THE ; OREGON SUNDAY : JOURNAL!, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. JUNE 18. 1811. ' HUGE OCEAN. UNER TO BE LAUNCHED IN TWO YEARS matter all during tha summer months to take a trip o Coos Bay." 7 MILK, MAGNATE'S SON- ' f WARBURTON'S BILL PUTS SUGAR ON THE FREE LIST ; COOS BAY OVER Y NOT TO FIGHT DIVORCE . . , ' : -. , (thilM Pims Li Wlrs. ' Los Angeles,' June IT. That Gall .Washington. June jj.-a bill placing sugar on the free list and raising the Internal revenue duty on manufactored tobacco, was introduced In tha house today by Representative -Warburton, ' (Republican. V Washington.) . to make BY HEIGHTS CLUB Borden, son , of the millionaire con densed milk manufacturer, will not contest the divorce suit filed by . his wife, Helea, here, was virtually admit ted by his attorneys today. They re ferred pointedly to tha fact that act tlement had been effected between the up for the revenue lost on sugar the bill proposes to tsx the sale of snuffs at cents "m pound; loose tobacco prepared for sale, It cents a pound, and cigar and clgarettea, a. graduated Increase over the present tax. . i , , , .? I J. Number of New Roses to Be .Shown for First Time in W. Bennett Says Portland two and that the question of DroDorty or the custody of their daughter. Ra- People Should Take Advan mona, j, did not enter Into th case. Journal Want Ada bring 'result. This Country by Mrs. A. C . tage ,of ; Pleasant Outing Panton. During Summer. i v ' V t" 1, r ' : il HUGE; OCEAN' UNER TO BE LAUNCHED IN TWO YEARS , !u , ; EASYTO REACH THE AUTO ROUTE i;. 'Y . ..... ,'. . .. .. ..." Whea rfce display of roses to be given Y at the PortUnd Height elub next Thursday and Friday afternoons aad evening opens there will be abowa for : tha first time In thta country a number J of new roses and they promise to at- '" tract mor than usual attention. ', Mrs. X. C. ranton. president of tha V Portland Koee society, whose handaoro ' " gardens at Roaemont adjoin the (rounds . "' of tha Portland Heights elub. last year , . . ' Imported from England, Ireland and Franee a number of new roaes, whloh ' 'she had intruded to rive their first Y American display at the armory show ' but e win to the altitude of the height and tha lateness or the evaann sne was tinabla to do so. therefore she will ex hibit a number of new roses at the ,; . Portland HelfhU elub. Yew mose U Be shows. V On rose which Mrs. panton will how j Y and which no doubt will attract much , attention la a new roae called "His Ma. - Jesty." named In honor of King George of England. When Mrs. Panton was abroad several years ago she visited the Urge gardens of Samuel McCredy at ; Fortadown. Ireland, known a the great at roaartan of the Emerald Isle. Mr. McCredy promised that when he . , produced a new rose that he considered : a marvel he would send Mrs. Panton a plant to let her have the distinction of . giving it Its first American exhibition. . Immt year Mr. MeCredy produced aad . ' daraloped handsome red rose. It ro . matnad aanamed for soma time, but vpon the proclamation of tha' then Prince of Wales to succeed King Ed' " ward be called the rose "HI Majesty." True to his word. Mr. McCredy aent one of tha first bushes to Mrs. Panton and ha has watched Jealously over It . trowing to her garden. - - Xa Choi Bloom. The reault la that It Is Just now breaking Into blossoms aad next Thurs ' day It will have some choice blooms, , ;J which Mr. Panton will exhibit at tha ' Portland Heights club. Therefore, tha rose which In a few year promises to take a leading place as red rose -will ' he seen In display In America for tha ' . first time In Portland. In addition to "His Majesty." Mrs. Panton will have on display a number of other roses and in all probability will : show for the first time In America, .. eight of ten new rosea, and la addition to these will giro the second presenta tion of several other varieties. She ,' promises to 'have a very fin display of "J. B. Clark" rosea, which was the rose that last year won the prise aa being the best roaa in the Portland show. Mrs. Pantos haa about ten other roses, i all of thorn gold medal winners, at tha - London show, and she will exhibit , these. Simplicity Bom. Tbre Is one other rose, called "Sim plicity," which will probably reach per-" fectloa la a few days, and If it does. It will also be exhibited and It promises to attract vnusual attention because It baa been praised at tha London show as . the finest single rose ever grown. An ' announcement will bo made later . whether or not this rose will ba ex hibited. The show at the Portland Heights - clubwlll surpass the one given at tha