THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL), PORTLAND, ' SUNDAY MORNINOl JUNE 13, 1811. Rfnro First nf Mftnth 3fit Por- mits' Are Issued, Calling for., ! Value of $776,440; Equals Last. Year's'.. Figures. V : : v. Bulldlnf operations In Portland con tlnue.oe a memif leant ecele.- At. the cloee of ' bvelneee Thuradar leat-tht I sued atnee Jan 1, calling for the e pendltore of I7TM40. In Jane.. 1110, prtnlte were lieued, valued at II. IV. lit, maklnf tha tout for, tha year . to data, lt.4T6.IH. Whan tha generally "quiet aondltlon of tha country la takan Into oonalderatloo, tbta ehowlnr - of Portland la Itttla ahort of remarkable. It wlU bo. aaaa that for tha half month ending laat Thuredey, parmlta n Been laauad equaling luet about ona half of tha total for Juno, 1110, when new. construction In Portland waa uppoaed to bo at tha yery craat of tha wava.. 004 far thle. year Portland 1a ; nearly Il.0d0.800 ahead of tha first five and ona half montha of laat yeafe build ' tag raoord, - -, . .- . . ' ' Xaapeoter-a Vredlctloa, I v ' Building Inapaetor Horace E. , PInra mar U confidant that thla lead will be ; maintained for several montha. He doea not look ror a marked falling off before (December,-which moath laat year broke all records, new construction to the ,, value of more than 14.000.009 having ' bean authorised by Derm It. . P. Hi , X 1 H - - ili . lW.-W i i Ba 1 ' ' ,.'imT"" .iiii inrmmni,. w,''- . , , V ,IBMSaBaBJBJSJBJBJSJBJBJMBMa1aOJSJSJSraWBBBBBBMB ' HOT tAKE, 0B.(: PLANS: IDEALS COO LI LD1NG ti. Reeldence of Mrg.' D. II. Jones, Eaat Twenty-ninth and 8kWmore atreeta, Alameda Park. MUNICIPAL ISSUES : KEEP SEATTLE'S INTEREST: FROM LAGGING Dirty Lineo ot rollce Department Is to Be Aired Agula Taxpayera Have Chance Thla Week to Spend $ .. ' 000,000 City Lighting Plant May ReJnce Coat to Conaamcr Mayor Dill lug Rnna Folic Depart- - ment to Solt Himaelf Unlveralty of .Washington Tonu Out Girl Star. ' ' (BpecUl DUpatHk it J Jcmntl. Baatue, waan.. The blocks : surrounding the Olda. .w " . ttS rVT.r k... a-- . - ' . . i giejiia wwmm eaa aaa aaaaa vwa aa aaee waa Sprtman A Ktnr block hare developed 0-TOl(1 ot . atartllng-news featurea. al tnto a atorm center of.acUvlty. . , though It waa an event In the Uvea ot investor Busy. . in young men and women who grad- It la probably no exaggeration To aay I uated from . Washlngton a educational that every lot In the four block a aur- center. Tbla la the largeet , elaaa the rounding the big O..W. K. atructure la InatltnUon has turned out The baooa being aought by numerous tare tore, laureate sermon waa delivered by Mayor speculators and would-be lessees. Oil- "'"u" ul. '"""'V . bert H. Durham cloaed a deal laat week w wuowea ny we neuai for-a I0.year leaee on the Hume-Ham-1 "remonlea. Ten poet graduate students lltAn nroBertv mt thm nnrt1..f Mni. recuvea aegreea m mur t ri w Of Tenth and Alder. Under the lease contract Mr. Gilbert Is to pay 1100 a month renUl for the first five years with . hiereaeee at the end of each five aclence. In tha large class of gradu ates there waa one girl who left behind her a record of achoIasMo work that has " been equalled but three tlmea la the 60 years' history of the university, year perloat until the monthly rent There were 11 other members who won amounts to izouu, wnien is ine amount distinction by graduAUng with "cum q oe paia ror mo laamve years, it is Maude honors, but Mlsa Dorothy Clark probable that a six-story buslnees build-. lng will be erected on the lot with a foundation to carry a 10 or II story . structure. Tout frtory BoOdlag. ; dJtrong "Broa are completing four atory building. on the quarter block at the northeast corner of Tenth and Alder - and one block to the east, the Woodard Clark Drug company wWl soon begin the erection of a seven story structure for , Its own occupancy. On Morrison . street between 'West Park and Tenth, opposite the big depart ment store, negotiations are In progress which may lead sto a change In the Mason far outstripped her fellow stu dents And left the university with "magnb cum laude." Miss