment on nice
home In Portland. WJiy should you
pay rent when you can' own your own
home so easily? JOHN B. GODDARD.
61 1 Yeon bldg."
$25 'DOWN, $12 per month bays th
best new 6 room bungalow; bath, hot
And eold water; - 40x100 lot: tt block
from car. Price $135.0. Ed. Miles, own
er. 4th house south on. Main st, Lenta,
Ml, Dcoti car.
$150 Cash,-$25- Month
-. t room house, hardwood floors, fire
place, faces east, near earllne. Rose City
Park. Phone today, East 1430. Wattera,
829 Lumber Exchange.
. .. -$100 Down
1 . ,. :
buys new modern 5 room bungalow near
Union ave.; will tak lot on same , as
part peyment. Owner. Main 3282.
IF YOU1 WANT to look. at a beautiful
i bunmlflw In Rosa City Park this af.
iernoon call up-Marshall 1950 and ask
,J ..A tkla mAnlMfl, nw rfliun.
lOa nnilu vaiV UIS -. laay. ,aaa wi
tions. - .v- - - - .- a.. . . .. -
RARE bargain In 7-room wtll built
modern bungalow,, fine location, close
to car, on very easy terms. Inquira
Weetern Investment CO. 417 .Board f
Trade. '.-: - '..y I '- 3V'' " '
: $100. Down
buys new modern 4 room bungalow, at
at,' jonns, 1 tbxiuv mi; hv.ilko iuis,
Main nzaa.
TEN room-bouse, 2 full lots, 2 blocks to
car, corner, close In, fsuit; .vt460n,"
terms.; 207 Rothchild .bldg. . - -
'Ave,$500 Terms
-2 blocks car; level and Clear; $100
below market price. ' Tabor 422. -
CORNER on Corbett at aaltable for
stores and apartments above. .- Best
bargain in 8outh - Portland. Owner
needs saeh, M. E. Lee. 811 Corbett bldg
' Corner 100x100. one bloclc . from car.
$1250. .Corner 100x100 on earllne. $176.
For easy terms call Bellwood 1726.-, - -
must Kv.r.r. ,- .i. ,.
Owner, leaving city, will sell beauti
ful Westmoreland lot, price $600, terms.
3 blocks, Bellwood car. . F-722, Jouwial.
TWO' beautiful lots near Sthenic Addf-
tlon( Peninsula, at sacrifice. .44? Far-
. f .,, WMilllivn SA1. .: ,i j v .1- ...
front lot
at a sacrificed. Owner
D-727, Jour-
imu .
Improvements paid,' near' earllne.
Price $700. 603.Lumbermens -bldg.
FOR SALE -By owner, .good lot near
s car1lnet-. east rronv" aiiss ' Merrui,
Majn 8621. - , ' ,
TWO choice lots, market price $1500;
-will sell for $1000. -Mrs. Hitchcock,
Phone Main 4604. ; ,
IRVINOTON Park snap, choice lota, less
-than value,-cement walks, water and
shade trees. ?0 Swetland bldg.- ; T
TWO lota, FairportV 30 minutes from
bridge, block from jar, $560, to quick
btlyer, cash, r - A-728. Journal:.
FOR SALE Lot on 4KU, 8th, near Al
nrta. Phone C-196.
PRriSCOTT street snap, corner . 0x100
In .Vernon,L Owner, A-2i58.
I 0 SALli LOT3
.. Lots $250 Up ' '
' AND SOM1T FOR $300
$5 Down, $5 a Month .''H1
On 6c earllne,-;. . .H ....
Graded streets. " ' j
' fildewalk. . iV - V, ''' V
Bull Run water.' ' ' fc ; - . '
Iniprovementa paid, '
- Warranty deed and abatract gor with
each, lot . . 4 ' 1 .... . - , . j .
- Saginaw Heights' ' :.'
- I tb p)ac now i the time.
