The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 18, 1911, Page 13, Image 13

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' r ?' O I-AGED ' .
l i ... .......
Sec Addlllonol Advcrtlacmcnt Pane 7, Section SrNcw Forcli ScatsOrder 'Vudor? Porcti SEindco, Hnmmocko by Mol
Automatic Rcfrlgcratoro, Ice Chcoto, Flrclcoo Cookcra, Goo Plates, Tcnta, Camping Outflto, Window and Door Screen?
. . . ..
S4.00 Auto Veils for S2.48
$2.25 Lace Veils Now 98c
Auto Veill of the best qual
ity chiffon i doth, 2 yard
long and 1 yard wide, hem
stitched all around; every
wanted shade. Our regular
$4 valuea, ape- CO AQ
cial tomorrow Viw
500 Lace Veils, In brown;
black.. navy and white; lyi
and Z. yards long-,' in .many
striking , patterns' for 'your
election;' our regular val-
Mea to $275, special QQ
at' tljia price each OU
$1.25 Nech wear Now 67c
88.50 Hand Bags for $4.98
All new atylea In big, flow
ing Fichua, Collarettea, Ja-
bota. CaacaxM. Stoeka. etc;
in net Uwxl reoiat, etc.!
iour regular ralnca to $1.25,
ofered apecial to- CH
S morrow at only, taehvl 1
300 Handbags,, 10 and 12
inch size, plain and novelty
atylea, aoede and calf atock,
aome fitted with Coin puree
etc.; valaea Hp to $8.50,
pedal aale at JJ QQ
low price of, ea. iryp.
QlLol' 01? Is vQpavSniflT Us- to .tlie Coast aodt to fltie IVilOTUinttaiSiri
nJrirKJ "tirUfZ..
TO) n inrtinii ifkil1
The Newest
Up to 011.9S
The newest idea in Waists, the "Racquet,"
made of sheer quality Irish linen, with sailor
collars of plain linen ; also with silk collars
and cuffs, with patent leather belt, box plaited
front and., back, just like illustra- y if
tion ; linen color or white, $8.50 val. e9 1 0
G9.50 Values 08.45
$12.50 Embroidered Robes for $6.37
ISO rery fine quality Batiste Embroidered Robes, containing 3
yards of 45-inch, flouncing, with bands and plain material to match
to complete the dress. Colors are white, pink, blue, gray and
champagne. Very attractive designs. Reg. $12.50 (gx' yj
yalues. Specially priced for this sale now at only XjmOi
Womcn'o Belts
S1.25 Values 48c
Thousands of Belts, good styles in
odd lines, elastic, kid and novelty
styles, all the newest ideas 4Q
included; values to $1.25 at 40C
Enriprold. Collars
38c Valueo at 15c
150 dozen new style embroidered
Linen Collars, all sizes and heights;
our regular values to 35c, r
very special to close out at 10C
Cottage and SeasfldTe
Dinner Sets, Chlnaware
All week long we will hand oat odd pfecc and open stock Chnawmr and Din
ner Sets for the cottage and seaside. Wa win sell them in eta or aeparate
pieces matched same as white. You should take advantage of that opportunity.;
MeakkVs EnsrHsh Sraircelain.
Fancy shapes of full gold line, with
dainty blue or green border patterns.
50-piece Dinner bets, $5 jjo
values, speaai tms weeic
60-piece Dinner Set, $8.40 A QQ
value, special this week. . er77
100-piece Dinner Sets, ourt JA
$9.95 values, this week ate9f ! c7
lain shape, foil gold line and. em-
Ridinfl Skirts
A complete tock of the neweat and moat
popular atylea. Alao very appropriate for
the mountain a. Scrgee, broadcloths, chev
iots, wool coverta, kahl-ki, lin- Q1 O CA
en and eordurov: oricea $5 to PXOtlU
In 'aergearipanamair cheviots and npvelty
anateriala,' stripe in checks and f different
colora; J-piece' and aldeplaited 01 AQ
atylesr values to 415.00. fori only J I arte
&1.75 Camping
Elan Rets 01.45
Hefgh Hot for the mountains. ' We'll pitch
camp on the highest peak. Must have good,
.warm blankets.1 Here's , a heavy cotton
fleece blanket in tan or gray; M At?
sellera at $175, special
05 Vicuna
The beat of all the good ones for ontilgr use.
