. THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 18, 19X1. LOTAL VALUE OF REACHES $7010 ' - ; - - List Includes Dozen or More Residences; Largest Issued to S. B.vCouHer for $12,500 Brick Structure. ; - Nw construction to the Value of Td.000 waa authorised by. permit last ytAT. the list Including a dosen 01 nor dwelling houses, " a brick store sliding, small office building-, church nd the usual grist of repairs, -The lareect permit v In tha list was auad to 8. B. Coulter and provided- or a one-story brick store bulldlna on erbr . street, batwaen JtfoCleUan and Wile. U will, coat $11,500. On that data a derralt waa taken' out t Auaust tiieke for a two-atory frama fflce building, which, be la building- at saat Gllaaa and Eaat Eightieth atraet a coat of S&ooO. , . ,, One of . the handettnest of the many ew homee , recently bguik la that of Ira, Elvlna Mulrhead for which a per alt . waa Uaued riiday. The houae la I o be a two and one half atory frame iructure ana will coat' 17000. it will coupy a quarter ' block ' on . Weldler treat, near Saat Twenty-third. Tha Third ; Preabytertan ' church Milldlng a frame church on Virginia treat, between Dakota and Nebraska tracts, tn south Portland. According to he permit taaued laat Friday, tha build g la to cost 000, O. W. Booat has procured a permit for a two and one half story, frame (residence to eoat 15000 which be will build on Grand' avenue, between rrank- ii in ana Brooklyn atreets. Permits were Issued Friday to the following builders for dwellings valued at iiooa each. vr . R. E. Blaco. two atorv realdanea. lfiaat isiath atraet, between Sherman and Car- uthera. H. Gordon,' two and one half story J residence, Bandy Road, Bear Saat Thirty-third.- .? v , . , t John P. Sharkey, two story reeldence. East Thirty-sixth, between Kelly and irrsnklln. V- ... ' J. E. Doles, two story residence. East Fifteenth street, between Braaee and Knott , I X ;s i 30C tr y-. ai,ia. SECRETARY 'STIMSON f MEETS OLD SUPERIORS i ; " - . 'Washington. June 17acret.rv f HA, . . ' ' - ivr dudioo is teuinc uie roiiowin I atory on himself, alnee his horseback I trip tne outer aay with Major General Wood, his chief of staff, into Virginia, to the camp of tha enalneer and eav. I airy force stationed near Washington, General Wood and the secretary rode I out to the camp, where they were re ceived with much attention.. Tha off icers came up to pay their respects, and I upon looking at their Insignia, Secre tary Btimson, Who la a member of "Squadron A, the crack military caval ry organisation of New? York, discovered that the cavalrymen he waa meeting belonged to the same regiment, the Fifteenth, with which his mllltla or ganisation had been detailed during the maneuvers at Manassas. Va In 1801 Virion-; the officers, Secretary Stlmeon discovered ' to his glee several whoae horses ho had held while serving aa a private In tha mllltla ranks at these maneuvers, - ' . ' Though the secretary of war 1 since risen to the rank of lieutenant In Squadron A, and is forever relieved of duty of holding officers' horses, he de clared It was worth tt la tha pleasure of meeting the fifteenth, cavalrymen In fala new position. i Artesian Well Still Flowing. . (Stweial DliiMtcb te The jAoraat. well which waa struck last week at MayvlUe la still flowing and the volume of water Is not diminianea in the leeat Tha Investment aociety, which owns the well, will put In proper casing and expects a steady flow of at least 100 gallons per minute. Waterworks will be Installed in the near future and the water will be used for Irrigation aa well as for domestic uses. . i ' ' i f i Postal Bank. at Roaebnrg July 1.. '-, Sim4.1 DliDiteli ta Tho Journal, t ' I Boaeburg. Or., June II. Postmaster C - W. Parka has been . officially ad vised to prepare for opening at tha postoffloe la Hoseburg on July 1 a branch of the United SUtes postal' Sav ings bank. , . " :, . v , . r t Journal Want Ads bring results. Realdenca of Iter. U. i J. Bullard Eaat Twenty-fifth and Madison' streets. REALTY'BOARDS 1 TO DEALERS Friendly Relations v Between Business Associates Help ; '. : 'Sales,. It Is Said; The advantages of rea estate aaao ciauono to realty arosars ana property owners' are better understood la this oountry today than at aay time alnee the business of buying and selling real estate for ootnmlsstpn became a com mon vocation, i ' ' , j. ; '. , The National Beat ' Estate Journal. dlaouatUtg . this Subject, eommeata aa follows! ,.' .; , ' "The - difference between a tranaae- tlon-la the real eatate brokerage sue! ness in cities where reel estate boards are estebllehed and la thoae where there are bo real estate boards la just thlS! w J , ' .... ' ' - - Wbere real eatate boards are prop erly organised, real eetate brokere ere contemporaries, friends, buslnees asso ciates, all helping eaon other ana boosting the real estate buslnees aa a whole. If one broker Is making a sale every broker in town will help him to complete 1U he has anything to sen that he can't aell himaeir ne Jiets on tha board and every real eetate bro ker in town makee an effort to sen It and the commission Is divided. . The SNAKE HUNTING IS TEXAN'S BUSINESS , 1 i. i. . - Catching Live Venomous Rep tiles iot Market Odd Means - of Livelihood Employed. . llMrtil mDtk te Vba Joernsl. Baa Antonio, Texaa, June 17. Hunt ing anakea for a living may not be an occupation that la . really- pleasant In all Its phases, and It may not be at- traouve to ail olaases of mtn.