The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 18, 1911, Page 1, Image 1

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    7 , , , . - ,.., . - . , . , t .
BH1NG Pp Orlx TUGcTHcn
'" Journal' Want 'Ads are the mean of
4 P bringing many employers 'and workers '
, together. They coat but Mtl. . :
' ' 111 ' 1 1 1 1 " " 1 s i '
V ''The weather' -Fair1 today with
1 loiithwesterly , wlndi.. - ,.
tm xssua oi
; The Sunday Journal
6 Sections 70 Pages
VOL.-VIII. NO. 12.
Portland, Oregon., sundaymorning,; june ; i8, ;miv
? flES OF i'KLII . I Drwhck&M TVISTEO AfJD TOftiJ,
- :
Greatest ' Parade ot Opposite
Sex 1 oft; Modern. Times Is
'Held in London by Equality
;: Workers. oV ' -
Battered Hull -of ' Battleship
: Testifiesltoj Falseness vof
.Spanish' Assertion That ' She
Was; Cleared for Action.- v-
Applauding Throngs Pack, the
Pavement Along Entire
v Line of March. Ha
Sy tee InUnutlon.l l-rW.
London, June IT.- Tha greatest pre
cession of woman of modern tlmes In
which It la estimated 10,000 marched,
'.was illat which passed through sevea
, ml lea of, London qtreets . today, Tha
, pageant ' which -was. witnessed by mora
, than 1,000,000 persons, was three houra
. passing a g Ivan, point Cheering fhronf a
packed every Inch of. tha pavement alonf
tha anttra course of tha march,
-Tha parade formed on 'tha banka of
tha Tharaea and . proceeded f rom Nor
thumberland avenue ,io Albert hall,
. whera there wars addraaaaa by suffra-
.. fan leaders. ' ; :- - u ., .,
Temeue Women March.
,' ' Scorea of , famoua ' women marchad.
- Mra. Emlllnaa Jankhurat and her dauch
' tar, BybU Pankhurat, Ura, Pathiok Law,
ronoa and Mrs. Cobden Sandaraon hoadtd
700 woman In tha phalanx of marchara,
' . mcludlna; Muriel, ountaa of Dalawara,
and her dauahtera, Lad lea Id In a. and Al
. lea Backvtlle, Lady Robert Cecil .and
, Lady Macmlllan, formarly of . Loula.
Oertruda .Elliott and Mra.'Kandall lad
' tha aotreaaea. who Included Tvatta Oull
bert, Lena Aahwell. Valla Opp and Olive
. xerry Beatrlc ; liarragan, Barah La
Grand, Cicely Hamilton. Elizabeth Rob'
! Ina and Iarael Zinjwlll paraded with
i tna anthoraaaea.
;Mra. ilaher, "wife of tha premlar of
Auatrana; Anna Beaant. Baria Brema
and Mra. Ayrton. the London Cbrlatlan
Bclence leader, paraded. -All walk of
life, from the nobility to the factory,
. flrla and all nations wera represented.
V " , Paraded aa Votablaav
7 .Women who have flfnred Jn' polttica
paraded. a wan .Sliabtb -nd mother
notablea. Theae oharactera were repre-
, aented by women In sorfeous coetumea,
Ellaabeth ' walking under a- rq-aJ cui-
opt, ,. , .. .. .
; Mlae Anan Bryce, nlec of . the 3Prltf
iah ambaaaador to tha United State,
led .tha proceeeton aa Joan of Are. - 'Site
, waa roundly cheered owinf to her. treat
beauty.; Then, followed personalltlea of
' tha peereeaea aummoned to parliament
by Edward III, then the abbeanea, calKd
to parliament, and. the treat nineteenth
century women. r Mra, Brownlna; Jh- hoop
aklrta amused tha crowd, which waa at
first derisive, but later became' Inter
, eaiea. - ; : . . .. . 1 . , . j
The American dlvlalon attracted much
attention, i-There were 40. men in H and
the hand painted banner, a magnificent
work of .art. waa carried proudly by
the atatueaque Ines Milholland of KeW'
Tork city. Mra; 0?W. Mitchell, .of Maa-
All of Vessel f Forward of the
Engines Is Shattered and
f . -.
