r I'" 1 V : . L"' 1 1 TlltS OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, ' PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE IS, 1011. hi. wait, am Ill' OHIELffi INANACGIDENT KMBrifflCf CREMATORY TOTAL i ji ii. j i i r 1 1 uui ii aWa Judgo McGinn's insirucuons . to jury txnausiive wom: .,an j-Had Accepted $10 vvJury Disagrees at Trial. ;V" Tht ueton of what effect 'lnJ rataaaa ) In Knl Injury cases eovored laat wek In th inalruc Uo llvan tT Ju.: Henry McGinn JuT In circuit urt In th fM tt &fsrjrar-t Oiairper aaalnat the Port land Railway. Light Power company. '-, In Instructing tha Jury the Judg dwelt at . leoath upon -the condition tinder Men a releaaa tan b riven, Myl" thtt no falia representations must be mad by th aaent' In having an ln- Jured person aigu away right for ra- covery. V ;. .' : - ' Margaret "Chamrrr waa dragged by a etreet car laat Match at Taanty-fourth and Rooaevalt trt. A few daya after ker accident, an agant of the atreet car , company cured her algnaur o a re lease. Th company .contended thla ab- anLved It from all action for damage. Attorneys John J-rgan and I. N. Smith argued the woman did not know what she waa algnlng. Tha Jury dlsagroed. . standing evfn to flva fdr tha.wanwn. ' Womaa Aoeepts $10, ' .Tha relesse. atated tha $! racelved by the woman waa 'for damage don by reason' of her rtclrt being caught an tha atreet car." Attomeya Logan and Bralttv contended ll.a company took ad vantage of ber exrltd condition In aa- ' curing bar algnetura t tha release. vThen, Judge McGinn Instructed tha Jury an tha. law ha aasd In part: "Waa thla release 1 given (by Mlaa . Champar with : the Intention to f relin quish all claim for damage: which aba had agaliurt thla defendant, - tha Tert ian Railway LUcr.t A Power company, riwag It given in payment-for the clothing which aa loat at that time, and which ha bean Introduced in avldenc before you T ' 'Whenever people come together and hate agreed to a given statement 01 facta. eaDecUlly in buataeae af falra. and have agreed ta put their under. aUadlng 'lit writing, -that writing Is strong evidence of what their under standing can possibly be. There can be , no addition or substracUona, or any thing of the1 kind. Whenever they bar coma togethtr and-put them in writing, '.;. ''- ' v 7- Ira ound a Xt. 1 aayk that Is the atrongeat avldeno of what their understanding la. It la made aa a . perpetual memorial.' to be . nerpetuated In af lertlmea aa to wnai they , have agreed, and, though there may be time whea a person-doea not know what ia in the document the law requires him to . exerclw hi power of hearing, aeelng and reading, to 'do thla. aa a reasonable and prudent per- ; eon ought t do to kscertaln what la contained in tha writing. " ' "If they fall to do thJe, thay fall at their own peril. Although they may not entirely know what la contained In tha writing, they' are bound by It If they have mean of ascertaining what la In tha writing,' and fall to exerctae tnoa mean. - And yet there 1a a time and a place In the law when thla writing doea not hava this force, Thero la a time In tha law rand a place, too, when thla prudent person.- who la called upon to exercise thla care, euch aa I have In dicated, Is excused in a way from not ' cxnrclBtng It ', - j ' - - i Now. what 'are the occaaiona which take from this writing Ita force and power T What are tha tlmee which ex cite a prudent person from exercising - this care which otherwise devolves upon " him?. ... '. ..'. Exceptional Oases. ."Whenever people deal at arms lepgth, and upon an equality of torme Iius this term 1at arms', length.' be ' cause it 1 a homely term used by law K Is expected that each one Is look ing out for himself, and tha law aaya , when they have agreed to what their dealinga are,, or shall be, that that 1 the end of it. -And, if in this case, between Mia - Champer and thla young man who con ' ducted tha pegotlatlon for the com 'pany, they ware dealing at arms' length, j ana wimi iney were uuinj in id- w " PANAMA 57 YEARS AGO v Afi''' V1 , , Samuel Hilmtn Carter, Ft USE, OPIlfl OF SOFT. NAPIER ' mmmmmm mm mmmm TEHS OF BEAUTY FHMD Consul at Portland Has Liter ature on His Country for Free Distribution. I have indicated to you. then tha Dlain ! tiff. Ml a Cham per a, is bound by.it and your verdict should be for tha de ' fendant. . ' "But