The Vicuna is easy to dean, it's a good,
warm blanket for either coast or mountains.
A regular $5.00 value, offered &0 Of?
special during this sale at, pair 0tO
Wool ; BlanReto
3,25 VaL G2.65
' ' . . !
The plain gray ideal tot camping or house
hold use. Hotels and jooming houses might
well lay in a good ?supplyrat these prices;
$3.25 Wool Brr.?rett Only $2.65
$4.00 Wobl BlarJieU Only $3.25
$5.00 Wool BlankeU Only $3.75
27x60 inches, $2.25 values, at $ 1.60
36x72 inches; $3,75, values, at $ 2.05
4x6.' feet,$9.00 values, at $ 6.75
6x9 feetV $14.00 value, special $11.00
9x12 feet; $22.50 value, each, $17.50'
2QOO Yards Embroidery
JFlounclng Q2 Valueo
2000 yards of dainty 27-inch Embroidery
flouncings, in many, select patterns; blind
designs, large and small floral effects, baby
insa pauem, etc. ouiiauic zor irunmmg
any kind of summer garments. "The best
values to $2.00 the yard priced at Q
this very special price fortomorrow 37C
59c I.
I , ' - - 1 - - - W f ' T - . ' .-1 I
"Custom Drapcry Work at
F'ourtli Otf Regular Prices
An opportunity for homebuilders aod apstrtraeat-'
houae devotees to secure their drapertea mffle to
order at a bit: redaction from jour regular low
prices. We have an enviable reputation for high-'
daaa drapery fabrics. Our stock and variety is
second to none. You will find it easy to make
selection, and our expert cutters and aewers will
execute the work with dispatch at Vk OFF
of Summer Apparel
mmenn s
Tomorrow't shoppera will highly ap
preciate our effort to give greater bar
gaina in Dresses than any other store
Many were selected from our regu
lar atock ; 1 others are sample dresses,'
one of a kind, which were bought at
, very advantageous prices The 'mate
rials are foulards taffetas and messa
lines in all the latest shades and moat
pleasing designs- Well-made and perfect-fitting
Values to $35.00 grouped
for speedy selling Spe- (1 y AF
daily priced for this sale 3) iOm7U
of Keep Cool Needs
nnls Mail
S25 Values for S12.50
875 Values for S37.50
Continuation of the great Half-Price
Sale of Suits Tomorrow we will add
many of our regular stock Suits to the
remainder of the thousand suits which
we bought at half the manufacturer's
price This will afford an unusual op
portunity for choosing There's every
wanted pattern and style, made of the
most dependable materials All strict
ly man-tailored, perfect-fitting suits
The prices range from $25.00 up to.
$75.00 each To effect a permanent
clean-up of these fine suits we place
them on sale at ONE HALF PRICE
sing, border patterns, blue and
pink small flower.
60-piece set, $8.83 vakio, for S6.25
60-pieee set, $1LW vahie, for $73)8
100-piece set, oar regn- Mtx
lar $17.90 vahie, ; pnee 0 1Z.4U
AH Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets at
Reduced Prices During This Week
G27 Set Qi7a95
French China, border dftcorated, sold m
seta ooljt, 100 piece f well selected dbhea;
regular $27 vaJmea, aff this Cl'7 QK
week,' your choke Vat only $1 )
French C lilna
In tlie Odd Llneo
We at dosing out odd lines of Deeorated
French China at extra special prices. These
,are. specially suitable for, Sornnw .'homes.
and eactras for entertaining'.: AH this week
we price them at a great earing, as follows :
Bread and Butter Platea. oar CI ilA
regular $1JS values, dozen at P.UV
Bread and Butter Plate. or O'i O CT
regular $2.00 values, dozen at PXUJP
$1.25 dozen, Fruit Saucers at only 80e
$110 . dozen . Bfeakfaat , Platea at ; f 20
$4.00 doen Dinner Plates, at only $2.85
$4.00 docen Teaeops and Sancera, at $2.85
of Royal' Wor
eeoter Corsetb
S3 Valueo gl.49
The Royal Woreester Corset Company, eel'
cbrating its golden anniversary, ietued a
special number in corsets, as a treat to the
women who wear their model. Theae cor
sets are made of Strainer wrigfat batiste
with laoe-trimmed cops and fitted with four
hose supporters; an ideal corset for Summer
wear. A regular jxiu corset, III
offered apecial for this sale at PJLr
AL80 a lot of the famous Mar- CI I O
quiae Corseta, valuea to $3.00, at PXe"
S3. SO Values G2.3S
SIO.OO Vals. gg.4Q
Diacontinued models in the Nemo Corsets,
made of heavy coutil, durable batiste and
lightweight tricot; boned with best quality
boning fitted with many hose supporters.