Mason Is daughter of Rev. H. C Maaon of Seat tie, pastor of the Unlversltly Co ut ra tional church. During her four years at the university she has never passed In a subject lower than the highest grade an Instructor can give. Miss Mildred Lorlnx. also a Seattle girl, who has another year to serve prior to grad uation. Is said to have broken echolastlo records of the university. The figures In the recorder's office show that In the three years this young woman has at- pltal haa a new building and the site of the old structure la Ideal for an art building. However, many votero ques tion the advlalblllty of spending so large a sum for this purpose when the city's preeent great Indebtedness la considered. e e The appointment of Frank ftetsoa as chief -of the fire department came as something of a surprise. Mr. Stetson has made tola home In thla city for a number of years, having left Mlnneap- olla. where be waa chief for many years. In 1890. Mr. Stetson Is In comfortable circumstances now, and did not seek the position. . He was picked by Mayor Dllllng - on the suggestion and recom mendation of a number of Stetson s friends, who knew how well he managed the Mlnneapolla department Stetaon la widely known among the fire ehlefa of the country. He failed or. reelection In Minneapolis because he was a poor pol itician, and this was taken by- Mayor Dllllng as one of Stetson's beet recom mendations, as the mayor wants the department freed from politics and disciplined. If a bill recommended by committee Is pasaed by the. city council, Seattle will lower the preeent rates for aleo- trio lighting In churches and residences from m cents per kilowatt hour to T cents. The proposed ordinance makea no change in the price of electricity In the business district or In the coat of power. The following rates will apply, providing the council concurs, to churches and residences: For the first 24 months, 7 Cents per kilowatt hour up to a total consumption of kilowatt houra per month. For all.' over 00 tended the university she has , never rvealTed a rrada lesa than tt out of a ownership of the entire half block. The Ipoealble 100, this done while pursuing westward march of buainess along Alder the most difficult studies.: and Morrison haa already caused sen- j e e satlonal advances In property values on After nearly three weeka of the Wap- thoae streets and thoSe In touch with Inenateln trial. Seattle facea the ordeal the eltuatlon look for a greater activity I of more of the same airing of municipal j kilowatt hour consumption la a month' In that district before the end ot the linen. The prosecutor haa decided to i the coat is reduced to' cents up to so year. (retry trie recent case on wnion tne jury kilowatts per montn ana e oenis inere- : ITew Structure Mesned. I disagreed, in which tne rormer enter oi latter. The preaent rate wnicn may ne m, ... police was accused of accepting a ioce changed is: Flrat, to kilowatt hours, as. ..v. a ,.. i m bribe for, allowing C. . Gerald and l gu cents: second. 20 kilowatt hours, TH vacant corner at Fourth and Washing- Lv:i.. 1. iZll ". i' . T."' I 1 " ...'.7., " . ' " ST.f.irtt nLStMuV Postponed to allow a retrial ot the flrat . oppoaed by aome of the council and for an eight story fireproof building to I k.h.wi h. tn. .tmnr. i .v.- i....t d.k.i. oe erected on inac sua - I h. w,niwni,in'i rmm. I .. .,, , win in - v Am- - m: V- .1 ,1 i I - - " . " . - . ,".T . V. ) sel Is making a strong plea ror a cnange flcjt in hla department re formed by tne junction or washing- of nue, alleging that a fair trial la ton. Morrison and Ella streets, are pre- impossible before Judge John F. Main, paring to build a "flatlron" structure before whom the first trial was heard covering their holdlnga at that point Thq structure Is . to be a three atory brick, with a, frontage of 140 feet on Washington, 146 feet on Morrison and T feet on Ella street There areto be eight after the court ad denied a motion for a change ot venue. The defense hopea t3 score this time by virtue-of a new state law, which has become effective In