6 ' THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND. SUNDAY. MORNING, JUNE 18, 1911. (Ml TRACTS III llffll COUNTY SELL FOR $60,000 - MAGNIFICENT STATION OPENED 'JUNE '4; AT CHICAGO BY; NORTMVESTERN LINE Reavis Place of 160 Acres Is Bought by S. D. Keltner for $12,000; Many Other Deals Since June 1. That Wallow farm land ere attract-1 Ing tha attention of buy era la shown from tba transections reported la the laat raw days. var $60,000 worth of I landa in that county having changed hands atnea June 1. ' Tha Frank Reavte farm of I0 acres on Lower Pralrla creek. Wallowa coun ty, tag bean bought by 8. D. Keltner far 11.0o. It la a flna ptece, avary acre tlllabla and under ditch. Tha deal u mada through tha Enterprise Real Estate company. A half Intaraat In tha Sad Proat barn property and a cottar a West Main atraat waa treneferred ta Hr. Reevls In tba deal. Information bureau and ticket office of the fJO, 000. 00,0 depot. Jut compIaHed by the Chjcato A 'orthweitem railwar. j-.VV: ... , , ..i 4 I " . i i ! i i III - 111 li t. Ill It F. Stubblefleld haa bought tha "lathers ranch, alx miles north of En terprlee, on tha Trout Craak road, of Charles and John Flethers for 1 11.000. The ranch la one formerly owned by J. A. Bookout end eonalsta of It!! acre af land, with plenty ef wetaf for stock and ooaalderable tillable land. - )rearotlaUona bare baao aloaed for tha aal of tba aid Nuaamaker farm ef 1119 aona at tha head ef Cason canyon, te Dr. A. W. Lenders ef Aberdeen. Waa It. at tt0 par acre, This to one of tha beat . wheat reaches ea Happner Flat aad we vaderstaad tha purchaser will make ex tenatfv Improvements ea the seme thta T. . MiMhart haa sold hi a flna 410 era farm ea Prairie ereek. Wallowa ooaaty. te Henry Fletoher af Enterprise far $lioot. , Nearly ail of thta ranch la , wader dltoh, and tba deal Includes pins chares ta tba Big Band Ditch con pan y. C P. Randal haa else sold his 170 aero ranch aorta ef hero to Haaoea Bros. Jor f 17.00. -George B. Dtmmlek aad C P, Schmidt IIP. OFFICIALS BUY . ORCHARD LANDS AT LINN HAVEN AssL Freight Agent H. : L Still Purchases Thirty Acres iCD.VAN DEVVATfR Of GT. ; NORTHERN ALSO INVESTS purchased from Q. T. Purdy of Foaall last waek a hay ranch containing 140 acrea, paying for it tha aum of $12,000. Mr. Purdy haa purchased - from Mr. Dlmmlck and wlf10 acrea of orchard land near Odell for a conalderatlon of 12000. It la underatood that Mr. Purdy .will make his home In the vai ls Another largo transaction In orchard land waa recorded laat week whan Frederick Menefte ef Portland pur chased a half ef the Dreamland orchard tract from C. T. Roberta. The Dream land ranch, which la located about half a mile aouth ef Van Horn atatlon, waa comprised of 10 acree. The 40 acres disposed of brought ths owner the sum of $18,090. Mr. Menafee will take Immediate possession ef the place and will further Improve It next spring by setting 10 acres of It to commercial pears. The ranch is a part of the old Neal homestead and en It is located tha old Harbison sawmill, which la one of the rallca of pioneer days, erore ths Hood River valley had fame for Its big red aad yellow apples. ' N . Land In the eouthern part ef Malhevr county Is changing hands tn large vol time. Tracts of Improved land where water has been secured are very valuable and' command high prices, a la ahown by the deada recorded the past week la County Clerk Morfltt's eflce. In which Henry Conner. Henry Abel and R. B. Barber secured 117.71 seres of highly Improved land upon which are numer ous Irrigating ditches, for 1171.100, The land la located as foil owe: Lot of section 14. township 41 aouth. range J 1. oontaJnlng 11.1 acres, and also lots and 7, ta eecfloa 4, and lota I and 4 ef section It, all In tha same township, containing 111.11 acres. , A. J. Clark has sold his farm two I miles north of WUIIamlna to Homer Holman of Dallas. Ths consideration $6000. . Mr. Clark bought this place leas than a year ago and cleared $1(00 on the transaction. P. R, Feudal!,' the past week. pur. chased 'from Luke Booth an t acre tract north of town. The considera tion Is? not stated,. ., . . George Beheppert, founder of the Wlllamina Commercial hotel, has sold his hostelry to L. L. Bhortrldgs of this city. The deal involved aa. exchange ef realty holdings by both parties. For PERMITS ISSUED : FORJMilBER.OF FINE RESIDENCES Handsome Home of C. , H. Chiek xto Cost $20,000 Carpenter. Dwelling to Cost .