10 r
y t7tole4 Pre LeM4 Wire.) '
Havana, June 17. The Spanish aa
leertlon that the battleahlp Maine waa
I cleared for action aa aha lay In the har
bor'Juat prior to the explosion of Feb.
ruary IS, 1811, wai proved false to
day. ' .
Aa the riant pumps cleared the wa
ter . from tha cofferdam and revealed
tha twisted and torn bite of rusted
steal that was once a powerful flfbtlng
I machine, they showed tha mated gun
I In the port turret aft. ranged to tha
rear and at reaL with the mussle cape
la their placea. , ,
Wonder-a Xaoapa,
Casing at the 'ahattered wreckage
I covered with mud and alime merebera
I of the American board wondered tonight
how any peraon on board escaped with
his life, i ;' ' - ' i.
" All1 forward of the engines waa ahat
tered and deatroyed. Aft, however, tha
old sea dog le solid, and It Is believed,
I could be made watertight ' . f
The axploalon seems 'to have been
forward on the atarboard . aide, but
t&a experts refuse to fcasard - a guess
whether tha magaslne . exploded .after
the Initial detonation. , . , ' .
It .was expected that soma of the
bodies known to .be In the hull would
be uncovered by today's pumping, but
not one was aeon. It la possible aomt
of them are covered with tha 11 years
accumulation-of mud and' allt-and tha
workers are proceeding slowly and de
liberately. ., ... - ,, .. - .
W-' rrotsot Afwlast colllar. , . ,
.'Thar Is a general feeling of proteat
I among tha ' Americans v here ever tha
program of the government to bring tha
I bodies of , tha Jieroea' Jioiwe iaj.the ol
lier Lt onldss. - . Tliry . aaaert that the
least tha aovernment should do for thfi
honored dead lsyto send a ' .battleship
ror mem ana ' ib: unaersiooa a aua-
Igeatlon will be made toVaahlngton to
that effect If any bodies are found.
xna .cuoan government nas. already
arranged to honor the Maine; a dead
when they, are sent to Arlington. Tha
harbor forte wltl'bo manned, and as tha
vessel carrying . the caskets clears tha
harbor mouth, a national 'salute will
boom from tha big guns -in tha'fortlfl-
I cations. t .,- v- '-j v r, ..; y- , . v j,-.
I'tw'J II!'.-' - y ;
ill T x i
3 til ' ' '- ''-.'I
II r ' ' ' ' i '
llfyi IV' :- ; f.T-'V,' ''V-' '?
Ill -- ; , I t" - . ' -
BaBBSBBBBMaSBMBBMSBBaSHkaBBaakBd I I X . ' I ! -:. f. .1. s. , gj im sillier
I Southern Pacific" to 4 File An
I swer.. to Government's At- v
tempt to Get Back Tracts
Valued at $40,000,000. ;
2,500,000 Acres in Oregon In-..
volved in Litigation to
Be Resumed.. ' ' r'
rtaldmt William H. Tait and Ir. Taft, who wOl obsenre their silver wedding anniversary by an elaborate
'!.'-'- entertainment at the White House Monday evening.
(Continued on Page Seven.
. ..';' i i ii ' ' i"i n, ,' l'.V..v; j
'. ..' . ..- ,...,'.v ...-; - .
.. Ancient City Is Thronged With
i , Britain Subjects From All
; Parts of ; World Royal
Guests. Now Arriving' $
-'-ri:'-;-.r.' "-'.r ' ' N.
(By la. IntsmatloBal Mews wrle. '
London, Juna 1 7, London, swathed in
bunting, with tha historical edifices on
the routs- of the? royal, proceaalon'from
Buckingham Palace to ha Abbey . part
ly or wholly' hidden by towering grand
stands and with the Statues of ,Eng
land'a , heroes boxed in by ' reviewing
stands erected around them, 'awaits the
coming of Thursday, June ,jlt. the great
day upon which the fifth George', will
be crowned as king of England with
Queen Mary aa his- escort' x I
. With . the return ,; of f the Jcing 'and
V queen to Buckingham' Palace today the
coronation festivities 'were inaugurated.
