The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 18, 1911, Page 16, Image 16

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c. a. jackson..,
T'HF THT 7T Tv A T I6"0"' tormiM. and that In the inr- arbitration mad by the commission.
J. A LU J V- rounding heavily timbered country lit to rob tfi principle of universal
an ikdepkwpewt a-wsrarta. be seldom -t sins a 1 foothold. Tbe I application of half Us value. For the
p.btuwr mrowinc ppen to settlement of large) I worth of tbe treaty lies In thlsAhst
iracia or iimoor una aoes not re- it la a law assented to In cold blood,
suit In more settlement, for the peo- on ! universal 1 grounds, suppressing
pie securing the land realise its and dominating, all the evil Influ
grcat est value lies In the standing ences of anger and Interest that may.
timber and they consequently bold arise In any special conflict. . The
or dispose oMt for that purpose, submission of the questions to this growth Is offset by decay. The fu
Ijvorcan toe corernment ds , cnti- new supreme court must be automaU ture broductlTeneea of the forwata
roano 4PTiHTiiNO RCPFBMiNTATtTB, or aoin mature timber in lo and Inevitably and IU ultimate d- depends,' then, on bringing normal
PabllaW avarf t-mlnf (awatrt ftaadajr)
. eerr SHir BMralna (I 1 M JMrui
Hit, rifte an Vaaikltl at
I Tea Joariil Wall.
ta. I -on !, t.
Eatara It' fee aoetoe at rarMaad. Or..
r tranaialMlea reaa IM alalia aa eeeaaS
timrt awtlar,' '
TKt.irnoNici tula riTSi noaai. t
All S-MMoteata KwM af tfetee saaihata.
Tau rae anaraiur ! tmnam .
any other owner of. large bodies of
standing timber, selling off tbe ma
tured trees, baring them felled and
removed at, and not after the stsge
of ripeness, the California state foreman
ester gave forth no uncertain ,3ind.
He reminds as that It. Is, well
certalned that Jn tbe virgin forest
of 'the Paclfie states the annual
mature death of husband or father." caption, all North American woodpeck-
Almoat on the tima dav aa that ere have four toa. two of which point
nn Mt. r. tu.j r.. i- vm I forward and two backward. Further to
On Which Mr. Lloyd Oeotgos blllL,a-u maintaining thamaalv.i on the
was laid before parliament the Oer- trunk of tree, thair una aro composed
relchataf be ran th samndlof stiff feathera.' terminating la aharp
reading of the new imperial code of fJ " bA Sftt
labor Insurance. . This unifies the the bird in ,an upright position . while
exiuung uerman working class m- it i "at work.
Portland Critical Po-
gition m l ransportation
,:rtJ'MW-T,a,?; th Mm wtr tvery private owner In ere mast carry with It the force of
baa XulMtna. Cblraa.
the northwest Is doing. Every ef-s law of natare. Irresistible and ab-
atacrfatta Vara, by Mil ar la tar Mta 0rl t by t forest SerVlCO tO SOlute.
aispose or the mature timber and it has been well aaiti in fh. Ont.
a.W.:....4 m coneunuy increasing-. Dut look Itself, fWe have abolished prl-
conditions about as soon as poaslble
tost la, that all classes of ages In
the younger timber shall be growing
as tbe matured timber is cut, de
cadent trees, being so replaced by
From the Seattle Tlmaa,
In th opinion of John T. Flynnihe
naa wnun 10 the TIrnaa a 11 (ap am I ha
A nrtich of th food of woodpcVrs na ahort haul clau of the 1
il,.n a m . A . V I . I , A.
iiuiti, aiiouui Mioir uruTtaiuua lO I . . . . . " ... . 7 I ),! . ., .7. .
an vara I n.w imiu I oDiaina rrom aoua wooa. niur i iaiw, won oeaiii ana
several new trades and occupations h. .nM.a .,.. wih a other parifio co.t nti.a n..
and enlarges their scope, In so fsrbk bavin a chiaeud shape point. la a faw 10,000-ton ahlpa for opera
mat insurances for widows and orwnion rorma an xoainriy arreetiv toroucn in ranama oanaL Thus
Dbans are added to the Drovlslons wooa-euttin matrumant. ' nut tna mo wnuia watr oonipotltlon be made ao-
tha VaitaS Slataa ar Mail.
'. '. , - DAILT.
akaaataa aA t lUa
SUNDAr . " . I unfortunately the law of supply and I Tata war hv nrnvMln a mnhntntt natural renrodurtlon
'iA7TrxDKfrr?,,,r,,,'f 1,ffln,,1 B 'rfPcter of persons. for L We propose to abolish Inter-? ,The annual loss by
On raar. IT. SO 0a aaaata. . . . . .S
"VThat afiall I think whan I ant
eallad to diet
- Shall I not mourn for what I
' . rolht hatr mandadT
Th chanoaa I lot allp unnotload
;. br. " '
' Bo little tarklad and ao much'
l Intandad!
Obf but my plana were greet,
my aim waa blh;
X waa all ah wtthout, an fire '
within; ;
Behold, the and approach, Jut
aa I
1 Waa atarttng to sat ready to
: , bacilli
Harry r. Bowling. '
the people, who by mainUlnlr.g thU LTeirfV m his ghbori th.tTe &
service give It their stamp of ap
proval. ,
the nosTOX
1, United States crnlser Is to drop
anchor. la Portland harbor.