$7500 Many Others. , ' The week ending yesterday was nota ble from tha standpoint of. home-build-Ing, for the reason that permits were laaued for 'a number of unusually ex pen sire . and handsome residences. Tha most sxpsnslve of these project ed new homes Is the 1H story structure hlch IS' to be built by C. H. Chick. on East Fifty-third street, between Bel- Ifouss mont and' Taylor. ' Ths building; will occupy a commanding alts overlooking a greater portion of the city and wiu cost between I1S.000 and $10,000 Another !Vl stor dwelling provided for by permit laat week ' la that 'of W. A. Carpenter, i which will be erected on' Eaat . Twenty-fourth street, between Market street and Haw thorns avenue. Its sstlmatcd coat la $7100. . 97800 keaadesoe. Fred O. Buffum, of Buffum A Pendle ton, haa procured a permit for a SH atory residence, which be will build on Overtpn street, betweea Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh a treat a. of 17800., , . J A. Peterson has broken ' ground ' en Borthwlck- street, 'between Bhaver and Falling .streets, for a 1H story frame flat building, which will contain two large six-room apartmeata, which" will coat annroxlematalv 14000. v " r On Marguerite avenue, between Clin ton and Ellsworth streets, Mrs,' Jennie C smith has begun the erection of modern Awo-atory dwelling to, .coat $4000. i . i . C w. worden has taken out a. per mit lor a one-atory, zrame. oungaiew, which he Is building on. Bast. Twenty aeoond street. ." between Klickitat and at a coat Iff sr. V MOM , ORECONIAM if $l D as oaf REALTY SCHEME ALLEGED Four Accused by Eugen eler of Traffic In Fraud- talent DefJSar - near Dolph, rldga, i; . belonging te . Mr. Short Partv of WeIl-txyDo St. Paul Res-1 his hotel Mr. Sohoppert - gets the wu ia1-4 XI v. , t t.l Umlaa wmraheuae and seme farm land at ' Oregon's Greatest Orchard v Project, and ' Buy Number of Tracts. - " John W. Harsh, a wall to do farrow from Dudley. Mo., was In Burns and vicinity several days the past week and Is on a. deal for a valuable piece of property In ; the. valley. He was not looking for cheap lands, but for some of the best and found an attractive place. -. He . has gone to Watervllle. Wash., where a brother lives whom he wishes to Join him here and both are expeciea in a ooupio ox weens. J. R, Putnam sold E0 acres of his 180 acre tract near Mount Hood to C. P. Ives and R, B. Palrbalrn, the latter from Edinburgh, Bootland. Mr. ' Ives, who is a brother-in-law of Mr, Putnam, comes from ChMnhersburg, Pa. ' The 10 acres sold Include the 'handsome resi dence at present occupied by Mr. Put nam and into which Mr. Fairbalrn and hla family will move. The purchaaera will take over Mr. Putnam's chicken yards, which are perhapa the largeat In the Hood River valley, having 1200 hens and 1000 ehlcka. Ten acres of the property bought by Messrs. Ives and Fairbalrn Is set in trees. Of ths 130 acres retained by Mr. Putnam SO are set In orchard. Myrtle Creak real estate Is still In great demand, the following real es tate deala being transacted In the past week: Charlea MeClane purchased 15 acres of Frank Tardly, one mile north of town, for the consideration or $ieoo; C. Stean of Seattle purchased Bjicres, 1U miles from town, from C I. Leaven. good for the consideration or $1000; Jake Brown purchased 10 acres, 1H mllee from town, from C. I. Leaven good for tha consideration of $1000. ', Despite the fast that the Unnhavea Orchard Co.v la a name which has be come almost a , household word tn Al- . bany and Linn county, few residents of either town or city realise the rnagni tude aad Importance of the Llnnhaven Orchard company's orchard tract 18 miles east of Albany. As a matter of fact this Is the largest , orchard enterprise in the stats of Ore gon. The tract contains 1810 acres. 