f J- 'UJ-iiM. TONIGHT'S AMUSEMENTS rmUO-Albert Chevalier OHPHKUM Orpheum . Circuit, Vaude ville. - - . , pANTAGES Vaudeville. , ' u(1-, ORANI-BuIllvea Consldlne, vaude- 0AK8 PARK Bnnd? '"".vfnTn opera ouartet. ttrnoon and Vf.nlnr. STAR. ARCADB. OH JOT. TIVOLI Flret run ptcturea, U a. m. to H p. m. v ' Weather Conditions. ' In ron.ral there bee been a 1dcJJ of atmonpharla pree.ure h tuhn; ry. Hleh pre..ure obtains on Mia North P.clrle coa.t and relatively blah preeeure over the plat.au tata and Florida. The nres.ure J o,ull. low Jr.? Cal1fonVPArt.ona. Naw -M JJ oo Txas Oklahoma. Arkanaaa Jivi-hl curl ina. ovar Alb.rt.;.nd e"lft wan. 14.n1 r. . JterB WM1LnVn' "Vk ' mlddl. KIl, aanaaa, in m - AtWic atatee and southern i Wi re rton. Thunderstorms ecu". at Ed wonton. Modena, fod CUV. 8t tjJ! and Louisville. The w.athar W sen .rally warmer west w- of tha mountain.; It Is much warm.r Cl r.do,N.br..k... Bouth WtV Ml""-: it la rorreenondlngly cooler In Kaneae, aota, wew irnii T-'k.V, .. OKI. noma, umuui . Jn.... i I. renn.ylvanla. Maryland. Tanne.aee, Al- nwiihomt. Ml.aourl. ' Iowa, Mlrhla.n. Condltlono ara favor able for tenere "7 fair weather Sunday In th'a dlatrlct. with cooler In eouthwejtern Idaho. Winds will b moatly weatarly, , Toreca.te. : Portland and vicinity: anflay fr. Northwa.urly wind.. , I,.,..,.i- Orgon: Sunday fair. Notthweatarly WWaahjnrton: Sunday fair. Westerly Waher ' Sunday anairmlly fair, eeolar southwest portion. ,, - Tke SUvac. Tha Willamette river at 5J."n' registered thla evenlne: U.t la expactedthat It wlfi reach of 1 0 foat Bunday and Monday and that It will fall allahtly Tuaaday, THEODORE F. DRAKK. Obaervor. Tfce Clothee We afake ara made ta fit yea. Tha coat will ba fitted fb you be fora finishing, and allowanoa can than f raada for any disproportion. Tha ra eult will ba a garment that will always fit and plea., you. Call tomorrow and look over our large atock of woolen. In ail tha lateat ehadea, which wa make to ord.r for 128 td 140. and to examine iom of the garment, mado up awaiting delivery Unique Tailoring- Co., tallora, cleaners and men'e furalahera, 0 BUrk street, jbetween Fifth. and Sixth. ; , ' '--Tna riew af Portlaad from Mount Tabor la in some reapecta , better than from Portland Height.. . Than, th lawns and around, ta genaral ara ao larg a that they ara very attractive. Baehaar Addition at tha head af Haw thorne has all of tha poaalbla advant-t-ee of any aootloa of Mt. Tabor. Ra triKttnni of itre.ent . Jmcrova- raenta. flna lay of (round and wa do not sell 3esa than 100x100. -Ch.ptn A Harlow.- IS1 Chamber of Commerca. To Promote Athlettoa Tha Ore. ham . Rlveraldo ' Amusement company -baa filed artlclea of lnoorporatlon. . Thla concern la located nar Oreahara, and i. or tra nixed to promote field and ath letic .porta. AutomoMie. moiorcyciw. - root and norsa racing; are momm ui mi soorts mentioned. - It 1 alo proposed to promot. aviation meet a. Tha com pany la caplUUaed for $1900, and tha offlcerg are T. R. Howltt, A Meyers, and H. B Wcklnaoa. ' Paper - a - swrtpWa .Professor Ed ' ward Sherwood, instructor la Oreek, , Hebrew. and Exegeaia la tha Kimball School ot Theology at Satan, win raad a paper - at tha .. Portland Methodist . preaohera meeting :i In Taylor Street church tomorram at lt:l a, m. aa "ln--aplratlon of th Scriptura." A gene ral dlecuaalon will follow tha reading of Jtba paper. ' ; o Oriental Jtng aayaia We ara not selling at coat or below coat but wa ara selling dependable, guaranteed rugs .at prices that at all times are lower than thoae quoted by other dealer, un der ary clrcumatancea. Our atock at this time Is vary complete and choice, and you certainly owe It to youraetveo to vl.lt u. cartoalan Bro.., importer, af oriental ruga, 47 .Washington, near 18th St. . ' . t mevlval Xeetlngw Tha Swadlah Evangelical Free church will have one waek'a revival meeting at tha Miaslaa ippl hall, on Mts.leslppl avenua and , Shaver street meeting. every night at I o'clock P. m.r beginning next Tuaaday, June 2. Two evangelists, Rev. O. Kal feerg, Tacoma, and Rev, C. Anderson, Seattle, will have charge of thee meet-; ;ings. -''V-it:-- 'w- ..;.S ; .'