: She Is the Boston, and Is hence-
forth to perform . part, In, Oregon hTelvr 'old IZU th. only-gun
In the party, a small calibre rifle,
: .The Boston was with Dewey. She
was one of six war vessels ' that I
Initrall In
and applies Impartially to all deal- national war bvnrovMin a uheti. imanv loaIitlea eonala that nrt
in who toe same eommoauy, me tute for It." v : y . , .'. by Uecny, by fire, and by Insects
journal oaueves in isir, impsruai Yet ' Theodore Roosevelt, the The very essence of productive
aiaiemenw 01 lacis. wneiner me mat-1 Bobi, pr,g. mlLa lh- . adTOftllt- management of timber areas lies In
ler involves saera bureau.. cor- of arbitration, while in th chair of ; cutting. To hold unused and
poistlon or Indivldusl. The forest responsibility, proposes the. lmoos.. bottled up Is'rge acreage of mstnred
service nas inaugurated policy aihu A.r . timbers dertendlnar on a aneenlatlv
-m.. .. "-"a w shall be no tresty If one party to It tor greater future values, " the
ieret oi ait me peopie, ana oesiruci-1 chooses to exclude such matter of height "of folly. Tbe sooner, the
ive criticism or fmisleadinc etSte-l ,,,,. hnnnr wlt., . larre tracfi era rnt . ttvar' end h
ments regarding Its activities, should .hall h. ; ...ait -.-a rive timber felled ud nt nut ih
I. .a 1 ... .l.i. . -suvvui ' 7
.. v v " w nwrhrlthout excuse, by one of the par," r will real, conservetlv farest
motives but should .be resented ny ilea thra.t ra, -manarement be Inatallad. : , '
I . ww-va wa VV UV IIV , aVW mW , 1 " I
In virgin stands of - old timber
some reproduction Is In' constant
progress. Dot usually tees valuable
species replace the older "trees on
which the reputation ' of the oast
timber rests. These are , usually
Suppressed for want of light and sir,
the more Important young trees of
the older growths under such condi
tions stand shaded and stinted ,for
a few years,, and mlseraMy dwindle
and die. The ordered catt'a? of the
old trees gives tbe young and grow
ing trees a rapid, thrifty life. '
It seems, then, that in forests, as
In other investments, th talents are
more profitable If held under labor
ious and careful management than
If wrapped up In the napkin of mere
Idle and speculative eustoiy.
for sickness.' accident, old ag and
infirmity. ' The compulsory sick In
surance will embrace agricultural
and forest workers, so that the
number of the Insured will rlnf from
1S.000.000 ( to. sbout: 10.000.000.
There Is a political aide to this leg-
InUreetlne; feature tn the anatomy of Itual, Inatead of theoretical.
th bird la tha tongue, Thla la mora
or la cylindrical In form and ueually
very long. It tarmtnatea In a bard
point with more or Ire aharp barb
upon tn aidea. poaunorly. tn typlca!
woodpecker tona-ue la ttndd In two
Ion; filament of the hyold bona, which
curt up around tha back of th akull.
and, while they commonly atop between
It 1 tha belief of tha writer af tha
oener mat ona J 0.000-ton ahlp owned
by tha merchant of th eltla, oarry-
ma looaa rrom tha Atlantlo ta tha Ta
clflo In leaa than railroad time at II
pr ton, inatead of tha averasa rail rata
of 121, yould not only earn mora el ear
money, than any IS-atory building, but
rpHERE WAS a duel In the woods
a few flays ago, with eight lit
tle negroes as the participants.
It was a play-duel that ended
in tragedy. The boys had gone to
the woods for a day's hunting. A
But, there was little . game abound
ing, and the youthful blood demand-
aglnes an arbitration treaty that is
no longer a treaty? Wanton attack
Is wanton breach. Not only are the
hands of tbe assailed uptled at . tbe
moment such attack occurs, but .the
treaty-despising' assailant Is A con
fessed criminal In the great court of
nations, an outlaw with all hands
against hlnu i
How, far doea his Illustration go,
that no man, civilized and orderly
citizen though he be. would fall to
defend his wife front sudden at
tack? 'Does the husband break tbe
islatlon. The Independent friendly ih. .v.. i m- ,h. ... would do mora toward hoidtna and
Societies of workers, of which thero around tha era. but In other enter ia wndlna; th trad of Seattle, Taooma,
are now 1300, with 900.000 melu-j,h r,,1,t nM1 openina- and txtnd. to f"1'"4 'r,,c',' Lo'Anlea
ina ena oi in oeaa. in inia laat eaa "" "'"t" man tu tn tawa ever
the ' tongue la practically twice tha taaad. . r . .,
length of the head. . Thla organ If, In- On that account h eontanda that th
cloaed In a muecular ahaatb, ty meana fata of each aaaboard elty of the Paolflo
of whlch-lt ean ba extruded from the coaat rla, not with aongr nor tha
mouth for a long dlatanca and ueed aa Intaratat eommerca oommiaaian. hut
moat .affective Inatewmant for dl. I with th lara rrooertv wnara. m.-
bers, will be practically wiped out.