the meantime. This law la more ex- storee with solid plate glaaa fronte on I pliclt than the former statute and pro the ground floor, and the. upper floors vldea for the disqualification for preju wiii contain a 41 room hotel The' asti. dice of any Judge. It states that such mated coet of the structure Is $40,000. prejudice can be eattbiisnea by a bo- matrona a hall carry the keys County Building. Z XI: L T"! to the women's ward. The mayor-, posi- ramalnln nortion of thlmli7Ar...'rtV"A:7'ltloa la tht if left unhampered, cwax vner. will al.o build a U. 111 the department to I - w - - Mayor Dllllng Is" consistent In his policy of brooking no interference wtin his control of the polloe department To this end he haa vetoed a bill paased recently by the council providing that no prisoner shall be Interrogated agalnat hla will, that every peraon arrested shall have a public hearing within 48 hours, that no prisoner shall be punlahad for infraction of lall rulea and that On the block the ownera story brick building, wnicn la to have a cannot have a fair trial. The previous frontage of fit feet on Washington effort to disqualify Judge Main waa on street, 4S feet on Morrison and Ot. feet tne ground that the latter Is a member on Stout This atructure will be similar Df tha Flrat Preabyterian church, ot to the Gordon-Korell building and win which Rev. M. A. Matthews Is pastor, be so arranged that the two structures Dr. Matthews having made a public a higher state of efficiency than It haa aeen In the past. -' e. e City Engineer R. H. Thomson haa been granted a leave of abaenoe to go to Washington. D. C.. for the purpose ean be connected and rented to one ten- itatentent aocepUng the reaponalbillty ?' Pr"""!.1" to V ant There will be seven store rooms In of bringing William J. Burna to Seattle "r. ,Ti 17th. hiTh-Vt thi. building and tt room, on the up- to clean 5 toa ,n. Furthe the dj- Jg VlAJK ufiSl "Z, Brid,.. Wehhe, nave SiSS. Si Country, ha. heretofore been In the habit drawn plans for a two story brick build- longed to tne same congregation, juage lng to be erected by the county at the Main aemea tne mouon in nron " Poor Farm and to be used as .a nurses' suage. It Is believed In some-circles dormitory. . The house will be 40x7t that It might be as well for the state feet and will contain 14 bed rooms and to agree to a change of venua The Olll- of taking frequent out of the city trips as consulting engineer and thereby earn ing considerable pocket money. So much objection haa been raised that he no longer does as he pleases. However. In the preeent caee the request was made by the commercial organisations and as Thomson has made a etudy of the Washington canal, he Is expected to win the ease before the department It ap pears that the war department Is not certain that the government Is protected against elalma for damages and Thorn- eon will attempt to ahow that the city and county have given ample, guarantee. The Seattle Chamber of Commerce has elected for the third successive term J. D- Lowman as Its president Mr. Low man la a suooeeeful banker, manu facturer and above all a publlo spirited cltlsen. . In reviewing the year's work ne-stated that the chamber had not simply worked for Seattle but hadteo- o grilled the claims of other cities, re ferring particularly to efforts made In behalf of San Francisco In the fight for the Panama Expos tlon. During the laat year the chamber haa added 404 new members. e e The new law limiting to eight houra ths working day for women la alao about to bo tested. The first arrest for Its violation la that of the superintend ent of. a paper box factory in Seattle and that tt will be taken to the higher courts is certain as both sides are de termined to get a ruling that will stand. Thoae not In sympathy with the measure assert that throughout the ranks of womea wage earnara there la dissatisfac tion while on the other hand it is de clared that the women are practically unanimous of having the law enforced. Leber leaders stats they welcome the test oase and assert their belief that the oourt