. - ' ; t ' -,r ' Attention Meal I aava you money. ! aamplea and cancellation ordera from the east and sell In an of flea building, rent 120 a month; 121.60 to $30 eults for 118.76; $22.60 to $25 suits for $14.76. Take elevator and - save $10. i Jimmy Dunn,, room 216, Oregonlan bldg. . jbaroa Xaoorporateav Artlclea of In- corporation have been filed In the coun- , ty clerk's office by tha First Methodist church. Tha aoclety la located at East Flanders and Fifty-fifth; street, The value of the church chattels la $1600. ; The three trustees are Allen Swain, Sid-1 : noy scott. anq juuue jjupoib. v . . , V Mrs. Princess Song, one -of tha areat singers of America, will give a song re cital in vne teniru . unnsuan vnurcu, j East 20th and Salmon, Monday ' night : Admission 26o. v . - j Sell Soma at - 2rlngtMk-County ; Clerk Frank S. Fiolds ha. aold ta Minai M. IiUckett a house and iqi aeacripea a. An Old Jewelry Finn With a New Location We're at last in our, spe- dally designed Jewelry Store busily unpacking all' lthelatest and, best conceits:. known to the jewelry, trade. f and the silversmithing arts. Importations1 both? foreign 1 and domestic, and hand- " wrought in our 'own work ' 'shop. Watch the papers for ' . later and - fuller . announcements:-;-1 -.,-V-' "l-. -4 YEON' BUILDING'". FIFTH STREET lot 4 In block li. Irvlngton for $7200. The houee Is a modrn two story real drnce and la located In one of the beat built up dl.trtcta In Irvlngton. ( T. M. O. A. Kea'a MeetlBg-Oiarla rrederlek Ad.ma, of Brooklyn, N. T., will speak to men at tha T. M. C A. thla afternoon at I o'clock on tha aub Ject, 'The Relation of. the Munlolpal Form of Oovemmenf' to Clean Govern ment". The lectura is free. . XTetloa 'ta Priendj of Judga atualy Thoaa who hava tendered u.a of their automobile and thoaa wishing, to do ao at the achool election Monday ara re quested to report to F. Myera, 2t3 Oak atreet Phone A-1044, Main 1114, Monday forenoon. Wa aall balr mattresaea retail al wholesale prloea for It pound beda from 7.e and up.; Wa reoeate mattresaea and return them the aama day. . Port land Curled Hatr Factory, M. Metsger. proprietor, 114-121 Front street Main 4T4. A-1114, , .,' ' Saafbtera of Plomeer. Th. Sons and Daughters of plonaera will meat la an nual session next Tuesday plght at I o'clock at tha court house la tha court room of department No. 1. No cards will ba mailed thla year. . All members ara urged to ba preeent ; . , : aparflaoag atalc permanently re moved by flva needle electrolyal., 200 haira per hour. . positively no scare. Mm. C H. itlna, Electrologlet. Hotel Cornellua, 'Room 427, Phone Main tlSO. Permanently located. j , f Xndlord Doablaa stent,' forcing aa out of store. As wa have ao location, will aall everything regardlees af prloe. Sale beglna Wadnaaday at 9 a. ra- v Balding Broe jeweler a, 141 Wuhlngton atreet Crystal Zka Park, Mtlwaukla. can ba entered Sunday, July la-by lnvlta-' tlon only, aama having beeen angaged for that date by the Portland Social Turn-Vareln for their, private nee. ; Wa Prees taa Salt each week, aaw an buttona, sew up rips, far' 