armory In aeveral respects. One reason m that tba rosea are now finer than s" : they were at the big exhibition. At the armory only one box of specimen roses was shown by an amateur, while at the exhibition at the club there will be ' eight or ten boxes shown by leading rosarlans. In addition to the specimen -1 flowers there will be an exceedingly tasteful and well arranged display of other rosea Caroline Testont. A notable showing will probably be made of Caroline Test out roses grown by Mrs. F. L Puller, whose garden of this kind of roses haa frequently been pronounced the finest In Portland. Mrs. Puller wUl also exhibit a number of other choice rosea. In which will be featured quite a number of climbers. Among the other exhibitors will be Mrs. A. D. Charlton, Mrs. John 8. Bradley, Mrs. J. A. Currey, Mrs. Fletcher Linn, John A. Keating, Mrs. Dan J. Malarkey, , Jure. r. h. rage, Mrs. J. W Cook, Mrs. Ralph Jenkins. Mrs. J. H. Page, Mrs. L B. Menefee, Mrs Jay Smith, Mrs. O. W. Lilly, Mrs. W. D. Jelllson, Blaise Lab be. In fact practically all of the beau tiful gardens on Portland Heights will be represented in the display. The ex hibit will open at 3 o'clock on Thursday afternoon and the club house will be open to visitors both the afternoon and evenings of Thursday and Friday. brV'" ' - . " " ' --. "l"": fv2Wi,A .. 1'. t H.- L.. - ' - i lllllllll ilillll II Lll I rr-t I -1 L IvooraETi IIWMllSiWWi .. - - POINT THE WAY TO ROAD BUILDING Road Districts In Lower Co lumbia County Vote Special Tax and Do Things Worth While. The work of the Lower Columbia County Good Roads association is an inspiration to .any community that has aesire ror roaa improvement, nut think they can do nothing without the backing of the county. formed for tba general purpose of edu cating the people to tha advantages of good roads and the particular purpose of opening a main artery through the county, which would be a link in the "Portland to the Sea" automobile road. The first move to accomplish this object was to make a passable road for tha summer of 1(11. This required an Immense amount of work to raise funds, for which each road district ex cept Rainier, from Deer Island to Ver nonla, on the Nehalera river, voted a special tax of from I to 10 mills. This gave each district from $5000 to $11,000, is per cent or which waa spent on the main artery through the county, rtv Crews at Work, Last Monday Lewis Russell of the Automobile club and F. J. Walsh of Newell. Gossett as Walsh, angineera. war invited to Clatakanie aa guests of the association. Escorted by . a com mittee, composed of Mr. Conyers, pres ident of the association, Mr. Page and Mr. Merrill, aI of Clatskanle, they were ahown over the road. Between Clatskanle and the west line of the county not less than five crews of road worker were encountered, repairing, making changes In grade and alignment and general Improvements at all points. This part of the work is well under way and offers no obstacle to aay kind of vehicle. One change of location several miles long is under considers- JRITXXJfXA-ia4Q-207JXIT Artist's idea of the latest Hamburg-American ocean greyhound, on which con struction haa been started at the Harlan and Wolff yards In England. The new leviathan, which is not to bo launched until 113, surpasses the gigantic Olympic as far as the latter surpasses the Mauretanla, a year ago the wonder oi maritime circle a. The comparative diagram on tha right shows how ocean liners have grown in alxe since 1140. tlon for next season, which will reduce the grade from the Nehalem river to the summit to but little over t per cent Xany Oood Boaaa. Between Clatskanle and Qulncy there Is a good road, one half of which haa been covered with crushed rock. Be tween Qulncy and Mayger, a distance of a boat miles, there is a fairly good road, with the exception of two miles Just west of Mayger, which needs some mors repairing. An effort will be made to have this done at once. Between Mayger and Delena, about seven miles, there is an oxceTlent road about one half of which has been - macadamised. Between Delena and Rainier one half the road Is good, the balance needs ad ditional work. This work Is under way. Between Goble and Rainier Is the worst stretch of road that was found. A week or 10 days will put this in condition. An entire change of location, however. Is considered advisable over this stretch. In the vicinity of Goble and between Goble and Deer Island there has been a lot of heavy construction. The road is , now well located all heavy grades re moved and in excellent condition, con sidering the newness of the work. MITCHELL'S PARTNER