will knock out that section exempting establishments engaged in harveatlng. packing, ouring, canning and drying certain perishables and uphold the law as it a tends with this excep tion. Thirteen Honor Students at O. A. C. OregonAgrioultural College, Corral - fl T . ... . AW. , vr., una j. i j iiu.r mm new aye tern of giving honorable mention to atudenta who have shown prominence In scholarship and student activities, 12 honor men and women were announced at the O. A. C commencement ex ercises by President Kerr. Honor atudenta from the echool of agriculture were Orlando B. Hardy, Bend, and Dor rla 8. Toung. Sherwood; from the de partment of domeatle aolenoe and art Minnie Price, Kings Valley; from the fnnatr uhnAl HMnM J IThlw North Yakima, Wash.; in civil engineer ing. Joseph L. McAllister, TamhllL and Leroy C. Rullrson. Salem; In electrical engineering, Albert P. Gibson, Ontario; in mechanical engineering, William K. Taylor, Oregon City, and Joseph B. Toder. Hubbard; in mining engineer ing, Clarence uoya Jamison, Fairbanks, Alnska; In commerce, B. B. Lemon, Grass Valley, and Iva B. MoQlnnla, Cor vallis; and in pharmacy, Vernon j. Brown. Corvallla. ether necessary apartments. PANAMA CANAL WAS BARGAIN AT $40,000,000 (Dotted Press Lsaeed Wlre.' , Washington, June 17. Contrary to usual custom. Uncle Sam. who general ly Insists on full knowledge of values before making a purchase, bought the French Panama canal property, and then . ascertained Its , Value afterward. 1 The ' appraisal has Just been . completed by : a epeclal board, and their report has the approval of Colonel George W. Goethala, engineer . In charge of canal ' construction. . The French company was paid 140, 000,000 for Its property and work done on the isthmus. This figure waa based upon estimates of the Isthmian canal commission, ana tne latest report snows that tne united states got a car gain. The total valuation of the purchase is now declared to have been $42,709, ,26. .--, v.- : - : Thi. sum is made up of .the follow ing items: Excavation toward the ca nal, 125,889,240; Panama railroad stock, 1 9 , 6 4 4, 4 3 0, : maps, v draw lng and record a, 12,000,000; material and equipment,' $2,112,062; buildings, '.$2,034,203 ; lands, $l,DOO.O00; use. of Pacific ship canal, $500,000, and roadmaking and clearing, $100,000- i'v Vct" r Li',-. vv;'.;;... Y.:'K:- v The previous estimates were" based en the excavation, for which $27,474,033 was allowed; ; Panama ' railroad stock, $8,950,000; maps and records. $2,000.- 000,. and ' then $3,000,000. Waa added to Wappenatetn faotlon Is strong In Seat tle, and It is argued that It will be dif ficult to secure 13 men who are utterly unbiased. A rumor hag been In circu lation that the recent Jury had two man on it who were friendly to Wap- pensteln, but what ground there Is for this statement is not, Known. :' ''. s . . . It Is generally believed Paget sound ports will Witness a strike of longshore men, following the meeting here this week of the Paclflo Coast Association of Lone-shoremen. Since 1908. when the shipowners - decisively defeated the stevedores, the open shop haa prevailed here. It coat the -owners a large sum to down the men at that time, and the owners now have a strong organisation. They have received delegations from the Longshoremen's . association, out tne owners are firm In the declaration that they will not officially "onl the union. -' .They deny tnat tney aiocrinu nate against union men, and that com plaints have been made about the meth ods of handling cargo here. However, they .are firm in their declaration not to - recoa-nlse ' the union, i ns men ar? equally determined and they have been conaervtng their munitions of war for three years. There is little likelihood of a compromise. '"'. Seattle is to enjoy Its Jourth election for the current year, to take place on September I, when the issuance of more than $2,000,000 ot municipal bonds wlU be ' submitted 'to- the eieotorau xnese HI Include 3500.000 for the purchase of a site tor an art. museum, authorised by Initiative petition; and $1,000,000 