there is a time when there I a ; confidence begotten betVeen people, when one must not suppress the truth, or suggest anything that Is false And, where that relation, confidential in character, fcegeta a confidence, the vio lation or abuse of that confidence may deprive this written document of tha 1 fore and value which it would other '.wise have ' ., ; ' What Ware delations? "Was there any relation of confi t dence between these two parties? "Did the agent of the defendant know more about this accident than Mis Champer did? Waa defendant In a ; position to realize what the conse- 'fluencea of thla accident might be j did It'a agent' suggest anything false, T or did he suppress anything which he j should, or eouW have told her? I have no right to tell you. because you are the judges of the testimony In thla case, and you are to say in what relation they dealt, whether there was ' that honest and fair dealing between t them that would characterize fair deal - , Inga between people. And, if in this j. case you find. In the dealings, there ' waa a clear understanding that Miss ' Champers was to pert with whatever right of recovery she had for her In .' Juries,: and vthere was no confidence begotten by reason of their relations, and by reason of what had happened, i and that there waa ho suppression of the truth, and no . suggestion of any .l itijag false. 4. then - Mis Champer I j. bound by thl release, and your verdict should be for the defendant In this esse. . . ' " . t -,- - . Mf Mis Champer was led to believe ? she waa only getting compensation for her clothing, and nothing else, by rea , on at any suppression of the truth, or any suggestion' made to her -of anyr thing that waa falae, than, thla writing would net be entitled to that force ', which we give, to writings of thl char acter, and aha would not be bound by - y Canal Nearly Finished. " West Btayton, Or., Jane 17. The Went Play ton Irrigation canal waa virtually , completed today and the crew are bow at work on tha mala laterala. Construe ! Hon was commenced Ista lrr January. It ' la confidently expected that the laterals will ba completed, the finishing' touches put oa and water in the canal in a week . in, dvy.. in, .ample time . for this aummar crop. ' ' i While there I plenty of acenery In Oregon and other part of the Pacific coakt, tha state annually, contribute many tourist . to the European trail, Usually , a trip to the towering fast nesses of Bwitserland Is Included, and those who contemplate such a Journey I may find much to assist and interest I them by obtaining literature from the Bwlea consulate., A. C Bigger, the consul, has recently received a supply of literature descrip tive of the different cantons of his na tive land, with maps, hotel guide and pamphlets issued by various cltiea off I the mountain republic. Borne Of the most valuable publication come from the publicity department of the fed eral railway, the railroad line of Bwitserland, or most of them, being owned by the state. Two beautifully Illustrated booklet Issued by tha federal railwaya tell tho atory . of travel as seen from the two great lines that pierce the Alpa and take the tourist through great tunnel I to Italy. One of theae Is the Stmplou route, from the Lake of Geneva to Lake Magglore, the other the -8t. OotharJ route, from north to south through the storied hind. The tunnel through. thd Alps on the Slmplon line is. over 121 mile long, and that of St Gothard la over nine. The government booklet deeeribe thj engineering feat in the construction of the tunnel, the towns, the valley and the mountain, and are Illustrated with fine half tone cuts in colors They compare well with the advertising lit. erature Issued by American railroads, and the phrasing is admirably fitted to stir the anticipations of the tourist. Another little book tells of the unlimit ed travel tickets sold by tha federal roads and the rules and regulations of the roads. Other literature received by the con sul describe Lucerne, Thermalkurort Baden, Montreux .and Interlaken, , Ber- nlna-Bahn railway, Engelberg, Burgen- stock and Stansertiorn, Thun. , Wen- gernalp, Bahn, Zermatt, Bchynlge- Platte and Pontrealna. Prospective tourist to the land of tha Swiss can obtain Information, guldea and book lets from Consul Bigger at 111 Board of Trade building. FLOW OF OIL