11.10 par month. Phone for Information, Main 114; A-4114. Unique Tailoring Ca 101 BUrk streef,' ; v. ; ' J . JOag'a Xelgkta car Una will eommeaee running today, x Aak for transfers to King's Heights and gat off at 32d and Washington. . : - J , ; . teamof 7e.M Xarxina tor Camaa. Waahougal and way landlnga, dally ax- eept Sunday. Learee Waahlngtoa atreet dock at t p n. . a Blaataad Wklta aad Oraaga ballaa, 11.1 per gallon; Murphy varnlah, 12. Portlapd Saali 4 Door Ca, 120 Front, Battaraaa'a fcama malt In your mouth, near Tenth. , la tha Colonial. . ' P.'Jt 2teaa It ejo tna Pioneer Paltif aompany. 1 Sirat street Pbonaa M 1114.' A-1IS4. - s .; . ; ; mm- it" Xatteraoa'a aoma made oheoolatea malt in your mouth, la Colonial, near 10th. Auto Stage ia Tinaatoek Leav4 Port land and Wtllamlna. Call'Eaet 441. W. A. Wise Vnd aaaoctatea, painleea dantlata, Third and 'Waahlngtoa. ,y t ! " v East Nob Hill, r- At the bead of Hawthorne avenue ta Buehnefa Addition, where wa have large building eltao don't . aell any thing lasa than 100x100,. May we ahow you that district? Tou will agree It deeervea tha title, "TEist Nob Hill." An elegant location for a boma with gen erous grounda. Chapla as Herlow, III Chamber, af. Commerce, selling agenta ' - ' . : ' Journal Want Ada bring result a. ' ,r Portland's Oldeit Qrocars iura omci . A-4432 w Main 9432 WE HAVE IT YOU COME AND GET rr W hart the most complete stock of . Picnic and Outing- SuppHe for your lunches that you can find .anywhere. ' !We .have taken pains to secure such novelties for the summer" Camp, auto trip, or river trip that it is eaiy for you to ' make a. selection. Our clerks are courteous, and nothing is too much for them to do for you. Spe cials for Monday: 1 , '", . Lipton's Tea, l-lb. tint, , Hfin at " i' 1 v v j W UpWJfeaVlA"ciaiaHty3Q Kg lb. tins .......... Kingsford's Corn Starch, S OJlC French j $ardines,'i5 regular 't ff 20c; peftia-;;yvj.;U'i'v,:A-'. Swift Premium Hams, per 9Q lb; ;.. t '' ' t . Harvey Sauce, for cold AtZp meats, per bottle Pascal's! Barley Sugsr, per Opfp bottle '" ",.' .'.v i .4., jiiifVV! Chutney - (6 style), ;er rHp bottle' ..'..90c and wyw Cantrell & chratfll1Qf Ginger Ale, dozen u .. VXee7U fv$.! ,i.i?v Beer - of i all kind. 1 at - Brewery prices. Make-your lea Cream with a White . Mountain ? Freeser. Tou save half tha time. : Now la the time to put up Stfawberrlea Sea our stock, before - you bur. Our prices are tha cheapeat. . . We deliver to East Portland every day,- We alao make a specialty of shipping supplies to your : aummer resort. - Wa prepay all Z freight ehatgea under 100 miles, thus' giving you your grocerle. at city prices. "X ' cordial 4'toTitatioa;t;::: tae Keweomer." . , 'J SCHOOLS AND - COIXEQES v SCHOOL OF THE PORT LAND ART ASSOCIATION Third year begth. "October 3, 1911. Drawing, painting:., portrait, life, .ketch Illustration, deaim .and chlldren'a claa.ea.r For circular apply to . - MUSEUM OF ART Xlftt and Taylog ttav, jPortlaaoV Os, THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING,' JUNE 18, 1911. Gity Furnishes Him 7 A. M. Orllley. inparTlsor o play grounds. -AaC Orllley, tha euparvlaor af tha playgrounds, has bean gan a motor eyele.by the city in order that ha may visit all aeven playgrounds dally". - la' a large box he carrlee all supplies, bate, balls, gloves, eta needed. - , . , . The play grounda have become vary popular and are- crowded the, greater part af the day. Good results are al ready noticeable ta tha moral and physi cal condition of tha children. Mothers ara dressing tbalr children In bloomers ,..r y Three Day Convention Will' Be U Held In Astoria-rlnter- ; . esting