Regular $10.00 values at $3.40; $5.00 valuea
at $3.45; $4.00 values at $2.94, CO QK
and regular $3.50 values, only OtJ
Moll "WeaHIhieip . Salle olf IFSme Sujnnnunnieip UedeFweaF
50c Underwear 19c
35c Vests Now 29c
Broken sizes and odd lines of the famous
"Merode"-Underwearfvete- and tights i
the medium weight, vests with long or short
sleeves, high or low necks; tight in the. knee'
or ankle. lerigtn j 'regular 50c values, 1 Qn
offered special for this sale, at. only Xil.
Women's Swiss-Ribbed ' Vests ''In the lowri
neck, sleeveless styles, with plain or, OQ
trimmed .yokes; 35c values,' on sale 7V,
Women's Swiss Vests, low-neck sleeveless.
styles, .with crochet or kce - edge; OtZg
also plain yokes; regular 29 .Values itlU
Womens Swiss-Ribbed leats, ' fcwiecIC
sleeveless 'styles, lisle-, or; mercerized, cro
chet or j?lain yokes? splendid .Sum-:-! Afjn
mer ' weights, .special this sale at I V
Women's white cotton -Vests, plain "J ff
or trimmed; 19c' values special -at J-tlU
$1.25 Union Snlton
Special Sale at 98c
Women's fine Swiss-ribbed Union
Suit, knee' length," tight or lace
trimmed; seasonable weight - Our
regflttr $125; values; special QOjv
during this sale at, the suit.eOl
Union Suits' m 'fine quality ribbed
cotton, icne .iengin,.ug or jcc
trimmed; our xbesti regular ?7Qa
98c seHersi special' at, suit
Women's Porosknlt"
Union Suits Now 59c ;
make, tow-neck, sleeveless styles. I
with tight -knee; fine cotton ribbed,
and trimmed in lace. Verr Season-.?'
able hish erade Union Suits, oriced '.-
very ; ipcuai jwr iia uoi fcsj
weather. . During-, this sale OU
:? 1 Hii t it I'h Ui mwm ' ?
Boys' Underwear
75c Values Now 29c
In the Juvenile store, main floor,
a sale of boys' Underwear; shirt
with long or short sleeves; knee or
.ankle-length Drawers. 'Good qual
ity ribbed balbriggan in natural
color. .Regular 50c and 75c OQ
garments, during this sale dvy
Child's Underwear
45c Values for 15c
One big" lot of children's Vesta and.
rrj ; Pants tn odds, and ends and broken
i'nfiii sizes, .lone ori short sleeve "vesta.
yiP? knee or ankle-length pants; 1 K,
t? values ttp to 45c, apecial for XeJv
Complete-lines ox children s high
arrade Underwear of all kinda. low
,. priced for -thi t sale 'tomorrow.
Men's SI Underwear at 69c
$2.00 Union Suits Now $1.29
Great hot-weather aale of men's Underwear,
and drawers; white or tan color; made of
ity dimity, mercerized cotton and CtCkg
fine knitted lisle; regular $1 vals. U7C ;
Union Suits of fine quality lisle, white or
flesh color; long or short, perfect fitting.
High-class values to 'Z,;spe- P'i QQ
cial for this .sale at, the suit tXeAeV
Union Suits for men, "Ritesize," in white.
No sleeves' and knee length; nice, cool,
neat-fitting garments in a full line of
sizes. Men who study economy ,' and
comfort will lay in a good supply of these
suits, 1 hey are worth up to $1, rrQ
offered special? at low price of I OU
Men's- fine SummerSweight Cashmere
Underwear, shirts and drawers, in .the
natural color; the famous "Win sted
enake; all sizes. ' Our regular QQl
$15 vahies, durinr this sale itVOV
fine qual- ; VJ max.'
. 3 - .tt-.'