STRUCK IN MALHEUR DISTRICT Owner of oil claims in the Malheur oil belt are said to be Jubilant over the atrlktng of a substantial flow of oil Just encountered at a depth of 1700 feet in the Malheur well, owned by a com- j pany in which the Miles brother ofj Val are ' principal . stockholders. The oil appears to be plentiful, but Owing to the great now of water it 1 diffi cult to bring much to the surface. The amount of oil -averagee about a third to, the ball one third sand, a third, water and a third oil. It la a more refined appearing oil than that of the California fields, arid will command a better price than the California oil, it la atated,,, J. - , Portlander Dies on Ranch. (Special Dispatch to Tn Jouratfi Forest Grove, Or., June 17. Thomas Murphy, agedo years, died at hi home near Gaston . laat . night after-, a. short iUnes. Mr. Murphy waa for several year employed . by ' Lang - A Co., of I Portland. He recently bbught a ran en I near Gaston and ..moved hi ' family j there. Besidea hi widow and a moa living at home.' he 1 survived by two married daughter living -In Portlaad. I Kuneral services will be held Sunday, I with Interment in, rortland cerae-i tary. , ' , ' t . Says S tatistiQSWi II Sho yv I n - wuciuiui iuu EApeuaivtr"'- Superintendent Points Out Other Details: 1 'Tha CUV Will Um lnnl K.'MM. matury If I do help It declared Clt crematory' luparintendent ' Harry N, Napier yesterday afternoon in tha proa- encu or representative of tha pre and an employe pr tha city health office. - The burner ta a fall are. as obaerva tlon of statistics that I have compiled every day for the pat five month will how to any taxpayer who caraa to examine my report. The average cost of Incineration from December 11. to May 37. a period of flva month, waa Tl cent per - ton. Tha oontraotora guarantee required that tha averagj coat should have been (I cente a ton." Superintendent Napier referred to tho new Incinerator! at Oulld'g lake. The Publlo Work Engineering oompany, of which A. B.-Manley I president waa awarded the contract ta construct tha burner, tha contract price being $l.00. Mora than 0,0a of thla amount haa bean paid to the company oa apcount and at the conclusion of the omnia! aix months' test of the plant. June 17, the Incinerator will b up far , acceptance or rejection by the health board, It ha been rumored that the board would ac cept the plant If tha rumor ahould nrov. true the city would have to pay over aomethlng more than f 10.000 to the contractor. In addition to the lio.ooo already paid. , - .-,." . , wni rigat u nai, i : - "1 am going to flgbt thl thing to a finish," continued Buperlntendant, Na pier, '"and f have the assurance, of number of prominent' taxpayer that they , will ' tand behind 'me. If ' the health board ahould accept the crema tory these taxpayers will enjoin the city from' paying any mora money, to the contractor. " .... , . While It haa been known that tha In cinerator haa ao far failed to meet the requirement of the apeclflcatlona, the contracting company hwa laid- areata trees on what It clalma to be tha eco nomical working of the-, plant. During the past two nfonth the refuse haa bean extremely dry and . hundred of ton of wood, paper and other highly combustible material haa been delivered to the plant Owing to these condl tlona the crematory haa been ablo to how low burning cost per 1 ton, . but during tha , first three month of the Uat when wet weather prevailed, the cost rose on aome days - to more than double tha contractor guarantee. It 1 aald that tha ahowlng mad during the laat eight weeks 1 there fore not enough to bring the average actual coat below the average actual guarantee. ... . '' athow Other Defect. 