Session. : At Aatorla Tueaday morning tha Pyth ian Bisters of Oregon will meet for a three day convention. In conjunction with tha grand lodge Kalghta of Pythlaa. Tha convention promlaeo to be lnten.ely In tereatlng. aa queotlona of Importance to I the order win na up tor aetenninauon. - Mra, Phil Gevurta of this city la grand Chief of tha order in Oregon and Mra. Mary Hogue of Albany la grand keeper of record, and seaL A number af com mittees have re porta In preparation which will form tha baaia of action when tha aeaaiona begin Tuesday. 1 Aatorla Pythlana have prepared entertainment for' the two conventlona and a number of reception and banquets wfll ba feat urea of tha evening. In Oregon more than 6099 members at Sensational Ending of Ihe $7 to $9 Messaline anii TaffeU Silk Petticoats at SMS PYIA SISTERS DMEETTUESDAY Building Positively to Be Torn Down July I, Just 12 Days More. wrvrp ap.aim wif i vnif ha VP siiph AN OPPORTUNITY to buv such fine Apparel at V2 PRICE Absolutely no reserve on our entire stock of 191 1 Plain --j ..i cii.A t coiin Ci.Uc . PnfirA Two-Piece Linen Suits, Spring Vool Coats, Pongee, Silkand Linen Coats.. All now aj V , Sensational VJaist Bargains Never in -Portland's: history have you seen . such beautiful High-Grade Waists.of all de ; scriptions" offered , at such ; wonderfully low prices.. ' $8-$10.$12 Silk WauU, Final $2 0 $6 to $8 Unen WaisU, Closing-Out Price iA . alio i u.:.. CIo$ing-Out Price $10 to $12 FANCY WAISTS $2.35 $6 to $8 FANCY WAISTS . $1.95 These two lou are all made of finest Irish linen, with rea hand-made fronts, high neck, long sleeves. Just a little soiled. , , v.'. " J t Balance of entire stock of Silk," Chiffon, Mar quisette and Fincy Waists ONE THIRq OFF, arid every woman knows our regular prices Ire fully one fourth to one third less jthan at any other store in tne city. Be on hand early tomorrow; morning: to get the choicest of the wonderful bargains. ItV the one GENUINE sale of the season. ; SEE BIG WINDOW DISPLAY . With Motorcycle 1 u , 1 gjrjafj aO' and overalls and turning- them looae In tha playgrounds ta play ta their hearts' content v.. :.....'"., - Beaida tha phyalcal work tha children ara taught aoma af the simpler manual training work end discipline. An In structor la In charge of each playground. Tha coat af malatenanoe has been found ta average about 1 eent par child. . ( The playgrounds ara located at North park In NortH Portland. Peninsula, fell wood, Brooklyn.'. fCenll worth. City park and Columbia park beyond peninsula. tha Pythian Sisters, the ladles' auxiliary af the -Knight of Pythlaa, ara In good atandlag, and Aha order Is altogether In a flourishing condition. - ALfeANY GRANTS WRIGHT 25 YEAR GAS FRANCHISE ; ' ; i .... i Albany, Or., June 17. -Tho city coun cil has granted Albert O. Wright , of Portland a gas franch!e to run for II years and "he fUed a $1019 bond that tha plaat will ba completed and In oper ation by September 1, Ills. . . Card of Thanks. ' " I deatra to thank tha many friends, especially tha" Women's Relief 'Carpa, United A rtloana, ' Independent Order of Odd Fallows . and. Rebakabe for thefr klndneaa and sympathy during the Ill ness and death of my beloved wife,' Mildred and alao for tha beautiful floral of ferlnga. C. W. NEWELL. , Crawfish! Crawfish! ; Oood crawfish today at Leven'a OHUe, Sit Ash, "between Second aad Third. Boat In city. cavaawAwaaBarB-awMwjawnaawnw ';. Where to Dine. Turkey and, chicken dinner at Peer less Cafeteria. 