Insurance of workers la ' factories,
yard and so on, created to link the
workers ' to these -establishments,
now numbering JOOO, with over 3,
000,000 ".of workers.: will be pre
served . and- Increased. The bill Is
expected to prove a weapon against
both Social Democrats and Social
ists. :- : ; .
The ancient strife " between the
German government;' with Its feudal
Inspiration.1 and the Socialists and
their supporters. Is 'almost certain
to break out nfresh.r r
This is the present standing of
this great reform.
lodging gruba or anta from their bur
row In wood -or bark Hence, while
moat birda have to b ontnt with aucb
Insect aa they rind on tha aurfaca or
In open crevice, the woodpeckera d
vot their enarglaa to thoa larvae of
gruba which ar beneath th bark, or
vn la the heart of 4h tra.
"I,?.: "l M rel Port One of the boys bad repudiate lta saflc-
aTn 7ar.rrZ;ra dMl l Picture "ons and protecUon because he Tin-
Boon, in three hours and eighteen (.. ... v. .v v,. " la dirata th fcnno- nr iif vf. f,
t iS.giMJSIhow t0 the,r r9Uf parts In As Talleyrand. .aid: -Let the ass
fv4 j2h 0'Umle,y-7t the speechless drama of a fight to ns. begin. They were the break-
uw vne oimurn coniro over the death. ' ' ers of the law not the cltlze
000 square miles of territory and 1
000,000, people. '
' WIth the- Boston at Manna, -were
the Olympia, Baltimore, , Raleigh,
Concord and Petrel. Their combined
The rifle was supposed to be un
loaded. The twelve-year old boy
picked up the gun, ran back a few
paces, turned and fired. A sixteen-
tniifiaM waa It Alt . O I ' " it
ilV .v-- v-V, l""'jcelred the bullet. with a smile that
lees than the "displacement of the
United States battleship Delaware
now In British waters. ' Their com
bined fighting force was 1743 men.
Opposed to' them were seven Span
ish cruteers and the forts at Cavite.
.The Americans opened fire at 5:41
and withdrew for breakfast at 7: SB.
They returned to the battle at 11:11,
and ceased firing at 12:40 p. m
In the period the Spanish squadron
frose on his tips as the lead coursed
through his brain, and chilled his
heart. , . -V
Maybe the movlng-plcture show
had nothing to do with this tragedy.
Possibly the Inspiration that led to
death would have been born of It
self. But, It Is a great thing to
feed the youth on spoken' drama.
citizens who
protected themselves In the moment
of assault , Should the citizens need
to ' stipulate themselves out of the
shelter of the law In advance lent
lawless ones should violate It?
We are attempting to set a new
standard for tha twentieth century.
Let us not go back to the evli days:
when only might made right.
"Th editorial orltlclam of th Xonf.
and Short Haul' la tha Tlmaa baa opened,
th door of dlacuaalon ' for a tubject
Which la Ct vital Importance, not only'
to Seattle, but to every geaport en tbe'
Pacific coaat , ; .
Thy locate thair hMrf.n nM tn. inmrm may aa grounaa ror loaai
grekt accuracy, and oftn cut mll Jluala upon bank clearanoea and"
bolea directly to tha nurrowa Af tha I hlnge . of that aort between Seattle.
gruba. - In ona caaa tha grub had eaten Portland, Taooma, San Francleco, , Le
a burrow through tha heart of a mapla Angelas and San Diego, but 'there la
aapling. but lta poaltlon waa accurately one place where they will all either sink
determined by th bird, which- than cut r awlm together, and that la In th In-'
through . tha Solid live wood until It tarauta commerce commlaaion's pending
VALUES OP CANADIAN LANDS ""c"7a in ",T0W na eatraotea the aaoiaion upon the long and ahort haul.
... .. , I ino, t , ,. ,. .."', '-,
cri From tLc Peoph
. NEED v
F ALL THj: landmarks In hap
py, wedded life the silver
wedding is the best .The
giamor, inougn not the ro-
kllled and 214 wounded, The Amer
ican loss waa seven slightly wounded.
The battle occurred May 1, 1818;
but on account of - the refusal of
Hong ' Kong cable authorities to
transmit the message, the news did
not reach the United, States until
freed from the smoke and powder
r . Huv. v . . . . , -
had been destroyed and the forta "1 , b-o. very manyimance, of the original wedding
aa - . an.. m a . I navriTIIH T HPaT TH rla ITinWIfl eW hliltMl la m. . .
enencea. une panisn-ios was 117 r ' " . . r.- 0. may nave long since oaeeed. iny cannoz. ai ora to see Dot the long, familiar, intercourse
drawn the pair
hH JThi.. .i .M li 4UO'-r"" into that oneness which outlive?
house high class plays. th mr.Th. . t. ..!
The Woman's Drama ? league jpt lly transmuted Into affection which
Chicago in its flght against the mov- burns, till life ends, with a steady
lng pictures, ha been Joined br rav.
Mar 7. Probablr no event M ' ail i Daniel rronman of N Yrt;M:l'vh";fii.V -.-i.--ir
. . . . - . . 1 r.-.. v.. m v.. a. . I -" othui-
aiBXOTT ever DTOaUCea a mora MarVl aiinoo mm lirot DlOWItlnna rath- than .) I- v. nt.