210 . of ..which, are now planted te the beat vartetlaa of apples, pears, etc. More over, the preparation of this orchard . has, bean under the personal supervision of one of the moat solentlflo hortloul - turists on the coast - More than $200,000 worth of this land .: has been sold by the Llnnhaven people In 10 acre traota, mostly to people of : means la St Paul aad other eastern : states. . Some of the purchaser are al- ready on the ground and others are pre paring to build modern dwellings on 'their various properties and will make j.k their permanent homes there. - Mr. C. a Laurttsen of Portland, sales t agent for the Llnnhaven Orchards com , panr, brought a party hers Sunday eve nlnav who had bought tracts and came here for the purpoae of looking at tha -, . land. Among these wese Mr. H. EL : etUl. for 30 years first assistant frslght W- agent of the Northern railroad, who was so wall pleased that he bought 10 acres of this fruit land, now planted and be ; , ing cultivated by the company. Assistant Advertising Manager M. D. Van Da Water of the Great Northern was also with the party who went out with Mr. Laurttsen yesterday to look A y at the property and purchased a 10 acre ' orchard tract Mrs. T. B. Page, a wealthy t Paul lady, and her two sons, J. J. Page and William Beaaley, were In the party and Mre. Page bought i 20 acres- She la completely captivated , with this section of Oregon and expects te buy residence property and make her home in Albany or Salem. - The punting and aale of tha entire i' . Llnnhaven property will Involve the ex ' penditure of considerably over $1,000,000 to- say -nothing of the reaidencea and , other buildings which tha purcbaaers of . ths tracts will expend In their home making.- It is not only one of the great- est orchard projects in Oregon, but is ' one of "the greatest importance to the financial 'interests of Albany and Linn county. It has " excited more Interest In -horticulture; In the valley, than any other effort In; recent ' years. Mr, J. M. Hawkins, president of the Oregon Title & Trust company. Is vice . presidents and general manager of the Llnnhaven Orchard company, who, with , hie associates,, is entitled to hearty com ' e mendation for the effort In making this , v enterprlee. the grand success It. Is today. ??' ? M'Vaa D watas left for MRS. GEO. SEARS LETS , ; me cm iui siim ana Mrs. rage and two sons accompanied by Mr. Laurltzen went to Baiem at noon. Mre. Page will I probably; return here after a brief ao joura la Portland and at the coast re sort when she will prepare' to make v her permanent home here. Thie St Paul party all together have ,v putc baaed J40.S00 worth of property in the, Linnha van orchard tract This is j the third excursion party which Mr. n Lauritsen 'bas,' brought, here from Br. rnui wiuim we past three montba. E. J. Thome, a Holdman farmer, has looked to the Weston district for a pleasant horns for himself and family. Mr. Thorns has contracted with J. S. Ross to buy his 80 acre farm; three miles south of town, $9000 being the stipulated price. Local real estate transfers by Salem firms Indicate the healthy and steady Increase In values of city and subur ban properties. Notable among recent sales made by Salem real estate opera tors is the five acres, improved, north east of the state asylum, sold through Joel R. Benton of D. 8. Rabb & Co. The consideration Involved waa slightly In excesa of $1010 per acre, or $6200. Nothing more clearly lndlcatee the present, very healthy tone of the local realty market than the numerous sales of this nature now being made..and the total absence of any boom or inflation of values in this section precludes the possibility of anything but a sure