104 Fifth atreet such wonderful bargain prices Big mmowlSk I' ii ur.xxjB : . -I f Mitt 'ifeS' AU ; mlWfm mm i mm. Final 01 QZ ,Dl m7 O , V rin.i ,f Vl &lJO ' ;- SAYS OPERATION IB II SANE Gcorge'Crago, Husband of Pa tient, Sues Dr. Bruce for f $100,000 Damages. , ; Charging that his wife beoame Insane from an operation performed by Or. Walter W. Bruce, George Crage atarted ault yeaterday . In the circuit court agatnat tha . plyalclan for 109,ooe Crago aUegaa that the operation waa illegal and without cauee. That his home has ' been broken up, ' and hie happlneea greatly disturbed are aaeerted by tha plaintiff. ;.- The operation was , performed - Janu ary 11. and without the husband's knowledge. It la asserted In tha com plaint Tha wife Buffered unusually from It and so Intense waa thla Buf fering that aha became mentally d ranged. She waa later committed to the etate tnaana hospital aa a hopeless patient allege the husband. DUNCAN'S ELEKTRA. The Hellenle orohearra of native In- iniKiMii la now renearaina lor iiw n.ir ni.v wrld.v avenlnar. June St. Tha company of artlets from tha Royal and new Theatre Athens arrjve rennur. This proml.ee ta be the moat artl.tlc event that has ever been gjyan In Port land. Tickets are now on sale at finer- men ClajTa, . ; - - . v For the. Beaches v Have baggage checked at your home. B. O. Tranafer aompany. Park and Da Tie. Mala Silt. A-Stll. , Pay aad night service. ' ', - ZL i m r f- OUR CUT GLASS Ii an being'cloied otrt at a reduction of 33 to 50 per cent to make room for inother line, and you can-fet some beautiful Cut Glass wedding g4fts at a yery small coit , t We Are Headquarters for Wedding Gifts THE LARGE JEWELRY STORE ( '. JAEGER BROTHERS - . WafftPT8QW STREET. : BET. THIRD AND FOURTH as we have cut for our final moms si Tailored and Fancy Suits, in mixtures, plain blacks, blues cfnrir nf Mflrnnlcpttp. Uncerie and Pure Linen Dresses. EXTRAORDINARY SPECIALS Exactly "165 new Spring Suits, of which no two models are alike,- but which comprise a complete assortment of colors and sizes. 'They have been. divided into three lots at phenom enal reductions, as follows f Ki f $25.00 to $28.00V Cj 11 QC LOT I SUITS on sale at D I 1 7J I O $30.00 LOl L SUITS I A 4 X $40.00 LOT J SUITS CHARMING WASH DRESSES, fl 05 $6 to $8 valued now only.1. . s.&JuisO Ifi ItilWO AND WHITE SERGE DRESSES at QC final closing-out price, of. . . . . . . vU7u V fi VnH R PURE AUSTRALIAN WOOL V SWEATERS at ' final, closing-out & J AC V price, of only : . . i . . . . . . ; V Balanceibi Sterivgpr THIRD OFF t v' i fntire otooc or. w rt i oaie ai v. sv.j. a" Program at ThQ Oaks.: The following program will ba given thla aternooa and evening. . direction Philip Pels and ouartet from Metro polltan opera company, New Tork, Sun day, June It, IIU: : ' 1. Coronation March . . . . , I. K.pana Walu V.5itl,h I. Orpheua Overture . . . . wtrenpajrn 4. Q.mrtet, "II Trovatore". . . . Verdi I. "Mill in the oreet"...Kllanberg Intormlaelon. - -"Faust" Helectlon ...... .Oounoa -1: .n;nr,.'nn .STTSSthW. ;xvVtW r.:. .v.1?. . : 'roaVph a. ' 10.' American Fant.ela , EVEN1NO. ' . i , 1. "Wlla Modlate' BelacMon. i n , 1 'T.fudlantlna Walts," Waldteufel : ft. Irlah Dancea , - ' Quartet -Chocolate -toIf,-;;JUBll ' a, .Vualoians' BtHke" ....Bohrlener Intermlaalon, , ..Overture. "Mlgnon" . .. -.tbotim V 1. Cornet aola ......Mr. Philip Tali S. Cauca.lan Sketch. . , , ! Trio from "Fau.t",..., .rtounod 10. "Mlt Vollen Seaeln-'.. . .Bllenberg -: ; business' Men v Ilka Mount Tabor as a place of resi dence because they can have ao much mot a ground for the investment anJ not go to tha Buburbe for It ' Oood view, parks aad paving are making Mt. 