. . . ' . .IW IV. v, . I ---- Ul, 111-
.xncai erreci on so many people, and icoBy aea 0f man and wife. Dangers and Ticis-
ioe uny cruiser Boston to appear in lov CTn " sltudes have been met and passed
Portland harbor this afternoon "er7td- J t11 rleoa have together; Scars may be left, but tb
played her part In the great game, been eut to 15 cents flat, all re- gorrows that, they represent i have
In size, armament ?and . fighting Mrrcd. A eoncedplan.rwin he been dulled by time. The man has
power she was the fourth vessel of "obmltted to all theatrical managers taken his . place in life, has devel-
importance 1n Dewey's squadron. i,Tft h,h Hyu' nd n oped, and Is known for what he la.
Twenty-five years aro. tbe Boa- e'lort made to make the movement n. t v.. v w, ,
ton was one of the premier warships eonntry-wM. . , ... with children, bears the sacred
ia vo unueo oiaies navy. , TO ail in- mir irzammi is mat tne lugh
tents and purposes the navy of that C,M theatres need the gallery gods,
day consisted of the Boston, the Chi- and the gallery gods need the high
cago and the Atlanta. The three class theatres,
were sent across tbe Atlantic to pass The experiment wfll be watched
In review before, the admiring eyes tth deep Interest,
of assembled Europe aa proof that . - i
. ear country had a navy. The Dela
ware Is alone twice the displacement
of tha, country's navy of that time.
.The span from the Boston to the
. Delaware Is the measure of human
, development In a generation. Ship
. to ship and gun for gun. the Dela
ware is mistress of the seas. Ko oth
." r floating fort Is so powerful. In
the international ' review off Spit
head next Saturday,; she will be tha
' central figure, and with her line of
five turrets pom which ten twelve
inch guns frown will be the cyno
sure of tbe gaping multitude.
: The Oregon people may well take
a pride in the famous Boston. She
Is to be the nursery of a cltisen
naval force, and in the last analysis.
It Is the citizen, fighters that decide
the issues In all great wars.
ITH A CHORUS of gratula
tlon the proposal for a gen
eral treaty of arbitration
between this nation and oth-
nama of mother to all within the
home. The pair are IJving for their
children mainly, and the . new gen
eration Is beginning to fill Its own
ranlMn the battle of life. '
Silver Is the typical metal, by gen
eral consent It Is white, clean.
bright, but not too costly for every
day use. ' ;
lust as all the world loves a pair
of lovers so, when the-silver wed
ding cornea round, the world regards
the wedded pair of twenty-five years
era has been received.- It was to "tanding with a calmer interest
embrace all matters of honor and tnd TerT oftea wJth affection.
vital Interest Nothing else was and low the same. Be it the I -. v- t,n'
N THREE; GREAT countries, the
United States, Germany and Eng
land labor . Insurance against
sickness, invalidity, accident, and
death. Is, at this time recognized as
of the first national Importance.
Philanthropists seek ft as the
pressing need in order to relieve suf
fering, poverty and . penury.
The working classes In all three
countries recognize It as the most
Powerful agency to remove one han
dicap on lives of hardship and slen
der .opportunity.
., Statesmen see In it the growth of
the Industrial efficiency of the na
tlon. It shall serve to increase the
potency of labor, both In quality and
In continuity of wage earning ser
vice. It shall postpone, or shorten.
the times of dlsablliy, partial or com
plete. It shall relieve the Injured,
sldlr. or 'dying from the fear of -Im
minent death and of Us- dreaded eon-
sequences to those who are left be
In the United States the cause, is
advancing by Irregular steps, both
in time, degree, and place. . As accl
dent Insurance and employer's lia
bility In many states it. has' made
its way. Ita general acceptance Is
not rfar distant. The principle is
admitted. . Its application Is de
bated, and especially whether spe
cial Industries shall be admitted to
its benefits, and what proportions
of Its proceeds shall ,be contributed
by workmen, , employers,' "tor ' the
state. - v U ; c--
In Germany and England accident
Insurance Is of general enactment.
Its progress Is being closely marked,
not In contemblatlon of Its with
drawal, but to study Its possible ad
justment and extension." - : "
Labor Insurance, in view of sick
ness, disability and death, has lit
the two European countries named,
"Under this daolilon the great seaport
eltlea of th Paelflo aaaboard will lth
r eontlnu t erv aa th ocean gate
waya to the Interior, by reaeon of tha ao
called 'water ratV nd th back haul
prlvil, or they will drop t the ansa
vUble dlatlnctioa of being th laat eta-
HE ASSISTANT superintendent
of immigration for Canada has
made the following announce
ment . i ua average values joi i , : wiatw Tt.-..rn. vt-te
ai.a .mm a. . I aV aaa a--e-aaVal
wna, or uncuiuvatea, unas in cana-i, vanconver wh -una t? t v-Pu, " " " " . :. : mm
Am ha.a .. T- iiA, un tbapuon on a tranecontJnenUl rai road,
da have been as follows. In Editor, of The JeurhaWnfty-one rears . Trom pr.rlou. rullnga, aa wall u
iu ijvi, ti.iv. la iua, ago, jonn erown made a raid on Harp-
$5.84. In 1008. 89.54. In 1909, ars Ferry and captured It Aa held
$18.52. In 1910. $14.84.', . " . U but a ahort time when be hlmlf
This publication Is made to stlnr. cPturd and banged. Thre waa
ulate prospecUve , Immigrants to areat xclterat In Una oounty. Mo.