-1, Xoyai Oneats Arrive tonday. :
Monday -will sea the arrival of royal
gueats and special mlaalons from abroad.
John Hays Hammond, special ambassa-j
dor from the United Statee, will make
''his official entry Unto the" city at noon.
He will be met at the-Victoria station
w U tha duke iof Cotanauaht. renreaentlns-
' King George, ana Diner; oiuctais, . . -'...
Dowager Empress , Maria of Russia,
."' who1 wltt"pit8S---ho corona tlon' period
with Queen. Mother Alexandra at 8and
'rlngham, arrived, this afternoon. She
was welcomed at the railroad station
by King Qeorg and Queen Mary, Queen
Mother Alexandra and a host of other
members - of the royal family and dip
lomats r T ,
f .This afternoon: ths king received at
Buckingham , Palace the American: and
i other foreign officers participating In
the jumping competitions at the horse
, snow ai-uiyuipiB. . , .,
v All Kinds and Conditions of Stan.
In ths great human maelstrom which
Is surging ihrough the city there are
-hundreds of .thousands 'of i. men-'and
women Who made up tha empire upon
- which the sun never sets. Beturbanea,
high casta Brihnilns from Indlaa Coral
Strand, , jostled .". against'- gaunt, -giantlike
subjects of the king from Auatra
laala; -the energetic,; hustling Canadian,
. bound to Britain by sympathetic ties,
' was Indicted in Indianapolis yes. FINDS MOTHER MURDERED
I t.erday on a charge of kidnaping in j
connection with the summary re
.moral to' Los Angeleg-of John J.
"MrNamara. ' .' C:y i ' . ,.. ' '-
Congress and Many Individuals High in Government Service
r Pay Respects to Nation's Chief. Executive and His Wife
: "Aunt" Delia Top-ey; Arrives at , White House for the
tt-.i Monday1 Night Reception 5000 - Guest? Expected.
y-k , -".;!, h-.
' malted Pfmr teased Wire. I
New York, June 17. Running Into
his mother's room - this ' afternoon to
tell her h' had .completed a small task
given him 15 minutes before, l-y ear-1
old ' Peter Morando - found hla parent
with skull split and feat and hands
bonhd, lying dead on tha bed. Both ear
lobes .. were torn . where diamond - ear
rings had been pulled out,' supposedly
by two men who had followed her home
from a store two doors away, where ahe
had been seen with a sum of money.
The police are without a clue to the
murderers.' - . ;' -...' ' " i
r y-tm InterrmtlflFTui Berrlaa.1
"'.Washington, Juns IT. -Aunt - Delia
Torrey,' escorted by hee great nephew,
Robert ,Taft, son of the president , ar
rived lw' Washington this - morning to
sttand the silver, wedding festivities at
the White House on Monday night. ' '
Despite her SS yeara, Aunt' Delia did
not appear to be tired out by' the Jour--j
ney .from jMUburn,1, Mass. ; She , aoamed
to. en Joy the. novel, modern .experience
of , being 'snap-shotted, as ' she stepped
from the train. . She told the reporters
that the president had . been "quite
nervoua" "on the wedding -morning ta
year ago. i Bha solemnly expressed the
belief that - her nephew could be- re
nominated and reelected. ' '
On arriving at the White Houae, Aunt
Delia; was greeted affectionately by the
president Among others of the Taft
families who reached Washington to
day -.were Henry W. and Horace Taft
the ' president's brothers, and Master
Charles P. Taft, the youngest son of
tha president. .-,
, . 6000 Quests Xxp acted.
If the weather la favorable the grand
stand will be on the White Houae lawn
under a canopy. The 6000 gueats will
approach tha president ' and Mrs. Taft,
but without the. formality of ths pasa-
lng down a line of . cabinet officers, as
at the winter receptions. .