'Aocordlng to figure 'which Superin tendent Napier invite the -publio' to peruse, tho excess over tna average guaranteed coat for tha flva month ending .May II ha been It centa a' ton, or lH per cent In addition, to large cracks tri the chimney atari of the Incinerator, re ported - previously by (Superintendent Napleoto the city health board, a new crock ha made Ita appearance. Mr, Napier aald he noticed thl first yester day. "The crack l about 40 feet from the top of the stack. ' v A large cack at the base of the chim ney may have been oaummI by the Bat tling of the chimney.' Superintendent Napier says that, ao far aa he knows. City Engineer Morrla. never look any sounding1 of the foundation lefire the chimney waa erected. : - Concluded .Superintendent . Napier! "I have reported score of defect-, ob served by me In oetall, and if any of theae reports dre repudiated -I will call for an Investigation by . a committee of taxpayer." . j ;, . , " 7 CAPEN DECLARES HE 1 . MADE FINAL REPORT mm TO BE DEDICATED Tl Y In answering the complaint filed In the 'county court against him, Frank Capen says he made a final account lng la the eatate of George H. Capen a Co and the report-ba been ap proved, k Tne original rompiamt aet out that Frank Capen had never made a final accounting to tha court for hi administration. 11 waa cited to appear and show why. . - y. The anawer of Capen acta .forth that the Uabllltlea of the George B. Capen estate which waa a shoe manufactur ing company, exceeded the aaaets. In January, -I l. ha aasert a receipt for a full accounting waa executed and ap proved by the county court , , A new foot warmer. for automoblllst utilise the heat Of both the exhaust gases and tha circulation water. ' - , (BpeHal DlfftaUh t The JooraaLK Oregon City, Or. June It. The foun lain recently erected In McLoughlh-i park by tha Women'a club of thl 'olin In memory of Dr.. John McLoughlln, will be dedicated at 4 o'clock tomorrow af ternoon. - Addresses Will be mad by Mayor George C Urownell and Mrs. Eva Kmory Dye.. Mrs. Leon ue Lane quar tet, composed of Mrs. W. C. Green, Mrs. A. K. Frost, Mrs. K. It. Cooper and Mr. D Lars, will render several se lections. The 'chorus, which I under the direction, ofc. Mis Veda Wllllama, will alao render appropriate selections. MfLoughllo park presents an attrao- tlve appearance with Ita well Aept lawn and beautiful flowera. now In full bloom, surrounding the enow, whit house that waa once" occupied by Father McLough- WILL TAKE HONEYMOON - . AT KP. GRAND LODGE (inerltl t)lMteM to Tbe Jaernel.1 ' Milton, Dr.. June 17. A, R. Shumway, a wall known ranchea living abova Mil ton and president of the Farmers Edu cational and Cooperative union, waa married at Arlington on Wednesday, to Mtaa Delia S. Johnson. ' Mr. and- Mr a. Shumway 1 will attend -the grand lodge of tha Knight of Pythla at Astoria on June 20 and wilt be at home to their friend at the Bbumway ranch on June fiViiyiBB PROBABLY III OF FUlffiS.., Douglas; Man, at First Be-' , Jievcd Sbin, Had Habit of ". -. Smoking In Bed. '. : : (pertsl Dtipetck ta Tke'jverml) ' . Roseburg, Or., . June , IT.. Later In- , veailcatlon Into the dealh-of Alexander McNabb. who wa burned to death In , hi home In . the , mountain II mllea , oulhwest of this city Tuesday night T tend to disprove ' the theory of murder.-'--. As he waa an Inveterate smoker and had t the habit of reading while lo bed. It la ' supposed -the' home caught fire-while h was asleep. No Inquest will be f held. The body waa brought to. thla , city for Interment , r V NOTE OF EXPLANATION . INCREASES TENSION (United Pnt laM W!r.V - ',, Parla, June 17. A SpanlaU memo-," randum presented to-the foreign office , today attempting . to explain Spain a, ' movemeota ia Morocco,' only tended 'to ti Increase .tha tension between tha two ' ' governments. - The Spanlah not waa un-' satisfactory and . in reply the foreign .' . office declared that France had already ' made known Its Moroocoan policy and. It "deemed further conversation with. Spain on the subject useless." Samuel Illlman Carter,' who died at hla residence on the peninsula Wednes day, wa born In ZaneevUle, Ohio. No vember 18, Hi I. January 40, 1-1(1, be married Miaa Lydla A..- Buckman, who survives mm. - . ' - The following year they started weat by way ef tha Isthmus of Panama, over the Nicaragua 'route, traveling on the Moses Taylor from Panama to Francisco, and from the latter place to Portland on the steamer AJax, where they arrived March It. 11(7. Carter lived aver alnca In Oregon, for H year In Clackamaa county, where he waa engaged In farming, ana for nearly 10 years at Peninsular, where he 1 waa engaged In business for 1 S year. He was a member of the grange for about 17 yeare. - Three sons were born. Melvin Hllman. Frank Buckman and Loyd Roaco, of which tha former, aurvlvea, the latter two being burled In the Oswego ceme tery, where the deceased. waa burled Saturday, Juna XI. ; V - THE PLAIN SIMPLE ft THIS SPLENDID