and safs development and growth for this city and surrounding territory. STRICT INQUIRY STARTED v BayvS, gmltl Folloii. Arrest of Harry Vletick. Makes poraplaiot to fclstrlc Attorney Tbt Ho Jt Xa Victim of . FranO. ,ri . ....... r Profit front the ; dearly bough experlemee ef others. Bayers of property, free. neat ly surfer loss by ignoring the warning that protection Is necessary la making, real as tate transactions. They fail to realise that It should be se mi reS BBTOSaths deal is ana So fiadtag - one - tee-, late that the best protecttea is a Certificate of .fitls. k Fremont , The improvement will cost MOOe. '. v., .j ., The following arc those to whom Per mit were- isaued laat week for holsee valued at between $2000 and $$000; S.C Ceerwhlte, two-story houaa. Ola- ton street nsar Eaat Fortieth. ... George Best 1H -story cottage Pat- ton avenue,-between Falling street and Portland boulevard. V ' J. 8. Klngeley. lH -story cottage, Eaat Thirty-seventh street, t between . Han cock an4 Tillamook, i . Drake's -Oettage.' ',' T. F. Drake. 1V4 -story cottage. East Ninth street between Stanton and Sis kiyou., , .- r - Mrs. Clar - Ai t Leva. " 1 H-story . eot- tags. East Maid ' street near , East Twenty-third. - . Olllrtt Lyons, one-story eotUge, Eaat Eighty-first street near Jarrett ' A. H. Roeebrook, 1 Si -story cotuge. East Forty-fourth, betweea Stanton and the Alameda. ' j . W. il Riddle, one-e t or y eottage. East Sixty-second and Braaee. . , . ' ' Josephine Bltyeu, two-story . house. Eaat Slaty-third street betweea Sandy Road and Siekiyeu. . - . C Bombsrger, IM-slory eottage. East Twenty-third, between Oolng and Pree- COtt t .1: ' . ' . " C'J. Croeby, H-story cottage, Oaa tenbeln avenue, near Skldmore. v CnW. Cleveland, two-story house. Clinton street near. Eaat Thirty-first. E..L. McKern, two-story house, Ore gon street near East Thirtieth.' , E. E. Zohier, one-story cottage, Vnox street Des r East Forty-eighth. , ' r- ; .' ". ' ,' ..Mora Passing Track ai STalnea. ' (tpeeUI DUpttra h The Jeamal.) v' ' - llalnes. Or., . June IT. The Dragon- Washington Railway A Navigation com pany haa let the contract to Lee Mo- Coy for the construction of aa extension ef the passing track a distance ef 1100 feet east of where the track aew con nects with the mala line. This will give the company a passing track 1400 feet In length, which will easily accommo date the longest trains... . .1 t ii .. . - Journal Want 'Ada bring results, I EAST SIDE HOTEL Excavation for Four Stprv Building Begins; Ready by V ' 1 ; December 1. : Test aide hotel" is, the name. which will probably bo given to the handaome new hostelry under construction for Strong A Co. at the northwest corner off East Sixth snd East Morrison streets. The excavation for the structure was! completed. laat, week andwork on thai superstructure will begin la' the next few days, ;'.,t'.Vi- . -;,. , It Is to be a four story building wlthl fall nine foot basement in which will I be located besides ths heating plant billiard hall "and barber shop. Therel will be four 10 foot stores facing Mor- rlson street besides all foot entrance I to the hotel lobby which. Willi occupy! the north halt of the ground floor. There will also be aa entranoa to thai hotel office and lobby . from Sixth I street Besides a modern elevator there I will' be two broad stair cases leading! from the ground floor to ths top story, making It possible to empty tha bond ing In record time In ease ef fire. ,Thel hotel will contain II rooms of which 241 will have private baths. It will be ready for occupancy by December 1. TITLE AND TRUST -.v. COMPANY Xewts Bldg-Vv Feurtb aad Oak, t r. OAZJC FOB BOOXXXT. TAR. OFF JIND MAIL 77J COUPON TO-DAY ' ' .kTams - Address ft Tat VST ooao-Ajrr 0 FoarU aad Oak, - - V -' ' Portland, Oreroa. Ci Am interested U " OertlfloaU of Tltlo uee tioa. Send booklet. CONTRACT? FOR HOME offices of the "Llnnhaven Orchard com pany are located at 304 Spalding build Lag, Portland, Mrs. George A. Sears