Fsr you to tak advantage of it. .W
ar Bailing thee lots, with all Improve
ments, st the same ) rate unimproved
land adjoining would e". for. .. .
v Geo, T. Moore Co,
tlf Ahlngton Bid. '
10x118 feet ' runnlna- threnrli Mnrk.
fronting on t streets. In Alameda Park.
on-carlin. streets graded, cement walk
In, ornamental shad tree nlanted alnnir
aldewalka, fine local Ion." nwner must
sol) at fc sacrifice: prlc $1100. .
vnBa Sl Kuntzv
42t Lumber Exchange, phon Msln 1711. V
a 1x1 irv u 1 vi'n '.
is wnere you can nuy a iono
$880 on terma of $50 down and '
thly. non-resident owner author. '
lo sell at thts price, fine build-
about 300 feet from Hawthorna
or 1180. extremely easr nsvmente.
Six about 42x100. You can buy. thla
for a home or'mak some money on tt '
In short time. Portland-Psciffo In v.
Co.. corner K. 41rd and Hawthorn v
or 418 Railway Exchange. - -
V 15
lot for
lit moo
at isri uiu
Nng lot
Ask Us About V .
Luther Place ,'" .'W-
Teaift akaxaaaa .A , a,sa,ilJ aaaattuaaata illaritaa
m vtm vtmiinu. isuu svivuia, wiUf nillts
water, fin aolL lie hlah and leveL nn -,'
dan tract. - . . -
: v Shaw & locke',;V;
sin i,wmnermen hip;.
1(0x110 feet northesst earner Prank
lln and Aapen sts t Willamette Heights; -level
land, delightful view of river and - -mountain,
bard aurfaco atreet. gas, ,
water and sewer oonnectlona made: easr
term. e -owner, . 610 Lumbermen
bldg. - . . , . .
Thee lot ara located iU mlla from .
business ceoter, within I block of csr.'
40x10 feet In dimension, and U for ,
$$7t and $450 per lot on easy term. s
Can you beat Ut .
lot Railway Exchange bldg.
- phones, Marshall 2684 A-7480.
: Luther. Place
Garden . tract, lit. Hoott diatrfnt ,
graded atreeta, aldewalka, water, three
blocks to car: cheapest and best tn Port
land. Easy term. .
' -c.'r Shaw &' Locke
1 -420 Lumbermen' Bldg.
THREE lot .In Greeno Height, near
raitroao. t-noe live eacn.
f lot In Nob Hill addition ta Oruon
City. $300, 160 down and $6 par roontb,.
or $5t par lot.
4 room nous with lot 60x100. eltr
water, aome fruit trees. I block from
city school. Address, Jo. Neely, Ore-.
gon City. Or. Residence Nob Hill.
. At Fulton Park 1
Beautiful lot 10x100. S blocka from
station of Salem Electric, and only 75
rest irora a. r. k. n.i east rront; only
It minutes' rid from center of city:
muat sell; no reasonable offer refused.
G-71S, Journal
Fin building lot very clos to car.
ROSE CITY PARK, -Beautiful
view, east front, for $450.
Fine lot handy to the car, for $$00.
432 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
4 Acre Mear Firland Station
vm m i. ecott iinev easy
terms: Bull Bun water.' , - vi
' Knapp4&. Mackey, -
212-11 Board of Trade.
WHAT will you give for high,' well
drained ounaing lot eoxioo, on a eo
foot atreet' with city water, a short
dlstanc from s good earllne? I will
sell you suco a .lot ror 12.60 s week.
Mr. Leonard, Columbia, Trust company,
84 4th st.
Down, $10 Per Month '
m view lot matured fruit trees:
restricted district near -car, eement
11... . ,-..,, vs..H . I a .
wai&v, ouii iiuu naiai, ami, taicii a vr
free of charge, r 201 Board of Trad
bldg. - ' - . - '
$3 Down, $3 a, Month
Buy fin lota in Haxeldell, inside dty
limits, near M-V car line and new Mt.