nmmr.t artlr.n fA iM-nfa l.nd. w wnera in' wmr waa man located and
fore prices soar out of , reach. It
does not seem quite in accord with
all we hear about what are called
cheap lands In Canada, but the fig
ures are official, printed as an ad
vertisement In one of tha chief Eng
lish magazines. . ;
the tendenoy of preeent laaialatlon. I
am firmly of tha belief that th Inter
tat commerce eommlaaion will bold
In tha forthcoming deolalon that na aaa
port la entitled to va water rate unlaea
It actually employs tb water te aatab
Uah that rata. ,. , . '
And that lm net unjut lthr. It B-,
In tb employ of a pbyalctan. Tb doe-
tor wma the owner of one slave butlattia. with ft rat n it-ha
Ulked little of tha queatlon ef slavery. Portland with Ita great navigable rivers,.
Once he did admit that It waa wrong are not going te employ theae natural
and that It degraded th alave and tils agencies of transportation for their own
master, however, he aald, w bought benefit, aa wll aa for th benefit of
thant with our own money and what tbe producers of the Interior, then there
ar you going to do sbout ltf . Is no reaaon why they should enjoy a '
In tbe winter "uf 1100 X returned te lower tranaoontlnental rat than We-V
Iowa, and being opposed to alavary, natch, Spokar , Walla Walla or Th,-
l . n I wi a wuiu w ui iapuB- I tsmiimm. . , . .
XUee BCnOOIgina. Illcan nartv. tolnaal tha wlilia,VH k If tha aaiaaaMl IHaa i1aa ) m.:
Peking Correspondent London Tiraea. and want with th orranlsatlon to Dav-1 reada te lolly them Into tha belief
A friend ef tnln who haa Juat re-1 enDOrt la th fall of 1111 we want! that they are entitled ta a. lower rail
turned to Peking from Tunnan sends I from Davanpart to Rook Island. TIL. to I rate than the people of tha Interior by
left it. as arbitration on ail president of the United States and "1.," ". :: I'
u impoiranz aurerences was J"-- " .'a . , DI" rancn lit has , entered the sphero of practl
aiready adopted, at anv rata h w,tnv nisvwen tried help mate, all
America and England, and had been wno mow. to pair wish them In' the framed by the genius and heroic
IN A RECENT editorial entitled
"A Blight on Development" the
Oregonian criticises the national
. forest policy, claiming It results
in "bottling up" the state's timber
resources and prevents settlement of
aarrinnltnrnt lands
Citing the Identical case, the
.. wyiujun nauuuu r ureal, walcn tne
Oregonian holds up as a elarlnr ex
ample of the 'blighting effect of the
wholesale extension of the forest re
serves," the facts relating to this
tern cory are these:
la 1901, through political machi
nations, some 705,000 acres was
; eliminated from the Olympia Nation
al forest and opened to settlement.
It was claimed; that the land was
best suited to agricultural . use. At
regent leaa than AAA
. , a .jj jl IUU3
nojmous tract : are under cultiva
tion.' the rest being held by a few
large timber companies, in com
parison with, this land thrown open
to the homeeeeker, but acquired by
timber companies, we find, some
6000 acres of true agricultural land
within the area which Pinchot
able to keep from the reach of the
unscrupulous politician and the ever
ready locator " which have ? been
opened to the bona fide setUer under
th forest homestead Jaw.:. These
figures would tend very strongly to
the conclusion, that tbe real JiomV
seeker secures some measure of con
llieratloa within th boundaries of
truest sense many happy returns of
that day which is the middle mile-
p iaw service on various occa
sions. The proposed treaty waa
formulated on thla side of the ooean. I Btone on their Journey,
as wss rlgnt, and submitted to our
friends on the other side for such
minute scrutiny as the Importance
of it should demand.
This treaty had no preoedents. It
dealt with no past history, no exist
' ' k aaaaaaaeBBaa - - m
S BEARING upon a pending ap
plication to the government for
A a aa
(.erma lor cuiuug a large quan-
ff mamwaA 4 V i .
mg state of war which It was to ter- rv4-., xfi-.i :
mlnate, there was therefore no nos-1 .h ..i.
.hi. . -. I nwrem voiuuiuia, oiaiv f ui ester
slble definition for Its sphere) of fn- o. Norri. nt h.f .f-
ture efficacy. a tn via ti i. T a '
t ... j. ... I vi-.n,a w VUTJ W1BUUU
r ireaiy or alliance. Inf that nniv t ,m- : ...u
blndlnr ch niwm tllZl ZZ "r.r ::r
, D V,VH DM.vaaj u vuui-t lis i nrnn aw nr nur lavara i wvi attana m aa.
the aid of the other if attacked by Ural Interest on forest management
ouiae enemies Eacn party to It The Inquiry was made if the old
was to enter only into relations of irnt inn
absolute friendliness with the other., each year to consume the under
To exclude by specifications possible brush and trash was of benefit to
va.UOCo ui oiiencs oiween tne tWO the forest. Th at at a, f A,t .
agreeing nations would be to rob it swered, no. The results of repeated
of every distinguishing virtue that fires by Indians can be found, nearly
J. L ' .a ;' ' everywhere In the state. If ne goes
It should cover everything or it into the woods ; and examines the
wa aJa'n how- butts of the old trees as they are
What the proposed treaty could felled It Is found that although th
do was to define, not the, possible large trees have not been burned an
causes of offence that It should the soil haa hn mtffmwiw ntA
cover, but it could provlda tba meth- ttr bako tne roots so that the timber
od of settlement of all causes." This has been killed.