to cover omissions. . The new estimates re- J-,, the cost of condemnation Of land due the allowances for excavation and for the railroad stock, and cut out the lump allowance.;: In addition,; allow ance is made for lands, and the advan tages -resulting from the work done by the French eompany,"':::"; K?' '-JJV:: 0 r Likes the Cgonl! Plan... ; , ' The Ohio legislature has, passed the . Wyman bill providing for the Oregon plan of electing United States Senators through a state wide primary in each - party. ' ' " - f- ' In , the Cedar . river watershed in Order that the source of the city's water sup ply may be adequately protected.: These condemnation oases are now on trial in the superior court Land It Is possible that .the original estimate of $3.0 50.01) 0 may be cut In halt The proposition to spend half a million for an art, museum site ; has been, up . for many, montha Advocates Of the . plan desire to pledge the city 'to purchase the site of the old Providence hospital on the nrat hill cloae to the business center. - The hoe Richest Soil Lowest Prices fin't that a wmbination WORTH WHILE? . t Especial when there isn't ANY FINER or MORE PRODUC TIVE soil in the northwest. ' And furthermore there isn't anyone 1oo poor but that, by exer cising a little thrift, he can get one of our matchless BEAVER HOMES tracts at REDLAND. .. ' :.' ' . . i ' It is an hour's run from Portland near Goble, Or., on the Colum bia river. Rail and WATER COMPETITION gives smallest known freight rate. ' 4 Plenty of FINE WATER on every, tract, GOOD SCHOOL there, handy to churches, to stores, to town. - Good county road through BEAVER HOMES. Splendid road to Portland. Ideal for fruits, vegetables and poultry. It is a new district towards which Portland will soon be looking for produce. Even if you have only $75 or $100 saved and can spare from $8, to a month you can get one of our 5, 10, 15 you can get as much as 40 acres if you wish. $12 a month you can get one of our 5, 10, IS or 20 acre tracts. - Ur yc ; Charpitting, the new economy land clearing 'process, is being . used by us in the development of this new logged off district and that is what makes it a poor man's chance. ' '. Don't let this chance get by you." , . . ... - v r" i Come in right away and see us about it Wewant you to see: the Jand. , - u . r 4 ' v-- ' - F. B. Holbrobk Go. 214 lunber Exchange : t . S0eil DtteeMk Tee loeraeLI r V7 ' Salem. OrM June IT. What Is an Ideal school bulldlagt - Architects, teachers apd hobbyists of Oregon, Hot Lake's boosters want your Idnaa" Walter it. fierce of Union county haa written to State, Superintendent . Alderman asking his Ideaa and also stating (hat he wante archltecte and. others of the state to offer plana' .. ; . , ' ".' At the ' Hot Ike resort near La Orande, where there Is abundance of hot water, school, people are going to have hot house agriculture on an ex tenelve seal a Natural hot water wlU flow, through the enclosure. . i ' If those Interested care te write Su perintendent Alderman their plena may figure not only In the Hot Lake Ideal school but In an Idsal school for state fair grouada In Salem. In the felr grounda school there would probably be no actual echool unices the city of Salem care to arrange to use tt, but the plant would be built' and equipped for eihlblt Durpoeee, While the pree ent spproprlatlons are not sufficient for a fair grounds school house the mat ter will be taken up with the fair board and an effort will be made to get the necessary appropriation from the next legislature. In the meantime Hot Lake district will probably have erected Its model school. ' ' ' . , i - ' Phralcal Cnltnre Summer Topic. "i ISperUf DNrtrk t'TM Joaraal.i - University ot Oregon, Eugene, Or., June IT. The registrar of the Univer sity of Oregon announces sn addition to the schedule of studies announced for the summer session.. ThJs will be a serlee of lectures on the teaching of hygiene and gymnastics and physical culture given by Dr. Bertha Stewart, director of the Woman's - gymnasium. Dr. Stewart haa had charge of the gym nasium