BEDROOM OUTfIT SENT TO YOUR HOME ON A PAYMENT OF LINES ' Of this bedroom set will gppetl to a person of refined taste. ; It Is entirely free from any carving and Is built lions; plain Colonial linet. . The kind of a design , that yon never tire of. . , In ' construction it ia above ths . ordinary. All pieces are of perfect proportion, extra strongly, con structed - and thoroughly finished, A three-dollar payment sends this set to your home. Pay the balance one dollar weekly. The -comolete vuiiii consisting tr psa pm aw JO' of ' bed, dress er and , .chiffo nier, on sale this week at.' only EDWARDS WILL , CARPET THE BIGGEST ROQM IN YOUR HOUSE Stop and think what this; 75c carpet sale means to you. . It s too important to be con sidered JighUy, iThink of the assortment Over two thou sand patterns to choose from, Edwards is by far the biggest most varied carpet stock pn the Pacific coast. This' sale is not confined to just a few patterns. Our seventy-five cent proposition gives you the choice of all car pets on our floorr without any. restrictions. Think of the economy. Edwards are noted for the low prices and high quality of their carpets. This sale gives you a chance to take advantage of these famous low ' prices on seventy-five cent outlay. Come tomorrow. Get first choice of the new patterns. Brine seventy-five cents. No more. v x 1 ' M l'7:':0'l fSte-Mh jist V-! l. " " - " :-' - ( ' : . WIT 75c ! X :WaJ Inrliireiilll 7i. v - i. i t. uiiuci ir.is . i i f Hot Plates Under Price a w "sa- i av m-j . as ; v .a a,w . not the; smallest and: poor estnot one that is no use , . to you Irut a big one. Read - the size,-and, if you want to ' look around mark down bur . offer, or cut out our ad and asic -your dealer if he can 1 . fx $1.25 Single Burners; Nickel, ?afi$iiV;V.W6 $2.25 Double Burners; Blarck. 31.58 $3.00 Pouble Burners, ;Idea!?Nickel, '.$2.00 ..' igive'ou suclf a one for such ou.ii; kuuuic uuiucis, vviuiuuu ocnac . . . n.iiv r; $5i00 -Three Burners', Common. Sense... .$3.75 $6.00 Three Burners, ' No.' 3099; ." . . !1 , .S4.50 45 inches high, 27 inches wide, 17 inches deep, 75 lbs. , in capacity. ; ; A SALE OF . PALMER'S Hammocks $3.50 Go-Carts at $2.50 Several Carts for this price, t ' $6.00 Carts, complete, hoods, special at...... ...$400 T..f - without hoods with On account of backward sea? -T . son we 5 mike these prices: $ 1 .So, Hammocks ; now, 90c -4 $2.75 Harrimocks now $2.15 -V $3.50 Hammocks now $2.801 r 'ff j5.00 .Hammocks' now;; $3.75 5 V ,M 4jo ajjcuai uioujuiii un tiii other Hammocks 20 ..' 4- ... .m. MLii mm . a 1 " . 1 : I asssHBBM aajaaj Mmmm- nwf)ja 841. ;i .V 0UALITY IRON r ' BED": SALE lNot thercheapest Beds that can be purchased," but some- f K'-ti-H ' 'thing worth while.- :.t rt t- I. Regular.: $4.00 White .r Enamel,' Beds similar to illustration-- ,K ' t 1 1 11 S ' 1 WTI l -r.. 'v . TOR m DO WE WILL DELIVER THIS ELEGANT ROCKER OR CHAIR The Rocker is . larje and . well made, it is.cov ' ered with Span .ish Moroccaline,' looks better- and .wears better than ordinary leather. $2 ash and $l weekly. Priced at only $26.50 The Morris Chair has genuine roan , skin cushions, 1 spring seat and a mission style' f u m e d oak - frame.'' u v. : " - " -.' LBuilt in one of the best Crafts i styled fgctories. v s ( ySold: under guarantee: '$2 - cash, $1 . weekly; ' Price : . . ; ; .".$21.00 ' Jtx6?ki&' r .-7r KM sitsS:?:l''''''"':3l-; -" 'Regular . $4.50; White V . Beds,"' 'with ... , crass krods similar pat tern For Summer Cooking $2.95 Thii is" for a two-v burner g a s o 1 i n e stovje, like f-illustra-tion, $4 value, Eco--nomicat and. reliable, y We also have ' alco- Vi hor and kerosen e -' "v.'.y.: Special Sale of -M i Inlaid Linoleum -,r stoves. . 1 ' ' fJ . - . ... - - " ' "' - ' ' 4 I Lr in 1 T,1 J a r $1 the Yanl One - very desirable oat.. tern on-which' we are,over ' stocked. i ':'.'- " " r ; ; ' V'..':--''-' A Oo od P 1 ace To Tra de )tit):iii.i? -.m'li BBaaa i . a a rsaw a I ; 5f l Monarch ' I A. I fn Valleable Only One BiJI to Pay ; You can get everything her to. , furnish your home completely. ' You need only set aside a small sum .each - week 'or .'month y to . . provide for all . your furnish-- ings.. Therefore, we say do not . buy here and there and always C be running ; short of cash, but try . our i credit plan... You VtU find our prices reasonable. -'t;vr I 7