A feature of the anniversary, is a
wedding cake so big that each guest
? ' 1 ' . ' . ' s.-- ' .
will to glVcfrt voivanlr,bx4ta- for
posterity, and enough will be left for
the Vounger folks to dream on. The
cake Is a masterpiece, a mass of white
frosting, circled -around which axe 2S
crystal hearts embedded. In artistic
scrolls. On the top Is a great cornu-
copla filled with exotics, for which
Cherubs and angels are olamorlng.
Alternating with, the crystal hearts
ere 26 .silken star spangled banners,
and ' tha stars . and bars of ' the presi
dent. i.-i , . , t ' .
At the baaa are beautiful roaea, cut
from- their sterna and flung against the
towering sides, while fluttering on ths
edge of the great caka are turtle doves.
Xany Olfts Ten Oared.
Many of the presents have already
arrived at the White Houae. The gift
from the senate la a massive five-piece
tea set with two additional pieces a
tray and a tot water kettle. This set
Is modeled on colonial tinea, after one
used in the family of Paul Revere. The
houae of representatives Is sending a
magnificent sliver service of a dosen
pieces . -;
Mrs. Taft IS a great favorite among
the-women of the army circle, her pop
ularity dating from the lime Mr. Taft
waa tha secretary of war. Tha wlvea
at 40 ' srenerala each contributed 110
and purchased a diamond-studded plat-
San Francisco, June i?. Peter jr.
Dunne haa decided, as attorney for the 1
Southern Paclfjo, to file an anawer In ;
tha federal court In Portland to thef
government's ault to forfeit thall,
road'a 2.600.000-acre land grant In Ore
gon along the line of the Oregon dlvl-'
alon of the Mt Shaeta route.
This will cause the ault to go to'
trial on Its merits. Then a battle -royal
la expected to ensue, because nracti-
cally all of the grant is timber land '
and la estimated to be worth from '$40,.''
000,000 to $76,000,000. In its complaint
the government states ths land la worth,
140.000,000. ' - -
United States Judge Wolverton re- -cently
overruled a demurrer by the rail--road.
Dunne coald hava appealed from
thle decision, but after several weeks'
of study, and, after. It is understood, a
conference by cable with William P.
Herrln, who la now In Europe, ha de
elded en a fight In the lower courts. "
It Is admitted that no matter how
the federal court at Portland rules, tha
losing side will not rest until It is ear
tied to the United States supreme -court.
.' , .'.- i
The government ' contends that thai
land grant ahould be forfeited because
tha railroad eomnsnv. rantrar tn tha
Joseph F. Smith Attempts to aiTSff S 7SSltoul ul '
Avoid Testifvlnn In Suaar to bonafide settle at a pries
" I not exceeding 12.60 an acre.'
Tha grant waa first made In I8(f and
contained no mention of sales to set
tlers, but in 1808, at the request of tha .
company,, congress 'extended tha tlmo .
and granted 2000 additional acres of
land.- - ,--' 1,1 ;' ' ,r---. 'y
. vAt that time It embodied, aa a part of , ,
tha entire grant, the condition of sals
to-settlers. In 1S79 further extension
of time was granted. ,
. Later, the. Southern Padfle ehoae to -abandon
the , rights tinder the act of
1868 and claim title . under the acts
of 1868 and 1870. ,;, a, .
,.- The contention ;pt. the' company . is ,
over tha tight of congress to make a
subsequent grant paramount to the
lights conferred In the original grant
Investigation Because of V
ness; Is Told to Appear.
." (Caltog Trtm Leased WkaJ i-,...,. :
4 Washington,- Juae . 17.-Desptte- ear
neat proteaUtiona- of "lllnesa and im
portant business, " Joseph - F. Smith,
president of the Mormon ehurch, was
tonight ordered by the Hardwick sugar
trust Investigating committee of the
house to appear on June 22 to testify
regarding the. relation of the Mormon
church to the sugar industry.
President. Smith, In a telegram to tha
(Continued on Page Six.) -
(Continued on Page lilne.)