Hood electrlo now building; right by thi
property, -Prlo $140 up. Open Sunday.
wr,tiH, ei n,. Biara, cor. jo. sth.
on Mt Tabor car Line, i860 up.
TERMS t25 DOWN, 110 A MONTH. '
Thi is view property and finest of
garden soil, no better offering on th
market G. L. Webb Real Estate Co
414 E. Stark st- -
lot 40x100, large tent house furnished,
fruit trees, strawberries.- garden, etc.,
$550, $100 down, $10 per month. Tak
Mt Scott car to Tremont station, go
1 blocks south and 1 block west, corner
sa ave. and 7 1st st- 8. Hi.
'ft ExceptionalT Bargain S
' t lot 60x100. 1-corner, eaat front.
fruit trees, smalt -barn, sewer and ce
ment walks In and. included In price.
itoo, terms. 314 commercial block.
..-..; OVER ACRE. v-v-.-.
: ""-'C- ' BARGAIN.- - ".." -'-
$80 cash and $14 per mo. will buy
this fine corner; 20 minutes' train rid
from center of city; 20 fruit trees on
this. . Total price, $800. B-712, Journal.
LEAVING city,-will sell lot with. 14
trees, $100 worth fruit-good neigh
borhood. Worth $700. Will sell for $6-75.
Easy terms. - See owner . for this bar-
galn. Bellwood, 1872. ',-.- '
2 LOTS 2 blocks from university Sla
' Hon on Dawson st; good for business,
building; no reasonable cash offer re
fused. See owner at 1016 E. tlst st N.
Call C-8047. ' . .
WE ARE offering bargains on building
lots on the west, side: 12 minutes'
walk. This lot in suitable for flats,
apartmentv or' tenement house. Price
LOT . 60x100 just north of ' Willamette
Heights, with a magnificent view of
the city and mountains. For sale cheap.
10 per ctnt down, 2 pej cent a month.
E-T22, JourtmT.
QUARTER and -half acre : tracts, cloeo
In. r-on tho - west Bide; $325 -apiece.
Terma to suit you. -. Excellent value, big
future. M. K. Lee, 811 Corbett bldg. i
FOR SALE 200x100; all cleared; good
' crop. Dover and Eschelman sts.,' near
Reed institute;-' cause, sale,- sickness.
Woodstock. Or. '
CHOICE lots in Nash's addition for $5m J
per pair, 80X116, ; close to car. - joe
Nash, owner. ; Single lots $300. , Phone
Taoor Z3iz.
LOT Rose City Park, worth S60, for
$660; terms. - Also corner at . 80th and
Pacific sts. cheap. : J J. iE. K Parsons,
piioiia jvinin-- i oaj, nmi iiina"1 - .
ONEToTJJew Asterla, S'acrea near ocean
beach, mile south Ft Stevens. Value
$2600. WilLtrade for all or part Bur
dlck. 623 1 Henry bldg. r '
FOR SALE- Two lots 99x112; five cent
farcy west - side. , : $400, tl60- cash.
Phone Main 7763. y
FORCED to sell my lot In WestmoreX
land; half block to car ' Une east
front Phone Woodlawn 775. , r--$1650
BUYS lot on Stanton st, close to
Union avel -Part cash. : Owner, Wood
lawn16?5.. ' - .'
SOME extra large ' lots in' of
town; encap terma.
Oak Orove, i -
Mrs. Knowles,
ON account of leaving Jown. must. sell
my lots at Kenton. 76xi 06; corner, dlj-t
cheap foftarash.s T-720. Journal:-' v' -..-t
MAK.E offer' on" peniiisulai lots; must
pen iinrncuiHtvi v. n-ii, nunim,
3 LOTS In Portouioiith, fine locatlou.
; $1000; terms. 322 Aliaky bldg. .