- How at.f thara im m. man In tKfa A4tw a Mexican, who haa made anake hunting a business for a number of years. He does not confine himself to the harm lees variety, but makea a SDoelaltr of catoning the cotton-mouth moccasin and the rattlesnake. These are eauzht alive and aold to a dealer In anakes. whoae place of business la In West Commerce street - ? This Mexican anake hunter aa two methoda of catching a rattler. If the anake la large he places a forked stick on its neck and holda It, down until he can get-a hold of It In auch a manner aa to drop It Into a Back. But If It la a email rattler, a stlok la aot used.' The hunter watchea the reptile until It coll a, ready to strike, and then with a swift movement of the hand catches the snake Just below the head, grips . It tightly and slips it into a sack. " Catching Water Xoooaslns, . -," Wbtle catching water moocaalna, how ever,, he usually goea barefoot and when the moooasla la too urge to be eauabt with the hand It la lassoosd with a email lariat attached to the end of a a tick. Sometimee this Is done by let ting the reptile swim through the loop. At other timea It la thrown ever the head of the ejwlmmlng snake with as much, accuracy aa a sanua marksman ahoots with a gun. In the winter, when anakea are hibernating, the anake hunt er finds a hole and thrusts a stlok down 1L Then he sUs down te watch. If the stick moree-he knows there la some thing below and proceeds at once to dig out the anake. But If there la no movement after watohlng for a half hour or so, tha hunter seeks another hole and repeats the test with a atlck. It Is not an .uncommon thing for this snake hunter - to bag 100 pounds of anakea In one day. These, If they be good specimens, bring 28 cents per pound, alive. Jraake Bunting Profitable. While this la the only snake hunter In this city, a number of men now in the KingsviUe country, near the gulf. are engaged in the business and follow It all the year round. Recently too pounds of rattlesnakes were shipped Info, this city!-by express from one snake hunter in the Klngsvllle country, the man having made an unusual catch In One week. From the dealer here. rattlesnakes are shipped to all parts of the country for exhibition purposes, and in a few Instances shipments have been made to other parts of the world. The Texas rattler Is deadly venomous. and ha) to be handled with care. So - I ! ' ' ;.( f ' ,St v - 'v.. 'v if -JT . - t 3 3 i - - ' . - f -'. - ' a 3 1 , , - y i-rf " h. . . 'vf'! - . B 3? '..''- I I' A , -' a a t " v 1 i 1 i , ' . r ' - " iff 1 s a j t , - ' a Hi- ' A' i - )" " a ft't 'FITi MM I L(il1 1 gsJSa Illegal ilstsWlt jMr Handsome reeldence recent! y completed at Eaat Twenty-fourth and Bratee etreeti; Irvlnrton. far as known, but one rattlenaake hunt er haa ever died from she effects of a bite while capturlne- a snake. It Is not an unoommon thing In some of the wild er parte of the country to capture a snake having II or more reuiea, anow Inar that the reptile la It years or more old, since the fVot rattle appeara when the anake. la one year of age, ' Baaaa eB-a-Be..se--eBaaeeej-.--a- EMPEROR VILLIAM SUED FOR ESTATE pronouncement from Frederick William nr. to the effect that the disputed estate had reverted to the Prussian crown, In virtus of the act of banishment. It Is understood, however, that the preeent claimants have collected much fresh material for the substantiation of their case.. i , . real eatate business under such condi tions Is moat agreeable and profitable. Instead of the great competition which may be found In other lines of trade and even In the real eatate business where boards are not established, the brokers meet and greet each other in the warmest terms of friendship. "There Is no doubt at all about the value of aa organization. Real eatate la a staple commodity In communities where there , are well regulated reel estate boards. . The business of dealing In It Is light, profitable and agreeable. Where, there are no, real, eatate boards the real , aetata bualneae la depressed. It la a poor Inveatment and the buai aeaa of dealing la real estate In such communities Is , extremely unprofit able. . .. V'. ; .- . ', .4 ..'