work In the university for two years, and has succeeded la ehancfnf one of the most he ted compulsory eut Jecte to one of the moot popular. wSBMHBaaBesflBBBsMaaeBSBaBMBBSMMMwiMws Den Bingham Sued for Divorce, 1 - ISpmUI Wplr te W J-irl Eufun, Or, June 17 Mrs. , Ida H. Bingham, of thla city, haa sited her husband, Benjamin 8. Bingham, sen ef ex-State Senator I. H. Bingham, for di vorce es the ground of cruet and In human treatment . She alleges that through - their married life of tbr-e years he haa been Intoxicated many times, causing her great humiliation and misery. She aske for Jilt e month ali mony to aupport' tbeir eon, Beldea, egeJ about two yeara ' Bootlegger Gets S Pays. " Eugene. Or., June IT Circuit court adjourned yesterday and the Jurymen have gone home. The laat case waa that of the stste va Walter E. King, charged With bootlegging. . A Jury was secured te try him, but he changed his plea of ot eulltv to sulltv and was ' given a aenience ox is ors in uie tonmj jau. LYIXLYLE-LYLE LYLE LYIXYLE--LYLE LYLE for an Advertisement? Everybody read advertising. The public s the best judge of advertising thl$ is proven by the fact that the best advertising brings the most results. We Want to Buy Advertising Ideas and Will Pay for Them WE WILL PAY $25.00 for best advertisement submitted in accordance with this offer. , $10.00 for second best advertisement submitted. Five prizes of $5.00 each for the five next best ads submitted. Anybody May Compete Anybody May Viri 'Ideas count, not technical construction. Sit down and write an ad such as you would write if you had the management of our Lyie advertising fundan ad which would appeal to you, catch your attention, arouse vour interest, create your desire and urge you into action in buying a lot in Lyie. The following features of Lyie will prove of assistance in preparinf yotrr ad. Lyie is located on the main line of the S. P. & S. R. R. the North Bank Road 5 miles east of Portland. It js located on the Columbia "River, has splendid rail and water transportation f a c i 1 ities and ships its products all over the west. The above statements are The townsite of Lyie was laid out originally over 20 years ago a mortgage withoctrelease clauses has held back its development. Now Lyie is open and its progress is remarkable, even in this country of progress. facts. All advertising to be Lyie is the only ship ping point for a larrs area ot choke fruit, grain and timber lands ; it has tremendous electric pow er right at its gates; h offers splendid opportuni ties to homeseekers, in vestors, manufacturers and farmers, v successful must be truthful. No entrance fee, no catch, no joker in this offer. We want your ideas, and ARE willing to pay for them. ; . ;-i CONTEST CLOSES JULY 1, 1911 - AWARDS MADE JULY io, 1911 Decision as to prices, etc, to be made by committee of advertising ex perts, members of the Portland Ad Club, whose decision shall be final Call, telephone Qr write for full details of Lyie Ad Contest,' and for illus trated booklets, etc:; oh which to base your advertising ideas. ' v , KEASEY, HUMASQN & JEFFERY Dealers In Land SECOND FLOOR CHAMBER OF C OMMERCE BUILDING, PORTLAND Active development work at Lyie Is under full headway. Street are being graded, ' cement sidewalks laid, water system soon to be installed; new buildings going up. e. - i:j j i , t , , f inn . coon apicnum uausmai cuy wiu De iocar.ea mc iyie, reDorn may a, ioil. . NEBRASKANS BUY IN FATES ADDITION 17 Sales Made the Past Week 12 Were Made to Omaha Parties ... . . , .. , .,$M Have You Seen This Beautiful Addition? Come Out Today and convince your self what the REAL VALUES ARE Cfood surroundings, wide streets, wide parkings, building restrictions, fine fruit and large lots. STREET IMPROVEMENTS Ordinance approved by council. Work; will be started at once. Bull Run water, now in. PRICES $450 -$500 UP " 10 CASH, 2 PER MO. K: " Take Alberta can to Ainsworth Avenue Walk 4 short blocks east to our office "BANK IN. PORTLAND REALTY". TATE INVESTMENT MARSHAllL 284 . OWNERS . 601-2 COUCH BUILDING i .L' . v. 5 ?- ,