It attempted to o. Its rltlcs on Thna if w ra tn t -
each side of the Atlantic find nOlmanATlt tlmVia- minnltr V
ui vBisDiiaa-i arrawrn mnar na nrAfwM rnm
lng a preliminary eommlsslon. drawn Running light ground fires through
from the panel of the members of th timhar tn hnn M.-i...a
both nations on The Hague tribunal. Utter, as a meana of fire protection,
to study the matter In dispute, set- must he done with the utmost cau
tle It if possible, and. if not, to ar- tlon and under rarafnl .nnriw
range an u umaie ana disinterested Fire .properly controlled Is some
body of arbitrators, drawn from oth- .times beneficial, as in clearing trp
er nations, to hear and to decree a old windfalls, dangerous slashings
ssWement, ; ; ; . ,: aad in burning brush, after logging
: But there Is to be a string to this operations. - But it must be -con-procedure.
English critics suggest fined to those areas and not allowed
Tf"A-u.m,t t0 enate Of the to run through standing Umber."
United give or to withhold Dealing then with the question as
lta approval the arrangementa lor to th wisdom of the government, or
labors of Lloyd George, has passed
Its second reading' in the house of
commons, and Is now undergoing the
test of minute dissection in commit
tee. So far : the criticisms are on
detailed matters only, of adminis
tration. . and ' possible , extension.'
Neither on th Benches or .tne gov
ernment or the opposition is sny
found venturing to obstrutt its pas
sage, t f,--:,
In the United States Louis D.
Brandels of Boston delivered the
In his - replies he 1 other, day, at the National Confer
ence or cnarities ana : uorrections,
an address which Is an appeal to
statesmen and philanthropists which
surely cannot be either ignored or
forgotten. . -
"We have learned," said he, "that
financial dependence , among .the
wage-earners is due. In .large partt to
sickness,' accident. Invalidity, super
annuatlon or unemployment, or to
premature death of , the breadwinner
of the . family. Contingencies like
these, referred to in the individual
case as a misfortune, are now recog
nized as ordinary incidents of the
lives of the wase-earneroJjad einca
our existing Industrial system is con
verting an ever-Increasing percent
age of the population into wage-earners,
the need" of providing indemnity
against financial Iobsos t from . such
ordinary contingencies la the work"
lng man's life has become apparent
So sickness and deatnt benefits and
methods of compensation for acci
dents have been resorted to. .
. "But this partial working men's
Insurance has served mainly lnouak
lng clear, tho need ;of a. comprehen
sive system which shall' extend pro
tection, also to ; the wage-earner : in
case of invalidity, superannuation or
unemployment, and to the widows
and orphans left helpless by th pre-
m th following Interesting- not of
the conditions prevailing In that part
or Tunnan which i adjoins British ter
ritory. . . - , . .
Tormerly any dirty 1UU cubicle
serred as a achoolroom, and a crowd of
unkopt tyoungatara, prealded over by
an 111-pald. bespectacled pedagogue, pro-
ducal appalling discord by reciting, at
tha top of their voice and each at a.
different-ky, pas sages from the classics.-
Now ona enter a epacloua, wU
lighted room, with orderly row of
daaka, whr alt th boys poring more
or Mas silently over thair taaka. ' Only I
riv years ago a Yunnan girl who
could read waa a rarity, on who oould
Dotn read and 'write a phenomenon.
Now In avary town on or more build'
inga bear outside the legend In Chine e.
-jciementary ecnooi ror aina. and any
morning on may. met bvie of llttl
maldena bouna thither.': elad tn long,
dark bin gowns, and their balr fn neat
ly plaited queue. None but girl with
natural feet ar admitted to thes
achoola, a aenalbla rul wlTlch th of
flclals are determined to maintain. - For
tha foot binding cuatom la dying In
Tunnan. There are two almpl reaaons
for thla. , la the first place, non of tha
woman or tha hill,, tribes, who are re
garded as savagea by the Chinese, bind
their reet Again, all ramlllea with anr
pretention to eoclal rank own One or
two alava glrla, who strict custom
baaed on convenience, demands ahould
go barefooted. If, therefore, th Tun
naneae mother, continue to practice
roan finding. It la chiefly with th Idea
of distinguishing bar daughters from
ner nanamaids.
Great Talne of the , Wxncka.
' Of all tha blrda that further: the Wei
far of trees, writes F. E. L. Boat, Vof
the united Btatea biological - survey,
woodpeckera are the most Important
The value of their .Work, in dollars and
cent la impossible to calculate. Dr.