... The Importance of the real estate buslnees ss a profeealon la Impreselng Itself , mora fully all the time ' upoa those engaged In the buetnees ae well as all claases of people interested. either In buying or selling real eatate as an Investment or for, speculation The . same publication refere te the profeealon of real eetate and the bene fits to be derived from membership la the natlonar association, ss follows: The real estate profeealon la not eae that can be learned In college and there are no text books oa the subject It Is, nevertheless, one of the most Im portant lines of trade: one In which the most money la Inveeted; one la which - the largest number of people are vitally in teres tea, . , ( leamlaa' . Wof casta.' ' 'The profession can be learned only rrom those wne are engaged in , it Real ' setate men can learn the work thoroughly from one ' another only. They have, therefore, more In eommoa nth each other and by erganlsatloa than aay other elaae ef people lav the world. 'The National Association , of Real Estate exchangee waa organised by the sutes la order to bring all the real ea tate men, . through the local boards. Into the national association and through it give to each real eetate broker the combined Influence and prestige of all the ether real eetate men In the United Its tee and help each to make sales." ; LODGE CHAPTERS TO OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY The members ef Martha Washington and Myrtle chapters of the Eastern Star are making elaborate preparations for the twentieth anniversary, ef. the organisation of theee two bodlee which will be held tomorrow night In the Ma sonio temple A literary and mueloal program will be given, followed by a banquet and social hour In which there will be related reminiscences of the hap penings la tha two chapters slnoe they were organised, invltatlona have been reetrlcted to the members of the two chapters and the grand chapter efftoera. The guests of honor will be lira Miller, past grand matron, and her son, Robert Miller, past grand patron, who aaalated her In tne Installation of the first set of officers of the two chapters. contriouters to the program will be Mies Masle Foster and Mtm Florence Ollmore. who will sing, and Miss Lottie Banfleld. who will recite. Addresses of a historical nature will be delivered by Mrs. rtooeri Lume or Myrtle chapter and J. H. Richmond of Martha Washing ton chapter. Following . the banquet there will be toaata proposed to which responses will be made by various nrom- Inent members of the order. The committee from Martha Washlne- ton chapter to arrange for the event la oompoaed of Mr. and Mra T. M. Hurl burt, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Richmond. Mrs. Laura Mailer and Mra R. R. Dingle The committee - from Myrtle chapter Is odmposed of Mrs. Robert Lutke, Mr. and Mra. A. M. Brown, Mr. and Mra. W. P. Jelllson and Mrs. M. C. Banfleld. HE WILL GET . Ml SfSEl New Town on Columbia Fcrg- Ing Ahead; New Buildings ;. Constructed.1, Lyle,' WeslL. June II. The Immense amouat of work that has bee done on the townaite of Lyle alnee its purchase by Portlaad Interests, la becoming evi dent 'Sixth and Seventh streets, Lyle avenue, Waahlngtoa and State streets, tn the business district have all been graded and eight foot cement aldewalkg and eurbs have been laid, The plane for the water worka have been drawn up and the reservoir alte selected In the hills back of the town. A water aye tern sufficient te supply a eity ef loot people will be Installed at onea with preeeure water throughout, the entire townaite, . . ,: v - .,' The ' Lyle Waahlagtonlan, the new newapaper started by Thomas Harlan, the veteran editor of Washington, haa made a very favorable Impression. A temporary newepaper building haa been built which will sooa be replaced by a modem printing plant, a brick and con crete building. - . . . The bank building now being erected by the State bank of Lyle will be a model structure of Ite kind, the entire building to be devoted to banking pur poiea. - The dispute ever the power develop ment In the Klickitat river has brought Into public notice the tremendous e lac- trio power soon te be generated within . two miles of the townslte which will soon be harnessed and give ta the In dustrles located at Lyle ample power. According to the U. 8. geological report, the power of the Klickitat river la greater than that of any other stream In the state of Washington, The Lrle Business Men's club haa ar ranged for an old fashioned Fourth of July celebration. ThaJNorth Bank rail road has granted apeciai ratae rrom au nalnla to I .vis. n El Kaaaav will acinar hla palatial houseboat to Lyle aad suns. mer there with his family. Among re cent sales made Is a business eoraee to Ledbetter ft Wallace company, lead- lag merchanta of Goldendale, who will erect a two story department store . building. J. M, BARBER TRACT IS SOLD, FOR $10,000 , H. D. Kllhara and IL 8. Ringer have bourn t tha J. H. Barber , tract of II aores eight miles west of the city and will plat and put It on the market . soon. The consideration waa about 111.