(Continued on Page Seven.)
Only ':Three.i Are Involved by
Indictments Returned by In
' diahapolis Grand Jury In
7 vestigatibnf to Continue.4'
If .i.'t .,,..-;';-'. -P-. : , ,
'Jigt,' f "tF aawssassBBjsassssBssssBii'-'.j,
s-'f.t- ' '(halted Preu teased Wire.) -
;indlananoIis:'"Jina-t7.rThe..:' grand
Jury having returned Indlctmenta today
charging Detective .William '; 3. Burns
with kidnaping and implicating John B.
MCJNamara in anotner ,aiieged flynamK
lng plbt.Ootinty Prosecutor Frank. Bak
er announced , tonight, that ;he , will - re-
aume his investigation into every phase
of the McNamara case-with the empan
elling or ine i juiy grana jury. 1 v . -.
r! Baker Intimated that i both- f trials
would be deferred. until after' the McNa
mara brotoera and urtta o., MCManigai
are tried on the charge - of dynamiting
theLos Angelas vTlmes.lp,,;. -v:
'y'yy" Jfceads' Mapped 'wyM-
t the July gratid-ufr will follow leads
unearthed 'l-by, the 1 present grand jury
afld v will Investigate - any charges, ha
said; :t.;- i;V 4 ; -'( ,
)! This, announcement'- has - lead - labor
leaders to hop .for. indictments against
Walter Drew, attorney fors the Erectors'
association; j.ja.' G.iBaoorf, His assist
ant, and dossIM v' District jUtornev Ford
of Loa AngeleS, in connection with the
alleged kidnaping or McNamara, togeth
er it h; Jfrank Knox,! who 'drove the au
tomobile "which, carried, McNamara from
the states These men ;Will probably be
released from bail, as a result of the
present grand jury's action In declaring
that n6 ylolatlon of the criminal laws
had Wen found In their conduct 1 J
i ' ia .! Three Are Involved. ,.. ,
In th eight indictmenta returned by
Uie grand Jury; It la authoritatively stat
ed that but three perstjn are Involved.
Detective Bums s charged with kldpap
tag Joha McNamara. sd.y, ."nt.- k
h MeNamra 1s charged with conspiracy
In - dynamiting property, of vtbe- Peoria
and (Pekln ; Railway at -Peoria, ; 111., in
1910.'.) It) Is also said that two of the
indictments charee McNamara with ha v.
trig unlawfully atored explosives n In
diana, .;.-,-'.:.; ' V- V..-:''-'-!-5 ' ,
, tv ' y ' 1 -M 1
A , " - jv -T-" " , 7 ' - 7-,stbL
n . , . t v , ' ' ' , ' . i i I
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I , ..ctA3. v'i'K - v r
t s ' , fA"1fU H k" v- r
L ; ; C ji. )0 it 'VV h ' '!
: I fei,V-..w.;-i-o.' i -"
, B f ' ri I
v , . . rf .
Alameda Boys Adopt Blood
Rite to Proye Selves True-
One Loses- Digit, Another
Thumb Nail Under Ax.
(Br the loternatlnnal New srr!p.)
San Francisco, June 17. The surge
of primordial Instinct in a part of Ala
meda boys has led them Into an uncon
scious renewal of the ; brotherhood of
Blood Rite of, Savagery.
Ernest Miller, 14 years old, and Adna
Ambruffler," IS years old entered into
secret compact - that - each should' cut
off the thumb of the other with an ax.
Young Ambruffler Is now without the
first' finger of his left hand, but the
other lad loet only the nail of his
thumb, for, the nerve of the boys failed
as they were completing their cere
monial ordeal. . -..'-. .,
Would Seal friendship la Blood.
The boys have been sworn pals for
a long time,' but delving into the liter
ature of adolescence they learned of
formal pacts that bound hearts "to
gether, with hoops of steel. They want
ed their -friendship to he aa eternal as
the stars. ) . '..