A. D. Hopkins, of tha bureau of ento
mology, haa said that the annual loas
from Inaect work on forest treea
amounts to at least tl00.000.600. and
the woodpecker is king among the en
mla of ,:inect ;pats. s' :'.v'""-;i ;:
Persona who have aeen theae active
fllttl creatures upside down on the bark
of a. tree they were tapping may have
wondered how the birds could maintain
themselves In all positions. But nature
haa attended to that, and haa equipped
tne woodpecker apcialiy for his busi
ness. . Tha lege of these bird are ahort
and atout, and the toea are furnished
with atrqng, aharp clawa. With one ex-
hear Owen I-iOreJoy apeak.. Ha spoke reason of an unused ocean highway,',
of tha Dred Scott decision which to a hey must not complala when the peapl
certain extent aaUblished alavary all ef tha Interior aeek rlUf at tb bands
ever th United SUtea, th deolalon of th eommlaaion." .... '
being ta the interest of th alave hold- An authority an tbla complex subject
ar. ; - . ef rate baa made the following oom-
, Tb lata d eclat on la th Standard Oil parlaon: The distance betweeh Seattle
case ta In the Interest of trusts and d Spokane la Its roll by th Great
combines, they have taken thav place of Northern: by the Northern Paclfie SI9
pi . alava holdere. , Xxrjoy'a adylc rallea; by. the Oregon 4c Washington
was to keen the Renubllcan nartv In (via Portland), about S mllea. In.
power until th old Judge die oft At lord to do any buslneea between S-t
that tlm thr court waa divided. newlatUa and Spokane. ' each , road rauat
there ta only on Judg with the people, charge tb aame rate or far. , -
the reat are with the Interest. I . What would happen under a strict
It appeara that when they assumed I oontrucuon or tft long and ahort Haul
thr JeglalaUv part of th government etaueeT Certainly the shortest line
they would aend congressmen - and Ink the low eat rat, and there
members of the senate noma.. - . by aecur all th bualnes. t What
' Thar ta but one way eut of the mat- woul1 .happen toeoaat-trefflo -with
ter and that is to call a national on- " Mtonaapolla, SU
ertltufnnat kammMIim anal mAnn a wtmm Paul, Omaha and Kansas City Br Com-
constltutlon. Tbe judge ar assunvj P1'. mk5'5 Bndep ,tVew,,?
constitutional that Is not aitlafactory wnlcB hjSd tha ehortat line
to tb Interests. - ' , i . " vi
inaunuco a an uiia ni( uiv tmfat
rat In nearly all tranaaetlona governs
th purchase, Seattle would oonsecroeat
ly los two or thr competing mar-
keta In which to buy; and tha convers
would ba equally true on or more ef
th eastern eltlea would lea Seattle's
The argument . for more ships is
timely, becauae, without them, the ten
dency la toward a strict application of
the statute, placing the coast cities at
a disadvantage, it ia a matter inat
A brother of Owen Lovejoy- dltd
a ' newspaper at a point oppoalta St
Leula In 1111 and waa killed and his
presses destroyed" because he -waa op
posed to slavery. .;,"--; ..-I '
Ills Lafayette's Xmbrallav ,v j
From Norfolk Landmark.
Mrs, Roawell R. Boes, -wife of a
chaplain In the United States navy.
now atattnnad. In thai NArTntlr naw van
has a novel rello of an umbrella , pre-1 merits tha cloaat atudy of erery mar.
Cnani, suniUHiunr aura au m,r v.u-
News. Forecast
aented b tha cltT of Soaton tn Tfav.
ette In 1824. It is probably en of the J sen on the Paelflo slppev
Mat and most axpennve modal ef that
period. Mrs. Hoes, In showing her
heirloom, always dwalla on our modern
departure from tha waya of the early
fathera. "Think of a great city." aald
Mrs. Hoes, "presenting to the president
a. W aa.t.aa .. . . A
like Lafayette auch a trTvw'effenrl "Washington, t). Jun. 1T-Praldant
"-rtlf SI ..'-r.-.a and Mra Taft will celebrate their allvar
. -V . ,7" .T, . '. ".r"" wedding, the twenty-fifth anniversary
" I r th.i, n.i, -1 tha TTnnaa
assortment or auver that would Sut the r .1" ZZ2 "1
roval mat at Windsor on nt k. .. I Monday. They are planning to, make
nlng. But Boston, in 1824 . presented an
umbrella." ;. , -C-.- ,:.'.;-.
It la built' on fat. aubstantlaL renu-
ine whalebone ribs, something lmpoa-
slble to obtain now. The points are of
line ivory, now yellow aa a - daffodil.
and the handle ia ivory, quaintly earved
and Inlaid with gold and allver. On the
handle la the head of Lafayette -delicately
chased, and about th allver rim
at tha extrm end of th handle la In
scribed, ; "TO our nation's guest"
Knights of the Round Table.
. The first establishment of an order
of xnigntnood ia or great antiquity.
Among the earliest of the European-na
tlon a history notes, in some form or an
other, the inatltutlon of an order of
chivalry, lta members conatltuting the
hlguest dignitaries of state. In' Beeklng
for the origin, of thla cuatom, we are
led back to tbe feudal ages, and the
commencement of the period of knight
hood, as we Understand v It, may be
placed at the. beginning of the tenth
century.. From the twelfth to the four
teenth century It had a great influence
la refining the manners of most of tha
natlona -of Europe. . - -. : .. . :
If not' the oldest, at least the moat
Interesting of the orders of knight
hood, waa the Knlghta of the Round Ta
ble. The earliest mention w have 'of
this order Is in Goeffrey of Monmouth.
fnrthsr trastttto-imada by Wace,Iln
116B, occur hat two snort linea!-; -jy.