has let the con tract for a $7000 horns to be erected in Irvington. - Thebouse Is to be of the Dutch Colonial type .and .will occupy- a site on East Twenty-second street near Knott - It will contain 10 rooms nil with hardwood floors and all except the dining-room finished In white enamel. The dining-room wiU be beamed and eanelod xnaiin monogany. it wiu nave tha usual built-in conveniences and a sun parlor, tn ths spacious living room will be a I hardwood Rookwosd tile fireplace. . ' ' " 1 1 " . Is h y i iter " n ;.;-.i-.A:. : -,2r, 1 i,l Nowhere Else Along Oregon's Coast Line - CAN YOU FIND ANYTHING TO COMPARE WITH m mm As a first-class beach property. Ideally cozy, ideally level and grassy lots, . ideally timbered 'arjd ideally secluded from cold, chilly winds. IT IS THE "IRVINGTON" Of GARIBALDI BEACH .We are not selling you lots away off in the hills, nor are we offering unsight ly shifting sand dunes far removed from the ocean; : There's plenty of fine hard sand beach (on the. beach; where it belongs), but on the lots nothing but Nature's green velvet covering, timber to shelter you in tent, or house, from v the blazing sun, and Clear Lake to fish in or boat on. 1 i . . ' ' " 4 The Railroad Will Run Through the Property And while you will not find any Cone Island attractions here; you will find a beautiful, park-like spot to erect your tent or build a permanent Summer home where -you can find -rest and recreation from the city's grind. The price asked is ver cheap for this choice property, and will easily double by next Summer. Call' or write and ask us for more of the truth about THE BEAUTY SPOT OF OREGON'S COAST 317 Railway Exchange Building, Portland Terms to Suit This Exceptional Home for Sale 01 V::v:cEasy High-grade furniture for sale,1 too Modern, up-to-date, built-in buf fet, bookcases, extra lavatories, closets, teats, etc., etc. ' Extra large living-room, with : large fireplace, den, reception hall, dining-room. Dutch kitchen, extra toilet in basement, fruit room; 5 bedrooms, dressing-room, 2 sleeping porches, massive beam ceilings, hardwood floors, lawn, trees, roses, hard-surface improvements in and paid. Located at 1083 Tillajnook street. ; Will sacrifice with or without furniture "for jjuick saje.: Price $7000 Very Easy Terms. - X v i ': .rTTBusxzs ajt AjrrnTzo book or obzoxax , ' Bach conception la specially prepared for the northern '""t - A BATZTB OS CAUrOXJTXA, the designer has imbibed the spirit of the true bungalow art Jiot only from association but also by experience in -actual construction. The book has 64 pages profusely illustrated with color platea, half tones, sketches snd floor plana. It is bristling with in. terest and suggestions for the builder of a suburban cottage or city real- donee.- PBlOaT 60 OKBTTSUOn sale at The jr. K. Gill- Co.. Third and Alder, and the OregonMewa company, $29 MO rlson street. Portland. ' - TKS Wag no? is prepared to render architectural aervloe on any blase of residence. Writs for our SciAji Sketch Offer. ROLLIN S. TUTTLE, Archllcct s.pSIg S' mm Mi t OregonV Most POPULAR and FAMOUS SEA COAST RESORT ey-tlie-Sea" Everything in GEARHART PARK That Gives Health, Pleasure, Amusement and Comfort ALL CITY CONVENIENCES AT HOTEL GEARHART AND IN COTTAGES OR BUNGALOWS AT V GEARHART V T COTTAGESiBuitK'on Short .Notice READY FOR THIS SEASON, S E L E C T R I C , Lfl G H TS AND MOUNTAIN WATER AVAIL ABLE AT ALL BUILDING LOTS r .HOTEL GEARHART open- every day in k the year, x Finest Bathing Beach on the Oregon Coast. Salt-Water Natatorium, Hot Salt Baths. Automobiles, Horses and Carriages for hire during season. Excellent Golf LinksCroquet Grounds and Nat- .uraiPark.' v , , ' ;f .;. : ; t , . V; - SURF BATHING, SUMMER or WINTER, on GEARHARTS HARD SAND BEACH , Our B UILDING DEPARTMENT will give details about a COTTAGE OR B UNGA- J , - . ;7LQW.at GEARHART. PARKf- J;;.; , , , ' FOURTH AND STARK STREETS, PORTLAND OREGON Telephones Main 1293, A-7268 O. W TAYLOR, General Manager Li