Mil, mm RnrMv-M I - - I NUW MlMSrLr Ann tS I rU valley should not find and us an en- joyaDio meinoa oi resuming in manyi attractions which the Coos Bay coun try affords. A bridge haa been con-1 structed across the south Inlet of Coos I Bay, so that automobile and teams I can drive to Cap Arago, where there are many .lovely location for camping for the summer outings on tha ocean's beach. These same point can be eas ily reached by automobile for parties making their headquarter at Marsh- field. "Beautiful Bandon-By-The-Sea 1 lo cated at entrance to the Coqulllel river and the beach there possesses at traction which can not be excelled anywhere. "The people of Marahfleld are plan ning for a magnificent celebration n the coming Fourth of July and It will pay any one who can spar the time to make the trip at that time and for that (Special Dhpatek to Tb Jmml.) Spokane, Wash., June 17. Captured in Vancouver, B. C.,' Friday afternoon. when about to board a steamer for Australia, Wilbur L Welsh, formerly associated with C. E. Mitchell, a min ing broker convicted In the federal court here of using the mail to de fraud, la being brought here for trial for alleged larceny. Welsh i alleged to have embezzled $410 from 8. A. S. King, manager of the Otis Elevator company. King says the prisoner ob tained 8000 shares of the Holden Gold en Copper company from him, sold them and kept the money. Welsh was on bad terms with his former partner Mitchell at the time of the latter recent trial, and his testimony went far toward se curing conviction. GO TO GEARHAR TIN AUTO FROM PORTLAND To learn the condition of the road from Portland to the tree, Lewis Russell, accompanied by O. W. Taylor, L. Col llnge and a photographer, left Portland for Gearhsrt Park at an early hour yes terday morning. At Clatskanle the party will visit the rose show, and then proceed to Astoria Several business men of Clatskanle. in terested In rood roads, met the party near the town and Charles Conyers of Clatakanie will go through to the beach. The machine Is owned and driv en by Mr. Colllnge. AT? Port,and the Party followed tha Clatskanle road, going through Go ble, Rainier and other places to the town of Clatskanle. From there the roa4 lead to Mist. Jewel and Astoria. From Aatorla to Georhart the road la In good condition and automobiles from Astoria make frequent trips to Clatson beach resorts. v FILL 185 FEET DEEP ; TO BE MADE AT AYER BY NORTH COAST LINE - ("Dedal Dispatch to Tk Jt,n,i bpojcane. Wash.. June 17. -A fill which for uelghtb will break all - western engineering 'records Is te be built by the North r.. V railroad over Fleld gulch near , Ayer Junction, Ayer, Wash. The fill Is to bo 188 feet high and mo feet long, requiring lOO.ooe cubic yards of earth. Work; start . OO. ' AGENTS FOR W. K. COWAN & CO. EVERYTHING IN FINE MAHOGANY FURNITURE. SEASON'S DISPLAY Whittall's Anglo-Persian Rugs are the highest achievement in the art of weaving rugs by ma chinery. Into their making, for more than a gener ation, have gone the finest materials, the most painstaking care. , Every thread of wool is imported from the moun tainous regions of Persia, Afghanistan and the Cau casus. Every particle of dyestuff is tested repeat-. edly. Every improvement that inventive genius can suggest is utilized in their smooth, lustrous finish, their proved and tested serviceability. In our windows this week is a notable display of Anglo-Persian rugs. Many more in all sizes are on our floors. They aire new; most of them arrived last week. They are well worth seeing. We sell Anglo-Persian Rugs in the 9x12 size for $55. This is no more than you would pay for the same rug in New York or Chicago. It is some $400 less than you would pay for an Oriental rug of equal beauty and durability. If you care about your home we believe that an Anglo-Persian Rug will yield a larger return in permanent satisfaction than any other $55 in vestment that you can make. J ' :Y E3 ' 5th and Stark j. G. MACK & C.' , : -i-N:. 'V'-ii. "i' ,......;,;. 