"F lrat Arthur la roonde Table .
Don't Brltona dlent matnta fable."
Layamon comes -close upon tha' heels
of Waeer! and In Roman -de Brut
expand this simple statement and gives
the story of th carpenter coming to
th king and proposing to make a table
at which th high ahould be-even with
th low, and ao rivalries and blood
shed' toe bencef orth nrevntd. ( -
There aeems to be some unauthen-
tlca ted ..connection . between thla ; order
and the legend of the Holy Grail and
Layamon clalma f or th carpenter tha
Idea of representing tha table used by
our Savior at th last supper. Layamon
thua describes the crafty workman's
meeting with the king: '-v ., jk,
"Hall. Arthur, nobleat of kinga. I am
thine own man. I know of treeworksi
(carpentry). I . heard say, beyond tha
, (bat. thy knlghta generally, flgbt at
thy board: on midwinter's day many
fell, -or their mlckl prld wrought
murderoua play, and. for their high lin-
n men wouia DO Wltnin. ' tlut-1 Will
work the a board exceeding fair that
moreai may ; au sixteen hundred and
more, i ao that hone may be without.
And when thm wilt ride thou may est
carry u win tne ana aet it wher thou
wilt and then thou needeat never fear,
to the world's end. that' aver anv tiMn a
knight at thy board may make fight, for
mci a ana.ii ina nign OB even With the
row. . -, . . ; i.-'W'i' rfV;'.:':!
j Timber .waa brouaht and thav
begun. In four ; weeka time tha work
was oompieiea. , xnen Arthur - uim.
moned all ftla knights. : All aorta were
there and they were all seated, the high
With th low. ThiB la the bearlnnlna- nt
"f legenas regarding the InatU
tution of tha Order of tha RamA
i Arthur .waa crowd kin, A .i--aJ
ir.M,;.iM iraternlty . of
knlghta .that he created conatsted of
rour ana twenty, or whom ha waa nhi
The table contrived by the eannM.'
according to traditions, hangs up In th
castle of Winchester, wber they used
to meet th tlm of their metln hai
The object of thla order waa "t
tect and defend . widows; maldena . mtA
cniiuranj relieve me aiatressed, main
tain the Christian faith, protect pi!
sruna, . aavance nonor and aunnraaa
vice." Upon any complaint mad to
me aing oc injury or oppression, ana nt
thesa knlghta, whom ha klnar ahnnM
appoint. waa to revenge tha same. And
further, every knight waa expected to
perform and instruct young lords and
gentlemen In th exercise of arms. , -
Tomorrow OrJer of the Garter. . i
it an event Of Importance, especially
to their relatlvea and intimate rrienda.
The president baa Invited SO of his boy
hood friends to attend the celebration. A
a-avHan nartv at thm Whit Hnuaa will
be a leading feature Of th featlvttiea. -
Praaident Taft Will attend the Tale
commencement on Wadneaday and the
next day he will apeak at the conven
tion of the New York Bankera associa
tion at Manhattan Beach. It la Prob
able that on Friday be will take a trip
on the Mayflower to Fall River to at-
tend tha celebration there of th on
hundredth anniversary of the establish
ment 4f the eotton manufacturing In
dustry in New England.
The attention of the world win be
centered Thursday , on Weatmlnster Ab
bey, where King George and Queen Mary,
will be orowned with all the elaborate
and splendid ceremonies that have at
tended almllar event for ages. Aalda
from , the coronation there will be , a
aucceaslon of brilliant ceremonies and
pageants that will combine to make tbe
week in London on ever to be remem
bered. , The , chief event : of - the weak
may be summarised as follows: '
Monday Arrival of th royal guests
and official representatlvea from all
parta of th world. .: !-.
v Tuesday Tbe king: and queen will
give a state; banquet at 'Buckingham
1 Wednesday-The Duke of Connaught
will give a dinner at St. Jamea' palace.
.Thursday Their majesties will drive
in state from Buckingham palace to '
Westminster abbey for the coronation
Friday Their majestlea will make a
progress to the city and through a por
tion of South London.
Saturdays Thelr majeatlea, with the
royal gueata and . foreign envoys, will
go to Portsmouth for a great, review
of the fleet off Splthead. ' . '
The notable-con ventlona of the week
will Include the sessions of the North
American Baptist : convention and the
Baptist World Alliance, in Philadelphia;
the annual ' meeting of the ' National
Association for tlie Study and Preven-' "
tlon of Tuberculosis, in 'Denver; the
thirteenth triennial convention ef tha
International Sunday School association,
In San Francisco; the thirdty-thlrd na-- "
tlonal aaengerfest of tha-North Ameri
can aaengerbund, In Milwaukee; the an
nual meeting of the Canadian Press a.- -
soclatlon. In Toronto, and the aecond
annual convention of the Intermountaln'
uooa noaas s association, in Pocatolia. ' -
Idaho. . . . ;