'Tabor the "Eaat Nob Will.". Flvw yeara' growth will do wondere ther. Elegant homea there now. May wa .how you fluehaera Addition, where wa have large building ettea, highly restricted, located at head of Hawthorne ave. - Chapln . A Henow, tit Chamber of 'Commeree. v ,.'. lie 1 ' Card af Tkaaks. Dear Frlenda and Nelghbora Wa wish to thank yu for your kind help and sympathy' In th. 1o. of our dear one, Henrietta Manervla Petersen, "Who has gona to aleep, that paaoaful Bleep ' . " m ' ' Of which none wake ta weep." and also for tha beautiful floral offer- Mrt and MRS. W. WILTON. JU , Q RACE and BKUBJ Yvn.1 T Prefer presents that are weful as well at decorative. There it noth ing more useful than something; for the Buffet or Table. We are showing: some exceptionally new and attractive pieces in both Sterling Silver and Silver Deposit Ware $15, $20 anri $25 Im ported Broadcloth Capes, All Evening Shades, for 55.95 Stock Must Be Sold Hieh - Grade Outer Wearing closing days. HALF PRICE AND LESS. to $35.00 on sale at to $50.00 on sale at $14.95 $21.95 omen nauxui "Mitt Most Brides I . I . ' Oregon City Cert Sunday river tripe. lsve 1 :' " dock a. m 11 m., I p. nv L gon City 19:10. !:, . Round trip. Sa. ll-a- . - -. : " Trinity Church Nineteenth and Everett. . ' Tans a-trirDAT 1 Commencing at S.e'Dock. . An Orgiin Recital . By tha Aeooraplt.hed Mosiclaa "LucienE. Becker '. Aaslated by a Splendid Choir." . Seata treo. Anybody and everybody cordially Invited. If you have a taete for fine mu.lo apend the evening wlin ua A. A. Morrison, Rector. EVENTUALLY YOU WILL TRV THE V : GREATER PULLING . POWER OF KILHAM .QUALITY PRINTING : IN YOUR ADVERTIS. ING LITERATURE r .Why not now? - 1 . Your booklets mutt b av tractive, your office station ery Impressive your letter heads, cards, etc, should have the proper artistic ap . pearance.' .. , -' v k,V:m It pays. - Your stationery, yoor printed matter represents s you. ' . . ., , You cannot afford to un dertirriate -miircpresentr your own proposition, your . self, your prosperity and en 7 terprise In your advertising and daily correspondence, .-'.r v. ; ' V.' i - Just ' as sure as the cheer ful, clean and well-dressed salesman gets your order, appropriate printing. Impres sive s stationerythe 'kind our artists and practical ex perts ; turn ' out will com- mand attention and get you the results you desire. . . ' - Let us demonstrate this to you with our samples. v KILHAM Stationery & Printing Co. Commercial BtaOoBara. J Ofnoe Otttflttara. ' PrlBtera, KnaTarere. " , -. Booklet Makers aa4 I 1 Bookbinders. . MMXJtQVXXIMMM TOM Arehlteeta and Bnitneera Tnst ra ni en ta aad Supplies. ' Fifth and Oak SU. Dentistry To tha beat of sar i ability. Let me make -a boo.Ur of rott. I examine your mouth, tell rou what I caa do, : what It will eoat ta reaaonabla charge ). If :: ready, we begin; If not ttie examination baa -. cost you nothlns. Ail , work guaranteed.. It J" can't siiapfcntea It. I . don't do It and If I erer j. did It, It's ruaranteed. Open evenings. Houra 8 a. m. to 8 p. xn. Dr. -Elof T. Hedlund. N. W. corner of 6th and Oak, Id floor Take elevator. BASEBALL , . .; t '' BXOBXATXO wxmx ' i coai Yaufia aad Twenty-Xeurtk tta, ; PORTLAND vs. ; SPOKANE aae la. . IV IS. li . Oamea besln week days 1:00 p. m. Sun- daya :J0 P.n. Admlaaloa Bleachers J6c: rrandstana Ocrboxea 15o extra. Children, bleaoh ra. mi s-raadataiidi - Ia.-ldlael.. tf.y FrtdayBoye under 1 free to bleach - -era Wedneaday. FTontcr e5c Klclccr High Grade Commercial and ElectrU SIGNS vJBaat Ttk and Hast wet is Vbonea gaat HUi Vt-a Pcrlland toLleW:;! : ''5- SstebUabed V ". ".'wis 'carrf "the Inrt , beat .tock on the c '.'and set our pr'.-. , i 'purcba.lns ! ' tto aBd'r-- '