All algns . and seals of deathless
devotion between two tried aouls were
investigated by th Alameda David and
Jonathan.-. The sign of blood, was c'hJs-'
en as the tru -manner for trio two ro
mantic iaaa to cement their friendship.
An ax was sharpened down to a keen
edge, and the young heroes stole
quietly Into the woods he! for the solemn
ceremony. -
"Are you ready?", asked Ernest, as
he raised the ax to take the toll of
blood from his pal.- ; ;
-you bet go ahead." replied Adna-H
without a waver; . The ax descenduoV
ana nait or tne ceremony was done. A
boy's bleeding flnisr stuipp 'showed
tnat. ' . ' .
When It came time for Milter's turn
under, the blade his wires were more
man apparent. But v Ernest laid hla
hand on the block, the ax was lifted.
ana tne ax reu. - tsvi tne aim 'was bad.
The blade only 'chopped off the thumb
Trained Dogs Follow Trail of
Slayer From Scene of the
'Crime to Delk House Men
Beat Woods in Vain.
i -
' ( (Continued on
-I a , i
Battletihlp Maine aa it appeared before its destruction ta Havana Harbor thirteen yean ago.
, (L'oltad 4rj teaaed Wire.) " l ' l
Bucharest' June'l 7. Maddened at the
persistence of his " f lane . in wearing
a harem skirt against his wishes; Ignal
Jovanesco shot and killed the girl today.-
fiha was .Vassillx Monrer, one of
the prettleat, glrla of ths vlty.
"For .four hours bloodhounds covered
the district In the neighborhood of Ar
denwald , yesterday afternoon, hunting
for the. murderer, of .William HUl.j hla
wife and her two little children. Though
the dogs, taking their .scent from tha
bloody towels found !r the Hill home,
took up a trail and followed It directly,
to the gate of J -T. Delk. whence tha
axe with which the murders ware don
was taken, so long a time has elapsed
since the killing of the Hills and tha
escape of their murderer that the of
ficers consider this trail of no import
ance, . , ryi ;y ;. i:: f-.C"-; '"'''-'
It la probable, however, that the dogs
did start, up the midnight prowler who
has been hiding in tna wooda near Ar-
denwald and. terrorising the. neighbor
hood tlnce .the killing of the Hills. ;
, : . earoh Xs . mtile. ,'..-.' ' ,
While St. H. McDermott was trailing
the bloodhounds through the. woods
eack bf the :, Delk home and between
; the Willaburg road and the Southern
Paclf i5 tracks a farm hand came rac-
lng up to where the sheriff's posse was ' '
waiting the result of the dogs'; hunt
and, out of breath from -hurrying.' man
aged to tell the, posse that' a man tha
same One,1 apparently, who has been
seen about the neighborhood since th ,
'murders- and who. Jumped out of, tha ,
woods upon , Gus,v Obriat at daybreak ;
.Thur8d"ay ' morning,v had. "1 crossed ' the '
track and Was running through tha v
woods ln a 'southerly direction., ' jle
seemed to, think : the dogs were chasing h
the -man - ' " J t
- Sheriffs Stevens and Mass and thMr
deputies', JJmped; Into -automobile .and ,.
dashed ddwn the .'road,- to the, deserted
powder houses which mark tha southern
limit of the stretch of woods the man ,
waa believed to be hiding In. Here tha
posse left the cars and bfgan beating
the brush In tha direction from whUb
the dogs were coming. .--
I Bogs Glean scent. ;' '
" The woods were-gone threugn twlne..
b'ut If ths man waa there the marvelous
skill at concealment that he has -
hlbited thus far did not desert him an "
he outwitted both..mon and dogs. At I '
o'clock, affer a thorough, aearch of th. ;'
wooda. the poaaa, and the aog return" ! ,
to Portland. - , ' ' -:',: -
The bloodhounds, which are the not-4
Draped dogs, of Harry Tii v lit?f
Brown- and Bteunenburg turn, wer
taken out to the HHI housa. wti i;",
murders were committed, i-nily
dajr afternoon '-Sheriff ' f l. ,
Continued on fugu n