5th and Stark fSo muoh baa been aald In tha pa pars aa to what Is going to be done la the! matter 'of railroad building within the I state of Oregon and so many of such prophecies are still unfulfilled that It I I now about time," said J. W. Bea- nett. of Coo Bay, -that w begin to talk about what ha boon done, and from thaf Judge of the future. , "Coos Bay la not suffering at the oreeent time for the want of passenger communication with the Interior of the state. There are at present In opera tion four means of communication with the soutnern .racinc, .upon wuicn an tomoblles are operated, and these will undoubtedly continue In active opera tion until tha rainy season seta In and perhaps longer as the county court of I Coos county is taking active steps io complete an all-winter road over the old Coos Bay wagon road to Rosoburg. "A line of automobile l operaiea between Rosebura- and Marahfleld on Coos Bay, leaving Roseburg and Marahfleld every mornln at 1:10 a. m., reaching the opposite point of the route the same evening. The line or these roads ar traveled so that during the hot portion of the day the traveler is naaslna through the heavy timber where it la cool, whereas In the evening and in the morning they are in the valley or along the waters of Coos Bay, where It Is pleasant and enjoy able. The river along tb greater por tion of this rout abound with trout and many people take advantage of I the beauties of the locality to spend their vacation there. "The proprietor of this rout are I the owner of two 111 40 horsepower Bulck machine and two 1110 SO horse power Chalmers Detroit machines. "There is a new line or automoDiies from Drain to Allegany on-the head water of Coo river and from there I they are taken down a distance of 10 mile to Marahfleld by steamer. This rout haa Just been established and passe through on or tn most at tractive and beautiful location in in I state of Oregon. Then another auto mobile haa been put on between Drain and Scottsburg. where the passenger Is taken down the Vmpqua on the river boat and from the mouth of the urap- qua by stage down tn oeacn io coos Bay. This Is a most enjoyable trip in the summer time. 'Automobile make numerous trips between Roseburg and Myrtle Point I and from there to Marahfleld. But whether or not a regular, automobile line ha been established on this road. I am not able to say but 'understand It I ha. "Two steamers make regular trip from Portland to Coo Bay, and there-J fore there la no good reason at . the T ' rTTrPl iisiii Ls tiT V t t r JrT . rnn, r I 1. T EVEN THE FINEST OF BABY GRANDS AND , PLAYER PIANOS ARE INCLUDED (kmt fire Sale Commencing Tomojrrbw Morning; Promptly at 8:30 Hovenden Piano Co. Will Dispose of $SS,OOQ Stock for Insurance Company Positively the Lowest Prices and Terms Ever Made Commencing tomorrow morning promptly at 8 :30 will com mence the greatest sale of high grade Pianos, Baby Grands and Uprights, magnificent Player Pianos, etc., ever witnessed in this city. In the recent fire in our establishment most of our large stock was more or less damagedmostly by smoke. The Insurance companies have instructed us - to dispose of each and every instrument for what it will bring. Accord ingly we have cut and slashed the prices to the very bottom. : Not until the store opens tomorrow morning willyyou fully realize what an extraordinary money-saving event this is. . Not Bidly Hurt Bv far the ereater number of instruments were simply marred and scratched in moving them to a place of safety during the fire. Of course, some are more seriously hurt than others. But in order to get rid of them in short order we've made a uniform reduction so drastic as to insure all being snapped up in a few days. Of course those who come first will have the advantage. ; World's Best Pianos Included Each and every one of the. many fine pianos for which we . have the exclusive agency is included. The famous I vers & Pond, the celebrated Davenport & Tracey, the superb uabler, the beautiful . Melville Clark, the popular Brewster, Werner, Leslie Bros. all must go. Even the great Apollo Player PianoKing of all. '' - ' As to prices well just say a word. A third to a half off the regular retail selling prices prevail.. You can now get a good piano for $115, which would ordinarily cost you $250. The insurance company stands the loss. It's your gain. From that on tip to the most costly and desirable Baby Grands and Player Pianos youll find a range of selection unequaled anywhere. ... ': . ' Y. '.'. w : . ". we'll tell you the truth about each instrument, Well show you the inside and outside. Well guarantee each and every piano and piayer piano , exactly as represented. Furthermore, youll re ceive a written guarantee for a long terms of years. You take absolutely no chances. ' 1 As to terms, well not i split hairs. - A .small amount down and the balance in small monthly payments will do. . The important thing Is to be on hand, the first thing tomorrow morning early. Don't-wait or delay. Be here the very first thing when the doors -open. - It's to four in terest. . -x Y no ro JLM HERE'S A BEAUTY, ACTU ALLY REDUCED $214 IN SURANCE COMPANY'S LOSS YOUR GAIN. " IV: Hoyeriden PismoOiGb; V'"-, ,m FIFTH STREET," NEAR STARK. I 4 mm Y