- 000. This sale waa made by Neal Brown. Mr. Brown also reports the sale this week of a five acre tract at La fayette for K. M. Borgen to Joseph -Stephens, a new arrival from Minnesota, ' consideration 11110. . ' 11,1 i in Harrying Laundry Building. , (perls! Dttpstob to Ttas JoanuLl ' ' The Dalles. Or.. June IT. D. Duval of Portland la rushing alterations on the Kelly building to accommodate the new laundry which will be ready for busi ness In about; three weeks. . n i ! m i i i i t".- Journal Want Ada bring results. mv tha Intern Maori Retrs Service.) Berlin, June 17. An action haa bean commenced In the German courts by the descendants of the famous Russian Qen oral Muennlch to recover the sum Of 40,000.000 roubles . ($10,000,000) from Emperor William, as king of Prussia. The claim is based upon the gift of the eatate to General Muennlch by, Freder Ick the Great as reward for hla share in bringing about tha .treaty between Russia and Prussia. The general re fused to accept the proffered present. but the deeds of gift were later handed to Kle 'sdr. During the- banishment 'of the Muennlcha, which lasted 20 years, doubts seem to have arisen as to the ownership of the estate la- question. La 180S the claim of the Muennlch family was broached diplomatically by the Russian ambassador at Berlin, hut the) Prussian foreign minister. Haug- wltx, replied that bis government could not admit Its validity. Borne 60 years later a descendant 'of the general, who was chief court marshal to the duke of Oldenburg, managed to Interest that prlhce la the business, and secured a r u.. t f '- r 1 Y.. NVVi ': s;5S.i:.:.iLiv;i.fi:?f: i ' t 4 SSS:f:?:!.5Ax-" - x.!v 'w TWIN CROCKS' BEACH Should yon want to take your automobile or the old family horse to the Beach for the use of your wife children during their cummer outing, you will Hot have to ship them by rail oa-steamer, and wait a . ' j (l. .),..'. ..,l . fnrt.,n.. nni,nU tn Aum - Inf TWIN RDPkS Vom ran wees, ui iui iv w.v.. -.v - - ..... . drive every foot ol the way from rortiana to this aeacn, leave your rig mere, the Pacific Railway & Navigation company, which railroad is rapidly neanng con and ere. and return, to rortiana via completion. But you will have to hurry, if you want a good lot, as they are going fast. We have sold over; JUU lots to- parties who have them. Those who have since gone down to inspect their, purchase have expressed themselves as being well satisfied with them. Come in and pick out your lot before the railroad is completed, and , the rush is on, as you can get a better location, lower prices and easier terms now. We have been over every foot of TWIN ROCKS, and you can choose a lot through us just as well as though you were on the ground. A small cash payment and easy monthly tyments, WITHOUT INTEREST, will do the rest , Main 3204. f 314 SeUing BIdg.- n is :i '"MVk'fr&v mmmkm I(CfI ( 5 and 10 AcrcTracls it . ' . ' bounded on 'ft' IfWj&tt other side toy Ai.fiuv. fttlWAyi&i tation, there is I! !r.-Ae i. ?1 A Healthy Orchard at Trcatdale Acres. $311 This acreage is located 17 miles from Portland. It is one side py the Columbia river, , and on thft the bandy river. Besides the,river transpor-- the main line of the O.-W. K. & N. Co. and the-Troutdale branch of the O. W. P. Co. This land Line roads. v ; and the Quality of the ' soil in TROUTD ALE ACRES, intensified farminj? an be i carried on in the most profitable manner. ... .' .- ,., ! The scenes shown in this ad are. not from land a mile' away or land adjoining, but are actual photographs from the land we are selling TROUTDALE ACRES. From the water of the rivers of either side this land is , sub-irrigated, and is out of the frost belt. This, with the ; richness and depth of the soil, makes this land very pro- 7 V is aS0 reacheci by the Sandy and Base ;'' 4sfyyi With the advantageous location an - " y ' is :"--i ca!i in TDnirrnAic Arocc :ac5 4 !MMh DfhT A faTPSman Payment Doivnli Balance 5 yrs. a! 6 ductive to-celery, onions, beans, cabbage, cauliflower etc. . We can showyou land planted to celery that is netting the owner $1000 per acre every year. Being out of the frost belt, with plenty of moisture, and the splendid drain age, this land also produces excellent fruit. ; . The man who tills, a tract of land in TROUTDALE ACRES will not only make a handsome profit from his land, but will be enriched each year by the advance in value. This land, beingvso near to Portland, with its ex cellent transportation facilities to an ever-wanting mar ket, asswes our purchasers of a gilt-edge investment. Ex-President Grover Cleveland said: "I always ad vise my young friends to place their savings in realty near some growing tow;n. There are no savings banks any-: where." .. : . a Our automobiles run to the tract hourly. Phone or call at our office and make a reservation to see TROUT DALE ACRES, (&fei lail . 407-8-9 Merchants Trnst Bonding Phones; Main $157, A2937 ' - J. -. A Productive Tieia cf Caalillower aal 1-